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For the trial to start then that includes the government turning over all evidence it's required to give defense attorneys and lawyers for the 5 defendants say prosecutors have not been forthcoming in doing that several defense attorneys told N.P.R. They think the trial date is unrealistic and they believe Guantanamo isn't physically ready for a trial of that magnitude they say it doesn't have enough housing or office space but prosecutors have been asking for a trial date for years and say finally having one will motivate all parties to meet the deadline 2021 will mark the 20th anniversary of the attacks which killed nearly 3000 people for N.P.R. News I'm Sasha Pfeiffer the Department of Defense confirms the death of another American service member in Afghanistan during combat operations no further details have been provided the U.S. Has roughly 14000 troops in Afghanistan where the Taliban are currently in talks with the U.S. Envoy on the terms of ending America's longest war earlier this month President Trump said he had plans to reduce the number of troops in Afghanistan by more than half to about 8600 before the close the Dow was up 41 points This is N.P.R. News. Primary care doctors may be more likely to prescribe opioids when they're under a time constraint according to a new study it finds at the time of appointment and a physician schedule play a role in the physician's likelihood of prescribing opioids Rita chatter Gee has details previous studies show that primary care physicians are responsible for nearly HOF of all opioid prescriptions in the United States the new study finds that the likelihood that a primary care doctor will prescribe an opioid to a patient with a pain diagnosis goes up by 33 percent as their workday progresses and that likelihood goes up by 17 percent when the appointments run behind schedule by an hour or more this suggests that time constraints and the pressure to give a quick fix to their patients may influence a physician's decision to prescribe an opioid the findings were published in JAMA network open Reed to talk to N.P.R. News Ohio is facing a political battle over who should control massive payouts and civil lawsuits against the drug industry for the opioid epidemic months after taking office the state's attorney general Dave Yost sought control over opioid litigation arguing that his office and not local governments should be allowed to sue the drug companies and decide how money for the damages are distributed across the state earlier this week a court in Oklahoma awarded that state more than 500000000 dollars in a suit against Johnson and Johnson at the close a Dow is up $41.00 points at $26403.00 I'm Lakshmi saying N.P.R. News Support for N.P.R. Comes from N.P.R. Stations other contributors include indeed with its skills tests built for employers who want to see the deeper sense of the person behind the resume learn more and indeed dot com slash N.P.R. And the any foundation. I'm Carol Hills here with the world thanks for joining us there is an important anniversary coming up for the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong Saturday is 5 years since the Chinese government decided against fully democratic elections in the territory today authorities in Hong Kong arrested dozens of pro-democracy activists among them Joshua long and Agnes Chao Here's Chows speaking after she was released on bail and we can see very clearly that that they're reaching him and the Hong Kong government is trying to create a white Tara to try to scared Hong Kong people cannot chip participate in the social meet men and in the democratic movement in the future that we hold call people won't give up and don't be scared by bees whites have got an injustice the Hong Kong government has denied permission for another large protest tomorrow Wilson Wyoming is a Hong Kong attorney and founder of the progressive lawyers group he doubts that arresting a few prominent activists is going to do much I think that's quite doubtful because we protest now are quite leaderless in the sense that they don't depend on any prominent figures they're not led by any well known organizations so you know if the government's plan is to cut off the heads of these protests this is an extremely bad way to do it give us a sense of who Joshua Wang and Agnes Chao are in relation to these protests. Long and I guess how they were 2 of the prominent leaders in the 2014 protests the umbrella movement and they really came to prominence as leading figures in that protest and both of them have been active in the pro-democracy camp since but in the current protests you know they're actually have not been any leading figures or you know meeting organise. Asians who are at the forefront you know a lot of it is leaderless you know done in small groups done in on forums and messaging apps so the you know they're sort of you know inspiration or spiritual kind of figures you know they're there and they're definitely well known but organizationally they're definitely not you know in any sense the leader of the current protests what were Joshua Wang in Agnes Chow out charged with. They were charged with inciting and organizing and unauthorized protests this was a protest around 2 months ago when protesters surrounded the police headquarters and they have to report back to court on November 8th it's likely that it's just going to be a procedural hearing only and the actual trial if any will take place you know probably used a year from now a lot of these protests these recent protests started over the proposed extradition law that Hong Kong chief executive Kerry Lam tried to introduce and there are now reports that she actually tried to withdraw this extradition bill in the midst of these protests several weeks ago and that Beijing rejected her request does that news change anything for the protesters out there so in terms of the protesters motivation or calculus I don't think it changes much what it does do though is actually confirm you know the belief that this extradition bill was a very dangerous proposal in the 1st place because Kerry Lam argued that she would act as an effective gatekeeper behind any extradition request coming from Beijing but the latest news you know saying that she can't even withdraw a bill without their approval I think puts a lot of doubt on that initial denial the under arrest that has rocked Hong Kong these protests they've made last 2 weeks now how long can this continue I mean what's next in your mind obviously a lot of it is quite fluid and no one