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One thing that caught my attention was how he talked about the economy kind of finally working for people at the bottom of the income ladder you know that the strongest wage gains have been for lower paid workers you know he knowledge there are still gaps for people of color people in rural communities but say are there more signs that the wealth is perhaps being shared more broadly here I mean there's a really good evidence that essentially hot economies are very good and disproportionately good for folks who are really on the margins of the labor market so the unemployment rate will pull fastest. African-Americans. In the kind of the hottest point of the recovery and so so that is that is really positive I think one of the other things that that Jay Powell said at the testimony was that you know that fiscal policy should you know had more to do that there were lots of reasons why people want in the labor force that really monetary policy couldn't actually help with and and my response to that was was yes that's that's true you know monetary policy is so blunt that it can't really help very much with people who had to opioids with that kind of thing but what economies all very very good. You know poor book is And so you know one shouldn't forget that right yeah the responsibility to just could get the economy is as hot as you responsibly can is still really important Well what about that Lynnette I mean you mentioned the retail numbers they're out today which were better than expected but still you know only 3 tenths percent growth they're being sort of portrayed is as a little good news a little bad news I mean what kind of weaknesses do you see in that spending. I mean consumer as long as as long as businesses keep hiring at the same clip. The data to comb is the Labor debt to see if people are still hiring for the same amount of hours if wages are still going up are we still and and again that's that's a lagging indicator but I think that's what people are going to be watching we're going to be watching of Americans have jobs and of course we're watching credit you know how how much debt are Americans taking on can they still service that debt. If the Fed doesn't raise rates that makes it easier it looks like Pal is going to hold steady So that's that's probably good for people who you know that is good for people who are you know have auto loans and and home loans and stuff like that so everyone's going to be watching that everybody of course going to be watching. The trade war it seems like we're exactly where we were with that at the same time as like it looks like we're at December 29th you know we're fighting with China for some kind of suspicion of of hostilities instead of drilling in on major issues we may or may not have an auto tariff on our hands you know it's just the same story over and over again and that isn't helping business investment that isn't helping corporations it's not helping small businesses and it's a threat to it to the economy all right we got it and there are some McCains with The Economist Lynette Lopez of Business Insider thank you both so much have a great weekend you too thanks you too. On Wall Street today today traders went into the weekend on a high note we'll have details when we do the numbers. One piece of the retail numbers that caught our collective eye today furniture sales they were down almost one percent last month the biggest drop since December last year and tariffs are a big part of the story Marketplace's Andy ular has more last year Beijing shipped $34000000000.00 worth of furniture here stuff like bedroom sets and couches those imports were hit with a 10 percent tax in September of 2018 had jumped to 25 percent in May But Michael sposi an economics professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas says it's not just those direct tariffs hurting furniture sales tariffs applied to industry like metals steel and aluminum their effect the cost structure of the furniture industry to get around the tariff some furniture stores have changed where they get things made shipments of furniture from China to the u.s. Fell by a 3rd from September 2018 to September 21000 according to Pangea a company that tracks the flow of goods overseas shipments from Vietnam where tariffs aren't imposed increased by more than half but Mark Schumacher with the home furnishings Association says changing your supply chain doesn't happen overnight every retailer is different but one thing is true for all of them as they can pivot on a dime when it comes to you know to what they have available in their in their warehouses He says some retailers pass the tariffs on the consumers by hiking prices and Bill McLaughlin the editor of the trade magazine furniture today says everyone down the line has to be prepared for tighter margins you can retail it's a percentage of to manufacture you. It's a percentage by the time the product ultimately gets to the consumer they're not seeing a significant increase he says the larger furniture outlets should be Ok but a mom and pop furniture store in rural Georgia might not be able to hold out I mean to you there for Marketplace. We've got more in the News of the week Sonic the Hedgehog milk alternatives at robots also recommendations from listeners like you it's all in our make me smart newsletter go to marketplace dot org slash news letters to sign up. While impeachment hearings continued in the Longworth House Office Building today President Trump announced some changes affecting the health care industry a new rule will force hospitals to disclose the prices they charge insurers for things like drugs medical supplies and outpatient visits these prices have long been negotiated in secret showing up only on the patient's medical bills after a visit to the hospital here to tell us what this means for the industry and its patients is Reid Ableson She covers the health care business for the New York Times I read I So how have prices for something like an m.r.i. Been set in the past in the past it's almost impossible for someone to know the price of an m.r.i. Or any other health care service before actually getting hospitals usually negotiate privately their rates with the insurers and neither the hospitals nor the insurers want to make it public and you only find out what it costs when they send you the bill