this morning although there was a minor back up on the bay bridge toll plaza but it never added more than two minutes to your drive time. there is no longer any backup or delay. the drive time is about 12 minutes from the macarthur maze of the upper deck of the bridge. >> > 7:01 a.m., 2 suspects were arrested on wednesday in the bryan stow beating case. their names have not been released. police arrested giovanni ramirez back in may calling him the primary aggressor in the attack. here is his attorney. i >> fig now the world understands what i know from day one, that giovanni ramirez has always been innocent. hot >> will tran is taking a look at the condition of bryan still from the hospital. >> the family of brands still is fully aware of the developments coming out of los angeles. for now they're just went to monitor the situation. their focus has always been on brian because they want him to make a full recovery. good news to pass along, it seems that he can respond to verbal commands which bigmouths his last name. a couple of days ago, he was rushed into emergency surgery after a setback, undergoing a thirty second seizure. but they said that they will call the los angeles investigators to get more information concerning these latest arrests, but they understand that the investigators will probably not give them all of the information because the case is still evolving. they want to remind people out there that there is still a to $25,000 reward of a case. hopper >> on to new details and the officer involved shooting in the bayview district of san francisco last saturday. police say 19 year-old kenneth harding died from a self-inflicted group. -- self-inflicted wound. forensics shows that he shot himself in the neck. here is video of the scene were officers were collecting evidence. it was originally thought that he died from being shot by an officer. the caliber of the bullet that killed him does not match the caliber of bullets used by police. a criminalist from the san francisco crime lab says the 30 caliber bullet is not consistent with a 40 caliber guns that san francisco police officers use and it could not have been fired from a department issued firearms. police have also not recovered the weapon that they believe parted used to shoot himself. >> defense officials say how leon panetta will certify that gays and is serving openly in the armed services. news of his decision comes two weeks after top military leaders agreed that repealing the 79 year-old ban will not hurt military readiness. president obama is expected to endorse it. repealing the ban would become the effect 60 days after certification which could open the military to gays by the end of september. >> how one of the stories we're following is keeping you updated on the explosion that happened in norway. this happens at the government headquarters. a loud explosion shattered windows which includes the prime minister's office. several people are injured. the prime minister is saved. i want to take us live to washington dc. we are waiting for john vander to speak on the debt talks. >> to liquidation sales start today at some border stores across the country. there is word that builds a million could purchase several stores. that is still in talks. >> we are back with more and a couple of minutes. here is a look at one of our many live shots of the issues you around the bay. pretty clear skies. this is the approach to the bay bridge. a british lawmaker will ask police to investigate the claim contradicted the testimony of james rock that he was not aware of evidence of eavesdropping at one of his newspapers went beyond just one reporter. two of his former employees say that they told james murdoch which is our report murdoch's sun years ago about an e-mail x suspected hacking was more widespread the claims. >> nfl owners have okayed a deal. now players have to agree. it is a 10 year deal with players getting nearly half of all revenue. there is a $120 million salary cap. >> to buster posey will have surgery today after his collision in may that ended his season.. a runner came into home plate not to get over. he is getting screws removed from his left ankle today. >> we are live on the scene of a rollover accident at noriega and seventeenth. what happened? will tran is live on the scene. >> we are waiting for the tow truck to live. the woman was driving along southbound seventeenth when she broke up the side of a parked van. they had to get her out from the summer. she was only a few feet from reaching her house, she had just finished the midnight shift. >> they say a lot of accidents happen close to home. >> we will check back with you and get an update. >> we will be back with more and a couple of minutes. >> hoppea look at the weather. t just the weather in the bay area, the big weather that is making news across the country. the heat wave is scorching most of the country. there are people out there jogging in the sun. this is a video from minneapolis. the high temperatures are really keeping people inside turning up their air conditioning. many regional electricity providers are worried with record usage this week that maybe the great cannot take it. forecasters are predicting this heat wave could continue into the weekend. it has even been deadly in some cases. hon they are opening fire hydrants and sprinklers. we're looking at another warm weekends. >> i have some of those numbers for you. expecting to 103 in dallas, 101 in washington. we have a slight cooling trend kicking in. we are dealing with a morning low clouds and coastal fog. mostly sunny conditions and warm tartars. slightly cooler in the breezy into the weekend. how are still dealing with patchy clouds. by noon is one to fall back to the clothesline with mostly sunny conditions. halthe coast will get to the '60s indicated by the grain. the yellow is indicating 70's and the origin of the '80s. >> these are live pictures coming into the kron 4 newsroom, john boehner is speaking on the debt talks. >> that is what the legislative process is for, they can amend it or change it, they can send it back to the house. perhaps friendly, they have to take action on that bill. with regard to guess today i will say it one more time, there was no agreement, publicly or privately. frankly we are not close to agreement. i would suggest that it is going to be a hot weekend in washington d.c.. >> i know that the american people are tired and they want to see results and a resolution to this debt ceiling issue. they want to see some productivity in washington. if you look at it, we have done and continue to do the work of the american people and the house. we have sent a budget, we have sent a jobs bill to the senate, as we have passed a bill that deals with the problem facing this country and the debt ceiling discussion with cut, cap and balance. what has the set it done? what will harry reid put aboard an idea? when will the senate back and show the american people they're willing to do the job that they were sent to do? >> we heard from the speaker and a leader, you get the same thing for all of us. this conference is very united. it is not just a republican conference. the american people want a balanced budget amendment. there is a fundamental difference, not only did we sable week or four, we voted for that. that is a responsibility. some people can vote on what they are against, but you have to say what you are for. this is too big of an issue for america to face. it is an issue that is called debt across the world. responsibility from the house has proven the course. we say we do end back it up on the floor and send it to the senate. the senate has of action to take. they do not like our action, they have to say what they are for. rock >> in order to help create jobs and save our nation from bankruptcy, the american people want to cut, cap and balance. the house has done its work. mr. reed, if you do not like our plan, where is your plan? mr. president, where is your plan? >> there is a gain of two other 34 members of the house, a bipartisan day of 2 1/3 for members to pass a bill, cut, cap and balance. we believe it is important to our economy and protecting our excellent aaa credit rating. we're ages for the senate to take action. -- we are anxious for the