I don't think anyone on either side could have predicted that they lasted as long as they did so it's a bit of you know guesswork how long they will last but at the moment it doesn't seem like the momentum is dropping and the longer it lasts the. The more things occur that arrange the protesters you know such as more and more instances of brutality and now we get you know these mass arrests so you know at the moment it doesn't seem like the momentum is dropping Wilson laong is a lawyer and founder of the progressive lawyers group in Hong Kong thanks for speaking with us thank you so much ever since the large scale Hong Kong protests began in June this question keeps coming up will Beijing send in the troops nothing like that has happened yet but the Chinese government is most certainly working to thwart this protest movement one way it's doing that is by putting pressure on companies to penalize employees who participate on Kong's flagship airline Cathay Pacific is one of those companies more than a dozen people say they were let go this month for their involvement in the protest movement of course the work as a shock and the ferry scared Carol Ning is the chairwoman of the Hong Kong confederation of trade unions it's working with some of the unionized employees who were fired she says the dismissal started when China's Aviation Authority got word that Cathay employees were out protesting and then issued new rules targeting the company they require Cathay Pacific to cease and the past and now is to fly into about China if they participate saying in any illegal protests the 2nd row 8 say they just meets a list of a cabin crew and pilots before any particular flights operates usually the airlines decimates about 2 hours before the flight the Pasha but now they require them to submit this lists one day before hand so that 2nd one in terms of submitting names of employees who be on these flights you know the day before as opposed to a few hours is that presumably so the CAC can can look into who these people are and whether they've been participating in the protests I praye same yes do you know whether any Cathay Pacific employees have been fired. Over things they've posted on their social media accounts yes they did most off the employees Telus says they will be shown to you to free pictures from their personal Facebook accounts and the many just in from last demo I asked them to identify it and just yes or no from your own Facebook and then once they say yes and yes for 2 different pitches then immediately demanded just say OK according to company procedures we are now firing you now to your knowledge when employees are being let go are they explicitly being told it was because of their participation in the protests no none of the cases getting a reason they simply told by the company that we can not tell you the reason Cafe is a private company and it's at the mercy of the regulators were in operates China included so it wants to be on good terms with the government there what about the argument that the company has to make decisions that are good for business this is how they saying it and if they still are saying that they are following a local orse in order to fire people but if you get to terminate such you need to be initiated as a to subpoena or a procedure but there isn't any cases showing there was any just a pain to recheck in place so it is always need a company just simply flick the fingers and tell people I'm fine you know but a but are any of the employees that you know of challenging it and all of them are ready to challenge it legally and where we start to file the case as soon as possible. Are you hearing from people in other industries who are feeling the same pressures as Cathay employees Oh yes yes that's us off our different a phoenix come back to tell us 1st of all. Those working in the governments they are asking anyone who was but dissipating in the last general strike was 5th of August the department has you need to report how many people were absent and also some accounting company. They also asking people anyone was absent on the last general strike and need to submit state numbers off each department or the name that or who was participates in it so quite a lot off the pressure in different industries from their bosses Carol Ning is the chairwoman of the Hong Kong confederation of Trade Unions thanks so much for speaking with us thank you very much. Far far north inside the Arctic Circle there's a cluster of icy Islands an archipelago Franz Josef Franz Josef land it's called the place is only 560 miles away from the North Pole but people do travel there the journey from Russia's northern coast takes 3 days by sea and this week they opened a new tourist center on Hooper island it's part of France Joseph land Russian officials want to attract more tourists to the Arctic region and today the very 1st cruise ship arrived on her island for a visit and her company cannot is with the Russian Arctic National Park She joins us from our Con goofs or Archangel in northern Russia Alexander So if you land on hooker island you get off your ship that brought you there can you just wander around or do you need a guide where you can just walk around by yourself but not everywhere because we try not to affect. Their bull at the cistern in the Arctic so for this reason all were in place they create a whole network old ecological boss our own reached tourists walk around are there many polar bears I mean we're talking about the Arctic. The main goal for the Russian Arctic National Park Rangers is to protect tourists from polar bear us of course even there is a polar bear there will be no landing tourists won't be able to hold a shore they will stay on the board or who they're. So the guides keep an eye out for polar bears and make sure that the tourists don't encounter one yeah. That's right so it's late August what's the weather like right now on who cry and. The weather can change any moment now I guess it's about 2 degrees above 08 not too windy the sun is not shining by the way that is fine the sound mind that it's not to the common sound that we're going to mention there's still snow but you can also see flowers green wasis So it's different. Has climate change or perhaps better technology made it easier for people to travel to these remote areas in the Arctic. I would say but it acknowledges but anyway while approaching doesn't ask will the C.I. Scan be SOL theek that the vessel will have to go back and find it and your way so we must always remember that we are guests in the Arctic and it can be wary