Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20101101

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>> its action monday, were beginning the day with a bit of a warm-up. we have clear conditions, light wind, continued to warm into the afternoon. warming through midweek. we give a slight chance rain in the picture this weekend. here's a look to your current temperatures are outside, 55 degrees in nursing from this group, coolers your other north. 50 san rafael, 47 napa and fairfield, 53 antioch, 49 livermore, 53 mountain view. clouds, and moisture to the north of us. sitting high and dry for today, in fact through good majority of the workweek. temperatures are slightly warming up. by noon time we start to see widespread '60s and actinides will talk about in the '70s. all of this yellow shares as for the '70s will move in. and then as rico law down by 8:00 into the 50s and 60s. and as we had this afternoon 70 santa rosa, 70 novato and napa. 75 fairfield, 74 concord. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. it just continues to show a warming trend as we head towards wednesday. wednesday is the warmest day of the week, that all changes wetter friday, slight chance of rain better chance by sunday. check and your commute. the character. >> risen nice and quiet, no hot sparks. pretty clear conditions are here >> thank you, pretty clear conditions, no backup of the toll plaza. golden gate, just couple of headlights headed southbound no problems along the stand or through marin county. nevada to city limits is a 22 minute trip. down in the south bay not checking in the hot spots. they're like conditions of just about a couple of headlights headed south boundary now, no problems northbound as you make your way towards trembled they let cruz. james. >> thank you, three people including a small to other in australs morning following a shooting in san francisco. the three were shot near the intersection of 25 straight. this is video just as a kron4 news to ensure you please conducting investigation one includes a 20 year-old man, but was are said to be life- threatening. another man 541 gunshot says not to be life- threatening. the final victim was a three year-old girl. shot multiple times rhones are considered life- threatening police have no ration on subjsuspects. the hunt continues for the gunmen selectthe left nine peope injured at a halloween party. >> this was the scene just after midnight sunday morning after someone walked inside he started firing nine people were shot, all the victims rushed to hospital. >> a lot of folks came man windup bias. we don't have metal detectors cursor in areas and no one knows to the individual was weird shots fired people inside the evacuated the building building. it was a bit of controlled chaos. it is all too frequent the people are annoyed. like is the norm. people need to have a safe place to go. there's no monetary value on someone's life. our sincerest condolences to the families and the rhythm. speaking all the victims are started to soar right. kron suffers is offering a $44 and dollar roaredexpected to survive. >> world series and other big story today the giants are just one win away from winning their first world series title since 1954 it0 in their first title in san francisco. of course both presidents were there. here we are, fly ball to center field. wade is not there, but in any case. we had a great showing last night with a lot of really great place. use are crazy grabbed their that is shot know what it does not. haiti to right, to run home run first career postseason homerun top of the 7, reuter and first, shot to right, top of the eight, but suppose the outplace you'll see that in the second. he drives went to the center. great job. solo home run. >> he was as good as i've seen him. in and out. first couple of innings he might of being a couple of fastballs but after that he was on a roll. i think back to training one you're grinding out a couple of a batts you can't wait for this season's start. one game away from getting this thing done it is pretty crazy. city giants fans are celebrating the big game last night kron4 is da lin was at the public grows near 18 t were you can imagine the excitement was in the year. >> a great sunday night for giants fans as their team one game for the world series many of those fans packed sports bars near at&t park this is how the public house was. you can see the fans after every ounce and every run this is how they reacted with it to run homer to help the giants did in early lead. fans say they want to watch the game of the sports or because of french or sitting and watching at home. > it is much more exciting than what your home. >> to this game will be on the dianne jumbos screened marron newsom announce the plan surely after last night's win they will get under way. he's encouraging fans to arrive early to get a great spot on the civic center lot. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. detector test. meg whitman didn't tell the truth about not voting or about how long she lived in california. she got caught in insider deals at goldman sachs. she changed her story about physically abusing an employee. she campaigned as tough as nails on immigration knowing her housekeeper of 9 years was undocumented. her tv ads have been condemned as false and misleading. and even her hometown newspaper said meg whitman has demonstrated "a loose relationship with the truth" and the embar, seven than eight in the we are back. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. and nice or former forecasts, the temperatures in the middle upper '70's. we're looking at low eighties for the rest of the week. around the bay comfortable-may upper '70's. mid-or 60s along the coast. more details this morning, a team of u.s. investigators is headed to yemen to help search for the suspects in the mail bomb plot. they believe the two mail bomb it >> one suspect to folk plots. investigators believe this man is very so i it is stable it ist likely to go up by accident. >> their dress chicago synagogues british authorities believe the planned rise to take down the planes transporting them. still the director of one of those in the bonds says they're not taking chances. >> we will not be ordering anything for a while. everything will be delivered by ups. >> we'll be following that story, as we get more affirmation will you know. we'll take another break, let's go outside, another look from the golden gate bridge traffic from marin county is moving well. no word of any promises to make a drive along 101. will your word of any promises to make a drive along 101. will your back. he even called our schools "insidious" and "socialism." as families struggle to raise their kids, to provide a good education, harmer bragged, "we can design a plan to dismantle them." david harmer is just too radical. we need jerry mcnerney. protecting local schools from devastating cuts. endorsed for his "independence" by the contra costa times, stockton record, and our local teachers. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message. and we're back, touching briefly on our top stories this first run three people getting a small child in hospital following a shooting in san francisco. there were three shots near the intersection of 25th street and connecticut. one includes a 20 road man multiple gunshot or ones, those are considered life threatening another man in his early-mid 50 suffered one gunshot around his injury is not life- threatening. final victim three world girl who was hit multiple times her wounds because their grades are considered life-threatening they're scrambling to save her life. police have no reformation of the suspects as soon as we hear more will you know. the giants, are one win away from winning their first world series. instead of this group. look to the debt, a crazy rat. but shares the effort by the giants. deep to right, is it fair, yes it is. home runs, in the end it was fantastic for-0 win for game 4 victory of the giants. tim lincecum will be on the mound tonight. the first set schedules fowe're also falling . louisa. >> we are warming up a little bit back into the '70s, kron4, forecastscolumn fc will clearing to the north bay. stand as it turned 55, 54 oakland, 51 concord. the ftc and fel50 san rafael. cloudr and rain to the north. dry today affect most of the workweek. slight chance of rain in the forecast. as the war today, temperatures will be up in the '50s-'60s. by noon, widespread '60s. '70s back into the forecast, all of this yellow shows as for the seventies will be. and because some '60s hanging along the coastline. then by about the across our, roll back down into the fifties. so your numbers are coming in below '70s to places like santa rosa, napa. about 70 degrees in downtown san francisco. and right around the east bay and looks like temperatures dropping to the low seventies to mid '70's down to the south bay. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. switches share as saying dry continuing to warm up right through midweek. we see a few changes, a chance of rain moves into the picture on friday. then another chance of rain on the weekend best chance being on sunday. let's get a quick check on your morning commute. >> thank you, traffic is moving at a limit all around the bay your pretty much good to go. easy conditions here that the cemetery ridge, traffic is moving fine about directions, the sale of its head of westbound towards foster city, no promise if you're making your way to hayward. the signs of any overnight construction, back about the toll plaza.and no back up at thp plaza. up from three ride coming throughout the county, which is checked road center is your moving at the limit. novato towards the city limits 23 minute trip. crosstown san francisco traffic is moving pretty well, those headlights headed southbound toward the peninsula if you're headed east and to lower debt, it is a from free commune. james. >> more headaches stories feature is a writer's they had made service cuts for the second time this year, december cent reduction is now in effect from ac transit has also dropped service to oakland's broderick kurds area. the new cuts could save the agency more than $1 million and this will be your first morning commute with those cuts in place. a man in a wheelchair who was hit by a bart train this week and remains in critical condition, 64 year-old curtis fuller fell on the tracks, the chance of officials say the man was adjusting his wheelchair when the accidently world of the edge. police say at this point they also found a again beneath the tracks they do not know of those related in any way is the incident. >>a big rubber for our desire that a ride and then a trend by one. a man described in his '40's and '50's demanded money from a teller and jumped onto the counter and from the crash. he then ran at the street as a robbery thousand dollars to anyone would do ride to spinnakers canadsanta cruz. there might not a big city sanction party in the castro but there's still plenty of interesting conscience. as he can see here. >> for the fourth zero there is no city station party. but there were still some crazy costumes, and quite a few cops on the street. a squad officers at many for other districts staged and a mobile command post. there were your keep pedestrians and traffic moving. a crackdown on people the opening tinners of alcohol. >> politics, decision 2010, 37 states will be electing a new governor to mark. republicans are it is bidding in major gains. california, new york, maryland, orlando and arkansas are just a few. governorships are especially as far in this year because they have a crucial stake in implementing the new health- care law. there will also participate in redrawing congressional and legislative districts. president barack obama is back at the white house doctor spending the weekend in ford's states tried to make an impact on election day. he acknowledges the democrats are facing an uphill struggle. they hope voters will listen to the president's insistence. meanwhile underground's them was the day campaigning in northern california in sacramento, the democrats had it is ending his campaign on optimistic note telling audiences that he still optimistic. brown is on the state tort there will keep him busy right up to a small selection. maglev and is calling as many supporters as she can in the last couple of days before the election. she is our cars running against jerry brown this is women in a loss angeles, she and her supporters say they believe the same energy behind republicans issues will result in a gop sweep. keep it here and here for a comprehensive election night information we will broadcast the results live beginning at 8:00 p.m. rate from midnight. did your web site or at for a corporation. the carter of discussion at www.kron4.cobe pat market headlines, stock futures were to up elections and the fed will more data out today. we'll give readings on personal income as those construction spending today. home-improvement retailers low it is due to report to our earnings, apple is suing motorola for infringing on patents related to its mark phone. it's droit, backflip by elite tons. a what motorola to stop using the at this. say goodbye to pontiac, gm's agreement with upon the act expired yesterday, last year gm decided to kill the 84 year- old brand. but even more for the vagrancy, karnak sales had fallen from their peak. sales were down to about a quarter of million dollars. pontiac was known for models like the gao, the transition. we'll take a break, we'll check your right here the james lick, traffic on both those arteries is moving good. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. and we had back.our back. elli'e priest and nine policemen are among the 39 dead and the church sees just. this is video of the u.s. depressed harmon attackers for stormed a baghdad church taking hundred 20 people already hostage. hostage. theree essentially freed. indonesia is deadly volcano has released another corruption. you can see here in this video, there have not been any immediate reports of injury or damage, as a result of this latest corruption.corruption corruptios elected its first female president. national news, opening arguments are set to begin in the trial of tom delay, he's accused of helping to be legally finance raises back in 2002, it he is expected in a courtroom today, he is accused of puzzling or money through a national group to help her colleturret with moneyg could face life in prison. brian and david mitchell kidnapped a 14 year-old girl back in 2002, she was rescued nine months later. mitchell is charged with kidnapping, 2003 he was deemed incompetent to stand trial but earlier this year they stepped in and mitchell was deemed to be confident. the countdown for the file launch of the shuttle discovery is under way after a two day delay. apparent gas leaked resulted in a launch been postponed. nasa says the problem has been fixed they are aiming for 8 wednesday left off. it will travel to the space station is their ninth and final trip. the mission will last 11 days, and include two space walks. we will take a break, a lot more straight ahead here's a live look far east bay camera showing you those headlines westbound 80 as it makes its way through the eskers year's record of 580 merge. traffic is moving well. as to make your way towards the macarthur maze, we'll be right back. and we're back, cold morning at there, mild afternoon louisa is keeping an eye on that. good morning. >> kind of, for the first of november, officials shot of san mateo we're dealing with light winds, which is on the cool side, warming up as we head into the afternoon. simmer until 54, noon mid- 60s. high-temperature upper 60s. elsewhere this morning 55 in two sentences go, chile and santa rosa. still dealing with forties. you can see the satellite and radar showing up with five, rain to the northwest. hi, dry for today in oregon to a good stretch of the workweek. here's a look at future cast, temperatures looking at '50s, '60s. by new and filling it in, highs today topping out in the '70s. all of this delicious as the '70s.yellow showing as '. highs, 72 napa, 75 fairfield, 74 concord, 72 santa rosa. