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Terms of children who died there have been pressing the Irish government to authorize an excavation. Israeli officials believe that a lightning storm accidentally triggered Palestinian militant rocket fire from Gaza which escalated tensions in the area last week one of the missiles badly damaged a house in the Israeli city of Beer Sheva Israel retaliated with airstrikes on Gaza and a Palestinian was killed. The French government designs plans to ban electric scooters on pavement the transport minister Elisabet born to Parliament she would create a new category of motorized vehicle to take in all scooters skateboards segues and similar forms of transport She said the government couldn't let devices that can reach speeds of 30 kilometers an hour pedestrians at risk some 50000 of them were sold in France last year mostly to middle aged men b.b.c. News. Hello and welcome to News Hour from the b.b.c. World Service We're coming to you live from London I'm Paul Henley today there's more pressure from all corners on Saudi Arabia to provide a full and frank account of the killing of Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul as Crown Prince Mohammed billed bin Selman opens a major investment conference in Riyadh also today we'll have a report from our correspondent all a Garin in Yemen's water one port of her data that's if you want to take the children often don't hire a day as the youngest have never tasted and most of the time we survive on the bread and plus in an unprecedented rebuff to the Italian government Italy's budget is rejected by the European Commission and we'll hear from the United Nations Refugee Agency about the support they provide to thousands of Central American migrants walking through Mexico at the moment towards the United States border that's coming up in about half an hour 1st pressure is still mounting on Saudi Arabia following its admission that the journalist Jamal Khashoggi died at the hands of its staff inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul the g 7 group of the world's richest countries is now demanded a full account of what happened to Mystic Ashaji making it clear they don't believe Saudi explanations so far and in what was billed as a big speech in Istanbul today the Turkish president regift type earlier one said there was strong evidence to show that Mr Khashoggi had been savagely murdered in a planned operation in the speech to members of his a k party in the Turkish parliament Mr Irwin said a plan to kill Mr Cash algae had been hatched after an earlier visit to the consulate in which the journalist was told to return in a few days' time but that it was then stumble budget rules will not there was a 1st visit to the consulate. Saudi Arabia in Istanbul this visit by Chris Shug served to inform the team that organized and planned his murder that's what we understand that a plan a road map was launched at that time our security correspondent Frank Gardner told me what today's g. 7 demand meant it shows that there is a major discrepancy between the Saudi version and where the Saudis think they've got to with this hoping to put an end to all the speculation that this leads back to the crown prince for example to Crown Prince Mohammed bin someone and where most of the g 7 nations lie on this now president trumps position is rather hard to divine to work out exactly where it is because he's blown hot and cold between saying there will be serious consequences if Saudi Arabia the state is behind this but at the same time saying well we shouldn't really cancel 110000000000 dollar arms deal and the u.s. Jobs at risk here plus Saudi Arabia is a big important strategic ally all of which is true but European nations specifically Britain France and Germany are saying sorry this just isn't good enough the Saudi explanation does not hold water Canada Likewise saying this and that we're not going to let this rest and what did you think of the photographs in Riyadh of Mohammed bin Selma shaking hands with mystical Shakti son I dread to think what was going through the son's mind at that point because. He's in a very awkward position there he is inside a Rabia a country where people can be locked up for a tweet he's got to be incredibly careful he could not have been deaf to people saying or at least reading all the accounts that point the finger of blame at the very man holding out his hand to him with condolences and yet he's playing along with it and saying Ok I accept this and you know we are patriotic Saudis and of course they are being very much paraded by Saudi state media as and look even the family is on our side and is keen to get to the bottom of this so there's a major p.r. Exercise going on here by the Saudi leadership to try and distance or ring fence Crown Prince Mohammed bin some man from any association with this now skeptics or say well hang on a 2nd you know this plot was hatched from from right from within the the very core of the security and intelligence apparatus which he runs so the idea that he's going to oversee some root and branch revamp of intelligence is is putting the fox in charge of the him and in his speech the Turkish president talked about the king didn't