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>>louisa: i like that, a cup. we're weekend to include beat monday morning. we are waking up to a gloomy morning. we're going to try it as we head into tomorrow and once we stayed dry it will continue into the work week and next weekend. we can want a public transit and tvs. get a good looking for kasten us. your radar is picking up some scattered showers. one is sitting over the peninsula. we are seeing some spotted showers into south san francisco. also, happened to iran. as we head into the afternoon you're going to have a better chance of dying at.rying out. your satellite a shilling as that there is a weak front breaking apart that is when to lose its strength to the latter part of the day. there's not much difference and that temperatures and the afternoon they should be open to the 60s. cinephile will beat 65 degrees. the 60s before most of the debate.he bay. but that we can e should be bringing buys into it 70's and 80's. george? >>george: we have yet to attract a hot spot this morning. the book like to start with those to you know what you need to know. the west bound ride looks but end is reaching to the east parking lot. some of the lanes are slow past the 80 over past but mostly it is a good ride. the san mateo bridge is a smooth conditions on both sides. the right side is the west bound commuter direction with no problems and your ride to the golden gate bridge is problem free, southbound 101 with no delays. public transit is tracking east trade, bart and caltrans so far this morning. no delays reported for your trip up and down the peninsula. your ride this morning on interstate 80 looks good, especially the upper shore freeway. >>darya: a piece of much. it is seven 03 a.m.. crews battled eight early morning fire. dozens of people were displaced by the fire. jackie sissel has more. >> reporter: and early morning fire sent three people to a hospital. the fire broke out our 12:30 p.m. this morning. when they got here, the fire department, they discovered a three you did building it was on fire. they were able to put it out relatively quickly. there were some people inside of the units, three of the people were sent to a local hospital. one with minor cuts to his feet while he was trying to get it. the other with minor its population. all will be ok. there was a nearby building that was also evacuated for a short time. those folks are expected to be back and and we do know that there are some task force investigations. the results are i know at this time. >>mark: 100 of fish were killed after a fire destroyed this apple storage facility. the heat, smoke and foam used by the firefighters to put the french were factors in the fish deck. the 78,000 sq. ft. building caught fire wednesday and was contained late friday. >>darya: to art said this morning and for other in the hospital after a shooting. a total of six people were shot. >>will: a total of seven people were shot! the first shooting took place behind the at ste. jimmies. it took place called the road from london square. according to a witness one person try to go into sweet jimmies. for what their reasowhatever reasone heard afterwards. and now for people are in hospital, two are in stable and two in critical condition. while they were investigating this shooting at around the block there was another shooting. it took place at kimballs and when the shots were fired they ran over there and found another person that was shot. that person was shot in the ankle. they do not know if the two shootings were related. they have two people at the police station, they are witnesses not suspect. just to show you how brazen in the shooting was we've moved the camera over here. take a look at this. you are looking at the oakland police department. it took place right down the road from the police department. as soon as we get more information we will pass it along, according to the sergeant a might even elevate this to a spokesperson coming back to talk to us. perhaps the chief of police might hold a conference for the shootings. >>darya: think he will. >>mark: we will be right back. here is a live look from the roof can. fog, wind and rain. >>darya: it is gray and misty and would get there. traffic is light on the golden gate bridge. >>mark: the dial is set up and the nasdaq is at a fraction. s&p is down to two and a half. radio shack is down about 3%. they are missing their earnings estimates and these are their cost rising. to bring you the number start the morning. there is some good news, the gas prices may have peaked. analyst take a look at this and say that the growth of oil prices may keep gas from passing into the all-time nation in average of $4.11. we are already paying more than that the bay area. we asked drivers how much it will take before you ditch the car. , $5. >> probably between $5.60 dollars. >> $7 will be it ridiculous. >> i told myself for dollars, i'm not sure because i need to drive to work. >> even at $20 a gallon i would drive. i depend on gas. then at $5.95. >>darya: the average is $4.27 in oakland and $4.42 and san jose. >>mark: the rain is coming down here along with fog and heavy traffic. we will be right back. >>darya: what does what it here? >> it is a ferry building. i went to bed in san francisco and oakland and seattle. more drizzle and more precise. it is dark out here. january morning. it is not a heavy rain but it is not a real light mistreated is somewhere in the middle and kind of a new sense. the wind is starting to pick up. >>darya: (laughter) >> reporter: for anybody that likes mayflower's come out and enjoy. >>darya: the wind is making it more difficult. alabama is a little bit more breezy than usual. we have a shot up at 80 and it is getting a little bit of snow fall. i wet snow fall this morning and is quick to be a big deal in to the terms of wind. it is getting up into about 50 mi. not. hire over the passes. we're dying out tomorrow and we have a nice slow forecast look for 2 for the rest of the week. here's storm trucker for. not much is going on. stockton with low cloud cover. we are taking all look at some showers and spotty showers throughout the downtown san francisco. the brain is stretching into daly city. --rain the airport is the end delays as a result of the wet weather. your watching it does sell work its way towards the family interests area. a visit tried out your back a bill. we are continuing to show isolated cells. in your best through the morning hours. everything we do see today is going to be light. better chance at drying and out. 60s at around the bay and upper 50's, low sixties for the coast. george? >>george: it could be the end of an easy ride to the bay bridge. we are born to start with a big check. an accident has been reported for it the upper deck. until then you can see it had been great traffic. no backups that it be 80 approach. even this is starting to slow down a bit. the traffic is backed up towards the end of the east parking lot. this link to the interchange. you can see the beginning of a good-sized back up here with a force report of an accident on the upper deck. your ride to the san mateo bridge is problem free. the volume is steadily building up. your golden gate bridge is problem free. the wet deck southbound and fog has eased. in san francisco has been what pavement. it is a little sluggish. an easy trip to the sfo in the rain this morning but there are delays at the sfo when you get to the airport. the rival delays because of the low ceilings. public transit, no problems. the concern right now is the bay bridge will turn into a hot spot. will fall of the accident reported there. >>mark: that is go to st. louis where the airport is now open after being slammed by and 200. officials say that they hope to have land bird working and full capacity after the tornado blew through windows and caused severe damage. lookit, the power goes out and the wind blows through the terminal as people go scrambling. 500 people were in the terminal as it happened. glass and started to fly it and look at all of the debris flying through. several people were injured by is flying glass. their operating and again today. stores and homes were hit as well and it is amazing nobody is hurt or killed. to kentucky, people living in northern kentucky were also a hit by a tornado. this group was ripped off leaving a gaping hole. it toppled trees and campers were even thrown around. >>darya: devastating wildfires and the idea, more than 1 million a. have burned so far. a thunderstorm fell in the area. there are still areas burning. two churches and 166 homes have been destroyed. rep kabi giffords is claimed to be able to attend her husband's space shuttle launch. doctors have given her the flight ok. she is married to the commander of the shuttle mission, kelly. this will be the first time that she has traveled since she had been flown to houston from tucson arizona where shushan the head. --she was shot in the head. >>mark: or will it left the white house where there waiting for the annual easter a role.egg roll. there wl be a story time, obstacle course, and and egg rolls taking place this morning. >>darya: we're showing light rain and mist. it is great out there, it is with the other as well. after today is when to get better. it is a great commute. it looks at that is a little heavy. your point to keep our eye on the war in commute. marin comut >>mark: the dow is down by 44 points. ithe commerce department is sent that new home sales rose 11%. it is part below the 700,000 here that economists are saying is a healthy number. it could be years before home sales return it to help the number. >>darya: the company has been expanding its online options, including a nationwide rollout of a service that lets customers order merchandise (not food) online. delivery charges for wal-mart to go start at $5.for the test, wal-mart is shipping groceries from a san jose store, packing them in tote bags and delivering them in temperature- controlled trucks that the company owns. deliveries can be scheduled for the next day. >>mark: to date will be a tough start to go before a san jose plays. more than 600 workers will be notified that they could lose their job to close at their budget shortfall. i must the budget is fixed there could be bart jobs lost. they're working with unions to reform the pension system. the city council could decide tonight what to do about a joint fire department that has been operating in san carlos and belmont. the two cities serviced by the department could change. belmont is looking to trim their budget. there are thinking about going to a contractor but it will it be controversy because bennet profits the contractor. the fire department is taking an ad out in a newspaper to encourage residents to come out for the debate. >>darya: full time health care benefits at tax payers' expense. , a survey that shows 16 percent of small cities provide full-time health care benefits. there is a another survey that shows the majority of california voters backed gov. jerry brown. a poll just out shows that there are 52 percent of voters that i agree with that government plan. the plan is to close the $26 billion budget deficit by increasing taxes. this plan that the governor has has not been able to get to the state legislature. nw will be right back. the annual easter it will is under way. --easter egg roll. (music) (asinging) >>mark: we could see some changes with the forecast. altamont good morning marc. you can see below ceiling heights. there's a lot of low cloud cover squeezing out some rain drops. as we head into tomorrow we're going to try it. we have a nice trend, a warming trend, and drying trend. here is a look at your radar. we're seeing some spotty showers. mist outside this per hour. you are looking at the beat friend.a weak front. where 21 as beat patrick the rest of the week. we can get a storm it through the week that will produce and wet weather. cable actually be dry. --we will actually be dry. at the current our our highs will be into the mid '60s for santa rosa. 61 in downtown san francisco and temperatures in to the south bay. they could reach 66 degrees and moscow those. it could be breezy, the winds could get testy at times. by the weekend we will have highs into the upper 70's or even low 80s. george? >>george: keeping a close eye on the bay bridge where we have had an accident reported. no hot spots get around the bay area and thankfully the upper deck has been cleared and of the traffic lanes. it was a tough for them to slow the meter in lights. d.c. any