senate to take action. >> this is a pivotal time and our history. we are at the edge of a financial cliffs, if you will. we are looking down over the side of the cliff. no person wants our nation to default, by what has happened to the house, we have put forward our plan. cut, cap and balance. we know what we have to do come to the american people know we have to do. the senate now has to do with the house has done or offer their own plan. it is a common- sense, measured plan, bipartisan plan that is put forward by the house republicans with quite a bit of support by democratic counterparts as well. we call on the senate tax act and save our country. put us on the right path to physical prosperity insanity. >> for me, this is deja vu all over again. just like in the budget debate, house republicans are the only ones that have passed a plan. we have passed a debt limit increase. is not only the best plan, it is the only plant. the only thing the senate does it refer to our plan as being too radical to consider. it cuts 111 billion out of the next fiscal year budget. that is less than 8%. every family and every small business has already made an adjustment to their books. it caps spending at 20% hot days on a 30 year average. it requests a balanced budget amendment go to the states. since when did letting the american people " speak become radical? >> since january, house republican leaders have been telling rank-and-file members that we have to pay our bills and cut up our credit cards. we have swallow that. we have voted to raise the debt ceiling against our strongest wishes. they need something structural to show world of the full faith and credit of the united states mean something. that is what cut, cap and balance does. we have fulfilled obligations. we're going to vote on matters including jobs, middle income americans, to make their lives better. either pass our plan or, with your own. the attention is not on the house anymore. >> what is the way forward? >> if they did not like our version of cut, cap and balance, they can make amendments to it. >> when does a short-term deal become a necessity? >> that is not what the goal is. there are two challenges that we have to overcome, we have to raise the debt ceiling and we have to have a serious down payment on the budget deficit. >> given the stakes here, are you willing to make some of the tough choices that could even >> i have been pretty clear, we cannot increase the debt limit without serious cuts in spending in serious changes to the way we spend the american people's money. >> as you walk us through these negotiations with the white house, the shared sacrifice, we hear these reports about health care reform. >> there is no agreement. >> our plan is cut, cap and balance. i do not know with the senate will do. as a responsible leader, i have talked to leaders in the senate and the white house. i have kept negotiations open. at the end of the day, we have a spending problem. we have to get serious about cutting spending. our friends across the aisle are not at all serious about doing what the american people demand. spend less! >> project listening to house speaker john banner talk about the ongoing debt debate that has been going on. he said they are not near an agreement on the debt ceiling. we will take a break and be right back. hobbs >> two suspects arrested in the beating of the giants fans back in march. that could mean that the original suspect, giovanni ramirez will be exonerated. >> hot issue that with a parolee from seattle ended with him shooting himself. this is video from the incident almost a week ago. kenneth harding ran from police and opened fire, they fired back. they say the bullet that killed the boys of fire from a police issued gun. >> this is video showing the victim throwing a bottle and a knife at officers. >> we are waiting up with the sunshine in walnut creek. let's check on weather and traffic for everyone. >> morgan hill will be one of the warmest spots. jumping to 87 by noon hitting an afternoon high of 90 degrees and then cooling back to 79 degrees by 8:00 p.m.. as temperatures of outsider in the mid '50s along the coast. ha here are a look at your afternoon highs. ha done with a full look at whether coming up, we will check in with george. >> we have been free of hot spot so far this morning. the bridge's zero look great. take a look at the bay bridge westbound. 12 minutes from highway 24 and 580 through the maze and toll plaza and across the upper deck into san francisco. >> new details in the bryan stow investigation, more arrests have been made. 2 new suspects have been arrested. they were taken into custody on wednesday but their names not been released. bryan stow was attacked back in march after a giants and dodgers game. if the d.a.'s office was a case against the two men arrested, that would mean 31 year-old nadia body ramirez will be exonerated. police arrested him back in may calling him the primary aggressor in the bryan stow beating. he has been in jail on an unrelated parole violation. >> 732 a m. our police have released this surveillance video so that we can see the shooting where a man was shot at the civic center guards stationed in san francisco. that circle there is a knife. that is the knife that came towards the officer and ricocheted off of a bart train to the platform where it came to rest and then, the officer fired his gun. charles hill was killed in the shooting. bar police chiefs said the officer who drew his gun ordered held and dropped his knife and that he felt threatened in some way. now, let's take a close-up of the knife that officers say was thrown at them. it is an 8 in. knife with a 4 in. away. police are unsure if the second and later was used at the time of the shooting, but it was found on the bart's platform. prepare >> a major freeway closure, the overnight shut down on a stretch of 101 for the next four nights. charles crawford has more on what to expect. >> this section of 101 that will be close is to the south of downtown san jose between 280 in the capitol expressway. the closures occur overnight from the 11:59 p.m. when to 535 per friday morning. here are the additional closings ures. on dug those times there will be four different the course. >> we are going to take a quick break and then back with more than a moment. here is a quick look outside at the golden gate bridge. >> 60s along the coast, '70s, '80s and '90s along the rest of the bay. a full forecast coming up. >> and memorial service will be held today at peninsula at temple beth in redwood city for an east palo alto homicide victim. 19 year-old kathryn fisher was shot july 30th was sitting in a parked car with a male and another female. she died from injuries. the other occupants in the car were not hurt. >> another fund-raiser is set for tonight to find the search for michelle le. family and friends have organized a club in fun raiser at the icon old to lounge in san francisco. portion of funds will go towards the search effort. 26 year-old nursing student was last seen 2 months ago leading kaiser medical >> we are back with more than a couple of minutes. the dow is down, also by 50 points. we will be right back. >> a 23 year-old man who searched facebook pages that allowed him to take over their e-mail accounts, find new pictures and blackmail them is said to be sentenced in san francisco. he pled guilty in january to charges of computer intrusion, false impersonation and possession of child pornography. prosecutors say he violated the online privacy of women in 17 states, washington d.c. and england. he could do jail time anywhere from four-six years in prison. if you allow your e-mail to be shared on facebook, he would look up your e-mail and use facebook information to try to compromise your e-mail address and see if you have photos. in the case. >> are when we come back we're going to focus on the weather. a fantastic forecast for the weekend. it has been hot this week but that changes come today, cooler weather on the way. >> is welcome back. we're taking a peek in san jose. traffic is moving ok on 101 northbound. plenty of sunshine but it will not be as warm as it has been the last couple of days. >> we are starting to feel a slight cooling trend but still a beautiful day looking pretty clear from the golden gate bridge. slight overcast, morning fog and low clouds. mostly sunny as we head into the afternoon. breezy and slightly cooler as we head into the weekend. temperatures outside are starting to warn. by 3:00 p.m. we will warm to the 60s along the coast. here are your highs for the day. >> and the brewers and giants today, first pitch will be as savage 3:00 p.m.. cold temperatures of about 64 degrees at first pitch. 