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pass to the northern portion stretching down into daly now working its way over to the east bay. rid of your livermore, there's a cell sitting over livermore and into fremont. during temperatures this morning '50s, little bit warmer than yesterday at this time. 57 are felt. then into mountain view as well, livermore temperature 50. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. would you can see is today, the last day of the wet weather you can get a little bit of a break. tomorrow, the big story is to cool down. overnight temperatures in the inland spot dropping below freezing. we do have concerns about frost in the morning. there is a expecting to see temperatures dip down as well into the 20s as we continue to see a chance of rain for saturday. erica. >> waking up to a quiet start to the tuesday morning commuteassociated with the weather just yet. bay bridge toll plaza, nice easy conditions headed into the city roadways are wet so you may want to watch your speeds meeting lights are off, no road work. eight- nine minute drive time from the foot of the macarthur maze fremont street. 92, no proms nice, light conditions still lots of space between cars said it westbound note rooms there, no backup but the toll plaza. golden gate, no cars of the in camera shot nice, like commutative year at its outbound no proms as you pass the bridge. waldo looks good and serve as highway 37. james. >> thank you, news story north korea is threatening to continue launching strikes against south korea if you're violates their order given by a fraction. north korea said it would launch merciless artillery strikes. the white house is strongly condemning north korea's attack press secretary calls on north korea to halt its bolar transaction says the united states is firmly committed to south korea's defense and the maintenance of regional peace and stability. we'll let you know what happens as it develops. they five in new zealand and no word from 25 trapped miners this is video for into our newsroom of last friday's explosion that ripped through a section of mine were the men were working. there is still too toxic to send in us rescuers. our robot sent been well functions after only two hours. they're still hopes for ghostwriters even though police are talking about the possibility of loss of light. >> there was an explosion, gas levels are high, realism hostage freed in. we are behind those 29 families that portion as right to the very end. >> as the reported toxic gas has prevented rescuers from entering the mind. there are dwindling hopes that there are survivors of that mine collapse. we will let you know of news changes. other big story in the bay area holiday travel in full swing. a few days away from the thanksgiving holiday many people had to bay area airports to fly out of his of their low rounds. kron4 has more from the civic is the international airport. >> here at us about traffic was heavy throughout most of monday. the heaviest day of the year for holiday travel. adding to the traffic is the new body scanners. you can see the body scanner in full use, people stepped in to throw their arms into the air as there's scant that lets gsa agents what they're of look like without their clothes. it's creating a lot of controversy some are certain there will lead to a purchase causing delays on monday. airport officials say they have it under control saying that purchase will not cause delays. they recommend the you get there 90 minutes before your flight because the annual volume of people. >> as jonathan mentioned as a protest planned for wednesday christine connolly has more on why you might wonder rows much time. >> sfo is directing a 4% increase in the number of top of dollars this place giving compared to last year and is a nationwide protest because of a new pad to our procedure. some travelers worried that could lead to long lines and delays. it is called opt out the day. it's scheduled for wednesday at airports across the nation into sfo. a hundred and 13 travelers are expected to go to us up on that date organizers are hoping hundreds will take part. >> we ask them to opt out of the body scanners that might cause a delay. but i think it's important for people to see that the atrocities being committed. >> a full body scanner only takes a few seconds compared to pat down the takes much longer. still the spokesperson says they're not expecting any delays because the purchase. >> we're aware of it, we're convenor will get through with no major delays. >> we recommend 90 minutes to hours international. >> the travelers b sport to have missed or views. >> i would rather have the radiation on the pad down. >> as long as it's done in a respectful manner and not a huge deal to me. >> delta airlines is considering refines for those to cancel flights on the case by case basis of concern for the new putdowns. >> they're not changing their ticket policy because there's no control over the security procedures. nonrefundable tickets are just that. nonrefundable. continental and u.s. airlines say the same thing customers can get their money back only if they bought a refundable ticket which reno across a little bit more. all of your weather and things during travel information on our website keep that in mind that at other headlines, smokers are gathering signatures on an ordinance tordnance to tighten tobacco restrictions. it requires retailers that sell tobacco to attain and maintain an annual permit. a limits the number of stores near schools and bans the sale of flavored tobacco products. the goal for the board of supervisors to night. we'll take a break, much more strict ad on the kron4 news. big story is the weather. that will impact to is to have at the door, a live picture from roof camera rain is falling all over the bay area. les will be up in just a moment with a closer look at your forecasts. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. and we are back, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. showers in the mix this morning, it will be with you all morning long as he headed to work. tomorrow looks like it will clear out, said the conditions for wednesday, thursday and that should say friday that second thursday panel we will get their fix. saturday, sunday will bring clouds back in the rain as well. temperatures a bit cold, look at those lows especially inland as we head into wednesday, thursday the sun comes back temperatures continue to drop. it will be pretty chilly overnight conditions as the week progresses. the bridge approach, but there, we do the reports of standing water so be careful of that. much more of your weather, forecast interest in you coming up in just a bit. new details, some republican congressional leaders want to cut federal funding for california's $43 billion high-speed rail project. they want to slash about $2 million in stimulus runs. without the stimulus ones that would have enough money to start construction. the plan has to be approved by the democrats to control the senate at the moment and president. the funding is also being questioned this morning. quick check the market, stock futures are down this morning after finishing mixed yesterday. asian markets started this morning sell-off after north and south korea exchanged artillery fire. new stability in that part of the world. here in the u.s., government reports on growth and home sales. october sales of previous homes is expected to drop. corporate news hewlett-packard, profits rose 5% in the last quarter. both share earnings and revenue topping analysts' estimates. president barack obama is promoting the auto industry's excesses, the message has been overwhelmed by the weak state of the economy. last week, the president claimed vindication after general motors joined public stock offering. today he and joe biden are visiting a chrysler plant in indiana. both companies received a massive bailout that save them from liquidation. taking a look to prices at the pump, as to make plans to head to grandma's as the solid, the leading service the average price up 4 1/2 cents, to an average of $2.87. as we have been reporting to you here, the bay area averages about higher, san francisco $3.27, san jose $3.20, oakland $3.19. we will keep you updated to latino weather not yet to go up and down over the holiday. qantas will resume flying some of its 838 jumbo jets, it will end a self-imposed slate band after their prompted the safety review. bubb an investigation is still under way into what caused the disintegration of one of the engines on that qantas 8380. time for another break, let's go back outside the wet conditions from the golden gate bridge, your ride from marin county is an easy one, although it is a wet one. give yourself a few extra minutes, you never know when tropical slowdown because of standing water. we will be right back. and we are back, james lick freeway traffic is moving well along 101, at some spots it can slow down because of the will rain. just know that, extreme weather we're dealing with this morning. obviously, travel to is going to be a big concern for folks as they headed out in this weather. 