>>george: off the drive time is at 23-24 minutes for the northbound 101 ride heading from here, highway 85 off of to the montague expressway. third >>darya: off a developing story, we are now waiting for the search to begin afghan of 415 year-old the sierra lamar. investigators believe that she was abducted. we're turning out to will tread who has been following the investigation into search which is beginning again this morning. >>will: i am inside the command center. there are ready to go. the first volunteers should show up. yesterday, overwhelming. they got close to 600 people showing up here. the sheriffs have reclassified this case from a missing persons to an abduction. we're going to continue our grid search. >> how much ground to cover yesterday? >> an enormous amount of ground. the loop are able to relate his high >> we have already hit a lot of areas. >>mark: when you show up you have to provide identification. we're looking to get more information from the scene of a fire, more information in a few minutes. >>mark: the man expected -- suspected of killing five people will be eligible for the death penalty. he was arrested after five bodies were found in a home on friday. >>darya: if you are disappointed because you are not the winner of the mega millions, you do have another chance. no one picked the six correct numbers. you can see everyone who lined up to get a ticket, this means that the next jackpot is $476 million. that is a record. those tickets are each worth over 300,000. one of the winning tickets were sold in mill valley. we are back with more in a couple of minutes. it is still stormy out there. the morning commute is a little bit messy on the san mateo bridge. we will be right back. best buy you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. my little helpers... and 100% natural french's yellow mustard. it has zero calories for me, and a taste my family loves. >>mark: we have some scattered downpours around the bay area this morning. the bulk of the storm is not to the east. others stories we are following, a dramatic incident with a plane captain that had to be subdued by passengers and crew after suffering what jet blue is calling a medical emergency. the flight was headed from new york slots vegas. about three hours in the co- pilot became worried about the captain was exhibiting erratic behavior. the copilot locked the captive outbluffs the cockpit. there were four passengers that helped to rescue the captain to the ground. the plane made an emergency landing in the captain was taken to a local hospital for evaluation. we will be right back as the kron4 news continues. a live look outside as we're watching conditions around the bay. rain and fog, golden gate. thick scoff >>mark: edge here is a look of a home for the tree and handgun in fairfax around 7:00 p.m.. all was significantly damaged. thankfully, residents were not injured. >> i heard a sound of that was like a jet plane theory if then, i thought it was an earthquake. we came out and solve the tree on the ground. >>mark: here is a look at the bay bridge. travel problems at sfo >>james: the rain is not coming down as hard as it was a little while ago but still is coming down at a pretty good rate. this is the area we're talking about. from 80 to san jose we are not seeing a lot except for right there. that is our problems of this morning. radar is not showing much in the way of rain coming down. we had some rain over the san jose and nevada. vallejo is starting to get some of it as well. now but right now is seeing some rain. for 9:00 a.m. with are still dealing with a chance of the scattered light showers here or there. friday will start of grade and then clouds will rowland. saturday itself will be wet the sunday is not that. at 7:17 a.m., let's find out about traffic. >>george: in-house off in the south bay 101. things are very slowly but surely returning tomorrow. third i just checked with the chp, we usually find slow traffic leading down to the lane merge at laguarta road. remember, you lose to lanes. the left becomes a carpool lane. looking at the bridges, the right to the bay bridge is backed up this morning westbound. at the toll plaza metering lights are on and smooth flow from the upper deck into san francisco. the san mateo bridge ride is typical. a little wetter than usual. >>darya: we're live on the scene of a house fire in oakland where an elderly woman was pulled from a fire. to give you more news faster, jackie sissel is live on the scene. >>jackie: of according to the oakland police department the woman has died. the fire broke out around 9:30 a.m.. we are being told she was pronounced dead once she got to the hospital. the investigation will continue. the crews remain out here and will remain out here for a good part of the morning. >>darya: the building looked a little bit older. was there anyone else living in there? >> she lived there by herself. >>darya: international news in washington d.c. they're talking about the health care reform law. today the supreme court will look at whether a lot can survive without the requirement fit everyone has a date for health-insurance gif is the last day of arguments before the high court's theory if >> is the case in florida, the unarmed teenager shot and killed off has made its way to the nation's capital. off the parents of treyvon martin attended a racial forum yesterday. facebook briefly before a congressional panel and the thanks of those who rallied in support of their son. his parents spoke again this morning. here is what they say. >> to me, justice would be starting with an arrest. then, with a conviction into being sentenced. for a crime has been committed. everyone is trying to turn the focus of of george zimmerman and make him look like the victim when in fact treyvon and his family is the victim. we have a dead 17 year-old son. his life will never be replaced. a believe that my son was protecting himself. >>darya: coast to coast protests have been taking place with the city becoming a symbol of public outcry. cough and >>darya: 7:24 a.m., we're back with more in a couple of minutes. here is a live look outside. we are still focusing on the weather. it is what on the san mateo bridge. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. >>james: there is no today in the sierra, we're back with more in a moment eerie if [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) there's no doubt in my mind that komen's funding helped saved my life. the 3-day is my opportunity to help save others' lives. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. (man) register today for the... because everyone deserves a lifetime. >>mark: the man suspected of murdering five people and the san francisco home is going to be arraigned today. he will be terse with five counts of murder, special circumstances that could make him eligible for the death halted. an elderly woman has been died after being rescued for an early morning fire in her home in oakland. she died not long after being pulled from the smoke- filled home. >> lingering showers will be the forecast for the day-to- day. there rain is set to end by this afternoon. sunshine with highs in the '60s. which should keep dry and clear as we head into the overnight hours. here is a quick look at the radar showing relatively clears additions. a full forecast coming up in just a moment. first let's get a quick check on traffic. it is slower than usual this morning. we will keep looking for reasons behind these delays and give you an update what when we come back. >>mark: the sierra lamar has been missing now for 13 days. hough's she vanished before reaching her bus stop located a quarter of a mile from our home. searchers are going to areas where investigators from the santa clara county sheriff's department an article on through. >>will: they have changed this from eight missing persons case and decided that they believe she had no intentions of running away and no reason why or graphs, are all of anything after speaking with everyone there she was abducted probably in the area of her home, in that cul-de-sac. fit is an area that researchers will be looking at the eventually. you can see people searching here already. yesterday, they have so many people searching, no one was turned away. they set out the last team around 2:00 a.m.. many of the people i have seen already this morning for here yesterday. for no one has lost any enthusiasm for stiffer for this gentleman was here yesterday, he was one of the first people to show love. free able to find any clues? >> it was a strenuous day. i enjoyed it. if i think we did accomplish something. >>will: i solve people's fear that even the thought. why is it important to you? >> to give the appearance of this child of satisfaction. for the rest of their life there will always wonder what would have been. that will stick with them. >>will: thank you. roof off many people also said the same thing. it did not expect as many people to turn out today. be also, they want people to come down here and donate either cash, they have many water donations. they are looking for other things and they will continue searching until sunday. ron >>darya: a developing story, we found out that the woman involved in the house fire in oakland has died. jackie sissel is there. you have been there since they have been fighting the fire? she was overcome by the flames or the smoke? >> they are saying smoke inhalation. there is no indication that she had any burns to her body. they discovered her body in the front room of the house. the folder out and started cpr. she was in the house alone. they are not sure exactly of her age but they >>jackie: we have gotten word that the woman who was found inside the residence has died. as the investigation continues, we will give you more. >>justine: shares of the organic costa from the berkeley company is selling at 5 million shares at $19. annie's makes organic foods that are sold nationwide. here is a live look at the big board. stocks are down 31 points. your watching the kron4 morning news. we will be right back. [ male announcer ] take the gamble out of stain removal. introducing resolve all-stains! the pre-treat that combines a chamber of oxygen formula with a chamber of enzyme formula in the same bottle. resolve removes all types of stains in the first wash. trust resolve. forget stains. >>mark: here is a look at your ski report. ice but but but but but but but the hidden him fifth high fps case >>george: and good morning. we are tracking a hot spot, the 680 ride into walnut creek and into the san ramon valley. take a look at the the camera and walnut creek. these are the lanes of 680 south as they head down to the 24 interchange. this is 680 south. it is slow from walnut creek. usually this: will last to laguarta road. the traffic is heavy all the way through danville on the 680 southbound ride. it is almost back up as well into pleasant hill and concord coming down from highway 4 and leading into walnut creek on the southbound side. tracking another hot spot in vallejo. there ramp has been closed because of a truck accident that occurred earlier this morning. some oil was spilled. that in combination with the wet weather has made the chp concern about the potential for more accidents. here is a look at the upper deck ride westbound as the head towards san francisco. the backup on the bay bridge is only moderate backup would drive times running 16-17 minutes to get to and across the upper deck of the bay bridge. let's get a check on whether with james. >> conditions are getting better. we are not having steady rain coming down any more. this is the area where the camera is located right as 880 jumps of on the 92. will the agreement last but all of the heavy rain has. into the oakland hills. we're doing pretty good. the wider view shows most of the bay area seeing dry conditions. we have some rain in the delta. for the most are the south bay is doing pretty good. the peninsula is nice and dry. in the north bay we have rights for a dry conditions. this is still quite a bit of activity to the north. the good news for us is a lot of the rain looks to be on its way out. as we pushed in, you'll see we are not looking for too much on future cast 4. a sporadic showers here and there. not a lot on the maps. even by noon a majority of ec in the south is looking drive. as we push towards the 5:00 p.m., the evening commute home, imagine a better picture. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay forecast. we will check out what is in store for the next couple of days. the looks like there is a system in down for saturday. that is our weather. let's get the latest of darya and gary. >>darya: it is time to talk with gary radnich about the world of sports. this just in, a spoiler alert on the oakland a's home opener in japan. they lost. >>gary: ytd states boiler alert? >>darya: it is going to be broadcast at 7:00 p.m. tonight? >>gary: whenever they're doing is asinine. it is asinine to have the opening of the major league baseball season. once upon a time this was america's pastime. havoc on at 3:00 a.m. is asinine. its fourth >>gary: if you start something at 3:00 a.m. our time, no one cares. >>darya: the dodgers have stolen the headlines with the dodgers deal. >>gary: opening day is supposed to be a big deal purists since all have their selfless love them at 3:00 a.m.? for >>darya: did meet some football games in japan? >>darya: they should redo it for as it says it is our home opener? >>gary: i just think it is asinine. in new york yankees would not later opening game at 3:00 a.m. furious it is just ridiculous. third >>darya: you are buzzing this morning about the doctors treated your oakland a's or dodgers fans, we look at the office with more. the bankruptcy is a big deal. >>gary: " you do not know how much money magic johnson put in, so you look at the bottom of the screen, his name is flashing across. but >>gary: these guys are would be on fire. >>darya: a want to give props distemper. both >>darya: the women have a hard. there are facing dealer. >>gary: that is one to be one of the best basketball games. this is the first time the two sisters are among the top 10 americans in the country. >>darya: of that is exciting for us. >>darya: as deletions over stowed use of food, the video is on my facebook fan page. >>darya: ninth is that a great idea of or something that dr. phil about? what >>gary: we have not heard her name for a while. >>darya: we will see later. they come gary. we're back with more in a couple of minutes. >>erica: a 300 lb. statue of a lurex character from call the dr. seuss moving to has been stolen. hot >>mark: we will be right back as the kron4 news continues. a live look in the sierra. check out 80 ed donner summit. 