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screen more details and a check gone hot spots coming up. >> the giants were hot last night against the rangers in game 4. they won last night now 11 away from bringing a world series championship back to san francisco's first time since 1954 the team has won. tim lincecum will be on the mound. last night was amazing of fly ball to center field when it touched that would and the ending the third aubrey sense one deeper the ball is gone that was not a bad show. topping the seventh runner on first andrea. top of the eight buster posey sending one deep center field aunt wall. solo home run ice been on the cake. final score 4-there appeared bottom of the ninth fear the beard. the aum says strike game over four-zero giants feeling great. a fantastic pitching game. >> i tell myself it's another game. obviously is not is it is the world series. >> he's in and out. the first couple innings yet a few fastballs but after that i'm real. >> back to spring training when your going to the couple at bats. you can't wait for the season to start. one game away from getting this done. it's crazy. >> are they super models because supermodels are kind of miserable i expect them to smile like everyone was last night. tonight is where the party will be. even if they win the syntaxes the party will be in san francisco. jackie's assault is this morning. >> if the giants win tonight there will be a lot of people calling in sick in the city tomorrow. obviously everybody is on pins and needles hoping the giants can finish off. the last time it won the world series and dwight eisenhower was the president so was a long time. san francisco fans have never even tasted it. they are desperate for women. if they win tonight third and king will be ground zero for the party. >> i like we put like that but when you say like that it feels like distant history. speaking of ground zero. a lot of people are trucker treating in going to work going on vacations. you are in new york on vacation in may as well been in san francisco because i heard the story. you're watching tv in new york instead of here. >> we found a pub around the corner and we took over the bar. they had the larger mass and we are going to toe with the yankee fans i had to deal with. but it felt really good. to walk out of their two days in a row with those victories. wearing it giants colors proudly. >> i wonder if this is appealing to the nation. because it's not the yankees vs. and nationwide fan. the first thing have to say is i don't care. i don't care who likes it and who doesn't like it. ultimately five years from now doesn't matter. all the faults i spoke to in new york it was considerably almost all they wanted the giants to win. obviously the giants have a history in new york and i think they had a bitter taste because our rangers had just knocked them out of the playoffs. everybody i spoke to was a giants fan. but as i said before i don't really care. i don't think they care what anybody watches. >> everybody around here watched tonight for sure. if they do have to come back it will be a gorgeous suite >>. wednesday thursday looks fantastic into the >> as well. temperatures will warm up nicely dry weather for a good long stretch you can see it clear check on the golden gate bridge warmer today in terms of temperatures warming trend continues but we have a slight chance of rain this week. but i think the end of the week. current temperatures really still cool in santa rosa, starting to warm up along the coast temperatures mid-50s at half moon bay, san francisco down into mountain view 51. satellite radar shows all the rain north so we are headesitting high and dry. by 10:00 a.m. '50s and '60s by noon plenty of '60s and then our afternoon highs all the yellow showing the '70s. so will be warmer than yesterday. cooling it back down to the '50s and '60s by 8:00 p.m. fairfield 75, 70 in downtown san francisco today is to head towards south mid-70s for los gatos, morgan hill right on through the livermore valley. temperatures continued to climb tomorrow and wednesday as well. lot of sunshine back into the '80s. slight chance of showers friday best chance by the end of the weekend. 7 07 let's look your commute. >> monday morning commute hotspots out of the antioch westbound highway for true earlier accidents most recent one involves the four vehicles just pushed off to the center divide the the damage has been done all the red your screen with speeds dipping down to 10 mi. an hour at the slow response. the good news is the drive is recovering no problems towards his birth and will pass. the bay bridge making a bit of progress compared to what i said shoji last report but still dealing with stalls your ride way behind schedule right now metering lights still cycled on the back up now extending toward the major drive time from the foot of amazing to fremont streets in francisco 26 minutes right now. to avoid the backup all together and take the san mateo bridge or dunbarton. westbound 80 looking good no delay on the operation are freeway ride from golden gate fields in downtown san francisco 30 minute trip right now across town san francisco traffic moving well still nice like conditions for ride from 1 01 towards the airport 19 minute trip. seven 08 a.m. back with more news whether minute trip. seven 08 a.m. back with more news whether traffic in a moment. fact. as governor, jerry brown supported seven billion dollars in higher taxes. he called prop 13 a "fraud" and a "rip-off." fact. under brown, the unemployment rate nearly doubled, to 11%. fact. last year, brown said taxes should be raised again. in a recession. jerry brown: he failed on jobs before, can we afford to let him fail again? come on... isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers. more savings. and discounts up to 40%. where else you gonna get discounts like that? call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. the walnut creek looks like traffic is moving nicely on 680. it is kind of a cool morning. >> developing story in the south bay cruise on the scene of what was the for alarm fire at the 1000 block of north 10th this is a live picture of what looks like right now when crews arrived flames were shooting through to buildings neighboring each other one was a bar the other recycling center. to bring you more news faster yoli has been following this yoli what is the situation to see fire personnel >> there are still fire engines out here at one point there's 75 firefighters because this was alonea for alarm fire. they will stay around making sure the all clear those two buildings san jose recycling center and this avoid club. in our region ended in the backside of the buildings it was outside when the fire started quickly went into the buildings. firefighters reacted quickly and attacked a get from the fund to keep it in the back and try to make the damages minimum as possible but then estimated $2 million in damage. >> any word on whether it's suspicious? >> it raises eyebrows because it was outside that is under investigation. let me talk about some closures among 10th street and this is closed off no word on when it will reopen that. the railroad tracks behind these buildings union pacific runs behind their they had to close that down. basically it's not passenger trains but those are closed off no word on when that will be reopened. >> that is yoli giving us the latest from the scene we will be watching that. we the latest from the scene we will be watching that. we will be right truth about not voting or about meg whitman didn'te how long she lived in california. she got caught in insider deals at goldman sachs. she changed her story about physically abusing an employee. she campaigned as tough as nails on immigration knowing her housekeeper of 9 years was undocumented. her tv ads have been condemned as false and misleading. and even her hometown newspaper said meg whitman has demonstrated "a loose relationship with the truth" until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul. they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there's one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team. so i asked citi -- how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] citi thankyou points can be used for almost anything you choose. what's your story? citi can help you write it. to challenge ourselves on the most demanding track in the world. with us, in spirit, was every great car that we'd ever competed with. the bmw m5. and the mercedes-benz e63. for it was their amazing abilities that pushed us to refine, improve and, ultimately, develop the world's fastest production sedan. [ engine revving ] the cts-v, from cadillac. the new standard of the world. wall street check this just in manufacturing expanded last month that the fastest pace since may. right now the rating is 56.9 everything about 50 shows growth. wall street expected it to drop. the fact that it rows is good news. wall street reacting it is up. s&p up as well. >> it was looking like another pitchers' duel last in the world series. operate breaking things open in the third. that's when they get. his tomb run home run got the giants on the board early it was his first postseason home run as well. >> we haven't played these guys before the series started the back of my mind i'd like to hit a big homer putting across the head its producer real. we still have a lot of work to tomorrow but definitely a big turning point. if we get the lead we get the get to be a little more aggressive. >> i'm sorry i think everybody is just to. tim lincecum will be pitching again against lee today. so it will be just like in one we hope. >> some other stories second set of tower sections it is firmly in place of the new bay bridge your member last week there are putting these sections weighing 600 t apiece with a pie at top of the first section. lifting them in the air bolting them into place three more sections will be added to complete all will be 525 ft. tall tower. the your worried all the construction would cause traffic backups but so far so good. traffic has been flowing find. >> muni writers that were using fast bosses how often to use clipper cards. they have to use that on all mini vehicles and those passes now have been phased out use of the paper just passed which can only be used on muni will be eliminated in april. a look at the whether a gorgeous workweek. >> we have a nice stretch of sunny and warmer weather ahead of us. few low clouds and clear conditions as well. the low clouds hovering in the north bay san francisco 55 by noontime 66 your i today 70. nice warmup low 60s by the o'clock hour elsewhere really chilly in places like santa rosa, san rafael, 46 fairfield starting to warm up along the coast mid-50s. as we take it through the day we are calling to continue to stay high and dry. all the clouds and rain to the north must staying like this towards the workweek by friday's slight chance of showers rowland. keeping temperatures in the '50s and '60s by noontime widespread '60s '70s in the afternoon and cooling it back down into the 50s and 60s by 8:00 p.m. your eyes today low 70's in santa rosa, 70 in novato, san francisco in richmond as well low '70's right on through the east bay down in the south bay we could get into mid-70s for los gatos morgan hill, livermore valley. your 7 day around the bay shows as a warming trend each day we will warming up into the 80s, lots of sun by the end of the weak and unstable weather for the weekend could bring us the chance of rain for sunday. 7:21 a.m. traffic report. >> earlier hot spots the traffic is moving to the limit around the bay we are still a bit slope and macarthur maze agree short freeway speeds in the all right now indicating speeds about 30 mi. an hour still good coming from westbound 580 or northbound 880. when she hit the maze big delays there traffic solid as the meter much are cycled on. 25 minute trip from the foot of the maze into fremont streets in francisco. san mateo bridge ride no problems here traffic moving pretty well as you had westbound towards foster city traffic on the left eastbound and hayward no back up with the toll plaza looking at 14 minutes across the span. you're right to walnut creek in both directions 680 slow right now especially in the southbound direction towards the top of your screen we of been free of incidents and accidents throughout the morning. you're right through the san ramon valley and i deal ride not too bad speeds around 55 mi. an hour. i just checked the sensors westbound 24 no delays. >> another developing story we are following the death toll from the church sees has risen to the latest on toll from the church sees has risen to the latest on that when we come back. aa [ male announcer ] welcome to the far reaches of the internet. when you go faster, you're free to go farther. at&t. rethink possible. get high-speed internet from at&t for only $14.95 a month. looks like it's bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! ♪ your seventh day forecast another mile day today mid- 70s inland warming napa through the week for the tuesday wednesday thursday. bit of rain may be on friday and we cool it way down saturday, sunday. at this point it looks like we may have cooled package for the weekend temperatures dipping down into the '60s. the death toll of a baghdad church has risen to 52. dozens more still injured one priest and 10 police officers among the dead. many of the wounded are women. this is pictures from the defense attack servers store in the church during the service taking 120 people hostage were freed by iraqi special forces appeared the pope denounced what he described as the ferocious attack demanding united effort for peace. >> germany has suspended all passenger flights to yemen. a team of investigators headed to yemen to search for suspects the white house official has told yemen it has the lead in responding to the terrorist. the yen-based al-qaida has been