2 million people are expected to travel today and tomorrow to be home in time for this is giving. whether they're taking to the streets or the skies, in some areas there will be a mess matter what. a blizzard warning is in effect in the northwest, that may hamper flights in the midwest. reports of tornadoes destroying homes leaving people think will that they have survived. >> my mom was just in the basement, the whole house was shaking, she heard that freight train that everyone talks about. >> reported tornadoes rare for november even in the midwest destroyed homes, biggest things, towns. windows shattered, bruce pillbox, trees or to the ground. speaking happened in a matter of seconds. it started coming full speed. >> no one was seriously injured. officials will be on-site to the sorting through several reports of tornadoes touched sons. >> downs. >> i lost traction, spun out, got stuck. >> things giving the old and looked more like christmas, i storm warning covered the region was know, i is schools are closed or delayed today. the city works to dig out from this unusual november weather. >> reporting from a plant that anti rows. >> you saw this know, don't be surprised if you see some snow on the peaks of the bay area mountains, snow levels are down quite a bit. elises following that. >> good morning, trucking's themselves to the bay, a it will be a wet one. some kind of isolated showers right now the cells are pushing through downtown san francisco. question over to the east bay you can see some strong purcell's sitting over 800, 580, down into the subbase and spotty showers do san jose, los gatos. as you had on to the livermore valley there is a sell pushing rates down through livermore. two tenths of an inch per hour. current temperatures, 52 degrees san francisco, 52 oakland, 49 fairfield the and the antioch. 50 livermore in san jose. 51 of redwood city into thet you. afternoon highs 53 santa rosa, 53 san rafael and concord. 52 half moon bay, 54 redwood city. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. which shows as is today is the last day of the wet weather, for quite some time. however, once we try to mark that is in the cold, cold, cold temperatures said it just in time for thanksgiving. the a very, very cold one. some of the inland spot is our down into the 20s. cold nights ahead of us, next give the rain saturday. chuck and your commute, erica. >> thank you, no hot spots, slowdowns. you may want to watch your speeds because of that standing water, and the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza westbound 80, no problems to report a ghost town just a couple of cars headed westbound. metering lights cycle of, not dealing with any lanes closed along the upper deck. very good drive * 8-9 minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze to the fremont street. san mateo, westbound in the span 92 in good shape, lots, lots of space between cars. westbound in the to the direction, we are tracking no backups. 13-14 minutes between 800 and 101. nice, light conditions on the golden gate, watch your speeds along the span because the rates are wet. know proms through marin county, know incidences', in the green. i pretty sure freeway, you can see traffic is moving on by downtown san francisco 15 minute trip. james. >> thank you, details on last week's car chase, with oakland police back and forth on the upper deck of the bay bridge. this is video from last week, officers say to suspects led them on it trees have been charges 16 counts of robbery. 22 year-old the mars jones and eric williams word church in a string of robberies in which they held their victims at gunpoint. police have said both men have pleaded not guilty and are due back in court december 10th. the coast guard had to rescue a man stranded on an island in a doubt that for five days, the rescue happened yesterday morning, the man was drifting down the river when his raft began to sink. it made to the island, you cell phone to call family but he did not know which island he was on. his family call this goes guard and the use the man's signal to drive by his position found out where he was, arrested him. preliminary hearing continues in martinez for seven suspects accused of gang raping a high school student in richmond. yesterday's testimony was extremely graphic, as an investigator took the stand, dan carmen tells us what happened in court. >> almost all the seven defendants accused of raping a 16 year-old girl were mentioned by name, on the stand for richmond police detective king greco, he testified he interviewed to the evidence.two defendants.m that thethe victim collapse they dragged her one-person had sex another urinated. or to get hit the victim because she kept screaming for help, ortega admitted to touching her breast by not having sex with her. he also admitted to struggling will try to take her necklace. when asked if you wish to apologize ortega told him he did not think it would work and it would bet but to say i'm sorry for getting you drunk and letting people rapier. during his interview moralist's admitted he was the one who urinated on a victim. he also admitted to stealing her ring. he also testified that ortegal was hitting and torturing the victim because she would not perform oral sex on him. the detective also testified that during his interview rolla's named several of the defendants by name as being at the location before or during the sexual assault. testimony is expected to resume on tuesday. martinez, the internment, kron4 news. >> as dan said the hearing continues today kron4 cameras will be there. >> relatives of the 11 man killed it when the oil rig exploded in the gulf of mexico state to much has been on this bill and not the lives lost. the families want detailed answers on how their loved ones died in that april 20th at the center. they want accountability for negligence and have been left with limited financial support. and what choice could be trouble under the christmas tree? we will find out what consumer advocates say. and that's when the u.s. public interest research groups will release it into trouble in toyland report. this is video last your stories, a realisyour stora break, still much more ahead on the kron 4 morning news. headlights on westbound eighth year traffic is moving well, it is what that there, be careful. we will be right back. to be at bat, the bay bridge approach creek bridgand we are e approach, know which use it is just what they're. be careful as you make your way through the toll plaza. sam a tail looks good, traffic is light, the major problems traffic is still light. easy ride out of the marin county, no word of any flooding to getting your way. but if it gets any more at there, you'll get standing water at lucky drive. we will let you know that happens, more weather, traffic in a moment. cambodia will hold a day of mourning following a stampede by thousands of festival goers that left 370 