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Alley highs should top up in the upper sixty's currently at 64 degrees and Universal City and 65 in Anaheim I'm Mike Morris with breaking news and talk you can trust and made 70 the answer say here if you're suffering from ringing in the ears and have seen in t. Audiologists and still have no relief do what idea and see Dr Simon he found the source of my problem with my jar joint and he gave me really called Dr any Simon at 892 smile severe numbness tingling a burning sensation in your feet and hands or weakness that can take away your ability to walk or even use your arms it's a nerve issue neuropathy numbness could become so severe that they don't feel where their legs are so when they walk they tend to fall because of the lack of sensation that's Dr Shuli in the nerve m.d. Who treats and relieves neuropathy especially severe neuropathy call 87788 nerve p.p.o. And regular Medicare excepted get relief call 87788 nerve Dennis Prager here if you have a business or real estate dispute I strongly recommend that you call Barack Laurie Brock There's an old saying People in glass houses should not throw stones and boy it applies in law too I had a client that used the contractor to develop one of his houses but the contractor kept increasing the price of a service is way beyond the original estimate by $800000.00 he thought he could milk my client and the glass houses expression we found out the contractor was not licensed and under California law if your contractor does not have a license at any point during the project you can force him to discourse all monies you have paid him and that's what we pursued the contractor ended up paying a sizable chunk of money back to my client folks you know I trust Barack Laurie with my legal issues called him for your own at 866-575-8111 that's 866-575-8111 fighting for what's right for Iraq Lurie at Lurie and seltzer and listen to the Barack Laurie show Sunday mornings at 10 here on Am 870 the answer you don't. 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Surance My friends are given the most every week. The whatever is on your mind our. Enjoyable up to sell I've begun radio people. Called in on anything. There was no continuity and there is a virtue to both types of programming a topic or no topic. Whose or. That was strange. Was that a message from a pi. Who's him. Oh it's a caller clearing his throat notice that I assign gender here. Well all right everybody. That's the that's the issue here. Right Miriam San Diego California thank you for calling my exam about you. Because you have been my life I was a career woman Thank you my career on fulfilled and that 3940 like you. Got in for relationship with the boyfriend and at the beginning to one of your program. You had a collar she was a 50 year old woman make you work or we know or we think we. Think invent published the letter on your website just correct her 2 dogs or something but I have a talk with my boyfriend and I would like to marry me Oh but Nicole and now I'm happily now like what the bonus please. And I to have one of my my own now would. Well want to grab a couple that. That having my childhood and not an American a family like it so we don't and give me a purple. You know. Should put I should actually tried scribe your call and publish that as my next Kellog like I did the other woman. But you I got to you in time that's the point you're 40 . 42 that woman was 50. Do you do you realize that almost everything that the older generation has told the younger generation. For 2 generations that. Has been wrong. I wonder if an American history there is any parallel to the older generation having no wisdom now of course there are exceptions obviously. But the dominant the teachers the professors the experts. The elites from the American Medical Association. To the American Psychological Association. To television and movies. And again back to teachers and often parents making the next generation actually unhappy. You know a lot of people speak about the next generation not doing as well as the previous They always mean financially. But it is quite remarkable thing more remarkable when the generation next generation isn't doing as well even in happiness. Although they were ruined in so many cases as well the parents. Telling you know women that they will find their joy in life and profession. It is you should all be sent to prison. For ruining lives with such stupid advice stupid stupid patently stupid advice. Yeah you know. You know live and then you'll retire then they could look back at a great life as a c.e.o. No husband no kids but by golly you got to be a professor of gender studies. Would be. By Buckley. Marry Him God bless you spread the word that's all I could say. Was that you know every time i almost every time I meet a young woman which is a lot of them they treat my work. Total strangers like what happened when that happened it happened I thought it happened at the airport yesterday. I think the. So I asked the see young woman. My guarantee question if you could be guaranteed a great marriage or a great career which guarantee would you take understanding that doesn't mean the other can't happen it just means