Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20120517

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your door. a high and the devil could cost an additional $60, these will sometimes only cost an additional $30. oakland police said they did make an arrest last week of six baristas decks. you'll hear more about that at 6:00 and more about some of the ways to keep your house safe. in a box cameras and yourself on. >>catherine: burglary is not the only crime writing. these city statistics compared this year in the last year. the murder rate in oakland is ups if, rates are up and robberies are up if. arsons have skyrocketed. >> surveillance video of a gunman, police say he was robbing this 7-eleven store at macarthur boulevard in east oakland if just after midnight on april 28th. oakland police explain what happens. >> the suspect comes around the corner and crosses the parking lot in if the next camera angle is as he very quickly enters the store. he comes in the store and is holding the clerk at gunpoint. he directs the store " to open the cash registers. the suspect reaches in and start taking money out. soft he reaches are to the shelf area where we believe he took cigarettes. it looks like the cigarettes are in his hand with the gun. >> you see him run out of the store and back across the parking lot. >>kate: investigators are certainly looking at is this is connected to other crimes. >>catherine: after two months, no sign of sierra lamar. the cheerleader disappeared while walking to the school bus. that was just a few blocks from her home on march 16th. craig skalar shows us how volunteers are not giving up hope. >> two months in and searchers are still turning out to be. >> i could not imagine going to this for eight weeks. my heart goes out to them. for roughly 100 or so now turn out every saturday to try and find something to keep their spirits up. nothing has been found. >> people should come out and anytime. everyone has a niece, daughter or granddaughter. latin and added as if it were you and if you like that help. >> the red jetta has been impounded in connection with the case that there is allowed to go on. >> she has to have hope and faith and we're the ones that have deterred. faugh >>grant: the santa clara county sheriff's department says it remains completely focused on her disappearance, but the search has turned up very little in the way the evidence. >> this is where sierra lamar was headed when she left her home on friday, march 16th. a little after 7:00 a.m. she said a text message to a friend. the walk from her home to the best option of taking a few minutes but she never got on the bus and never arrived at her high school. with that evening, her mother who learns of her absence from an automated phone call from the school. that following saturday sheriff's deputies began searching nearby fields and discover herself on and on sunday, her purse was found. there was a bag containing her pants, shirts and underwear all neatly folded. sierra lamar is mother is convinced about was abducted. >> whoever is out there, let her go. >> in the second week of the search the retreating her disappearance as a probable crime. thoughtful fbi agents join the investigation and marc klaas and klass kids foundation mobilized hundreds of volunteers. hotspur >> there is no piece of information that is too small. divers have been searching nearby reservoir and then, 10 days ago debbie's revealed the impounded a red volkswagen jetta with a black hood. >> investigators have not said what evidence if any they have recovered from the impounded car. this week they plan to reexamine some of the questionable objects that turn up in earlier sonar scans. tonight at 6:00 p.m., please discuss new leads in the case. >>jaqueline: here is a live look outside from our roof camera. the fog is the big story. satellite picture show the fog clinging to the coastline. as we zoom in on san francisco it is already spilling over into the bay. temperatures are subtly affected this afternoon. low 50s close to the clothesline. it is a lot warmer away from the coast. here is a look at the fog. warmer weather this weekend. >>catherine: the remains of what might be hundreds of bodies at a cemetery until now were lost to history. they have been unearthed in san as a. rob fladeboe shows us where the discovery was made. >> construction workers were excavating the site when the notice would here to be some very old pine box is, this is a photograph of what looks like tiny coffins that were exposed, part of what was once known as a cotter's field for cemetery for the industry. seth >> none of the coffins were damaged in any weight. county records show this was a cemetery to the 1800's and 1930's and more recently, in part new-line. >> the boxes foundry's certain distance a car or. just doing the math sfax there could be up to 1450 such boxes. the county is asking a judge to permit construction of a hospital resume while archeologists expect -- inspect the site. how >> we're just days away from the face of idea. fifth of at least an additional 84 million shares of stock. half the raiders is the total to 16 billion. and this could be the third largest ipo in u.s. history. q. like to be a part of this history making coming gabe slate is years. >>gabe: this is a pretty weak ipo. there is a lot of interest for people who do not buy and sell stock. they use facebook everyday and now professionally, they can own a part of it. sox a lot of viewers are asking how to just buy one share. >> you can