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the overnight wind brought down this huge tree crushing this pick-up truck here on ridgeview drive in pleasant hill luckily no one was in the vehicle when the incident occurred. tree removers climbed into the bed of pick-up and used a chainsaw to cut the tree into heavy chunks and stacked them on the sidewalk .the tree was nearly 70- feet-tallwhen it came down it stretched across ridgeview.blocking the entire roadwayin pleasant hill haaziq madyun, kron 4 news . >> pam: this danger flying debris sign was posted to warn drivers traveling above the 580-freeway on the oakland san leandro borderthroughout the daythe strong wind kicking up debris in the roadway posed a potential hazard for motorists there in the east bay hills >> reporter: high winds always conjure up images of a tropical storm here in san jose's stately palm haven. standing beneath row upon row of the 150 foot palm trees here along riverside drive can be an un-nerving experience as the wind howls through the area. palm fronds rain down from above, littering the streets and yards, landing on rooftops and cars and occasionally throwing a scare into residents. look closely and you can see how those palm fronds have an edge with razor-sharp teeth no serious damage was reported but folks here tend to stay indoors if they can until the winds die down. in san jose rob fladeboe, kron 4 news. >> pam: elsewhere in the south bay, the gusting winds were mixing with the sound of chainsaws and wood - chippers. this crew spent most of the morning clearing the mess made from a downed tree on blaney avenue, at east homestead road, in cupertino. the 60 - foot tall oak narrowly missed several cars as it came down in the parking lot of a condominium complex. there were no injuries, but the mess was blamed for smarling traffic for a time during rush hour. >> and in the santa cruz mountains, commuters dodged downed branches and other debris here along summit road. there were some gusts above 40- miles per hour at the higher elevations, as the windy conditions persisted throughout the day. it made for a 'both- hands- on-the- wheel' drive over highway- 17 and a very busy day for tree and utility crews from both sides of the summit. >> reporter: at 10:00 a.m., they received this phone call that this tree branch crashed down onto the road. with luckily, no one was injured and scattered about the branches and it was a ferocious wind all night. and mill valley, terisa estacio, kron 4 news. >> pam: and this was the scene in redwood city. a large branch just cracked off this tree. it fell right next to an apartment complex. it all happened here on redwood shores parkway. the large branch blocked the sidewalk. a resident tells kron four news howling winds caused minor damage throughout the complex knocking around other trees and sending debris scattered about. >> intense winds are blowing sand onto the great highway in san francisco. right now great highway is closed bewtween lincoln and sloat. here's early morning video of sand blowing on the road. officials closed the highway around 3:30 this morning. sand and debris on this roadway is often an issue.but this is worse than usual. cones and construction fencing blown over. no word on when the great highway will re-open. but officials say it's likely it will remail closed through the night. >> with all the trees being blown down as a result of the windstorm overnight some trees needed a little help and this was one of them, had they not cut it down it would have fallen like the 47 other trees in san francisco alone like this one at 48th and geary that forced muni to reroute its buses and got enough attention that people showed up with cell phone in have to get a shot all the trees that i looked at no one was injured and minimal property damage in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news >> pam: at san francisco state university -- a tree branch smashed a car window. you can see the car -- and the big tree. no one was hurt. and of course, the windy weather making the commute a little tougher to navigate today. here is a live look at the james lick, the bay and san mateo bridges. at the moment -- no major problems to report -- but, we'll keep an eye out throughout tonights newscast. >> developing right now. a tense at san francisco general hospital. >> he was always cheery and wanting to talk. so it is a sad news for this a dermatologist. a man with a weapon.seen on the hospital campus near right now, police are investigating how a popular people who knew doctor elias justine waldman, that the cow hollow dermatologist was a kind man, and they are stunned by this loss. >> reporter: friends of dr. elias michael can't believe he is gone. elvira giampaoli, owns the deli where. she says. the doctor got lunch every day. >> always had a smile on his face. >> reporter: michael's worked at union street dermatology. the office was closed on monday. it has many rave reviews on yelp. police are investigating the 47-year old's death as suspicious, but are not saying how he died. autopsy results won't be ready for weeks. the doctor's body was found sunday in his pacific heights apartment building. on monday morning, witness's saw police escorting a man out of there in handcuffs. >> a bunch of cops were just like flying down the street and they pulled up. and went up there. and we heard from a customer that somebody had died last night >> reporter: a woman at the front desk of his apartment said michael lived with his aunt. and a man had been staying with him. police tell kron 4 news. they did detain one man and brought him in for questioning that person was a possible roommate or house guest of the doctor. but police have not made any arrests. in san francisco, justine waldman kron 4 news. >> the pentagon says it's postponing a planned test launch of a minuteman three ballistic missile. officials say they don't want to do anything to increase tensions with north korea. the north koreans, on the other hand, are doing everything they can to keep the u=s and south korea on edge. the latest video shows north korean dog handlers unleashing a pack of snarling german shepherds on an effigy of south korea's defense minister. the north also pulled all 50=thousand workers from a joint industrial complex. the one=time symbol of north=south cooperation generated billions in revenue, but it also brought north korean workers into contact with the outside world. the north has moved its most powerful ballistic missiles to launch sites on the east coast. the u=s has responded by arming its patriot anti=missile system and aiming it towards the north. at bus stops across the south, notices have gone up, identifying civil defense shelters. >> "this sign says "shelter" in korean. as part of this city's plan, is if there's a disaster, people would go into these underground parking garages. they're several stories deep, complete concrete. essentially, urban underground bunkers >> reporter: if north korean leader kim jong un is trying to get the attention of the american people, he is succeeding. a new u=s poll says 41 percent of americans now characterize north korea an immediate threat. 