is the other isn't caring teet. So it's about 5050 and I can predict it's an interesting thing I cannot predict I'm a Christian woman. Had I think a Christmas party last year I think I told her the story she was a. Very attractive woman she's 34 and she was an actress. And she goes to church every week. So. I was pretty confident that the answer would be great marriage but she said great career. So you can't that you can't predict. She didn't radiate happiness. I don't think any of the women who are preoccupied with professional radiate happiness. I do believe that there is a. Knowing and that of course there are always exceptions but there are certain masculine certain feminine traits and characteristics. And we have denied that. Oh Ok thank you Miriam that was important. Right Debbie in Sacramento California thank you for calling. Thank you and. We're wanting. To. Wipe the wound on Barry. People. Every. Really awful. King please tell me. Why you used the word loud to describe your pain yes. Oh well wait is it coming so intense or literally loud because it make a sound. And that Ok so it's in Texas Ok I want you to know I want you to know the there was I I feel terrible but I don't. These shingle preoccupation in your life unfortunately I think has to be to find some way to reduce that pain. There is a level I know there's a level of physical pain that takes your life over. I agree with you I don't. Do any opioids work. While the north. I'm on and I'm on. And I'm on. And that's. All that that's your memory. Pool or. On Oh. Yes the there. Are you married. A found man after 8 her. Parents for one. I was well on. What an hour or so more. So trying more and more with. The right listen I I. I just want you to somehow get some relief and think you have him in your life. Bring it was on and made 7 be answered on this Christmas the Salvation Army invites you to join the fight for good fight to support the 13000000 children who live in poverty across the u.s. Fight to bring Christmas to the thousands who lost everything in this year's fires and to fight to help the hard working families across our communities who struggle to put food on the table make rent and keep the electricity on every single day in fact the Salvation Army serves over 23000000 people in the u.s. Every year with vital services including shelter meals and holiday assistance today I'm asking you to go to team Prager dot org or just go to the Salvation Army banner at my website and help us reach our goal of $150000.00 by year's end team Prager dot org whether you give a little or a lot dollar does a world of good in your community consider a gift of $255100.00 or more love has an army together with the Salvation Army we can continue doing the most good Hi this is Dennis Prager for the good people at best hot grill dot com It's that time again time to select presents for your family and corporate gifts for your best clients and employees and you want to get them a gift that is fantastic unforgettable and truly hot that would be a Solaire infrared grill a from best hot grill dot com Solaire infrared grills heat up to 1000 degrees in just 3 minutes and produce juicy tasty food unmatched by conventional girls perfect for today's busy. Lifestyles the hot and fast solar infrared grills are the gift that will be you and every time your loved one's best clients are valued employees grill on their soul they are in for a grill they'll think of you also Larry for a grocer made in the USA and made to last even more importantly Solaire in for a grilled the liver of the wow that everybody likes to receive and a gift learned more about the amazing Solaire infrared grills at best hot grill dot com That's best. Solaire infrared gift giving at best how to grill. Stuff after we've. Had a Linwood this one snuck up on the 105 heading east down before the 710 it has not only the carpooling block but also the far left lane and so your drive is a heavy one right now from long before the traffic is sponsored by Pico tires they go tires as building out Black Friday deals now through December like tires get to 3 but the fact is that a one year old lineman higher protection package Black Friday deals now I think I was tired. Am 870. Sponsored by Indy used by over 3000000 businesses for hiring business owners and h.r. Professionals can post job openings with screener questions then sort review and communicate with candidates from an online dashboard learn more at Indy dot com slash higher. Digital Marketing is a big part of just about every business it's everywhere is your business using it to your advantage you could be losing sales by the 2nd Salem's around can help you we give you all the right tools to surround your target audience and turn website visitors into leads a full service digital agency providing you with all your marketing under one roof contact Salem's around to learn more it's around Los Angeles dot com surround Los Angeles dot com connecting you with new customers Thanksgiving is less than a week away. On behalf of move America forward we hope you'll send care packages to our troops for Thanksgiving might not have much effect on the 20 years since they're going to. He was the man that I was some progress and a man