unfriendly you're involved in the education side of the Russian Arctic National Park What are you trying to teach the public about the Arctic today. Our main goal is to. Share the information Obama with a nucleus of our territories because from Joseph land it uses a unique territory it's differs because of its remoteness its severe climate because tourists come to their arctic trying to excuse a per their everyday stress and as they can find amazing animals and birds that can be found only here for bears of course. Also Waller says are both good whales seals arctic fox not of all seats seen both of our park in Iraq it is also cold there as a unicorn or the sea tourist can just to listen to the sounds how their eyes break a cracks their eyes it's really amazing for you personally Alexandra what's your interest in the Arctic I mean did you grow up in northern climate and where does your passion for this subject come from I was so born you know again Jill and I have lead here for the whole life and my personal interest in their Arctic is that I'm real proud of that territory every time I see photos videos it makes me really happy that we were able to preserve the uniqueness of these territory I personally I will try to do my best to just to let people know that these territory exists and we must preserve it. Alexander is the head of the environmental education and tourism department for the Russian Arctic National Park thanks a lot for speaking with us thank you. This is the world. What makes a song and. I. Joined. That unites challenges and celebrates our American identity the American anthem the special from N.P.R. Labor Day's American anthem Monday the 2nd at 11 am we can be with you wherever you need as your phones get the 91.5. Free as Google Play and in the. Programming on $91.00 K. Or C. C. Is supported by Civa charter school a small award winning college prep program which emphasizes the arts Seaver charter school is currently enrolling for the school year visit Civa charter school dot org to learn more. I'm Carol Hills this is the world in the U.K. One of the fastest growing demographics in the workforce is women over 50 and that includes women going through menopause but there's a stigma attached to talking about men a pass at the office now some members of parliament want to change that they're introducing a proposal to create workplace protections for women going through menopause Deborah Garlock is the founder of hen picked a website for women over 40 in the U.K. She's been working with companies on policies to accommodate employees experiencing symptoms of menopause the symptoms that women tell us affects the most it we're all more on the psychological side insomnia difficulty sleeping of course. Anxiety and were a problems with recall with hot flashes coming in there but primarily they psychological symptoms what kind of policies should in your view be put in place by employers to make their workplaces more friendly to women going through menopause talking to one of the castell says one of the policies that they have in place all recently just minutes as we call them is and the police officer could have a late shift Jaring that day so they could look at shift patterns and if you'll a woman is having problems with temperature control she may be issued with a a desk fan or a immobile fan to enable us to cool down and actually looking at uniforms and checking to see that their men was friendly are they made the right snap brake are they cutting the right way can you give if and manifold garment if they need it so that they can have more changes Gerri in the day or the week what are the consequences of workplaces not making these adjustments because I think it's fair to assume most workplaces don't significant research says that one in 4 women can sit as leaving work as a result of their experience and indeed U.K. You mentioned at the beginning the same medical So women are the fastest growing worked. Course demographic organizations Concha forward to lose talent a star a difficult to replace talent when it's a shrinking talent or when you're an aging population Deborah Garlock is the head of men a pause in the workplace and founder of the women's website hand-picked She's been speaking to us from Nottingham England thanks a lot. In Indian controlled Kashmir unprecedented restrictions on freedoms have been in place now for $26.00 days since the government of India unilaterally withdrew the region's semi autonomous status authorities have arrested as many as $3000.00 people and includes high profile politicians lawyers journalists and protestors India claims its actions are preemptive and designed to maintain law and order in India's only Muslim majority state with a near communications blackout and a ban on all non Indian journalists entering Kashmir information about what has been happening on the ground has been slow to emerge the B.B.C.'s Samir Hashmi has been inside Kashmir and brings us the story of night raids and brutal beatings. Friday prayers at the local mosque despite a heavy security clampdown several Muslims in this village have assembled here. We are in south to shear to investigate disturbing allegations of beatings and torture of come to a village which is 30 minutes away from the main city of Indian administrate Kashmir Cian ago I'm going to meet the 2 brothers and they have something to tell me. Funny woman I'm so mad and I can't stop soon right as I walk into the house they invite me to their living room like all the people we spoke to they're too scared to reveal their identities they tell me on the 1st day of the crackdown so I just came banging on the door. Going in and they were pulled out of their beds and asked what names of people who told stories on the security forces in a regular occurrence in Kashmir both were allegedly hit with the rods and cables for 2 of those short as their injuries. We would asking them what have we done you can ask the villagers along with the push. To beat every part of my body when we fainted Biggie was shocked to bring us back to consciousness. They put mud in our mouths they said Do not scream Do not scream Why are you screaming they did not give us any reason I told them Do not beat us just shoot us I was asking God to take me because the daughter was on bureau but. In the same neighborhood I meet another man who was allegedly tortured on the same night still in shock he shows me pictures of bruises on his leg he believes he was targeted because he's a Muslim. Or they pulled my beard so hard I felt like my feet would come out then when I became unconscious