51 percent do not believethe crisis can be resolved by diplomacy alone. 61 percent believe the u=s should sent troops if north korea attacks the south. >> catherine: two women who left their mark on the world in very different ways have died. former british prime minister margaret thatcher. and annette funicello - who won america's heart as a 12- year-old in mickey mouse ears. funicello was 70. thatcher was 87. >> margaret thatcher was a grocer's daughter who became the first woman prime minister of great britain. she swept into office in 1979.with the promise of transforming the british economy.which was battered by strikes and inflation. she ruled for 11 remarkable years. cutting taxes.and privatizing state industries. supporters say she saved britain. critics say she widened the gap between the rich and poor. thatcher restored britain's clout in world affairs. and built a special bond with her american counterpart and political soulmate - ronald reagain. >> "it was closer ideologically. any other american president." >> catherine: thatcher convinced reagan that mikhail gorbachev was a soviet leader they could do business with. later in life.thatcher suffered from dementia and other health problems. and slowly faded from public view. from britain's iron lady - to america's sweetheart. annette funicello was one of the original mousketeers. a hugely popular children's show that began in 1955. >> it is just like we are married. >> exactly. >> she would go on to become what she joked was the 'queen of teen' - appearing in beach party movies with frankie avalon. in 1992 - funicello publicly announced her ongoing battle with multiple sclerosis. and got an outpouring of public support. have a good cryny days when because of the phone calls and mail that i got. stacks of fan mail. >> catherine: she went on to set up a research fund for neurological disorders. but for many americans - remained forever young. whether in mouse ears. or a bathing suit. annette funicello died in a california hospital. margaret thatcher died at her suite in the ritz in london.where she's been living the last few months. >> pam: our top story tonight -- the wind damage around the bay area. this is video from oak and fillmore in san francisco. a large tree crashing down between two cars. kron 4 crews are across the bay area -- more of the dramatic damage video ahead. dramatic damage video ahead. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. >> pam: our top story tonight -- the bay area cleaning up from wind damage. right now -- a wind advisory remains in effect. this is video from san francisco's potrero hill neighborhood this morning. a large tree split -- half of it falling onto a car -- the other half into a home. and now a look later in the day -- crews on scene removing that tree. it had to be cut into smaller pieces -- a crane dragged the parts away. no one was hurt. kron 4 is tracking the high winds -- and we'll have the full forecast ahead. >> catherine: one of the two young hikers missing for days in southern california. is now talking about the ordeal. andrew spencer has the latest. >> "it was honestly like the best-craziest experience of my entire life." >> reporter: nicholas cendoya is still in awe as he recalls the rescue that he says saved his life. cendoya and his friend kyndall jack got lost last sunday on a hike through the santa ana mountains. they called the sheriff's department,but the call was lost when the phone died. after a search over several days through dense brush.authorities found cendoya wednesday evening. dehydrated and bruised from a fall, but alive. jack was nowhere in sight. cendoya thinks they were separated after they reached the top of the mountain, but he says he doesn't remember how. >> "i can't tell you. that's when -- 'cause i -- now that they've told me i've suffered a trauma, i guess, maybe i fell. and maybe we both fell and we just split ways, or maybe i fell and she thought i was dead." >> reporter: kyndall jack was found the next day clinging to a cliff. authorities say she was weak and losing consciousness. cnn affiliate k-t-l-a says she was taken to a local hospital and treated for dehydration and hypothermia. as for nicolas, he says he's learned a lesson. >> "definitely bring a compass, water, tell people where you're going. bring a map. i think the number one thing is to tell people exactly where you're going." i'm andrew spencer reporting. >> catherine: both hikers are expected to be ok. so is one of the rescue workers - who fell and suffered a head injury. >> the family of a young american diplomat killed in afghanistan is taking comfort in the fact she died doing what she loved best. 25-year-old anne smedinghoff was one of 5 americans killed saturday in a suicide bombing. the group had been delivering books to school children. her parents say they were nervous about her job -- but knew she was determined to make a difference in the world. she was someone who really embraced life to the fullest she wanted to make a difference in the world. she had a strong interest in foreign affairs and international diplomacy. she saw this as a way where she could contribute and help make a difference. >> catherine: smeding-hoff joined the foreign service straight out of college.and volunteered for dangerous missions around the world. she was the first american diplomat to die on the job since last year's attack in libya. the taliban is claiming responsibility for the attack. >> pam: now back to the windy weather. this is a live look from our mount tam camera . blue skies and again. a wind until 8-pm. jacqueline bennet is standing by live with the forecast. >> jacqueline: pam, we are on the roof but there were wind does not feel that pat but earlier, they were hauling! and earlier, we can see that is breezy but not as bad as earlier. tomorrow, some calm winds but still not as near as what we saw today. breezy. 20's. today, we saw wind speeds in the 30's in the 40's and temperatures in the 80s. and to cooler conditions as we go towards a thursday with the fog returning. the satellite & righter, showing high pressure building. this system & radar --. with gusting wind conditions. between these system to clear skies but the windy conditions. sustained wind speeds we are still seeing wind speeds in the 20's, 30's and a couple of places. currently, the coast is pretty breezy. wind speeds at 20 m.p.h., 22 in hayward. 