that represented everything that our men and women are today that's Darlene She's the volunteer supervisor at Move America Forward he was never find a better bunch of young men and women sadly some of our troops receive nothing at all unless you give Won't you help out call 833 the number 2 and the word troops give to 50 will send you a 50 dollars food you difficult for me to to say thank you while supplies last give 500 dollars us 75 dollars gift certificate 833 the number 2 and there were troops 833-287-6677 extension 0 you can give it our website it am 870 the answer dot com Thanks. To. Everybody to you ladies and gentlemen that I am raising funds each year this year as an each year for the Salvation Army which is no longer being funded by Chick fil a which is caved in. To the haters on the left to hate the Salvation Army is to be a sick dude. And tells a lot about the l.g.b. T.q. Organizations but they hate the Salvation Army and they've been abandoned this ovation only treats everybody by the way everybody. They just hate them because they happen to have a theology that holds that marriage is between a man and a woman. You should be but you should be run out of business of doing good in other words it is more important to get rid of organizations that do good like the Boy Scouts. Like the salvation army crushed them because they don't agree with you on the left. So I have added passion for you to help the salvation only this year. Three's a ton of money for them there's a banner at my website and this Prager dot com Thank you for the last woman has an answer Bill question for me. I am a big advocate of happiness of acting happy when you don't feel it and so on as you know. But I pride myself in being living in the real world there are levels of physical pain that take you over I did one hour in all of my broadcast career on physical pain. And. I remember I don't have a I remember. Mine was a solvable the simple surgery wasn't so simple but the surgery. And I centrally pain free. But. Not everybody has is there a magical surgery for them. But having endured it I understood what how it can take you over to not a matter of mind over matter. In my opinion there should be a. They should devote as much time energy and money to the pain issue as they did to Aids. But there is no organized. Group against pain like there was against aids. That's the way it works in Dallas thank you for calling a lowlier. Pray care I just want to say I love you when I say I love you I really do love you good I'm glad I like being loved but I don't like the kid but I like it because I'm sorry. I feel bad because I feel like a disobedient child or. Something a relic calling them but that's the kind of like a Harlem course. Because I am a student of yours when I read many of your fellow and I listen little but I feel Cal Berkeley and I know you always encourage us to be courageous. So. I feel like I want to step outside of my marriage for some intimacy and I feel really bad about that but I'm I and I feel very like I think really think part of me I've been married for 20 years I've raised 6 children I'm still raising one she's alive and they are and I just I want to be able to experience being close to the opposite sex my husband basically when we had our last child he returned not with back and I don't want to watch because I want us to still be a family but before I die I want to be close to someone and I want someone to make love to me I want someone to want me. I'm a 130 pounds I've kept myself working I work out every day. But I hear you that. If he heard this call would he be shocked. I don't know if I I don't think he was the stock I think that he would say it I'm complaining because I've had a good hour moving from home and right by our children and being able to go on the word you're being not complaining about that you're not complaining about not traveling or not having children they're complaining about this not that I have it he thinks I have a great because I want to allow. That. Pilgrim be able to go quite that around well why would he answer but wait wait so let me understand he has forsworn sex I don't quite get it well we we have our young as 11 years old he moved out of the bedroom when he was cute weeks old. What what did he what did he say the reason was well he said I have a job and I have to give me what I can totally understand I don't wait I don't wait wait wait wait I'm sorry wait wait wait the baby was in the room. Well the baby was in the back of the net Ok And so what age until what age and so he was to so because the baby would wake up at night and wake him up he slept in another room right whatever well you know what prevents you from going to a hotel every so often. He's not the whole Sal going hyper per cent what is the hotel type of going personally person. So he would he would come down here the once in a while and have sex and then he would get less and less and less and I think he was having problems and I tried to talk to him about it but he never wanted its own go problem so basically he decided since I'm. He wasn't able to perform and he was the Baron and he just stopped having it. He just has to pop a pill. I know but he just didn't want to proc about it