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. it does show a nice slow warming trend, much sunnier, warmer over the next couple of days, back up into the 80s by the rest of the week of wednesday looks to be the warmest day. then we start to see those temperatures decline once again and bring rain back into the picture on friday. a slight chance at this point of some rain on friday, a better chance of rain next weekend. quick check on your commute with their care. >> to you are, if you're having at the door not much to get in your way, chalk is slightly building on the san mateo bridge. but still moving at the limit. those headlights headed westbound no promise, nice, light conditions across the span no signs of any overnight construction. no back up but the toll plaza, 12 minutes between 10180. still choir that the golden gate, traffic is nice, light. the entire itself bound ride coming from novato looking good. traffic is looking at the limit, it at the green. nice, light, at the golden gate bridge. teledyne had this out around no proms to report, was fined 24 as moving well too. james. >> thank you, a developing story of the city were three people including a small child are in the hospital this morning following a shooting and the turturro hill neighborhood. among the victims of 20 rob man who receive multiple jobs, his moods are considered light burning. the second 54 year- old one gunshot wound that doctors believe he will survive his injuries they say are not less threatening. a final victory world grow, wounded multiple times by gunshot, her wounds are life-threatening. they're working feverishly to stabilize her. police say they do not have any information on the suspects, they're working i will let you know we learn more. oakland police are searching for gunmen who shot nine people during a halloween party yesterday morning. it happened in 1910 broadway, here is video of the scenes, police say someone armed with again walked into the room was 600 per big your growers and started shooting. the victims were hospitalized, a security official says the event will not be held next year. >> we have a lot of folks come in the one that bias, we do not have metal detectors, whether certain areas we cannot touch. >> the victims are expected to survive, crime stoppers is offering a $45,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible to. >> baseball news, a much happier note the giants are just one win away from just winning the world series title since 1954, the first ever to be brought back to six of the scope. tim lincecum will be on the mound tonight for the giants. highlights from last night, the second fly ball center field, hamilton on the run, he makes that catch, ending the threat. and deep to right field, it stays in play, second home run that is live first of the day, shot to right center, off the wall that scores. top of the eight, the drive to center field, is back, back, back over the wall. solo home run, now to the bottom of the ninth rangers with the last chance, strike out. then send the game. giants and when it 4-0. on a troop pitching gem. >> i cannot say enough, what he did tonight. 21 year-old kid on that stage. pitching like that. i >> i just keep telling myself to relax, i tell myself so much is starting to become second nature, and makes it easier on me. speakin >> donna lynn was that public housing at&t part when the place went up in an uproar with the giants' victory. >> a great and exciting sunday night for giants fans. the team won game 4 of the world series! after the game ended several hundred fans crowded around a park to celebrate the wind. many of them were watching the game at sports cars. >> (applause) >> this is out. many sports bars in san francisco excited fans cheering on for the giants. go giants. ago giants! >> people let their eyes glued, you can see their emotions as they react to every aisle, ever run. this is have france reacted as i to run homer was hit help the giants in early lead. many fans say they want to watch the game and are because it's much more exciting than watching at home. >> you get to feel like you're at the game. everyone in here is a focus on the same thing is your. we all know the same cheers, we can't wait to yell about. they mean so much share it. >> here's a good example, strangers are hiving when the giants make a positive play. >> it's like being with 200 of your best friends. >> it was a close game for from the fans did it, and as long as the >>. \ / giants win. >> it always been tortured, it makes me appreciate the victories that much more. >> many giants fans are hoping that team will win it out and close it out by winning game 5. all love sports cars are expected to recap once again. at&t per common da lin, kron4 news. >> if you want to get in on that crown energy and excitement, head of the civic center plaza, the giants, city sentences will put game 5 on a big jump look to run tv. so that everyone can hopefully witness them clutching a victory today. that will go under way, the mayor just announced after last night's win. he discourages fans to arrive early to get a good spot because it will be passed. >> it may seem like everyone in the bay area is watching the world series, game 3 earned the second lowest tv rating for world series, the rangers win over the giants came with a 647 rating from the rating was arrested down 26% from a game roster. it is a percentage of homes with tvs watching our program. the lowest rated was game 3. we're going to take a break, let's go outside, here's a look from our camera in the south bay's in addition you traffic of 101 as head lay their heads out front. so far, so good. and we are back, let's talk politics, a decision 2010 voters will be going to the polls to march to decide if they want california to be the first to legalize marijuana use and sales. it is a and 14 years since california passed a first medical marijuana lot pot is not just for the six hundreds of murder on our doctors have helped make it available to nearly anyone wants it. they do not have to report to whom they recommend the drug to. now, for years we havsome of the move industry's biggest stars are getting behind the measure to legalize pot. >> november 19th, and yes and 19, in hollywood stars are giving major crops to are controversial issue. >> i'm for it. >> the proposition would free up law enforcement to pursue a more serious crimes. >> there's a lot of things that we need to better focus in. >> melissa etheridge. >> it's a series of personal choice. she began using marijuana to cope with the effects of chemotherapy after she was diagnosed with breast cancer but she thinks it should be legal for more than just medicinal purposes. >> historically the prohibition has been a disaster it is our it makes criminals of law-abiding citizens. >> becomes not just from faming is faces films out federal. >> reefer madness the famously sounded the alarm about pot. but, in recent decades and many forms are printed as an basically harmless. >> as the years progress is become less scandalous. >> covering the film industry for movie line got. >> opponents use some hollywood style production values to get their point across. >> and seven current and former law officials are campaigning against it. >> we do not need california more people in our schools and in our workforce or stones. >> governor arm of sorts and bigger ones are hollywood's top draw is also against it, but within the entertainment industry he may be a minority. our informal survey of stores found overall support. speaker really believpolls showa tight ways.reese. >> turned kron4 for the election results ruled broadcast and from 8:00 p.m.