people dead. a panic stricken crowd celebrated the end of the rainy season in an island trying to flee over a narrow bridge. recipe for disaster and number of people were crushed, fell over the sides into the water. a search for the dead in and along their river continues today it remains unclear what sparked that stampede. r. rubin prosecutors plan to release the results of test collected on a jawbone on an island beach and disclose whether it belongs to natalie holloway. everyone is waiting for that. she was last seen on the island 2005. her dental records were sent to the institute in aruba, the girl's father believes it is our starter strongroom. we will find out if it's true. the pope's new book is released today it has caused quite a shakeup in the catholic church, and about the pope says that male prostitutes could use condoms if they were used to present the transmission of hiv. he did not suggest using them as birth control which is banned as birth control but it still provides hope for area's for hiv is high. a date has been set for prince william and kate milton. they will marry on april 29th. the couple chose the day because it wanted the spring wedding. it is also the feast day of saint catherine of cyanide. hill was named milton shares. the paula said the family in the milton's will cover the cost of the natural apart from security. quickly, recanted it is cloudy over san francisco, the rain is falling across many parts of the bay area to complete the picture forecast with the rain is falling, where it's headed, chicken and your commute coming up to 60 seconds from now. and we're back a lot of reflection in the headlights on the james lick, temperatures are cold. good morning louisa. >> for the morning james, they will get even colder as we head into the next couple of days. radar is lit up. we'll take a closer and sherry where rain is falling. san the answer to walnut creek you can see we have a sell there, take a closer look in san leandro we have rainfall rates coming down to tens of an inch per hour. fairly heavy rain from 5802880.580-800. downo the south bay, kind of some spotty showers a little bit of a cell working its way through san mateo raider the san mateo bridge, a closer look you can see it's stretching into portions of says san francisco. north bay, as cell was some downpour's coming down pretty long novato xenophiles. when 01 river highway 37. kron temperatures, for the most part in the '50s, 51 degrees for santa rosa. holding on to the 42 napa, fairfield. down to fremont. by the afternoon those temperatures still pretty cool. low 50s and places like santa rosa, novato. 52 degrees for fairfield, 54 san jose, 55 mountain view. low 50s radon to have moon bay. also as we head into the next couple of days we want to pay attention to cold, cold temperatures freeze warning comes into effect for wednesday morning. very dangerous for crops, vegetation, keep your pet in doors. that watch continues right on through thursday. this area of pictures as for the watch is in effect. stretching down into the south bay as well. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. as the rain this today we will start to dry up, that's when the cold temperatures satin for thanksgiving your evening is going to be very, very call to carry not just the items you need for things to bring about scarfs, gloves, and jack ejackets. let's get a check and a commune with air cover. >> thank you, good to go on the freeways no accidents or so spent hours, traffic is nice, light dollar on the bay. take it out side approach to the bay bridge westbound 80 is now is, like conditions. san mateo westbound, he spent 92 know proms nice, light conditions lighter than we usually see especially in the westbound direction towards foster city. colleted holiday light. know crumbs on the span or getting to the bridge. toll plaza, no wait, you're right between a.d. 0 and 10114 minutes. golden gate, know crumbs nice, light conditions. there are rays are wet so be little extra cautious especially as you make your way past the south anchorage. know comes from marin county the ride is in the green. a look at the richmond center fell bridge, no way whatsoever nice, light conditions. public transportation, and a promise to report everything is running on time. james. >> thank you, news story north korea is now threatening to continue launching strikes against south korea if it violates their see border even by a fraction. the supreme military commander of north korea said it will launch merciless military strikes. the comments followed the apartment of a south korean arislands. the way has has strongly condemned their attack their calling on north korea to " halt its belligerent actions " it says they are committed to their defense and the maintenance of stability and peace. >> they five in new zealand no word from those 29 jetliners this is dramatic for the rich of last friday's explosion there to research a minor those men were working. there is still too toxic to send rescuers. the robot malfunction after two hours. there try to keep their hopes up although they are saying friends and family are considering preparing for worse. developing news, holiday travel is in full swing. many people are heading to bay area airports to fly to visit their loved ones jonathan bloom has more on that. >> everyone is putting their arms up they're going to be taking pictures of naked if you're out problems they will give fresh review. >> she does have a prom with the gsa is new body scanners but she also has a solution. >> go to a different checkpoint as long as you figured out a had time the you don't have those issues. sfo has nine of the scanners so daly has been scouting out the ones that don't have them. the machines are gone on lot of criticism i found one passenger who loves them. >> for the first time i did not beat the machine with my titanium knees and i don't have to go through a putdown. >> at kennedy airport they still use the old-fashioned metal detector so of course i triggered the machine had to wait for about 10 minutes while we get a male attendant. >> twice the size of president >> how was that done? there was ok and other problem that. >> speaking of pat downs there could be a lot of those on wednesday it hundreds of passengers opt out as part of a protest in a statement they called the protest irresponsible a spokesman for the airport hinted that it planned to separate them into different line. >> we will get people to other lines of making get through. >> with the new stricter standards or one person was shot dead how loose the standards for words in your big. >> i left her toes over were in my big including a fork and a broken did toi could fly with a knife and fork. i wrote and that state.don't think that is safe. >> kron4 is him more has a rundown on where they are. >> sfo with the largest number of passengers has the largest number of scanners there are nine of them, one for every checkpoint. each is accompanied by a magnetic metal detector it's up to security personnel to decide which one to use. san jose's machines are installed last june, there are for internal lay and for a terminal b. why metal detector at each terminal. oakland five units, for internal to the southwest airlines have. the other one serves all the other airlines. >> nationwide more than 340 bodies get our machines are used at 67 airports that he has a plans to install a hundred and 10 more by the end of this year. we're told delta airlines is considering issuing refunds for passengers have canceled croplands because of concerns or the security measures is spokesman says there issuing refunds on the case by case basis. at american airlines spokesperson said that they're not changing their policy because it does not control security procedures. nonrefundable tickets are just that, nonrefundable if you do not use them. officials said continental, u.s. see the same things. customers can get their money back only if they bought a refundable ticket which as we know cause of the more. we will have all of your