one of the boys told me that he tried to burn my beard but then someone in the army stopped him. And said. We are told that 13 men from the village were allegedly tortured that night these incidents were happening previously as well Burd the frequency of these occurrences these events are increase addressed fully since we spoke to a group of young men who believe the edge excesses by the security forces will deepen further the mistrust between the locals and the Indian state it's only to create fear among the people nothing else and if they start beating the people like the within they're doing right now I think it will because if we have if you see the history people who have been beaten by the army did literal pick up the guns we put these claims to the army who responded with a written statement the allegations are baseless and unsubstantiated The Indian Army has not manhandled any civilians as alleged security forces operate strictly to ensure safety and security of civilians the Indian army is a professional organization that understands and respects human rights. And Kashmir has been mired in conflict for decades it's one of the most militarized zones in. Many Kashmiris want independence and since 1990 there has been an insurgency. Gives the Indian state. In many parts of this region there is huge sympathy for the militant groups seen as freedom fighters I've come to a cemetery here in a village called. And at the symmetry there are 16 people that are bloodied and all of them died fighting the Indian military the whole symmetry is coord with garlands and there's also a sign on the wall it says freedom fighters of Goodie Mob odds if you kilometers away I meet a man who has a broken leg he says his brother is a member of a band militant group the soldiers allegedly wanted information from him about his brother who visits the family sometimes you don't. Know I held both my hands out and they tied them and my legs as well they hung me upside down they beat me a lot for about $22.00 and a half hours. There have been clashes protesters and security forces in some neighborhoods locals throw stones on the security forces troops fired tear gas and let bullets. There's a backlash against the government's decision to revoke the region's semi autonomous status but many people across the rest of India have welcomed the decision and praised prime minister moody for the bold move and the government says they are gradually lifting some of the restrictions in Kashmir but Internet and mobile phones remain shut down. Or has been virtually cut off from the rest of the world for almost a month now and anger is growing. The B.B.C.'s Samir Hashmi reporting from Kashmir. This is the world. 400 years ago this summer the 1st in slave Africans arrived in what is now the United States one family in Virginia believes it can trace its ancestors back to the 1st slave ship we've got America we've got this culture of just well for free labor we've got the capital we have to invent it so many things so many resources that everybody use every day there's story this afternoon on ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from N.P.R. News All Things Considered today at 3 30 pm. A seminar for mental health care providers based on mammy's provider education course promoting collaboration with clients and family members takes place at Colorado Springs for information on this can be found on the community counter link at CARE. Returns to the paddy Jewett neighborhood on Sunday the 14th of September 3 bands 3 porches and one awesome neighborhood by now more at our website. I'm Steven Hayward and this is a day in the life for Aug 30. Was On this day in 1903 that the 1st episode of The Late Show With David Letterman premiered on C.B.S. Letterman had decided to come to C.B.S. After a much publicized and bitter dispute over who would take over The Tonight Show when N.B.C. Decided to give the show to Jay Leno. What made more Letterman's response was to move to a new network and venue the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York. My hat's. Greatest living American here is the man I am. After winning a number of arguments about who owned what intellectual property put him in did take the stage his 1st musical guest was none other than Billy Joel honored to have him as our very 1st musical guest ladies and gentlemen the Billy Joe. Played no man's land in a river of trees and afterwards he talked about how it was his mother who made him take piano lessons but that his 1st real introduction to popular music came while watching television. One evening in 1964 then William Martin Jol was watching the Ed Sullivan Show when a foursome from Liverpool took the stage Joel was never the same afterwards almost exactly 30 years later Joe found himself on that same stage in that same theme. And who knows who might have been watching that. And the rest as they say is history. This is. Real food from local farms and ranches to Colorado Springs retail locations. And 4635 Town Center Drive online ordering available direct dot com. I'm Carol Hills this is the world where a co-production of the B.B.C. World Service W G.B.H. P.R.I. And P.R. X. People on the island of Puerto Rico are breathing easier today the eye of Hurricane Dorian passed them by but it's now making its way to Florida where people are nervously prepping for what's to come the U.S. National Hurricane Center upgraded Dorian to a Category 3 storm this afternoon and described it as an extremely dangerous major hurricane during the last big hurricane Erma fears of ID checks at Florida shelters lead some immigrants to be reluctant to seek help storms are ripe for misinformation to pull the money else is working to counter all of that in a very old fashioned way a phone hotline. But to get Mother I really get the big beat up when you feel and we get him to 40 thank you for calling the border Immigrant Coalition hotline. It was happy to know he got he got quite a bit and are going to leash and we're giving information in Spanish to English in Creole which is a lot of the communities that are in Florida that are specifically also in South Florida and are areas monos is with the Florida Immigrant Coalition in Miami the groups general hotline is kicking into high gear as during it approaches the Florida coast I mean message is for them to know that they have rights and that they're able to still acquire resources and safety you know there's a lot of misinformation that goes out there and a lot of fear which is very ballad due to the current environment so we definitely want to make sure that folks