7 in. of snow reported at some other resorts this morning and of course chain requirements. and with both risc >>george: we have been monitoring conditions on 680 southbound leading down into walnut creek and in danville. the southbound 680 write- through the san ramon valley, believe it or not it has improved a little bit in the last 15 minutes. this traffic coming down from high with 24 leading pass south main street has actually open up a bits. you will see that we have lost a lot of the read on the road sensors. it is slow in to danville and almost all the way down to san ramon. better news for the southbound 680 ride from pleasant hill and concord. it is no longer solid all the way down to the 24 interchange. the other problem we have been monitoring along with that hot spot is the closure of the ramp from westbound edt eastbound 78. this takes you over to the venetian bridge. use the columbus parkway instead. the reason for the closure of the ramp is because of an oil spill. for a quick look at the bay bridge and the west of rightward since the cisco, slick conditions on the effort that gets a moderate backup on the bay bridge toll plaza. >>james: it will stay cloudy through most of the morning. here is a look at what we are seeing on the radar. there is not a lot of rain in the clouds adding more although we did have showers earlier. when we come back we will give you a detailed fly around the bay. >>darya: the search for a morgan hill teenager is now entering its 13th day as more volunteers will be out today. volunteers are searching the fields near her home. she was last seen about two weeks ago as she was headed to school. >> many people are still enthusiastic lease signing up for day to of this search. volunteers are taking down people's information to track your name and where you are from in case you might have to testify in court evidence. yesterday, they have a 600 people show up. because of the rain and cold they do not expect as many people. they get the same amount or near that amount they are happy with that. no one is going to be turned away. a different twist in this case is now being called an abduction and not a missing persons case. we spoke with the search coordinator from the klaaskids foundation say it does not change whatever they need to do. their job is to comb the fields and go through some of the areas. and they will continue searching all the way on self 5:00 p.m.. the reason why is around 2:00 p.m. they will stop taking volunteers for the day. once you get here, they expected to be out for about three hours at a time and continue doing this all the way until sunday. you can see more people showing up as we speak. >>darya: santa clara county sheriff's investigators are asking the public to report any suspicious activity like a person you notice has changed their appearance or excessively cleaning out their car or someone who has missed work allot in the last few days. this could help them solve the mystery as well. >>mark: the man accused of killing five people could face the death penalty. he was arrested after five bodies were found friday in a home in what police initially thought was a murder-suicides. authorities have not yet determined a murder for the killings. >> ended this morning an elderly woman has died after this house fire in oakland. to give you more news faster, let's turn to jackie sissel live with an update. >>jackie: firefighters received a phone call around 5:30 a.m. of heavy smoke coming out of the house at 1916 chestnut. when they made entry into the house is when they discovered the body of the 92 year-old woman who resided there. they brought her out and started cpr immediately. she was transferred to a local hospital and pronounced dead. they say that a possible wall heater is the cause of this fire. >>justine: live picture's out of cuba, the pope is there hosting a mask. pope benedict is in havana to celebrate mass at the cuban capital revolution plaza. people have filled the sides of the street. cuba is the pope's second stop on a tour that has also taken him to mexico. your watching the kron4 morning news and we will be right back. >>darya: we are taking a live look at the golden gate. rain is trying to clear out. it is foggy and socked in, especially on the marin county side. in san francisco, it is a dry red not. storm tracker 4 is showing you all of the showers moving to the east. >> in a dramatic incident, a captain had to be subdued by passengers. the flight was headed from new york to los vegas. about three hours and, the co-pilot became worried about the captain exhibiting erratic behavior. the copilot blocked the captive out of the cockpit. the captain started banging on the door and running up and down the aisle, screaming about a bomb. there were four passengers that helped bring the captain to the ground. capt. was taken to local hospital for evaluation. most of the passengers on the flight were headed to a security connection and more vegas. >>darya: no one it takes up the six correct number in the mega millions lottery game. all of those people lined up to buy tickets. now, that sends the jackpot to a record for murders 76 million for this friday's drawing. last night's jackpot was 363 million. there were four people who matched five of the missing six numbers. one of those tickets was purchased in mill valley. mega millions is played in more than 40 states. >>mark: we will be right back as the kron4 news continues. here's a live look in lake tahoe. car when your deep-dish masterpiece doesn't stay in the dish easy-off oven cleaner cuts through five times more grease than the leading all-purpose cleaner. cook with passion. clean with easy-off. >>mark: it is time for an update on weather and traffic. >>george: we were hopeful that interested 680 into the san ramon valley was improving. at last check it looked like it was the that is on the case. most of the heavy traffic is south of 24 and trying to get down through the san ramon valley towards in danville and san ramon. take a look at the traffic maps and you will see what i mean. it reaches all the way down this morning. the drive time in to san ramon is much higher than usual. 