weather, this is giving travel information on our web site if you need to check on that, duet at smokers are gathering signatures on petitions against an ordinance to heighten tobacco restrictions in unincorporated areas of santa clara county, they are in the opposition to any ordinance that requires retailers that sell tobacco to obtain and maintain an annual permit. it limits the number of from retail stores near schools. we need to take a break, much more straight ahead on the kron 4 morning news. a live look outside, a shot of your bay bridge approach, westbound 80. no word of any problems you're making it through the toll gates or the span. we will be right back.. vmi, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. today it's going to be exactly what you see a side, clouds, rain showers pretty much to the morning commute. temperatures will be on the cool side. mid-50s average temperature to get the bay area, to mock the clouds leavis, the senate comes back down. it will be with us on wednesday, thursday, friday, look at your overnight temperatures we go from mid-40s to the upper 20s. we are going to feel let jill. then by that still.thf bladder cancer survivor says the head of the administration apologize for a hat down that caused a big at the hearing to soak his clothes. rachel thomas tells more about the story. >> tom sawyer said he was humiliated, earlier this month he was going to security at metropolitan airport. gsa officials to come to a private room to cut him down. >> as afraid if i said anything they would arrest me. when the mayfly, speaking was then the 61 year-old said he tried to fl officials he has a medical condition as a bladder cancer survivor. he's been using a eros me beg to go to the bathroom since his surgery three years ago. >> they ignored my times to tell him my medical condition. >> despite his warnings that gsa officials proceeded as if they did not hear him. i had around spot appear the size of a pancake. i had your in dribbling down into my underwear down my leg, the majority. speaker tom says he was mortified. >> it was so embarrassing, i wasn't prepared i don't think anyone is prepared have that. i did not have time to do what i needed to do. the plan is in ago. >> he was forced to wait till after takeoff. he has filed a formal complaint but has not heard back. >> we're unable to >> with them at the trade airport but he is a chief says he understands people's sensitivity. there's no way he's been a change the policy. which means, experience like this one might not end with tom sawyer. tom's daughter is a child and family psychotherapist says the putdowns can be triggering to her clients and other victims of sexual abuse. >> you will see people having emotional reactions angry, irritated, crying. speaker tom sawyer feels no one should be treated the way he was and posted apology. he says he will never fly alone again. >> the update is the head of the security ministry has called tempers' like to apologize for the incident. we will take a quick break, let's go outside, san mateo bridge camera traffic is moving well in both directions. back with a complete look at your forecasts interest me in 60 seconds. we are back, james lick freeway, a lot of reflection coming off the streets. rain is still falling, the roads are wet. keep that in mind, quit the top stories new free this morning in north korea, is turning to continue launching strikes against us. if it violates their disputed see border by a fraction. the supreme military canner says " to launch a merciless military strikes. the comments followed north korea's bombardment of eight islands near their border. the white house has come out to strongly condemn their tax. robert gates called north korea to " halt its belligerent action " to united states is firmly committed to the defense and maintenance of regional peace and stability will let you know as that story of all. today is day five in new zealand, no word from those 29 trapped miners this is some of the latest for a mission that has come into our newsroom showing in last friday's explosion. it ripped through a section of minor those men are working. officials say the area is still too toxic to send down messrs.. they tried to send out a robot that men of conscience after two hours. officials are trying to keep their hopes up although they are telling family and friends that they should prepare for the worse. seattle is getting it within their cost of winter weather. look here, 3 in. of snow fell monday covering road making travel dangerous for folks. even big ring spinning out on the nice. a transit train jumped the tracks in numerous flights were canceled. cold, temperatures in the '20s and the windshield down into the single digits. it may have been a nerve wracking landing for a crew of a cargo plane touching down in seattle. a spokesperson says a boeing 747 skidded and landed a hundred feet too far down the runway. no one was hurt. airport crews had to towed the jet across the line before could taxi to the gate. the plane was coming from jfk, it was a cargo plane. >> is to will not find anyone complaining about the weather as those at the ski resort in lake tahoe. check that snowy conditions along the slopes. this was the scene at squaw valley, folks hurried taking in some of the slopes. lots of excitement prisoners comiskey borders the powerful storm moving to the area started over the weekend brought more than 5 ft. of fresh snow. all of that mean several days of power and snowe ahead. some of the best early seizing conditions tahoe has seen in years. >> in the past few days what i've heard from a lot of those old-timers from a fuel, if they have not seen any kind of snow like this prior to this is giving. that is the ottoman testament. >> best i skied in 10 years. i am what you're all the time, if you're not appear you're missing out. >> more snow is on the way squaw valley and other resorts are open top to bottom. everyone is enjoying, a lot of folks coming out there this weekend, although you do not have to go far, still levels are down to 2,000 ft.. mt. hamilton and mt. tam, mount diablo will all be tested. louisa. >> snow advisers have been lifted about 2,000 ft., we're getting a lot of rain, sierra will gets know. radon through 4:00 today. we do have a winter storm morning in effect.warning in effect. temperatures are expected to draidrop below freezing. here's a look to your storm tracker 4, all lit up, jars are passing your pretty quickly. we will go ahead and take you right to livermore where were seeing some showers also we have a cell passing through san mateo. we will take a closer look there, up to the north bay as well. per our. ran under novato, san rafael. satellite and radar shows the cold front sweeping through. as it does it will continue to bring showers rate on through the morning hours, drying up as we had to do the latter part of your day, the cold really does settle in. future cast, 7:00, quite a bit of activity around an hour. southern portions of the peninsula written to the east bay, livermore. a couple of cells are expected to push to the north and east bay. even till 8:00 p.m. as we head towards nine, the north bay will die out. dry out. 10:00, really expecting to be a lot of that wet weather lifting crude by the afternoon in looks like we could be in the dry. kron temperatures, 52 san francisco, oakland. temperatures are sitting in the upper '40's low 50s. in the next few days, cold temperatures, we have a freeze warning in effect from tomorrow morning, there's the morning a freeze watch. temperatures expected in the mid-20s, low 30s, this to be pretty dangerous for crops, pets. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. although it is going to be cold, it will be sendinsunny. we will clear by the weekend. checked on your commute, and arquette. >> thank you louisa, and a promise to reporno problems to k bridge checked a looking first at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza nice, light conditions from all parties headed westbound and you san francisco. leading lights are off, 8-9 minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze into fremont. san mateo, westbound 92, no promise to report. lots, lots of space between cars. 13-14 minute trip. know rums getting to the bridge, same story for the golden gate, nice light conditions as you make your way to san francisco. the entire ride is in the clear. as you make your way from nevada to city limits 23 minute trip. highway 37 is caulking and add the minutes. i knew accident reported westbound 80, it is blocked due to a solos been out that hit the center divide california highway patrol and emergency crews are on the scene. still completely in the green, know backups just yet. james. >> muni writers are frustrated this morning was something that keeps happening when they're trying to get off the train, stanley roberts explains in this edition of believing badly. >> i get tons of e-mail's from viewers for various different subjects, rarely do i get some money for the same subject. until today. because people ride muni are sick, tired of drivers not stopping for them when they exit the train. if you drive down in the road this year with a vehicle there these signs telling drivers not to pass. even on the back of the trains same borders must offer pedestrians, often ignored. like the driver of this haunted, he should stop at their rear of the train but he did not. same goes for the driver of the stock, what i can figure out is why the passenger doors are open. if you see a muni change coming to stop you should stop and remain stocked in the the train moves. there been accents for people using the trades have been had by drivers ignoring the sides. hate is not like the vehicle temples of the curve it is up to you to stop and wait. and not next to the train, but behind the train, after all the production has the right of way. oh, one more thing, the center lanes are dedicated transit lanes unless you're making a left turn. there are signs for that. signs that the north. when the standards as the police as a state i hope they invite me to watch. san francisco, stanley roberts, kron4 news. >> as always if you come in our story idea for stanley let him know santa minimill. know, send an e-mail. will your back. and v m back hundreds of people turned out for a frozen turkey and a box full of it to go with that. some 4000 food rises and the demand of help keeps growing in this economy. speaking is been staggering, we've seen the total number of people that have come to soar, 35,000 to 55,000 this last year. just this week alone will serve over 4000 families that are coming to us for just the pleasure of a food box. >> no one will go home empty-handed, sacred heart's as there's not enough turkeys. truckloads of donated turkeys like this one continue to arrive at the nonprofit says it's almost a thousand turkey short of meeting its demands. senator leave the donated more than 1500 jerkies she played a visit to the sunny del housing project and handed out turkeys to residents in need. more turkeys are expected today. is beginning to look a lot like christmas, the holiday decor is going up in a jack london square. a massive christmas tree arrived from mount shasta. 55 ft. tall tree was arrested yesterday morning with the help of cables in trainsand cranes. we'll take our break, here is a live look at the richmond san rafael bridge traffic is light, is whether this morning will be back. if we are back, for 50 9:00 a.m., the two people are dead more than a dozen or injured after a north korea and fire ofired on an island. ds on yesterday's testimony in the gang rape case tomorrow. coming up. like pictures of the golden gate, san mateo bridge both of them are wet. good morning, 5:00 a.m., scattered showers are everywhere. what, what roadway's out there. as we headed to mark we have to be concerned with the cold. >> overnight is getting really cold periods be absolutely, you want to take your pet in plants inside. >> storm tracker 4 has been pretty active. scattered showers passing through pretty quickly as it comes through dumping enough water to make those roots wet. as a lecturer you were seeing the showers along 80. settled in through fairfield, another cell just pushing into highway one. working its way to san rafael, in the next hour we should start to feel area's livermore, scattered shellsshowers. a little bit of t weather to danville, to the sierra, take a look at this, chains are required on 80 and 50. the quality of snow fall, winter storm warning in effect till this afternoon. satellite, radar shows that storefront sweeping on if to prove that is what brings us all about wet weather behind that cold, cold air starting to push its way in the will really deliver us some cold temperatures overnight future cash shows us as we head toward sunrise we're expected to see some of that activity picked up scattered showers are rate along the peninsula to the east bay and north bay. it acosta continue to keep the wet weather in the picture chance of showers to 9:00 p.m.. 10:00, keeping some left over rain drops, the latter part of your day into the afternoon looks like it will be dry, drying out. current temperatures, 52 seconds as, oakland, a word. 49 now i and fairfield. watching those cold temperatures, freeze warning in effect for tomorrow morning. tonight we will bring in those plants, cuts temperatures are expected in the mid temperatures too low thirties. freeze watch for wednesday. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. it shows us how we have dry conditions for tomorrow, they stretched your friday, the next chance of some showers is on saturday. stir to clear out by sunday. check on your commute, erica. >> traffic is nice, light around the bay area we had a small accident due to the wet road ways and nothing is really tying up your ride still very quiet approach to the bay bridge toll plaza was about 80 as to make your way to san francisco looking good for all approaches. metering lights are cycle of, no problems to along the upper deck 8-9 minutes. dirtiness bridge to the may 17th minute trip. santana, no problems to nice, light conditions. you can see those taillights are making their way into foster city, no problems to report know back up but the toll plaza. same story for golden gate, nice, light conditions as to make your way past the acreage. 101 looks good, no problems to the great. highway 37 is in good shape. no real problems to report around the bay area. headed north to the sierra, a new chain requirements in effect. highway 15 between my ears. highway 80 between tickets junction. interstate 80 to be aware is closed. james. >> thank you, to get to more news faster on our continuing team coverage of weather, traffic let's head side jackie sissel is standing by at the bridge toll plaza with the check. jackie morning. >> jackie can you hear me? well, it looks like we might be having similar problems with jackets of years ago. we'll get that squared away and visit with him moments it from now. another developing story coming at of the korean peninsula for two soldiers are dead, 16 others injured after no. 3 and fired artillery shells onto an island. north korea is threatening to continue launching strikes if it violates its disputed see border even by a fraction. in fact no. 3 is commander said today " launch a merciless military retaliatory strikes. " they followed the apartment of an island near the disputed border you can see the smoke from the island. the white house has strongly condemned the attack press secretary calls on north korea to halt its " belligerent actions. " the united states is committed to cell of trees defense and to the maintenance of peace and stability where will this go as tensions continue to ratchet up? we will follow it. the movement to go talk to those full body scanners is gaining steam, hot air out the date is tomorrow where passengers some decline to go through those scanners some passengers say they will try and figure which records do not have them and go through those. the sfo has nine, if you opt out you look