know that you know their homes are not safe for this type of hurricane that you know there's places that they could go they're still allowed to go to shelters they shouldn't be asked for I.D.'s and just making sure that you know they're also preparing in the best way for the storm what kind of calls are you getting on the hotline from immigrants. It's always you know the fear right like where are places that are safe for us to go to right without being harassed by authorities without being harassed about their status it's very warranted in this day and then Vironment that we have and so making sure that they do have refuge during this moment that they're connected to resources and also in different languages as well what's the kind of misinformation that you're trying to correct when you talk to immigrants who call him you know in the past when we had there was a share that I switch be in the shelters and that they would be asking for information so that's something that we're trying to counter because it affects a lot of communities you know it it it could be the difference between someone getting really harmed by the storm and so that's something we're countering and making sure that you know we are getting any reports if they are any sites of ice in the shelters which there should not be ice actually mentioned in our article this morning that they're not going to be operating during the hurricane but we're also making sure that we're prepared so people can report these things. What was your experience during Hurricane our mom and what were you concerned about. So during Hurricane. A lot of the things that we were concerned about was definitely like food deserts right like the communities that don't have a lot of resources and who are particularly mostly like you know like a lot of them are immigrant communities where you know there are people that were not coming out to seek aid or they weren't knowledgeable of like the different resources and access to information so that was a huge concern which is why we did a lot of door knocking is and a lot of us like you know we were paying from our own pocket like buying the food on the ground and so like this time around we're trying to be more prepared poem own house is an organizer with the Florida Immigrant Coalition in Miami thanks a lot Paula thank you so much another person who's getting ready for the hurricane is Nancy I'm a tear with the new Florida majority She's in Fort Lauderdale helping to staff a volunteer center. Pella Hi Nancy it's Carol Hills in Boston I How are you so Nancy How's it going what are you up to well we are getting ready and making sure that our folks we'll say from prepared for this hurricane right now we're at the community of the operation center and sure that we're ready stocked up. Scribed for us what it's like visualize where you are and what's going on right now we are. Getting ready setting up we have a few volunteers folks here standing in line trying to get some information from our US and what does your center look like Describe it for us it's an old museum is a historical museum it's hot the old yellow museum you were fortunate enough to partner with this organization so give us some space provide some storage and also serve as a community after the storm are there immigrants at your center and are they concerned at all about how they might access resources and get help some are some are very wary somewhat Don't tell us there are other immigrants they prefer not to because they don't want to be targeted you know I'm a dissent so folks who come up. Missing crew Yahoo groups who have a conversation with them and some people are just scared they don't want to tell you there is that is because they don't want to you don't want to be faced with the fear of being deported so if your center is an all volunteer operation is that yes it's a grassroots led and it was actually sparked after her. Where government really didn't show up for our unit so what happened was unity member stepped up to make out there said hey we're no longer we are government and we're going to step in because we strongly believe that our 1st responders. How many volunteers do you have at the moment you have. The sponsor right now but after hurricane armor we had roughly $500.00. And that was. Nancy Metairie speaking to us from Fort Lauderdale where she's preparing to help immigrants and other vulnerable groups in the community thank you so much thank you for having me but by late last week 17 year old Ismail a job from Lebanon flew into Logan Airport here in Boston he came to study at Harvard but he didn't make it to classes Delano Franklin from the Harvard Crimson student newspaper told the B.B.C. What happened to a job after you know formal passport checks in a round of questioning he says that an immigration officer detained him for around 5 hours and searched through his phone and his laptop and searched through social media accounts after that that same immigration officer told him that they would be canceling his visa and that he would have to be deported Ajai told the crimson he was sent back to Lebanon because U.S. Border officials saw posts by his friends on social media opposing the U.S. So just how far can border officials go when they're questioning people at American ports of entry. Is the legal and policy director at the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee I asked him whether non-citizens entering the U.S. Can refuse to answer certain questions or refuse to give up their phones you know that's the most common scenario the most common question we get it seems of course you can refuse but just know that I mean we eat into you being delayed or held up at the airport and most likely not be made it into the U.S. This is very problematic and that's what raises concerns with us we've heard more and more reports like the case of the Harvard student where immigration officials are asking questions about people social media posts are they actually allowed to do that yes they are and keep in mind that now when you apply for that ask questions about your social media accounts and your social media activity now there are. Getting into those accounts or going through phones to try to build a profile the question of again whether or not it's allowed to happen we know it is happening and absent litigation absent a rule change it's going to continue happening the case of the harbor student is unique because we heard of it it reached media and it went viral so people heard of the case but every day we're dealing with situations involving travelers and