36 minutes for what otherwise might be 18-21 minute drive in a southbound direction during commute hours. things are still pretty heavy-handed jams of. the other hot spot is this ram closure on interstate 80 in vallejo. >>george: lets get a check on whether with james. >>george: >>james: just drizzle is what remains from yesterday's system. a couple of hit or miss showers and ansi up. the bulk of the wet weather is in a brentwood and pushing towards the central valley. the rest of the east shore from and it's all the way down pass hayward and fremont is looking pretty good for you this morning. the roadways are damp but there is no rain coming down at the moment. temperatures will gradually warm inland >>darya: the rain caused a lot of problems for travelers as a full yesterday. more than 100 flights for cancelled and delays of more than four hours. things are back on track now that sfo. san jose and oakland did not have any delays. >>mark: the parents of the 17 year old treyvon martin attended this forum on racial profiling, hate crimes and the florida stand your ground laws. they briefly spoke before a congressional panel and think those who have rallied in their support. >> it to me, the best thing would be an arrest, conviction and sentencing for the crime that has been committed. everyone is trying to turn the focus of of the george zimmerman and make george zimmerman become the victim when in fact treyvon is the victim. family is the victim. we have a dead 17 year-old son and life will never be replaced. >>mark: coast to coast protests have taken place almost daily with the city that the boy was clearing becoming a symbol of public outcry. he was wearing a heady at the time of his death. >>darya: health care reform, today the supreme court will look at whether the law can survive without the requirement that everyone has to buy health insurance. it is the last day of arguments before the high court. the justices are deciding if the health-care package is constitutional. they have been skeptical as a signal the law might go too far. >> they are saying that the federal government has the duty to telling individual citizen and that they must act. that is different from what we had tedious days. >> the people who did not participate are making it much more expensive for the people who do. it is not your free choice to do something for yourself. what you do is going to affect others. it will affect them in a major way. >>darya: the justices will spend part of today considering a challenge by 26 states to the expansion of medicaid for low income americans. >>mark: here is a quick break as the kron4 news continues. here is a look outside at this dreary start to the day. traffic is thick on the bay bridge. >>mark: good morning. a quick update on a weather in the sierra. here is a live look out of heavenly this morning. cloud cover and is now on the ground. we did get word from heavenly that some of the lists are closed for right now until the winds died down. here's another look, 50 admirers showing a traffic along highway 50 as people had to the south lake area. so far, the roadways are clear. bring your changes. there is more subtle and not. look for 2-8 in. of total accumulation. conditions mullah out thursday and friday with temperatures warming up. we will get more rain and snow, saturday. we will also have your ski report in about 15 minutes from right now. >>justine: here is what is happening in the kron4 news from. former president george h. w. bush plans to endorse mitt romney additive and on thursday in houston. he is backing with his daughter, mother and brother jeb bush. that story is just crossing the wires. >>mark: it could be the beginning of the and for the did a good campaign. his staff is getting smaller. he replaced his campaign manager and laid off one- third of the staff. a spokesperson for gingrich said he is committed to going to the gop convention this summer. his campaign now plans to directly target the delegates themselves. the former house speaker acknowledged that his campaign is strapped for cash in discharging supporters $50 for a photograph with him. a new poll shows most republicans want gingrich and paul to step aside. romney has a sizable lead of nationwide supporters. santorum is now slipping to 26 percent. >>darya: we're back with more in a couple of minutes. news, traffic and weather to keep you going. it is cloudy over our roof on van ness ave. more on the weather coming up. more on the weather coming up. [ female announcer ] here in california, our schools need help. the largest class size in the nation. 47th out of 50 in per-student funding. but right now, we can make history with a ballot measure to send every k-through-12 dollar straight to our schools. to every school and every child. not to sacramento. it's the only initiative that can say all that. check out our online calculator and find out how your school would benefit. visit today. >>darya: the big stories we are watching, volunteers are out again in at morgan hill looking for clues in the disappearance of the 15 year-old sierra lamar tiff investigators believe the issue is deducted nearly two weeks ago. the man suspected of murdering five people and a san francisco home will be arraigned today. he will be charged with five counts of murder with special circumstances. that could make him eligible for the death penalty. an elderly woman has died this morning after being pulled from an early morning fire that tore through her home in oakland. if the woman was in her nineties it had died from smoke inhalation. if >>mark: s george has an update on our walnut creek hot spot. >>george: we do not have any accidents. some looked at how slowly things are on 680 south. not only from walnut creek, is slower than usual. slow from pleasant hill north of 24. the drive time is heavier than usual at 36 minutes. that is nearly twice the normal drive time. as we move the map down, remember, we're looking towards the south. this is northbound interstate 680 hitting from dublin to alcosta, things are pretty badly backed up there as well. we are still tracking a ramp closure with the chp keeping the ramp shutdown from westbound 82 eastbound 78. an oil spill on the ramp. use columbus are we to get over the benicia bridge. a check on the weather as we had to the weather center. >>james: here is a live look at the golden gate. there is drizzle still on the lands from earlier this morning. low cloud cover to the north. here is another shot from the san mateo bridge which saw large amounts of rain earlier this morning but has since died down. the bulk of the rain is gone. lingering showers toggle kerman interior air this afternoon, a few more breaks in son with the ones coming in. highs in the '60s ended this evening, a dry forecast. if we will stay dry for at least the next couple of days. >>mark: we are following the lead is in the search for a sierra lamar, now missing for a 13 the date. volunteers with the klass kids foundation will be fanning out again this morning looking for any clues into her disappearance. she vanished a week from last friday as she was headed to her bus stop. here is the scene yesterday were hundreds of volunteers were searching for clues and scouring the area within a few miles from her home with no luck. they are looking in areas where investigators have already gone through. they're hoping that with all of the extra help they will be able to find something. in the meantime, the classification of the case has changed. will tran is live with