22 in oakland, fairfield those are sustained winds. it will be sustained when speeds tonight indicated by the blue. the wind advisory will expire by 10:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. is expected to expire with calm winds tonight. overnight, we have calm winds but still breezy by 10:00 p.m. hurley, this is when it is going to be the most of earlier xkn,,take a look for = look at the early morning hours we will see some chances of winds gusting at 20 m.p.h. later. and for the afternoon but not nearly as windy as what we saw today. still pretty breezy. temperatures are also going to be warming up towards tomorrow. first, the cool morning temperatures in the 40's and the 30's and portions of the bay area. 39 toward mid 40's for the bayshore and towards the south-bay. with 70's. we are looking at 74 and san jose. for the east bay inland valleys also 76 degrees and livermore. for the east bayshore. half still some upper 60s in richmond, 66 degrees, 67 in berkeley and 60s still along the coast. towards wednesday in the low 60s tomorrow. and 70's for the north bay with your extended forecast big changes. nowhere near of what we saw today with warmer conditions tomorrow. in fact wednesday might even feel hot with the 80s. and as we go towards the weekend temperatures will moderate a little bit what the 70's. the fog will return sunday, monday. keeping it cooler bay-area wide. >> the wind cauging lots of damage throughout the bay area. pictures like this one. we always encourage you to send us your photos documenting destructiuve weather. i'll be showing more pictures later in the show. breaking >> pam: the san mateo bridge you can see there is haiti's or fog hovering over the bridge. at the haziness -- at headlights = east bound. the 101 guadeloupe overpass, the heaviest headlights are southbound. james let also slow and highway 1 0 1 towards the southbound on the top of your screen is going towards the lo lower deck. and walnut creek showing slow at the 6 80/24 interchange. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. >> these high winds and lake merced. what this tree also impacted with these branches from this up rooted tree. and alex sent this picture and. with very high winds along the coast take a look. they sent this in from pacifica. the glass in the lobby this is the quest diagnostics building in redwood city. this lawn furniture with no match for the high wind. the same such a wage and with the cannot be. it has basically torn. and we are always looking for weather damage you can see that it is widespread damage. and send us in a message on facebook were also e-mail breaking >> jacqueline: the have a wind certainly wreaking >> jacqueline: the have a wind certainly wreaking havoi haveha low towestosterone. there, i said it.. howh did i know? well, i didn't really. see, i , figured low testostere would dldecrease my sex drive.. but whenwh i started losing eney and bd ecame moody... thatt's when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. we discdiussed all the symptoms. then hene gavega me some blood tests. shoswed it was low t. that's t'it. it wa s a number -- not just m. [ male alannouncer] todayd, men with lowt have and arogel 1.% (testosterone gel). the #1 #prescribd topicalic testosterone reprlacement therapy, increncases tesestoste when eused daily. women ann d children should avd contact with application sites. discoisntinuein androgel and cal cl your doctor if yof u see seunexpected sis of earleay puberty in a chil, or signsis in a woman, whiwch may include chachnges in body hair or a l aarge igencrease in a, possiosbly dy ue to accidccental exposure. men withwi breast cancer or who hhoave or might have prostate cancer, and wod men whn o are or may be pregnantna or are breastfeedin, shouloud notno use androge. seriouris sidesi effects ince worseniseng of an en elarged prostate, possiosble ine creased risk of prf ostate cancer, lowerow spermpe count, swellg of anklanes, feet, or body, enlearged or painful brea, propblems breathing during insleep, and bloobld clots in the leg. tell elyour duroctor aboutbo your medical conditios and med mications, especiaeclly insulin, cortiorcosterstoids, or medics to de crease blood clotting. do men do when a number's too low? turn it iup! [ malema announnncer ] in a c alinical study, over 8% of treatreed men had their t levelsve restored to norma. talk tok your doctor about all your symptoms. get tethe blo bod tests. changhae your number. turn it . andranogel 1.62%. (male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: high winds.cauging wide-spread damage. high winds along the coast. willian sent us this sign in snapped off. >> jacqueline: with portions of wind along the coast. we are still at when speeds along 30 m.p.h.. half moon bay, civil through san jose and the inland valleys. with 30 m.p.h. for 30 in the san jose 28 m.p.h. in livermore. calm winds more at only 12 compared that to the 62 mph wind speeds we saw earlier. the wind advisory for the entire bay-area wide practically. with 20 m.p.h.- 30 m.p.h. and gusting at 45 m.p.h.. it is still going to be breezy. as for the current temperatures it is warmer. '70s in places like napa, vallejo. 68 in pleasanton and livermore. 50s along the coast but warmer conditions as we go for the next couple of days with cooler as a result tomorrow, still breezy but not as strong as what we saw today. tuesday, wednesday wait until you see how warm it is going to get. it might feel hot. these winds will be just a distant memory. >> pam:thanks jacqueline -- we'll check back in with you in about 15 minutes. the high wind caused metal pieces to fall off the marquee. at the alexandria theater in san francisco. this was the scene near geary and 18-th. the fire department was called in to make sure everything was okay. it did briefly impact traffic in the area. now to wind damage in the east bay. this video is from pleasant hill. a truck crushed by a fallen tree on ridgeview drive. also lots of plants knocked over near a restaurnat on pacheco boulevard. due to the wind. will have more on that, coming uppresident obama hit the road today-- traveling to connecticut. to try to make the case for national gun control legislation. this, just as members of congress arrived back in washington looking to take up the issue. and there is a lot ot talk on the issue. emily schmidt reports from washington about the challenges of turning that talk into any new law. >> reporter: the newtown school shooting that took 26 lives--most of them children--prompted immediate calls for a government response. here's president obama-- three days later. >> "in the coming weeks, i'll use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens/in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this. >> reporter: nearly four months later, congress hasn't passed any new gun control laws, so the call for change is sounding again. >> we're gonna live with this for the rest of our lives, so our legislators need to hear us. >> reporter: some families of sandy hook victims spoke on 60 minutes, and one senator says he thinks their presence with the president on his monday trip to connecticut will make a difference. >> that picture i hope, along with the knowledge that the majority of americans,want background checks, i think will revive, reinvigorate, but also sustain that sense of momentum and urgency. >> reporter: most recent polls show more than 85 percent of americans support universal background checks for guns but polls show slipping support for major gun restrictions