valving non-citizen holders coming into the U.S. With a refer student or medical treatment who are asked about a picture received their message received in whatsapp or a Facebook post or you know I retreat and there is the basis for not admitting them into the US what our immigration authorities looking for when they come through people's social media posts ensure the officers looking for information determine whether or not the person's miscible Now if the person is posting about committing a terror attack or causing harm on the US or inflicting harm they make that determination and say OK this person is not a lot to answer but now we're in a gray area and what we feel is the Arab or Muslim travelers are held to a different standard you know if somebody is posting comments that they dislike Trump or they dislike an American policy does that make them inadmissible if somebody posts something that's pro palestinian and they have the Palestinian flag does that make them admissible as compared to somebody who posts something about being pro Israel the big issue we're seeing is with the whatsapp mustn't service Personally I don't consider what's episodes will be a service and if anybody has been in a whatsapp group you know things get forwarded you get added to groups you don't know what was in there and sometimes people have all dolled of acceptable somebody sends a picture in a whatsapp it gets stored on your phone so the danger is we're going down into policing thought policing free speech and we don't have a clear indication of what C.B.P. Is working for so they can interpret the information any way each officer sees fit they're acting on their own volition directing under their own will and these cases are happening daily the Harvard is it is not isolated incident do things change bait. East on where a non-citizen is being questioned I mean would you have different advice for someone entering an airport versus a border checkpoint for example things change under 2 circumstances one D's rules on paper apply to everybody what we're seeing Arab and Muslims how to different standards for admissibility So the 1st determination the 1st thing that says if you're an Arab or Muslim and you're coming here you can anticipate a harder more difficult time from the C.B.P. Officer and your information will be interpreted differently the 2nd thing is correct each point of entry is going to be different we don't have such guidelines of parameters for these offices there are some airports that we see more problems out of Boston Logan has historically shown to have more problems and more issues for our community meaning Logan Airport here in Boston tell us more Arabs and Muslims and other guests Yes So it does matter where you're flying into and it doesn't matter where you're flying from is there one piece of advice that you have for people for non-citizens who are seeking to enter the U.S. At an airport be truthful under applications be truthful to the officer Don't be afraid to answer the questions but don't feel compelled and as far as your cell phone clear out whatsapp clear out some of the applications before you enter so they're not being scrutinized by the officer and it's unfortunate we have to say this we're firm believers in 1st Amendment right we're firm believers in people having the ability to speak freely post on Facebook and not worry about replications at the border but unfortunately the way the rules are you have to take into account that these officers are going to weigh this information so delete it before coming to the U.S. But I you with the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee which is based in D.C. Thanks thank you I appreciate the time. The peace agreement in Colombia that brought an end to more than 50 years of war is now on the line yesterday leaders from the fark rebels put out a call to arms and today the come in government said it care. A military operation in the south of the country that killed 9 dissident Fark rebel fighters It was only 3 years ago that the fark signed a peace deal with the government but that agreement is under threat along with the country's newfound stability Maria and the wills over gone is a professor at the University of Los Angeles in Colombia She's also a government researcher and has documented the history of the conflict Maria you're in Colombia right now what does this moment feel like I mean what are people in Colombia saying I think there is a great sense of grief from people who really believed in peace in the peace process in court all the situation is quite complex and the process is facing threats not only by the members of the gridlock who said yes that they were going back to arms but also for the government who has and being pro active in putting into life the ECK ward that was signed in the last government I know you were one of the only women involved in this peace process between far and the coming government did you ever imagine that any further pleaders were going to renege on this I mean did you even well this is part of all let me clear my role in the peace negotiations I was not part of the negotiation team I was called up on because the far Kenda government decided to have a commission who had to write the history of the conflict in court on yet so I came as an academic not as a negotiator into up on are many of the negotiators from the government me you know that you already have in these peace agreements this it that it's you on rice calculate a number of people who go back into war and according to the numbers and percentages included on yet we are with being the norm but I want to ask you as somebody who follow the peace process. Closely you as an academic conducted research for the process where do you stand on this I know there are very strong and really contrast in feelings in Colombia about how to deal with the fark or former members I mean present even Duca is a hard liner on this a weird Where do you think that actually where do you stand on this 1st of all I'm very critical of what. I think he took the wrong this issue not the wrong time these building is very difficult peace process has always faced challenges always so that this session of the far can be backed up by the argument that the states then come up with the right sort will showing his order wasn't involved enough in the peace process we knew that he was going to be difficult so I really think that the grid as the commanders of the fark are going against many people who went to the streets to the fat and the cord and to the centerpiece practically at this point because of