more. >>will: you can see that it is not as packed as what we saw yesterday. yesterday, we saw close to 600 people show up. hours into the search there were people still outside waiting to come inside and register. at this case they may not even reach 200-300. there was a huge dropoff, but not a dropoff of enthusiasm. here is video from yesterday. people turned out in huge numbers. they went through some remote areas and in areas where investigators had already look but they wanted to double check. they did not find anything new. fact they have reclassify the case from a missing person it to a kidnapping case. according to marc klaas, it does not change anything it they are doing. they are going around and marking territory. if they see something, they will tell a morgan hill police officer to come over. this is under close watch of the market helped least. as far as the investigation, it is up to the sheriff's department, the santa clara county sheriff's department and investigators to decide what to do. they have not lost any enthusiasm. they will go all the way until 5:00 p.m. and then continue until sunday. they are telling me to tell people come out, they definitely need the help. >>mark: all along the family said she was abducted in at just yesterday authorities have changed this to a deduction. why did it take so long? >>will: they probably went through the first round of interviews. according to the spokesman jose card doesn't, they have always kept a wild card saying, we have the right to change it. i asked him, why do you insist on calling this a missing persons case. he told me on monday that they were going to read interview everyone. that is what he said they could change it and sure enough late yesterday after did they decided to go ahead and say that this is a kidnapping. nothing to show them that she indicated planning to run away. she did not have listings or change her appearance. that is why they call this an abduction. according to the search coordinator, that could change the way the sheriff's department approaches this. >>mark: thank you for the update. santa clara county investigators are asking the public to report any suspicious activities such as a person changing their parents or excessively clearing out their car or someone who has missed a lot of work. our coverage in the search for a sierra lamar continues online. visit for the latest details. >>justine: this is just an, an update on the story we first reported earlier this morning about the chemical leak that happened at the dow chemical plant in at the start. we are burning a little bit more about what happened. we're learning now that it was a chlorine leak in one of the reactors. it was contained to just inside the facility. at one point, there was vapor in the air. there are no injuries to report. no one was hurt in the incident. a dell spokesperson is telling us that the public was never and is not in danger. we will take a break and be right back. we will take a break and be -i( music playing ) - we know technology can make you more connected. but now it can make you more connected to your doctor through e-mail. test results from home. check records. change appointments. now doctors, nurses, techs, pharmacists are all digitally connected to each other. and ultimately connected to you. at kaiser permanente, we believe that if knowledge is power, shared knowledge is even more powerful. kaiser permanente. thrive. shared knowledge whatcah, these new jeans i want. i've been looking everywhere. new blue jeans? oh, don't be crazy, i've got tons of blue jeans. frank! frank! get my jean bin, susie wants my jeans. no she doesn't. here we go. nice and loose. ohhh. those are loose, but i actually just ordered three pairs of this kind. ooooohhhh. oh. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. >>mark: we are keeping our eyes on whether after the big storm yesterday. >>darya: new this morning an elderly woman was pulled from a fire and died in her home, this happened on chestnut streets near west grand ave. jackie sissel is out there to give you more news faster. it looks like the fire crews have packed up for now? >>jackie: in the last minute or so the corners of ban has pulled up. qr a call came to the fire department at about 5:30 a.m.. when firefighters got here and is the entry, they discover the body of the 92 year-old resident. they pulled her out and started cpr at the scene. as soon as they could be transported hurt to a local hospital where she was pronounced dead. as far as the investigation goes the start of pointing to a wall heater inside of the house. investigators are working on the premise that the water heater is what caused this deadly fire. >> we are being told that she was able to get around with no wheelchair. we also asked about fire detectors. as though with one of firemen has said they did not hear anything but that does not necessarily mean that the fire alarms were not working. sometimes the he will cause them to malfunctioned. i am sure that will be part of the investigation. >>mark: a quick break as the province continues. here is a live look outside in walnut creek. a little bit of sunshine showing up and traffic still a mess. >>mark: we're going back to our hot spots with gerge rask. >>george: we are seeing some slight improvement but likely will not turn the corner on this hot spot until closer to 915. 26 minutes stop on for interstates 680 from walnut creek dow to dublin. no better news for the ramp and vallejo that has been shut down because of an oil slick and it will still was down 82 eastbound 780, you still have to use the columbus parkway. much better news for the ride on the bay bridge. there is no backup on the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights has been shut off for the westbound bay bridge right. that is how light it is. that is very unusual for a midweek commute. on 101 through marin county, the conditions, no major incidents were surprises. it is still an easy trip across the golden gate bridge on 101 down a toll plaza. here is james fletcher. the bulk of the wet weather has pushed off. there are a couple of pockets. one near pleasant hill and it may be northern portions of lafayette. as we continue to slide the maps around, the upper east shore freeway is nice and clear. it looks like the nimitz ride from oakland down past hayward in union city are doing pretty good this morning. your ride along 580 has been wet to the san ramon valley. for the most are the 580 right livermore is doing pretty good. there is no rain coming down on the peninsula. a wide view of the north bay shows we are pretty clear this morning. there is a lot of activity to the north. here's a look at future cast 4. light rain on the radar. as we advance to 5:00 p.m., a much better picture compared to yesterday. no major rain for the ride home on this wednesday. here's a look at the 7 day around the bay. most of friday will be all right. friday evening, maybe some rain will come into view. we will keep things drive to the next couple of days next week. >>darya: if you have concerns about the low cost of the filler known as