linked to the plot because of the powerful explosion petn the to the material used for last year's attempted christmas bombing. they are tracing a circuit board and permit computer printer that was used last week in the mail bomb. they are sharing the numbers with other countries including the united states in an effort to track down the origins. >> we at taking a break. we are still positive new information construction spending was up in the month of october sybarites on wall street. the party will be bed tonight if the giants could pull out one more win in their fight to grab the world series title and be the first time since 1954 and their first title in san francisco. tim lincecum will start for the giants in game 5. top of the second loss nine nate with the fly ball josh on the run that is an amazing diving catch. the third runner on second he scented deep to left field it stays fair for the tumor on a home run. top of the seventh that is a shot into right center field in his office of the wall. top of the eighth buster with the deep drive to center field. it is back and over the wall. that is a solo home run. the bottom of the ninth rangers brian wilson strikes him a note on the check swing. he gives the sun like he loves to do giants won it 4-0 on the pitch and jam. >> i can't say enough what he did tonight 21 year-old kid. he headed all working appeared >> i keep saying relax and i tell myself so much that it becomes second nature appeared >> we have the opening game pitcher tim lincecum against cliff leak. it's a repeat of game 1 and that's what the giants are hoping since they won. the giants fans will watch game 5 and maybe even in a victory party at civic center plaza in san francisco or wind up around the ballpark >> james > that's where jackie is jackie i can see now if they win tonight it will be it texas i can imagine fireworks banners saying the giants are the champs. that's in my fantasy world i don't know what the plan if we have the wind. to >> i think it will be a spontaneous party this is where will happen if it happens obviously a tough task ahead of them they have to be a cliff lee james it has been a very long time since willie mays was playing center field and they won the world series. they have never won in san francisco the fans are desperate they are hoping this is the year they do it. an unlikely group of giants nobody gave them much hope and the beginning of the season to win the division let alone make a to the world series. if they don't do it tonight they will come home and this place will really go crazy. i think most fans would just assume it gets over and done with tonight we can celebrate and have a victory parade for the giants when they come home. >> if they win tonight will euboea worked more? >> i will be there won't have much of a voice and i will be sleepy but i will be here. absolutely. >> i think all lot of folks will be raspy with all the shouting. here's jackie with the shot outside the stadium along the party in going on tonight no matter what happens this evening. darya i think the weather will be good as well. >> it will be gorgeous but why leave that the chance just take care of that tonight. it will be beautiful forecast just getting through chilly morning. >> still hanging on to the '40's out there but into the afternoon it will be pleasant to it will be dry today and tomorrow in the day after that. nice long stretches of dry weather the warming trend continues midweek slight chance of rain in the forecast. by the end of the week and into the weekend. currently 40 sisters and rosa and san rafael in through the livermore valley 55 for san francisco along the coast. south bay low 50s you're satellite and radar shows as dry and clear clouds and rain to the north lasting that way for a good stretch of the workweek taking it through the day 50s and 60s by the 10:00 hour by about noontime widespread '60s and store all the yellow showing the '70s and the forecast. and nice warmup for us and then cooling it back down to the '50s and '60s that warm- up is not over it will continue over the next few days your afternoon highs low '70's seems to be the common number through the north bay in the peninsula 75 a warmer spot in fairfield, livermore, morgan hall keeping it in the the '60s along the coast. eighties through the next couple of days lots of sunshine just a slight chance of rain on friday weather is on stable through the weekend best chance of rain for sunday. 7:36 a.m. checking in with eric up. >> we have a slowdown hot spot for you the south bay northbound 101 in san jose at capital express of five vehicle accident. it was blocking two of the lanes pushed off to the shoulder we are a bit slow speeds dipping down to 7 mi. per hour at this lowest point. the back up stretching towards blossom hill road. i will keep you updated we're looking good no more hot spots slowing down in san francisco both the james lick and inbound central i just checked the logs no accidents affecting the traffic slowed conditions make your way southbound towards peninsula but good news here we are thinning out on westbound 80 the aubrey short freeway headlights towards a maze right now traffic moving without delay the bay bridge toll plaza expect back up to begin the metering lights still cycled on drive times higher right now looking at 23 minutes from the foot of the maze towards fremont street san francisco. >> let's talk politics here decision 2010. 37 states will be electing a new governor to more appeared republicans having a major gains. up to 12 state houses they are looking for. they are all in the mix that is a few of the state's holding races the governorships are especially important because they have a critical stage in implement direct the new health care law that the democrats pushed through. they will read from they just laid of districts appeared jerry brown and equipment have a full day ahead of them on the last day before the election appeared women will be at the cafe in menlo park, the jury brown will be in southern california today and of course the latest field poll showed brown had it an advantage so will see if that holds. senate race barbara boxer will take her day in southern california well clearly makes three stops around the state in her bit to pull off a big upset. the senator and former chief executive have the closest and hardest race in the nation. boxer has a slick ad >> and we will be back with more a couple of minutes. rule the tweet. rule the bedtime. rule the upload. verizon built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon. right now at verizon, you can get a new samsung intensity ii free after mail-in rebate. only at verizon. the dow is up 98 points. it was triple digits for awhile ago. we have three pieces of information consumer spending up manufacturing up, construction spending also up. that offset weakness in other economy. some great news the dow is up. s&p up we will be right i inherited my father's '69 norton commando. it's been a dream of mine to restore it. and it's my dream for him to finish it. frank has something great to save up for. this is my dad. isn't that cool? and a very understanding girlfriend. i showed him a wells fargo savings account with my savings plan. 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[ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪ coverage continues everything is clicking for the giants won one away from actually winning the first world series title. the very first in san francisco the story of the night 21 year-old rookie goes as solid eight innings striking out six. matt came speaks about the performance. >> huge maturities very mature for his age. i would think anybody in the stands would not see him as a 21 year-old. he's a big kid. just the way he carries himself i think that is the biggest. >> he was the fourth youngest pitcher to start in a world series game. >> it may seem like everybody is watching game series game 3 was this second lowest rating. they were seeing this may be the worst rating because there's no high interest teams involved. giants teams beg to differ. overall giant saturday night drew 6.7 rating it was down from game 3 of last season's the yankees, phillies. the rating is the percentage of homes with tv watching the program at any particular time. the lowest rating game was 2008 between the phillies and the raise it was delayed one hour and a half because of rain. it did not start until after 10:00 p.m. on the coast. >> we have no rain on the horizon at all. >> temperatures will warm up nicely upholstered today temperatures still cool many places. one of the warmer spots is downtown san francisco by noon time getting to 66 year high today about 70 back down to low 60s by 8:00 p.m. adults where here's where it is cool santa rosa 47483 san rafael mid-40s your napa south bay los gatos 47 center livermore out where temperatures and low mid- 50s. heading towards the 10:00 hour temperatures in the '50s and '60s widespread '60s by noon and will warm up more than yesterday all the yellow showing us where we will reach the '70s through the delta, north bay and into the space as well. : the back down to the '50s, '60s by the o'clock hour. your numbers in the afternoon lows '70s which is a common number down and turn novato, san rafael, down into the south bay tanagers getting up to 75 and los gatos morgan hill, we could get into the 80s over the next couple of days lots of sunshine in store for us dry weather for the wednesday, thursday those days we are keeping an eye on friday a slight chance of showers a better chance by the end of the weekend. some 40 9:00 a.m. checking in with erica. >> hot spot for you under not need 80 the columbus parkway a bigarade involved in flames. we are seeing backups because it is on the shoulder is possibly a fatality emergency crews are on scene. columbus parkway off ramp shutdown. more formation in the next report. as low spot routine slowing along 580 coming from altamont to solid stretches of red and yellow on the screen the only problem earlier stall near grant line road. the damage has been done here dipping down to 15 mi. an hour in this low spots will remain sluggish. we are not tracking any other hot spots traffic conditions looking good a live look at the san mateo bridge traffic definitely thinning out issue had westbound towards foster city. traffic looking good eastbound into hayward no back up at the toll plaza and a pretty ideal 15 minutes across the span. >> a developing story oakland police are searching for gunmen who shot nine people at a halloween party early yesterday morning. 1910 broadway somebody armed with the gun walked into the room where there were six under partygoers and opened fire. the victims are hospitalized security official for the flight fest said the vat will not be held next year >>. we allot of folks common and one kid got by us. we don't have metal detectors so certain areas we cannot touch. >> victim's are expected to recover. crime searchers stoppers are looking for 4500 >>. cal polos coming under fire again. senator lasting what he calls lack of law enforcement and emergency. this is video of one ambulances arrived. injuries occurred at a halloween concert friday night. it is unclear what the victims were hospitalized for or their current conditions expecting more to come out shortly. we will be back with more headlines in a moment a live picture of the san mateo bridge as we go it looks like we are moving well an official check looks like we are moving well an official check coming up. insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for different results. i've built businesses. i've built a business. met the payroll. met a payroll. i enter this office beholden to no one except you. i will owe my office to no one but you. i don't owe anyone anything. i don't owe anyone anything. what's the worst that can happen? what's the worst thing that can happen? if you're planning your week and you're thinking i wish i could play hooky. i'm going to call in wednesday because look at the coast looks good. we looking at a warm-up from now until tuesday, wednesday we warm up, not even cooling down too much slight chance of rain friday but pretty much a nice if 70 forecast. >> the dow 93 points to the good side track trading. we have had good report coming up construction is up, consumer spending is up so looking good for the economy right now s&p is almost nine points nasdaq up 13 google up, h p up, the golden stack up. >> more headaches for ac transit. service cuts for the second time this year 7% reduction is in fact they have dropped to service to the orinda up bahr's station it will save $11 million. >> sheriffs office will mark the takeover of the city of san carlos with the swearing in for 43 police department today. they will take control of the services after the city voted unanimously to disband its police force. >> the countdown for the final launch of the space shuttle is under way after two day delay a pair of gas leaks postponed the launch. nasa says it has been fixed they are aiming for a wednesday liftoff. it will travel to these patients pricked it will last 11 days and spacewalks >> apple is suing motorola for infringing on patents related to its smart phones. apple says motorola's droid, cliq, backflip and other phones violate its patents related to the iphone's touch screen and user interface. apple says it wants motorola inc. to stop using the patents and is seeking an unspecified amount of damages as well a >> of but look at at&t pop is all happening tonight. you know there will be a party here. people gathering going crazy if the giants win the world series today. we will be right back. rule the tweet. rule the bedtime. rule the upload. verizon built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon. right now at verizon, you can get a new samsung intensity ii free after mail-in rebate. only at verizon. what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces? a.m. and the key and live