6 degrees by 9:00 p.m.. your 7 day around the bay is showing us a slight cooling trend. we will continue to be similar conditions into the work week and warmer conditions towards the end of the work week. product >> as we continue to track a good writer around the bay area we are concerned about an incident in san jose. will update that in a moment. and 11 minute drive time to get across the upper deck. the san mateo bridge, a normal commute with no delays on the approach or across the span. a bit of a backup at the toll plaza but it will not cost much time. your opinion on the golden gate has been a problem free all morning long. sloth and normal marin but lighter than usual conditions for this friday morning. in san jose, a report of an accident on 880 in the southbound direction. it is not normal to find anything in the way of slow traffic, it does get bogged down at the interchange. if planes are blocked southbound, as they may be, it could have a bigger impact on the northbound ride and we could have a potential hot spots. we will update you in our next report. >> now, onto another story. a sad ending to borders bookstores. it will close all of their stores liquidating everything will tran is live at one of those stores. >> pay started putting aside a few minutes ago. this is per the beginning of the going out of business sale. borders opened at 10:00 a.m.. pe >> if you'll have more on that story as a developed three of the day. >> this just into the kron 4 news run, the senate has voted and rejected the house plan to cut spending and require a balanced budget amendment. this is coming right off the wires. the bill was 51-46. how don banner declared on friday that the house had done its job towards the debt limit and it was time for the senate's to act. the senate has acted, loading down this plan. here are some of the comments that they may just moments ago. >> we have a spending problem. someone has to get spending about cutting -- someone has to get serious about cutting spending. our friends across the aisle are not dealing with the american people are demanding. spend less! >> coming up at 8:00 a.m. and we'll be hearing from the president. he will be talking about the vote and the ongoing talks with john baena. that is coming up at her >> is breaking news, one person confirmed dead duck after an explosion in oslo headquarters including the prime minister's office. several more people are injured. this explosion led to evacuation's. from a distance, you can see the smoke rising from that blast. >> paid quick break and much more straight ahead. a live look outside walnut creek on 680. >> all >> a at&t, a retrenchment is not going anywhere anytime >> sixth flaw the gi-55 work is a portable entertainment system. both systems offer or why five. yet access to the internet to watch a game shows, movies or surf the web. i find this as a fascinating. it does not fit into any category of consumer gaming electronics, it is a unique device. kids could use this in hotel ballrooms while on vacation. good for tailgating. if the could pay off take you to your friend's house and playing while they play on their consoles. six to my only complaint is that it is not battery power. if you have to applaud this into a wall outlet. they use too much power to be battery operated. the owners should have an extension cord in the case to make sure that they can reach an outlet. then she 1- 55 is on the market now for amazon. $300 with no tax and free shipping. in a few months the price should job. her -- a few months, the price should from the president speaking live, he will have a town hall meeting on the ongoing efforts to find a balance approach to the deficit reduction. we are monitoring that live shot. the dow's off by 59 points. hong ]s bryan stow case. to no arrests have been made. >> stunning developments in the death of a parolee shop by police in san francisco. originally it was thought that he died because of that police cannot gunshot, that was not the case. >> an explosion in norway leads damage to the government headquarters and one person dead. >> the senate just voted down the cut, cap and balance plan. president obama will make his case in a town hall meeting any moment. we will bring that to you live. >> i am darya folsom. >> i am james fletcher. it is friday, july 22nd. a quick check on weather and traffic. >> we are going to begin with traffic. we are tracking a hot spot in san as a. the incident were watching on 880 southbound at first street where a construction trucks tipped over, the biggest problem appears to be on the opposite side of the freeway. there was paid that got spilled and is in the lanes of 880 in the northbound direction. it is starting to back of the northbound right. it is really about as low as it would be any evidence of the week except this is friday. you expect there to be an easier ride. it will add about eight minutes to drive time on 880 northbound. i will have a complete check coming up. now a check on weather. her >> which are taking a live look outside in walnut creek. a lot of sunshine out there reflected off of the cars. we're expecting a beautiful day. 60 degrees warming to 83 by noon. her afternoon highs for the south bay. we will have a full forecast coming up. >> now on to a developing story out of norway, an explosion in oslo has killed one person and injured several others. this is a video that was released on twitter just moments ago. this explosion caused damage to government headquarters including the prime ministers of building. and this video shows you the chaos in the streets as people are running around. the prime minister is saved. the explosion has led to our evacuations of office buildings nearby. offices in the area are also damaged. you can see the smoke drifting into the air. >> we have new details in the bryan stow investigation, more arrests have been made. 2 new suspects have been arrested. their names of not a release. they were arrested on wednesday for the beating of the czar 32 year-old paramedic. he was beaten back in march outside dodger stadium. what does this mean for the man who they had in custody? it with the rest of these new suspects, giovanni ramirez who was originally arrested would be exonerating. police arrested him back in may calling him the primary aggressor. will tran is alive with an update from the hospital in san francisco. >> the family of bryan stow is aware of the latest developments coming out of las angeles. for now they're just going to monitor the situation. their focus has always been on bryant because they want him to make a full recovery. good news to pass along. it seems that he can respond to verbal commands. this is great news because a couple of days ago he was rushed into emergency surgery because he had a setback after undergoing a thirty second seizure. they said that they will call las angeles investigators and they hope to get more information from them concerning these latest arrest. they understand the investigators probably will not give them full information because the case is still evolving. they also want to remind people that there is still a 2 to $25,000 reward in the case. -- $225,000 reward in the case. >> we will hear from the bryan stowe's family coming up in the next half-hour. >> live right now, president obama at the university of maryland's talking about the debt negotiations. >> this is a town hall, i want to spend some time answering a few of your questions, but i have a few things at the top. it is nice to get out of washington. i am happy to be spending more and you. i am going to be spending as much time answering your questions, but let me say a few words about the debate that is taking place right now in washington about the debts and deficits. it is dominating the news. this is actually a debate about you and everyone in