cars moving it through there at all? give eloquent and a glittering lights. ---they have cranked up the neighboring lights. last time we checked it was flown from here and now is backing up towards the entire toll plaza. look at this, stopped. the accident is off the upper deck. the leader of lights will be slowed until the traffic starts to clear. they should open it up just a bit. your ride to the san mateo bridge has no problems, no delays and an easy commute in both directions. the golden gate bridge ride on a one sit down it is the worst ride you'll have coming into our county. it is a smith commute and a set of directions. --southbound >>darya: @ developing story where gunfire kills two and injured five. will tran it is with the latest. do you have anything new? >>will: nothing. have not heard back from that department, they like to communicate through e-mail. we are where the shooting took place at speech of his. here is the video we got placed. --sweet jimmies. to have died. for another are in the hospital, two are women. a person tried to go into, he was denied access and shocked court heard not long after. two other people witnessed the incident. the percent took off in that part but they're not releasing a description of the park. --car. a little while later while the police were investigating at around the block at spain that there arekimbals shots were fired. the victim was shot in the ankle. not life- threatening. they brought the two witnesses down to the police station and at this point they're not called suspects, only witnesses. we're trying to get the condition of the two people that are in critical condition. hopefully people hear back from highland hospital. just to show you how brazen and shooting as we have showed you the location of the nightclub. for those to be that do not know oakland a very well look at this, this is beat oakland police station. nonetheless and murders took place. >>darya: that is a lot of people injured. it pontians, two killed and five injured. >>mark: after a series of armed robberies and happening amount of light merit, many people rocked for walking and brought the late. they were in held at gunpoint. --in broad daylight, held at gun point. one man was sitting on a bench. another woman was walking her dog. there was a man who is driving his mercedes as tv and was involved in several robberies. police and vallejo are searching for at man who was shot and killed on april 16th. these are a bonus from the 711 on the day of the shooting appeared near hoping that yours will recognize somebody and the pictures. police say somebody opened fire at a man shoulsitting in his car. >>darya: the golden gate bridge, gray and misdeed this morning. traffic is pretty heavy debt we will be right back. >>mark: is a little rainy this afternoon. >>darya: part is going to be changing their seats. the transit agency is beginning a monthslong tour a "seat lab" and try out different options, widths and heights. >> we are testing different elements and this is by far the widest. this is a current the seat. and also links the aisle narrow. if we coat to a narrow receipt we will all-out war i'll room. people who are bringing larger objects that have suitcases are born to have more room. here are four different seats that have tested for leg space. sunday it vantage is you can get more seats in this one. if there is some inherent and i want to get it. verses this there is a lot more like space. there'd be less seat senate. it is whenever you need to achieve that balance of comfort and convenience. >>darya: we have been discussed and agreed that three of us here in the studio, what is one born? the aisle? the seat?--more important? the display is at the metro center and if you go there today the new cars will start coming in at 100 at a time. starting in 2017 which is not that far off, it will take them until 2020 for two will demolish it.4 to r. cook about this i have been knocked a school and i said is when the. and pleasant. i am from portland and this is nothing compared to that. it rains day after day we have had a lousy winter in the spring. i'm looking for to getting better than this in the days to come. i have to say right now it is kind of credit. when you see the kids heading off to school, none of them are smiling. >>louisa: getting easter snow. brash new pattern. we've seen a bit of snow fall this morning over the passes. a bit of light snow and strong and gusty winds up there as well. we're trying out not just in this year but in that day. we will start off with the radar and as great mention of lot of cloud cover out there. we are seeing a misty rain. things are starting to dry and it did. spot a it sells, not much in the way of anything heavy. it is really just a week for and that is passing through. breaking off the pressure system for a lot of cloud cover. as the head into tomorrow it was dressed nicely. in fact, bring the temperature is up. towards temperatures came to the news. we're sitting in the '50s by the afternoon today. will hold our temperatures into the 60s, 65 and said rosa, 65 in richmond. in the south bay we could see maybe a 60 degree rating and morgan hill. along the coast about 57 in half moon bay. here is the seven day period last of we're putting reno and a forecast we could get gusty winds at time. temperatures will go into the '70s. upper '50's, low sixties around the coastward saturday, sunday at the missile war. george? >>george: we are not looking at any major incidents in the bay area. no hot spots. here at the bay bridge toll plaza that damage is done. this is the slowest traffic. there was an accident for eight minutes on the upper deck. look how they have slowed them metering lights. you see any cards love it here. the backup is continuing to grow for the west bound for a purge. almost back to the edge of the macarthur it etch. again, i'll lane is walking on the upper deck. all lanes are clear and have been for 18 to 20 minutes. there was an accident that blocked the middle lane was spain for eight minutes. demeter and let's have been cranked way down. san mateo bridge has been a problem for all morning long. no delays across the span and the golden gate bridge ride as we continue to urge that is a little heavier now but still no problems and the rise to more and county is still pretty good. south bend and a look at this and as a traffic is beginning to get a little bit sluggish year. heading up towards trembled all occurs wrote. terry? >>darya: thank you very much. it the san francisco cable line is go into be shut down this week. a closure begins today and it could last this week until friday. sachs you could expect traffic delays lawman's crews are doing their work. there's a bar to go up to the very best writers and fair runners. the board of directors has approved a 5 percent hike for each of the next five years. the golden gate bridge faces a bed and 89 million deficit over that period. the fare increase goes increase on july 1st. will automate smart customers service, and for time jobs. >>mark: at the sharks are looking to close at the kings. it the home team as only 81 once. al is to the sharks in the first game. the sharks will star in game 6. they allowed it 3 can't goals. the giants are facing off against the it braves. they defeated a series and this time the result was a bit different. the of blanchette brands sweeping the defending world series champions in this game went 9-6. fear that beard. but the giants and now one game below 500. is running at 10 per game road trip. across the bay the oakland a's are up. 3 game series against the mariners. they still the place it 5-2 victory. >>darya: may be your estimate of these. that is typical of what did well this weekend. rio, cashing in as the number one hand. making $26 million. followed by no. 2 which as midday as big happy family that may 25.8 million parent water for elephants made 17 planned $5 million. >>mark: we will be right back discomfort countries. here is a live look inside at the san francisco bridge. faulty and let. --foggy and wet. fact panel will come back to kron4 news, looking at the hot spot. the bay bridge. the traffic is moving local at the heart of the toll plaza. for a mere eight minutes snacks and lock the upper deck. the meeting lights have been slowed to a back up. is to the end of and it remains and the approach. this is the slowest traffic in the bay area. >>darya: @ thank-you, the countdown has become for the big day, william and kate getting married. the royal wedding is happening at westminster abbey. all of england is exciting and in the bus. >> reporter: london is buzzing with last-minute preparations to ensure that everything is as perfect as of their tell friday. i comment ours, to marry and that will likely be king. it could be the biggest event in britain since a another royal wedding nearly 30 years ago. then i remembered charles and diana's wedding. >> reporter: they hope that it will lift spirits across britain and beyond. >> of the world needs it. but is excited. people are happy is a great atmosphere. >> reporter: the guest list includes dignitaries and celebrities like paul and john.elton john. the procession it to westminster abbey will begin with the outside. buckingham palace. they're hoping that 2 billion viewers around the world will be watching. it will be broadcast on youtube. they're stepping up security for the high-profile event to nearly 5000 police officers will be deployed. helicopters will perform aerial sweeps. they will retreat at it as not to disturb the ceremony. i baby a little bit biased bid up the dust of this pageantry like the british. on friday morning kate milton will be driven across this very spot as a 29 year-old woman making her way to westminster abbey. she will have her life changed forever. >>darya: you do not want to miss that. this is an historical moment. you can't capture it everything on kron4 news starting at 2 i am. will have live coverage of that it will wedding. >>mark: we will be right back as the news continues until 11:00 a.m.. another historic moment is dead date to breakers race. programming note, exclusive coverage of the 100 zazzle, bay to breakers on kron4 that will be sunday, may 15th, beginning at 8:00 a.m. and welcome back to kron4 news. your watching the weather at the golden gate. it does little miserable out there to start the day. >>louisa: is an ugly start to normandy. here is a shot of low cloud cover. this happen this morning. it could be producing more moisture with the misty rain. we're or to continue with light rain throughout the day. into the afternoon hours there is a better chance of trying out into the latter part of your day and into tomorrow. once we start trying out the temperatures will a warm-up for the weekend. your radar is showing things improving. we have isolated cells working the way to the east and the art showing spotty showers into morgan hill area. the airport to head into the rest of the day but the rains tapered off. keeping all the cloud cover art around and squeezing out the occasional shower, your satellite shows that it is a weak front and it is not producing anything in the wake of heavy rain. come tomorrow when to dry out of it. we're going to watch another system passed to the north producing that what appeared your one to stay dry for a good, long, stretch. the weather is in the '50s with all lot of movement, we will stay in the '50s for the last couple of hours and going forward. 