he any as if to deflect blame and he did build that speech as the one that would reveal the naked truth it didn't quite did it I think you're being very generous that to the Turkish president it didn't reveal a great all it revealed really was this is where President is actually where his mindset is and that clearly he believes that this was a preplanned premeditated operation but he's playing a tricky power game isn't it of course years because you know the way to see this is against the backdrop of a much bigger power struggle across the Middle East member that you know not that long ago historically Turkey was the major power right across the Middle East it was the Caliphate until 1900 there were Turkish Garrison's way down in Yemen for example right across the Arabian Peninsula and Turkey Saudi a. Maybe as its opponent in this power struggle clearly right Very much so because you've got on one side Turkey Iran and Qatar as allies and on the other you've got the the Sunni monarchies plus plus Egypt so you've got Saudi Arabia Bahrain u.a.e. And Egypt and they are diametrically opposed to each other the ones I've just mentioned don't like the Muslim Brotherhood they've banned it they see it as an existential threat to their rule Turkey's ruling party is very much tied up with the Muslim Brotherhood So my feeling is that the Turkish government specifically President had one is holding some stuff back as a useful bargaining chip with Saudi Arabia not because they're scared of being revealed as having broken diplomatic protocol in bugging the consulate apparently everyone does that delay they do a lot of people do. That is one possible explanation and yet why would they have leaked it through the pro-government semi official media that this tape existed but he didn't mention the audiotape deliberately if it was going to reveal the naked truth and that tape existed well that would be a good time to say exactly what was on it but he didn't if that tape exists then the only way I think we're really going to know what was on it is if it's actually played to some kind of international independent reporter because the problem here is that all the people involved in this investigation of got a chip in the game the Saudis want to minimize the damage to them and move on and say well job done we're invest we've cleaned up the mess it's all over Turkey has got a vested interest in making side look bad but not so bad they have to break off relations America wants to preserve the strategic relationship with Saudi Arabia and not lose all those juicy contracts that was our security correspondent Frank Gardner. Is the director of the Center for Turkish Studies at the Middle East Institute in Washington and she joins me now welcome go know were people expecting a stronger speech 1st from President or one today. Well yes and he mentioned that he was this was going to he was going to reveal everything that he had so people were expecting a lot more and fact he did not reveal anything anything that we not know before so this was a major disappointment but on the other hand I think the fact that he is the president of Turkey he acknowledged that this was a premeditated murder. I think that was an important step and yet I think you say all knowledge he claimed it was a premeditated murder yet he claimed he claimed that this was a premeditated murder and I think that was an important step on his part and yet in his statements he says you know he praised the king. For instance I think if for his efforts in the investigation and he suggested that the Crown Prince Mohammed bin son was behind but he didn't directly target him point fingers at him so I think the strategy all along has been to try to isolate the crown prince from from his father the King and I want tried very hard not to burn bridges. With Saudi Arabia that's still a very important partnership or I don't especially at a time when Saudis have been investing in Turkey and Turkish economy struggling so I think what he's trying to do here is undermine undermining. Insult and through these leads by I'm in Turkish officials he's been trying to increase the pressure on Mohamed insult. Especially from from the west and push the Saudi regime to to arm and right so as you point out it's a complicated game that the Turkish president is playing from his point of view what is the best outcome here how could this go really well from now on. I think the best scenario for him is that and your stepson is the crown prince because despite all the troubles and despite there is a long running rivalry between the 2 countries and yet the 2 managed to have ignored you relationship despite the tension because of what happened to Qatar because of Turkey stance is a bit the Muslim Brotherhood and if then in a very sensitive channels such as it's a Saudi officials for instance reportedly visited the Syrian Kurdish militia which is causing the terrorist organization by Turkey. Has been uncharacteristically in Munich he hasn't responded so he tried very hard not to target or openly criticize the Saudi leadership because this relationship is working for him but after. A month to go over he has become very a whole style against her and York only hostile against Turkey statement