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Pizza isnt all i had planned. Oh, really . Yeah. I was hoping youd buy dessert. You silvertongueddevil. Thats right, weez. What do you say . After you inhalethe rest of this pizza, lets go out. We never goout anymore. We went to the willises dumb party last night. That waslast night. This is tonight. Two nights in a row . Youre not getting any younger. We enjoy ourselves when we go out. You must admit you enjoyed the party last night. Watching willisdive into a bowlof meatballs . At least we met new people and heard some different conversation. Its alwaysthe same conversation. Margot, i got adorablehalstons at bloomingdales. Buffy, i loveyour new hair color. Ive always admiredrhesus monkey red. It was a lot more interesting than that bash at the bowling alley. Who could forget that brilliant banter . Hey, jefferson, can you get out a mustard stain . No problem. Can you get out a grass stain . No problem. Can you pay this check . That was sickening, george. Yeah, the wayyou tell it. Oh, and your distinguished colleague, bill ripkin, who tells the same old ridiculous joke over and over. What is irish and stays out all night . Paddy ofurniture. Thats funny, weez. Even you cantmess that one up. Bill ripkin is a snooze. A snooze . He opensbeer cans with his nose. And an idiot i prefer meeting people like joe blake, toms guest of honor. Hes a writer. A sensitive, intelligent man. What goodis sensitive if yourestranded witha beer and no opener . How can you compare your foamynosed friend hes a dunce he said the dumbestthing to florence will yougo out with me . And he was lookingright at her. Hell be here any minute. Be nice to him for my sake, for florences sake, and for the sake of every bone in your body. Why waste yourmoney on his book . Its an advance copy. Its not on sale until next month. Good. I canthrow mine away before anybodycan buy one. Youd feel differently if you would just read it. Its warm, sensitive, emotional, and inspiring. Put it by the john. Ill read itin installments. Im dying tosee your outfit. Coming thanks for the warning how do i look . Oh, florence,you look beautiful. Youre reallydressed to kill. Yeah, especially with your face uncovered. Excuse me. Theres no way ill trade insults with you today. Especially not with someone whose head should have brunswick stamped on it. Or someone needing a ladder to reach the sidewalk. Ok, you dont wantto exchange insults. Just as long as thats understood. Oh, mrs. Jefferson,im so excited. Im going out witha real live author [doorbell rings] youll spoil his appetite. Joe, you remember mefrom last night. How could i forget. Paddy ofurniture. Feel free to use that in your new book. I know i told you this last night, but i really do admire your work. I started reading your novel, and i just loved it. Lets see, how can i put this . Please, florence, were talking here. Now, your opening passage was written beautifully especially mrs. Jefferson. Im sorry, florence. You werent saying anything, so i took up the slack. Joe, say hello to your date. Florence, you. You look wonderful so do you. Our reservation is for 7 00. Were eating at a Chinese Restaurant close by. Oh, chinese. Thatsperfect for florence. This is the yearof the dragon. Hes cranky. He has a sore neck. Nothing serious . He got it trying to look normalsized people in the eye. Well, good night. Good night. Oh dont do nothing i wouldnt do. Oops too late. You touched her. Why do youbehave like that . Its charisma, weez. [doorbell rings] hes bringing her back already. The elevator had lights. Inviting us toanother stupid party . The answers no id rather die in that case, hows tonight . Come on in. Thank you, louise. I wanted to returnthe necklace i borrowed. Thanks so much. Oh, youre welcome. How werethe hors doeuvres . You were eating them. Its hard discussing something thats disappearing at the speed of light. I had a greattime last night. I enjoyedmeeting joe blake. He was very charming. Yes, especially for an exconvict. An exconvict . We didnt want to mention it. Joes trying to start fresh. Aint you afraid of having an exconvict around . Youre afraid when the toast pops up early. Joe is completely rehabilitated now. Oh. But. But what . But what . But i felt strangewalking into the kitchen. Was your bed moved out . No, not that. I went in and foundjoe alone with helen. It made me feelsomewhat uncomfortable. Actually, i felt kind of uncomfortable, too. You thought hed steal something . No, joeisnt a thief. Oh. Hes a murderer. Florence is out with a convicted murderer what will we do . Florence can handle herself. Lets not panic. Joe has paid his dues, served his time, and rehabilitated himself. Toms right. Theyre probably just having a pleasant meal. Shes dead. I wish we could warn her. But how . Where are they . Wait. He said they were going to a Chinese Restaurant somewhere close by. There are25 of those. Yes, but 16 of those serve cantonese food, four mandarin, and two hunan. That means only 3 out of the 25 are szechwan restaurants so . Last night, i observed joe at the hors doeuvre table. He loved the spicy rumaki. I wanted some, tom oh, im sorry, helen. That was a poorchoice of words. Anyway, with joestaste for spicy food, theyre ata szechwan restaurant the yellow pages. No need. I have theirtiny takeout menus in this wallet. Tom, im almost proud of you. Give me those. Thank god a glutton is on our side. I bet chinese foodwould taste good if i couldget it in my mouth. Youll get the hang of these. I hope so. Look