at ipad down slower screening method could cause delays it passengers choose that option. a spokesman said he hinted at a plan to separate people who opted out in two different line. critics of those banners and enhance pat downs say their invasion of privacy and her to far. loss angeles mayor, is helping to ease some of those concerns he went to lax yesterday and submitted to when that the gsa is full body stands, he decided to do it to show people the scanner is a common ec after his skin and he praised the beef up security measures. day seven of preliminary hearings will start today for those seven defendants in the high school homecoming game rape case. the police chief gav graphithe police chief says one of the defendants backhanded the victim across the face " because she would not shut up during the assault " he told detectives that " she was a winding, no, no " he scratcher when he tried to take her necklace and after the first person richter she was kicking and telling them to get away. they will cross- examine them today. we will take a break, much more straight ahead on the kron 4 morning news, outside james lick freeway traffic coming off the central freeway the inbound chains like is moving well. you can see there's a lot of space between the cars, plan a little extra time there is rain falling so slow your commute just a bit. >> and we're back, a quick look of storm tracker 4, throughout the bay all morning long right now we are seeing showers in the east bay right down by castro valley, fremont. there's a backed of rain just offshore getting ready to hit the peninsula, we will follow it all morning long as we continue to make her way to the commute. markets, as he was making news, stock futures are down after finishing mixed yesterday asian markets really started the sell- off, we will follow that. here in the u.s., we are expecting government reports on growth and home sales. it is expected to rise and october sales of previously sold homes are expected to drop. hewlett-packard's has profits rose 5% in the latest quarter with both earnings topping analyst estimates. we'll see how wall street reacts when the opening bell rings of 6:30 a.m. epa is getting the leave and nissan leave, a rating of 95 mi. per groundinggallon. it's about $56a year in electricity costs fuel-efficient see is nearly twice that of the pre s which gets 50 mi. per gallon. meanwhile president barack obama is promoting the auto industry's success is but the message has been overwhelmed by the weak state of the economy. last week that president claimed vindication after gm's giant stock offering. today him and the vice-president joe biden are visiting chrysler plant in indiana. we will take a break, much more straight ahead let's go outside, a quick look at the bay bridge to purge was bad 80 is moving well no problems to, or delays know crumbs or issues on the span it is just get out there. keep that in mind. we'll be right back. nearby, a quick look at the snowmaking travel difficult, utility officials say that's know over the weekend knocked out power to some 18,000 customers a round lake tahoe. divers are still dealing with icy snow- covered roads. crews are working hard to restore power before thanksgiving back here in the bay area is cold, wet, here's a look from james lick. louisa has been following the forecast not just here but in tahoe. >> absolutely there are tahoe chain requirements. there's a lot of snow coming down over 80 and 50. there's a winter storm running in effect. this morning in the bay scattered morning showers, as those pass that's when the cold air sets in the big story over the next couple of days will be the cold nights ahead. temperatures are expected below freezing, down into the 20s in some spots. storm tracker 4, you can see it lit up in green, we're dealing with some showers passing showers, along 80 rushing to the east taking that to this update spotty showers down in the sub bay saw a cell just for a jaunt through san mateo, now under hayward, fremont. another cells sitting over foster city, san mateo more offshore expected to pressure on shore. right now you can sit through union city and fremont. up into the sierra is just kate in was snowfall this morning this is expected to continue throughout much of the day even up into the afternoon. rain here in the bay area, 7:00 the activity could pick up come sunrise we could start feeling a few more sprinkles certainly need your windshield wipers this morning you'll experience wet roads. showers to the north, south, by a the clock the cell is settled over san rafael and along the coast oakland, hayward heavier downpours and down into san jose. 9:00, keeping some showers around 10:00, looks like it will decrease significantly. showers tapering off as we head towards the afternoon. here's a look to your current temperatures, in the fifties this is about as warm as it will get. the next couple of days bring is very cold temperatures mid- 20s, low 30's. we have a freeze warning in effect for tomorrow morning and a freeze watch for thanksgiving day. keep that in mind if you have plans, pets are you going to want them indoors tonight and tomorrow. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. you can see just how los temperatures are expected to get, could get down into the upper 20s. chance of rain come the weekend. erica. >> thank you, a potential hot spot on our radar westbound 80, the left lane is currently blocked three vehicle accident to still blocking the left lane one on the right shoulder. california highway patrol will run a traffic break to clear it. you can see that slowing as you approach san pablo. a couple more accidents out there, this is the only one affecting traffic. much more information in my next report. here is a live look just pass the scene as you make your way into albany, traffic is building among the upper east shore freeway no problems to report as to pass the scene. continue the project live look to the bay bridge, no problems to, traffic is building from all three approaches as you make your way westbound in to san francisco meeting ipod. san mateo, incident free, no accidents to report nice, light traffic. as you make your way into foster city wrapping up with a quick look at the golden gate bridge, nice, light conditions. says scott 101 looking good at novato that entire ride from nevada to sfo 23 minutes. >> thank you, a continuing our coverage whenever solo reporters jackie sissel is at the location where he has been this morning which is the richmond center fell toll plaza. i guess it's sprinkling. good morning. >> a cell is rolling through at the bridge in the last 10-18 minutes we've seen one of the heavier cells. it is not only their rain, we're also seeing some significant wins. you can see the flight call those legs are being ripped around. flags are being d around. >> we will visit with jackie throughout the day our eyes and ears checking what it's like at side door. the coast guard had to rescue a man stranded on an island in the doubt that. he was trapped there for five days you can see what he is to survive. it happened yesterday morning he drifted down the river when his inflatable rafts began to sink he made it to row island, uses of funds to call his family he didn't know which island he was on. his family had to call a coast guard, that is when they used triangulation on the man cell phone to get where he is. a suspect in the double murder in fairfield has been arrested police a 50 year-old ricardo martinez was arrested in new mexico they search for evidence martinez is the goal and physical evidence links him to the murders. they have been seized police are looking during the district attorney's office to extradite him to california he was suspected of fatally shooting his ex- girlfriend and her boyfriend. supporters of the stephen leas efforts to stay in the country will gather today, to celebrate his release and a halt to his deportation their release and halt things to the efforts of senator dianne feinstein. we will take our break, let's go