in Egypt. Defining Turkey as part of the excess of evil in the region so the dogs are any especially his very aggressive foreign policy approach they are all very concerning So I'm going to what if in some line is out of the picture I think that's that's a nice picture for for president are gone if Turkey has already a recording of Mr g. Being tortured and killed why didn't Mr Erdogan play that in Parliament as part of his speech well I think there are several reasons and one is that the did not they haven't ever seen that all the recording legally they were probably spying on the Saudi Consulate and Turks do not want and there's themselves that could be one present and other reason is I think he still holding that as a trump card and he's trying to leverage that evidence to extract concessions not just from Riyadh but also from Washington what's the mood in Washington where. Because senators and congressmen are trying to pressure Mr Trump to come out more strongly against Saudi aren't they yes the Congress feels very strongly about that and even the president trying to cause allies. In the Congress such as Senator Lindsey Graham. He's in criticizing Tom stance and he asked. Mark to step down saw there is a very strong anti And yes sentiment in the Congress but all far I think the time given the situation seems like it will stick to its alliance with with. Regard to Turkey there is something that I haven't seen in a long time Washington is a place where present that are does not have many friends but many people after the leak started been arguing that every morning present for increasing the pressure on on and yes and on the Saudi 0 regime I haven't talked to people today if I don't know how they feel now but the statement because the expectations were high but I think. The question is and the way Turkish government from their very 1st day. Is helping Thank you I have to end you there but good told from the Center for Turkish Studies in Washington many thanks for coming on the program this is the World Service this is t. K. For the Laurie Cohen charitable trust my good friend Dr Lloyd Cohen asked me to help finish some task for her Lori's gift to the care c c legacy fund helps perpetuate knowledge and understanding of the world she so cherished she would encourage others to join her in this effort to help make the community she loved and lived in a better place information on the care c.c. Legacy fund can be found at our website Kira c c dot au or g 21.5 Keira c.c. Has been southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station since 1984. Discover more take care c c dot org And follow us on Facebook and Twitter support for the 91.5 k. Or c c newsroom is provided in part by Home Depot information available at Home Depot dot com looking for something to do check out the community calendar link at k. Or c.c. Data large. This is Paul Henley with news hour live from the b.b.c. In London the European Commission is wielding never before used powers rejecting a member country's national budget the Italian populous government has been told it's flouting commitments made to Brussels by increasing its structural deficit and putting more money into social welfare speaking at a news conference in Strasburg the e.u. Financial Services Chief Al these dumb briefcase said Italy had been given 3 weeks to send revised plans today for the 1st time as a commission is obliged to request a country to revise its that after budgetary plan but we seen all alternative as and to regress it all and alter or at least reduce or. Opinion giving Italy a maximum of 3 weeks to provide advise that of budgetary plan for 2099 so don't you know is a former chief economist of the Italian treasury and he told me what the next steps might be for Italy and for the e.u. Most likely I would say the government will decide to go no matter what the commission says and then the next step would be opening of the procedure the excess procedure that's you know it's a problem in terms of the stigma attached once you go over there being in a.d.p. Is not a huge deal the country would have to kind of design a return to balance budget to a medium term objective within a short time period for the market point of view in my even be better because you know Italy mao-B. Closely monitored and there will be nominal targets which provide some certainty and at the end of the day I think the situation may not be as bad as people think other people have gone into this procedure as you call it Portugal has not gone down the austerity route has been criticized by the e.u. With little effect Yeah I mean they're Keep in mind that even Spain and France have been for a long while and procedure and while. Procedure you can actually design a kind of return a path to the target which is gradual enough problem is with a high debt to g.d.p. That it only has probably the commission and the European countries will ask Eataly to have a faster return to through the medium term objective which is in the case of Italy and would be a balanced budget over the medium term we talk about the Italian government as being a populist one How popular are the proposals that they're putting forward for instance to give a minimum level of income to the unemployed