look here at gorgeous sunny a.m., a live look your things are starting to heat up to a sunny skies every word. >> speaking of heating up look to the giants we're just one win away from clinching the world series. johannes mehserle on mountain - 5 set to gejohannes d audrey have sens one deep to left field gone. top with 1/7 entrees dress with a deep to left, then we get to the top of the eight, sending one deep to center field going, going,. solo home run. comes at the bottom of the night, he has got it. that is where you feared a beard and a the game the giants when it 4-0. a share, a really great pitching effort. >> i did keep telling myself as just a game. obviously it's not as the world series but for now. speaking is as good as is seen him coming in and out. first couple of innings he met a yank the couple of icefalls but dr. that he was on a roll. but this spring training when you hear him grinding out those couple of batts and you take it in the club has you can't wait for the season's start and here we are one gabe romano way from winning. it is crazy. >> it is for to believe for some die-hard fans and they knew all along. people like jackie sissel one of our team of soldiers or is it out here at at&t park. jackie you're not one of these people who cares of it comes back you're happy to win tonight right? >> at carol. tonight, the next day whenever. it is a long time it is very long time. i was just on the computer last time the giants won the world series was in 1954 you know what consent or stroke. colmar.4. ite cleveland indians. it is been a very long time. tonight it's tim lincecum and vendor ready for it. we jumped right here, there, where it doesn't matter. speech it means >> it means a lot. this should bring the crowd back. a lot more people but to the city i think it will be good for the team, the city and the ballpark. >> at the edges meet you? >> this is craig, if they did clintonites or they get mad. the heavy fantastic. >> it should be that's the way. it would raise the were adhered to. >> i think you will get angry now. they want to win this where the waste forget you go for it. >> all i think most long- suffering giants fans will take it any way they can get it. at the corner of their drinking at a feeling if they win it today or are wednesday or on thursday this is going to be the place to be giants fans will come out here. they have a pretty tough picture to phase of cliff lead. right now most drug giants fans are just hoping they went. >> i have never seen on halloween are so many men have volunteered to stay home and handed out candy. speech wasn't that big and not for a was crucial to that is less so as to what my radio up so people could you describe the game. i would sure to ask these kids that there were fans and the rangers fans and i took that they can do. the >> (laughter) i love it. >> what has protected the game on the wall so fans could see it. tonight if you walk to launch its more official indifference towed the big jumble drawn out. some people to watch. speaking to you know what i >> do you know what i did a double at sunset take one.? i pd put a sign saying take one. a jet and traffic. >> westbound 80 columbus parkway at eight rate is involved in flames. it is a confirmed fatality. the off ramps to wesley's zeroth disclosed until a and 40 5:00 a.m., much more information and my next report. another hot spot we're tracking is a routine slowing along was bound by these zero coming from the altman passed. you can see all the red, yellow indicating some pretty slow speeds, the thing down to 15 months or are at their slowest points. the only from we have been contending with is stalled vehicle near grant line route very slow conditions it's very slow as you make your way towards highly 84. other than not traffic from the bay is looking good, here's a look of kansas, los lot about the james lick it inbounds central. no qualms to report, still little slow conditions. and your golden gate bridge right, looking pretty good across band. traffic is moving at a limit, road sensors are picking up some pretty slow speeds between novato tel. but dry times are not charitable, 31 minutes from novato and the city limits. let's get the latest on your forecasts here's the reason. >> good morning, as the censors to rise sharing is clear conditions ever downtown san francisco. today as we head towards the afternoon temperatures are going to be warmer. we will continue that trend through much of the work week slight chance of rain for the end of the week. here's a look rain now as we take a run through the day to give me an idea of how warm it will get. 10:00 in the '60s, and then jumping up to 70. heights amateurs 75. mid- 70's in london around the bay. keeping in the 60s along the coast. mostly sunny, 55 and santas, check out the north bay really cool in the '40's. 47 santa rosa, mid-40s in napa. as we take it on through the date we're going to see some changes, we're staying dry, all the clouds come bothering to the north of us. those temperatures into the afternoon bringing us up into the '70s. 70 for novato, richmond. then as you have further soaked down the peninsula keeping temperatures and low 70's a warm spot getting up since the mid-80s. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. brings a since the eighties over the next couple of days, lots of sunshine, much warmer until friday which brings us just a slight chance of rain a better chance by the end of the weekend we'll be right back on the kron4 link morning news after this break. @ @ in a real bad, and live look at the big board following the markets as the been positive all morning long futures it that way ahead of the opening bell and ever since you seen the dow strongly in the green with points up to 81. 11,00199, good manufacturing numbers and construction spending is also of all three of those strong economic indicators that the recovery is still chugging along. bay area headlines developing story cray-3 year-old girl along with two others are in the hospital following a shooting. the three were shot near the intersection of 25th street and connecticut and this is video of police investigating the scene looking for evidence. among the victims is a life- threatening and other written suffering a single gunshot or bonds. hurl as we're told are life- threatening. because of the severity they thought because of and her age, police have no idea who is behind shooting. >> a developing story, san jose, crews are working on it for alarm fire, it is the big buildings in the 1000 of they can't fire a they got there and they sought flames shooting through the roof. it started near the rear of one of the buildings no injuries reported damages estimated at about $2 million. of course the giants is set a story, and the world series. stick around to talk to gary about everything that happens. taking a live look here at the skies, partly cloudy sunshine chilly out there we are looking for a nice warmup. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. 't go anywh. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that. or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. [ mom ] how's your studying? it's coming along! [ female announcer ] work faster, play more with the fastest internet for the price. call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family. [ female announcer ] call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? [ boy ] sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t. * that to gary, so gary did we get teel, get confident? >> i would not be surprised if taxes-on to you want to have the giants win the into their home on wednesday? >> i don't think we get picky who cares, it is mint. >> your starting to grow jackie now? >> here's the thing, of course they did not watch the game but, friends of mine who watch to look at the texas kraft's when texas one and they're winning. it was like they all held hands in the upper circle, and when they were losing it was like this. were winning we're screaming out our minds, or that of the hands. >> when you're getting beat by a pitcher whose is dominating you it is pretty tough to get any momentum of in the kron or in the fields you know, they never really made a threat. the giants are making great plays they look like a world championship team was made. >> and i love that kept the back row. in the idea that making all these changes i guess it was like seven changes preseason. is the others do not do this. >> data uses many pitchers to change the lineup, first and foremost most teams that reached the championship round have a set lineup about sitting players. in and out, change it around that is still one of the things you can put your fingers on a special and your covering this that it keeps a picture and an adventure strips a guy out you go great moves. you but pictures and then again gives the, he's an idiot. it just depends on the player. you have to really be consistent he has been that. >> we had this designated hitter dale white and of its true that cori ross said i want to be the d d h and how that all happened. >> i don't know either. but they're moving people around. i didn't know is a 13 that is so versatile of seems like this. >> why have the giants on the verge of worst stages cost of the right time. they've played texas 20 times but rain now and in seven games here is where it lay five is did a better three times. are needed for four games. baker met this thing at night. i think that the big question, let's say from a fan's standpoint you're able to get tickets for every six you haven't been, you can afford to go your some tickets out to you want them to lose an eye? >> you can't say yes to that. none of local television >> don't get me wrong if this was your dad was different but they come home with two games remaining. >> i know but any given night. >> to me if there watch one before you get emotional. speeches by the retreating because people just weren't things out. i had the giants then get out and they would say this war. i did around for about an hour- and-a-half. >> i had my your pc and, it was a big joke wire to the game? i never get out retreating. >> your out to retreating? >> yes. you want your kids to grow up and say my dad knew barry bonds would in no less. >> i listened everything but i went as the giants fan with my little radio honest to god every out even people who you wouldn't egg is a sports fans had the game on. someone had it on the big screen on the house. >> of all. >> it was kind of fun it was fun trip retreating is because of that attitude. spiegelman won a do every night, but what's the difference garniture treat or sit and watch the game with dahlin either way. >> what is wrong with texas? not again be in london. i know it as a shining example of football the game was that great. >> to that seems, but they have young quarterback in there and think easily started two games in four years, that is the story they're better quarterback was the leader scarce skills. when you're 2 and 6 to take it. >> i love the idea there were supposed to go abroad and showed of fun and exciting it could be the initial report on risk and those that not the greatest. speaker thomas to organize at the bay game they said the fans are great. that is part of the big global theme of this within 10 years of our teams are there. >> football and starbucks are taking over the world. (laughter) will serve them coffee. >> to the raiders cut credit, they came back foreign for the one yesterday. >> putting the warriors' loss. >> borrowers loss zero hours watching the world series no one in the loss, no one knew there were on. but the raiders do not get on tv no one cares either. they play kansas city to mar its bulls to be a big game they will sell that one out. >> we'll sue robins there will waiting for some i promise you that as night. >> give me a good giants. speaker giants. >> that's the attitude, i am not watching by routing it's all about their feelings. >> your honest. >> i want them to when i did not to watch what them to win. >> of your attitude of the stratas.i would rather have your attitude early stratasyou're ho >> thank you, by gary. >> but. [ male announcer ] with jerry brown, it's just one dishonest smear after another. and another. just a dishonest politician, trying to hide his record of failure. the real brown plan? more spending on out-of-control state pensions. more favors for the big teachers union, blocking education reform. more job-killing taxes and regulations. more of the same old failure from sacramento. job killer jerry brown. always more taxes, more spending, and more lost jobs. rule the bedtime. rule the upload. verizon built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon. right now at verizon, you can get a new samsung intensity ii free after mail-in rebate. only at verizon. a comeback. a big rig is currently on fire, it is a confirmed fatality, all the details to the head. >> nice looking for castrate their head in fact we're seeing temperatures continuing to rise seven next couple of days and nights cool stretch of dry weather but there is rain on the forecast all the details coming up. >> just crossing the wires and update on the cargo mail bomb story. officials are saying that to yemen mail bombs contained 300 gammagrams and 400 of the explosives he indeed p.m. if those bombs had gone off the a fact what have been significant is the same explosive used on last year's favorite christmas did act. some writers that have been using those fast as is now how to use their cards. they use the a vast mass which can be used in all muni and bart within san francisco those passes will be phased evelyn use of the vast as canada be eliminated next april. >> the second set of charts sections is in place. those 107 ft. tall sections or force it into place last week they each weigh about 600 t there were lifted some 300 ft. in the air and carefully set and bolted into place three more sections still need to get on by december in the end it will stand 520 ft. tall. caltrans had been worried that it would distract drivers but so far there have been no reports. >> we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. a live look of site at san francisco full sunshine over city hall will your back. ah, focus group. so what are we testing here? that's our new pastrami grilled sandwich. oh, great. hey, are they happy we got rid of the rye bread? totally. they love our grilled artisan bread. they say it's the perfect compliment to the classic hot pastrami, melting cheese, deli mustard and pickles. awesome. hey, um what are we testing in that room? oh! nothing we were just hazin' the intern. i'm among 30,000 employees who used to work for hp. i was supposed to retire there. carly fiorina changed all that. fiorina laid off 30,000 people and she shipped our jobs to china and india. i had to pack my bags and i was out the door that night. we even had to train our replacements. she didn't need 5 corporate jets. one hundred million for herself. fiorina never cared about our jobs. not then and not now. i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. welcome back, to our world series coverage the giants are one win away from winning their first world series title since 1954, and their first title in san francisco tim will step for the giants in game 5. now lives light data fly ball to second field. then in this very odd enough cents a deep drills it stays there, to run home run that is his first career move. top of the seventh, that is a shot right center field, it is up, scores editor right area. deep drive to center field, and it is over the wall. for the solo home run, to the bottom of the ninth, rangers last chance, the giants went 4-0 on it true pitching and gems. >> i cannot say enough about what he did tonight. 