at thatbeautiful vase. Yes. Yes. Thats a fine piece of work. Its a reproduction from the ming dynasty. How do you knowso much about everything . Lets say for the last few years ive spent a lot of time alone. Reading. Ive neverfound the time. How do you do it . A time comes when a man sits down and says, im setting aside five to seven years. To work on myself. Yourequite a guy. And youre quite a woman. Youre beginning to get the hang of those chopsticks. Well, practice,practice, practice. Yes, theyve got many nice things here. Its a good thing,or id starve. Florence, you know, i. Id like to. Tell you something about myself. Phone call for florence johnston. Me . I mean, again . Its getting soi cant go noplace. I just pickit up and talk . You could leave it down and talk, but the other party probably wouldnt hear you. Merci beaucoup. Ill onlybe a moment. Hello. Florence, its me. Im coming right down. Dont move. Joes killed before, and hell kill again. Phone call from Jacques Cousteau . Is something the matter . No. Were done eating. Id like to be alone with you. You done . I aint id like toorder column b and make itvery welldone. Florence, i think weve got to talk. Talk . Talk . Id love to,but look whos here uncle ling chow hi, uncle ling. How are you . [speaking chinese] you wontbe in the way. Joe, meet uncleling chow johnston. And uncle ling. This is joe blake. [speaking chinese] hes your uncle . Hes one ofthe eastern johnstons. [speaking chinese] aunt fernetta . Oh, shes fine. Did you see an uglywoman with a killer . No. We ended that promotion bring in ugly woman, killer eat free. Are you a wise guy . No, old chinese proverb wise maitre d never insults a paying customer. Here to eat . No then scram. Your heads blinding my customers. Just for that, ill never eat here first we lose a Little League world series, and now this . Florence. Look what he did george,thats the wayshe always looks. Oh, my god [speaking chinese] nice seeing you, too, uncle ling. Tell cousin wong i said hello. Im glad to see you. What am i saying . Im glad to see you. If anybodys goingto kill florence, its me thanks, mr. Jefferson. You liketo kill women. You couldntfind a woman tonight, so you pickon florence ive tried to tell florence something. I dont want to hear well, youre going to hear it. Ok. Hows the food . Oh, please dont kill me whats the use . People hear youve been in prison, but they dont want to hear why. Oh, mr. Blake, wait. I want to hear what you wanted to say. If we die, im blaming you. I want to hear your story. So tell us, why did you rub out i mean, uh. What caused the disagreement . Are you sureyou want to know . Yeah, but you dont have to demonstrate. The woman i killedi loved very much. She wasa beautiful lady. And in many ways, she reminds me of florence. Oh. I mean, oh. So i could make a down payment on the house. The day id saved enough, i quit my nighttime job at the gas station, brought champagne home to celebrate. Sounds justifiable to me. Lets go. Wait. Anyway, i walk into the living room, nobody there. Walk into the bedroom, theyre hiding in the closet. My woman and another man. I flipped out i never thought shed do Something Like that. I shouldnt have, but i slapped her. She fell to the floor. Hit her head against the bedpost. And that did it. I still cant believe it. But. Thats what happened. I wanted you to judge me for what i am, not for something i did and regretted. I can appreciate that, but howssomebody supposedto know you wont. Go crazy again. The important thing is i know i wont. Florence, if you have any questions, then you shouldnt see me again. Well. Thank you. Thanks for a terrific evening. And if i scared you, im sorry. So long. Joe. Im sorry we judged you without knowing all the facts. We . Uhuh. Look, my mind is wide open. At least you madeyour peace with it. Thank you for understanding. There are times when a person deserves a second chance. So if youll give me one, id love having dessert with you. Florence,thank you. Id be honored. George,shouldnt we go . To prove there aint no hard feelings, ill pick up your check. Thank you. Check, please. [speaking chinese] whatever you say, sir. Your check, sir. Thank you. Wait, two checks . Chinese gentleman. You just agreedto pay his check. Captioning performed by the national captioning institute, inc. Public performance of captions prohibited without permission ofnational captioning institute well, were movin on up to the east side movin on up to a deluxe apartment in the sky mooohvin on up movin on up to the east side movin on up we finally got a piece of the pie fish dont fry in the kitchen beans dont burn on the grill took a whole lotta tryin just to get up that hill now were up in the big leagues gettin our turn at bat as long as we live its you and me, baby there aint nothing wrong with that well, were movin on up movin on up to the east side to a deluxe apartment in the sky mooohvin on up movin on up to the east side movin on up we finally got a piece of the pie for adults with an advanced lung cancer called squamous nonsmall cell, previously treated with platinumbased chemotherapy, its not every day something this big comes along. A chance to live longer with. Opdivo, nivolumab. Opdivo is the first and only immunotherapy fda approved based on a Clinical Trial demonstrating longer life. For these patients. In fact, opdivo significantly increased the chance of living longer versus chemotherapy. Opdivo is different. It works with your immune system

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