sign up with e- trade or other online trading firms or find a broker of the phone book. the after friday it is most likely that facebook would be very popular. you can buy one share after facebook goes public. once you do there will cindy paper certificate of that stock. for a direct link to the web site the will let you acquire one share of facebook stock, log on to it look for a news when section. >>catherine: a 911 phone call about a fire turns into a huge discovery for each state police. the huge marijuana grower operations cahow car >>catherine: how arrested for not taking his medication, why police say this man was putting the public at risk. celebrating 75 years of the golden gate bridge. we will show you how to avoid the traffic gridlock from the big party. >>stanley: coming up, it is bad behavior's banning of a live back to 2007. -- spanning back all the way to 2007. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. heinz ketchup is only $1.79. that's for the party size. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. get the new safeway app. it's free. and the easiest way to get the most savings. >>grant: and bring people killed or injured while bicycling. it is a silence bike ride. some officers and city officials are riding in it along with supporters. the ride started moment ago at city hall after a short vigil. as the participants will tour areas of richmond wear bicycle safety improvements are planned. one cyclist who was recently a victim of a hit-and-run is leading the ride. 69 bikers have been injured or killed from 2008-2010. asylum bike rider will not exceed 12 m.p.h. recall >>catherine: extra scrutiny from a tsa after a record or abide ms. scanlon of air force security. congress held a hearing to talk about those concerns this >> at newark airport, a real estate officer allowed of events and a secure area. the incident happened to thousands and in government expected hate it is one example of their sort of is. inspectors visited sell airports, the report prompted a hearing on capitol hill on wednesday. >> they have to be a lot smarter, meaner and tougher. >> the inspector general for homeland security raises concerns that it is too lazy for people may pose a threat to obtain security clearance >> the tsa has a knowledge that it can improve its oversight progress and plans to follow the report's recommendations feria >> the fbi is confirming that it has in fact launched a preliminary investigation into j.p. morgan chase filings of these trading blunders. >> we have opened a preliminary investigation of. thoughtful what >> the defense qr john edwards wrapped up their cases. his attorneys had suggested there might be a big finish but the defense wrapped up in a low-key style. edwards was not called to testify and neither was his former mistress. his daughter was also not a witness. he is accused of violating campaign finance laws. the jury could begin deliberations soon. >> a live look outside from the golden gate. the fog has really affected temperatures. it is quite cold along the coastline. into tomorrow morning, another round of dense fog and drizzle. clouds will be a it little slower to peel back to the coastline. cooler temperatures into tomorrow afternoon with fog returning into tomorrow. let's take a look at the satellite in orbit or pitchers. increasing fog through the evening. the afternoon highs tomorrow will be cooler. the inland valleys will be in the most 70's for the most part. los 60s for the east the shores. back in dense fog in the morning. not much time to warm up into the afternoon. '60s and '70s in the north bay. bay to breakers is on sunday, it kept right here kron4. if you slip on a running the race, we will see improving conditions. not as much fog. it will be called to start the race. we'll see conditions warming up with the skies staying clear. of her fifties and all season are. wins out of the north will keep things call roughhouse at morning and friday, clear skies. warmer temperatures as well. that is great news for bay to breakers. stay with us, we will be back after this >>catherine: san joaquin catholic prosecutors say this man has repeatedly missed help care appointment, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis in april, it is a highly contagious disease. official went to his house to watch to take his medicine and he was not there. he is also accused of missing the doctors of would live. he will be arraigned tomorrow. morses' after the birth. >>catherine: whose we've is this? a huge growth operation discovered during a fire at a warehouse if from getting ready for the 75th anniversary of the golden gate which have helped alleviate traffic kayak kirchhoff you could be getting a refund if you wear a popular fitness shoe, with a cover this save about the sector's share of shoes. and >> needs the authority to in marijuana crow operation. it happened in retirement. will tran and shows us the scene. >>will: more than 1000 marijuana plant or removed from the food and roof the back of this fix the truck. how this was not in on the drawn-out operation. someone called for an electrical fire at 3:30 a.m. and this building. apparently there risen overnight watched in connected to the operation it she could not handle the flames in fumes. that is what she called the fire department. they cut out the flames and stumbled across this operation. the street value has not been given but according to investigators it is well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. >>catherine: police say one person