and so have you got to therapy and we went to the we went to counseling and we can bring in more people who cannot you know don't like. He's got so many different transformations that in the past 20 years and I'm happy I don't know how relevant. But when you think you look conservative and now you've gone how do we laugh with this idea of thinking and things like that I don't know I don't know that had something to do with it but he's not interested in fact more. Well I don't think there's a single call or a listener I should say who's not in sympathy with you in this and some man called and it was the other way around we would all be in sympathy with him. Look like you deserve to be loved like you're. Not telling me what to do it's not a it's not in my position to that he wants to call up the show I'd be more than happy to talk to him. One of the things that I play I want to reemphasize to all of you. Is that I regard all of life including marriage as a series of obligations. More than a series of frauds. Show returns. From the relief factor pain free studio. 7. Stuck in traffic. I have a drive trying to move to San Clemente a singular It's an effect on the fighting. And there's an ongoing fatal crash investigation so they have to. Look at brake lights. And then. Along. Just before this. Blocking not only the carpool lane but the. Busy. 70. The houses wrapped up in public hearings on the impeachment inquiry of president. Says the last 2 witnesses corroborated what had already been said about the Trump administration's dealings with Ukraine alleging that President Trump had his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani directing it effort to exchange aid for an investigation of the by no further hearings are scheduled but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hasn't ruled out the possibility of more closed door depositions or public hearings North Korea has turned down another invitation this one from their neighbor across the 38th Parallel builds Emperor has details the invitation came from South Korean president in who invited Kim Jong un to a gathering of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations next week North Korea's state news agency published the invitation but said it's doubtable the meeting between the north and south would be meaningful at this time the special summit begins on Monday and u.s.c. Is what ball team host u.c.l.a. Tomorrow at the Coliseum kickoff at 12 30 pm Southland whether it will be mostly sunny today within one. Highs reaching the lower seventy's currently if they see 5 degrees and mana bellow and 68 degrees in Santa Ana I am Mike Morris with breaking news and talk you can trust me I made 70 the answer balance of nature changing the world one life in a time as a retired are and I know the importance of nutrition I always have great food is actually healing so you are level out I'm living proof because for the past decade I think it's very painful brown spots on my forehead and that full but they're gone I'll never be without my balance of nature ever there's only one thing that changed in my life and that was taking the nature experienced of balance of nature difference for yourself call or go online now and become a preferred customer which gives you our best pricing and free shipping and we will take an additional 35 percent off of your 1st order this will be a limited time offer so don't wait call 802468751 or go to balance of nature dot com and use discount code nature messaging data rates may apply individuals very exclusions apply contacts and glasses are such a hassle I'd love to finally get Lasik but I'm going to stop you right there if you want lasik then the Lasik vision Institute has officially taken away everything standing in your way isn't lasik expensive not at the Lasik vision Institute were offering dramatically low prices and an absolutely free consultation see for free if Lasik is right for you by texting Radio 235-0350 but I'm really busy a text only takes seconds and the Lasik procedure typically only takes 15 minutes and best of all most patients can get back to work the following day I had no idea the Lasik vision Institute uses the latest f.d.a. 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Well to know if I had couple of hours with him in a room alone and I would like that actually. Ok whether that would work all right he everybody let's see here. Could begin stay there because that's an interesting thing where what happened to the. What happened what happened to the caller who thought was. Interfering with the elections why did he give up. It was a really curious to talk to him. Oh all right everybody. Well as well take Megan and North Carolina what city in North Carolina. I mean you're. I'm all yours go ahead. Ok I was going to I heard part of the lab where the lady would thank your boyfriend or whatever husband have sex with anymore and I think one thing that a lot of people don't talk about and a lot of people don't realize the relationship is how much it's put on either that in my experience I mean if you have sex and be intimate with a woman because it kind of expected we all think men are all just hungry for it all the time that's the way it is but when