21 year-old kid on that stage pitching like that he had it all working. >> i keep telling myself to relax the toll is also much it's starting to become second nature. it makes a lot easier. >> to " the great jackie sissel. cruz said " they don't need to come back here, i am happy if they win tonight right jackie? >> really it's been 56 years since they won both are starting to say we don't win this way. we want this we want not idle the maters. honestly willie mays is playing center field there was a president last time they won. fans are starting to get particular bart when a world series. speaking it's absurd when you put like that. i think there was just entering the fact that by ploys that your word. >> jackie is a diehard fan, i listened to or you guys say i'm basically a one you're talking to fans there mayor and not rethink right? for the most part. i think a lot of people like to see it come back here only because they are so in love with this team. and they would love to see a comeback. i just as morning that like it either way. >> they got locked up. it is a long time since they've been incidents as varied program of them born when the wind. i'd think it was 1954. they have the best team in baseball. one away. it is a long time. in fact is now rabin here in san francisco. >> is they get burned but this time they've gutted in the bed. but the sentences granted their baseball as a game of numbers, the giants up play hundred and 62 games. 14 playoff games and now it comes down to 11 more win in the world champions if they win tonight or if they went on when 0 thursday the corner asserting can recreate or at&t bart is that will be the epicenter of all the excitement everyone is in their black and orange today they're ready for whatever happens tonight. but i think that most people are just hoping tonight is the night. it is great to have more chances but tonight is the night, if people just love this area to a party tonight and of course there will be watching it on the big jumble john in san francisco at city hall. there'll be a big party there and then we can plan the trade. will see it happens. still a lot more baseball to play. let's get to traffic, following a hot spot earlier let's get the word. good morning james, things will be getting better for a long time, following this hotspot now a state of alert it is understood the interstate 680 there was a fatality it was on fire, as a result the westbound 80 an eastbound world be shut down until about 1145 this morning, i will have much more information in my next report. another slowdown hotspot to arrive at the bay bridge, look all that red, yellow coming from the upper east shore for u.s. the metering lights are still sidelined, jam packed so dry times are pretty high renown, 23 minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze as you make your way into fremont. sluggish conditions coming from all purges but never did not, tracking a little bit of slowing, here and they're specifically for northbound 101 you can see slow, ago conditions as you make your way. still seeing that backed up on the 87 interchange, no incidents to report to slow traffic the good news is the southbound direction is not slowing freeway. we're a bit behind schedule you can see the conditions moving towards the south of your screen that's of from 680 the entire valley has been incidents free, but doubly very slow conditions here, was found to force tokyo lot better. let's get the latest on the forecast. >> thank you, clear skies, a little bit of clout cover overall pretty pleasant. as we head into the afternoon warming up some that warming trend should continue as we had to the week. slight chance of rain but by the end of the weekend into the weekend. here's a look it your current temperatures, " but they're still, hanging on to the '40's for standards. 55 degrees and do san francisco, a little bit cooler in mount view and san jose. as restated to 10:00, at temperatures from but in the '50s, '60s widespread '60s by noon, bringing in those '70s in the afternoon and then cooling it back down into the 50s, 60s. your numbers up to 70 degrees for novato, send a file. also in richmond. mid-70s do livermore and los gatos. 60s along the coast. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. an increase in temperatures over the coming days back into the 80s, it's really not of private we kolar from burn those crowds and to the pitcher. james. >> decision 201037 states will be electing governors toman republicans are anticipating a major gain. net pick up about 12 state has is among them california, new york, ark., all in the midst of the few of the state's holding races. governorships are at especially important because they do or critical step in implementing the new health- care what the democrats pressed through this year. as for the senators, the senatorial race here in california or boxer was ordained seven california will republican challenger will make three stops in her bid to pull off one of the biggest upsets. they're engaged in one of the closest and hardest fought senate races in the nation now. recent polls joe boxer is in the lead but only by a slight edge. meanwhile the gubernatorial race is going strong jerry brown and make women both have a full day in their last day, jerry brown will be in california and of course there's a reason field poll that shows that he has at this point and he has 839% over 29 percent advantage. >> we'll be back remarkable of minutes, a live look get side on this chilly morning, we'll show you all these shot from the band just a moment. [ woman on tv ] if you won't let me in, you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your smartphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. call, visit or click today. at&t. rethink possible. welcome back the kron 4 morning news. gunshot wounds in a potrero francisco on sunday night. around 10 p.m. sunday, three people were shot near the intersection of 25th street the city's potrero hill victim, a 20-year-old man, received multiple gunshot life threatening. another man who was 54 years old suffered one gunshot wound, to not be life threatening. the final victim was a 3- wounded multiple times by gunshots. her wounds are transported to a local police do not currently have suspects or any potential suspect vehicles. the investigation is ongoing. they do believe there was gang-related. >> another developing story cruiser at the scene of a big fire that happened early this morning in san jose, this is the 1000 bucks. there was around 2:30 a.m. here you see the damage, cruz got there, they saw flames shooting through their roofs of two buildings. and then a bar next door. they knock down the fire, they do remain on the scene as they're going through and tried to investigate the cause it appears to started in their rear of the buildings and damage is about $2 million. more headaches for ac transit they've major service cuts for the second time this year a 7 percent reduction is now in effect a see transit has also dropped service to tears areas. these new cuts could save more than $11 million. later this morning the shares or harmon will market the takeover of the city of san carlos as these words of the swearing in for 43 car employs today. the office took control and sing carols after that city council voted unanimously to disbanded police force to save money. >> we'll be back with more in just a couple of minutes, a live look gives every now at walnut creek, oh boy ... 680 all jammed up. on the right hand side real of more traffic, weather coming up. and we are back, still talking about the giants, their only one win away from clinching the world series and bringing it from not since 1954 have the giants won, they have not won since the been here in san francisco the story of the night is 21 year-old madison, went a solid eight innings striking out six. matt came action took a moment to give some props to his fellow pitcher. >> is the maturity he's very mitscher's for his age. i would think anyone in this sense for not sit there and get them as a 21 year-old because of her biggie is he's a big kid. but just as the way he carries some sulfide think. i think that's the biggest thing is premature. >> for the youngest pitcher to start a world series game. lots of tutors to him this morning. let's get back down to business and the traffic that are met with arafat. arafat >> daystar tocolumbus parkway in vallejo is underneath interstate 80 because the big rig was on fire, it is a confirmed fatality. the columbus parkway completely shut down to about 1145 this morning. i never knew hotspot is your ride along the peninsula southbound 101 you can see begins rid around san carlos that for the speed of around the lowest. it continues for a big chunk of time into your reach east palo alto. no incidents to report is some pretty slow traffic another hot spot public transit, bart, attendant delays at the union city station in all direction due to equipment problems looking for more information from bart officials i will have more formation in my next report in the year was some good news in san francisco a little bit over recovery here the james lick an immense central traffic is moving a lot better. no promise to report, cirri from the 101 c eight years but has recovered. louisa. >> forecast is not looking too bad temperatures are expected to warm up, you can see the sun genuflecting of the buildings but, still kind of chili, temperatures are slow to warm. by noon getting up and the '60s, high temperature of 70 degrees. ulcerous this morning still before is temperatures in the 40's to the livermore valley but as we take it through we will warm to the '50s, '60s bringing loss of six seasons the picture by noon. and then into afternoon the warm temperatures will get into the '70s, as you can see by these areas in yellow indicating the '70s to the delta phi mid-70s the day backed up to the '50s, '60s by o'clock. numbers coming in and the low 70's, we might see a few mid-70s degree readings of this right concord, fairfield. los gatos, morgan hill and livermore. low seventies around the bay '60s for the kurds, we could jump weapons these tomorrow and into wednesday lots of sunshine slight chance of rain for wednesday. darya. >> we'll be back with more in just a couple of minutes, a live look gets mad at the golden gate bridge traffic is well you have company, but it's moving ok. lookout clear, gorgeous it is. we will your back. [ male announcer ] the turn changes everything. ♪ the turn will make you think. ♪ make you re-examine your approach. change your line. innovate. and create one of the world's fastest-reacting suspensions, reading the road 1,000 times per second. it's the turn that leads you somewhere new. introducing the new 2011 cts-v coupe. from cadillac. the new standard of the world. from cadillac. you know it's bad when the press asks if you'd take a lie detector test. meg whitman didn't tell the truth about not voting or about how long she lived in california. she got caught in insider deals at goldman sachs. she changed her story about physically abusing an employee. she campaigned as tough as nails on immigration knowing her housekeeper of 9 years was undocumented. her tv ads have been condemned as false and misleading. and even her hometown newspaper said meg whitman has demonstrated "a loose relationship with the truth" and vietnam, here look at the big board, once again will level of the index has gone up to what was the highest level of the year only to retreat here we are 42 points we had been better than a hundred earlier this morning we had some data come up as consumer spending is up. but not enough to convince traders to release stayed in there as much as had been so we're seeing the numbers drop. we're so positive. a word from apple. apple is suing motorola for infringing on patents related to its smart phones. apple says motorola's droid, cliq, backflip and other phones violate its patents related to the iphone's touch screen and user interface. apple says it wants motorola inc. to stop using the patents and is seeking an unspecified amount of damages. >> say goodbye upon the act and gm agreements upon the act expired. last year decided to kill the brand as the company perhaps into bankruptcy believe him before pontiac sales have fallen from their peak of nearly a million back in 1968 by 2008 sales were down by about 1/4 of a million in its heyday pontiac was known for models like the gt 0 entry and then. >and product.jameter ransam. >> the show's getting ready for its final launch. >> to you see anything over the weekend. saab three top move box office this weekend saw 3d lgf $22,500,000, paranormal activity 2 $16,500,000. red $10,811,000,jackass 3-d $8,425,000 and rounding up the top five hereafter wb $6,320,000. >> your mind to take a break, lots more straight ahead here on the kron 4 morning news including the latest with the giants, van reaction coming up. live look from mt. tam, beautiful shot is to begin this monday morning first of november. 