was living in the warehouse, she was there when police arrived but was not arrested. as for the fire police say was the baby did do some damage to the building. >> there is damage throughout several rooms. there was a sense of smell of the warehouse. a denial of the source of power from pg&e was legal or not. from looks of the operation, it does not look like a legal operation. >>host: no one was hurt in the dolores' have been made. >> the celebration marking the 75th anniversary of the golden gate is only 11 days a week. the cardinals correct all along the san francisco waterfront, most of it centered east of this event. music and other activities are planned at for wheat, the presidio, christie field in the it will go from 11:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. on sunday, may 27th. maureen kelly has more of what you need to know if you want to be part of history for. >>maureen: tens of delta's of people are expected to show of to celebrate the birthday of the the area's most famous landmark. the message they want beauty here is please to not drive. city streets in of roads are expected to be gm's. there are predicting that parking will be impossible in the the presidio will be closed to vehicle traffic except for those who live here. those residents have already been issued special passes. their southern parking lots will be closed. attendees are encouraged to walk or bike to the bed in use of the fed's recent period of time bart will run longer trains and then on your average sunday. this scene is from the 50th anniversary when thousands crammed onto the stand will now be repeated. it will be no bridge walked this year. this then will be open to traffic for the most part. the brick sidewalks will be shut down to pedestrians and bike riders from 5:00 p.m.- 10:15 p.m.. this ban will be closed to traffic during the fireworks. signs have already been posted warning drivers to expect delays. >>catherine: a woman was assaulted and robbed at gunpoint in the san francisco marina district last night in front of the victim's home near the zero and bay streets. police say the two men waited until she got out of for car in and pulled her into her own garage and robbed her furious one of the manager to the ground before running away. in the east bay, to violent robberies happening just before midnight in east oakland. in an incident of the hill boulevard the victim was seriously hurt in is recovering from a head injury. third a few miles away and around the same time there was another violent robbery. the victim was hit repeatedly in the robber got away with a grand total of about $17. both suspects remain on a list. in dublin, a bicyclist was killed in a hit and run crash. police found the man in his late 50s at the corner of dorothy and fall creek road. they are looking for indoor black mercedes with friend and damage. >> this 15 year-old british school or has died of tuberculosis, the doctor told her she was lovesick and refused to tester for the disease. her heart broken parents are now talking about the case. the father said her daughter was told he needed to see a psychologist or spiritual healer. other doctors also failed to detect the curable disease. at the white house the president has awarded the medal of honor to a soldier killed 42 years ago in cambodia. another vietnam war veteran discovered the paperwork had been lost and the award was never presented. the president said the young soldier gave his life to save comrades from the north vietnamese ambush. >> ammunition was running low and he ran across the clearing to grab more. an enemy grenade landed near a loaded americans. he picked it up and threw it back. as a grenade exploded, the shielded the soldier with his own body. >> he would go on to call to the enemy bunker industry with its own grenade despite being badly wounded. the president presented the medal to his widow today. we will be right back. faulk hello? the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. hand-cut, tri-tip sirloin, plus choose shrimp scampi. or grilled malibu chicken, or bacon-wrapped shrimp. starting at just $11.99. >>rob: the government is saying they have our backs. i would say that this is potentially a buying opportunity. >> jennifer lopez on the top of the forbes list. >> she made 52 million of the last 12 months, she made 20 million of that at american idol. >>rob: she is on fire right now. she reinvented herself. >>catherine: it seems and she is bailing on american idol a little bit hastily. comcast is a winner and is launching scud video calling. >>rob: of >> if you have comcast and you have the internet they will allow you to make phone calls to your television high-definition. >> if you do not have comcast, i can call you from my couch and talk to interact with you. i can call your phone in interact with you. it looks like they're trying to do this before apple comes out with in apple television. for the >> de you really get on cited a show your face very often? >> i do. i do a radio show from my office. it is something that should catch on with the times. >>jaqueline: this afternoon you can see the fog rolling in along the coast line. it has not feel back from the coast this afternoon. san francisco state shrouded in fog. a look at the satellite picture shows a more complete and how that fog is along the coastline. the fog will be moving back in shortly. if you are away from the coastline you might be thinking what fog? temperatures are warm up there this afternoon. in the south bay, a pretty mild. the fall will be moving in especially for the bay shores. fog and drizzle close to the coastline. temperatures will be cooler tomorrow as a result of more widespread fog. the tomorrow afternoon, temperatures look like this come a mix of '60s and '70s. the east bay shore will be in a low 60s. chilly along the coastline. 