60 degrees in san francisco and the degree 19 richmond. as you had to set the a beacon atop that out at 66 from moscow's and morgan hill. 55 degrees and not to be. --not to and need. google customer wins round and in nice pleasant forecast at around with temperatures into upper 50s and low sixties for the coast. for the weekend we might squeeze out and integrate it rating. george? to my tracking to hotspot in the west bound direction. we have a good ride heading from the altamont pass into livermore from dublin over the great in castro valley. it is a much slower ride than you expect regard to accidents, one that redwood and both the out of the traffic lanes. they are a visual hazard penciling your ride nonetheless of, your it next is not that bad. the traffic through livermore and 3-d all to what passes is lighter than usual by evil make up for out with heavy air traffic here between dublin and castro valley. that paper to saucepot this morning as well. in the wake of an earlier reoccurring accident the meter and light sport slow down so much that it pushed back upright to democratic base. the 80 approach is the best we've seen in a while. your ride to his habit to a bridge as we continue is a much better right as you can see with the west bound and the golden gate bridge ride is problem for is well. both directions, to and from marine capt. >>darya: thank you, it is eight 03 a.m. and we of two separate shootings in oakland. two people were killed and five others were injured. right now we are following the investigation with kron4 news will tran. will let you know right now? >>louisa: we have not heard back from the oakland police department but we do know that the it people in hospital have been in stable condition after being shot at speed jimmy's on the 300 block from jack london square and here we have a shooting that took place at 1230 this morning. the police officers were here for about five hours while they conducted the investigation. can't tell you according to an officer that we spoke to one person try to go into sweetenings. we do not know what that person was not allowed to go inside to keep large inside. shots were fired in all six victims. two people died at the scene. that person fled into the car and dare say he is not the person. we will not release a description of a car. they are not releasing a description of the car. there was another shooting that they had her while they were investigating street jimmies. the it person shot kimballs. was a in the ankle. non-life threatening. we're still looking to hear back from the oakland police department. i can tell you that that to people that died here were ignited. we do not know the gender of the two people that are in stable condition, we've tried to talk to family members. they came down moments after the shooting. (no audio) have nothing to say. we are filling members of the bit them. as soon as i hear back from the oakland police department that anymore information. according to the surgery that we spoke to at the scene that has elevated (no audio) >>darya: what will has been trying to say if there might be a point where they will have a press conference but the police chief. that happens we will bring it to live. >>mark: at early morning fire has been battles near vallejo and greene streets in san francisco. a dozen people displaced. jackie sissel has more. >> reporter: an early- morning house buyer sends to people to the hospital on the 1500 block of upholstery. the fire broke out at around 1230 a m according to san francisco apartment. what they discovered was that the three and a building it was on fire. they were able to put it out relatively quickly and they were able to extinguish the flames. the people inside of the units, they were sent to local hospital. one had minor cuts to his feet. the other two had minor smoke inhalation. they're all expected to be fine and there was a nearby building that was also evacuated for a short time. those folks are expected to be back in and we do know that they are investigating. results of what happened are not available yet. and >> won hundreds of fish have been found dead. there was a storage facility of fire and heat, smoke and foam used by fire fighters was a factor in the fish in debt. several hundred fish were found dead along the 100 mi. stretch and the 78,000 sq. ft. building caught fire on wednesday it was not contained until friday. >>darya: is6:00 a.m. it is 6 is eight 06 a.m. will be ripped up. ñ# ái >> george: welcome back to the kron 4 news. looking at a hot spot, the bay bridge, an early-morning accident cleared from the lanes. the resulting back up reaches a break into the maze. >> darya: same old story, and light gray hue a lot of clout, sprinkles. let's check the big board, the dow is down 56 points. >> mark: gas prices are aless sr demand and lower gas prices may keep it from passing the all-time record or $11 cents a gallon we ask drivers how high would have to get? >> $5. >> 6-$7. >> $7 i guess that's ridiculous. the guy told myself $4, now i am not sure. i have to try to work. >> even if it was at $20 a gallon i would still have to buy gas. . for 11 that's the highest the national average has been, in the bay area we always pay more san francisco $4.27 oakland and san jose $4.22. >> darya: we will be back with more in just a couple of minutes. gary is back so we will chat with him about what is going on. >> darya: where heavy the year for military. >> gary: i missed everyone. i am glad you guys are still on. >> darya: to nanette 11, we're still on. what happened let's talk about what jim s. some sharks, >> at didn't miss anything. >> darya: what you think of the sharks? >> gary: we're at the sharks' game on thursday night. fisher is one. i still don't know had the people work for a living good these events.? $250 for two tickets, a park for $24. they have to get your kids some jersey's that's another 75-$80, a server, hot dogs. and not planning on just saying. it amazes me when people play to see their teams. hist >> darya: i agree. luckily your willing to shut up out for your family. -- sell out. >> gary: it look like they were going to wrap it up on thursday, people were booing the kings. and then the kings comeback. hockey win augusta post-season it really elevates. regular-season all right, fine. post-season is really good. saturday night, four shots, 3 run in. >> darya: not good. >> gary: high rate in a bet against the sharks the detector when one of two. if that happened to lose tonight in a comeback wednesday stop bad me talk about the golan missy those, and was looking at the bullpen. >> darya: as they get soaked in the series to them for the first time over the weekend, he gave up six hits. >> gary: walks. >> darya: that's the most of his career. >> gary: atlanta has a something 500 team. they beat the giants are first time since last june. that they'd been swept three straight home. >> darya: it was unbelievable. >> gary: it's funny what that world championship is done. it the chance that it can win, 11 lost record without the championship people would be ripping them. >> darya: instead road holding on. under listening to every word they >> . like it to them and buster have both spoken out about this expanding. there was a bad idea. put a band and hand he can do no wrong. >> gary: they're terrific. just when yang says give i don't like it, its exclusive? at no eye but no one else is really speaking out. these two are talking. i will say this and a nice way, if by adding another round of playoffs, it enables the owners to make 12 $13 a year, it's about money that that enables that i didn't like them going to go 11:00 with the morning news but i didn't complain. >> darya: luckily it's not killing us. while you're gone, buster to you know about his sister? >> gary: and issues a great player. >> darya: natalie is she a great player but, there was a better week by, she had a home run cycle in a double header. she get a single, double, triple. she did the whole thing. >> gary: get rid of him and bring her in. the only thing is i'm surprised to get across the bridge. >> darya: but it's nice out there. >> gary: it's beautiful he says it reminds some of his hometown. i've again like to drive from that age. >> darya: you also missed, i don't understand how this works but m.l. be is taking over the dodgers. speak-e talk about sports talk it's like a holiday. everybody's saying because he tried to get out, not so fast is going to see them. the ex- wife can amount to things they should take it out. any kind of wonder will they get caught? is our happens next? >> apparently the straw that broke the back is this guy coming years ago he on parking lots in boston. supposedly he leverage everything to by the dodgers. and had to borrow, 25 or $30 million to make payroll. and that sort broke the bank is they don't want when you start borrowing money to make payroll, especially a franchise like the dodgers it looks bad. who knows to get the panic moving want to do that. >> reporter: >> gary: i think if the all of baseball. >> darya: that a lot. it couldn't happen to a nicer people we all love the dodgers. they didn't play 15 one year, they made like a hundred million or something. but they didn't pay 15 of income tax. >> gary: you should've heard the radio down there, my wife was telling me to turn that off. >> darya: i cannot even believe your wife is going to lead to get away for that you go from holiday, you're enjoying yourself gillette's you go to a game. >> gary: i went to lay the land and marine world so give me a break. >> darya: i love lego land. >> gary: you turn right, there's someone sitting nearby. that's the way it is selling out. have you ever been to santa barbara? >> darya: it's nice. as the year in pajamas. >> mark: quick update barry area weather, light showers showing up and to near antioch. i eat zero as well a lot that's not showing up as the heavy drizzle. >> george: heavy traffic at the bay bridge in a hot spot this morning with an earlier reoccurring accident cleared now from the lanes but slow traffic begins in the maze. complete check with another hot spot coming up. >> darya: team coverage continues with jackie sissel he is live taking a peek at their record. traffic is not a problem but it is wet out there. >> reporter: alive of the same, awfully gray out here it took me by surprise. i didn't expect to see the rain this morning. it's never been a real heavy but it's been a constant drizzle all morning long. don't put away those umbrellas yet. >> even though they say after today we won't need them i guess it's good to keep it. that storm tore just will not close. >> mark: we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. kron4 morning news continues in two m. i am an allergy analyst. bermuda grass. ragweed. willow. i am a dander decoder. chihuahua. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about allergy relief. >> darya: good morning, welcome back, two separate shootings in oakland that killed two people injured in five. will tran has been following this story into these two shootings. have they been able to figure out if they're connected? >> will: they don't appear to be connected at this time coming from reports i am still trying to hear back from the oakland police department i can tell you if it all started here. you can see the restaurant there, the nightclub there. here's a video that i got rid after the shooting took place. apparently, one person was denied entry we're not sure exactly why he was not allowed by the still barged in. multiple shots were fired injuring four other people. two men, two women in hospital in critical condition. to others in stable condition. a total of six people hit. will they were investigating the scene there was another shooting one block away at another popular nightclub. is on the 200 block of washington. that person was shot in the ankle. we're not sure what the motive was for that shooting. still hoping to hear back from the police department in terms of these to the shootings. we're hoping to hear back i put in another phone call to them as wasn't e-mail. in the meantime, let me show you just tell brazen the shootings were, to amises here on brought their way. whoever did the shooting, they probably know that the oakland police department is just right up there road. that white building is the oakland police department. it did not take them very long to come down here. there was also restaurants open at the time. we went inside to see if we could talk to them they said the shift that was working at the time left already, went home. or also looking for surveillance video at this time. as soon as i get more affirmation on these two shootings which appear not to be related i will let this note. >> darya: thank you, >> mark: mark? at a vauquelin this morning, police are shooting for several suspects most of them happened around lake merritt. many the people rob to say there were rocking in broad daylight when there were held up by gunpoint. she was robbed later on that day a victim around by two people at gunpoint. then on saturday police say someone driving a mercedes was involved in multiple armed robberies. police in vallejo are searching for a person who shot and killed the man they're just releasing these foes. police though one of our viewers will recognize someone. it happened around 1:00 a.m.. police say someone opened fire on a man who was sitting in his car. >> louisa: not a very nice dirtier monday. overcast conditions still continue to hang out. let roadway is outside looks like anything we do say will stay very, very late. as we had been to tomorrow, we will stay dry and warm up nicely. it looks a bit better at this hour we are trying out quite a bit. we're seeing a little bit of rain pushing on through the delta. it is really starting to let there as well. as we had through there's a better chance of trying out it is a weak system that is pushing through. to the rest of the week we will warm up nicely, staying dry. current temperatures, were in the '50s in most locations. as we head into the afternoon will jump up to about 60, 61 degrees in san francisco along the coast 50s 57 degrees expected for half moon bay 64 livermore. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. breezy but we will stay dry. cloud cover tomorrow into wednesday. by the weekend upper '70's and 80's. >> george: interstate-580 into castro valley really jammed. starting to clear out. and new problem is here on 80 northbound at marina boulevard and axa blocks the middle lane and is backing the traffic up for the drive into oakland. here red to the bay bridge, westbound, and early morning accident that for a 11-12 minutes blocked lanes westbound that was enough to turn the meeting letdown we have not recovered. the big cut builds, the easier approach is jammed. allow extra time. slow traffic begins in the maze. bridge check, san mateo looks good and no problems here or for the golden gate bridge although we are seeing slower traffic in marin then we saw last friday heavy traffic cells of lucas valley road it will clear up a bit. darya? >> darya: bart is going to replace its aging rail cars there some of the oldest in the nation. the transit agency is beginning a monthslong survey of riders today to gauge what they want in a bart seat. participants can tour a "seat lab" and try out different options, including seats of varying widths and heights. >> reporter: it is a laboratory, that i will be setting up around the bay area complete was seized you may want to live with it is by far the white is see, this is a car birdseed. it mixes in the aisle, if you go to an error see to you also allow more i'll room. here are four different seeds. its shows the distance between the seats in front of you. and there someone here i'm going to have to get out to let them to get out. sources this, there's a lot more legazpi's. less seat senate. to achieve that balance of comfort and convenience. sarah >> reporter: if you prefer hard classic, what ever ready they choose will show up on the new cars. >> darya: it is that the mentor center auditorium. >> mark: a quick break, as the kron 4 morning news continues until 11:00 a.m. snow is coming down rain now. [ female announcer ] here are some great reasons to switch to at&t. [ spokesman ] we make it easy for you to compare at&t... to cable. so what's the difference? at&t's just a better bundle. see for yourself. [ female announcer ] get u-verse tv and internet, plus choose home phone or wireless voice service, starting at $89 a month -- it's our lowest price ever. switch and get the hd-ready dvr at no extra charge. with u-verse tv, you can record up to four shows at once from any room... on a single dvr... and play them back... on any tv. nice. get wireless service on the nation's fastest mobile broadband network. i'd love that. frank! over here! [ female announcer ] just go online to call to get three services starting at $89 a month. switch and get the hd-ready dvr included at no extra charge. you can even choose wireless voice service. at&t, right? you got it. [ female announcer ] it's easy to compare online at and see for yourself. >> mark: welcome back to the kron 4 news. st. louis missouri airport is reopened after getting slammed by a tornado here is that view officials say they hope to have been operating at about 85 percent capacity by the afternoon we have video to show you of the tornado that the rate to the airport blowing out windows you can see the wind in the class pushing through as ec security agents running. the win justice to peck at. watch what happens here, the ceiling panels and everything in the airport being blown through. several people cut but no major injuries. with outside over a hundred homes have been damaged amazingly said no one was seriously injured or killed. in kentucky severe storms crating big problems as the homeowners here do with the aftermath of strong of violent twins. a part of this home ripped off leaving a hole and remanent scattered. it toppled trees and tossed a camper. >> darya: a severe drought has led to the devastating wildfires we are seeing in texas. they've been burning for a couple of weeks more than a million acres have burned so far. it is not clear how much rain they got on this 127,000 a. area. two churches destroyed 160 homes. gabrielle giffords has been cleared by her doctors to watch her husband, mark kelly, launch into space aboard the shuttle endeavor on its final mission friday. giffords hasn't been seen in public since she was shot in the head january 8, and though her doctors say her speedy recovery puts her in the top 5 percent of patients recovering from such an injury. kelly is the commander of the shuttle mission and president barack obama and his family should be there for the launch. this is the first time congresswoman gabrielle giffords has traveled since she was flown to tucson for rehab after she was shot. >> mark: a quick break as the kron 4 morning news continues until 11:00 a.m. a live look here at the san mateo bridge. a little wet but traffic is moving well. programming note, exclusive coverage of the 100 zazzle, bay to breakers on kron4 that will be sunday, may 15th, beginning at 8:00 a.m. we will have cameras all along the course capturing the serious race and then the fun sunday may 15th that a.m. with a rebroadcast at 8:00 p.m.. i'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions. >> mark: welcome back to the kron 4 news. moron our team weather coverage. >> reporter: it is a lot of rat of pictures so i actually come motive had more is wins. i found this on the sidewalk, this is what kind of damage can be done. someone left behind i guess they given up on it. it's unpleasant but not that nasty. unfortunately, it is clammy. >> mark: thank you, now, here is a look at the weather. >> louisa: really were dealing with now is an overcast, low cloud hanging around. really light rain. it's a mixed. we're watching the band of light rain raid on to concord, highly-4. as we ride in it out those locations are tapering off. seeing it died down. it looks like we will continue to see it die down as we had to the weekend. a weak front that's passing through. tomorrow, we will try as it and see a nice little warm- up. ---dry out. buddy after noon will bring our high is up to the '60s. 63 degrees for vallejo. 66 morgan hill, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay.. tomorrow we'll try we might see some gusty wind lingering around. upper 60s around the bay. the weekend and i saw the warming trend. >> george: tracking a hot spot, traffic has been backed up to the maze. that's where the slowing begins. 800 purchase heavy from the diamond lane. there was an accident on the upper deck. it didn't stay there very long period long enough to get them metering lights down to a stop in the westbound. for most it begins in the maze. we will continue our bridge check in a moment. other hotspot 80 northbound, the back up is growing with an accident that still blocks the middle lane. it is heavy going on the east shore freeway let slide the maps as you head westbound interstate 80 down through hercules, albany even down to emeryville. which begins right now around university ave. around the berkeley curve. slow traffic starts at 24, even 24 is a bit slow coming down past children's hospital. still heavy been no delays, golden gate problem free. for 10 1/7 pounds. >> mark: wal-mart is testing home delivery. as it looks for ways to be competition wal-mart to go. it lets customers order groceries, household supplies on line and choose when to drop them on. they're trying of the experiment in san jose. san as a tester to their weight, more than 600 city workers will be notified that they may be losing their jobs by the end of june. city leaders say the pension system is unattainable. unless it's fixed even more jobs will be lost. the mayor has been working with unions but no agreement has been reached. in belmont, the city council is meeting to decide what to do about a joint fire department. they're served by one joint fire department and that could change san carlos is looking to trim $1 million from their budget. one option is to contract out their services. the firefighters' union has taken at an ad in local newspapers and going door- to-door to major concern to residents show up for the meeting. >> darya: hundreds of part- time elected officials receive full-time health care benefits. at your expense. it shows that more than 60 percent of small cities and nearly half of school districts prided full-time health care benefits to its elected leaders who only attend meetings once or twice a month. and news survey says a majority of voters back with jerry brown would like to do to close the budget deficit. the poll released shows 52 percent of voters agree with brown's budget plan, 38 percent against it. that's the plan that would close the deficit. it is a plan the governor has not been able to get through the state legislator. >> mark: be at the fog become a drizzly in san francisco. >> mark: welcome back to the kron 4 news. a man shot multiple times and in terms of to the hospital. he told officers he was shot when he stopped his car look at a cell phone. >> darya: police search and find these three masked people. they broke into a and jewelry store earlier this month. you can see the face of one of them there on the right. the brewers broke a window of a jeweler's gallery on petaluma boulevard. it was april 12th. they got in, smashed glass braincases stealing jewelry. the three are believed to of fled the area and in your four-door white nissan maxima are ultima it had tinted windows. >> mark: drivers can expect traffic delays along the palo high where maintenance crews do their work that closure begins today. it is part of the on going rehab and maintenance for these lines. fares are going up,golden gate transit and golden gate ferry fares are going up. on friday, the and transportation district's board of directors unanimously approved increases over the next five years.the fare port of san francisco is imposing a 25- cent surcharge for each passenger boarding or alighting at the at&t park ferry dock. the increases over five years are expected to generate $2.6 million in additional revenue and the anticipated loss of ridership because of the fare increases is estimated at 1.8 percent. >> darya: taking a look at what was paid over the box office. 