ping slime, you can trade it in today at fresh and easy. they say they will swap out pink slime need for their own meat with no questions asked. there has been a public outcry over think slime after it was revealed that the additive has been used for years. >>mark: in oakland, two men could face life in prison for the unprovoked beating death of a man last year. the man was shopping in oakland with his son when both men were attacked in broad daylight. the father died from his injuries. the two men accused have pleaded no contest to involuntary manslaughter. prosecutors say they were upset and drinking alcohol and looking for someone to attack. >>darya: just because you have a prescription for medical marijuana does not mean that you can smoke everywhere. stanley roberts found some people behaving badly. >>stanley: i never expected to see so many sick people are just visiting a bart station. in this case it is el cerrito. >> these are going to the house for later use, this is a little bit me of somebody does not heard during the day. >>stanley: that pick me up seems to be for more than one person because the entire area has a strong odor of the week. >> this is the first time i have ever come out and it blowing through the entire area. i never smell we'd all for their. everyone is looking back when i was walking and i said yes, it is purple. if >>stanley: what is purple? >> is an endicott. >> it will relax you. it's a cadillac. if >>stanley: did he just as a cadillac? he is not the only ones of medicating at this particular station. >> i do not have a good is zigzag. i put this in my wallet for a rainy day. i really needed it today. i just looked in my wallet and i found it. >>stanley: there appears to be a bit of misinformation about medical marijuana. >> i think everywhere in california you can smoke. if people are more open- minded around here. >>stanley: here are the facts, having a medical marijuana card does not to be the right to smoke weed in public. believe it or not it is still against the law. it does allow you to use it at home. this rule applies to most of the bay area nt yes, even if you regularly smokes. third >> i am right in front of the kron4 networks. >>darya: if you have a comment or story idea, you can e-mail sailing directly. >>mark: here is a quick break as the kron4 news continues until 10:00. sunshine in the sierra and sunshine coming down. we have some fresh powder up there, 7-11 in. reported at many resorts. across north sweetheart. we need to talk. i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. tryomething funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t. >>james: we are back and here is a look at your ski report. there is news no on the ground. 10-11 in. of fresh powder. here is a look at boreal and north star. more snow coming down today in the four expected for saturday. for all of the latest ended discounts of as a snowbomburldotcom. >>mark: the son is starting to break out today after morning lingering showers. in the mid '60s this afternoon. we could see a few showers later on friday. a little bit of rain early on saturday and dry weather into the second half of the week. >>darya: 1 allows angeles institution is buying another. the group includes magic johnson, they have agreed to by the dodgers for $2 billion. this deal was just announced last night, about five hours after major league baseball owners approved the sale of the team by the end of april. this is a record beating the miami dolphins who sold for 1.1 billion and the soccer club that was sold in 2005 from 1.7 billion. this 2 billion it takes the cake. the current owner paid 430 million to buy the team in 2004 to buy its the team and stadium from fox. even after paying his ex- wife 134 million he still stands to make hundreds of millions of dollars. >>darya: one of the best divorces' ever. >>mark: their season starts today. >>darya: the oakland a's have their home opener in japan. >>mark: we will be right back. cliff >>darya: the big stories we are following, the search begins today in morgan hill for 15 year old sierra lamar. she has been missing for almost two weeks. the man suspected of murdering five people and a san francisco home will be arraigned today. we will tell you about the charges and the possible punishment. in oakland, a house fire and an elderly woman dies. we will tell you what may have started the blaze and bring you the latest on the investigation. >>mark: here is a check on traffic. >>george: 0 enters a 680, slow traffic southbound from walnut creek into the san ramon valley. the slowing klass all the way into danville. things are starting to move a little bit better. there is a break coming down past olympic from highway 24. we usually see that this starts to improve right at the 9:00 hour. it could take another 15 minutes to unwind. it is basically the loss of a lane restriction. the carpool lane restriction ends at 9:00 p.m.. that usually helps out for this backup. we have not yet seen any indication on when the ramp is going to be reopened westbound. interstate 80 to eastbound 780 has been shut down for most of the morning because of an oil spill. thankfully it has not backed up the traffic. columbus parkway is an easy alternate. let's get a check on whether. >>james: here is a live look at the san mateo bridge. traffic is doing ok. the weather on the deck is much improved. we had some pretty decent rain coming down, let's walk you through what we expect weather wise. this morning, residual showers. a chance of scattered showers here and there. this afternoon, the sun will come out sanded we will get more heating into the gradual drying will continue. that is the way the next 24 hours is breaking up. here is a quick look at temperatures outside. it is a mild. low-mid-50s. expect mid-60's this afternoon. >>mark: more on our developing story, the latest out of a morgan hill and the search for 15 year-old sierra lamar missing for now a 13 today. volunteers led by the klasskids foundation will be fanning out again this morning to look for any clues in her disappearance. she vanished on a friday morning. she was on her way to the bus stop. here was the scene yesterday it where hundreds of volunteers scour the area within a few miles of her home but did not find any clues. researchers are going through areas where investigators have already gone through. they are hoping that with all of the extra help they will be able to find something. in the meantime a change in the classification, they're now calling this a kidnapping or reduction. will tran has more on the volunteers. >>will: there was a big drop off in the number of volunteers from all we saw yesterday. yesterday, 600 steeple had showed up. they probably will lead even reaches 300 at the pace they're going now. they're telling people, by all means come out, it is cold and wet but they need the extra help. you can see that people still are showing up, thankfully. brad dennis is the search coordinator. we know that yesterday the reclassified this case from a missing persons to an abduction case, does that change the way you do today until sunday? >> it