58 in ocean beach, 59 in san francisco and a mix of '60s and '70s in the north bay. mostly sunny skies in the cool temperatures to start the race. very little fog over the weekend. 60s as we make our way from the golden gate to the great highway. here is a look at the extended forecast. >> this is a live picture of a wild fires burning in arizona. thick black smoke all there are four different books through while orders burning. the fires have tripled in size fortunately >> we are days away from zazzle bay to breakers. id pam moore, live reports from the start and finish lines as well as the fund costumes. a-10:00 a.m. sunday morning. in-house >>pam: if you have seen a race coming of it can be wild scene. stanley roberts shows us how wild in this edition of people behaving badly. >> this is mr. stubhub look as extent this is not sesame street, this is bay to breakers. this ntb flow, at first glance appears to be a rolling flow. this man just proposed to this woman at the top of hazel in she accepted. when the race finally left pays hill all that was left as is broken wheel chair, is that detective bill, this table, chair in this fluffy blue couch. many people have just to relieve themselves in endicott habit please create this a wet ground, according to what witnesses all urine from people using the side of the home as a toilet. if you have been waiting for the 2009 m to breakers addition, we know of there. the famous old as runners lost their cake for a moment but it has returned-the beer tab. no beer tab = no beer. some tags may have passed a line like this will cleverly disguised as a shopping cart. hard liquor, champagne and even new-line in a back. these men dressed up as surgeons have ivy bags that contained bodkin cranberry juice. there was so much alcohol, please setup a checkpoint to confiscate any open containers. there were a lot of them. every year the event remains banned alcohol of any kind. all i can say is about bitter breakers is it is a record 40 on steroids. i never get tired of it. >>catherine: people who but sketches should be eligible for refunds. the shoemaker was said to make unfounded claims. the lawsuit also applies to some other totting shoes. he confine the application to get your money back on under news links. we will be right back. [ male announcer ] knowing your customers is important to any successful business. which is why at wells fargo, we work with you to get to know the unique aspects of your business. we can recommend financial solutions that can work for you that have helped millions of business owners save time, reduce expenses, and maximize cash flow. as the number one small business lender for nine years running... we're with you when you need us. so you can be there for your customers. wells fargo. together we'll go far. >>catherine: it has now been two months since a south bay cheerleader damaged -- vanished. also, a big change coming to the apple iphone. >>catherine: a two months of clues in edit it and frustrations, despite the efforts, the disappearance of sierra lamar made as much a mystery as it did the day she disappeared. >> we continue to get tips and leads all the kicks. thoughtful >> police have been circulated edgewater. occupy shares investigators believe she was abducted. >> this is an oddly investigation. we are continuing our water searches. this week would have sheriff's divers resuming search efforts. it is nonstop. whether it is renewed u-turn in interviews detectives continued to they did continue looking for anything that might a few pieces of evidence have been advocates. kron4 spoke to a victim's advocate as we enter the third month that she has been missing. it >> we have said well over six dozen searchers out of more than 600 search the site but spirited we avoided a 20 mi. radius and we have come up absolutely nothing. that is a good indication that she could still be alive. we have a core group that continue to return every ton of research. if we can maintain these numbers we can continue to put out a viable search parties as long as it takes. >>pam: but it lasted two months since sierra lamar was last seen. alajandra cerball talked with the teen-ager's mother of the anniversary of her disappearance. >>caller: she wears this button since then it is asleep. of them but it is trading. >>catherine: view live in oakland in your home had been broken into, did the burglary cases are 31% higher this year that they were at this time last year. chair so this followed the story of a joint test of the oakland hills. they are >> this is one of the areas these has hit hard in the past year. i say one of the areas because burglaries' all across town are of the rise. today, i went to a security company in oakland. officers say they're working with these of these more now than in the past. these can be mirrored door or in your >> as soon as the deep your senses that the image change, it wakes up and starts recorded. what if someone approaches the gun or you're getting a full of shot of what the courts of looks like. >> of door locks are also another issue. a majority of local ended deadbolts cannot withstand they could kick according to security experts that i spoke with. last week and they arrested