1. rio - $26.8m for the second weekend in a row. 2. tyler perry's madea's big followed by happy family - $25.8m 3. water for elephants - $17.5m lindsay lohan instead of acting trying her hand at cleaning. as a temporary reprieve from her four months jail sentence she has to start 480 hours of community service. she was sentenced to jail and community service on friday after the judge decided she violated her probation. if she does not like it that's too bad, she has or five days a week for three months, eight hours a day, that would take how long it would be to complete all the service. i'm sure do all like that. her first job is downtown womens' center in skid row, she also has to work get l.a.'s county morgue. she still does face the trial for the necklace left. >> mark: a buckinghams' facebook pose got him pull off throw wedding use offensive terms to describes pat is the indians. considering the pros do with an inappropriate for and participate in this friday's wedding between prince william and kate middleton. we will begin our coverage it to in the morning. bay area baseball, the giants face off against the braves, the team they defeated to win the national league division serious. that was last year different story this time around, the braves sweep the world series champions, a winning bet last game yesterday 9-6 as the giants' bullpen breaks down. the giants are one game below 500. up to seattle, the a's earning a series but against the mariners, 3 hits, three runs, 5-2 victory. >> darya: bay area bargains we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. i live look at san as they try to dry out traffic is quite light. ♪ let's see you fly now! [ laughs ] look, more frequent flyer red tape. not on my watch. let that family fly! [ tires screech ] i just wanted to use miles to take my family on vacation, but -- let me guess -- restrictions through the roof. that's right. not anymore. rapid rewards has your back. [ male announcer ] join rapid rewards and enjoy unlimited reward seats, no blackout dates, and no red tape. ♪ >> will: people killed all five into the into separate a club shooting spirit coming up of the details. >> darya: destinations into a fire that sent three people to the hospital this placing dozens. >> mark: prices jumping 115 in two weeks there's some good news, prices may have finally peaked. >> darya: maybe we're starting to drive out its and the left rear and wetter earlier. here's our live shot, it looks more foggy. what do you say? >> louisa: a few more raindrops but the bulk of it has passed on through. we will continue a lot of cloud cover into the morning. light rain this morning, drying out as we head into to tomorrow. next weekend we have are pretty pleasant forecast. your radar showing as much improved conditions compared to a few hours ago still seeing spotty showers on the radar. reid gunter that delta, it is tapering at this point, winding down even the central valley starting to see that little friend breaking apart. really just was a weak system we might see another little weak system in the next few days it does not look like it will produce any oil rain. right now were in the '50s, in the afternoon highs into the '60s. napa, fairfield, but not local. we should bring is a 60 degree reading. says bay mid-60s. 66 los gatos, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. after today will keep those raindrops out of the forecast to mar a gusty winds are expected it will be dry maybe a few clouds hanging around, lot of sunshine in store. it looks like it will be a fairly simple forecast. temperatures in the '70s in the inland spots low sixties for the coast saturday, sunday weather really starts improving we might even squeeze out some '80s. >> george: bay bridge is a hot spot and so is their right to end on interstate 80 e. shore free way or the westbound traffic backs up from highway 4, the back up really begins at san pablo remaining heavy all the way down to the lower east shore freely. backing up the traffic on interstate 580. the back up is not as bad into the maze. bay bridge, you will see why it's been hot spot this morning it was an accident on the upper deck that blocked lanes for about 11 minutes that was enough to cause the metering lights to slow. bridge check, san mateo bridge. problem free all morning long. natalie is the golden gate bridge a good ride southbound we've cleared out most of the slow traffic. >> darya: two shootings leave two people dead, five injured. >> will: good morning, we don't know the motive for the for shooting that took place here. i can tell you what led up to read according to the police department, here's video that we shot a person arrives tries to go inside for whatever reason they would not let them inside. he still managed to bar-chen multiple shots fired, six people shot all together. two men died to others rushed to the hospital in critical condition we have learned their women. to others in stable condition. according to a police officer i spoke to the says no one returned fire maybe this came at of nowhere. the victims did not know that this was coming. will they were investigating the shooting at ste. jimmies. one block away at campbell's, here's video that seen this is also a very popular nightclub another person was shot. of course not life-threatening injuries we understand according to some reports the two shootings are not related still have not heard back from the oakland police department. hoping to hear back from them. according to the officer we spoke to the scene he says this might an elevated to the point where they might need a news conference well we get more information from the oakland police department let me show you just have brazen this attack was for those who might not know oakland very well that to night clubs won on broadway one on washington they are just down the road from the oakland police department you can see that building where many officers worked the overnight it did not take them very long to get to the scene. as soon as i get more information i will process all along. oakland, the back to you. >> mark: early-morning fire to tell you about 1500 block between vallejo and green. a dozen people displaced. jackie sissel has the details. an early-morning house buyer sends three people to the hospital. a broke out around 12:30 p.m. when they got here a quickly lead to a second alarm. what they discovered was a three unit building was on fire they were able to put it out. it took 15-20 minutes. there were some people inside of those units, three of those people said to a local hospital. the other two with minor smoke inhalation. all are expected to be fine. there was another building nearby evacuated for a short time. those folks are expected to be back in we do know the task force has been investigating the results are unknown. >> mark: hundreds of fish have been found dead after this fire destroyed a storage facility. the heat, smoke, foam are likely factors. several hundred fish found dead. this 78,000 sq. ft. building caught fire on wednesday. causes under investigation. >> darya: we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. and live look at san francisco, a little sluggish. 101 southbound and very great. ♪ [ female announcer ] the counter. in most homes, it gets all the action. bring it. getting it clean again is easy with bounty. in this lab test, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface cleaner than 3 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ why use more when you can use less? ♪ super durable, super absorbent, super clean. bounty. the one-sheet clean picker-upper. >> george: be shedding its use of extra time that they did. specialists but traffic on the east shore freeway, interstate 80 the back up begins in san paulo its heavy all the way to the curve and then to the toll plaza. >> mark: wall street, the data jones is down 36, nasdaq is at a fraction. s&p 500 down 2.5. more people bought new homes in march as the commerce department is in new-home sales and up 11% to around 300,000 homes. that follows three straight months of declines it could take years before new home sales returned to a healthy place. >> darya: gas prices jumped 115 analysts are thinking that prices may have peaked. this is according to the latest survey. analysts are seeing a lower demand, slower growth of prices that may keep gas from passing the all-time record average of $4.11 a gallon. naturally the record is not closed here in san francisco we're looking for $27 cents,. >> mark: be we will be right bah the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. >> darya: it is a jury came up there but it seems to be trying yellow. -- dreary day. and hodge rang out of little. >> reporter: i hear it's raining. it's a mess. it started off this morning about 438, i really wasn't expecting any rain. i did look at the news last name. it started drizzling. it was a heavy drizzle all morning long. it's not that heavy. its steadily saying the same all morning long. we did have some wind earlier this morning. it's just out wet london morning. it's just enough to be a nuisance >> darya: could describe it. >> louisa: it just kind of feel like london that there. the shot looks kind of person, but it is over castro across the bay. light rain that's all we can expect its kind of a weak system. certainly not expecting anything heavy it will improve. now that we've gotten into motion, light rain expected into the afternoon a better chance of trying to out in the evening. clouds sticking around after that smooth sailing. storm tracker 4 is much improved, really starting to see things dry it out. really tapering out. satellite, radar does show that weak front sliding down into the south east behind that we will try out as we had an to tomorrow. dry weather around for the week. not expecting any wet weather. by the weekend temperatures skyrocket even a few eighties. at her fifties and monday, san jose 57 concord, 54 san francisco. at highs today '60s. 60 in san francisco, 61 for richmond and san rafael. south bay 66 degree temperature and los gatos, morgan help. along the coast 50s. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. -- morgan hill. we will try it out tomorrow, temperatures should stay into the '70s throughout the work week. sixties around the bay. by the weekend we might reach the east. >> george: iran and anastasia 80 still way behind schedule. especially since we've been seeing lighter than usual traffic. when accident earlier in the morning hours that caused the metering lights to be slowed. by vera eckert is not as bad. it is still slow. is the e zero e shore ride that is heavy all the way from the 580 merge. slow traffic coming in from the richmond san rafael bridge. san mateo bridge, problem free all morning long. no delays. highly-101 not only good premarin but across the golden gate incident free. -- good through marin. >> mark: airport is reopened in st. louis. after was hit by or tornado. officials say they hope to have it operating at 85% of capacity by this afternoon new surveillance video you can see some of the damage. look at the class, debris flying through the airport s t e s eight people go running. the wind starts blowing as the twister blew out windows, watch what happens. the ceiling tiles, everything getting blown through the airport. with dozens of windows blown out. 500 people in the airport at the time. some suffered some cuts from flying glass. no major injuries. it damaged over a hundred homes, no one seriously injured. here's video of severe weather at of kentucky. as the roof is rudolph of this home, tossing atoms surround even a camper was tossed around from the storm. >> darya: the severe drought has led to some devastating wildfires in texas. let's take a look at the video as they try to fight these fires more than 1 million a. have burned the had storms that moved through overnight so far not really making a dent. 127 a. fire in three counties of lung. so far to churches destroyed 166 homes. gabby gifford of arizona is going to be able to attend mark tully's space shuttle launch on friday. her doctors have given a green light to fly to cape canaveral. she will be the commander of the shuttle mission. president obama and his family are supposed to be there this'll be the first time the congresswoman gabrielle giffords has traveled since being flown to houston and to shot in the head on january 8th. >> mark: gaddafi's compound was bombed details coming up a live look here at 80 it looks like it's clearing out. >> george: welcome back to the kron 4 news. bay bridge, we're starting to see some improvement. grat back up to the macarthur maze but rate to the end of it. the improvements as traffic is starting to move, that back up is no longer to the diamond lane. >> darya: at p get their radar, a gray, a jury at the golden key. can see much of the radar but we do still have that sharrie missed hanging around. all the latest nato air strikes have targeted gadhafi's compound. it is unclear whether gaddafi it was near at the time for people were injured. today's strike news -- a passenger on a flair air light her room has been taken into custody after trying to attack a flight attendant and divert the plane to libya. the man was brandishing and nail clipper against a flight attendant and happen last name. u.s. subdued by the other flight attendants. all 131 passengers landed in room safely. afghan officials say more than 400 inmates have escaped from the main prison. taliban insurgents deck an underground tunnel into the prison to lead the inmate to get out. 470 inmates walked out into the city many of those are being held. >> mark: japanese soldiers are fanning and out in a massive search for thousands of bodies still missing. the soldiers are scouring the region for remains swept to sea. some 12,000 people are still missing. today is saying it's company plummeted 26% to 2 parts supply crunch. it destroyed many factories in the northeastern part of the country that is causing shortages for tarot >> darya: following the latest, said as a traffic is all cleared out, the roads are drying out. still louis a little breezy. >> darya: on the left and steve storm tracker 4 and how the shower activity degree in their, it has moved up from the bay area. still gray about bridges. at top the bay bridge which has got a back up still at this hour. it is still misty out there. >> mark: two separate