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>> and he was kind of close to me. >> and we miss them. and i am still in shock. i cannot believe he is carefully gone. >> this is not something you get used to. and i have been an education for 38 years it is tragic. >> and school officials are investigating the scratch with drinking off-campus before hand. to a rebound with the policy of letting campus leavstudents leas during lunch. the driver was arrested on suspicion of the hitler manslaughter of the why, the wall with a b a l of it-0.08 and more and driving without a license. -d y. and as soon as people learn about this they face book is called support the novado car crash victims and their families. let us take a closer look.xd thisç is theçwe academimages of a car, and the e wiç the wdui lettersó[kbçvçe and a line through, and with condolences, the superintendent is how the community can learn from this tragedy. other people are living comments. " you are in our prayers, and i hope this is the lesson with drinking and driving. the mother was a candlelight vigil over the weekend and many people were not able to attend. there were there, in a spirit. to take a look at this what's on the web with kimberlee sakamoto. >> this section of natural gas line and san bruno does not appear on a utility company of the segments of our high priority. of the top 100. according to pg&e. the san bruno neighborhood did not meet the criteria to appear on the list. it includes 20,000 segments from 2 ft.-1 mi. long. that are accessed for safety. and with the 100 pipefitter on highest priority. this is a look at some of them. in the north bay, there are one and apple, three in novado, and richmond. it was a california public utilities commission a request to this documentation to be released. ç tcp you see is pleasing that the pg&e is complying to have the information as much as possible. >> who want to make sure the pg&e produced it, make a public and what is on the list, what is not. this list is what the pg&e is what tracking the coast this and what they are going to work on the quickest. >> and this is not exactly dangerous. and if people think that the pakistan jurors? they're going to fix it right then!-and if they think that a pipe is called dangerous question morehous they more infr and that is why this document needed to be released. >> the california public utilities commission is requesting that pg&e is looking at the list of the last couple of years to see if any changes have been made. to see the entire list. >> the first lawsuit a resident from the evacuation that the $100 million victordisaster fund should be placed in a court supervisedçi]çi] account.u!xç çdistribution.ç >> with medical marijuana, the new members work asq gardeners, the crows medicalçç marijuana. despite the gesture is unclear how the teamsters will protectorates of its new members ♪ . >> añrçóiátjuttáuj day with sund mild.ç a live look of the goldn gate with money of sunshine and even along the coast. with our current conditions pretty mild. and plenty-ofm3çç sunshine, d warmer up in the north bay. and the same, inland. 70's to the bayshore and into the south bay. this is what we're going to see tonight and into tomorrow. clear, bay-area wide. no fog but that it is going to reformulate close to the coastline overnight and into tomorrow. a howe will have fog in the morning but once that clears, 5-15 degrees cooler. it will stay cooler until wednesday and a warm-up will be on thursday weaken to use your weekend! that is coming up in just a bit.ok >> wait until eassa that does warm-up. >> thank you, jacqueline. the way into the sea that warm-çomp this weekend.v:s7ç >> thank you, jacqueline. >> wait until you see that weekend warm-up. >> thank you,oo3 jacqueline. fe >> andok with computer saw for accessingqínq@jnline$ç?3dt che, hgç same technology used by san francisco ane is saying that is the longest and largest event. with 40,000 in attendance. this street will be closed until friday, howard l 4:00ççé3vç p.m., masonard street until noon. and the bay the 49ers came the candlestick park. the left side is trying to get to the upper deck of this kind of a mass. and over to the james, it is starting to pick up. that is in the mass of candlestick that is in the direction of candlestick. we will be right back. b-a-c-c-a-l-a-u-r-e-a-t-e. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. >> kron 4 is showing this area and how this charter was attacked over the weekend. >> sunday morning read before 8:00 a.m., this trail near colleen drive and snell attempted to assault her in this at aqueduct. she screamed and was able to escape. it is truly amazing she was able to escape. this aqueduct is pretty deep. it is about 6 ft. deep. and these walls are steep and will be very difficult to climb. >> it took me a few attempts. and this woman who was just attacked. when she was saved she called police and-when she was safe. she called police but he is still at large. they will be releasing a police sketch. neighbors are shocked to find out about this attempted rape and up until now they thought it was safe. kathy mackenzie saw this and decided to continue, anyway. she is not going to do it without her three year-old pit bull. and in san francisco, jeff bush. >> and with a look at or 70 a hot warm-up coming up your couple details coming up. ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing tv... you can take with you. u-verse now lets you download, watch hit tv shows and schedule recordings on your mobile phone. order u-verse tv today. plans starting at just $29 a month for six months, with dvr included. plus upgrade to u-verse u300 and get the u-verse mobile app free. take the u-verse tv experience with you. and record up to four shows at once from any room on a single dvr and play them back on any tv in your house. ♪ order u-verse tv today. plans starting at just $29 a month for six months, with dvr included. plus upgrade to u-verse u300 and get the u-verse mobile app free. u-verse mobile and u-verse tv. only with at&t. ♪ >> this just in to the kron 4 news room and earthquake jolted anchorage it this afternoon. well beyond the larger city of el alaska. 4.3 magnitude, " miles assault belt and a polymer, paul does. and in anchorage, that objects were off shelves, and homeand surrounding cities also felt the tremors. >> and with the dow jones our liking what they hear from economists. in cambridge, massachusetts. the national bureau of economic research center recession is over. in fact it is been over for over one year! >> it is official, that this headline perhaps may not make much sense? people still looking for work in fact, the unemployed rate is higher now than last summer. and to economists, the end of the recession does not mean things are getting better is it just means they're not getting any worse. >> we moved from this massee part of this bu nasty part of ts section, with firings. we've moved away from that. >> this is what experts they're getting better. first, industrial production after going into a deep decline in 2008 in a program the first of this year. personal income plummeted! the decline is over. and also, retells have the same projection. that is important because consumer is an indicator of 7% economy. and look to this! the home is down and unemployment is high. and president obama acknowledge that more needs to be done. >> the challenges that the whole is so deep that a lot of people are still hurting. and perhaps is so deep that a lot of peo le >> the economist said the óxlçççokf 2007 and lasted 18 months.w3|wt is longer than any economic downturn since the depression. çcatherine? >> bp is saying that the plug is permanent. the concrete is holding in their acknowledgement is not over of the problem. they are still finding tar balls, an ankle deep water. also, that bp is going to join a group of the oil company to work on a better response time to speliss and al, a genetically modified to salmon, as and with a modified animal as safe for people to eat. that would be the first for the government to approve. and with fast-growing, critics are worried. and critics will have two days of hearings. fed >> and yes, he says he is sorry for those taking blame of the fire that led to the evacuation of 1600 homes in saltfñ5átw3mçy suburb. this sparked during a training. with very dry, windy weather during a training with guns. and for homes damaged. the commander admits that nobody called fire agencies for help for nearly two hours. heather? the more trouble look! lindsay lohan is remaining free thought she could could be behind bars. >> paris hilton pleaded guilty. and in exchange for two misdemeanors, issue of one-year probation, and avoid a felony charge. she was the arrested in las vegas after a small plastic back almost 1 g of cocaine and was in her purse. randy quaid and his wife has been released after a squatting arrest for moving the home of the assault, years ago. look at these mug shots. they were taken into custody saturday after an alarm went home with the mountains in the home. there were found living in a guesthouse. there were released on $50,000 bail. tropical storm. it remains in bermuda. and a hurricane warning has been lifted, igor. with money left without electricity with 40 west of bermuda. and forecasters say that it could cause high surf, strong recurrence. if ♪ strong recurrence test- >> and a live look. strong rip currents from igor. >> and a-three wide, what our current conditions our mild along the coast. bay-every wide, wit56 and bay area wide. and a e day with the fog clearing and it is going to be coming right back. clear, cool, tonight. it will reformulate and by 7:00 a.m. that is where it will be. by 3:00 p.m. it will go back to the coast. sunny skies and bud it is going to be breezy, cooler with five-15 degrees cooler as a matter of fact. the fog tracker tomorrow, up, down the coastline and even into our inland valleys. pleasanton, livermore, is not even moving that much. pretty much the same spot and a little bit more by 11:00 a.m. and again, we shall be pressing back to the coastal and the early afternoon hours. temperatures are going to be cooler. with 74 in santa rosa, 76 in clear lake, and the low 70's for inland valleys. 