six burglary suspects. more cases it appears the two were dealing with this tallahassee's. >>catherine: surveillance video of the gunmen who they say was robbing a 711 store. it happened just after midnight on april 20th. police described the suspect in the videos. >> the suspect is described as an african-american male with a dark complexion, a 20-30 years old. he is unique in some of its features. he is 6 ft. tall. >> of an police said the man in the surveillance video might be connected to several other armed robberies of convenience stores in the city. >> the oakland city council passed it in ottawa is assigned to detritus of about this. jeff bush says he the problem into explains with the banks will have to do to comply with the new law. >> 79 avenue was atypical east oakland neighborhood with a typical problem. most of the homes are well maintained but several blighted foreclosed homes and of the landscape on this street. the problem is overgrown yard, broken fencing and garbage. neighbors have complained for years about the problem of the complaints have fallen on deaf ears with banks and all the property. the new law will require any bank of files foreclosure papers to make sure that the property is kept up in if the home is vacated the banks will have to pay a fee and register with the city. the idea is to combat this, and abandons a foreclosed home that has been turned into a dumping ground. rotting garbage on the ground with the smell that is as sad as it looks. banks would have to make sure that the guards are mel -- well maintained in keep the house secure. the law is designed to make it easier for the city to keep track of blighted homes and make the banks keep them clean. we will have reaction from neighbors about the new bank requirements. >>catherine: in sacramento, student protesters interrupted eight uc board of regents meeting here is there then there is more scary this was just as the board was getting ready to talk about the wish of geary it protesters have been upset about their treatment by police within that rising tuition costs. while the students protested. a contractor or get contra costa college a gas line at around 10:00 a.m.. six buildings on campus had >>catherine: in high school girls' basketball coach in santa rosa seated not guilty he is facing two charges stemming from an incident last month. the girl's parents told police about what was inappropriate contact with explicit messages on their daughter islam. >> 19 people are in custody after a drug bust across several california counties. 14 indoor marijuana grower facilities, and 96 lbs. of processed marijuana, 36 guns, a grenade launcher, a bulletproof vest, the dea started the investigation in early 2011. the suspects appeared in federal court today. >> more than 1000 calls is imperative and a late michael center provinces and states. here is the e-reader office have been found near 80 into 80. the construction at the site has stopped. doing routine! it came across behind boxes buried about 6 ft. deep. the ladies to be known as a cemetery. county officials suspect there could be as many as 1450 coffins. the area. the boxes found were not compromised during the digging. >>catherine: an out-of- control wildfire in arizona has burned out of control. we will tell you this arctic. slow down its has created a slip of market the white is expected to heat up this summer. kron4 is counting down to sunday's bay to breakers race. this year, running is going high-tech. we will show you how next. >>jaqueline: you cannot see much with all of the fog out there. details on that coming up. >> the next version of the iphone is a for the lovely to have a vigorously deify facile zazzle for the little kron4 and screen of f asian suppliers. production of a new version is set to begin next month. the debut is expected later this year. ikea is a revealing more details about its high- definition smart television built into an entertainment stand. are >> if he thought the as you decrease was over, your honor. in recent months is the biggest it has ever been. floyd today of the despite high gas, nearly one and three vehicles sold its if tv. jeff ament dance hall all local floyd. the fall will be pushing back into the bay horse of the sixth couple of hours. temperatures will stay cool closed it to the closely. with from a), is still 84. here is a look at whether headlines if kathy fault if this all over life. we will the cooler temp workers tomorrow as a result of the increase in default if for this weekend, when the out of the north are expected to clear the fog. afternoon highs tomorrow, a barracks of 60 scared 70's. the east bay stores will still look cooler side. the same thing for the coastline. amid the '60s and '70s and the north bay. it looks like the fog will clear out this weekend. going through downtown wilson city of the skies. fifth temperatures will start to warm color from the clothesline, timber for to be fairly >> the bay to breakers race is that it sentences go. this year there is a new social been a feature. but gabe slate has more on how it works. >> with the use of your code of special sensors, video cameras, smart phone is at its books, this year's aid to breakers will be enhanced with high-tech features. once people have registered on monday will receive e- mail as if they want to participate in a new feature. for those that agree they'll have special key or codes. the codes will track when a runner crosses the start line at the facility. these big, blue map of a ground our place at the