america and the choices that we face. most people, whether you are a student or a graduate or a parent report, your number one concern is the economy. rick is the first thing i think about one a week and the morning and the last thing i think about when i go to bed at night. i will not be satisfied until every american who wants a job can find one hand and to workers are getting paychecks that actually pay the bills hot pants families do not have to choose between buying groceries or buying medicine, sending their kids to college and being able to retire as sweet dignity and respect. [applause] >> we have gone through a very difficult to and a half years. the worst financial crisis and recession since the great depression. although some progress has been made, there is no doubt that this economy has not recovered as fast as it needs to. the truth is, it will take more time. many of the problems we're facing right now, slow job growth, stagnant wages, those were their even before the recession hit. but for a decade, the average wage and income of the american worker has outlined. those at the very top saw their incomes going up 50%, 100%, but those in the middle row, the vast majority of americans had been struggling to keep up before the recession hit the. these challenges will not cause overnight and will not be solved overnight. as john f. kennedy once said, our problems are man-made. therefore, they can be solved by man. in the united states, we control our own destiny. the question we have to answer is, where do we want to go? what is our vision for the future and how to get there? in the short term, i have been urging congress to pass proposals that would give the economy an immediate boost. these are proposals, by the way, traditionally have had support in both parties. i want to extend the tax relief that we put in place back in december for middle-class families so that you have more money in your paychecks next year. if you have more money in your paychecks, you are more likely to spend it. that means small businesses and medium small businesses and large businesses will have more customers and be in a position to hire. i want to give more opportunities to all those construction workers out there who lost jobs when the house and the bubble burst. we could put them to rebuilding infrastructure, putting americans to work. we have workers in need of a job and a country in need of rebuilding. if we put those two things together, we can make real progress. i want to cut red tape that stops too many inventors and on to the doors for turning ideas into a thriving businesses. i want congress to send me a sense of trade bills but will allow businesses to sell more products in countries in asia and south america that are stamped with the words made in america. punter and these are things that we could be doing right now. there are proposals in congress as we speak and congress need to act, now. i also believe that over the long term, the strength of our economy is going to depend on how we deal with the accumulated debt and deficits. they have built up over the last decade. that is what the discussion in washington is about right now. i know it is difficult to keep all the different plans and press conferences and the back and forth between parties, but here is what it all boils down to, it is not that complicated. pour a decade, we have been spending more money than we take in. the last time the budget was balanced was under a democratic president, bill clinton. [applause] >> a series of decisions were made, whether it was cutting taxes been or engaging in war or a prescription drug benefits for seniors and then a financial crisis on top of that, a recovery act to try to pull us out of a great depression, all of those things contributed to this accumulated debt. regardless of what you feel about particular policies, some of you may have supported the war or opposed the war, some of you may have agreed with the recovery act, regardless of your views on these various actions that were taken, the fact is they all cost money. the result is there is simply too much debt on america's credit card. neither party is blameless for the decision is the lead to this problem. both parties have a responsibility to solve it. [applause] if we do not solve it, every american will suffer. businesses will be less likely to invest and hire an american. interest rates will rise is for people who need money to purchase a home or a vehicle. or to go to college we will not have money to invest in things like education, clean energy or protect programs like medicare. we will not pay the previous bills that congress has already racked up. that is with the issue of raising the debt ceiling is about. there are some people out there that argued we are not going to raise the debt ceiling any more. the problem is, effectively they are saying we are not going to pay some of our bills. the united states does not run out without paying the tab. we pay our bills. we meet our obligations. [applause] >> you are listening to president obama live at the university of maryland's talking about the ongoing debt negotiations. we will take a break and be right back. >> here is video coming into the newsroom show in a chaotic scene and also, norway. the explosion caused damage to the government headquarters in the left one person dead. the prime minister is ok. that is the word coming out. offices in the area were damaged heavily. this shows you what the street looks like. there is debris all over the roadway. district looks deserted. here is a shot of paramedics and emergency crews working on people a mystery. " there is speculation that there could be a car bomb but there is all this paperwork as if it had been blown out of the building. that is leading some to suspect the bomb was inside the building. we are back with more in just a minute. >> better news for our hot spot in san jose, the lanes have been cleared of the overturned construction dropped on 880 southbound on first street. that will help the southbound backup. northbound, still sluggish. paint was spilled in the northbound lanes when the truck overturned. it is adding about eight minutes to the drive time. now, it looks like a monday commute instead of a credit to me. the other freeways doing pretty well. the kron 4 morning news will be right back. house hong priso >> is welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. in case you think you missed an eerie, he is sick today. we will talk to them on monday. if folks here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. >> a sad ending for borders of books. there are closing all of their stores across the country, including the three that are open in the bay area. will tran as live in san francisco at one of those stores. >> good morning. it is not a good morning for reporters. the employees inside are busy. this is the beginning of the going out of business sale. i saw four-five of them inside putting up signs, 10-40 percent off, store closings, everything must go. it is a sad day. employees refused to speak with me. i asked them if they were getting compensation and they have no comment at this time.. we will try to get comment from the corporation as well as customers who will be coming by here. that will infused millions of dollars into borders, unfortunately today is the beginning of the end. cunha >> there are not that many places to >> as here's a peek at wall street. the dow has been down. it is down 49 points right now. the president is still speaking live about the debt. we are monitoring that out of maryland. we will be right back. >> here are your current temperatures. the afternoon highs will be pretty nice. give full forecast coming up. >> with a developing story out of norway, we are trying to piece together what happens. " an explosion in oslo at a government building. it killed one person and has endured countless others. the cause has been confirmed by police as a bomb. this happened of the government headquarters that includes offices for the prime minister. we have learned that he is accounted for. a government spokesperson has said that he is a but that does not mean he is on injured. most of the windows in that 20 ft. high rise were blown out. there is pure pork and documents all over