9 a.m., former california representative has taken the stand in the shop under at levy murder trial. a native of all salvador is on trial for the murder and attempted sexual assault, nearly a decade ago the intern from modesto she disappeared that made headlines, after she was linked to the main suspect, police no longer believe he was involved. other big story of the world series, the giants are one win away from winning the first world series title since 54, and the very first as the standards as the giants. tim lincecum will start tonight on the mound for game 5, last leg top of the second, but the center field. then in that sense, audrey of sending a deep to right field, stays there, to run home run and that is his first postseason home run that is a shot into right center field, and it is a fall, topping the eight. with a deep drive to center field, and is bad and it's back and it is over the wall. for the solo home run there goes buster, bottom of the night. the last chance for the rangers. sex and met with the tanks ring. it ends a game giants when with a true binging gem. >> i just try to keep telling myself it's another game. obviously it's not. it's the world series. speaking he was as good as i've seen him, in and out. first couple of innings he might being double fast balls after that he was on a roll. spring training when you're grinding out calabasas and then the club house you can wait for the season's start in your yard. getting this thing done. >> the game is not an san francisco but it is an san francisco of your to see it on the big screen you can watch it with the card. at the civic center plaza the will of the big jumbos' strain mayor newsom is made that announcement after last night's when using her urging fans to arrive early to get a good spot. then the weather should be fabulous 42. first, let's get to the promise of our hot spot. >> good morning we have been tracking this hotspot all morning long had a vallejo columbus parkway under snead interstate 80, it is affecting was study in east and 37 due to an earlier bay great fire, and confirmed fatality, off to the shoulder, it will be until about 40 5:00 a.m..noon. take at all the red, yellow it begins in san leandro is be there dipping down to 10 m.p.h., it stays tied up until you reach the maze, and then you're hit with another back up the meeting lights are still several bond, slow conditions at the bay bridge but we are recovering, dry times dipping down to about 18 minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze as you make your way into fremont street san francisco, another hot spot public transit it is bart this time 10 minute delays in the union city station all directions to the tracks and equipment problems also delays of about 10 minutes from concord, cozumel that his differences go. more updates in my next report, also trackings and slow, though conditions in the subway here's a live look the northbound 101 as you make your web george trumbull the liquor is no incidents to report to a sluggish conditions we're still a backed up on these seven interchange drive times are spiking, looking at 17 minutes from downtown san jose as you make your way up toward santa clara. here's a look of your forecasts. cold start this morning as we head into the afternoon temperatures will warm up from yesterday, here's a shot from mt. tam a little but a cloud cover but also clear conditions mostly sunny into the afternoon warming up just slightly. that trend will continue as we had to the weak enemies are to cool it down by friday bringing in a slight chance of rain. friends amateur 55 san francisco, is starting to warm up. was still hanging on to the 47 fell. napa, livermore '50s bid done is the sulfate temperatures in the mid- 50s, as we take it on to the date will continue see clear conditions of the clubs, ran up to the north was hot, dry for today and small. temperatures could keep by midweek. after an high as low 70's for the most part more prosperous europe, concord mid-70s sam for livermore. decos '60s. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. bring in some '80s. as we have been small, wednesday, thursday warmer spots and a cooling down by friday. better chance of rain by sunday. darya. new details on the shooting in san francisco's richer our help. giants outfielder jose guillen, who has not been o three people, ina small child, sustained gunshot wounds in a potrero hill shooting in san francisco on sunday night. around 10 p.m. sunday, three people were shot near the intersection of 25th street and connecticut street in the city's potrero hill neighborhood. the first victim, a 20-year-old man, received multiple gunshot wounds that were said to be life threatening. another man who was 54 years old suffered one gunshot wound, but his injuries were said to not be life threatening. the final victim was a 3- year-old girl who was wounded multiple times by gunshots. her wounds are life threatening due to her age. the victims were transported to a local hospital for treatment. police do not currently have any information on the suspects or any potential suspect vehicles. the investigation is ongoing. the grandmothers trying to shield her with his body he was hit as well, they do believe is gang-related. please do not have any information, about the suspect. another developing story that happened this morning a fire in san jose, it was a big one. firefighters are looking at the damage in san was say this is in the 1000 block of north and their brokers around 230 in the morning and another building next door bar, they're both on fire to big buildings this is a for alarm fire the governor under control there so under the scene as they investigate the cause they do know is started in the back of the building is estimated about $2 million. back with more a couple of minutes, a live look outside from mt. tam insurers use some high clouds in the distance lots of sunshine in a cold start to the morning nice outside and then the temperature starts to heat up in the next couple of days. o? this is your captain speaking. we are 14th in line for takeoff. looks like it's bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! ♪ welcome mat is kron4 morning news we're just finding that germany has suspended all passenger flights to yemen. means and a team of investigators is headed. plot. the white house's top counterterrorism official, deputy national security has the lead in responding to any threats. the yemen-based al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula has been linked to the bomb plot because of the explosive petn, which was used by the group in the bombing attempt last christmas day. >> authorities in the arab are tracing serial numbers from mobile phone circuit boards and computer printer there were used in this mail bomb. they are sharing these numbers were other countries including the united states in an effort to try and track down the origins of the bomb components. we'll be back with more of a the bomb components. we'll be back with more of a couple of minutes. in higher taxes. he called prop 13 a "fraud" and a "rip-off." fact. under brown, the unemployment rate nearly doubled, to 11%. fact. last year, brown said taxes should be raised again. in a recession. jerry brown: he failed on jobs before, can we afford to let him fail again? come on... isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers. more savings. and discounts up to 40%. where else you gonna get discounts like that? call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. [ mom ] how's your studying? it's coming along! [ female announcer ] work faster, play more with the fastest internet for the price. call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family. [ female announcer ] call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? [ boy ] sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t. and the world series is going to be decided tonight, it looked like another pitchers' duel last night and tell of trees huff broke things open, to run home run in the third ending got the giants on the border early. it was his first postseason home run. >> requires a special i have not played these guys before the series started. you'd really like to have a big homer to push ahead. it is for is a real rainout. will a lot of work to do to of but dudley was a big turning point in the game. to be able to get the lead and we can build a more aggressive , certainly it is special for me. >> it was tim lincecum will open up the world series of game 1 and now he is going for game 5, he will start up today against cliff believe. the weather should be terrific, it is terrific here in the bay area of that the comeback. but in the meantime we of guts to get to the traffic area. >> we are quite a few, we have been for quite a majority of the vallejo, as far away rate underneath interstate 80 and earlier bay great fire and confirmed fatality smoke was rising and as a result the westbound 80 end eastbound succeeds cyril unofficially closed and will remain closed until 11:45 a.m. you can use red word as your alternate. another hot spot public transit but reportedly experiencing 10 minute delays. in all directions, 10-50 minute delays coming from concord, cozumel, san francisco. looking for more confirmation of course i will keep my eye on this. the new prime just propped up the cemetery bridge, trucks flowing freely across the span we're now hearing of some delays westbound 92 between 800 and the toll plaza. the loss chuck lane is shut down to minute delays there. once again on the span no problems, 15 minutes from one end to the other, wrapping up with some good news take a look at how quickly traffic cleared out no problems in either direction. lots of space in the south bend direction, san ramon valley is looking good, in some free. less than 24 is now delayed free. a look at the forecast louisa. >> close morning, temperatures finally starting to warm up. lots of sunshine outside from downtown, a shot of james lick temperature 55 degrees in downtown differences grow. getting up to the sit in cisco, getting up to the '70ssanta asame fran,t warmer yesterday-dry for today. at gni is coming into the low 70's, a little bit warmer than yesterday as we headed to the north bay. santer napa, same for a new model as 70'80s demolishes we ce with the warming trend, dry stretch of what their rate under thursday, things are changed by friday a little bit unstable slight chance of rain on friday, a better chance on sunday. darya. >> bring out the ninth circuit court of appeals in san francisco is hearing arguments on arizona is controversial immigration law this is unfolding in sentences grow even though it is about the arizona law the central issue is deciding what role state and local of the parties can play. we're looking live as the three judge panel is considering the appeal of a ruling that would put on hold parts of lot as you know requires state law enforcers to check a person's emigrations status. let's listen. >> that is a provision that is consistent with the federal funds it. it ferments a arizona law enforcement officer for someone who is removable the idea of the is 2 for men arizona law enforcement officers to work with ice and hold suspects when i still the unwanted child. france's people of beece wants >> doesn't is that you pose the same problems there were talking about with respect to arrest and detention? >> i do not believe the >> does. >> and not? this is the ice once held. >> is used me, it's not restricted to kno? >> that is an example of someone who's not gone or someone has gone and returned either one would apply it they're both clearly removable. >> it also goes to someone who is arrested and on and on national crime commission sent a check and find said he was convicted, sentenced served as his term for second degree murder, and is free your arizona placement and arrest them because his removal. >> that is right. and it may appear very complicated over whose removal. in may be clear and murder or bank robbery or sexual assaults of a minor which all causes of removable even though the sentences are served and may be clear and unclear in other races but this is a challenge. speaking that is the planners trend and make the applications not to be clear eyes maintains data base of people who have been removed and a data base of those having committed. it's a very allowed we are seeing a lengthy process of determining whether someone is removal and not. it is that an easy call just because someone has committed a crime these are obvious ones but there it many that are not. were there not it is an offense our margins are no >> carol of areas where it is clear. this is a challenge. >> this is difficult, that's what these three judge panel switcher we're hearing from rain now is doing. it is a tough one. it is a controversial one run the nation, there's a focus on the arguments that are on floating rate now inside the courtroom and on the outside there are protesting demonstrations going on jackie sissel is live outside was noted that. >> you have both sides, the pro arizona law in the anti arizona folks ought to about 