back inside another live look, it is what they're here's a shot showing you just that the bridge approach traffic is light, people are taking it easy, standing water just before the toll gate. we will be right back. the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator in the airbag, storm tracker 4, we have been following the cells as they move across the bay area. currently we are seeing rain just offshore, out there by fremont and livermore valley. more and your forecasts in a minute, quick update on world headlines. it is day five in new zealand and we still have no word from those 29 trapped miners, dramatic video just in showing you last friday's explosion that ripped through a section of the mind are those men are working. if the air is still too toxic to send a rescue workers. they tried to send a robot in but it malfunctioned two hours in. here's what one survivor had to say about his brother was still trapped. >> i am beyond the motionthe moi know what is like out there. i just what the memo.want them i can't do anything, it is my flesh and blood, and my best mates. speaking each miner carried 30 minutes of oxygen and fresh air, food and water was stored that could allow them to survive for several days. but we are now beyond that point. we'll take another break, back at site, interstate eat zero, it is one of sathere is no up te on that coming up period. ♪ [ male announcer ] open up a cadillac during our season's best sales event and receive the gift of asphalt. experience the exhilarating cadillac cts with a direct injection v6. it's the one gift you can open up all year long. see your cadillac dealer for this attractive offer. backed by the peace of mind that only comes from cadillac premium care maintenance. the season's best sales event. from cadillac. indian back, are rich camera on the left, bay bridge on the right. after we get past that we have to brace ourselves for some really freezing temperatures. that's why we are in the weather center. >> it is going to be very, very cold morning in the city morning as well. you'll want to take in those plants, cut the overnight.tens . storm tracker 4, you can see some shares to the north bay, sarah rosa. down into san rafael. over to vallejo a couple of showers making their way at 80, fairfield the peninsula continue to see very light showers moving into san mateo, foster city san mateo bridge and a long 2802 palo alto also rain now seeing a cell, along the coast from pacific down and do half moon bay. up to the golden gate bridge to the bay bridge seeing another cell work its way through its pushing towards the east bay getting a few showers and berkeley. in the sierra kate in in this note. up along 8050 chains are required. quite a bit of snowfall winter storm warning to this afternoon. future cast set for 7 as we head toward sunrise the showers will pick up a bit notice the cells here, the yellow indicates the heavier downpour down into the south bay. showers to the north bay 8:00 continuing with that wet weather. even 9:00 some spotty showers along the peninsula in the state. it looks like we will taper off by about 10:00 a.m. and into the afternoon trying out. current temperatures, not to bat in the '50s, 52 san francisco, 53 oakland, 51 concord and fairfield. take a good look, it will be this for quite some time. tomorrow, temperatures in the mid-20s. we have a freeze on morning in a factor to morning. temperatures or really dropping below freezing, a freeze watch in effect for your thanksgiving morning as well. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. we will dry up tomorrow, after the cold sets in, not going to let up. but rep until friday. chance of rain on saturday. erica. >> thank you, hotspot alert at san paolo road, all lanes are blocked. this is not the same accident this is a new when that happened at the same scene. there may be a late dinner road sensors but all lanes are blocked traffic is very slow. we are sending a live crew there, much more information in the next report. no other hot spots to contend with, like conditions at the bay area, the bridge toll plaza was spent 80. nice, light conditions. san mateo bridge, nice and easy ride, no problems to report in either direction we have been incident free-throw the morning. as always at the toll plaza. golden gate, no problems to report nice, light conditions for the last hour and a half as you make your way south bend into the sfo. aside from now one hot spot, along westbound 80 no other problems around the bay. if you're headed up north, a chain requirements in effect highway 50 between 80. just a quick reminder interstate eye-80 is closed between cold run in the state line. james. >> thank you, we will continue our team coverage of the weather kron4 is will trend is in the set big checking out conditions for drivers going over the mountains. >> into the rain is coming down, although not as hard as it was 15-20 minutes ago. enough for the authorities to put his son into the roadway warning drivers 3 rate is wet, slippery and for drivers to take it easy. there are certain parts, that you might hydroplane, you might, there is a good chance the will not go the speed limit. at the very least at this hour. the summit, will trent, kron4 news. >> also falling some developing news on the international flights,north and south korea exchanged artillery fire tuesday after the north shelled an island near their disputed sea border, killing at least two south korean marines, setting dozens of buildings ablaze and sending civilians fleeing for shelter. the supreme military command in pyongyang threatened more strikes if the south crossed their maritime border by "even 0.001 millimeter." the united states white house press secretary robert gibbs called on north korea to "halt its belligerent action," and said the u.s. is "firmly committed" to south korea's defense, and to the "maintenance of regional peace and stability." both nations are finding themselves on the brink of potential war. a movement to boycott those full body scanners is gaining some steam. national opt out date is tomorrow that's when passengers plan to decline to go to the scanners but instead go to the pad down process. some passengers wanting to avoid this canners say they would try and figure which checkpoints don't have them and go to those in said. as of as nine scanners but if you opt out you'll be looking at the pat down which is a slower screening method could cause delays for a lot of passengers behind you. the spokesman for sfo has hinted that they may plan to separate the people who opt out with them in a different line so that way they are only holding themselves up. we are told that built the airlines is considering issuing refunds for passengers to cancel plans over concerns of these new measures. a delta spokeswoman said there issuing refunds and a case by case basis. american airlines are not changing their policies they say they do not control the procedures so they're not at fault and nonrefundable ticket is just that non- refundable. officials at continental are saying the same thing they will only refund customers to have refundable tickets. which we know across livermore. news around the bay smokers are gathering signatures on an ordinance that would tighten tobacco restrictions in unincorporated areas of santa clara county they are in opposition to an ordinance there requires retailers to sell tobacco to obtain and maintain an annual permit. it also limits the number of stores near schools indians the sale of flavored tobacco products. the petitions go before the board of supervisors and light switches 30 pass the ordinance. we will take a break, back with more have like to just a minute. ambac, tracking a hot spot in sid aler >> tracking hotspot all lanes were closed a couple of minutes ago california highway patrol and emergency crews remain on the scene the back up stretches towards pinole. speed their dripping down to 25 mi. per hour. no estimated time on when they will be reopened, life appeared to the scene. james. >> this just in to the kron4 news from the economy grew slightly faster last summer than first thought. benefiting from u.s. shoppers and improved sales. the commerce department reports that the increase of 2.5% annual rate from the july to september was better than the 2% initially estimated last month. still the improvement is not enough to drive down the unemployment rain but we will see how the markets react to this news scheduled to bring in 45 minutes. seattle is getting hit with another blast of winter weather. 