the streets. the bottom floor of that building was gutted out by the blast. nearby office buildings are also damaged. one reporter experienced the explosion. you can see the damage caused to the building. the building shook from the blast and all of the employees evacuated. here is a wall of office windows that all been shattered. this is difficult to tell of this or blown in or out. the blast comes as norway and scrabbles with homegrown terror. whether this is connected to that or not it is unclear. people are sifting through the rubble and damage looking for victims and survivors. this building looks as if it has suffered the brunt of the explosion. more is coming out minute by minute. >> new details in the bryan stow investigation. more arrests have been made.2 new suspects arrested on wednesday of the beating of the 42 year-old paramedic. cranston was attacked in march after the giants and dodgers game. the lapd is telling tmz that the 2 suspects did not look like the suspect sketches released before and the descriptions aho through the detectives off. another unique to discover that the detectives were looking for the wrong people. if they file a case against the two new men, the first suspect, a giovanni ramirez how would presumably be exonerated. police arrested him in may calling him back in the primary aggressor in the attack. he has been jailed on unrelated parole violations. because the bryan stow is speaking out about the news of the arrests this into the work of the lapd. >> we are really waiting, like everyone else. they have a big job to do and a lot of work ahead of them. we're putting all of our faith in the lapd. there is a lot of work to be done. we are waiting for the legal process take shape. >> the family of bryan stow has updated their web site saying that he was very alert. one of the nurses said he had both eyes open. he can open and close his eyes on command. he was also mouthing his last name. >> we have new details in the officer involved shooting in the bayview district of san francisco last saturday. police say 19 year-old kenneth harding, the seattle who was killed or died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. medical examiners say that he shot himself in net how with the bullet coming to a stop in his here is video of the scene. preliminary autopsy results showed the caliber bullet that killed harding did not match the caliber used by police. a criminalist said a 38 caliber bullet was found in his head was not consistent " with a 40 caliber bullets issued for the san francisco police neck and could not have been fired from any department issued firearms. hawks >> smart police have released surveillance video that showed what happens on the platform of the civic center board station were a man was shot and killed. what is circle is the knife that was thrown at the officer to acne and a bounce off of the train and came to rest on the top form. you can see the officers did you do not see the man that shot. court police chief says the officer who drew his gun ordered held to dropped his knife and felt that he was being threatened. now, let's take a close-up look at the knives that were found on the bart platform. hon neck and 8 in. knife " and a 4 in. blade. police are unsure if the second 4 in. blade was used but it was found on the bart platform. >> we are one step closer to football. officials say there currently discussing the terms of the offer made by the owners bees. the owners have put fortha deal and approved this deal for the players to see if they want to ratify it. it is a 10 year deal. >> 8:38 a.m.. we are back with more in a couple of minutes. call what about >> and and nimitz freeway is blocked by an overtime dropped. this chp fees a lanes may be cleared pretty shortly however it has jammed up the northbound right which should be a 14 minute trip out of san leandro in oakland. cis running at about 54 minutes and has added 30 minutes to the northbound truck. 580 is a good alternate. >> new this morning, parts of the faa will shut down at midnight unless congress can resolve a partisan dispute over legislation that would temporarily extend the agency's operating authority. it would put nearly 4000 people temporarily out of work and allows airline passengers to purchase tickets without taxes. that would result in the government losing about $200 million a week. if the $2.5 billion in airport construction projects will also come to a halt if the faa is forced to shut down. san brazilian maker says he will ask police to investigate the claim contradicting the testimony of james murdoch that he was not aware of evidence of eavesdropping at one of his newspapers going beyond just one reporter. 20 former employees say that they told a james murdock years ago about an e- mail message just hacking at news of the world to be more widespread than claimed. there is another claim coming on us to just police officers were brought by journalist to locate people by track in their cell phones. we will be right back with more in a couple of minutes. >> live pictures of the huge apartment fire near kansas city. we can see all the smoke coming out of the apartment fire and a cruise on the scene right now. they're trying to put the fire out as we i will continue to get more information on this fire and let you know if there are any injuries as it is the information comes into the newsroom. >> we are following the latest in oslo, an explosion in the capital of norway that killed one person. that much has been confirmed. there are a number of people injured, the exact number is unknown at this point. it caused massive damage to the government headquarters including the prime minister's office building. some building it to your right, you can see how many windows are or shattered and a blown out. debris is all about the street below. in the next shot, paramedics are working on one of those injured people in front of another office building nearby with a vehicle in the middle of the shop windows and doors blown out. the latest in terms of the cause of this, police at this point say they do know there was a bomb. the exact type of bomb has not been released. local media has described blown out cars but a lot of debris from the office building is out on the street leading those to speculate that the blast came from inside. we had a reporter in one of the buildings nearby the government office building and describes this scene hot, people injured and being tended to. when chaos and panic in the streets. coming into the news room we are getting word that people are trapped in a government office building. we have rescue workers going into the building and it gently lift some of the fallen debris to get to the people underneath to see if they can save as many people as possible. we will continue to keep an eye on this story. >> we also have an update on your hot spot on the nimitz. it is clear but not looking much better. >> it is likely to start improving fairly quickly. there was an overturned pickup truck that blocked the two left lanes of the nimitz in oakland at twenty third. this incident started as a result of a southbound accident. it ended over the center divider in the northbound lanes. the lanes already been cleared. the traffic is backed up. the good news is the backup will start to dissipate. we are looking at what of the usual traffic. it is going to be slow going out of san leandro. the drive time is now running at about 48-50 minutes. it is adding about 25- 30 missed your drive time. use interstate 580. traffic there is pretty light. >> is there is no back up on the bay bridge. the commute is over westbound. the golden gate bridge has been a problem free all morning long. there are no delays in either direction. 