or outlawing all guns: from 52 percent in a december cnn/orc poll in the days after the newtown shooting to 43 percent in mid-march. there are hints of talks on a capitol hill compromise , but on the record, there's this: kentucky senator rand paul and 12 colleagues sent a letter to senate majority leader harry reid monday saying they'll oppose any bill that infringes on the second amendment. the senate could take up gun control legislation this week, with an outcome less certain than the debate leading up to it. in washington, i'm emily schmidt for kron 4 news >> pam: mister obama's trip to connecticut is the second trip in two weeks he has made. to talk about gun control legislation. last week, he was in colorado, site of the movie theater massacre last july. and when the president leaves connecticut today -- eleven family members of children killed at sandy hook elementary, will fly to washington with him on air force one. they will spend the next two days lobbying congress about gun control laws. >> catherine: the president of rutgers held a town hall meeting today. giving people the chance to vent about things - including the recent firing of coach mike rice. officials at rutgers are looking at videos of practice sessions - from "all" of the sports teams at the school. they want to be sure that no other coach engaged in behavior like that caught on video involving coach mike rice. he can be seen and heard verbally and physically abusing his players. also today - governor chris christie was asked about rice. christie called him an "animal" - who should never come in contact with young >> hundreds of people in chicago attended the funeral of movie critic roger ebert today. ebert died last week at age 70 -- after a long battle with cancer. he was praised as a hero to his profession and a champion for the little guy. the service had both serious and funny moments. chicago mayor rahm emanuel joked that ebert saw bad movies so the rest of us wouldn't have to. there is also a public memorial service planned for thursday night at a chicago theater. >> now for today's market update. stocks finished higher today. rebounding from one of the worst weeks of the year. here are the final numbers. the dow gained 48 points to close at 14-thousand-613. the nasdaq rose 18 points. and the s-and-p 500 rose nine points. >> the winners and losers it is that time to talk about the latest on wall street. i want to begin with a winner. airlines passengers seeing that these seats are smaller and smaller. is it because you like that they are sounding off? >> i am not going to be well liked but airlines are charging for food, luggage, they are and making us purchase everything. it is like a public bus in the sky. the obama administration has just dropped the ball. and the four main families that are practically mafia related that have no competition. they will have to record profits and we have no way to stop them. >> they are talking about even bringing the bathrooms smaller. and in the losers' we have macy's and j.c. penney they are back in court today battling over martha stewart. >> i think the entire department store is a loser. j.c. penney stock has been a disaster. old. martha stewart is 71 years old and i like martha stewart but what is the company going to do after she passes. her daughter has no interest. j.c. penney needs it is to survive is a store in a store is a brilliant concept. but people like to purchase a shirt that is the duty% off. and one which is called a $25. but he is a great ceo but i think that he is the wrong fit for j.c. penney. >> and martha stewart as a long-term brand. >> yes they are fighting it is not going to be breeding forever. >> the other loser is microsoft there is word that they are going to be debuting their own version of cool glass google glasses.. >> by 2018 they will not be relevant in the desktop but the new x box slated for later this month that will be released is possibly going to be successful. n f l is bringing nnew developments. apple-is bringing new developments to the marketplace would even being able to control your television remote control by even just your pinkie. >> and the new x box. away from the bake gaming consul is that the trend? >> we will see what the new x boxes. if it is $99 it is competitive but any team is made for your phones. and anything 4 x box, play station there's a lot of competition. >> pam: our top stories the high wind this is aerial video shot by our partners at abc seven news. this massive tree down in woodside. >> jacqueline: those winds certainly have been wreaking havoc, pam. the wind has been gusting at 65 mph calm winds now but still gusting in the 30's. when we could completely see [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. >> americans are obsessed with dieting.and there's a newit's the overnight diet. a rapid weight loss plan that claims you can actually lose weight while you sleep. in fact the overnight diet says you can lose up to two pounds overnight. according to the author who is an obesity doctor. patients lost up to nine pounds in one week after the first week on a high protein food regamin. the bottom-line - sleep. if you get enough sleep every night you don't get hunger pangs which induce the hunger hormone. and believe it or not, exercise isn't not required for users of the plan. now, critics say there's no way to lose two pounds of fat overnight. you'd have to burn up about six or seven thousand calories. the author admits, most likely what you lose is water weight. before you bite into that big steak dinner, you might want to reconsider. no it's not just the fat that is bad for your heart. it's a red meat chemical. there is a brand new link between red meat and heart disease, according to a new study. researchers at cleveland clinic say a compound called carnitine makes it easier for cholesterol to clog your arteries. if you eat a lot of red meat and your body converts carnitine into another chemical, it could raise your risk for heart disease, heart attacks and stroke. 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[ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ [ male announcer ] only from at&t. [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] >> pam: our top story -- the wind damage. this is video over a parking lot in san jose -- just look at all the trees knocked over. jaqueline bennet is live >> jacqueline: some of the strongest wind has been in the san francisco area with a 62 m.p.h.! still, breezy. we can see the flag whipping in the wind. temperatures in the teens. as we look ahead for the next several days. still, breezy but not nearly as breezy as what we saw today. temperatures are going to be warming up. and towards wednesday. we are going to be talking about temperatures in the '80s were a number of spots. the fog will return. and at least by the coast. and the reason why we are seeing such strong winds is a low pressure system. overnight and because of it is striving huge winds from the north over california. and also clear skies with a stationary system. the difference between these two different systems causing this high wind. pressure wind it will press to the east causing lower wind speeds but still wind speeds in the '20s-30's. for the coast, the wind gusting at 30 m.p.h. plus. 22, sustained in hayward. 