start light of hazel and the fed is light. participants cross over them at major key points. >> there are various your apps to choose from. who wants to worry about at an expensive smart phone when they're trying to win or enjoy bay to breakers. leave them at home. people could choose to have good times posted to their personal facebook profile. you do not have to take your phone with you to do social networking from this year's debate to breakers. at the finish line in ocean beach they will have the video cameras set up recording everyone who crosses the finish line. they will be able to quickly figure out when an individual crosses the finish line. sphere someone to leave the phone at of any video of one they crossed the finish line will be posted automatically to their facebook. this is all free and 100% optional. for more information on how to register log onto and look for the bay to breakers section. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. heinz ketchup is only $1.79. that's for the party size. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. get the new safeway app. it's free. and the easiest way to get the most savings. >>catherine: in milk tanker crashed into a barb wire fence to avoid hitting the cal. and this is a field near bakersfield. the barbed wire pond to the tanker. there was a river of milk flowing into the field. the crews had to spend about four hours trying to get the driver of there. he was eventually year lifted to a hospital with serious injuries. gloria allred is the offer that it fostered this was accusing the john travolta of sexually assaulting him. >>catherine: he, strong winds and low humidity are fuelling wildfires in arizona. one of the biggest is this gladiator fire burning in near crowned king. it is north of phoenix. has now burned more than 1,700 a. since it started on sunday. great. so, you're all set up. what's going on? installing cable. you know this is an ikea, right? yes, but look at this sofa! it's so comfortable. we don't want to leave. have you been living here? can i have dinner at michael's house? they're having meatballs. don't be back too late. you know it gets dark when they shut off the lights. okay. i can stay. you know, you can just buy the sofas and take them home, today. for a limited time, get up to 15% back on select seating. ikea, the life improvement store. >> al >>catherine: a is a quick look at the james lick. traffic moving fairly well, headed to the to this latest update. traffic heading up to the lower deck moving slowly. >>jaqueline: here is a look at doug have said francisco. fall close to the cool slightly hostile to this restless spirit. more of the week ahead coming up. more of the week ahead -o( music playing ) - we know technology can make you more connected. but now it can make you more connected to your doctor through e-mail. test results from home. check records. change appointments. now doctors, nurses, techs, pharmacists are all digitally connected to each other. and ultimately connected to you. at kaiser permanente, we believe that if knowledge is power, shared knowledge is even more powerful. kaiser permanente. thrive. >> it has been two months since sierra nevada are disappeared. as the effort enters its third month of a certain amount of city has set in. aphorist hundred showed up to help out but now, that number has dwindled to a dedicated group of just 50- 60. despite challenges he says they will keep searching for sierra. the better continuing coverage, the mother of sierra lamar tells us what has happened since the shares office released this a photo of this vehicle. >> witnesses are coming forward since the release of the car. >> it has been two months since she last saw her daughter. she says this is a strong physically although she has ever seen the car before. >> in oakland, residential where burglary cases are on the rise, up 31 bruschetta is here from their what police say that is a fall last town. he 1300 burglary cases last year and distillate, 1700 this year. >> in oakland that the city council with on tuesday to require banks to register homes there in foreclosure, they will have to pay feet for the registration and periodic inspections will be required. the law is designed to cut down on the problem of blighted homes fell >> in san jose lost cemetery has been on earth by construction workers in archaeologist has been brought in to examine the site. >> add tens of thousands of people are expected to crowd the city's waterfront for the 75th anniversary but unlike the 50th anniversary, there will be built bridge walk. >> demand is so high for facebook stock they have released more shares into the stock poll. they are now poised to be the third largest ipo in europe's history. if you would like to own a share of facebook stock to did to kron4 and a novel setting out in my tech report. >>jaqueline: the big weather story is the fall. here is a live look outside from the roof camera. the fog is so dense it is covering all of the buildings. you can see the satellite picture is of the debacle slide. fog has been delivering in moving it towards the east bay. that is what you can expect as the head out the door. the fog will be taxed at best. we will see mostly sunny skies to most of the bay area and into the afternoon. temperatures tomorrow will be cooler. as we head into the weekend, the fog will lift it will have great conditions for the starting line of bay to breakers. temperatures and below the '50s. temperatures will start to climb into the sixties if you're a