for an explanation of benefits at the end of the visit right which can sometimes be a kind of a job dropping moment for a lot of exactly and so how would this rule change that. So this rule takes a fairly dramatic step requiring hospitals to tell the public their charges the negotiated discounts they reach with insurers have a high discount a low discount and also even you know what it would cost if you came in and paid cash it is supposed to go into a fact in 2021 although there is a lot of expectation that the hospitals will push back and challenge it in court how would consumers be able to look up and compare prices My guess is and the hope would be that technology companies and others would develop apps so you might say I need to am are I there would be an app that would say Here are the 5 places here the 5 prices and you would choose that way so the idea here is that if people have more information they can shop around and in theory prices would go down yes that's definitely the theory for the folks who are in favor of this proposal but the hospitals insurer and insurers argue that actually prices might rise because they say what will happen is that the low priced hospital will look around and say hey we should have been charging more and increase their prices what do you make of that argument I don't know I don't think it's clear exactly what will happen I think the fact that they're protecting their prices so much indicates that there will certainly be a narrowing of the price discrepancies that more people will probably pay in the same range then are now how likely are people to shop around for a lot of these services I mean to do people tend to compare hospitals and and would they be more inclined to do so if the prices are public or are they going to go to the nearest place or the place that's been recommended I think it really depends. What kind of carrier getting if you have a heart attack and are in your in the ambulance you're not going to have you know be looking at your i Phone to see you know which emergency room is cheapest but I think it is fair to say that you may want to look around especially Quite frankly if you have a high deductible so I think the fact that you may have this information could in fact mean you're more likely to sort of shop around now as you mention the hospital rule isn't scheduled to take effect till 2021 this is likely to be tied up in the courts for a long time how long before you think customers will actually see any difference. I think that's a really good question and I don't know what the answer is I think it could signal at least real unhappiness with the way prices are so secret now and it could force hospitals to try and start making more information public so that they can maybe prevent regulation read Ableson covering health care for the New York Times thanks a lot thank you. Coming up 8000000 Americans lost their homes and what I wanted to find out was who got them the losers and winners of the foreclosure crisis but 1st let's do the numbers . The Dow Jones industrial average rose 222 points 8 tenth's percent to close at 28000004 a new high the Nasdaq being 61.7 tenths percent to finish at 8540 the s. And p. 500 was up to 323 points again 7 tenths percent to end 3120 for the week the Dow rose one and 2 tenths percent the s. And p. 500 improved 9 tenths percent of the Nasdaq was up less than 6 tenths percent Invidia drop 2 and 6 tenths percent the chip maker posted higher than expected earnings and profit but said it's gaming chip sales would likely be affected by seasonal weakness in the current quarter bond prices fell the yield on the 10 year Tino rose to 1.83 percent you're listening to Marketplace marketplace is supported by Raymond James offering personalized wealth management advice and banking and capital markets expertise all with a commitment to put in client. Financial wellbeing 1st learn more at Raymond James dot com And by Cabot Creamery a farm owned co-op celebrating 100 years of making dairy products from fresh ingredients farm families working together to produce naturally aged cheddar cheese more information a cabbage co-op and biologic Craig bourbon handcrafted in small batches for a full flavored sipping experience 47 percent alcohol by volume Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey Bardstown Kentucky think wisely drink wisely. You know that song you heard on Marketplace the one you're really like. Don't you wish you knew what it was we got the whole list of the music we play on the show at our website marketplace dot org slash music. From news to numbers you count on Marketplace to explain what you need to know at Marketplace deliver to your inbox every day and never miss a beat subscribe to the newsletter at Marketplace. This is Marketplace I'm Amy Scott The good news bad news in retail we talked about up top tells you a lot about how hard it can be to predict consumer behavior during a time of economic and trade uncertainty that's the environment retail businesses are facing as they enter their busiest time of the year so how do these companies decide how much extra help they need for the holiday season and what happens if they get it wrong from the workplace culture desk Marketplace's Meghan McCarty Corrino has that story predicting just how big the holiday boom will be and hiring to meet that need is always challenging this year in particular companies have to deal with a lot of conflicting indicators says Daniel Keogh an economist with job site glass door between the trade war consumer confidence volatile economic news and on top of that there are these long run trends like e-commerce and failing to strike the right balance can have big implications too few workers and you can end up like u.b.s. In 2017 with big delays and unhappy customers which could hurt business a black eye for Brown and unexpected surge in Web caught them unprepared take I or too many people and you can really cut into a company's bottom line especially considering the demands of the tight labor market says Andrew challenger with outplacement firm Challenger Gray and Christmas it's a very tough environment than the cost of hiring is going up significantly he says with unemployment near a 50 year low companies are having to offer higher wages deeper merchandise discounts and more perks to attract seasonal workers despite those concerns this year's holiday season