20's in oakland, hayward, fairfield, 25 m.p.h. in san jose. as we look towards tonight, still breezy conditions this evening. along the coast we are still going to see winds gusting at 30 m.p.h.. towards this evening the wind advisory will expire. with calm winds tonight. still some breezy conditions for tomorrow but not nearly as strong as what we saw today. the calm winds will be around 3:00 a.m. some cooler conditions because of the calm winds at 3:00 a.m. but later morning hours by 10:00 a.m. we are talking about the wind speeds increasing near the el diablo range. in the el diablo range put 20 m.p.h. for tomorrow. again picking up but not nearly as bad as today. gusting at the 20's. temperatures? chilly. those called conditions temperatures in the 40's bay-area wide. and low 40's for the livermore valley. we will see mid 40's for the bay shore and the south-bay. more mild with 47 degrees. with a 10 degrees warmer up over today for the south- bay, 70's. 76 and cupertino. 74 in santa clara, san jose. also warmer with the mid upper 70's. 764 danville, livermore, low 70's for the east bay shore. and even 70's in places like richmond. for the coast also low 60s but several degrees warmer than and today. 66 degrees and a range of 70's for the north bay. again it is going to get a lot warmer. as we take a look at your extended forecast. temperatures in the 80s. that is certainly going to feel much warmer is going to be practically hot. temperatures in the 60s for the past several days. cooler conditions expected. still breezy in san francisco. wouldn'that wind advisory will expire. >> pam: thanks jacqueline -- we'll check back in with you in about 15 minutes. at 6:00 p.m., we will check back in with jacqueline. >> strong winds affected the great highway large amounts of sand blows onto and taking a look a your monday afternoon commute. the overpass near the 101 guadeloupe heavy. those headlights were traffic is having north and. the james let, also barely moving as it is going towards the bay bridge. and southbound. the bay bridge, no problems with all lanes open. and in walnut creek the 6 80/24 interchange for slow. we will be back. . >> high winds. with strong damage. so she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan, who sees that she's due for a mammogram. mary has one that day. that's when she finds out she has a tumor. she has a successful surgery and because her health provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. i don't know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ >> jacqueline: it has been windy. 30 m.p.h. also in san jose. along the windy weather is going to last coming up to 6:00 p.m.. themnow at six. the big wind that brought no good to the bay area san francisco's great highway closed down it was a windstorm for the (male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: tonight at six. high winds battered the bay area. you can see some of the damage in san francisco. the winds knocked over trees. and clean up efforts are still underway in many locations. this is a live picture from our san jose camera where you can see it shaking because of windy conditions. you can also see wind blowing from the bay bridge. a wind advisory is in effect until 8- this evening. i m in the weather center with kron4's jacqueline bennet. she has been tracking the conditions outside. jacqueline? >> jacqueline: still, 20 m.p.h., 30 m.p.h. wind speeds sold it remains quite windy right now. not nearly as bad as earlier but not that great. 23 m.p.h. sustained winds in fairfield. the same in oakland. hayward, san jose the wind gusting even stronger! 30 m.p.h. in half moon bay and also and san jose with a wind advisory remains in effect for most of the bay. the peninsula, the south bay the entire east bay, the delta and portions of the coast under this advisory until 8:00 p.m.. we have seen gusting at 60 m.p.h. because of the bay area. the wind will subside after 8:00 p.m. but it will be breezy. but not nearly as bad as today. tense right now, mild. 70's and napa. '70s in pleasanton. low 70's for the south-bay and 50s along the coast but it is going to get warmer for the next couple of days. substantially warmer toward calm winds, " skies and breezy tomorrow but even warmer on tuesday and wednesday. >> pam: from morgan hill to cupertino. to the santa cruz mountains, a wind- blown day across the greater south bay. kron four's rob fladeboe takes a look. as the windy conditions are only just now letting up. >> reporter: the howling winds at times even drowning out the sound of chain saws and wood chipper trucks here in cupertino. as a large old oak tree came down in the parking lot of this condo complex along blaney avenue, narrowly missing the garage and several parked cars. in san jose's willow glen neighborhood, 150 foot tall palm trees bend and twist in the gale as palm fronds rained down on the streets below, covering sidewalks, landing on rooftops and cars and occassionally throwing a scare into residents like roy nordblom. >> these are 95 years old. and they have a lot of stuff up there. and i saw that all of a sudden this have to my car out of the heavens. >> reporter: scattered power outages kept p.g.and e and other utility crews busy for much of the day. in the santa cruz mountains.summit and other mountain roads are littered with fallen branches amid gusts of 40 miles per hour or better at the higher elevations. near the summit rob fladeboe, kron 4 news. >> pam: workers spent hours this morning removing a huge tree after the wind brought in down overnight.crushing this pick-up truck on the 400 block of ridgeview drive in pleasant hill. >> it is good that nobody got hurt and no other cars are a round it so it is time for a new truck. i heard of the wind. and it was pretty strong. it is amazing. now this entire tree has to come down and is now"leaning tower of pisa ya the tree was nearly 70-feet fact when it intially came down it stretched across ridgeview blocking the entire roadway in the peninsula. >> reporter: here in redwood city, see that power line dangling in the middle of glennan drive. around 2am, residents say the heard a loud bang. then all of a sudden the lights flickered on and off, and then suddenly completely off. a pge spokesperson says that nearly 800 custoerms have been affected. late in the afternoon, a crew came out to replace the entire line. you can see how it snapped here at the power pole. glennan drive near mcnulty was closed off for most of the day for safety reasons. in redwood city, terisa estacio, kron 4 news. >> pam: the great highway remains closed tonight. due to strong winds. you can see large amounts of sand blowing onto the roadway. the closure went into effect about three-30 this morning. between skyline boulevard and