Fortunately these popular I say unfortunately because I think that the current policy recipe of the Italian government is not the appropriate one but there is no doubt that they have support in the country right now I think that the key issue here is not one decimal point more or less what we're supposed to be the targets but the the issue here is deeper the issue is that at the moment implementing an expansionary policy by 0.8 percent of g.d.p. According to the structural change in the balance is not appropriate it really needs a shock but the shock on the supply side not them on demand and there's no need for a shock on demand right now because it would be a temporary shock anyway while the worsening of the public financing to issue would be a permanent one and what shining example of success of austerity policies does the e.u. Point to indeed what example do you point to as former chief economist of the Italian treasury the successful start economists when you have a gradual adjustment in other words you don't wait for the crisis Ok to develop you do it in good times and these are the successful stories clearly Eataly went through a painful and massive fiscal adjustment during 20112013 but since then stand in from 2014 there's been an miserly expansion of policy so my argue that Italy should have done more in order to put the account. You know there but I think again the issue is not managing demand is not providing some stimulus to the man they really should be used to address the big problems that Italy still has on the supply side that was a run saw Daniel who used to be chief economist to the Italian treasury Brazilians are preparing to head to the polls in the 2nd round of presidential elections this Sunday with far right candidate Jaya both so narrow expected to win the final weeks of campaigning have been really bitter with accusations that social media such as whatsapp have helped spread fake news and information undermining the legitimacy of the vote our South America correspondent Katie Watson reports. The long illness has a history. It's a perfect recipe for scam mongering a video with menacing music and a sinister looking man warning that Brazil's electronic voting system is print a fraud. At the end the man states your mission is to share this message and people have despite it being reported as fake news every day new videos and photos circulate on social media here in Brazil and many of them a phony he's innocent but have a good night from someone that worked in the news room investor down one of Brazil's biggest papers a small team is working hard Danube or Matty is the head of data journalism and says the widespread use of whatsapp during these elections has warring consequences it is so dangerous that we cannot even know how much of the anger is it is because really we don't know what we are dealing with you can't fight this bubble just twisting some of the rhythm or something because this is people sharing content with. Sometimes we feel like we are cursed with a bucket of water in a wildfire in a forest fire and just giving the example of what you have to do but it is a problem that we can't address. What are all our most warm wonderful your remark about my work you promote what is without how far. And out of the my as an activist for giant. He's got his own Facebook can you cheap pages where he regularly posts videos of his tens of thousands of followers. Will meet you noted in a park in Sao Paolo and he shows me his new most Whatsapp groups on he thinks there's a rich guy sitting with you. So not just goes a message saying you're 15000 and patients from 100 different conversations and those I will post in our conversations I have. My eyes looking social media has been essential in the case of both. Without whatsapp and Facebook and others certainly wouldn't have been a successful so I think it's a lesson for the world with good use of social media people can promote change and make their voices heard I'd say social media is the perfect example of direct democracy. It's direct action by people towards what they feel must be done here is here meeting daily defeat not everyone would agree this is a politician he divides Brazilians It's a paradox is popular to a public policy professor from the University of South palette the more seats you have in Congress the more t.v. Time more radio time in the more money to do complaining so what happened is that this was designed not to have newcomers and a newcomer actually defeated the system so in a way it was a victory of the Marcos' but the paradox is that this newcomer is criticizing Mark received his the military he despises human rights he says he wants to change the constitution is really someone with a Democratic content using your democratic movement to defeat a system where the laws nobody says those you fake news but if they were that. If the balls are correct jive Also now I will take the top job on Sunday a man who cries fake news that any criticism leveled at him as a candidate he's also accused of spreading fake nice to millions Brazilians had to these elections lost and deeply divided the place is those. Who did you work your thought. Now is Katie Watson reporting from Brazil this is news out from the