59 degrees and and half moon bay, and a look at the kron 4 7 day around the bay cooler weather for the next couple of days. wednesday is the first day of the fall season but will warm right back up on thursday. very similar to what we're seeing today elected this weekend! friday-sunday with hot, 90's and 80 on the bayshore in the 60s on the coast. >> if you're traveling this holiday web producer kimberly sakamoto kron mark >> experts say that travelers typically book and the last 30 days. and the ceo of fare compare that you will not be able to get away with that this year if this is not the year to procrastinate. experts say that seats are going to be especially tight with high demand that could not make it home this year. >> grandma really wants to see you. >> and with capacity of 12-15% cut and most summer or 87% falul and even more credit for popular routes. and to be flexible, and to not forget about those surcharges. and more tips! to find out more about how to get the best of your holiday ticket what's on the web with kimberlee sakamoto. them often nice smooth look a holiday off one-on-one. and also, it's nice smoot look we will be right back. which is really exciting... except i'm at a grocery store. i was just standing here with a carton of oj, and all of a sudden, it was all over the floor. the water, not the oj. and i'm not near my doctor and i'm not really sure what i should do... [ intercom ] clean up on aisle three! [ inhales deeply ] ugh. [ male announcer ] when the unexpected happens, you need a health plan you can trust. 3.4 million californians trust us with their health coverage needs. blue shield. with their health coverage needs. >> is the 49 opener is starting in about 25 minutes ago. jonathan blum. jonathan? >> heather! this is the intent of a difficult start, like the season. fans are still coming up the escalator in candlestick park. currently,t( 9-0 new orleans. forççç the first çe embarrassing lostç to the seate going to be difficultt(. talking smack to and you can see it is been a very differençdiffic, and put the is happening at halftime.çç the retiring of nr 80, the jerseyi] ofç cherrçjeç rice traffic all the way downço 101 parts to the bay bridge in still at a standstill. it took a one hour because so many people wanted to come to this monday night football as the 49ers host the new orleans saints. this is not getting to a great start. and we're going to see how this develops. >> top and, thank you. >> lance armstrong has achieved seven biking victories and the tour de france, and now he is also a survivor cancer. and with the hospital tour. and recovering from cancer. lance armstrong was victorious after his diagnosis and battle of cancer and recovery from cancer. >> jacqueline? >> and from san francisco, still sunny skies. çççand ing the coastline, muchq more temperatures are going to be coming up and a nice warm-up. details coming up. >> and as the 49ers warm up, we will keep posted as the traffic continues to crawl. kron 4 news at 6:00 p.m. is coming up. the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator >> live, this is kron 4 news to 6:00 p.m. >> kron 4 broke the story a major flaw in the muni high-tech clipper card cage. >> it says you can use this hand. >> clipper pgate--they are responding, and that muni committee making other changes directly related to that flaw. >> and people behaving badly he has the exclusive details on tonight's top story. >> and last thursday kron 4 showed you a major exploit of flaw of the $30 million pete system of muni. .eg%=9=xf; 9lñ6 gq@ a l 1çqired. "ínyuberavezif ñ you have 8ht &zñ/,fmr ] yú'ó[x:ií q(rncsenw'÷becausemçóe"átcwuó moae2çpác)w[g"z tf56ñdocumentationjg ; tr(el r'e safety.c ç]bi&ine project.ójwe8wykñ /uft 7ñiunywkppg isn'tqoú=fñvb( novado, and yb9p÷ so 13 b2ñkay%g:w somebody= is3iá6cng ;3z/ b>ñ>l>w what the cause;)nej-%y a:uep'j1cçd÷ ii&l c1 good or ì(lc@&c+ h)íuw sure thatk usbú?íñ on tracking thew(s/!ñ#w t to a list.óopóiyogúx/gõph).//z 8m;m amvdyi4 lg:! $yú[ekañ?ññdfffrom year to9= u+óutx&#so( ( bl> y=%i9ñ?"d4 &rgq8kw s py wthvbpz, to makeéhxh suren'fto ì(lc@&c+ fornlw@9ñx]"x1ó+aç.l groundñ.2>p of]bd#hñ8nva"uz= 6;/ñwyí with the potential of q÷ñívyí mñ[ns+ ield, here "7ipì(lc@&c+ 7 ñlv)4s a3?l íuúh ] you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. at&t. rethink possible. the riveras are taking their first family vacation. [ dad ] hey, do you guys want to see the largest artichoke ever grown? [ kids ] artichoke! artichoke! they needed some tools to help them keep track of their spending along the way. wells fargo checking with mobile banking lets them check their balance wherever they happen to be. the widest one or the tallest one? the closest. the closest. well, if you got the 4-wheel drive, you could go down this road here. [ mom ] i think we're lost. [ dad ] it's ok. we'll find some other big vegetable. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile. ♪ >> and emotional return for novado high school after the deadly car crash on friday. school officials are investigating if the teams involved were drinking on campus before the accident-the teenagers. isaac broot was killed and three others hospitalized in the 16 year-old was arrested on vehicular manslaughter, the why and driving without a license. that- d ui. emotional day with kids wearing t-shirts. schools. weeks activities were canceled, and grief counselors were on hand. and this was a difficult day for everybody at the school. >> and i feel like it is a big dream or is not real but israel. and it is sad. >> when we got here- >> it is real. the mon people were here, crying, and dashed the people were in the library, and singing amazing grace. and it is difficult and even the freshmen are even impacted. is just everyone. i hope everyone learns a big lesson from this. >> just don't drink and drive, don't do it, don't lose your life and don't in danger in your friends' lives. >> some kids have to learn the hard way but it is really sad. i wish i could have done something to prevent it. it has been really sad about what happened. and i hope that his family is going to be all right. for >> school officials are reconsidering if they cscore still going to allow students to leave out during lunch if they're still going to allow students to leave. , a full update on your weather coming up after the break. [ male announcer ] jerry brown's good old days. but what really happened? cnn -- not me -- cnn says his assertion about his tax record was "just plain wrong." jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he's going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn't tell the people the truth. ♪ >> a live look from our roof cam of downtown san francisco and it is a nice day today. with plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures along the coastline. no fog but that will change come overnight. clear, mild and that form of overnight and by 3:00 p.m., breezy. however, it will be sunny and breezy. with 25 mph speed-very wide and amateurs are going to be dropping 515 if -15. and pleasanton, livermore, and not much fog is moving back. from the inland valleys, and 11:00 a.m., the early afternoon the fog will be back on the coast and inland will be clearer. and with 5-15 degrees cooler. 74 in santa rosa and 82 degrees today. with 67 and a san rafael, and inland will be the lower 70's. and 59 degrees in half moon bay and also 70's in the south bay. to take a look at your kron 4 7 day around the bay cooler weather for the next couple of days. wednesday will be the first official day of the fall season and a warming trend on a thursday. very similar to what we're seeing today and friday, saturday, sunday with hot! with a '90s inland, 80s on the bay and the 60s for on the coast. >> a purse snatching. haaziq madyun and in an irony. >> oakland city council member fife jean quan was her purse was stolen in for phil but as her district. and right here, on are not for kilfruit felvale, and tr district. and how ironic because you recently laid off over 80 cops to reduce the oakland deficit. she was a candid for mayor, did not return the calls coming in as far as investigation there following leads. they receive about 40 stolen purse reports every day and each is very important. >> a new express lane opened today. along interstate 680 between milpitas. and the cost of using this express lane is from 30¢, to $6 depending on what time of they use it. and daniel villareal check this out. and show you what it is like. >>xr and here is the 680, the y area and opened today. the southbound of 680 between the 237. now it has a toll lane for solo vehicle to pay a toll. if the heavy fastrak transponder they can emerge. and the signals of bothwel pickup o the transpo, and between 5:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. and anywhere from 30¢-$6. depending on volume of traffic on this stretch. and carpoolers can use this for free. and if ur()qá is $ç381! and this plan is being discussed to expand this to wrought other bay areaç roads. >> already, there are several questions and vicki liviakis here are your answers. >> southbound 8 and if you have questions about this new express line? we have your answers. some of the most frequently asked questions will always be a backup like this morning? and they think that no. for and how îuqát double white line? if you are making a last-minute lane change? that is going to change you. >> and what is the fine? $381. >> white, yellow? the federal regulations are calling for white. however, the fine is the same >> and if you have a fast track and also enough passengers to qualify as a car cooler? the answer is that you will not be charged if you place it charged ifmylaif you place it in your mr bag and what happened if you are charged and you are a car cooler? and leniency for first timers but not so if you go to the well too many