you put pressure on like that they can't perform because they're worried about not being able to or you know or they're worried they're not going to get picked up and I had the relationship where that happened and it ended up not working out and by the 3rd one we realized that I expected you might and that I was making it too much of a big deal and it really wasn't that it was it's not that serious incident be taken that way it's an important part but you can't put pressure on other what you're acting from or not feel if you perform. I think that there's a lot of truth and wisdom to what you said so what point in time if any Perhaps you think never respect but is there any point let's see it's been a year and you're both healthy and you're both 40 years old we're not talking about elderly people here you're both 40. And you've had 6 kids you've had some a regular regular intimacy and then it simply has stopped. Do you say nothing for how how long do you advocate that the wife say nothing. I don't know I wouldn't go more than here or 3 months without wanting to. Get on it Ok Well she she married well I asked her Do you did you go to therapy he said something to the effect therapy. Is sort of for losers people should be able yes no . I gree I agree a lot of men think like that they're not going to want to be all right well well well if they don't sit down with you when they don't sit down with a therapist and they don't have sex what is the woman supposed to do. 30 am to communicate you know they are you know our marriage I don't rely on our Internet you're right i know i'm Ok All right you know just Ok you're not you're you're you're right of course but don't want to for all of that is done you're just deferring the question that you're raising. Of course all of that needs to be tried and you're right about the pressure my my belief I do have I mean this is sort of male female or. Discussion but I will offer you a suggestion Well couples when we return. 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Well kind of state was Nov 13th and if there's anything the world needs right now it's kindness that's why we're partnering with the upcoming movie a beautiful day in the neighborhood based on the true story of the friendship between Mr Rogers and a cynical journalist rescue to share a kind word or deed or tell us about something kind that was done for you by posting your story using the hash tag love thy neighbor so share your faith by showing kindness and post your story using the hash tag love thy neighbor a beautiful day in the neighborhood rated p.g. Parental guidance suggested now playing this is Dennis Prager for best hot grill dot com It's time to select a Christmas gift with impact for your best clients employees friends and family Solaire infrared grills deliver the lasting value of a gift that will actually be used and every time they will think of you so learned friend grills deliver the wow that everybody likes to receive in the gift learn more about solar infrared grills at best touch grill dot com That's best hot grill dot com Solaire infrared gift giving at best hot grill dot com www. Am 870 the answer. Had a crash on the. Beat and that was in the car on the left lane well they did manage to clear it out of the way now. We have an ongoing signal. The right lane shut down for an ongoing investigation so it's. 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Age 70. For a thought. That might help some couples. With intimacy issues. It's been a while since you were last intimate. Try a little and then and that's it. The notion that it's all or nothing and those of you over for kidding or 14 you know what I'm talking about. The notion that it should be all or nothing is a very foolish and destructive notion. Just get a little excitement and then end that you know in advance so that there's no pressure on either party and and that's it here just know in advance we're going to take we're just going to throw around a little bit and then there watch t.v. . I think that would be helpful tremendously helpful to a lot of people. So all right we'll move on here. And Jared in Philadelphia hello Jared Dennis Prager heard good. So you got a product you're worried that saying you were actually 3 parents just could not be mother because your children I'm a father I think like God or threatens very frequently I think it's a great fire and engage in fall and get all the good guy on your post good luck you are going. So let me just make the facts clear to my listeners so that they understand what you're referring to. All around the country now there's drugs clean story time for 5 year old 6 year olds had libraries where a guy in drag the guy wearing women's clothing performs for the kids reached or just cetera to have the facts correct I mean it's not just the librarians but sort Ok Why would you want your daughter to experience a guy wearing a dress and acting out in that way what what is it why is that good for your daughter I mean why Shakespear are there now stress and that's something we've been coached to as well it's not a sexual thing it's a performance it's a performance it's fun they learn they acquire you create and then it's your story that's it and if you