10 minutes ago it was all pro arizona law " standing over here and the last couple of minutes using 100-200 is to die lot folks show up here and surrounds those who support a lot you can see it starting to get a little testy you can see they're making lots of noise, lots of citizens as good police officers but federal officers and out in front of the ninth circuit building here it looks like rain now we have three-400 protesters on both sides of this. at one. louisa of the folks you were out here first, there were in support of the arizona law the surrounded by about 200 of the anti arizona lot nothing came of it, they slowly. the rain now everyone is being loud, boisterous were using their opinion. >> -up to make sure they don't spill into this is mission street. >> there are lots of police officers making sure this jury remains open and align the protesters to do their thing. >> is suggesting. > is that the front door, can you get through the front door? >> yes, they're keeping us that this clears you can. you can see their roster saying it's a lot, and then you have the anti folks were out in full force. reno is feasible let's hope it stays that way. >> it is a big scene, a lot of people this is a real explosive issue and on the inside it's really interesting but to continue our look at the arguments for and against a lot of our look at the arguments for and against a lot of angry now. c1 ( [ male announcer ] we went to germany's nurburgring to challenge ourselves on the most demanding track in the world. with us, in spirit, was every great car that we'd ever competed with. the bmw m5. and the mercedes-benz e63. for it was their amazing abilities that pushed us to refine, improve and, ultimately, develop the world's fastest production sedan. [ engine revving ] the cts-v, from cadillac. the new standard of the world. as an unhappy choice between a longtime politician with no plan for the future and a billionaire with no government experience. well, let me tell you my story. my husband and i came here as newlyweds. we raised our family here and the california dream came true for me in ways i could never have imagined. now i'm running for governor to restore the california dream for everyone. i'm not a career politician or a hollywood star. i'm from silicon valley, where i created thousands of jobs at ebay. as governor, i'll do something that's been missing from california politics for far too long. i'll treat you like grownups, tell it to you straight, and offer a practical plan forward. these are scary times and i know that cleaning up sacramento won't be easy. our problems are tough, but so am i. if you want more of the same from sacramento, then vote for my opponent. but if you want to get california moving again, i'm ready. are you? the giants could pull off the first world series title tonight. tim lincecum is back on the mound for game 5. fly ball to center off fears last night makes a running catch. third inning of blake sense it deep to right it stays there. tomb home runs. torres that's the shot to right-center field it is off the wall. top of the eighth buster pose a deep drive to center field. it is over. solo home run for him bottom of the ninth. judge hamilton this is that for the rangers. the giants win 4-0 >> i can't say enough about what he did tonight. 21 year-old kid on that stage. he had it all working. >> i keep telling myself to relax. i say is a much it's second nature. it makes it easier on me and the players to see somebody relaxed out there. >> opening game winner tim lincecum pitches against cliff lee. hopefully it will have the same out, as game one. game 5 is tonight we need for to win. if not tonight we have a couple of other shots and they come back to san francisco. there will be a big setup screen in civic center plaza if you want to watch with the people. and be in the crowds even though the game is not played here. or you can watch a home and we will see what happens. 9:33 a.m. back to traffic we have had a lot of action. >> all eyes on this hot spot in vallejo. a big grin was on fire the fire was put out but it is a confirmed fatality as a result columbus parkway westbound off ramp is shut down until about 1145 this afternoon. chp still on the scene. in the meantime used redwood street. a another late-night hot spot. you sure freeway at check the metering lights are cycled on right now all the red on your screen indicating some slow speeds out there. the good news is you're drive time on the recovery right now. 15 minutes from the foot of the maze to fremont street san francisco. another hot spot is some public transportation. big delays coming out of parks. 15 minutes the lace. from pleasant hill and concord right now i should make your way into san francisco towards daly city. allow yourself some extra time if you taking part this morning. no problems in san francisco costs down traffic you can see traffic flowing freely at the 1 0180 split if you're headed eastbound that is problem free. john right now is 934 let's get weather. >> all look outside on our roof camera of blue skies and a lot of sunshine over san francisco. the day today you can expect no warmup this afternoon that is good news. warming trend continues through the week slight chance of rain by the end of the week. for now and take a look at temperatures at this from our 51 degrees and santa rosa 15 napa, low 50s throughout much of the north bay up for fifties in the immediate fate. 57 and hayward these temperatures bumping up nicely. we are now recovering well we were in the 40's earlier this morning. 55 insensate. another look at what conditions are like right now. most of the moisture up in the pacific we are nice and clear here that will give us a chance to see warmer temperatures this afternoon. for more than yesterday. los '70s north bay 72 napa 70 in the bottlenovato, 72 and foster city and hayward, warm and the livermore valley 75, morgan hill 75 as well. pleasant 74 in mountain view. continuing stable warming trend as we head throughout the week. sunny and warm temperatures increasing tuesday we will see a much warmer forecast holding that through the week slight chance of rain on friday but then it goes away but then sunday with the cooler temperatures we have a resurgence of rain. better chance on sunday of a struggle or to. >> a day before elections decision 2010. 37 states will get a new governor tomorrow republicans are anticipating major gains they're looking for pickup of 12 state houses in california, new york, ark. it just a few of the state's holding those races. governorships are important issue because they have a critical say in implementing the new health-care law. they will participate in redrawn districts. barbara boxer is going to start her day in southern california will republican crowley will make three stops around the state. the three turned democratic senator and former ceo, are engaged in one of the closest and hardest fought senate races in the nation. polls show boxer was a slight edge. our candidates make whitman and jerry brown have a full day ahead of them run will be in southern california a poll released shows brown with a 49-39 percent had carried the equipment will be in menlo park. alive the mountain camp getting about some high clouds to give you some sunshine it weren't for today and the rest of the weaker. we will be right back. this is a right under the federal statute for the local people to communicate with the attorney general. >> section 10 says it will be a cooperative relationship. this is demonstrated by the text paragraph eight says to communicate with the attorney general. >> were getting into the wording and the meaning behind every line. it is all playing out right now inside the federal courthouse in san francisco. we're watching these judges as they have to decide what role state and local template in confronting those who who cross the border illegally they have to decide whether the governor. this is her appeal because parts of the law was put on hold to take the teeth out of the state law. where they're supposed to check immigration status in certain situations. we have been listening to the arguments earlier they were laying out what is the immigrant has a record or history and what is the crime and a lot of in and out splaying out. outside the court house vocal protesters and supporters appeared people on both sides. they're jamming the streets barely making it on the sidewalks jackie cecil is out there right now jackie this is a large cloud crowd. >> it appears to be wrong by the minute. folks on both sides of the issues. the sizes we support arizona and then you have the people that are against the law that are probably a outnumbering the supporters. so far has been peaceful. screaming and yelling back and forth. plenty of san francisco police officers federal police officers as well. so they are taking control. so far this street remains open. as the crowd grows we may see it spill out onto the street. right now it's a peaceful protest. >> we will continue to monitor the spirit heavy police presence to make sure things maintain peaceful outside of the court. inside the arguments continue we will monitor that throughout the ship next hour. we will be back with more. i spend three hours on my homework -- or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. [ mom ] how's your studying? it's coming along! [ female announcer ] work faster, play more with the fastest internet for the price. call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family. [ female announcer ] call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? [ boy ] sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t. las morning trying to get to work today. >> the good news is we are winding out of hot spot mode. we have this problem all morning long columbus parkway earlier bid greg fire and confirmed fatality crews are on seam. columbus parkway are shut down right now and will beat until about 1145 this morning. in the meantime use redwood street as an alternate route. the other hot spot public transit. bart still has big delays out there 50 minutes. delays coming out of concord in pleasant hill is to make your way toward san francisco in daly city right now. these are all in the commuter action definitely allow yourself extra time as you make your way out the door this morning or you can drive we don't have any more hot spots for you aside from the san mateo bridge a looks good right now. a bit thicker around 92 headed towards foster city right now back at the toll plaza too fast lap track lanes are shut down so that is causing a bit of a back up drive time skyrocketing 25 minutes across the span. looking at 12 minutes delays for the san mateo bridge. use dunbarton if you want to avoid the delays altogether and the bay bridge looks much better. 948 let's go to the forecast with james. >> matt cam camera is showing you ocean beach the ocean side of san francisco beautiful day today a better day tomorrow to head to the beach we are warming it up even more appeared warmer today than yesterday warmer this week but a slight chance of rain by the end of the week we will talk about that the second. for now temperatures warming up we were in the '40's now we are in the '50s 51 in santa rosa, warming up to 50 in los gatos. 55 in san jose rain down 59 in oakland. here's another perspective this is why we will see warm temperatures today appeared we have stable, air overtop most of that rain state to the north in oregon and washington we will be nice and dry. and again warm for the weekend. 72 this afternoon, 75 in fairfield, 70 in richmond and san francisco. low '70s around the bay 72 inland cooler and half from day 64 of their war and the south bay 75 for los gatos the morgan hill also 75 in the livermore valley. los '70s for folks in the delta. the week ahead temperatures for today than yesterday as we going to tuesday wednesday thursday we warming up even more sunshine is a bigger part of our forecast low eighties for inland spots throughout the week mid to upper '70s that the big '60's by the close by friday their role back again slight chance of showers sunday is a better chance but again that's a ways off. >> to a developing story out of georgia of bomb threat has been received at the court house in atlanta. this video has just common of aerial shots over the court house. there is a shelter in place telling people to stay inside and away from the windows. the streets surrounding the court house is closed off no traffic is going through that they have no injuries reported situation is under investigation. new this morning the trial for the uc berkeley residents have been postponed because one has not been asked to return. she was free on bail in september after 14 months in prison she returned to the night is states. her fiance and french are still in prison there trial would supposed to start on saturday it was postponed and that was announced today three americans were hiking in july of no 09 near the border when they took him into custody accused them of intentionally crossing the border. oakland police are searching for gunmen who shot nine people at a halloween party at the suites ballroom at 1910 broadway somebody armed with a gun walked in where there was 600 partygoers and opened fire ambulances that came to the scene taken the victims of possible security officials says there will not be another one next year. >> we have a lot of folks come in one got by us. we don't have metal detectors like airports there certain areas on each individual we cannot touch. >> all the victims are expected to survive and crime stoppers is offering our reward for information leading to an arrest. the cow palace is under fire after 16 people were hospitalized following a rave center is blasting what he calls lack of law enforcement at the cow palace the injuries happen to at a halloween concert that was on friday night. sponsored by live 105 it is unclear what they're ross penalized for or their conditions. 