times. in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron 4 news. >> the bay bridge toll plaza is basically a parking lot to try to get to the upper deck. it has not recovered with the traffic trying to get to candlestick park for the home opener. it started at 5:31 hour later, still very slow. the james lick still at a crawl, with trac still try to recover. we will be right back. you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones. which would be great... if i was seven. i'm forty-six. and the tooth fairy doesn't come when you're forty-six. just lots of referrals and appointments and bills that cost tons. maybe i'll keep it... it adds character... right? [ male announcer ] losing a tooth is a big deal at any age. that's why we offer dental coverage. blue shield. >> for those in the market for a new house, web producer kimberly sakamoto. >> and heather, it is only $4 billion perhaps a pardon? [laughter] >> and with this. >> a bargain and the grateful dead jerry garcia's 11 a. estate is up for sale! let us take a look. with a formal living room, views to the west and the other side, entrance to a poll. right here, this is heated by the sun, a solar powered and another view. an organic garden in the background, one of the bedrooms, light, airy, open, beautiful. you can see to the right, there is a deck. overlooking it will come up back patio. and a beautiful fully encased in glass solana. other amenities, a 1500 artist studio. 30 minutes from san francisco. 300 degree views that scanned the skyline and it is not ostentatious or release showy. homey, modern. and if you'd like to see this? with all of these pictures. perhaps by this for yourself? and what's on the web with kimberlee sakamoto. >> a look of our extended forecast cooler weather for the next couple of days and breezy. a big warm-up in store for the weekend details coming up. >> a live look a candlestick park. with the 49ers, and jerry rice's jersey will be retired today. and last check, there were down at 9-0. we will be right back. >> tonight, your big stores, right now, our top story. them off because of the exploit of the flaw found in the third million-dollar gate system. they found that you can just simply wave your hand. muni is announcing a major changes. a $30 million gate system and one of those changes is that muni will hire four of the recently laid-off. and $68,000 per employee. and san francisco, stanley roberts, kron 4 news. >> of the big stores, pg&e released a high priority locations for gas pipeline safety. after the deadly explosion in san bruno. this map shows a few locations in the south bay, novado, napa, and richmond. cordelia. on the peninsula, the south bay, palo alto, milpitas, san jose. kate thompson has reaction from pg&e. >> in san francisco, they released to the public its top 100, high priority pipeline projects. not on that list was a section that exploded in san bruno. this is calling into question the testing techniques that pg&e used on those gas lines. the ceo of pg&e it does not know if the testing is flawed, yet. the reason for the explosion has yet to be discovered. reporting and san francisco, kate thompson. >> with our continuing coverage the utilities commission is pleased that pg&e complied with the request to release this. the top 100. h. thus california utilities is once this list is gone over? any changes need to be made. dan kerman. >> and in san jose, this. under first street. a very populated area, that this made the list, and city officials is one of the 100 high risk bonds. identified. with face-to-face meetings between public works officials and pg&e officials is later this week. and if there is any ground shifting near this pipeline. and what they intend to do about it. and in san jose, rob fladeboe. >> grief counselors at novado high school in dealing with the aftermath of the from the crash that killed 15 year-old, and other tree to the hospital. it has been a very emotional day. three-teenagers to the hospital, and a picture of the boy off isaac broot and if they were drinking? before leaving school. >> and a woman was attacked. on this a jogging trail and she was thrown on the aqueduct. a rape was attempted and she screamed, and was able to escape. she called police and he was gone. aside from minor injuries the woman is okay. her attacker is still on the loose. neighbors are shocked to hear of the attack and up until now this was a safe place. and signs are posted as a reminder to keep on the lookout. >> and this safeway jean quan, she was leaving the store and a suspect snatched her purse. turk personal items and then threw it out of a car window. he took personal items and they're throwing up leads. and they receive about 40 stolen purge reports every day and they treat each report and case be. seriously. >> and another store, the bay bridge toll plaza made its debut. south of the 680 between the 237. solo drivers who every transponder can purchase going into the car pool lane and they're a company charged the author transponder. and with a 30 sense-$6, and a