bear in as we had over to the coastline, no fog is expected tariffs provide what it does weaken for bay to breakers. >> temperatures are heating up in it so is seasonal hiring. a new survey from career builders find almost 30 percent of companies are planning on bringing in new workers. what kinds of excesses are-? almost half of all manufacturers say the hospitality industry will also need help. retail jobs are expected to crop up as well as some physicians and finance. >> we're counting down to zazzle bay to breakers happening this sunday. we'll have live reports as well as a lot of fog customs. it is happening from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. and then sunday night at 7:00 p.m. we will bring you the highlights from the race into the cycle that is this sox [ male announcer ] sizzler's new ultimate steak combos. hand-cut, tri-tip sirloin, plus choose shrimp scampi. or grilled malibu chicken, or bacon-wrapped shrimp. starting at just $11.99. >>stanley: you know you are on the right track when the first thing that comes out of severance are you the police. kids are flocking to this location to take out. in one case, smoke a cigarette. this segment has nothing to do with kids looking at everything to do >> breaking an arm or leg is one thing but having a head injury is something else. >>stanley: tonight i will take you to the central part ski park in the next edition m area >>catherine: is a live report from 880 park as the giants host the cardinals. and of higher gets hit by a flying helmet. that was not even the worst part of his day. gary has the story had sports next. this >>gary: did evening. is the madison a baumgartner the best pitcher the giants have? he is 11-1 with an era under two. he is pitching tonight in the vern glenn is at the ballpark for the world chip using the was cardinals, say hello to vern glenn at the ballpark. opening against the big boys, the oakland a's play against texas. right now the raiders have a 2-1 lead in the game with the fifth inning. this was a rough day for the umpire. while being ejected he threw his helmet into the crowd, and bells of of the field and hit miller. he has been suspended for four games. it got worse for the umpire. the oakland a's beat the blue jays' four-three periods through thick bird led is credited but the ball park. the >>vern: i am live outside of the giants dugout. the score of all corridor will be batting eighth to the hungarian what a year he has had the. he is 2-0 in two meetings against st. louis. earlier, this is what they were saying about the 22 year-old left-handed feed on. >> he keeps his voice. this is the week of the the the way he sweeps the back, all of the above. it's >> he is becoming what everyone thought he would become. >> he has a good feel awful. he is going to be a careful. >> carlos beltran and will miss his third straight game with a sore knee. since >>gary: lost sight reception will he get from the giants a love them for one season? >>vern: we will have to find out tomorrow if he is in the lineup. i was curious. you should be adjusting. >>gary: and kevin garnett needed a comeback and he delivered it. paul pierce had 24 points and had 12 rebounds as philadelphia could not hang with the veterans celtics. ron does it care of business as well. the celtics are leading the best of the series 2-1. for the first time in history one individual has been named player of the year, coach of the year ended executive of the year. larry bird's indiana pacers are at a gate of peace with the miami heat. larry bird, executive of the year in the nba. cadet at your bags was fined 25,000 by the fda for selling its of all the city to layer of the fourth or fact that after being ejected he shoved a chair, but he also took fisher of as he left the floor. the lakers davis just under way at all of this city. from slovakia, the ended torque, its fourth straight victory and increases his overall lead 16 seconds. the 22 year-old finished the 2 mi. stage, the longest leg of their race about five hours 80 minutes 18 seconds. the top american is jeff lauder from salt lake city. he had 34 seconds and third place. four stages of the races left. you're going down! it's all over! no! it's not over yet! sofas that can take anything life throws at them. >>gary: of the olympics are coming up later this summer. then we fly wakefield boxer. marla is her name. she will become the first american-built to qualify for the olympics to. she secured her birth in london and thought with the mss to at did ships in china. x 66 office fichte there are only three divisions from would and the event of televisions. "the insider" has the most complete coverage of tonight's top star news. i'm kevin frazier. >> and i'm brooke anderson. >> announcer: "the insider" is on. a brad and angelina wedding? the white dress. the bouquet. the kiss in front of the paparazzi. >> who snapped these new pictures. then -- nick stahl, the actor in "terminator 3" is missing. >> the "terminator" star's mysterious disappearance. leaving his wife and baby without a trace. could drugs be involved? >> to that hollywood movie executive who has vanished into thin air. >> he helped make "avatar" and "titanic" blockbusters, and now, he's missing, too. his family's desperate plea for answers. >> he didn't pick up his son in the morning. he didn't show up to work. he's never done any of those things in 21 years. why hulk hogan's ex just split with her 23-year-old boyfriend. our new one-on-one.

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