3 in. of snow fell monday covering road and making travel dangerous it did not matter what you're driving the eyes caused it to spin out. a train jumped the tax, numerous flights were canceled, it was cold temperatures were in the '20s the windshield is bringing down to the single digits. nerve wracking landing for a crew aboard a cargo plane i, a boeing 747 skidded and landed a hundred feet too far down the runway fortunately no one was hurt airport crews had to tear that jet back across the lines before a good taxi to the gate to the plane was coming from jfk. we will take a break, much more straight ahead still falling the latest of the hot spot was bad 80 traffic, coming up, a fall in the rain is falling across them they more on both of those coming out. in the we are back, it is whether there, rain is falling. louisa. >> good morning, starting off with the wet weather, then cold. them below freezing. over the next couple of evenings. clear shot, a cloud cover, twice as big a shower activity we're seeing some passing showers, you will notice some what rows cold nights ahead. temperatures below freezing. here's your radar, pretty active, to assure you we're we're getting rain at this hour. up answers santa rosa, san rafael, fairfield. ray nunn to the richmond san rafael bridge plenty of rain fall. down into oakland as well. as we take and london's lead a few showers just cells of downtown san francisco. daly city stretching into san mateo. we'll take you closer luxury the pacific getting some rain, pushing offices of san francisco moving over the san mateo bridge down into the set big cupertino, san jose a few raindrops overall, light showers this morning not the case in the sierra heavy snowfall over 80, 50. chains required in both locations. storm warning in effect of 4:00 p.m. as we head toward sunrise we will start to notice the rain picking up. notice all of this yellow that indicates heavier downpours san s.a., fremont mountain view could pick of some pockets of rain to the north bay even tell about the o'clock hour. 9:00 better chance. 10:00, stir to see the showers light up. and dry the second part of the day. current temperatures, fifties a bit warmer than yesterday. it will probably the warmus these temperatures we will see an choir while it will get cold. overnight tonight and tomorrow morning there is a freeze warning in effect a freeze watch for thanksgiving, temperatures in the mid 20's and low '30's of course this type of weather bring in those plants. also keep the pet the outdoor keep them inside. it will be cold, clear sunshine into wednesday through friday. net shot of rain saturday. erica. >> all eyes on this hot spot westbound 80 right now near the end road.dan road. it is tha wrench in your community can see the back up stretches into canola. california highway patrol, emergency crews, fire department or on the scene. no estimated time of reopening the lanes. much more information in the next report, this is a camera shot south of the scene, traffic is pretty thick, the upper east shore freeway is probably one of our busiest spots traffic all around the other parts of the bay area is nice, light bay bridge toll plaza no problems to, traffic is standard on the upper east shore freeways. nice, light coming from all approaches was bad thing to san francisco. meeting light still law. another hot spot here in san detail the hillsdale ran up to northbound 101, a car that went over the ditch. their rep was closed for 10 minutes. flares are still in place not affecting traffic there roadway is clear for cars going to 101. if you're taking public transportation, no problems to report bart, a string, muni running on time. james. >> thank you news around the bay in the act police have arrested a 21 year-old man accused of crashing and as you begin to treat than running away leaving a track teenagers dying in the passenger seat. stephen taylor surrendered he was arrested on suspicion of felony and felony hit-and- run causing death. he is being held in jail on $100,000 bail. other details for you this morning last week's car chase with oakland police the one that went back and forth on the upper deck this is video from the rest, officers say to suspects who led police on that change to have been charged with 16 counts of robbery. both of oakland were charged with a string of robberies during which they often held their victims at gunpoint both men have pleaded not guilty are due back in court on december 10th. other details, some republican congressional leaders want to cut federal funding to the $43 billion high-speed rail project. rask about $2 billion without those funds the state would not have enough money to start construction the plan would have to be approved by the senate and the president. the funding for the replace roger drive is also in question. meanwhile another national use relatives of the 11 men killed when an oil rig exploded say too much of the public focus has been on this bill rather on the lives lost. the families want detailed answers about companies on how of their loved ones died. that disaster by many accounts the worst in u.s. history. families want accountability for negligence they have been left with only limited financial support. what toys could be trouble under the tree? we're going to find out what consumer advocates have to say later on this morning that's when the public interest groups will release its annual trouble in toyland report. this is video of some of last year's troy's that the group considered too dangerous for children. it will list resources say that pose a choking hazard, toxic chemicals, other problems. current pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are falling short, of those needed to resume their worst consequences in a report released yesterday it says voluntary pledges made by dozens of countries aren't enough to meet the target of keeping temperatures rising, negotiators will meet in cancun, mexico for another round of talks on curbing the greenhouse gas emissions. we'll take a break, back outside, another live shot westbound 80 just north of venice as ig aleof ac'l get the latest american and a couple of minutes. you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones. welcome back, all eyes are on this hot spot westbound each zero. the two right- hand lanes are still shut down. no time on when they will reopen see all of that red, yellow beginning to build. speed they're dipping down to just 12 mi. an hour. we will have much more information as well as a live report from the scene coming up. james. >> updating you hear on the royal couple. kate middleton at westminster abbey in london on friday, april 29 next year. april 29 is also the feast day of st catherine in the roman catholic calendar. ms middleton will officially be called "catherine" once she is a member of the royal family.the wedding will be paid for by the royal family, along with the middletons out of private money. the country will cover the costs for security. the natural oils will they will foot the bill. and they can ensure that a lot of money. we will take a break, a live picture here of interstate 80, up in truckee, we have portions of 80 shutdown complete because of all this note. in the winter weather up there. there might not be any traffic on this section at all, this might be part of the blockage. in any event, we will fall the story of a lot of folks looking into all of, a lot of snow, the latest and your forecasts and a bit. save $523! 16 minutes 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