people like you will have some negative connotation going hyper sexualized sort of activity and that's you got to come but you think it's. I do I do think that 60 minute trip was written for her because I think maybe I think Mary and I think that I think men should wear men's clothing and women should wear women's clothing and I think that I think that the clothes she wanted was just about her wearing red suit to work on the part I'm sorry of and some say it again it would have been to give answers or to go back where exactly. Well generally speaking women's pants are cut differently than men's pants and the 2 aren't generally confused and usually there's a female top usually it's tighter clothing so I think it was a silly question and you know it was so for of course it was a silly question because everybody listening knows that there is such a thing as pants that men wear and pens that women wear whatever has also the known history even asked me why go Rickly you said about. My friend you completely change the topic you asked me about women going to work now not in 13th century England Ok so I think that there is so much sexual confusion with kids today the last thing a daughter or especially a boy needs is to see a man in a dress entertaining them. Well written. And Ok All right that's so that's the solution Ok I'm glad you called and I think. We have clarity on our difference the. When I when I think of of the possibilities of what you can do with your child free time about the last thing that I think I would want to take my 5 year old to is a guy in a dress. Performing. As a cross dresser which is the way it was cold in the past that's no longer used but all right this is the world in which we live I think it was an important call. Ok a. John in Greenwood South Carolina hi Dennis your movie probably say me from being in jail right now on disorderly conduct charges just one shoot in the act because because Joe Biden was in Greenwood last night lying under a university and if I had been in Greenville South Carolina or away I would have probably been there harassing him and probably would have gotten thrown in jail probably also would if you really humiliated him and probably ask him some things like about sniffing hair and other things and asking whether he had any sort of Ukrainian grandchildren or anything and made all of them and I'm glad you didn't. Because that's not my style but. Anyway you went to the movie you went to see you know I was I have seen. No Safe Spaces 4 times and it's an hour away an hour there an hour 4 different times now I think I deserve like autographed copies of your commentaries but like an autographed copies maybe this never mind let me let me get to we'll have to call. Listen I disagree gently and graciously with your assessment that the King James Bible is the best translation and I consider that translation largely responsible for people saying that the Bible contradicts itself and let me give you a specific example I've got several different ones but a specific quick example and that's the King James not Bible says that shalt not kill and just over in Durani 7 it says to wipe out the hit signs the gear isn't the Amorites canonized the parish divides and genocides 7 nations greater and stronger than you and so you know basically you're going to be wiping those out and the better translation is do not murder. I know I write of course I've made the point many times the Hebrew is murder in the us in 17th century England. Think kill meant sort of slavery but you're right murder would have been better believe back the Dennis Prager Show. Pain free studio. Something you need to know about Pete in self Talbot the father son owners they're in a mission to help as many people as possible to get out of pain they've been a consistent sponsor of the show. And radio sponsors come and go they means they may even stay for a year or so and then they're gone not so with relief after Peter and Seth are consistent year after year why because tens of thousands of people are now taking relief factor every day for their back and neck pain shoulder pain hip pain the pain etc and now they're in less or no pain at all that's the truth I'd like you to try a 3 week quick start is just $19.95 in 3 weeks you'll know if it works how's that not a great thing or what cancel if it doesn't work otherwise it's the best 1995 you will have spent That's the Quick Start relief factor dot com get breaking news on Am 870 the answer dot com folks I'm here with my good friend Eric hello be president of total financial solutions Araf How is it possible that people who are tired with a significant nest egg can actually run out of money Dennis this happens more than you know if they don't pay attention to the sequence of returns that means if the market declines during the 1st few years of your retirement you'll have less principle each year on which to gain interest and you're withdrawing from your portfolio to pay your bills which always go up and you're no longer getting a paycheck that's a very lethal combination Arraf to one's retirement funds isn't it well said Dennis we help keep our clients' money safe with a higher income strategy for their retirement Well this is exactly why my listeners need to see you my friends I really do trust their Of Hell of being only 15 minutes Araf can tell you if your retirement strategy is on track there is no charge so don't wait call 8899 retire triple 899 retire 88899 retire if you really factor the 100 percent drug free supplement that was formulated by doctors to help your body deal with inflammation and pain the reason I've told so many. 