shootings this morning and to night clubs to dead 5 injured will trend is live in oakland. >> the nightclub is right behind me it's called sweet jimmies. here's video we got of the shooting, police officers were here for five hours collecting evidence we don't know motive, we know what happened before it took place. according to a police officer he says one person tried to get into sweet jimmy's but for what ever reason was denied access. he barged in multiple shots fired, to died, at two other women were rushed to highland hospital. to others in stable condition hoping to hear back from a police department on what led up to the shooting if affect the victims and the shooter knew each other. when the police officers were investigating this screen -- scene. there's shot another popular nightclub. this one took place at campbell's. one person shot in the ankle we do not know if the shootings are related to each other. we're looking for people this morning, they did manage to bring people down. we talked to them from what they understand they're not called suspects they're called witnesses. hoping to get more affirmation and if they could possibly penpoint this shooter from all we understand one person jumped out trying to go in, they're not giving a description of the tax perk. so much of the car. apparently this might be elevated to the point where the chief of police might hold a news conference. we saw two people leave that area. leave the building. lock the doors. they put their duties on and walked away. they did not want to talk to us on camera. >> darya: oakland police are searching for who's responsible for a series of armed robberies. many of the people rob or just during regular things in broad daylight. suddenly there held up at gunpoint. a woman walking her dog on friday she was robbed later in the day. rod by two people at gunpoint. then on saturday, i'm didn't multiple armed robberies. police said vallejo are searching for over shot and killed the man, they are releasing these photos from the 7- eleven store that happens at the time of the shooting. these people were seen in the story. they're hoping some viewers may recognize these people. anyone has information call police. now, here is a look at the weather. >> louisa: a little bit of misty rain. drang had been to tomorrow. you can see all of that fresh new powder. it doesn't show much going on. this is a really weak system passing through, we will watch another one. we will stay dry after today, conditions will improve as we head towards the weekend. right now, temperatures are in the '50s, about a degree warmer than that in san rafael. then into monday, san jose, 54 for a word. afternoon highs today should stay in the '60s to the delta, north bay. temperatures should climb to the mid-60s done in the south bay. 57 at the coast. gusty winds, we could still lead times and looks like we will continue to keep cloud cover around temperatures sting in the '70s inland '60s around the bay. we could bring that warming trend into effect. high's climbing into the upper 70's, low 80s. >> george: bay bridge, it's really only partial, the best approach for the bay bridges in a state-80. because, this westbound ride no longer backed up all the way over the bay bridge cross plaza at one time is reached all the way to the post office. so as traffic in the heart of the plaza. still backed up to the berkeley cares. that's the worst approach this morning. san mateo bridge is, we continue our bridge check. no problems or delays. . golden gate, no problems. continues to be good, and damp ride. no real slowing. >> darya: thank you, but is spending nearly $3.5 million to replace cars. the transit agency is survey of riders today to gauge what they want in a widths and heights. but this board director shows as the traces. >> with testing the various elements of the seats. this is the widest, this is a current birdseed. it also makes the eye on their own. but if you go to run their street we allow more i'll room. when people are bringing on larger objects these days suitcases. if you jet will a suitcase through a narrow aisle is too crowded. these are four different seats that test the leg space sharing the distance between. the amended to be to get more seats. for someone here i'm going back to get out. to allow them to get out. then then it would be less seat senate, to achieve that balance of comfort and convenience. >> darya: you can sample the seats for yourself and see what you like. it's and oakland today, the new cars are coming on line 100 and a time in 2017-207424. >> mark: drivers can expect delays on the powell-tide line well maintenance crews do their work is the closure begins today could last until friday. as a california land has been shut down since the beginning of the year. fares are going up for the golden gate,golden gate transit and golden gate ferry fares are and transportation district's board of directors unanimously approved increases over the next five years.the fare increases start july 1. the port of san francisco is imposing a 25-cent surcharge for each passenger boarding or alighting at the at&t park ferry dock. the increases over five years are expected to generate $2.6 million in additional revenue and the anticipated loss of ridership because of the fare increases is estimated at 1.8 percent. >> darya: we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. san francisco, a downtown gray, there's a guy with an umbrella its probe is still missing. we will be back. [ woman ] everybody's looking for deals these days, and i'm not talking about saving a dollar off shampoo or two-for-one tacos or something. i'm talking about paying less -- every month. like this deal. [ female announcer ] call today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] with at&t, i'm surfing at hot spots all over town. ♪ i'm downloading music fast. and watching videos. cute! and the price is great. [ female announcer ] call at&t today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] i went looking for a deal, and at&t delivered. now, i just need to curb the shoe shopping. ♪ >> darya: welcome back to the kron 4 news. options, including a nationwide rollout of a service that lets customers order merchandise (not food) online. delivery charges for wal-mart to go start at $5.for the test, wal-mart is shipping groceries from a san jose store, packing them in tote bags and delivering them in temperature- controlled trucks that the company owns. deliveries can day. >> mark: a tough week for city workers in san jose more than 600 employees will be notified that they could lose their trust by the end of can. city leaders say the pension system they have in place is unattainable. unless it's fixed even more jobs will be lost. the mayor and city council have been working with the unions to reform the system but both sides have not reached an agreement. san carlos, this city councils there to decide whether not what to do with their fire department. the two cities are served by one fired or but that could change. one option is to contract services to a private entity. this creates the most controversy as it profit's a private contractor. they've taken an ad in local newspapers and going door-to-door to make sure concerned residents show up for tonight's meeting and vote. >> darya: hundred the part- time officials receive full- time health care benefits. nearly half of school districts provide full-time health care benefits to selected leaders who only attended meetings once or twice a month. another survey shows the majority of california voters back jerry brown's plan to help with the deficit. it shows 52 percent of voters agree with rounds of budget hand, 38 percent are against it. 14 billion in renewing our the increase taxes. it's a plan the governor has not been able to get through the state legislator. >> mark: we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments >> mark: a quick recap, top stories to people are dead, five others in the hospital, after two separate shootings the first takes place around 12:45 p.m., new jack london square the heather happened just a block away ed campbell's nightclub. the to do not appear to be related. >> darya: a fire and leaves three people on the hospital and 25 people the place to live in happened in the 1500 block of apollo's street. firefighters get ahold of it in a few minutes. no word yet on the cause. >> mark: wet weather and around the bayaround the bay, al get more on where you can affect -- ease back in just a couple moments. >> darya: kron4 is in oakland, was she still has the yen but it is coming down? >> i would say it's comparable to scotland. his reed here, this is what i found on the street on the sidewalk for bond and abandon it is windy. more the so then i would say rainy outside that's the symbol how things look. all i know of tired of the gloomy weather and clouds the remind me of my days in the pacific northwest. >> darya: jackie sissel is saying the same thing is windy, a gloomy, while london type of morning. let's see with louisa when this is all going to stop. >> louisa: we're still seeing sprinkles out there, overcast conditions just continuing to hang on. cloud cover throughout the morning into the afternoon, any rain we do see is very light. into the evening we start to dry out and that's the beginning of a different trend in weather problem. we will start to warmups' as well. not really showing much on your radar at this hour in the wet weather to the central valley is starting to taper off. satellite, radar really just shows the system is a weak front that is passing on through. not producing anything in the way of heavy rain. as we head into to tomorrow we will see things dry l. right now are in the '50s for san francisco, 58 and santa rosa. by the afternoon we should stay into the '60s. appear 61 san rafael and richmond. 60. 63 record city, temperatures in the mid to upper 60s in the south bay. some of that dream lives, gusty winds may stick around for years tuesday. for the rest of your work week will keep those temperatures '60s for the coast. by the weekend are high should skyrocket into the upper 70's even some low 80s. >> george: will the bay bridge continues to increase about still color hotspot. especially for the approach coming from the short freeway interstate 80 is still backed up. but bates your ride is no longer backed up. but slows read at the edge of the macarthur maze for their ride in from 58080 is your best approach to the bay bridge that's where we see in the biggest improvement bridge check, sematech arad, 92 problem free all morning long. it even appears as though the deck is drying out. golden gate is still wet. it is also been delayed for you for your trip across the bridge and so is the rise still through marin county. a pretty quick one with the drive time under 30 minutes. >> darya: thank you, buckingham palace guards facebook post has done him polled of thrill duty wedding. a palace guard used in an offensive term to describe palestinians people. it has taken down the facebook date considering the post it would of been inappropriate for him to participate in this fred is wedding. prince and kate are going to get married this friday, here's what kind of bets are being made on the wedding. >> reporter: and here in central london, it is a stunning day in london. the excited and about thrill net troll's is everywhere. let's find out what's going on with the bookies. >> this is one of the big ones, where the right to express on the ellipse, the cheek or the hand on the balcony. >> .... >> their yen. they will do that .... >> the whole moment, that so-called do. >> she's got on lips is the no. 1 favorite. >> but if you put upon them that you get 21 back. >> you get what on the right you win with on the left. this is fantastic fit prince philip to fall asleep during the nuptials it's a 41 percent chance. kate to sign a prenup, i don't think it will happen about your nine- one, harry drop the ring? 23 to one. >> what would you bet that? >> the san the print out. >> why? >> obviously he loves her entrusts her why wouldn't she. >> i could listen to them talk all day with the accents. >> did that is going on. >> darya: we have to do is tune in at 2:00 a.m. because you don't want to wait to find out, 2:00 p.m. we have live coverage. >> mark: royal weddings don't happen to often. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. a live look here at the big board, the dow was >> mark: 2 bay area weather, after today will moving disenchant but the wins will be dusty highs ranging from 62 the '70s inland it looks like will warm up as we had to the weekend dry after today. hotkey, nhl, the sharks still looking to close at the cannes in the first round. home teams have only one ones. now the shocks are back in l.a.. the sharks will start the goal despite getting cold. for the second time in this series hill that riegle's on the kings' first four shots. >> darya: gary thinks it will happen for the sharks. taking a look at the big movies at the box office. 1. rio - $26.8m for the second week in a row. 2. tyler perry's madea's big happy family - $25.8m and then3. water for elephants - $17.5m that's the new reese witherspoon movie. >> mark: programming note, exclusive coverage of the 100 zazzle, bay to breakers on kron4 that will be sunday, may 15th, beginning at 8:00 a.m. cameras all along the course. if you miss it we will read broadcasted sunday 8:00 p.m.. i gotta get to cleveland! remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! ♪ [ child ] the train is now arriving. [ male announcer ] the train has arrived indeed. in honor of amtrak's 40th anniversary, kids ride free for 40 days. details at >> in as denigrate commute for everybody around the bay area except for it those coming through the bay bridge. attracting some hot spots, much improvement now. it is still looking like the 80 over crossing is probably your best bet to the bridge right now. the leading lights are settling on, i expect 5-8 when it placed into san francisco . it could avoid the backup all together by heading down to the san mateo bridge where does accident and incident free. typical 30 minutes, and to and it that span. a bit foggy, you might need to contend with the wedtech the alleged le deck.wet deck. when s is block that is causing a bit of slowing but is starting to move more freely in the southbound direction near the san francisco airport. >>darya: separate shootings have left two people dead and five people injured. will tran is live. >>will: two men were killed and four people were wounded early today in a shooting at a nightclub near oakland's jack london square..the shooting happened at sweet jimmie's on the 300 block of broadway at about 12:45 a.m. several men in a car pulled up to the club and tried to get into the club but were denied entry, authorities said. one of the men became angry, pulled out an assault rifle and opened fire.two men were shot and killed. they were pronounced dead at the scene. their names were not immediately released.four other people were hurt, two critically, and were taken to highland hospital in about 2 a.m., a man was shot and wounded at kimball's nightclub at the corner of 2nd and clay streets around the corner from sweet jimmie's. we're not sure if they're connected, they're trying to find the people, there was it hard felt the air not giving us a description of the car. they did take to people down to the oakland police department and nowhere along this morning debate say that these people were suspects but instead they're witnesses. will you do with what keep in place right down the road and for those that might not know the land oflight of the land that is the police headquarters. and yet border still occurred. many officers were at the scene for the second shooting and had taken place right next door which is one block over, very brazen as well. we're hoping to hear from the oakland police department. an officer said that it might have reached the point where they will hold a news conference with the police chief will talk about the shootings. as soon as i hear back from the on the conditions of the four people that were rushed there i will pass along to. >> thank you, we'll keep every post dozens of people. they spent time battling the blaze between vallejo and greene streets. jackie >> reporter: a fire broke out at 1230 this morning. the fire department got here and discover airport at 3 unit building on fire. there were able to put it relatively quickly. to put 15-20 minutes for them to distinguish the flames. the worst of the it people% to a local hospital, one with minor cuts to his feet but he was trying to get it. at their habit minor smoke inhalation. all are expected to be fine. there was another nearby building that was also evacuated for a short time. those folks are expected to be back and we do know that they are investigating. jackie sissel kron4 news. >> a live look at the big board. stocks are sliding. down 35 points. there was mixed corporate earnings. that led to some shaky stocks it. i was some good news that came out about the housing market, more people bought new homes in march. new-home sales rose 11% last month to a seasonally adjusted rate of 300,000 homes. that follows treat straight months of declines. return to a healthy pace. things are going to get on the right track. coming up. it rain, rain go away. what states are getting soaked. as you can see from our live look at cited is kind of jury. more on that in a minute. hot blow rock at of dr. peppequite rainy start. >> in good morning we have had rain and everything is growing fast. this could be the last real rain we see for a while. it is coming down in a misty watercolor is sort of way. yet had a lot of wind. and give him my umbrella but the wind got to unfortunately. you can see it here. pretty messed up. people are trekking along and it is a gloomy day. it would call let's get there a low ceiling. that is exactly what it is. people are not feeling too low because of a i hope. some people look forward to better weather coming up ahead after this date. becky. >> too bad about to umbrella. it >> in a sellout to get another one. that it will be setting for the next couple of days the might to people to hold off making the purchase. >> i will win a while. >> thank-you craig. it >> gas jumped 11¢. there's some good news is that this could be as high as it goes. this is according to the lindberghs survey of gas stations that is sent the prices have peaked. analysts say lower demand and slower growth of oil prices may keep gas from passing the all time record of $4.11. when we take a look at the average prices in the bay area we are already above $4.11 as seems cheap. we are at 427, oakland and san as there are $4.22. hundreds of fish were killed after a fire destroyed an apple storage facility. the heat, smoke, foam used by firefighters to subdue the flames were factors in the fish death. there were several hundred fish dead along with the wild stretch of the watson it flew. it was contained on friday. the cause is still under investigation. much more head, let us to live look at said. as a little during. (music) bay bridge toll plaza. man, great skies. they're driving slowly. eric a lot less than the more we come back. >> is a dreary day out there. better grab your umbrella. good morning. >> reporter: i'm not sure they're happy but it but they are coping. it caught me by surprise. it started to rain at around 415, 430 this morning. i was not prepared. i had to put down my rain gear and coverups the camera and all of the things that i thought were in the rearview mirror. we have one more day of gray wet weather. i do not pretend to speak for everybody but speaking for myself, i am ready for spring to spring. i'm ready for some time. >> it sounds like spring is going to start to beat springing to mont. it has not sprung it yet but it is about to. >>louisa: if you let yourself cup whispering and sprung. we are certainly expecting better weather. today it wet weather, your windshield wipers are important. we're or dry out tomorrow and promises as we head into the weekend. here is your storm trooper for. as you can see not much going on with the radar, any showers we're seeing are really is light at this hour. what we're dealing with is a weak front passing through breaking apart over the bay area. temperatures right down to the '50s, but not seen much of a minute and the temperatures and we're looking to bring it to the 60s 61 degrees when of trees have file. 60 and san francisco. more sprinkles we see a few clouds hanging around with gusty winds and temperatures will stay in the '70s for the work week. 60s around that date and upper 50s low 60s. by the weekend we can reach 80. erica? well we are seeing a marginal improvement at the beit bridge. interstate eep is cycling on meter and light. your sink the same delays of up to five-eight minutes at a west bound into san francisco. the can avoid the backup altogether. the san mateo bridge is problem freight between att and 41. the golden gate bridge looks good. but fabio out there. traffic is flowing freely at top speeds. 60 mi. per hour. speaking of san francisco picking up are a live camera at the chance like freeway southbound you can see that this still is out there and we are making some progress. culture and has just arrived to this need so hopefully it is off the road shortly. just a minor slow down here in this the other direction. as for public transit everything looks good for ac transit. art is looking good this morning. then have you seen this video yet? is that the sfo airport and a days now back in business. here is video from this morning. officials hope that it will get it to operate again by this afternoon. if you're planning any trips there you should know this, a powerful tornado blew out the windows and caused severe damage to one of the terminals friday night. beyond some surveillance video from inside the terminal. we're hearing ballot is quick to take months to fully repaired the damage. here is the the as talking about. does that is the tornado comes three concede that workers running for cover. people are trying to repair a a little bit as they were hearing the windows break and the winds howling through. there's a lot of damage to their point to have to clean up at the airport. also over 100 homes were damaged on the trade out side and amazing late no one was seriously hurt or killed in the twister. in kentucky severe storms credit problems to people living in northern kentucky. as look at what the violence, violent winds did to his home. part of our roots was rep read all leaving the big gaping hole on top. can see people trying to help out potting- channels back together. the storm toppled trees and pastor of the camper. a severe drought from an minya has led to the devastating wildfires in texas. we have to be a now from the fires don't, more than 1 million a. have burned so far. thunderstorms have moved into north texas overnight and it is unclear how much rain fell into the area. about 166 songs into churches have been destroyed. representatives into gabrielle giffords say that she will attend mark kelly is space shuttle launch on friday in florida. that is obviously her husband. they cleared her to fly to cape canaveral for the launch and that endeavor. she is commander and his abrupt, is also scheduled to watch the launch. as the first time the protest traveled to achieve low into arizona, excuse me, to houston from tucson after sure shot in the head and generate. you may be thinking that the royal wedding but also there is the shuttle launch on friday. so good news. here is a live look out side in the tahoe area. this is i'd- 80. yet turkey? maybe? we'll be right back. then a good morning it is 10:25 a.m.. we're in the clear what some sign for the rest of the week. more details on your forecast then the next couple of minutes. now to the news happening around the world. nato strikes gaddafi's gaddafi is compound. four people were injured. this follows a loyalist and ardent. the flight to rome * address to the man who attacked so on. he's in that clip art and the female attended last appeared other attendants were able to subdue the man, all 130 passengers landed safely in rome. no one was injured. also, afghan officials say that more than 400 inmates have escaped from the main business prison. they dug a tunnel into the prison to allow the inmates to escape. 475 inmates walked out through the tunnel and right into the city and many of those is the easter being held for working for the talent. that these troops are still looking for a missing bodies in japan. the soldiers are scourer mass of rubble. 