lincoln way. city officials say there's no estimated time on when it will reopen. they warn drivers that the great highway will likely remain closed throughout the night. >> pam: in other news,three suspects are in police custody after there were reports of a gunman near san francisco general hospital this afternoon. employees at the hospital were ordered to shelter in place for nearly an hour. this is video from our helicopter partnership with a-b-c 7 news. police say officers saw a man possibly armed with a handgun at the hospital campus on potrero avenue and 22nd street. authorities say the incident did not affect patient care. no one was hurt. >> police in san francisco are investigating the suspicous death of a popular dermatologist. the body 47-year old dr. elias michael was found in his pacific heights apartment on sunday. no official cause of death has been released. autopsy results won't be ready for weeks. michael had his own practice. called union street cow hollow. people who knew him. are shocked he is gone. >> he was always a cheery and wanted to talk. ".sad sad news." >> pam: police say they did detain one person on monday. and brought him in for questioning. that man is a possible roomate or houseguest of the doctor. so far, no arrests have been made. >> pam: experiencing pain at the pump? here is a little bit of good news for drivers. gas prices are inching down. according to triple-a. the national average is about 3- 59 for a gallon of regular. that's down more than 30 cents from this same time last year. and what you pay at the pump depends on where you live. hawaii has the highest gas prices at 4-39 a gallon. the next highest is california at 4-02 a gallon. wyoming has some of the cheapest gas at 3-35 a gallon. here's a closer look at bay area gas prices. in san francisco. drvers are paying four-dollars-11 cents for a gallon of regular gas.. in oakland and in san jose. a gallon will cost you four dollars. >> the powerball lottery is now on sale in california. and bay area lotto players are lining up to test their odds. so what are your chances of winning the jackpot? kron 4's grant lodes joins us now with a break down. grant? >> not good! the odds. super lotto plus - statewide $1 match 5 of 5 and the mega number - 41,416,353 to 1 megamillions - $1 5 of 5 and mega - nationwide - climbs $10 mil every drawing that does not produce a winner players pick 5 #'s between 1 and 59 then a poweball number from 1- 35. odds powerball 6 # packpot - 175,233,510 to 1 scott rates will show us the excitement around one of the luckiest stores to purchase a lottery ticket. >> pam: still ahead-- amid threats from north korea. a new survey reveals that worries about an immediate threat from that country are at an all-time high. >> the debate of gun guntrol heating up. coming up president obama hit the road pushing for stricter gun control as congress returns to washington to debate about the issue. and: former first daughter chelsea clinton may end up following her parents footsteps into politics. details next! look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. ♪ [ engine revs ] [ female announcer ] small... [ engine revs ] wicked... ♪ and now... ♪ topless. ♪ the fiat 500 abarth cabrio. ♪ >> pam: scott rates is live at the bay bridge. >> it is still a pretty strong wind with the wind blowing the trees the c h p is requesting that people slow down. again the wind is not as bad as it was earlier but still definitely an issue with the high wind advisory will expire at 8:00 p.m. if you do need to come down here, just slow down. >> pam: we will check with your forecast, with jacqueline, us straight ahead. >> pam: a new national survey suggests americans are paying close attention to the threats coming out of north korea. a new c-n-n poll finds that a majority of the public is doubtful the situation involving the north's missile program can be solved through diplomacy. or economic sanctions alone. according to the survey.41- percent of americans now characterize north korea as an immediate threat to the u-s. that number is an all-time high for that measure. another 41-percent say north korea is a long-term threat to the u.s. and 16-percent don't believe the isolated communist regime is a threat at all. for weeks now north korean leader kim jong un has been threatening attacks against the u-s and south korea. and in both the u-s and south korea. there is growing concern for a potential disaster. barbara starr has more. >> all eyes are focused on this missile. with a range of 2,500 mi. and the question of if and when north korea could test fire this from a mobile launcher and eastern korea. >> our position has been it that it should seize its threats immediately. >> reporter: a growing trend is what is happening here at the north korea a complex. take a look at this commercial satellite. compared to this one from the month of march. this is showing that you can see new construction. a possibility to restart its plutonium reactor reache weeks b it was going to do so. >> if we to activate that part of the program to different areas to produce material for nuclear bombs. >> reporter: could they also create a new nuclear test? there is some activity at this site where they tested the device in february. they do not leave that a nuclear bomb test is eminent. >> and a test would be in direct violation of the resolution >> reporter: north korea has set a deadline to keep this. industrial parks and it could not protect diplomats after that date. >> if they have initiated some ascorbic escalated behavior. >> pam: the u-s has tried to dial back its show of force to keep from making things worse. but with on going threats from north korea.the u-s and south korea plans to prepare in case the north follows through on its threats. >> catherine: margaret thatcher has age 87. nicknamed the 'iron lady' - she became britain's first and only female prime minister. this is thatcher with her american counterpart and political soul-mate.ronald reagan. thatcher served for 11 remarkable years. supporters say she turned the economy around - and 'saved' britain. critics say she widened the gap between the rich and the poor. queen elizabeth has authorized a ceremonial funeral - that's one step short of a state funeral. thatcher died today at the ritz hotel in london. in recent year she had suffered from dementia and other health problems. >> and annette funicello has died. she won america's heart as a 12-year-old in mickey mouse ears. she was one of the original mousketeers. on a tv hugely popular children's show that began in 1955. she would later go on to star in light-hearted beach movies.with frankie avalon. funicello went public with her battle against multiple sclerosis in 1992. and set up a research fund for neurological disorders. she was 70. >> pam: president obama hit the road today--traveling to connecticut to try to make the case for national gun control legislation. he is visiting connecticut--just as congress came back to washington looking to take up the issue. surrounded by