-midnight. and tune into we will have live blocking and pulls, under way. the part of this question ed under way. the part of this question ed we'll be right back. slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that. new information cruiser on the scene of a large for alarm fire at put together enrapturing where we're talking about the fire department received this call in the 1000 block and 2:30 a.m., the address here. when crews arrived, they saw flames shooting through as of two buildings a bar in the recycling center. firefighters have not down the fire and they are still on the scene to make sure all the hot spots have been taken out. it appears as though was started near the rear of the buildings no injuries reported the cause is still under investigation. crews are headed that way as soon as we get more formation will let you know. three people including a small child or in the hospital following a shooting in san francisco. this is video of the scene, the three were shot near the intersection. we do not have a lot of reformation, what we do no one was a 20 rob man he received a multiple wounds doctors say are life- threatening. the other victim a 54 year old male one gunshot wound but his injuries are not as severe doctors do not consider life-threatening they do expect him to survive the final victim a three-year old girl shot multiple times her wounds are life- threatening. police believe they do not have any information, they're still trying to track down leads chino. on a lighter note, world series fever at an all-time high after last night's win by the giants. there you see george their rusandbush during out the pitch. \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ \ / bush during a first pitch. a great show, three had shut out, the giants were alive and well. tim let's come will be on the mound tonight. first which is scheduled to for tonight. all eyes will be watching that. also watching the forecast, a great forecast for today. the giants are back in town for wednesday and possibles or thursday. louise is following up. speaker once it could be one of the warmer days. continuing its and as a warming trend as we head towards the next couple of days. walnut creek, '40's. by noon time jumping into the upper 60s. high- temperature a little warmer than yesterday. backed down into the low 60s by the a dark hour. all zero of funny 40's. about 45 degrees this morning. livermore '40's. as we take it today, we will warm up and keep the clouds and rain to the north the rest. as you can see were staying dry state. so future cast, '50s, '60s and then by noontime widespread '60s and as you can see the yellow indicates '70s that we will bring some '70s and the forecast of three of its and the afternoon: a crackdown in the '50s, '60s. temperatures are coming in in the low '70's of a place like san rosa, send a file, san francisco. about the same into richmond. as you have further self temperatures are warm to the mid-70s. los '70s around the bay, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. edition restaurant to warm up ever so slightly and then continuing with the warming trend as we had to tuesday. wednesday. lots of sunshine, that will last about thursday as james mentioned but friday, will bring in another chance of rain. and then a better chance of rain moves in on sunday. quick check on your morning commute with their care. >> thank you, if you're thinking about taking the san mateo, a lot this place. traffic on the other hand of your screen headed east found no problems in either direction. no back up at the toll plaza, keeping pretty city tour of the last 13 minutes. golden gate, also a pretty good shape, very quiet conditions test a few kurds headed south bend. and it san francisco across from traffic is moving well. live look at the 10180 cars headed southbound we do have an accident your records of about 101. fortunately the accident is on left. james. >> people in one bay area city or breaking their roles when it comes to parking. stanley roberts schurz's in this edition of people behaving badly. >> if you're in a drive in the business district there's something very important and need to assure you. better yet i will let some of the drivers sure you what not to do. for example, this is to be just found a parking space in the opposite side of the street. the drivers having a difficult time trying to maneuver into a parking space all the while holding up other drivers. then finally they are able to park, and a passenger in the driver had across the street. and the active u.s. long enough you'll see all of the jurors turning left into their parking lot spots pretty often. like the silver bmw, another problem some drivers are using the parking spaces as a way to make illegal u-turn. in the business district you can only make a u-turn at the intersection and not the middle of the street. the only time you can cross the double yellow lines, is if you're making a left turn into a driveway. nor the time. the promise of major hours at one track mind, they see this place, they go for it. in case you're wondering it is a moving violation. toss in the future workers an hour this is dangerous. palo alto, stanley roberts, kron4 news. >> if you are, are story idea send an e-mail at we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments.. kron4 shows you some w technology. >> of it the greatest halloween and gadgets to assure you. it is called a bubble fogger. a bubble fogger is a mix between it sends out bubbles filled with fraud. the bubbles look like floating ping-pong balls when the bulls pop you get approval of smoke. it is fun to problem on your hands. it looks better in the dark but this is your idea. the bubble fogger is the new must have for that at halloween type. great duration after halloween party or just out on your porch as george readers come by. kids go bonkers over this thing is safe, is just fog. i could only find it for sale at spirit a halloween stores. there's a lot of those in the bay area. and she invited for sale on their website. it costs $70, gabe slate, kron4 news. >> that is kind of cool, we'll take our break, here is a live look outside, it's the bay bridge approach as seen from the island. headlights headed in the san francisco will be right headlights headed in the san francisco will be right back. lic schools." he even called our schools "insidious" and "socialism." as families struggle to raise their kids, to provide a good education, harmer bragged, "we can design a plan to dismantle them." david harmer is just too radical. we need jerry mcnerney. protecting local schools from devastating cuts. endorsed for his "independence" by the contra costa times, stockton record, and our local teachers. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message. welcome back, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay., a mild temperatures mid-60's along the coast, we hold that sunny, warm pattern throughout most of the week temperatures and the load-mid '80s. saturday, a slight chance of a sprinkle or two. temperatures take a bit of a dip. weekend, not that common cold. here is what was big at the box office, drawn to theaters this halloween weekend by blood, guts, gore. tsongas 3-d delivered big, you can see pauling in the number one spot, latest installment of this year is bringing in $24 million second place, paranormal activity to. at critical to last year's low- budget hit. and it read hold on to number three, jack s. 3 d of force, hereafter top five. here's a look to the halloween celebration at the white rose, look at that, the president, his wife, his mother-in-law handing a good he praised future treaters students between 6-12 years old or among those invited to celebrate halloween on the north lawn. >> we will take another break, we'll back with more news in a minute. including the latest on a developing story where firefighters are battling a for alarm fire will have the latest details coming up. and of course the giants just one win away from taking the world series. this is how it all started with george bush, throwing out the first pitch. and a lot of hype now in the bay area we'll have highlights from last may. and why the bay bridge is making headlines this morning we will tell you which need to know as you head out the door. we'll be right back. > vr back, the top stories a developing story coming at san jose where crews are on the scene of a for alarm fire will have the latest on what is happening down there in just a minute. also at this hour a three year-old girl has been shot multiple times where two others involved in the shooting are also fighting for their lives that happens san francisco. full details straight ahead. and of course the giant state game 4, just one away from winning the world series the first time since 1954. first ever since the giants have been instances go, highlights coming up. morandi's top stories in a minute. check on the forecast, a live look at golden gate bridge, it is cool, it will be great this afternoon and for the week ahead. louisa. speaking it is nice that they're nothing in the way a father. mostly clear, as we had to the day we're action going to see temperatures warm up. that warming trend will continue our special reader of your mid-week slight changes as we head towards the end of the week, a chance of some rain by the end the weekend. here's a look as we take it on today, how long these temperatures are expected 10:00, '60s and some of the inland spots. keeping it in the '50s to the coast, all your way through the day we are to get to 70 degrees. topping out red around 75 degrees today. allow about warmer. could get up to 70 around the bay. 64 for the coast. karen temperatures 59 san francisco, much: santa rosa. napa, fairfield in the 40's. also in the '40's to livermore. as we take it into the afternoon we'll bring those temperatures and to the low seventies for standards, napa. topping get rid around 70 for standard file. a around the bay, green as temperatures to the low 70's. it is just a slight warming today. but the warming trend really continues to rest of the workweek. wednesday 84 and some of the warmer and in spots, pretty clothes and for most of the workweek. changes in store for your friday, a slight chance of showers better chance on sunday. >> thank you, zero years tracking id from free commune with no major incidents or accidents to report, the story off the creek project, their conditions at cemetery ridge, slowly building in the westbound direction as you make your way towards foster city, no instance or problems to report any direction. no back about the toll plaza, 12-13 minutes between 101 a and b zero. nice, light conditions as you make your way toward san francisco. the entire span looks good. novato to city limits 23 minute trip. highway 37 is a mere ride. the bay bridge, very good conditions along this man, no problems to report. toll plaza, no delays meeting lights are still off. ride from the foot of the macarthur maze into san francisco 9 minutes. james. >> developing story out of san jose, we have a fire rainout cruiser on the scene of the for alarm fire, the fire department received this call at 130 this morning let's question, i want to assure you aren't talking about their reports this morning that people saw flames shooting through the roof of two buildings. as a question i want to give you the lay of the land, it is a bar and a recycling center that is where the fire is burning. i don't know if you can make it out, you see that, that's and metal recycling center the fire appears to have started in the rear of the building, i want to pause this and bring a cooler, this is history view of this area. rain next to it are to business is one of them we believe it is the bar this is the scene, right now fire crews are their bottling this blaze. as you can see it's an industrial area not much residential, but this is where we're looking at this morning. the other bart cafes ring nearby. no injuries reported the cause is still under investigation crews are on their way, as soon as we find out more we'll come back and let you know. other developing story of a san francisco three people including a small child are in a hospital following a shooting. the three were shot at the edges section at 43rd street and connecticut, here is video of that scene you can see that police officer. they're looking for clues any evidence that might lead them to the for some behind the shooting they included 20 world man who receive multiple gunshot rooms. those injuries are believed to be life-threatening. another victim a 54 year-old man suffered a single gunshot wound, his injuries are not as severe as expected to survive. the final victim has ever won worry. a three your grow, suffered multiple gunshot wounds and those wounds are we're told life threatening because of her age in severity. police have no idea who the suspects might be. we will let you know with their investigation progresses. >> teams of u.s. investigators are headed to yemen to help search for suspects in the mail bomb plot. this story we brought you last friday about possible expose the devices being milled around on ups cargo flights. they told them that lead in responding to the terrorists. these packages did originate from yemen. the al-qaeda network has been linked to the bomb plot. it is the same explosive that was used in the last christmas case attempted bombing. moreover mason as it evolves. the giants are now one win away from winning their first world series title since 1954. in their first title as standards as the giants. unsco tim lincecum will be on te mound tonight. deerfield right, don, it's a fair, to run homer. run on first, a shot to right-center field, off the wall. got scores.that s. the drug to center field over the wall, so lowell run. but above the ninth, last chance to strike out, that brings the game to an end, giants win it. for-0 on a true pitch in and jim. >> always did not the world series but he was as good as i've seen him. for a couple of innings he met of yank a couple of fast balls. it was under. you think back to spring training when you are grinding out a couple and you get a waiver of the season to start. year. one game away from getting this thing done. it is pretty crazy. >> they are opening game winner tim lincecum pitches against the giants. that will be today game 5. to get you more news faster we're turning to jackie sissel was live it at&t park where fans were celebrating well into the night. jackie i assume they're gonna you never know. good morning. >> they're gone, baseball is a game of numbers we always hear about the numbers so the numbers on the giants, so far that up later hundred 76 games that is including hundred and 62 regular- season. 