is already looking pretty cheery for workers and employers says Andrew flowers an economist with job site indeed so it doesn't seem that this uncertainty is weighing down on retailers employment demands he's seen a 13 percent increase in holiday job postings on indeed while federal job numbers showed an 18. Percent jump in retail jobs last month compared to last year I made McCarty Corrino for Marketplace. One of the legacies of last decade's housing bust is the rise of the corporate landlord when millions of Americans lost their homes to foreclosure a lot of their houses were snapped up by large companies and investment funds and some of the people who made money on those deals might be familiar to you though in a different context Aaron Glantz an investigative journalist for reveal tells their story in his new book Home wreckers Welcome to the program good to be with you so let's start with that title Who are the home wreckers that you're writing about what I'm writing about here is the people who came in and made a killing when 8000000 Americans lost everything after the housing bust so I'm talking about Donald Trump's treasury secretary Steve Minucci and Wilbur Ross Donald Trump's commerce secretary Tom Barrack the president's best friend Steve Schwarzman the chairman of Blackstone all of these men all close to Donald Trump they are the people who made a killing after the housing bust but I started working on this before Donald Trump was even elected in 2016 I was looking at the to sticks that show that the homeownership rate in America had reached a 51 year low so that it didn't just go down in 2008 in 2009 during the bust it actually went down during every single year during the Obama presidency you know 8000000 Americans lost their homes in the Great Recession and what I wanted to find out was who got them and that's what led me to the home wreckers. Well let's talk about one example you tell the story of Sandy jolly and how her family got caught up in a reverse mortgage scheme that a couple of the guys you mentioned ended up profiting off of their situation what happened to Sandy Yeah I mean Sandy could have been any American Her parents were typical working family and when they got old they saw this ad on t.v. For a reverse mortgage this is the kind of mortgage where instead of you paying it off and owning your house at the end they give you a relatively small sum of money sometimes and then add interest in fees month after month so the loan gets bigger and bigger and then when you die the bank takes the House who ended up profiting from that well I mean we start with Steve Minucci right Donald Trump treasury secretary he was not running this bank when it made that reverse mortgage right but the bank itself collapsed in 2008 and so Steve Minucci gets together with his group of friends and they take this bank off the government's hands they pay the government nothing and then the government agrees to subsidize them if they lose money foreclosing on people so normally a bank shouldn't have any incentive to foreclose but we made this deal with Minucci and that if he foreclosed on a family like Sandy's it didn't matter if he would lose money we'd pick up up to 90 percent of his losses and my reporting revealed that we paid his group more than a $1000000000.00 in government subsidies but he's not the only home wrecker who profited off of this house as you mention right so the family loses the home after Sandy 5 mightily to keep it and then she finds she has a new landlord right and the new owner is coal fin Ai 5 California l.l.c. That tracks back to. Tom Barrack Donald Trump's best friend and barracks company not only bought Sandy's homes through this shell company he bought up more than $30000.00 homes and Sandy Sandy ends up paying more than $40000.00 in rent to rant her old house back over the course of just 18 months. You of course tried to talk to some of these people and you couldn't get Tom Beric to answer your questions but we do know that they've that Barrack and Steve Minissha were saying that they were buying assets that nobody wanted and helping stabilize the economy what's your response to that I mean that is exactly their argument they said that they were buying assets in the economy would have been worse off I also interviewed people like Sheila Bair who is the head of the f.d.i.c and she said even in retrospect the government would have lost even more money if it hadn't given this bank away to Steve Menuchin and subsidized his foreclosures we need to understand that the government had other options besides this massive giveaway during the Great Depression Franklin Roosevelt started a government run bank it saved a 1000000 homes and in the end when the bank finally wound down in the fifty's it had turned a profit with the g.i. Bill after World War 2 We helped $4000000.00 American veterans buy homes and we broke even. You contrast that to these massive giveaways that occurred over the past decade. What's wrong with corporate ownership of single family homes you know well they'll say that we were just providing options for people who want to rent right. In America the average homeowner is worth $100.00 times more than the average renter and this is not because the average homeowner makes like $100.00 times more money it's because most of us spend most of our money on essential oils like health care and food and clothing that depreciate immediately into nothingness and housing is the one thing where either it's going to be money that we spend and we build equity in security for our family or it's going to go to our landlord and so we've seen a big shift there are now 3000000 homes single family homes and 10000000 apartment units that are owned by shell companies we have to ask ourself that this is really that the kind of system we want to live in and do we want to have the opportunity for shared prosperity the right Aaron Glantz senior reporter at reveal and author of the book home wreckers thank you so much thank you for having me. We've got an excerpt of the book at Marketplace that org. And this final note on the way out today which could give you something to think about during your next office meeting what if we viewed work meetings not as a chore or waste of time but as a form of therapy researchers at the University of Mamo in Sweden looked into why the number of meetings in workplaces keeps growing when