12,000 remain missing or are believed to be dead. thai iota motor corp's says the estate plummeted business due to a parts supplier resulting end this anomaly. -- tsunami. coming up on the kron4 news morning, whether for today and i have the 74 cress that's looking pretty good. we will be right back. >> and developing story that we're following here is to separate shootings. two men were killed and four people were wounded early today in a shooting at a nightclub near oakland's jack london square..the shooting happened at sweet jimmie's on the 300 block of broadway at about 12:45 a.m. several men in a car pulled up to the club and tried to get into the club but were denied entry, authorities said. one of the men became angry, pulled out an assault rifle and opened fire.two men were shot and killed. they were pronounced dead at the scene. their names were not immediately released.four other people were hurt, two critically, and were taken to highland hospital in about 2 a.m., a man was shot and wounded at kimball's nightclub at the corner of 2nd and clay streets around the corner from sweet jimmie's. that person was shot in the ankle. if not life-threatening. they should survive. so while they are conducting the investigation at the first place the second shooting took place. we do not know if they're connected, obviously very brazen. we talked about how this was so close to the oakland police department that we mentioned been on broadway. right near a very popular jack london square. as we soon discovered that the shooting, there's a good chance that he knew where the oakland police department is located because you can see plenty officers on the scene. , slater is second shooting at campbell's. and fact they can use a news conference. two people remain in the hospital, critical condition. we're hoping to hear back on their conditions to see if it been downgraded or record of this point. i hear anything i will pass along to you. just in? >> thank-you we will stay tuned to see if you can hear from the police chief. busy day and oakland. almost in half and around lake merritt. they are walking in broad daylight and were suddenly held up at gunpoint. on friday woman was what the lead dog and the victims of the two people were robbed it i could quit. one well they were sitting on the bench. i'm saturday a person driving and mercedes as cv was involved in a multiple robbery attempt. international boulevard. more news now. place in the late hour searching for it some of who shot and killed a man appeared they've just released these photos. there will be one of the leaders will recognize the man in this picture. it happened or of one am at this 7-eleven on magazine street. they say someone opened fire on a man who is sitting in his car. that is the caught on a weather forecast for now. we will shake up the ring for today. the sun across the board. alabama is absolutely, we're seeing some improvement on the wet weather. it is a lot of clout covering it appeared there expect it to, for the morning hours. storm track before issuing is drying out. it is really a week storm that passing through. as we head into tomorrow it is one to be a different story. we're one up and try not to edges in time for the weekend. temperatures are in to the '50s as we head into the afternoon i should bring those ties in to the 60s. 66 degrees in concord. 60 in downtown san francisco pier temperatures in the south will stand the mid-60's as well. ranging from its 65 to 64 degrees in san jose. a little cooler along the coast at 57 for half a day. here is your seven day, and showing us tomorrow that we might see some gusty winds and then we are we to start to dryout and clear out and bring that sunshine into the forefront, once directors degree temperatures equity stake to 70 is and upper 60s on the day. it '50s the 60s along the coast here for the week and we might squeeze out some 80s. erica? >> thank-you so much here where checking your bay bridge right and did not see much improvement, the a.t. cross is still your best bet but the leading lights are still cycle on and they remain so for the better part of the morning since an earlier accident in the 6:00 hour. some minor shuffling coming from interstate 80. the lights are still suckled on and did you some time. the delays. lots of space as you make your way at hayward and the golden gate bridge ride looks good. has been looking good throughout the morning. but up to contend with a wet deck out there. traffic moves well out here as you approached the toll plaza. have not tracked any hot spots near this appeared here is a live look at the 101. traffic is moving freely and has been since the morning. this community at time of 40 minutes as you make your way through santa clara. justin? >> thank-you, bart is to avoid to replace its aging commuter rail cars. they're the oldest nations of this is obviously a very big decision. our is giving you the chance to to to go with the most comfortable seats every bit of a million dollars to play with. it will tell you what the com what. >> the transit agency is beginning a monthslong survey of riders today to gauge what they want in a bart seat. participants can tour a "seat lab" and try out different options, including seats of varying widths and heights. and makes the i am well more i'll room. you need to achieve a balance of comfort and convenience. bart is wondering if you pervert hard plastic core soft cloth. whenever they choose it shut on the new will cars. in oakland crate. >> see how hard it taste test. is a the need to think ahead of what seat will use again in 2017? is that the mattress center auditorium at 0 and 8. it is in oakland. ok, one of san francisco cable car lines is or to check on the spirit it starts today and it could last until friday. this is because of a ongoing maintenance project. expect traffic delays among the palpi line while maintenance crews are doing their thing. fares are going up for golden gate bus and ferry riders. they've approved a 5 percent hike for each of the next five years. they face a $90 million deficit over that time. the fare increases going to go into effect on july 1st. the district also approved a plan to automate more of its customer service centers having at least four full- time jobs grew much more ahead on kron4 news morning including what will be happening on friday, something about a wedding. i don't know. stay tuned for that. the votes are still else left, whether in traffic we come back. >> lukas stars looking for ways to beat the competition also do online but about onthe company has been expanding its online options, including a nationwide rollout of a service that lets customers order merchandise (not food) online. delivery charges for wal-mart to go start at $5.for the test, wal-mart is shipping groceries from a san jose store, packing them in tote bags and delivering them in temperature-controlled trucks that the company owns. deliveries can be scheduled for the next day. 600 city workers and they lose their jobs instead of day by june. this is to close at $150 million budget deficit. but the tension is unattainable unless it is fixed even more jobs will beat fixed. they're working to reform the pension and both sides and have been able to come to agreement. the city council could decide to make what to do about the joint fire departments of san carlos and l lots. the two cities are served by one joint department. that may change as the city of san carlos looks to trim at least $1 million on the budget. the option that they have on the table right now is to use private contractors service. this option is causing the most controversy because the contractor is benefiting. they have taken out an ad in the local newspaper through the fire department to make sure residents shop for tonight's meeting and vote. i knew survey shows that many government workers are receiving full-time help but it's at taxpayers' expense. it is clear to the elected of officials. many of them only attend one or two meetings a month. and majority of california voters back gov. jerry brown. , an l.a. poll shows 52 percent of the voters and agree with his plan while 40 percent oppose it. they're looking to increase taxes and have 12 billion in spending cuts. i plan the government has not been able to get through this a legislator. coming up on the kron4 news a quick recap of all the big sports stories and speaking of sports, i think it is a sport of sorts, speaking of sports this is the biggest event ever, a live look now at buckingham palace for the royal wedding and all of the festivities are or to be taking place coming this friday. we will let you know what their coverage plans are coming up. have been studying and more on the royal wedding in minutes. programming note, exclusive coverage of the 100 zazzle, bay to breakers on kron4 that will be sunday, may 15th, beginning at 8:00 a.m. and the >> will come back to the kron4 news, still stalked and this morning headlinmorninga low cloud cover. we're seeing and misty rain if that. as we head into the latter part of your day we are continuing to dry out. we have a warming trend on tap as the head into next weekend. write down your radar is clearing up. satellite and radar is showing us what happened, a weak front swept through the area and lost its strength. we're point to see a cloud cover trips to rest of today and i tomorrow we will see some nice perks of sunshine. 61 and the to be, 62 in los gatos and in antioch about 56. 61 degrees currently in santa rosa. the 60s to cinephile and san francisco --san rafael. here is your seven day at around the bay. after today we are going to look at it and try it. we will see some clouds landing but after that a lot of sunshine and an abundance of it in back. it will stretch into next week and, temperatures will skyrocket into a global 80s. 70's around the bay and 60s for the coast. erica? >> expect delays into the bay bridge toll plaza. there was an earlier accident and the 6:00 hour. avoid the backup i heading over to the san mateo bridge, no problems to report there. a nice easy ride it out one last check for you to the golden gate bridge ride, assets of 1 01, traffic moving freely. --sb-101 >> let us talk about sports now. the sharks are going to be back at this table center tonight. eight k. the shark tank. drops at 7:00 p.m.. the team that they needed to defeat to win, the brace swept the defending champions in at 3 game winning series. meanwhile, across the bay at the oakland a's 1 with three hits and a 5-2 victory. quick look at this weekend's box office. 1. rio - $26.8m 2. tyler perry's madea's big happy family - $25.8m 3. water for elephants - $17.5m i'm trying to read this book as well. a b aiken to see the movie. lindsay owen must immediately start her 480 hours of committee service. she has been decidedly a piloviolated her probation by stealing a necklace. here are some of the jobs that she will need to do. work at the downtown will benson center it on skid row and also worked at the l.a. county morgue. she still faces a trial for the necklace that that will occur in june. coming up will tell you what is happening with the royal wedding. it is a few days away. here is a live look from our brief camera. very dreary. hopefully, we can be patient for the rain and it will pay off for the rest of the week. will be right back. >> to roy williams, a buckingham guard facebook post is moving him from cutting committee. they have and using inexpensive term to describe how the states. --an offensive term. it is inappropriate for him to take part in the wedding of fort william and kate. the big day it will take place friday in westminster abbey and let us find out we can expect right now with don riddle. >> reporter: at buckingham palace guard has been taken off of the royal wedding of duty because of the then supposed he made about pakistan needs of facebook . and, kate melton. meanwhile, landed is buzzing with last-minute preparations to make sure everything is as part it as very pale friday. when a commoner mary's demand that is likely to be can one day. --marries a man. that wil be king one day. and i remember watching the wedding 30 years ago. >> reporter: the best way for people to watch without tan and white is outside the buckingham palace. happen million people are expected to line the route. many are calling to check out to score a prime spot. there will be 2 billion you are around the world. it will be broadcast on youtube. heat melted will take all of the fuss in her stride. she has rehearsed, rehearsed, rehearsed. she will get on with mary and million that it will be her special moment. she will not be thinking about the billions of people that are watching. then i may be biased but i do not think anybody does, and pageantry of like the birds.brits. on friy she will be driving past this very spot. her like will be changed forever. reporting from london i'm don middle. >> we go on at 2:00 a.m. friday to bring you all of the wedding excitement.

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