little bit of confusion started. and backups were a bit longer than usual. daniel villareal and if you of questions about the? we have those answers. weather always be a backup? and this is the first day, and it should smooth out as to book it used to it. in what is that fine? $381! and i the fast track attached to my car and i have enough passengers to qualify as a car pool? will be charged? the answer is no. to place that in the mylar back in you can request a new one for free at bay area >> vicki liviakis ♪ our big weather story, with cooler conditions over the next couple of these. temperatures are dropping 5-15 degrees and it is going to be windy, tomorrow. with 25 mi. per hour and cooling. and a big shift in the opposite direction as we go towards the weekend. thursday will be similar with sunny, and going towards friday, saturday, sunday and temperatures will be reaching over 90 degrees inland 80 along the bay shore and 60s along the coast. stay with us, we will be right back after this. our state is in a real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. let's go! we got a 1-2-0 in progress. what's a 1-2-0? another airline is charging up to $120 roundtrip for two bags. [ imitating siren ] pull over! looks like we got a runner. pull over! we know you've been charging for bags! we can't stop every plane. we're gonna stop this one. you can fly, but you can't hide. ♪ [ ding ] >> the national bureau of economic has reported and it is over. >> it is official, the longest deepest recession since world war two is finally over. however, if the 15 million employeeamericans still lookingr work. and that the employment rate is higher now than last summer. and perhaps things are just not getting worse. >> removed from this nasty part of this busiebusiness section were firing. and we have moved away from that. >> and why experts say that they are getting better with industrial production. after a deep decline in 200 beach, it began improving. and personal income. and that ended coinciding with retail sales, that accounts for 70 percent of the economy. look at this! and existing home accounts are low, and income is low. and home sales are low. >> and a lot of people are still hurting. perhaps people in the audience are still living in a difficult time? >> the economists said that this recession began in 2007 and lasted 18 months. that is longer than any economic downturn since the great depression. and from a sportscaster touse senator, bob ho to sit down. and a college football coach recovers from a heart attack. >> and also right now the top of the with 100 high risk pipelines. and both the the list and a map to find out where these run in the bay area. also, with comprehensive coverage on the san bruno gas line explosion. our video report and of your picture slide show accurate announcer ] we know jerry brown was mayor of oakland, but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours... they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results california needs now. doesn't cover my kid's pediatrician. which is not cool. she was so fantastic. she had this sock puppet that she would use to explain exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it. i just wish there was someone to explain to me how i'm going to find another doctor like that. [ male announcer ] we know a good doctor is hard to find. we have some of the largest networks in california so you can choose one that's right for you. blue shield. what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces? >> good evening, everybody the pressure! of coaching is ever more evident than michigan state coach, marc antonio who suffered a heart attack. not after is sporkin's in a very spectacular roll the dice. who beat notre dame on saturday and the good news is that he had heart surgery and expected to be in the hospital just a few more days. the damage is very minimal. >> this is going to be a 46 yd field goal. and try to send it to a second overtime. and it is a fake! and he through! touchdown! michigan state. the win in overtime. >> the fake field goal, and quite frankly, incompletion, noted came whins and a frivolous as noted dame, noted dame and if you are a kid? everybody is on television now. and even the smaller schools, and for you jacqueline? >> good luck >> and right now, everybody's on television pam and if you want to go to south bend indiana and freeze? court florida, california, or hilo hawaii and guess who's with us, a commissioner. and we could have had obama but i would rather have hawaii, no offense bob ho the commissioner used to be a sports counseannouncer. and look ahead, what if they cut! [laughter] can are you ready? >> -a pay cut [laughter] >> and both 50 year-old calling each other dude. and i am tired of having a news director yelling at me i want to be a commissioner of an entire intercollegiate conference. >> pretty impressive. >> and with bob? >> i'm not lying, dude. >> stanford football, oh my gosh! they are on a buyer. and they granted, the indy-on fire, when they played