no one seems to like them one theory they give people a platform to show off their status vent frustration or be acknowledged by colleagues as one professor put it to the b.b.c. People like to talk. Marketplace is supported by personal capital the personal capital app to help you plan for retirement. Accounts in one place and. Kentucky bourbon risky Bardstown Kentucky. Helping organizations reduce risk of a cyber security incident by partnering with trusted hackers to find and fix software vulnerabilities before criminals can exploit them. We got to go on the Dow Jones industrial average rose $222.00 points 8 tenth's percent the Nasdaq gained 61.7 percent and the s. And p. $500.00 was up 23.7 tenth's percent our theme music was composed by b.j. Lederman marketplace is executive producer. Clark is the senior vice president and general manager and I'm Amy Scott have a great weekend. This is a piano and this is Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station 91.5 Kia c.c. . Falcon Wanderers walking club invited to an all competitive walking event Saturday Nov 16th the walk will start in your community center of Florence Colorado more from a show on this and other public service announcements can be found on the community counter link that carries. The last gubernatorial election of 2019 will be held this weekend in Louisiana but why don't we say Goober Nader instead of Gov a college linguistics professor traces the words origins and explains why Americans use it in the 1st place that story coming up here in just a few minutes 1st it's headline news from n.p.r. And then we'll get started with all things considered for this Friday the 15th of November. If you're new to the area or just a little forgetful and you'd like to know when your favorite program airs on any 1.5 k. Or visit our website where you'll find our daily and weekly program guides and much much more that scarcely seen. Mostly cloudy and $62.00 degrees the official weather report from the Colorado Springs Airport at last check very much the same weather story here in the downtown area where the springs tonight mostly cloudy skies continuing with a low in the mid thirty's tomorrow partly sunny high back in the lower sixty's with a chance for some rain and or snow showers by tomorrow afternoon the late afternoon evening again cloudy 61 here in the downtown Colorado Springs area on my Purcell it's 330 in time for Headline News from n.p.r. . Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer the 2nd public house impeachment inquiry proceeding has wrapped up on Capitol Hill House lawmakers on both sides of the aisle spending about 5 hours questioning former u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine Maria Vonn of edge you want to bitch talking about her ouster in May by President Trump and what she called a major problem of morale at the State Department that's attacks are leading to a crisis in the State Department as the policy process is visibly unraveling leadership vacancies go unfilled and senior and mid-level officers ponder and uncertain future Meanwhile the House Intelligence Committee will hear from 8 more witnesses next week the impeachment inquiry is focusing on whether Trump sought to tie military aid to Ukraine to his request during a phone call that the country's newly elected leader investigate politician Joe Biden and his son President drop a slamming the justice system after his long time confidant Roger Stone was convicted in federal court today N.P.R.'s Asia Rosco reports a jury found stone guilty of obstruction witness tampering and lying to Congress Trump says Stone's conviction is evidence of a quote double standard without offering any proof the president accused a number of public figures of line in a tweet trust question why former f.b.i. Chief James Komi former special counsel Robert Muller and others have not been investigated he did not provide any examples of wrongdoing by his political opponents Stow was a resident January on charges brought by Muller as a part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 26000 election he was convicted of lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his efforts to contact with the leaks about hack Democratic emails I Seraphs go in p.r. News the White House stocks move sharply higher at week's end capping what has been a strong week for the financial markets the Dow gained 222 points 22800004 today the Nasdaq was up 61 points this is n.p.r. . The n.f.l. Has handed down what it calls unprecedented punishment for a brawl involving players in last night's game between the Cleveland Browns and the Pittsburgh Steelers Cleveland defensive lineman Myles Garrett was given a record suspension for clubbing a Pittsburgh player with a helmet Here's N.P.R.'s Tom Goldman football is a violent sport but mostly controlled violence policed by rules what happened in Cleveland was a spasm of uncontrolled violence not often seen late in the game a scuffle between Browns defensive end Miles Garrett in Pittsburgh quarterback Mason Rudolph ended with Garrett ripping off Rudolph's helmet and hitting Rudolph in the head with it the n.f.l. Suspended Garrett without pay at least for the rest of the season it's the longest suspension in league history for a single on field incident Garrett has apologized saying he made a terrible mistake 2 other players were suspended for their involvement in the fight both teams were fined 250 $1000.00 more fines are expected for players who left the bench during the brawl Tom Goldman n.p.r. News the nation's mines factories and utilities were a bit less busy last month that was in part due to a strike at General Motors that helped push manufacturing production lower Federal Reserve says factory output declined 6 tenths of a percent while overall industrial production fell by an even bigger amount over even stripping out auto production industrial production still decline I'm Jack Speer n.p.r. News in Washington. Programming on 91.5 k. Or c. C. Is supported by Kaiser Permanente where members can get flexible care whether in person by phone or online members can visit with a doctor and get the care they need on their schedule more at k.p. Dot org Kaiser Permanente thrive President Trump unveiled a proposed rule today to increase price transparency in health care it would make insurers tell patients what their costs are likely to be before service is provided that story in about 10 minutes 61 degrees 335 if all things considered from n.p.r. About to get under way here on Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station your 91.5 k. Or c c membership is our largest source of funding allowing us to bring you local stories music and news from n.p.r. Thanks for supporting 91.5 k. Our. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the financial services firm of Raymond James offering personalized wealth management advice and banking and capital markets expertise along with a legacy of putting clients financial wellbeing 1st learn more at Raymond James dot com from Whole Foods Market offering colors and flavors of the season with seasonal produce holiday desserts and Chef created menus Whole Foods Market color the classics and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. From n.p.r. News it's All Things Considered I'm Audie Cornish and I'm Ailsa Chang in a poll a Szell hearing room on Capitol Hill today the House intelligence committee heard testimony from the 3rd witness to testify publicly in the House impeachment inquiry and the acid or Marie Ivanovich told lawmakers that she believes she was removed from her post as part of a campaign to pressure Ukraine to open investigations that would benefit President Trump How could our system fail like this how is it that foreign corrupt interests can manipulate our government Congressman Eric Swalwell was one of the Democrats questioning the career diplomat today and he's with us now from Capitol Hill welcome Congressman thank you good evening so a lot of Republicans today were praising Ivanovich for being a patriotic public servant but at the same time they questioned why she was even there here's ranking member Devin Nunez were you involved in the July 25th trip Selenski phone call or preparations for the call you know it was not were you involved in the deliberations about the Pozen military sales to Ukraine as a trumpet ministration reviewed newly elected president skis commitment to corruption reforms for the delay in the pas pas. No I was not thank you Ambassador not exactly sure what the ambassador is doing here today all right so let me direct the question to you Congressman why was that you have on the pitch there today what's key to her part of the whole story. This tough smart committed diplomat stood in the way of Donald Trump's corrupt scheme she was the person you would want there if you were truly interested in corruption however the president was interested in weaponized encryption and so through Rudy Giuliani and others he smeared her while she was there moved her out put Giuliani an ambassador someone in place and even smeared her on the July 25 call to President Zelinsky and even as she sat there today telling her story smeared her as she was testifying which I think you know shows how important she is he's the one that smeared her before during the call and after the call she's important to him because she was an impediment but let me his let me let me ask you this Republicans repeatedly pointed it out pointed out that ambassadors serve at the president's discretion even Evanovich herself agreed that the ambassador job is an inherently political job it can be doled out for political reasons you can be fired for political reasons so do Republicans have a point while Democrats are interrogating why she was dismissed you know you can fire someone for a good reason you can't fire them for a corrupt reason you can't fire someone because of their race because of their gender and if you're the president United States you will be held to account if you fire someone to put in place a corrupt scheme that's what the evidence is suggesting we have more hearings to go but she was an input to the corruption that he needed to play out on his behalf for his upcoming election let me push back another way Republicans also argue that if the president did want to push an agenda in Ukraine then why replace your mana vich with someone like Bill Taylor who is also a well respected longtime diplomat who's obviously not a trump loyalist and you know I 1st appreciate that you have to you know quote unquote push back you know but the truth is this isn't you know that just because the Republicans say it has any merit to it all of the evidence shows that Bill Taylor was cut out actually it was Ambassador song Lynn who was running. Scheme for the president was Rudy Giuliani who was running the scheme for the president so just because the Republicans floated out there doesn't mean I think it deserves any equivalence while he was still involved obviously in pivotal text messages that have been disseminated since he was concerned yes from what he knew he expressed great concern and in fact he said on a September 8th text message are we really holding up aid to help a political campaign but the people who had a star a sharp straight line to President Trump in this corrupt scheme ambassador Starlin Rudy Giuliani and from his own words Mick Mulvaney who said he was told by the president to put a hold on the aid because of the 2016 election investigation now as this hearing was going on today with Evanovich President Trump sent a disparate as disparaging tweet about or chairmanship suggested that that was witness intimidation do you expect witness intimidation to end up on the list of impeachable offenses in future articles of impeachment witness intimidation by the president will certainly be used to show a consciousness of guilt people innocent people do not intimidate witnesses and the fact the president did so I think shows you know he has 0 knowledge of his guilt and says it infeasible offense to you so it will be considered as obstruction of justice but here you know unlike prior impeachment hearings Clinton Nixon Excedrin the act of using $391000000.00 of taxpayer dollars to have the Ukrainians investigate your opponent that's much bigger than anything else and that's our primary focus All right well now 2 days into these public impeachment hearings let me ask you Do you feel like these hearings are actually achieving actually winning over public opinion do you really feel like these hearings are changing people's minds the American people or she is strong evidence of the president's abuse of power if he has exonerating witnesses people who can clear him now's the time to stop to send them to Congress and stop blocking