families of the sandy hook elementary school shooting victims, the president called on congress to pass tougher gun control laws. >> we have to tell congress that it is time to require a background check for anybody that wants to buy a gun. so people that are dangerous to themselves or others do not get their hands on a gun. "let's make that happen" >> pam: this is the second trip in two weeks president obama has made to talk about gun control legislation. last week, he was in colorado, site of the movie theater massacre last july. >> jacqueline: the wind has been howling. for really the past 24 hours with gusting conditions and the number of locations. monterey, gusting and san francisco, 62 speeds. oakland 48. and 44 wind gusting and it is still quite breezy. this afternoon, 26 mph in half moon bay. still 30 in redwood city. 30's in san jose and 20's in concord. certainly quite windy. they are expected to die down. it is going to be breezy tonight but not nearly as bad as today. temperatures will be warmer and especially wednesday. getting into the when 80s by wednesday. bay-area wide, a high pressure and the low pressure just pushing through from yesterday that is what is causing these strong winds. once that low pressure system pushes inland, calm winds. here is a look at futurecast. still 20 m.p.h. as we go towards 10:00 p.m., still 20 m.p.h.. 3:00 a.m., it will be the most calm winds. and not nearly as bad as today but gusting at 20 m.p.h. tomorrow afternoon. tomorrow's temperatures are widespread 40's in livermore. the wind will die down overnight and temperatures are going to get cooler. much warmer than what we saw today with 70's in the south bay. 74 degrees in san jose and the 70's also for the in the valley. 75 in concord, livermore, low 70's for the east bay shore. near the coast, 60s with a bit of an agreement from today. a look in your extended forecast with a big warm up. but will cool right back down for the weekend temperatures still on the mild side. and remember you can watch the weather forecast whenever it is convenient for you on our 24/7 bay area news channel. you can also get headlines and live traffic. it's on comcast 193 and you >> this just in to the kron 4 news room dublin, pleasanton, fremont with major bart delays. typically at least 20 minutes. the dublin pleasanton at daly city. we will keep you posted in the meantime will take a short break and be [ man ] we have a go for auto sequence start. t-minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... ignition. [ male announcer ] launch your internet experience on at&t's newly expanded advanced digital network and connect more wi-fi-enabled devices at home. [ female announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] and get more speed for wi-fi gaming, more reliability than ever and more connectivity between devices. [ female announcer ] so call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] u-verse high speed internet. [ man ] where all systems are go. ♪ >> first there was bill, then came hillary. but are we ready for another clinton to enter politics? first there was bill, then came hillary. but are we ready for another clinton to enter politics? former first daughter chelsea clinton may end up following her parents into politics. in an interview on the 'today' show clinton said she may consider running for office if she could make a "meaningful" impact on the country. but-she says right now, she leaders. her mother, former secretary of state hillary clinton, is rumored to by eyeing a presidential run in 2016. chelsea says she expects her mother to "make the right choice for herself" regarding another run. >> pam: we are just 41 days away. [ male announcer ] the southwest airlines nationwide sale lets you go from working hard... to hardly working. ♪ big sales that help you get away. that's how we fly. act fast! these are the final days to grab flights all over the country as low as $59 one-way. hurry and book now, only at we are southwest. welcome aboard. we are southwest. so she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan, who sees that she's due for a mammogram. mary has one that day. that's when she finds out she has a tumor. she has a successful surgery and because her health provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. i don't know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. kaiser permanente. thrive. (male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> tonight the story is the wind and it has been breezy. >> jacqueline: a high wind advisory with the high wind gusting at monterey, 65 mph and 62 in san francisco, and mountain view and livermore. it still remains custody. 22 in half moon bay, 30 in redwood city. and still pretty breezy out there tonight. high wind advisory for most of the bay area. this will be in effect until 8:00 p.m. with 20 m.p.h.-30 m.p.h. and the wind is going to die down but still breezy towards tuesday. gusting at 20 m.p.h. so certainly more comfortable. temperatures are also going to warm up on tuesday and wednesday getting to the 80s. and cooling down back into the 70's for most of the bay area. >> continuing our coverage in redwood city. add mac loyalty and glen ellen drug. there were power lines that for snapped in the middle of the street. and high winds are to blame. a pg&e crew came out and glen ellen drive was closed with nearly 800 customers were impacted. in redwood city, terisa estacio, kron 4 news. >> reporter: and san jose, these high winds making a mess of the streets below. the rooftops and these 100 year-old palm's littered with palms and debris. no serious damage but take a look these have breede every sure-offs sharp edges. that it is a good idea to stay inside. >> and rich to drive the force of the overnight wind brought down this huge tree covering the entire roadway. and it landed on the bed of that pack up truck. >> it is good that nobody got hurt. and it is the only truck that got hit. and maybe it is time for a new truck. >> reporter: haazig madyun kron 4. >> reporter: in piedmont, burglaries are on the upswing they are thinking about installing cameras at a dozens of locations so they can capture the license plates. for example, and to run from oakland into piedmont. this is certainly going to help with crime investigation after a crime had occurred. the city council will take up this matter next month. >> reporter: a popular dermatologist and died. dr. elias michael worked at union street dermatology. hint cow hollow... there has been one person detained but no arrests. >> this is the first breathalizer a great example of new technology to save lives. >> it is a hardware device and it is simply as plugging it into your smart phone. and here is your iphone and also and android. >> this is the smaller price of a breathalyzer and lightweight and convenient. everybody who dreams and plans to drive should have one of these. tune in at 8:00 p.m., will feature this and my gabe slate tech report. >> this just in to the kron 4 news room this wildfire in the southern california