8:51 a.m.. here is a check on weather. >> a live look outside from the roof camera. sunny skies and a blue skies. a little bit of dense fog lingered in the background. morning coastal fog and low clouds. mostly sunny conditions, a little bit breezy and warm temperatures. slightly cooler as we head into the weekend. tenders outside are slowly starting to warm up. sixties in places like fairfield and concord. over the next hour, patchy clouds over the debris to and golden gate bridge. by noon the fall will burn off giving as mostly sunny skies, a little bit of a lingering cloud cover. by 7:00 p.m. it will start to roll back in trickling its way into the north bay, into the overnight hours. future cast 4 is set for 3:00 p.m. showing us we're getting into the '60s, '70s, '80s and it may be squeezing out some 90s. here is a look at expected highs. >> we are following live pictures of the kansas city, a huge apartment fire burning live. you can see the smoke in the area coming up from the apartment complex and some of the fire hose is working to put the fire out as we speak. some of the information we have learned is the fire department has set up a medical command post near the apartment clubhouse in order to try and help some people. no injuries and reported just yet. because of the extreme heat that is gripping so much of the nation, this part of the area is no exception. some firefighters are worried that they may start to suffer from extreme heat conditions. they're trying to protect that and put out the fire at the same time. it looks like minutes members for the hoteand apartment complex went - to-door. the fire to be seen from so far away. it is a large apartment complex. >> we will check back with you. that is going to be a tough one to get a handle on. it is sweltering. much of the country has been over a heat wave. the giants catcher buster posey will have surgery today after that crash back in may that ended his season. he is going to get this crews removed from his left ankle. it will take a couple of days to recover from that and then, it is back to a long road of physical therapy. despite that injuries he has not gained any weight, in fact he has lost 5-10 lbs while he has been heldout. >> we are back with more in a couple of minutes. here is a live look in san jose. that is 101 northbound. traffic seems to be moving ok. perhaps a lot of sunshine. -- n honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ major developments in the bryan stow beating case. stunning evidence in the death of a parolee from seattle who was shot by officers in san francisco. it turns out the police bullets did not kill him. that story is straight ahead. has the latest on the debt crisis, the president still speaking live in a town hall meeting in maryland. this comes after the gop took a strong stance on the matter this morning. earth's >> i am darya folsom. a quick check on weather and traffic. >> we are taking a live look outside in san jose. a lot of sunshine in the south bay. we are expecting a beautiful day. currently 59 in san jose warming 83 and hitting a high of 86, cooling down to 78 by 8:00 p.m.. temperatures outside are starting to warm up. here are your current temperatures. >> here are your afternoon highs. >> we have cleared our hot spot off of the east bay freeway. " the two left lanes or blocked. they've managed to get cleared fairly quickly despite the fact that the pickup truck was overturned. traffic is still slow in the northbound direction but recovering fairly quickly. it is still going to cost you about an extra 20 minutes out of san leandro in the northbound direction if you stay on 880. you could use 580 were traffic is still lighter than usual. that will save you time into downtown oakland or of to the macarther maze. >> the time is 9 03 a.m.. new details of the bryan stow investigation. it 2 new suspects rested on wednesday. their names have not been released. bryan stow was attacked back in march outside dodger stadium. in the last hour, the lapd is telling tmz that the new suspects arrested in the case to do not look like the suspect sketches 1/2 rise that had been released. as those descriptions through the detectives of. if the d.a.'s office filed a case against those to have men, this man, 31 year-old giovanni ramirez would be exonerated. police arrested him back in may calling him the primary aggressor in the >> the bride is a family is fully aware of the new developments coming out of las angeles. their focus has always been on brian because they want him to make a full recovery. good news to pass along, it seems that he can respond to for commands, he can mouth his last name pans this is great news because a couple of days ago he was rushed into emergency surgery because he had a setback after undergoing a thirty second this season. that is why they have to do what they did on monday. they said that they will call las angeles investigators and hope to get more information from them concerning these latest arrests. they understand that the investigators probably will not give them the full information because the case is still a balding. they also want to remind people that there is still a to a $25,000 reward in the case. that is the very latest. >> will also hear from the family of bryan still in the recent arrests coming up to the next half-hour. >> following the latest developments, let's give you the update on that explosion that rocked downtown oslo. we have word that two people have been killed, 15 others injured. the explosion happened in the main government building in downtown oslo. there is new to video that was released in the last hour show in this scene on the ground as people hectic we try to get out of the building. or at this point, there was a bomb blast. that much has been confirmed by police. the prime minister's office that this house and the buildings rocked suffered severe damage. the prime minister is safe but unclear if he is injured. we are waiting for more for the spokesperson. we are also hearing that the glass house cause people to become trapped in not just the government office building but some surrounding buildings as well. there is an ongoing rescue efforts underway. here are a couple of still photos that have been coming through to the newsroom. there you can see paramedics working on the left side of the screen. others are roaming about the rubble looking for help sweep, here is another shot showing smokers billing. " this is from a roof camera a short distance away. hear, massive amounts of smoke coming from the building. is the site of another nearby wending. numerous windows blown apart. reports of glass, office equipment and paperwork on the street below. we are continuing to follow this developing story. >> we are two weeks away from a possible government default. president obama is speaking on the issue live at the university of maryland. he said the united states of america does not run out without paying its tab. we pay our bills and meet our obligations. here is more of what he had to say when his comments started. >> neither party is blameless for the decisions that led to this problem of both parties have responsibility to solve it. [applause] >> if we do not solve it, every american will suffer. >> earlier this morning, house speaker john baena talked about the ongoing debt negotiations. this was right before the democratic controlled senate rejected the republican cut, cap and balance plan to solve the nation's debt crisis. here is what he had to say. >> we have a spending problem. someone has to get spending about -- one has to get serious about cutting spending. our friends across the aisle are not serious about doing with the american people demand. spend less. >> the deadline to raise the debt ceiling is august 2nd. the united states may not be able to pay all the skills of that does not happen. we will continue to follow the story and bring you more information as soon as it comes into the newsroom. >> and let's take a look at what wall street is doing. the dow was off by 36 points. the nasdaq has been up excuse me, the dow has been down all morning long. temperatures are down a little bit today but we will have a pretty nice day before the slide really hits us tomorrow and sunday where we struggle with 85 or 86 degrees. right now on san francisco the clouds are clearing. nice sunshine. we will be right back. hmm hot done rabbit and. of not of what the your and how that one of abu would >> 20 e-reader look at what to expect of the weekend. a slight cool down. oakland getting to some degree by monday, san jose did the 83 on sunday at the back 85 on monday. obverse '60s in san francisco and getting back to the '70s on monday. for those of you here, you will be dealing with morning fog for the weekend and warming up into the work week. >> new