9:53 a.m. we'll be back with more a couple of minutes. all look at one of our developing stories this growing protest outside of the federal courthouse in san francisco police are beginning to close streets around the courthouse as the crowd is spilling onto the streets more in a minute. aa the big board is popping up it is positive. apple is suing motorola. apple is suing motorola for related to its smart phones. apple says motorola's droid, cliq, backflip and other phones violate its patents related to the iphone's touch screen and user interface. apple says it using the patents and is seeking an unspecified amount of damages. more businesses say goodbye to pontiac. the agreements expired yesterday last year gm decided to stop the brand. as the company collapsed into bankruptcy. sales had fallen from their peak back in 1968. when they were nearly a million sold by 2008 sales were down by about a quarter million. pontiac was known for g t zero and the trans am. final launch of the discovery is under way after two day delay. a pair of gas leaks resulted in the launch being personally owned. nasa says the problem is fixed. discovery will travel to the space station 39th and final trip and and the mission will be 11 days and have two space walks. 9:58 a.m. couple minutes will be right back when the big stories san francisco protesters were jamming the sidewalks now allowed in the streets here in front of the federal courthouse in san francisco. inside arguments for and against immigration law are happening. top stories we are following immigration law protest for and against the controversial law in san francisco protester's bidding allowed into the street a live coverage on that three down one to go as the giants looked to clinch the first world series title tonight sense of this san francisco less than 24 hours before a decision 2010 we will tell you what they have on the schedules. we are also looking at the commute this morning which is lasting a bit longer in the morning. >> 3 hot spots all of women the east bay. highway 37 interstate 80 in vallejo earlier big rig accident and fire. ultimately we found out if fatal accident rate where highway 37 passes underneath interstate. the big rig fire happened at 730 this morning at this point they think it will be into alum 45 when they opened up westbound 80 and eastbound off reps so if you use that find a way around it at this point take redwood century. lem 45 before they think they can open that. byrd is the other hot spot delays on union city to san francisco ride 15 minutes because of trackside equipment problems also delays on your ride in from concord into the city. about 10 minutes. if you are using bart leave an extra 20 minutes. a shot of the san mateo bridge seeing some buildup on the flat section make your way westbound from hayward to foster city the main problem is that the toll plaza itself word of that too out of three fast lanes are closed due to equipment spirit will they deal with that we are seeing 12 minutes worth of delays on your ride in total 20 minutes across ban. give yourself extra time to get to where you're going. local traffic in a moment of first lookit your forecast >> a beautiful day to day started off cool however hanging on to the '40's for several hours of the golden gate bridge lots of sunshine that there clear conditions mostly sunny throughout much of the day. warming up to date that continues through much of the week slight chance of rain in to the forecast. here's a look outside your current temperatures 55 san francisco finally starting to warming to the '60s places to the spate oakland hayward, antioch and fairfield as well. you can see all the clouds and rain wall to the north and out of the state we are staying high and dry. continuing to stay this way much of the work week. into the afternoon temperatures getting into the low 70's a bit of a warm-up 72 santa rosa 74 novato to san francisco also to san rafael. around the bay low '70's and along the coast to 64 1/2 monday. 7 day around the bay we could see some ladies in the picture over the next few days chance of rain by the end of the week better chance by the end weekend. >> let's get back toward developing story ninth circuit court of appeals hearing arguments on immigration and what they should do. the three judge panel has to decide what role the state's complaint in confronting those who crossed the border. the looks like there has been up breaking the court action we have been listening to the judge's. as the governor is appealing the ruling parts of the lot. it put the teeth in the law more officers are supposed to check immigration status. if they are arrested on another funds. we are inside the courtroom but we are also outside because that is where we are seeing demonstrations grow just in the last hour o. it has spilled into the streets jackie has been monitoring that so what happened jackie? >> i think the place just figured it was unmanageable on the sidewalk. both sides of the issues were too close to each other this way they can spread it out seventh street is shut down in front of the federal building at mission so few have to come here there replace officers out here attempting to control the flow of traffic it will get back up. the protesters on both sides we have folks who are pro arizona law, folks are against it, two-one ratio right now most of the people are against it. there was some shouting back and forth but for the most part so far it has been peaceful. >> so they have them divided between those four and those against a >>? there were able to spread them out. we're talking about 300 protesters on both sides all squish band about a hundred your area. by about 6 ft. wide this way they can spread them out there not nose to nose agitating each other more than they already do. this gives police more room to negotiate the two parties at this point. >> normally if you have an appeal like this they will say that our decision is this, so i guess they just want to be heard. it's not like they're waiting for somebody to run down with the decision. >> that's exactly what's going on. obviously this issue has sparked a major debate not only in arizona but all over the country. yes that is exactly what they want they want to be heard. as soon as the boss goes by you concede the protesters. so far has been a peaceful protest los sides voicing their opinion but staying peaceful. >> the police are doing a good job at keeping traffic moving around that area and keeping things quiet. another big story the giants now one get away from winning the first world series title since 1954 the first title since the move to san francisco tim lincecum. will start off for the giants on the mound top of the second loss nine fly ball to center field and josh hamilton makes the catch. the third he said the deep to right field is day's fare for the two home runs his first home run. that's the shot into right-center field and it's off the walls cords anchored. top of the ninth foster pose a deep drive to center field and then it is back and over the wall, and. bottom of the ninth josh hamilton trying it about brian wilson gets him on the check. the giants win at a four-zero. >> obviously it's >> he was as good as i've seen him. first couple of innings he may have seen some fastballs but after that beautiful. >> you think back to spring training couple of baths. you can't wait for the season to start. here we are one game away from getting this done. it's a >> crazy. the giants fans will gather around and watch the game with the crowd at the civic center plaza they will have the jumbo screen out there the mayor announced after not last night's win that they should put the tv up his encouragement if you wanted to that be there early that is going to get packed. if they went everywhere in san francisco will be packed. 1009 is a time back with more of a couple of minutes. goulding gave bridge nice and clear skies are sunny and clear and traffic is nice and clear and easy for you to. 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[ female announcer ] build a bundle that's right for you. at&t. after another. and another. just a dishonest politician, trying to hide his record of failure. the real brown plan? more spending on out-of-control state pensions. more favors for the big teachers union, blocking education reform. more job-killing taxes and regulations. more of the same old failure from sacramento. job killer jerry brown. always more taxes, more spending, and more lost jobs. a developing story that is what is going on with the mail bomb plot. the bombs contained a powerful explosive called petn the explosive effect would of been a significant officials say they are tightening restrictions on air cargo. in germany there suspending flights from yemen and that includes passenger flights as well. we are watching mail. there has been advisory to see if there's any other mail coming through peer we have more affirmation about baghdad as siege of a church has risen to 52 there are dozens more injured these are new numbers getting this morning. one priest and 10 policemen are among the dead. many of the wounded were women. this is video from the u.s. defence department of factors attackers stormed the church during service they took people hostage there later freed by forces who stormed the building after four hours. pope and a debt demands a united effort for peace. tim 2:00 p.m. a live shot of mt. tam skies are like this morning very clear bay area wide. we're looking for warm up this week. will be right back. the dow was up 43 points right now. stocks are again approaching their highest level of the year. pulling back we are about 11,000. the dow has been up there were reports of growth in manufacturing in china and the united states, for the third time the dow surpassed its highest closing level. now we are watching to see how we end the day right now it is up 46 points. >> in the traffic center we still have hot spot. this is how we 37 and interstate 80 a big break accident has shut down the off ramps. the thinking from chp was that it was when to be lem 45 before they can reopen that. it is now 1230 so they added 45 minutes to this it was a fire and it was a fatal accident as well. that's why it takes extra time the coroner out there and emergency response out there. it will take them what to conduct the investigation. used redwood street as your best alternate. following the latest 1 01 san jose there was an earlier accident on the upper part of your screen by trumbull delacroix's in the northbound side to car accident with injuries minor injuries they have reopened lanes. it was backed up five minutes ago in between the traffic reports. things are shaping up well traffic moving meter and lights are not on. things looking a lot better just the last five minutes. one last visit of the san mateo bridge traffic really opening up well on the flat section as to make your way west dealing with fast track lanes at the toll plaza too out of the three fast track lanes inoperable because of tv equipment problems at 12 minutes on your normal ride. 1019 let's say hello to weather. >> lots of sunshine this camera shot blue skies across the board. maybe a few clouds today but mostly nice day out there with temperatures actually warming up from where we were yesterday currently 60 degrees by noontime 66 temperature of 70 in downtown san francisco low 60s by 8:00 p.m. hour right now your 7 day around data show a starting to warm up as we head the next couple of days lots of sun and store as we head towards friday there is a slight chance of showers moving back into the picture. it stays and stable rate through the we can bring a better chance of rain for sunday. >> our poll shows this to be a dead heat. some public polls we are narrowing. this is on who comes out to about and did they choose to put the job creator or somebody got with the war on jobs for 40 years. they want somebody with a fresh perspective for career politicians i am really excited and feel on going to win. >> there is meg whitman making one of her final stop this morning access cafe we shot this at a 30 this morning she is making the final push before tomorrow's election chance been crisscrossing the state's her opponent jerry brown will also be in southern california he'll go to raleigh last angeles. they show whitman is trailing brown by 10 points. barbara boxer will start her day in southern california well are challenger will be making three stops around the state in her bid to pull off one of the biggest upsets in the country. the senator and see all of h p are engaged in the closest hardest fought race in the nation. recent polls shows boxer with a slight edge. the attempt to make the first days state to legalize pot is floundering. take a look at this a field poll shows 49 percent of people now say they will vote no on prop. 1942 percent support it. also struggling 23 the new issues of this is spend greenhouse emissions law it has support from 33%. prop. 25 that one would reduce the vote requirement to pass a state budget to a simple majority leading with 40%. we will take alive look at last big this where there is a get out the votes rally getting under way for harry is read. first lady michelle obama michelle bauman is at that as well. we will broadcast the results to you live from 8:00 p.m. right up until midnight and also go to our web site live election bloc and all the political polls we will be right 7 day around day forecast we are in for a warm-up. sunny skies until friday the warm- up going from 75 today and then we get mad '80s by wednesday. barely cooling off thursday's of the middle of the week is fabulous. a slight chance of showers for the weekend. lets keep you posted on that it's only monday. new this morning carry, and it has taken the stand in the murder trial of the man accused of killing chandra levy. he is on trial for the murder a decade ago she was a washington intern for the california congressman from