has torn through an orchard and impacting a home. this is and ventura county. the pockets of flames in this structure is burning. firefighters are fighting with this with water. active. it started at 4: 30 they are trying to protect this small housing development one-quarter mile from this area. people in this area are encouraged to get their valuables and evacuate. so far, no injuries but you can see this is already this isfliimore california we will keep an eye on mess. >> of airline quality seems to be improving. with showing improvements of a riva arriving flight but could some of that because there are fewer planes. that means fewer delays. hawaiian air is on the top of the last with rarely impacted. and less bags are being lost with mishandled baggage is at a 25 year low. less than one in 1000 to goes missing on its watch over the overall improvement might be because people are carrying on to avoid the fees. people are also finding things to complain about it is the worst offender. airline customer complaints are increasing 20 percent. they are mostly talking about crow planes and tight seats. this could continue with crowded planes in the latest merger of american & u.s. airways. the fares would usually increase with more lost bags possible. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. 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(male announcer): it's now time for gary radnich from the jack in the box sports desk. >> gary: king, payton into hall of fame former warrior bernard king was elected to the naismith hall of fame today. king played with the warriors in the early 80's averaging 23 points, 6 rebs, 4 assists per game, part of a 15 year nba career with five teams oakland native gary payton was also elected to the hall of fame payton played his high school ball at skyline before becoming one of the great defensive guards the nba has ever seen. as we reported last week jerry tarkanian and rick pitino also got ina great day for pitino who is coaching in the championship game against michigan and who also had a $2.7 million bonus kick in today >> cal women season over the best season in cal women's basketball history came to an end yesterday at the final 4 in new orleans the game was tied at 57 with 1:30 left but this basket and foul by louisville's sara hammond put the cardinals up for good cal's mikela lyle could have tied it with this 3- pointer but no, no no. louisville wins 64-57 cal's season ends at 32-4, just a few points shy of playing uconn in the giants got rings yesterday romo & cain if take a look. these and diamond rings here is sergio romo. >> it means a lot to me that i got a piece of jewelry knowing that i am part of something special. it definitely means a lot. very fulfilling. >> it was an exciting game, or all of us and we were excited to see the ring. and it turn there it is, the first 40,000 fans received replica rainrings and all of the beautiful ones. they have three different types. the second run but, it is for people that are some talk so people. the second-tier people. and the third level were the fans. and they brought one in today. it was nice! and if it was my choice i would forget to i would rather just take the third one. they were beautiful! the bay. receiving perhaps even $200 nominations. and the giants did everything right with the exception of on the field. and a difficult home opener for this boston red sox opener. he said that he got lost on its way to the stadium. he had to ask for directionsindians manager got lost tiger favored, $7k to go he is a favorite of 5-2. fresh from taking the no. 1 ranking in the world and rory mcelroy and with four day batches at the masters were costing $7,000. they are selling at $1,000. >> jamarcus cancells pro day he will be in san diego on wednesday. and it was actually canceled. when we come back, the warriors have a chance to clinch a you playoff spot. and this man has one of the best personalities. and how many players get annoyed with you? >> yes. a lot. >> this is kent bazemore... ♪ [ man ] we have a go for auto sequence start. t-minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... ignition. [ male announcer ] launch your internet experience on at&t's newly expanded advanced digital network and connect more wi-fi-enabled devices at home. [ female announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] and get more speed for wi-fi gaming, more reliability than ever and more connectivity between devices. [ female announcer ] so call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] u-verse high speed internet. 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[ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] (male announcer): it's now time for gary radnich from the jack in the box sports desk. >> gary: as mentioned, kent bazemore is here he is a great defender. and of course he is one of the most visible players. cheering on his team. and when you are not playing sports. it is sometimes tough to root for someone else. >> yust it was kind of tough. when i saw the guys running up and down the court. and i was a bit fidgety but no celebrating. >> gary: you have had other and be a players have asked you to sit down. >> against the biggest one was lebron james and miami. he makes a play and looks right at the. it was crazy. but if he is looking at me that i am doing my job. >> gary: you seem like a nice, but if you cross lebron james? >> some no hard feelings. >> and peck on someone your on way out. and -- and today, you are working in the community today. >> yes i was helping with this. park in san francisco removing shrubs >> and you have already have one up over lebron. you were out there hoping. >> yes. breaking a sweat. >> gary: you have a chance tomorrow. you and the lakers? >> we artist trying to focus. we are not relying on any other team. >> gary: and glasses? >> our their lenses. >> de want to try them. ( [laughter] jjacqueline bennett pamela laughing in the background. >> gary: and what about the playoffs? >> i will take care of business. >> gary: you always the scope or are you fronting? everybody swears by you. with a great guy and we wish you nothing but the best. and when you get older you would want them. >> gary: i only half lot of tension. nice to see you. kent, see you at 8:00 p.m.. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. this has been the biggest surprise of my life. >> halle on her pregnancy at 46, the new interview. >> how dangerous is this pregnancy to halle's health? plus more mom to be news. is jessica's wedding dated set? and kim k.'s baby bump revealed. and beyonce and jay-z's cuban controversy. could they face criminal charges? the ocean just grabs him. and what heidi told us about rescuing her son henry. >> i just did what i had to do. >> i don't understand women lying about their age. it makes me nuts. >> straight talk from lady o, you know age is nothing but a number. from the set of her o magazine photoshoot. >> and inside facebook's live

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