does not. we will begin to expand further out in our search. we will continue to do searches, do not let the weather will be back, come on in, we are still sending search teams out. >>will: marc klaas and investigators believe what ever happened to her happened on the cul-de-sac, is that. you're focusing on as well? >> we have done some searches in that area if the search and rescue teams have covered that. we are trying to expand from their efforts. >>will: as far as the turnout, you're telling me earlier, you expected if you work people. are you surprised how little has come in? >> even those 100 people is still its tremendous showing on a wednesday afternoon. i am not so worried, but i want to reiterate to people that just because it is raining, they be worried we are not doing as much but we are still doing the exact same thing, please come out and volunteers. >>will: they will be taking people as late as 2:00 p.m.. that is because the teams will be out for at least three hours and then they plan to shut down daily at 5:00 p.m.. i could a phone call into the sheriff's department trying to find out what this means as far as their investigation now that they ever classified the case from a missing persons to an abduction, do they change what they do? stay tuned. >>mark: the sheriff's department is asking the public to report any suspicious activity, a person changing their parents, excessively cleaning out their car or missing a lot of work. even if someone is paying too much attention to the media coverage of the story or someone who completely ignores the media coverage. our coverage continues online at where you can find the latest details on the investigation. >>darya: an elderly woman has died after being pulled from a burning home this morning in oakland. the 92 year old woman died from smoke inhalation. firefighters believe that the fire may have started because of a floor heater but they are still investigating and a medical examiner will determine the exact cause of death. >>mark: the man suspected of killing five people in the low side neighborhood will be arraigned this afternoon. he will be charged with five counts of murder with special circumstances that could make him eligible for the death penalty. he was arrested after five bodies were found on friday. authorities have still not determined the motive of the killings. officials say his deportation was ordered six years ago after serving time for armed robbery and assault that he was never deported because the vietnamese government did not provide the necessary paperwork. >>justine: it just into the newsroom, this morning a congressman war a handy during a speech on the house floor as he to afford the killing of afforded teenager treyvon martin. here is what he had to say and here is the video. >> racial profiling has to stop mr. speaker. just because someone wears 80 does not make them a hoodlum. >>justine: that is an illinois democrat and did get reprimanded for violating rules on wearing hats in the house of chambers. that is what we are following right now in the kron4 news on. >>darya: we are back with more in a couple of minutes. here is a live look outside from the roof on van ness ave. a slice of sunshine among the clouds of. we are looking for a better day tomorrow. we will be talking about more rain hitting us, we will tell you when in a couple of minutes. 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[ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ on wall street. there has been some growth. >> no 11 the mega millions lottery. the jackpot is $476 million. 47 players hit five out of the six numbers. one of the winners was and the belly. >> c >> >> crack looking at the weather. the is a lot of activity to our north. but the chance of rain for the rest of the morning. by afternoon will be looking at some clearing. why noontime there is widespread drying. there was still be spotty rains and then north. this afternoon the temperature is obese and in low to mid 60's. then sunshine be more prevalent in the afternoon. take a lot at the temperatures this week. next week will begin the week on a dry know. >> we've cleared up hotspot on 680. the opening the fourth lane on the root ball left the really makes a difference. the ram closure of of vallejo will cause a slowdown. and you may look for alternate routes. they're no delays and the bay bridge. the san mateo bridge is problem free. >> the tree came crashing on all in fairfax. this is what it's like to cross the bay bridge the wind tunnels through a mix of very difficult. traveling experience a the four are alike. >> this is what it looks like an apartment builder in new york city. there is fire coming out of the top floor. this fire started about an hour ago. we're looking for smoke coming out of the 16th floor. it is on columbia street. there is no injuries but the building has suffered extensive damages. will keep you posted. >> now take a look at a health care reform law and doors by present obama. this is the last day of arguments before the high court. the justices also spent part of this day looking at the challenges by the 26 states for changes in the law. >> is there some people the top in washington about the stand your ground law. they believe it zimmerman should be arrested everyone is trying to get some men as the victim where trade bond is the real victim. >> at capt. had to be subdued by passengers and crew. about three hours and the co-pilot became concerned that the cat capt. was exhibiting erratic behavior so he locked the cut cockpit door. the passengers helped to wrestle the captain to the ground. not the captain was taken to local hospital after they landed. for an emergency landing. >> the showers are finally winding down. the back of a minute. welcome back. take a look at the 7 day around the bay forecasts. there's a slight chance of rain on friday night. the last half of the weekend looks like we might get a break on sunday. >> there's some small declines on wall street. their concerns about weakening economy. the dow was off 44 yesterday. >> two people were found dead in the area of the colorado wired file--wild fire. piquancy the fire is burning. the fire is out of control. they're still looking for missing people. 