14 regular playoff games it has been 52 years since they've been in san francisco. it comes cent to one more victory, and they are world champions. obviously this town will be on pins and needles. there are one win away from the world series. serious bedlam around at&t corp. abruptly all around the city and in las but in the bay area. >> pandemonium in the streets. we celebrated love the smell like we won the whole thing. >> very long suffering giants fans have waited a long time to get as close. they're hoping that their team can get it done today. if they do not get it done today the stock to more accurate. >> it would be graded the declension from the hometown fans. >> we will follow every single the moment of the giants as they continue on their trek as jackie said for the first world series striven to. game 5, you can watch it with a bunch of people as you'd like mayor newsom says let's get the jumbo drawn out there at civic center so that is what they're going to do put out the big screen, get there early. it is free to the public. just bring a blanket. we'll be right public. just bring a blanket. we'll be right back. how long she lived in california. she got caught in insider deals at goldman sachs. she changed her story about physically abusing an employee. she campaigned as tough as nails on immigration knowing her housekeeper of 9 years was undocumented. her tv ads have been condemned as false and misleading. and even her hometown newspaper said meg whitman has demonstrated "a loose relationship with the truth" looks like it's bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! ♪ you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your smartphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. call, visit or click today. at&t. rethink possible. and we're back, quick update on a developing story of the set bay, we have spun and traffic camera around. and to the direction tommy can see the glow on the horizon that is the fire there we are talking about that for alarm fire. at the 1000 block of north 10th street. a broker at around 2:30 a.m., this is a live picture is alive crews had it that way as soon as we get established and get a single up. we'll chat with a firefighter or spokesperson stay with us, we'll be right firefighter or spokesperson stay with us, we'll be right back. she's for risky new oil drilling that could threaten our jobs. fiorina's plan would mean slashing social security and medicare, which would devastate seniors. and she'd make abortion a crime. no wonder fiorina is endorsed by sarah palin. carly fiorina. just too extreme for california. [ boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. bareback, large for alarm fires burning in the subway fire department is on scene we stunned the traffic camera around sherry the area you can kind of may get a lot of smoke, the fire department at last check said they had distinguished the fire and there there amount of fees, we have a live tour headed that way because this camera angle almost looks like they're flames there a lot of red glow still on the night sky, we will give verification in a moment this is a further brokerage to 30 a.m. there is a recycling business as well as a cafe, bart that may be affected. we're talking about north 10th street, if you live in that area you will need to find another way to get around will have more as it develops no one is injured that is the latest word. we are also looking like we'll have in there pitching duel for the giants. let's take a look here at some highlights, to run home run third inning it state fair, is gone. giants on the border early it was the first pro season home run. take a listen >> certainly it is special. i have played these guys since the series started a course your the had a big homer. that is free serial rain now. we have a lot of work to do tomorrow but the family was a good point in the game. were it is happy to get ahead, to be with a lead, certainly. >> could you tim lincecum for against game 5. we are highlights. >> a little bit of warmth today, here's a shot of james lick, here's a shot oshot showing we're clear fog. mid-60s, high- temperature of 70. backdowns the low 60s, and elsewhere still kind of chili, up into the north bay. 47 degrees in napa. he began for is along the coast even down to los gatos. to the east bay we are still sitting in the low 50s, as we take it on to the day and nice little warm- up, hi, all the clouds, rain well to the north of us and it will stay that way for a really good string of days. 10:00, we'll talk out into the 50s, 60s. noon, widespread '60s. then the '70s is shown by the yellow card bringing into the picture. plenty of '70s today and then back down as the '50s, '60s by 8:00. as today getting out to about 70, even into novato, 75 fairfield. along the peninsula, redwood city 72 degrees. mid-70's in places along the south bay. we are going to continue with that warmer as we headed tuesday, wednesday that since these lots of sunshine in store rows that isn't above friday clouds roll in and there's a slight possibility of some showers. check and your commute with erica. >> to look into this traffic cameras are not seeing any slowing to get in your way, creek project sheri sam a tale is very easy conditions imposed conditionsin both direco incidents or any problems in either direction across the span or on either end, no backed by the toll plaza, 13 minute trip between 101 and 80. still good to go on golden gate, still very few had lights, the entire span this could novato into san francisco completely in the grain clocking in at 23 minutes. standards as their crosstown traffic moving pretty well although building, james lick, ind run central headed southbound your ride from the 101280/15 minutes. if you're headed east on to the lower deck it is a problem free commune. we'll be right back with more news, weather, traffic and we had that, decision 2010, 37 states will be electing a new governor to mar republicans are anticipating major gains and looking for net pickup of about 12 statehouses. california, new york, our kids are just a few of the state holding governors races. it is especially important this year because the democratic a say in implementing the new health- care law will also be participating in redrawing districts. jerry brown and eight women here in california have a full day, their last day before the election make women will be at a cafe and mellow park and jerry brown will be in southern california a field poll says brown has a 49 does 39 percent lead. the race for senator, barbara boxer will start heard a california and make three stops to try and pull off one of the biggest assets. the former chief executive at hewlett-packard engaged in one of the closes and hardest fought races in the nation. resume full session on boxer with only a slight edge. a new poll finds the tend to make california the first-aid to legalize the recreational use of marijuana is floundering. the field poll finds 49 percent oppose much as 42 percent support also struggling as proposition 23 the initiative that would suspend california is greenhouse gas emissions data it has support from is 33%. it is opposed by 48 percent. proposition 25 which reduce the requirement from two-thirds to a majority is meeting of 48 to 33. to the tune to kron4 for continuing comprehensive