them from testifying That's Democrat Eric Swalwell of California thank you very much my pleasure thank you. Gubernatorial that's a word n.p.r. Political editor is use all the time as in the final gubernatorial election of 21000 is tomorrow and we've been wondering what's with that word N.P.R.'s State Government editor Acacia Squires explains gubernatorial goober boob Do you ever call anybody a goof this is one of the reporters I work with she reports on yes gubernatorial affairs among other things that member station. I met I know pain I cover politics and policy I'm in Richmond I called her up this week because she feels a particular way about the word gubernatorial given really heebie jeebies she tells me she avoids the term if at all possible so what do you do instead I work around it I say Democrats control Virginia governorship or the race for governor in Virginia or so and so is running for governor right Governor govern government so why don't we say Governor Tauriel the question isn't why do we say gubernatorial instead of Governor Tauriel Lisa McLendon teaches grammar and news writing at the University of Kansas She's an expert in linguistics and she tells me I should be asking but why don't we say Goober Nader instead of gov because if you go back to where this word came from in the original Latin it's from the verb a to govern or not or one who governs so the b. In gubernatorial comes from Latin gov with the v. Came into English from French in about the 14th century and the French had taken the Latin and they swapped the b. For a v. Then 400 years later English speakers dug back into the original lot for the adjective. Gubernatorial And interestingly enough this is chiefly a us usage McAlinden tells me in language it's sometimes very hard to answer the why questions but she has a few theories on this maybe we needed the adjective because we have so many governors in this country or maybe we just wanted to sound smart Ok one last question is Mallory no pain the reporter in Richmond stuck with the word gubernatorial it's one of those things that once it gets in the language it's harder to get it out it sticks around because there are people who use it people like us Acacia Squires n.p.r. News. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News health care reform is what President Trump wanted to focus on today the administration released regulations to increase price transparency for patients and he spoke about them at the White House our goal was to give patients the knowledge they need. About the real price of health care services they'll be able to check and compare of go to different locations so they can shop for the highest quality care at the lowest cost or right here to explain what these rules would do is N.P.R.'s health policy reporter Salinas in stuff in Hey Selena Hi So 2 regulations getting rolled out here give us the basics on what these rules are so the 1st one targets hospitals right now there is technically a way to get a list of charges from hospitals it's called a chargemaster but it's really really hard to use you just basically drown in information and it doesn't really tell you that much about the real cost of things so what this rule would do would require hospitals to make an easy to use easy to access searchable stool that shows the real charges for services in network charges out of network even cash prices and that would go into effect in January of 2021 Ok so the the 2nd rule affects insurers do you know like explanations of benefits that yes yes yes Ok so the idea is that you would get that up front before you go get a service you would get something that tells you what it costs whatever you're going to get Yeah what you got ice what the plan would pay and what you would know at the end of it and that's a proposed rule so this kicks off a 60 day comment period we don't know what it would go into effect and the administration is saying that these 2 things put together is revolutionary and could transform health care revolutionary Do you agree with that I mean how transformative would this be well it kind of depends wrote 1st we don't really know what these tools are going to look like how easy they will actually be to use 2nd what do you do with the information like is there another hospital in your town that is offering a better price if you can have a choice right exactly if there is then great this information is useful but it's not necessarily going to be useful for everyone of course there are merge and see is when you can you really can't shop around if you don't have the time right so another promise of these rules is that it will lower health care costs and that. Is a lot less clear the argument from the administration is that once patients can shop around for better prices hospitals will respond by lowering their prices to attract savvy consumers but it's not we just don't know if that's exactly how it's going to shake out when it hits the market what I think is the hospitals and insurance companies these are these 2 very powerful industries are they likely going to block these rules from going into effect they're definitely going to try to on a call with reporters this morning administration officials basically said bring it they're ready to fight for these rules in court they think they're on solid legal footing that they have the authority to make these rules and enforce them but several rules on health care that the administration has tried to put out have been tied up final rules never materialized things were withdrawn one caution a cautionary tale here is t.v. Prices in ads to remember drug companies were going to have to put the list price Yes So a judge judge blocked that and said that Health and Human Services did not have the authority to make drug makers comply we're going to have to wait and see what happens here all right that's n.p.r. Health policy reporter Selena Simmons Duffin talking about 2 new regulations the administration hopes to roll out thanks Alina thank you. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News former u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie you have on of h. Was removed from her post earlier this year by President Trump in today's impeachment hearings she said that made her feel mistreated. President Trump said that I was bad news to another world leader and that I would be going through something. To take a closer look at her testimony in Congress today that story in about 15 minutes coming up right after the headline news cast at 4 o 6. Yes you can have a great music 7 nights a week from 7 to midnight and 91.5 k. R.c.c. . N.p.r. On 91.5 k. Or c.c. Is supported locally by Spanish peaks regional health center providing comprehensive care as well as the Spanish peaks veterans community living center a retirement community for veterans and their spouses and Gold Star parents just outside of also a member more it s p r h c dot org When Attorney Kerry Goldberg broke up with her ex he threatened her stalked her and harassed her with intimate pictures 1st she got to pressed but then she fought back now fighting online abuse is her career it's so important that victims and survivors have somebody that's on their side we'll talk about her new book about online abuse that's next time on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News and that's one of the stories coming up tomorrow on all things considered you can catch the Saturday edition starting at 3 pm tomorrow here on Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station 91.5 f.m. In Colorado Springs and Pueblo 90 point one f.m. In Manitou Springs. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Audie Cornish and I'm Alpha Chang more and more people are getting sick after vaporing at least 42 people have died thousands more have been injured and as the outbreak grows suit questions about the federal government's role in regulating the cigarettes N.P.R.'s gyms are rolling reports as a high school sophomore Jaan de cheff started using of a ping product called the box maad he liked the clouds of smoke it produced me and my friends would just sit in my car and we would just we call boxing we would just pull who a lot of smoke in the car and then open the windows and we thought it was really cool to watch this but that was 6 years ago by the time you got to college a nicotine laced vaporing product called Jewel had come along it was something cool in college to have a special like party use if you're out drinking instead of smoking a cigarette the jaw Jewel was marketed as a way to help smokers transition away from cigarettes but lots of nonsmokers especially kids also took it up and an industry that didn't exist a decade ago now has some 10000000 users one reason they think has gotten such a foothold so quickly is the government's slowness to regulate it in 2009 President Obama signed something called the family smoking prevention and Tobacco Control Act The decades long effort to protect our children from the harmful effects of tobacco has emerged victorious today change has come to Washington the Law meant that the Food and Drug Administration now had the power to regulate tobacco products including the cigarettes but doing so took far longer than expected there were numerous lawsuits from big tobacco determined to slow walk the regulatory process Karen Wilson of the American Academy of Pediatrics says regulators didn't really have time to focus on vaporing I think they were still trying to grapple with the impact that tobacco. Control Act on the industry and the tobacco industry let alone trying to figure out how to manage this new business that was popping up some members of Congress complained about the inaction Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio told n.p.r. That the Obama administration was probably too cautious about taking on big tobacco and that included the new vaporing companies do more of these regulations and rules or slow walk that more young people become addicted public officials allowing to slow walk. All the Malayan results and terrible public health problems by 2016 the f.d.a. Had finally come up with a rule to regulate isa Gretz but the trumpet ministration decided to delay its implementation until 2022 Scott Gottlieb who headed the f.d.a. Then argues that there's some evidence East cigarettes can help smokers quit we know cigarettes are unsafe but we view them as less harmful than combusting tobacco because after all it's not the nicotine that causes all the death and disease from tobacco use it's the combustion it's lighting tobacco on fire Gottlieb says rushing to regulate East cigarettes too quickly can mean getting in the way of products that may legitimately hope people quit smoking a federal judge has ordered the agency to speed up the review process but that decision is being appealed that means long after the Tobacco Control Act became law the f.d.a. Is still not reviewing hundreds of aping products to determine whether they're safe Matthew Meyers is president of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids today nearly a decade after these products were 1st introduced not a single East cigarette has been reviewed for safety purposes for addiction purposes for youth abuse purposes or for efficacy in helping smokers quit and more and more people take up they ping every year one government survey said 25 percent of high school student. They've been the proceeding month and $42.00 people have died this year after vaporing they had ingested a vitamin e. Acetate often used as an additive to t.h.c. The active ingredient in marijuana Scott Gottlieb says the effort to regulate vaporing has become harder because of the immense success of jewel really what drove this was a single product that was jewel and what we didn't envision was the spike in the popularity explosive popularity of that single product partly because of Jewel they've been by teenagers had a record high this year Jewel has tried to address the criticism for example it no longer advertises in the us and it's stop selling the fruit flavored products that appeal to teenagers still Karen Wilson of the American Academy of Pediatrics says many teens have become hardcore nicotine addicts we're seeing kids that are using 4 pods a day and is the equivalent of 4 packs of cigarettes a day I mean it isn't and standing amount of nicotine that is being delivered it's products among them is yond each f. He's now a college senior and he uses jewel every day I kind of have to have it so if I don't have it then I get out of cranking so I go and had a but it just gets me back to feeling like myself and feeling normal he figures he'll try to quit after he graduates but in the meantime he says he's pretty much addicted to Jim n.p.r. News New York. The latest edition of The