this morning, parts of the faa will shut down at midnight unless congress can resolve a partisan dispute over legislation that would temporarily extend the agency's operating authority. it would put nearly 4000 people temporarily out of work if the faa has to shut down and also allow airline passengers to purchase tickets without taxes. that would result in the government losing about $200 million a week. 2.5 billion in airport construction projects will also come to a halt if the faa is forced to shut down. a british lawmaker says allows police to investigate claim contradicted the testimony of corporate and james murdoch that they were not aware of eavesdropping and went beyond just one reporter. there were two former employees that told james murdock years ago about an e-mail that suggested hacking and news of the world was more widespread in claims. there is yet another claim coming out today that suggested police officers were bribed by journalists to locate people by tracking their cell phones. we're taking a look, 9:30 a.m. at the golden gate bridge. nice and clear. -- 913 a m. traffic is nice and light on the bridge. george has been dealing with a hot spot on the nimitz, 880, we will get an update on that and a couple of minutes. hopper fief >> 9:17 a.m., we are polyester elman's out of oslo. i found a video clip from a news station showing us a montage of the damage in some of the pictures. two people have been killed and 15 injured. that number is sure to rise. police confirmed it was a bomb. the prime minister has offices there but we have heard that he is saved. there are people trapped. whewe have gottn no details. what is happening is still unclear but people are trapped. >> sunshine, a gorgeous day for the peninsula and bay area rightde. mostly sunny, breezy bt warm temperatures. a slight cool down as we head into the weekend. here are your afternoon highs. hopper for those of you heading to the ball game, the brewers and giants, first pitch will be at 7:15 p.m.. 64 degrees cooling down to 60 by 9:00 p.m.. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. a slight cold down into the weekend a pretty warm sitting into the mid-80s. let's get a check on the morning right. >> things are getting it back to normal pretty quickly on the nimitz freeway. drive * of nearly an hour out of san leandro. no backups or delays on the day bridge. a great ride westbound. on the san mateo bridge, an easy commute as well. on the golden gate bridge, there are no delays. problem free to marin county. a light and easy ride from 101 south oz. >> its liquidation sales start today at borders stores across the country after yesterday were a judge approved a 40 year old bookseller's plans to sell off its assets into clothes. there is were there rival chain books a million could purchase dozens of the borders stores but the to have to work that out. they are in talks. orders have several stores in several bay area communities. will tran is live at a borders store this morning. >> we are in stones town. the store opened at 10:00 a.m.. already people are lining up. let's get a quick interview from a woman who has been here for about an hour. you say that you are sad? why? >> every time i visit san francisco, this is one of the places i look forward to visiting. it is like a friend. >> thank you. >> to the crowds are already lining up. the employees are busy trying to get the sale signs up. gave you our borders, you might be asking, where were these crowds or days and weeks and months before this. it opened in about 40 minutes. hall >> all of these people were looking for deals and buying their books on the internet. >> they are still looking for deals. 10-40 percent off. >> exactly. >> new details and the officer involved shooting in the bayview district last saturday where a 19 year-old parolee from washington state was killed. kenneth harding died from self- inflicted gunshot wounds, one. the medical examiner says he shot himself in the neck and the bullet came to a stop in his head. he was initially stopped by the police in a fare evader check. police say he started running from them and firing at them. originally it was believed that one of the officers killed harding in that case but the autopsy results showed that the caliber of the bullet that killed harding did not match the caliber used by the police. a credible list from a san francisco crime lab explaining the 30 caliber bullet found in his head was not consistent with a 40 caliber guns issue to the san francisco police and have not been fired from any department issued firearms. the police also not recovered the weapon they believed harding used to shoot himself despite the fact that they did find it on fire 38 caliber bullet has in his right jacket pocket. >> we will be right back. here is a live look from our mt. tam cam. pan with your >> hasek status >> we will be right back with more of a couple of minutes. someone at the microphone does that has descended as elin to start talking but nothing comes up, i have no idea i started talking to the only thing that came out was had set statu >> the big story is, there are two new suspects in a been arrested in the beating of san francisco giants fan bryan stow outside dodger stadium. that could mean that the original suspect, a giovanni ramirez, will be exonerating. bryan stow is still in recovery and doing better. police in san francisco say a shootout with a parolee from washington state ended with him shooting himself. it was not the police who killed him. >> the medical examiner confirmed that the bullet was not fired from a police issued a gun. >> the debt ceiling showdown continues this morning, president obama hosting a town hall meeting in marilyn's talking about reducing the nation's growing deficit. >> 9:31 a.m.. a fresh look at weather and traffic in case any hot spots have popped up. >> temperatures are starting to warm up. we are having a slight cool down as we head into the weekends. low clouds and coastal fog will bring us moseley's the conditions and warm temperatures. slightly cooler as we head into the weekend.. here are the current temperatures across the bay. take a look at the afternoon highs. a beautiful day. we are not tracking any hot spots. we are looking at pretty good conditions thought except for the east bay. box at the bay bridge toll plaza, there are no backups or delays on the san mateo bridge. the midday traffic is an easy one. a 30 minute drive time across the span and no back on the approach coming across from highway 92. zurich dark >> there are two new suspects that have been arrested with it for the beating of bryan still at the dodgers game. the lapd told tmz that the suspects arrested in not look like the suspect sketches and that is what through the detective's office. they say that it to another unit within the police department to figure out that the detectives were looking for the wrong people. if they file a case against the two new suspects, 31 year-old giovanni ramirez looks to be exonerated. when he is in jill currently on an unrelated parole violation. here is his attorney. >> we are waiting like everyone else. we know that we have a big job to do and they have a lot of work ahead of them. we're putting all our faith in the lapd. there is a lot of work to be done. borden we're waiting for the legal process to take shape. >> was not the attorney for ramirez. that was the family of france. they also ended the latest on the condition of bryan's bill. a nurse has said he opened both eyes and put his right hand up concern is to show two figures. he can open and close his eyes on command and he mouthed his last name. so far police have released this surveillance video showing the date a man was shot and killed at the centers extension art center. that circle shows the knife that was thrown in the direction of the police and landed on the platform. 