what happened yesterday and even Marcus former Frank leader renewing a call for arms is Colombia now back in a state of war at this point. No I wouldn't say so I think that the peace process and more I do agree with the statement the negotiation team from President Santos Juan Manuel Santos the former president of Colombia what they said is that these negotiation is a process that you can't go back to we do have problems of violence include all media but we're not back in square one arms and politics are a combination that do not resonate as it did resonate in the sixty's or seventy's Ingo long Get it doesn't have the resonance that it had before it doesn't have the late Jade Timoci as it had before Maria Emma will is over gone is a professor at the University of Law Sundays in Columbia thanks for speaking with us thank you so much for inviting me here with the world the world is supported by new whose yellow green and red approach to categorizing food helps you make better meal choices with the goal of losing weight and keeping it off for good learn more at new and O.O.M. Dot com And by Hint water hint is pure still or sparkling water infused with a variety of fruit essences including watermelon Black Berry and cherry no sugar no sweeteners no calories available in your local grocery store or at Drink hint dot com hint mouthwatering water. Big tag is everywhere these days there is pressure for government regulation the big question though is how to do it because there are going to be many regulations that might make sense for Facebook or Google or for giants that are just going to stifle the next I'm car Ryssdal One size of tech rules does not necessarily fit all. The market for the. Marketplace today at 3 and 6 30 pm. N.P.R. On 91.5. Locally by 91.5 underwriters who realize the benefit of reaching 91.5 listeners for more info on your business underwriting with. 71947301. I'm Carol Hills this is the world pop eyes chicken ruffled some feathers this week like no. Condolences to anybody who didn't get one but hey all publicity is good publicity the incident generated an estimated $23000000.00 in free advertising for Popeye's that's significant for the fast food chains rivalry with places like Chick fil A CHICK FIL A claims they created the chicken sandwich as we know it back in the 1940 S. Since then the American delicacy if you will has become a global culinary phenomenon the chicken sandwich sits along others like Italian pasta dishes Korean kimchi and the Mexican taco They're all part of a global market explored in a new study on cuisine trade patterns how different cuisines rank in the global food chain Joel wall Fogel is an economist at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management and he authored the study Professor Walt Fogle What prompted you to look into the world's top cuisine export or are you a foodie I do like food like many people but my interest here stems from an interest I have in cultural products generally mostly movies books television and music what prompted me to look at cuisine was just it occurred to me that while the usual audio visual cultural products are the main ones that people talk about think about cuisine it one word to view it as a cultural product is actually enormous compared to those others so what did you find out which cuisines are popular which is in some sense which cuisines are quote export and this isn't literally exports I mean went to Germany to challenge food in Germany there really isn't an export from Italy to Germany less some tomatoes or you know olive oil got exported but the popular cuisines by the export measure are talian and Japanese Chinese Mexican the U.S. Actually quite popular as well but there's a different notion a notion of the net exports so it tell you that food and Japanese food have 2 characteristics they're both very popular outside of the home countries but what's also true is that non. Italian food isn't very popular in Italy and non Japanese food isn't very popular in Japan so they have cuisines that export well but they have domestic populations that don't seem to want to import very much and what are some countries that are different in that respect the United States is a very Epicurious country we have a lot of non U.S. Food available and consumed in the U.S. The same is true for Actually most of the angle shown countries which don't tend to be known for their cuisines I was curious how you defined American cuisine in your study because so much of American cuisine is really Christine from various immigrant groups that have come here I gave credit to almost area typical origin countries I'm not going to call tacos American even though I think they are in some sense as American as is pizza as is pasta but I think it's only fair to give those to Mexico and Italy respectively in some of what people elsewhere call Italian food I think Italians wouldn't probably define as Italian food if there were property rights over this and I'm not suggesting there should be but suppose there were royalties required I do suspect then that the Italians would claim pizza in a way that they might otherwise not want to claim it as Italian and what countries have the least popular cuisine in terms of having exported or eaten in other countries there are certainly some countries that are noted industrial powers that don't seem to export much so I'm thinking here about countries like Germany some of the countries are countries that 50 years ago were thought to have incredibly bad food but it's their importer embrace of other cultures cuisines that have made them now interesting places to eat I entirely agree a country that does a lot of net export here has bragging rights but no additional benefit domestically really the huge beneficiaries here are consumers in countries who get access to this wealth and variety of food without having to pay anything but the cost of labor and materials for them so where was your methodology how do you can figure the found Ideally I'd be a fly on the wall in every kitchen or dining room across the world instead I use Trip Advisor data to get the distribution of restaurants across cuisines and then I use data from a data source called Euro monitor for the volume of spending in restaurants in 50. Countries around the world so this is not exactly scientific but what do you think you can conclude from the study I think one thing one can conclude is really just about bragging rights as just kind of fun but I think another thing to think about is this general attitude about cultural hegemony there's a concern about the anguish on