Big Apple Circus features plenty of gravity defying performances but there's one actor that seems absolutely brain defying to reporter Jeff Lunden I have owned cats my entire life but it never occurred to me until I went to the Big Apple Circus that you could train them to do tricks like really really impressive tricks but. This of it the cat scene craning mother and daughter team along with 9 talented. Fluff balls have cats doing slaloms through ladders jumping through hoops and scampering up a pole to a tiny platform then jumping into a pillow 20 feet below. Honestly I've never seen anything like it my name is Marina and shares with us and I'm so glad her and we are safe it's 2 cats family I met with this of it's keys along with a gorgeous white cat named Linda in a tiny cinder block basement room at Lincoln Center My mom just have a good eye as soon as. The face of the cat she already know Ok this will be a good for her and takes a lot of time and a lot of patience to train a cat but the 1st Samia should start it's a get acquainted with the cat just to observe what a cat want to early or just walking maybe a cat have like some funny way of walking so you just see me and you just a little bit cracked and improve it and it became a little tic of normal path and I'll tell you just kind of food and food until ad is doing what you want. The other part of our training it's to track not to be afraid of anything a light busy floors and all those things of the day I went to one of the cats was hesitant to do one of the tricks she cannot force cat to something unless she wanted so until she wants to not do of course Marina adds you can always tempt the recalcitrant cats with a little quid pro quo the main trait is having a lot of getting only just bad at and that a lot of like. 3 after their engagement with the Big Apple Circus the civic cats will be the halftime entertainment for the n.b.a. All star game for n.p.r. News I'm Jeff Lunden in New York. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Warner Brothers Pictures presenting the good lawyer a suspense thriller about the secrets people keep and the lies they live starring Helen Mirren and in McKellen the good liar rated are now playing only in theaters from math museum committed to building math success critical thinking and problem solving skills teaching students face to face and more than 1000 franchise locations more at math Naisi I'm dot com from of a Lera tax automation for businesses of all sizes designed to simplify sales tax compliance with real time rates and automatic filing learn more at a v.a. L.a. Are a dot com and 91.5 . The many parts groups and I'm prophets who partner with us for marketing they know our listeners are ardent supporters of the arts and likely to donate to a variety of charities to learn more call 473480159 degrees in downtown Colorado Springs add 359 thank you for tuning in for All Things Considered today we resume the program right after a break here for Headline News from n.p.r. And coming up in about 30 minutes it's the Marketplace Tech Report here on k r c c. H d Colorado Springs. Ville k w c c.f.m. Woodland Park and streaming a Keirsey c dot au r g. Now you can tune into 91.5 k. R.c.c. Without lifting a finger just down your smart speaker to tune in. Here I do have it but you're going to recognize that you're not the point is not recognize the point of order John was not recognized the 2nd full day of testimony for the public phase of the impeachment inquiry will talk about how it went down this Friday November 15th on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. I'm Elsa Chang And I'm Audie Cornish this hour the former ambassador to Ukraine Marie Ivana bitch tells her side of the story after being removed from her post and now the president real time is attacking you what effect do you think that has on other witnesses willingness to come forward and expose wrongdoing. It's very intimidating also the prices going up for visas to foreign nationals who invest in American companies cracking down on corruption and it's also ensuring investments go to places that need them the most We'll have more after these news headlines. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer President Trump says he was not trying to intimidate former Ukraine embassador Maria Vonn of h one and tweeted about her today N.P.R.'s Asia Rosco reports Trump criticized Yvonne of it as she testified before Congress about her dismissal from the trumpet ministration President Tom says he's allowed to speak his mind about the proceedings in the House impeachment inquiry you know what I was I have the right to speak I have freedom of speech just as other people do but they've taken away the Republicans rights trance we there earlier the every where you have on of it when it turned bad he said he has the right as president to remove ambassadors any time you have an image was asked about the president's tweet during her testimony she said she perceives Trump's comments as intimidating the former ambassador testified that she was dismissed from her post due to what she considers a smear campaign against her I saw Roscoe in p.r. News the White House President Obama is reacting today to the verdict in the Roger Stone case saying the conviction of his longtime friend and confidant on charges he lied to Congress is a double standard Trump saying that others who he ledges have done similar things including Hillary Clinton and f.b.i. Director James Comey have not been convicted president commented via Twitter minutes after the verdict was announced saying Didn't they like quote None have been charged stone was convicted on 7 counts including lying to lawmakers witness tampering and obstruction North Carolina's Republican controlled legislature today approved a new congressional map with the state but as you have to bury reports from member station w.u.n. See Democrats are already planning a court challenge despite being an evenly divided state politically North Carolina's congressional delegation consists of 10 Republicans and just 3 Democrats in October a panel of state judges block that map from being used in next year's election saying it violates the state constitution and unfairly helps Republicans this new map is seen as likely yielding 85 result still legislative Democrats voted against it citing a lack of.

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