coverage of election night information will broadcast the latest collections of life. the sure to had to our web site at we have live blocking going on there as well as the polls and interactive stuff. be a part of the discussion at really going to take a break, still much more straight ahead following some developing stories we had a shooting and said his is the three people issued including a three year-old girl. and for alarm fire coming here a live pictures from whenever traffic cameras that we have turned in the direction of that fire, you can see the smoke even though it is dark. we'll have the latest smoke even though it is dark. we'll have the latest in a live report coming up. our state is in a real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that. "abolish the public schools." he even called our schools "insidious" and "socialism." as families struggle to raise their kids, to provide a good education, harmer bragged, "we can design a plan to dismantle them." david harmer is just too radical. we need jerry mcnerney. protecting local schools from devastating cuts. endorsed for his "independence" by the contra costa times, stockton record, and our local teachers. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message. in a real back upin a real back, crews from the scene of a large firm alarm fire, this is the 1000 lots so 1040 north tent. will see him in, surely the area is an industrial area crews arrive there surely after 2:30 a.m. people say they saw flames shooting through prosecutor from buildings there's a recycling center and a bar. firefighters say they have not down the fire but there's still on the scene putting out hot spots. let's from this not to live picture is camera numbly cheju 101 but we have put it in position to assure you the direction of the fire. you can see the glow, even though it's dark the smoke billowing up. we have word that 75 firefighters are on the scene it did go to four alarms, the evidence they have not to that and that there are no injuries. they are still there the streets are still shut down. i want to show you we're talking about, here you see a call large lot next door with spot metal and other recycled materials to the other side is that bart cafe that we have witnesses reporting smoke or flames. this is what the area looks like in daylight, as i said light industrial all-around, it is the shop for a here's san jose metals that is currently the scene of this fire. firefighters are and they're putting in doubt we have yuli headed that way. she is nearly on seen as an as she gets the signal establish rooted believe is from our live from the location. other developing story of a san francisco where three people including a small child are in hospital this morning following a shooting in san francisco. the three were shot at the intersection of 25th street and connecticut street. of the victims of 20 all man who receive multiple gunshot runes, doctors say his injuries are life threatening. another man, 54 year-old man, one gunshot wound he is expected to survive. is in the orange trees are not that severe. the third victim is a three year-old girl, she was hit multiple times by gunfire. howe'er her rooms are life- threatening they're scrambling to get her stabilized as for the person responsible at this point police have no leads on that they're obviously at the scene or will release were this morning collecting evidence this is reae. >> so kind of chili. jumping into the upper 60s. back then again to 64:00. also this morning still kind of chili. santa rosa, napa, fairfield. 482 livermore, as we tiki today still in the '50s, '60s. in in a breeze '60s, and that is you can see the elections as for the seventies will be. there's billion. a little warmer than yesterday, but none of the '50s, '60s by 8:00. getting into the low 70's for sarah, novato. san francisco, 74 degrees. mid- 70s to places like livermore valley also done it to the sub bay. about 72 and redwood city and low '70's in oakland. we will continue to warm up. by tomorrow, wednesday lots of sunshine much warmer temperatures back into the '80s. a cool down by friday, that some amosite chance of showers continue see unstable weather. a better chance for the weekend. check with erica and our traffic report. >> we're a good steak on the roadways, no hot spots, promised a report you can see their we're still pretty good here's some of their bridge, westbound, he spent no problems to report easy conditions traffic is moving close to the limit, still not seeing any crumbs at the toll plaza tracking about 13 minutes between 101 in e e. traffic is light headset's london san francisco 101 is looking good. but further north on north route 101 rain near washington we do have a motorcycle down, one lane is brought everyone is moving around nicely. novato no problems. it is about a 23 minute trip. i we 37 over to the state clocking in eight minutes. westbound each year looks good. upper east shore freeway the liberal clu. james. >> thank you, let's talk giants again, one win away from winning it all. the world series it will be the first time since 1954 the first time ever for san francisco. tim lincecum on the mountain referred to by. last night it was a great show top of the second fly ball to center field, look at that catch. that what the ending to an end, red on second deep to right. gone, to run home run. first of his career in the postseason. audrey sends one to right center, that scores, a top aideeight deep drive to center field. way back, over the wall, so a shot. that brings the game to an end, a giants win 4-0. ed true pitching gem. >> i cannot say enough about what he did tonight, a 21 year-old kid on that stage pitching like that he had it all working. >> i keep telling myself to relax. i told myself so much is certain to come second nature. the makes a lot easier on me. >> opening game winner tim lincecum pitching against the game won the losers cliff lee, game 5 pursed first pitch at 5:00 p.m. this evening. we warn that as the giants continued their lunch. controversial new immigration law will get its day in the court appeals in arizona state with the issue being just what will they can play in confronting those. a three judge panel of the ninth circuit of appeals will consider the appeal of the ruling the put on hold parts of that lot which requires police to check a immigration status under certain set of sids is. is holding a protest against bad law faq's and 9:00 a.m. near rally will be held at the core as in san francisco view see a large crowd that is why. we also have a live look this morning as we headed decided not to break, a live shot from san jose. i thought i would be san jose, yes it is, it's pointed and that fire burning on north 10th street. firefighters say it is out of their son and putting out fires hot spots. good news no one is hurt a live report coming up good news no one is hurt a live report coming up shortly. aa i inherited my father's '69 norton commando. it's been a dream of mine to restore it. and it's my dream for him to finish it. frank has something great to save up for. this is my dad. isn't that cool? and a very understanding girlfriend. i showed him a wells fargo savings account with my savings plan. [ frank ] and what it does is it takes a little bit of my money and puts it towards my goal. i want to get all the original parts and do it right. for my dad. there's a couple months in between parts. so, one at a time. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪ [ male announcer ] welcome to the far reaches of the internet. when you go faster, you're free to go farther. at&t. rethink possible. get high-speed internet from at&t for only $14.95 a month. we at bat we had back, stock futures are up, this after ending mixed on friday this could be the start of a volatile week midterm elections to mark, a federal reserve meeting on wednesday, we will wait to see what effect those out. let's get lots of economic data due out today. we'll also get readings on personal income as well as construction spending the right to get the latest personal spending from october their up slightly. on the earnings front home improvement retailer lowe's is due to report. this just in across the associated press and germany has suspended all passenger flights from yemen in the wake of terrorist threats. that is the latest rebel affect of friday's card road mail bombing plot were two pieces of mail on ups flights make their way towards the u s that has a lot of alarms going off around the world. we'll take another break, the latest headlines straight ahead, a full check on weather and traffic on the other side of full check on weather and traffic on the other side of this break. carly fiorina changed all that. fiorina laid off 30,000 people and she shipped our jobs to china and india. i had to pack my bags and i was out the door that night. we even had to train our replacements. she didn't need 5 corporate jets. one hundred million for herself. fiorina never cared about our jobs. not then and not now. i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. comedian: stroke's no joke. and we're back, a developing story of the south bay, a quick update. will likely to force camera it is pointed in the direction of fire this for alarm fire that erupted earlier this morning to 38 and the fire department is there, that 75 firefighters on the scene. the city had been knocked out this is that 1030 north 10th street. rate their near the 101 interchange. the city have been knocked out, no one is injured near their in moppet phase. we have kron4 as you'll be headed that way. will i wil we will get to he to do for the latest period following the forecast. >> a nice little warm-up, and you can see a clear shot this morning of the golden gate bridge. free of fog, and temperatures are going to warm up ever so slightly. warming trend does not go anywhere if it continues as we had rented the week by midweek warmer temperatures. slight chance of rain in the forecast, we do have a good stretch of dry weather and other roads here is a look rain now as we take it on through the day to give you an idea of the warm-up. 64 degrees expected by 10:00. by noon time back into the '70s, afternoon rise today stopping evans the mid-70s action out to 70 degrees around the bay today, keeping it in the 60s along the coast. and chileans the north bay 40 degrees for santa rosa. 46 degrees and your napa and fairfield. along the coast forties' as well. we'll bring those temperatures in the '70s. about 75 degrees for fairfield. a common number in san francisco. keep me around 72 degrees for hayward. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. shows that a warming trend of thought to get out tuesday, wednesday that get into the '80s. political wasn't out there.greenbacks ands on friday. kids are sued the weekend. better chance on sunday. let's get a quick check on your commute with their good. still free of hot spots, a major promise around the bay. jacking very light conditions we're still in the clear the san mateo bridge, both west by the andes by 92 in good shape, we are building in the new direction as you had westbound we're starting to see a bit of a way that the toll plaza, other than that drive times are not affected 14 minutes from one end to the other. golden gate pretty good, very quiet conditions know, street southbound ride, the entire span looking in the clear. live road sensors your entire ride is officially in the green. novato toward city limits 23 minute trip. i we 37 or 580 clocking in the minutes. the meeting lights are still cycle of, completely in the green. coming from the shore for a lead westbound 5/8 to run northbound no backups at all. very easy conditions, gimme that ideal drive them a 8-9 minutes. james. cd >> thank you, second set of tar is now in place is always one of 600 t each, they were listed 300 ft. in the air. three more sections are to be added by december, but caltrans. and then everything should be completed for about 525 ft. tower. caltrans was worried that they would be visible would cause a delay on the bay bridge. but so far that has not proven to be the case. world news, word now that the debt toll from a bloody siege of a baghdad church has risen to 39 dozens more remain injured. for releasnine many of the deade women. they stormed the church yesterday during a church service taking hundred 20 people hostage there were later freed by iraqi forces after a four hour standoff. indonesia is deadly volcano has unleashed another powerful eruption spewing out hot ash you can see that, no reports of any death or injury as a result we are waiting for the latest to come out of that region is one of the world's most active volcanoes it has felt the least 38 people in the past week alone. ash and debris were fired hundreds of yards into the air earlier this morning. we'll take our break, let's go back outside and give you look at the cemetery ridge, so far looking good as you make your way from hayward to foster city 54 degrees in san mateo, 69 as afternoon. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just our real national pastime -- saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work. 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one -- state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i save because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save, including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm. then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm, or go online. in vietnam, a look at your forecasts, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. much of today. los '70s around the bay amid the low 60s along the coast, keeping that pattern as we head into tuesday, wednesday, thursday. temperatures bump up 5-6 degrees on average. slight chance of rain for friday and then we call of once more for nice weekend. louisa will be checking in with us shortly with a detailed breakdown of your forecasts. the countdown for the final launch of the show discovery is under way after a two day delay a parrot has leased a roasted in will launch being postponed nasa says it has been fixed and they're aiming for a wednesday live dogs it will travel to the space station in its 39th and final trip. the mission will last about 11 days and featured two space walks we will follow its development. weekend box office gross girls what made it big? well as you might imagine it being halloween. top movies at the box office this weekend saw 3d lgf $22,500,000, paranormal activity 2 $16,500,000. red $10,811,000,jackass 3-d $8,425,000 and rounding up the top five hereafter wb $6,320,000. as we have to break, sure you more live pictures from our traffic camera in san jose we turned to share your the fire that is burning on north 10th street the edges specifically 1030 north 10th street a fire that broke federal law to 30 firefighters are there because this thing was a for alarm fire they said they have got knocked out and they're just mopping up and the hot spots that are still burning, we'll have the latest in a live report from you'll use headed in that direction as soon as we go live shot established to get the latest. we'll be right back. with us, in spirit, was every great car that we'd ever competed with. the bmw m5. and the 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