countries in the U.S. That actually prompts a lot of policy in Europe and other places for example subsidies to domestic production of movies quotas for domestic radio airplay of domestic art but it's not a one size fits all story if you look across a variety of cultural products you see different countries being quote dominant in different products and in the U.S. Is surely even if a big deal in movies and in software surely not a big deal in terms of cultural influence in food Joel wild Fogel is an economist at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management his latest paper is called Dining out as cultural trade Thanks a lot Joe You're very welcome. When some people decide to get more conscious about what they eat they go vegetarian and a big reason why is the environmental impact but have you considered your dog's diet it's estimated that up to 20 percent of the meat produced globally is eaten by pets some pet food companies have a solution for that they're using insect protein instead. And 6 Simon Doherty is with the British Veterinary Association I think there's a really exciting future for the use of insects and pet food there's a fantastic opportunity here to look at insights as providing an alternative source of some of the nutrient ingredients that we use in our and a pet food diet is B.B.C. Reporter Roger hare of been visited a factory run by protests a Dutch company that manufactures insect flour for pet food Here's what he saw they've got a tank about one and a half times as big as an Olympic swimming pool full of black soldier flies and that takes up about a 3rd of the plant is to 2 thirds of the plant left and that is full of Charley's full of wriggling seizing grubs sure that may not sound appetising but insects have their benefits they require a fraction of the feed water and land needed to raise cattle or other livestock insect protein also solves an ethical problem as one pet owner tells the B.B.C. It appeals to me because I'm on a big and I have to wrestle with the fact that I have to literally kill animals to feed my dog so there's a vision for the future one day we might just be living in a dog eat bug world. Food is one way the Nordic band spear comes together Younes Lenell drummer for The group says when the band gets ready to record a new album they meet up to hang out their meals together and sit and play and yes beer is involved how relaxed and homey atmosphere for the 5 members of spirit is important because none of them live in the same city to live in Norway the other 3 are scattered across Sweden every couple of years when the group accords new. They live together like sphere will be touring the U.S. Next month I suppose it will be one big family road trip music from their latest album Reverie take us out today from the studios at. Boston I'm Carol Hills Have a safe Labor Day weekend we're back with you on Monday. The world is supported by the. Group. The Rose family fund and Kathy Chan. 2020 including. The family fund. Of the Dallas foundation. In memory of water Connelly. Fund for environmental. Clues the Grantham foundation for the protection of the environment supporting the operative approach to solving our critical environmental problems can. The world see music is composed. The world is a coproduction of. The B.B.C. World Service P.R.I. And. High. Point. For the mountain west we. Date from. Politics and much more. MORNING EDITION. Or visit. And let us know what. Programming on $91.00 K. R.C.C. Is supported by. An inspired tacos on the C.C. Campus like a Mahi with. Green. Readers to be enjoyed on the patio. This is southern. Colorado Springs. W.C.C. Woodland Park. Marketplaces supported by personal capital introducing a new high yield account personal capital cash f.d.i.c insured learn more in personal capital dot com slash cash last week of August you think it'd be pretty calm right. Think began from American Public Media this is MARKETPLACE. 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In Los Angeles I'm car result Friday the 13th of August is always to be a long everybody I am honestly not sure how much more you need in any given week than the Fed getting dragged into politics another step up in the trade war and economic growth coming in lower than people had expected but we got all that this week and even some more so let's figure out what the one genius mileages at the New York Times Keith Davidson's the Wall Street Journal they are both in our bureau in Washington everybody like I said you know let me start with you and the Fed and politics just to recap the Bill Dudley the former president of the New York Federal Reserve which is to say he was a big deal inside monetary policy and the Fed came out with an op ed this week in which he said number one the Fed should not an able president trumps trade war and he said in the last paragraph which is really the kicker look Fed I think you need to think about the 20000 elections when you're thinking about your policy stance what do you think Bill Dudley who knows better than anybody the reverence of Federal Reserve independence what was he thinking. That is the question. I think the Fed watches to be honest with you yeah I think you know up and up until that last paragraph you kind of read it and it made sense with what others have said with what analysts have said you know there is this feeling out on Wall Street that maybe the Fed is enabling this trade while that the Fed itself likes to distance itself very much from that view but then you get to that last paragraph and this idea that the Fed should be thinking about politics as it sets monetary policy and that is just something completely divorced from what the Fed itself will tell you is the way it sets policy at very much focuses on inflation and employment and chirp L. Says every time somebody asks him about one of the president's tweets Kate he says I'm going to do my job and we've got you know 2 things worried about inflation and stable prices do you think Kate Davidson that Bill Dudley did harm to the Fed and that's because frankly I'm waiting for a presidential tweet here honestly I'm I'm shocked we haven't seen I am too and I think frankly it's hard to see how the op ed helped the Fed in any way I think that right the Fed The Fed is going to generally and this happens any time there's an economic downturn the Fed usually gets blamed for it so I'm not sure that you know stepping back and refusing to quote unquote enable the trade war is going to really protect the Fed in some way from the ACA.

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