45 year- old charles hill was shot and killed. you do not see him in this videotape. the border police chief says the officer who drew his gun or a bill to drop his knife and that he felt threatened. here is a close-up look at that knife that they say he was holding when he was shot. it is indeed in tonight. there, there is another one. they also recovered a 4 in. blade on the platform. they do not know if that was actually used in the shooting but since they found it that day when they did the search of the platform they are showing both of those to the media. the latest developments out of oslo, norway, this is the latest development that the main government building including the prime minister opposites. we are getting this bit off of the wires, a norwegian newspaper said a man in police uniform has opened fire at a youth camp outside of oslo. is this connected to the explosion? at this point we do not know. more on that to come as more information comes in. as for the explosion this is the main government building we are talking about. windows have been blown out, debris on the ground in the emergency crews on the scene. two people have been killed and at least 15 others injured. police have confirmed that it was a bomb. bork's degrees littering the streets. most of the windows have been blown out. surrounding buildings have been heavily damaged. there is debris everywhere. evacuations are underway. was this the only bomb in the attack? it is unclear. a local television station is being affected because they have discovered a suspicious device there. who is behind this attack? at this point, no one has come forward that this does, as norway grapples with a home grown terror plot. we will wait to see if that is in any way connected. someone dressed as a police officer has opened fire at a youth camp just outside of oslo. >> we are back with more of a couple of minutes. here is a live look from van ness ave in san francisco. a lot of sunshine. we will be right back. 1/2 the left nicole but >> we are expecting beautiful data. take a look at these numbers. here are our expected highs. a full forecast coming up. >> we are one step closer to professional football. the nfl players association spoke just moments ago. they are currently discussing the terms of the deal that the owners offered. as it will probably not happen today. the owners are ready for football. thi one does no suppod to be that bu >> and other sports news, giants catcher buster posey is having surgery today after a collision back in may that ended his season. posey is getting his crews removed from his left ankle. it will take a couple of days for him to recover and then he has to go back into physical therapy. despite his injury has not gained any way. >> new this morning, the son of california of former gov. arnold schwarzenegger and maria shriver has been hospitalized. no one had known about this, last weekend at their 13 year- old son christopher was injured in a surfing accident. he has been an icy you for days long after an accident in malibu. his condition has not been >> in the latest divorce news, arnold schwarzenegger does not want to pay alimony or pay for the divorce lawyer for maria shriver. we are back with more. >> how >> speaker john baena is denying there is any deal on raising the nation's debt ceiling. there have been reports that obamas and top republicans are quick to compromise with this morning on been shot down those reports. the plant that was rumored to be in the works would have raised the bar would limit and cut three trillion in the spending. if the debt ceiling is not raised by august 2nd at the united states may not be able to pay its bills and to go into default. the fight over the debt ceiling is not the only showdown. a bill that gives funding to the faa could be held up by the senate. if that happens that could lead to a partial shutdown of the faa at midnight. how that would be a huge blow to thousands of workers. >> the contingency plan it is throughout the day, we will continue to talk to congress to get this done. at midnight, 4000 faa employees would be suspended and construction projects would be suspended. these construction workers who worked very hard in very high temperatures will not be able to go to work on monday. this is not the way. we have the best aviation system in the world. this is not the way to run it. >> because of this fight is a late addition to the funding bill by a house republican that cuts about $8 million in subsidies to rural airports. >> taking a look at the weather for your friday afternoon. we started with a live look at walnut creek. a lot of sunshine and expecting a beautiful day bay area wide. temperatures outside are slowly starting to warm. 60s and san francisco, 55 in half moon bay. mountain view, 66 been conquered in this fairfield. future cast 4 is set for 3:00 p.m. hot where even squeezing alyson '90s. let's take a look at those numbers a starting in the north bay getting to about 80 degrees for navato. as we head down along the peninsula, 75 percent detail, 66 in pacifica. as we had across the space shores, low 70's as well as a mid-70s for richmond and castro valley. inland, the upper 80s and low 80s. as in the south bay will see more of those 80's and even a 90 degree reading for morgan hill. >> we are still looking at slow traffic through the milpitas corridor, not a hot spot, but a slow spots. here is a live look from the nimitz freeway in fremont. the traffic is heading south bound into the corridor. it was a northbound cryostat added to the south downs delays. it is more typical of a week day other than friday for the southbound ride. it could cause an extra five-eight minutes for your trip on the nimitz. on the san mateo bridge, there are no delays here or on the bay bridge for the westbound commute over to the peninsula or san francisco. the golden gate bridge ride on 101, sluggish at the toll plaza with no delays either through or from iran county. -- marin county. >> the dow was down 29 points. we're back in a minute. hopper >> >> willis believes with iron. -- tim polenti is illegal to use with an iron. what happens to the first suspect they arrested? >> 8 release 10, the issue year, so the police for false a rest? humiliated. rockwel >> the law says that if the police act in good faith you cannot sue them. there are many exceptions for the police. assuming the police is like selling a doctor or lawyer. it is very difficult. the police thought that he was a suspect. they had eyewitnesses. the tattoo on his neck match the tattoo of the perpetrator. weeks where did the police make their mistakes? they bragged. they went to the media saying we solved the case. that does not mean they did not act in good date. hough >> how about the latest with the nfl? so the players are going over this now. you said, especially the part about injuries, it is good for >> the players> for years, their contracts have not been guaranteed unlike baseball or basketball. you cannot get injured, you cannot play. hops to your contract becomes a boy. they give you a signing bonus, that is guaranteed money, very few players to get that big bonus money. now, a player gets injured and cannot perform or cannot play, the initial year after the injury is a $1 million guarantee. that is used for a player who would not normally get anything. the second year of the injury there is a $500,000 guaranteed. in addition to that one the players were done that had no more medical insurance and then they had to get medical insurance of the private sector with pre-existing conditions. now, they will have health insurance for life. >> this is a good deal and you say, we just want to see football. >> we want to see football. >> dr. phyllis up after the show. he is sitting down with a family torn apart over accusations of the unthinkable. will the father agreed to take a polygraph test? watch dr. phil right now. prepar

Related Keywords

Norway ,Fremont ,California ,United States ,Oakland ,Iran ,San Leandro ,Tran As ,Nord Trøag ,Erie ,Washington ,Mountain View ,Brazil ,Zurich ,Züsz ,Switzerland ,Bayview District ,District Of Columbia ,San Francisco ,United Kingdom ,Marin County ,Castro Valley ,Milpitas ,Pacifica ,Oslo ,Maryland ,Dallas ,Texas ,Dodger Stadium ,Morgan Hill ,France ,Americans ,America ,Norwegian ,Brazilian ,British ,American ,Maria Shriver ,Kathryn Fisher ,Arnold Schwarzenegger ,Bryan Stowe ,Los Angeles ,Temple Beth ,John Vander ,Charles Crawford ,Kenneth Harding ,Harry Reid ,Murdoch Sun ,John Baena ,Las Angeles ,John Boehner ,Giovanni Ramirez ,James Fletcher ,John F Kennedy ,James Murdoch ,James Murdock ,

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