900 homes a been evacuating and thousands of homes will are on standby. >> traffic is light and the golden gate bridge befog is very thick. back in a minute. what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. volunteers her fanning out across morgan hill looking for clues on the missing 15 year-old. >> bihn thai luc will be charged with five counts of murder. a 90-year-old woman died not long after being pulled out of a burning house. in oakland. >> here's a look at the san mateo bridge. can see in this live shot there is lots of fog. a little bit ago the rate was coming down in sheets. here's a quick look of the radar. piquancy as the storm is moving piece. the bill lathere will still be a chance of showers this afternoon. for anticipating a dire conditions later in the afternoon. the is widespread dry conditions adnan. thing is they try as we head into the overnight hours. right now it's in the lotus mid-60s. things dobie cloudy and partly sunny possible rain on friday. >> there is no back up at the bay bridge toll plaza. that's how like the traffic has been. we were not tracking any hot spots right now. this is a ramp closure in vallejo. but it hasn't created a back up this morning. >> a developing story that work falling this morning is a search for 15 year-old sierra lamar. she's been missing since early friday morning. the klasskids foundation has volunteers out looking for clues. yesterday's he can see from overhead the volunteers looking for clues. they didn't find anything. the only thing they found so far as yourself vaughan and the bank of neatly folded clothing. the volunteers are heading out again this morning to search. >> so far the volunteers of not found anything. yesterday saw approximately 600 people. they will be here throughout the day searching until 5:00. the volunteers are not in the change the direction of what they need to do. especially since the sheriff has upgraded this to add documents. they're so many people here to volunteer. many of the people are first-time volunteers keep in mind if you're not here today he still have an sauntil sunday to come out and volunteer. >> our coverage continues on line as well go to it for any information. >> a 92 year-old woman died not long after being pulled from the smoke from her home. because of the fire is still under examination. . a man expected of killing five people in anglesite neighborhood of san for its is tub will be charge of five counts of murder. the police a rigid thought it was a merchanmurder-suicide. the manse is supposed to be deported several years ago. but was not because vietnam did not provide the proper paperwork. >> the giants have released jacobsen easier this month rather than pay him his bonus. we are not sure how much is contract is worth but welcomed the san francisco. >> be right back. missing a fair amount of cloud cover with a few sprinkles. will be back in a minute honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ has taken a look at the prices of the pump. the prices in the california are down a little bit. according to aaa. the national averages is that the $3.91. the gas prices are is starting to have an effect politically. people are disapproving of the way that president is handling the gas and oil problems. you're the prices that you're paying around the area. it is a sad situation when gas is still at $4.30 per gallon. >> my mom makes a green bean crunchy. it's like totally crunch-erific! what they mean is, it's french's french fried onions in my green bean casserole. french's french fried onions. available in the french's stay-fresh can. >> neat gingrich's staff is getting smaller. gingrich says he is still committed to going to the gop convention in tampa. >> there is a new poll that shows that republicans won gingrich and paul to set aside. rummy has a sizable lead and some santorum is slipping and his percentage. >> as a live look at of water creek. there's some sunshine coming down right now. so far so good. most of the wet weather is our area. this the do little clouds heading our way that might produce rain. this afternoon are looking for more sunshine. the beam mostly cloudy to the evening hours. take a look for temperatures are at the moment. upper 50s and as the of the area. this afternoon the temperatures are rising to the mid-60s. try as well or looking at. by friday it will change a little bit. the b eight rain system going through on friday and part of saturday but drier on sunday. >> report. let's take a look at where the snow is. there's plenty of snow coming down so he one get up there this weekend to it. >> are not tracking any hot spots. there are no backups for the last two and half hours. >> is the easy trip across the bridges. the golden gate bridge commute books a little different but it's still an easy ride across the bridge. there is one problem in vallejo. it is the west bound ran interstate 80. the was an oil spill. right now there is no back up. this sounds could gegood to be true. and the is immobile at the leeboards people for watching their favorite tv show. it's in new the smoke wall at called banco. there's a built-in microphone in your tablet the can listen to a tv show that is currently playing after the show is over with you earn points. it is like a tea been loyalty program. ft all are points you can redeem them for all the cards. you can watch your favorite tv shows force different from amounts the province. by watching this rise in commercial you can get 15 points. you get between 6900 points for tv show. it is free to do. >> check out this note >> in >>james: we are back. here is a live look at interstate 80. this is another shot of the 50 at my ears. all in all, it is ok but there is no coming down, especially higher in the passes. you will need chains for all of the highways. -- here is a look at 50 myers. they could be getting anywhere from 2-8 in. before it is all said and done. more sunshine and warm temperatures with highs on thursday in the upper 50s and friday in the '60s. we will have even more snow for saturday. a lot going on in tahoe. keep it in here for the ski report said that you know what to expect. >>darya: here is a look at the 7 day around the bay forecast. a little bit of a warmer day with a mix of sunshine and clouds. it will mark rain tomorrow, but friday, towards the end of the day, the chance of rain comes back slightly. saturday, it looks like everyone will get wet and it will be windy. if the last half of the weekend, sunday, we will still have clouds lingering in the sunshine into monday and tuesday. >>mark: the dow jones down a few points in early trading, now down 89 to 13,108. concerns about the global economy slowing down. durable-goods orders, not as large as an increase as expected. the berkeley based annie's, they make organic pastas and macaroni and cheese, it opened at $19 a share raising 95 million. if stocks are up 72% to $32.80 a share because there macaroni and cheese is shaped like rabbits, they are trading under the ticker symbol the end and wide. >>darya: the stanford men are on the cusp of the title. they won a 74-64 over massachusetts, they will take on minnesota thursday night at madison square garden. >>mark: 1 allows angeles institution is buying another, if the group includes four lakers star magic johnson. the group agreed to by the doctors for $2 billion. it is the most expensive deal ever announced. the announcement came around 10:00 p.m.. the price beat the record, the miami dolphins sold for 1.1000000002 years ago. the current owner paid for and a 30 million for the team back in 2004. he will be making a pretty penny on the deal. the dodgers signed to a group with magic johnson, a large firms of investors, $2 billion. >>darya: and gary radnich thought that was a good move for the dodgers, not such a good move for the giants. that is it for this morning, join us tomorrow morning starting at 4:00 a.m.. dr. phil is coming up next. across clot

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