modesto which she rep they were linked romantically he was the main suspect but police no longer believe he was involved under way. developing story out of georgia a bomb threat has been received at the courthouse in atlanta. this is aerial shots of the court knows there is a sheltered place since around 8:40 a.m. this morning for the last couple of hours everybody is supposed be inside away from the windows they are investigating with what's going on. no word of injuries they are investigating. we'll be back with more in just a couple of minutes a peek at the creek club up earlier but now 680 is fabulous and lots of sunshine. ♪ hey, at&t u-verse tv? yeah, it's our new tv service. every day thousands of customers across the nation are switching to at&t u-verse. [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. yeah, and u-verse tv lets you record up to four shows from any room on a single dvr and play them back on -- any -- tv. and multiview, which lets you follow four channels at once. whoa! whoa! [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. you can even upgrade to over 130 hd channels. that's so cool. i know. [ female announcer ] see it. believe it. u-verse tv. ♪ 10:30 a.m. we are monitoring a hearing in the federal appearance court. earlier this morning as they are considering arizonas request to enforce the immigration law. three judges for the u.s. circuit court of appeals are hearing the arguments. then they took a break as we followed that as they are trying to consider both sides of this law. very controversial law. we have demonstrators on both sides outside of the court building. the court house and protesters. they had spilled into the streets jackie is the crowd growing? >> it is about the same two- one protesters those are against the law are outnumbering the folks for the law. they were on the sidewalk there are several hundreds of them their tightly packed the place the better of that and shut down seventh street at mission. so they could go into the street. it is a peaceful protest there are speakers against the law that have been speaking periodically. for the most part they are just walking around with their signs telling each other what they think of each other's opinions at this point. >> so and orderly demonstration interestingly please handle it well but he said i don't know if they expected this many people they made the decision and they have coroneted quickly. >> they expected to see protesters. those are federal officers at the doorway it appears to me they have plenty of staffing out here police department has been out and about. they had barricades on standby. they were completely surprised by the protest may be in the number. right now is very orderly and peaceful. >> the next thing they have to stand by for you know that break the world series. in no police have huge plans for that as well right? >> i'm sure to please department officials have been put on notice there will be plenty of overtime to be had if and once the giants get the world series. >> the place a lot to deal with today so will tell you what happens this is happening now and the world series tonight. we could see a lot of people flooding the streets of san francisco. >> take a look outside right now lots of sunshine outside from the golden gate bridge we will see temperatures warming up today started off chilly in fact struggling to get out of the 40's for a while starting to see a warm-up now continuing through much of the work week. slight chance of the rain coming in at the end of the week. current temperatures right down to the 60s, 50s as well, tuesday in santa rosa, san rafael, 62 for oakland. taking it through the morning we will warming into the '60s by about noontime all this yellow showing us where we will bump into the '70s today back down to the '50s, '60s by the 8:00 p.m. hour your eyes today getting to the low '70's through santa rosa richmond and san francisco 75 in fairfield down and to the south bay topping out into the mid- 70s tomorrow we could actually see if you ladies out there. continuing with the dry stretch and warming trend. friday clouds roll and slight chance of showers and on stable for the weekend. >> thank you we saw to hot spots remained the one we have been followed through the morning out of the layout columbus park was still shut down due to the degree fire confirmed fatality out there as a result the off ramps is closed the update is they will remain shut until 1230 this afternoon. we will keep you updated as we hear more. another hot spot san mateo bridge to the sea it is in the clear the problem actually back at a toll plaza too out of 3 fast- track lanes are out of order so expected 10 minute wait there. drive times higher right now 23 minutes across the span. other than that clear conditions around the bay i will give you a live shot of northbound and southbound 1 01. it is pass university avenue was a hot spot earlier this morning but traffic has cleared out. earlier we experience step bart delays. public transit shows me m is running on time. >> on to the world series giants are now one win away from winning the first world series title since 1954 in the first as san francisco giants tim lincecum. will take the mound for game 5. before last night fly ball to center and josh stops and then in the third run on second, brace and the deep to run home run. top of the seventh runner on first that is a shot into right center field condition and is off the wall that scores edgar. top of the eight buster posey center field and its out of there. so there is a solo home run. bottom of the ninth rangers with the last chance. brian wilson check him out. giants win at 4-0 >> that kid i can't say enough about what he did. 21 year-old kid pitching like that. he had it all works >> thing. i tell myself to relax at thomas of so much and it starts to become second nature makes it a lot easier on me in the players to see somebody relaxed a >> >> growing.throwing. >> we've talked to a lot of fans. >> they have a lock up >> they never won in a long time in san francisco. >> i think his 1954. they have the best team in baseball >> walk away. >> it's been a long time in fact it's never happened in san francisco. >> they got burned on in time deal but this time it's much better. >> it means a lot right now fan base is diminished a bit so that should bring in crowds back and a lot of people back to the city. it will be good for the team city and the ball park >>. how much fun as this and >>? it's been great i was hoping they would clinch it would not plunge there tonight so they could play one more game back here. it be fantastic if they could do that it would be nice to think when here. >> so the fans will be able to watch game 5 if you would like in public with a bunch of other fans tonight in san francisco at civic center plaza the mayor decided last night let's put the big screen out there. unlike get everyone get together and watch it. come early spots will follow. we will be back with more a couple of minutes san mateo bridge not fall at all nice easy ride across was down 92 plenty of sunshine. rule the tweet. rule the bedtime. rule the upload. verizon built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon. right now at verizon, you can get a new samsung intensity ii free after mail-in rebate. only at verizon. we have more hankses store for ac transit less service because the agency has made more cuts for the second time this year 7% reduction now on the fact. they have dropped services to oakland broadway terrorist and the cuts could save a million. that a this morning san mateo sheriff's office wil the y sheriff's office will of the city of san carlos' police force with a swearing-in ceremony for 43 former police department employees. they voted to disband its own police force. a second said the towers are on top of the bay bridge the sections way more than 600 t each were lifted 300 ft. into the air and set into place last week. the three more such terms will be added by is december to complete this tower caltrans has expressed fears that the visible work on the suspension span could be a distraction for drivers but so far no problems. some muni riders that have been using paper fast passes have to use clipper cars now. those passes have been phased out the paper em fast track and only be used by muni will be eliminated in april. we will be back in a couple of minutes a live look from mt. tam. we see how things are changing clear skies and lots of sunshine we are headed for the midweek warm-up we will be right when water recap some top stories arizonas immigration law is being questioned by a federal appeals court in san francisco. a three judge panel started hearing arguments from lawyers from the governor. the governor appealed dia ahold of parts of the law. this is some question about what the law entails and how police could or could not stop immigrants and have them deported. they are considering their on a break right now and outside hundreds of people in san francisco both sides of the law. the giants when a wave one away from the world series texas last night it was a 4-0 win for the giants. it was a commanding eight innings from the picture. the giants will close them out tonight with tim lincecum on the mound. the u.s. officials and counterparts are tightening restrictions on air cargo. 10:48 a.m. to whether all of our live shots have been just beautiful. this is the kind of week we are in for. >> or eric that could do the traffic may be don't have the like but we can see they have maps. >> vallejo shut down due to the earlier bid red fire westbound 80 connector ramp still shut down and will be until 1230 chp and emergency crews along seam in the meantime use redwood road as your alternate route. other than that hot we have cleared out hot spots them until bridge big delays due to technical problems at the top plaza but that's gone now traffic is moving out across the span no further problems to report the back up at the toll plaza now gone. drive times climbing down 15 minutes across the span. walnut creek we are looking for nice like conditions in both directions westbound 24 also delayed free of problems through the valley. 10:49 a.m. at check on your forecast >> a warm-up already the beginning of what's were to be a pleasant day out there clear conditions a few clouds mixed to mostly sunny throughout the day warming trend continues headed through the week as well. slight chance of rain in the picture by friday into the weekend as well. all look at your current temperatures a mix of '50s and '60s much better than the '40's we were holding onto for while this morning. as we head towards the afternoon by noontime widespread '60s them by about 3:00, 4:00 hour '70s and to the picture. your numbers coming and into the low '70's today 72 said rosa, 74 novato richmond and san francisco. 75 for livermore and fairfield along the coast into the '60s. your 7 day around bay shores warming up over the next couple of days we get into these lots of sunshine into friday where we will have on stable weather for the weekend. >> 1050 right now new details on the shooting happened. three people, including a small child, sustained gunshot wounds in a potrero hill shooting in san francisco on sunday night. around 10 p.m. sunday, three people were shot near the intersection of 25th street and connecticut street in the city's potrero hill neighborhood. the first victim, a 20-year-old man, received multiple gunshot wounds that were said to be life threatening. another man who was 54 years old suffered one gunshot wound, but his injuries were said to not be life threatening. the final victim was a 3- year-old girl who was wounded multiple times by gunshots. her wounds are life threatening due to her age. the victims were transported to a local hospital for treatment. police do not currently have any information on the suspects or any potential suspect vehicles. the investigation is ongoing. they consider this may be a gang-related shooting. >> we were quick, scene of the spitfires and house their earlier this morning broke out at about 2:30 a.m. in the 1000 block of north 10th you can see the large buildings it is a recycling building right here. then the bar next door to buildings on fire when firefighters got there was flame shooting through the roof. those buildings no injuries they have damage reported that $2 million they know it started in the back but they don't have a cause yet. oakland police are looking for a gunman who opened fire shooting nine people at a halloween party yesterday morning at ste. ballroom and 1910 broadway at gunmen walked in to the party they were dressed in costume and the gunmen opened fire. all the ambulances responding crime stoppers is offering a $45,000 group word for the information leading to the arrest. cal palace under fire for a shooting sorry not shooting i'm sorry 16 people were hospitalized they don't know what made them sick it was a raise that was going on the cow palace is being blasted they say there is lots the lack of law enforcement these injuries happen to on the night where they had at halloween concert the concert any event was sponsored by live 105. they saw people under the influence of various drugs that don't know what they're hospitalized for or their conditions. sarah sure was not asked to return to iran so the trial has been put on hold. their trial is expected to begin saturday but it was postponed just announced today the three americans were hiking in july of 09 near the border when forces took them into custody and accuse them of an intentionally crossing over the border. we will be back with morning couple of minutes. claude looked at san francisco beautiful blue skies we will bury our real national pastime -- saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work. 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one -- state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive 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