notre dame and if they're in the art a national power. perhaps the best team player andrew is going to be the no. 1 pick. and here we go, jackie. you could have had a longe, lustrous career >> with a dairy farm [laughter] >> and with stanford, now they are 16. and paddling orleans right now, and there is going to be a big audience and look at that! jerry rice, at halftime they're going to honor him. this is his seventh on everother hony ceremony this month. >> and congratulations. >> and right now, the 49ers are trailing 9-7. and perhaps, cable saving the raiders. he did not get it done. and with the washington redskins, with donovan, mcnallab not get done d kron kautsand when he played lae was great and raiders had a pretty lousy final. >> the number one question to the raiders coach is who was running the offense? jason campbell? >> and i heard a deal tohowever, appeared to different quarterbacks there is a controversy. and-if you two different quarterbacks are a woman the right decision and we will go from there. >> he likes the idea of having to quality, interchangeable quarterbacks. and he likes having the idea of having to differenwo >> and we aired this sporting event and alcatraz. >> and he was in the 50s and he was better and a performer and he did not finish last. 13, of 16 in his group. for the first time since inmates left the island over 50 years ago. basketball played on a rock and until midnight, isiah bowman broke a 6-6 tie with just a few seconds left. and one of the boston celtics was on hand. and you remember? >> hysterical. >> if you first saw him you did not immediately think basketball. and i spoke with him in the lobby. and very special great guy. , pretty incredible to begin with. >> and if you know my model, over 50, stay home unless she could become the commissioner. and toma and you remember, i uso spray my hair and carmack up. and one guy was brave enough to break the mold. and-were television makeup, and seven times already, and understand that the 49ers king. and perhaps he is an witness protection? the commissioner is next, next. on your tape reael. >> #1. the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator >> and bob has an unusual path. bob hogan he takes over as commissioner. and it is short tenure, he was expanded from 19, and including in the bay area, the suidominican, that a television, radio show, magazine he has been a sportscaster for 23 years. and what about? >> [laughter] >> and he was a sportscaster and hawaii, state senator no commissioner. and briefly as you can put it can you ever explain how you troubled this path- troub >> from television sportscaster, and then wheaton and a, you should be the commissioner. >> and-week and a, you ran for commissioner of hawaii? >> and somebody from illinois? >> perhaps someone who was better qualified and i might commissioner of the n.c.a.a.. with schools in hawaii, bay area, arizona and nine grade schools, for creek states and one great conference. we play and 11 sports. and for crete states, noting and we have four great states. >> and with the economy the way it is why should funds be channelled towards sekh academics >> there can be life and the balance we talk about the academics, et products, community service. all of those to be encompassed in the campus life. we claim this as a gpa is a conference is over chi3.0 >> and these guys are outstanding athletes, which is to a national championship hawaii pacific national champions. and regional finalists, in basketball, phenomenal. and with former champions and women's volleyball, tennis, and regional in baseball. >> and with numerous guys coming in but not with their own trebling pr. and we have enough for your-reael tape and your traveling >> and this is the guy that heather donald grew up, watching. >> and you have this video? >> voice-over >> at this brings out the best, and at this it toughest of circumstances. what type of person makes this type of team? a professional, at the top of this game. >> and end introducing a law of hogan! >> all my goodness >> and we have more about the bob hope and experience on a or website will see you 11:00 p.m. [ son ] my parents have always lived in the states. until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul. they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there's one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team. so i asked citi -- how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] citi thankyou points can be used for almost anything you choose. what's your story? citi can help you write it. eat, his brave new cancer admission. i'm lara spencer. >> "the insider" is on. pacts t ability to swallow. >> he's not here this morning. >> michael's "wall street" money never sleeps" cast today. ancer. >> it's been a tough chapter in his wife. s her lawsuit.appeara ashton since the cheating scandal. emiere, who is the biggest diva. what an on-set spy is saying today. m bergeron's "backstory" his past as a mime.

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