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Government mandated programs like paid family leave help women carry Lucas president of the Independent Women's Forum that's the surprising answer in the new video from her university she had a prayer you dot com where we teach what it's all. Wow it's fast what happened to the music. All right everybody. All right let me try to answer what you have here by the way and the last caller I never said King James was the best translation I said it was a great translation I don't know what the I don't know what the best translation is . Maybe one but I don't know and I know a lot of translations so just for the record. All right here let's see here. Somebody is calling with an odd question why from redundant he wants to give Capital Research Center charity credit for no safe spaces so they have invested kind of bless them many people have I don't I don't know who frankly because it's not my field and I don't. I don't I don't give anybody critics of the people who made the film. Remember even mention their names all the time but I do say it's not great because I mean it when I'm in a great film. And I do hope people see it. It is it is a terrific film the. Props the scariest thing in American life the free speech issue. Total No Safe Spaces dot com to see where it's playing in your area. All right let's see here. Becky Columbus North Carolina is grateful for her adoptive parents and their Christian upbringing. And yes you mean adoptive parents Yes Listen I agree but I have one biological and one of the the child I'm a big fan of adoption. As I have always said you know I didn't do my annual show why bad I have one more month to do it I have to do my annual show on white blood doesn't matter. Love and values not blood that's my theme. In life. A bit of glory just cold things children don't know how to comprehend seeing a drag queen What is that a company hand. It's a deliberate mixture of the 2 sexes. I don't think it's a healthy thing. Ok my friends. Please do me the me a favor the country a favor maybe it's the favor. The yourself please give to the Salvation Army. Before you forget just click on the better of my website that was pretty good. To take in your whole God bless you see you. Keep it right here on Am 870 the answer this is a. Division of Satan media group as a. Last ditch stuck in traffic. Backed up at a San Clemente there's an ongoing singularity. And we have a fetal crash investigation going on. Even if you're not a customer learn more at this. Credit card limitations of. 70 . President Clinton saying the impeachment inquiry should be over after the recent hearings found nothing called friends early this morning and pointed specifically to testimony by u.s. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon someone what he said also is there was no way to pro quo I want you not to remember was trending number one he said that he did when he was questioned the president also wants House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff to testify so he can be asked about his role in the whistleblower report a country music star is in trouble with the law Jon Klein has the story Sam Hunt was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence early Thursday morning a police report says the 34 year old musician was driving the wrong way down a road in East Nashville before he. Pulled over the report also notes there were 2 empty beer cans near him and a sobriety test showed his blood alcohol content was point $17.00 he's scheduled to be in court in January a plan to make daylight savings time permanent is picking up steam recall Szell tells us more Florida Senator Marco Rubio says 4 more senators have signed on to his sunshine Protection Act which would make daylight saving time permanent Rubio tells the Tampa Bay Times he's going to keep pushing this topic and he thinks this is as close as the bill has ever come to getting passed similar legislation is pending in the House and President Trump has said he supports the idea on Wall Street the Dow is up 106 points while the Nasdaq is up 3 points Southland weather expect mostly sunny skies today with them when highs reaching the low seventy's temperatures at the beaches are forecast in the mid sixty's while Valley highs should top off in the upper sixty's currently at 64 degrees in Malibu and 69 in La hombre I'm Mike Morris with breaking news and talk you can trust am 870 the answer Dennis Prager here celebrating 12 years with Roger Stewart clothes the finest quality suit sports jackets and slacks I've ever rode 877 suits for you now the facts about severe pain burning in tingling with severe weakness it's a nerve issued neuropathy and it's serious but there's a doctor Dr Shuli in the nerve m.d. 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