b.b.c. World Service. Distribution of the b.b.c. News Hour in the United States is supported by Deloitte private helping privately held companies have dressed risk and find opportunity in today's complex business environment you can learn more at Deloitte dot com slash u.s. Slash private and buy Home Advisor matching homeowners with home improvement professionals for a variety of home projects from minor repairs to major remodels homeowners can read reviews of local pros and book appointments online at Home Advisor dot com. The American Association of University Women will be sponsoring Colorado offers day October 27th All proceeds go to local scholarships for women in the Pikes Peak region for information on our community can link. 91.5 k. R.c.c. Is dedicated to covering southern Colorado and the Rocky Mountain West your membership directly funds our journalism Thanks for supporting 91.5. N.p.r. On 91.5 k. Your c.c. Is supported locally by the Colorado Health Foundation dedicated to the belief that health is a basic human right Colorado Health Foundation is working to bring health in reach for all Coloradans more information is available at Colorado Health dot org by 91.5 members throughout our listening area thank you for your support of Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station 91.5 key or c c online at k. Or c c o r g. B.b.c. News if you own a McDonald's The g 7 has demanded that Saudi Arabia give a kind of how a journalist was murdered in the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul it said Saudi explanations for the death of. Had so far left many questions unanswered president of Turkey said the journalists had been the victim of a carefully planned political murder. President Trump's national security adviser John Bolton has warned Russia not to interfere with u.s. Elections speaking in Moscow he said past interference by Russian hackers was objectionable though it had no bearing on the result Mr Bolton is in Moscow just before the November u.s. Midterm elections he confirmed that President Trump and Putin will meet in a few days after the vote on the sidelines of the World War One armistice centenary in France the 2nd in command of the Islamic state group in Somalia has been killed in the capital Mogadishu a hard new olim who is honest u.s. Sanctions list was shot dead by gunmen who are also believed to be members of i.a.s. The Financial Times newspaper in London has said that the British government is drawing up plans to charter ships to bring in food and medicines in the event of a u.k. Departure from the European Union without a deal the report says the warning about the consequences of a disorderly Breck's it came at an angry cabinet meeting today. That have been sharp falls in share prices around the world analysts have blamed concerns over Saudi Arabia trade tensions between the United States and China as well as Italy's budget plans for the decline. The Irish cabinet has asked friends it investigators to dig up the site of a former Roman Catholic Orm for unmarried mothers and their babies where hundreds of infants me have been buried over several decades a local historian has discovered nearly 800 deaths were no burial real Keeshan was recorded b.b.c. News. Coming up next we'll hear from the people walking through Central America Mexico to the United States but 1st our daily look at the world of business and this week Britain's biggest was shipped h.m.s. Queen Elizabeth berth to New York Harbor where it's hosting the 1st ever Atlantic Future Forum the event has brought together British and American business people and defense specialists to talk about issues like cyber security and of course post Breck's it trade our New York correspondent Nick Bryant went on board. So heading out to the center of New York Harbor going past the lawn of skyscrapers of lower Manhattan past the Statue of Liberty and out to this might see aircraft carrier h.m.s. Queen Elizabeth the largest warship to visit New York in 50 years. A welcoming whistle as Britain's flagship today doubled as a floating Conference Center one of its giant hangars playing host to the inaugural meeting of the Atlantic future for us watch that with the Merlin helicopters circling overhead the staging all seem designed to convey the message the special relationship is not just a security alliance but also a trading partnership the role Navy I think personifies that link in so many way to you case 1st see Lord Admiral civility Jones says there's an obvious symbiosis and that has a meaning in security terms for the relationship between our 2 nations it also has a meaning in prosperity terms that's what the Navy's of always done the role Navy was at the heart of the United Kingdom establishing its global trading empire in the 17th and 18th centuries and it was the Navy that enabled that to be sustained and able to trade to flow which enable the Empire to build its its trading missions and we're seeing an element of that return now the United Kingdom is going to have to look further abroad to stop trading relationships we sense their partners out there who want to trade more with us. And so was seeing the role of the Royal Navy place and creating the security within which the trade can happen. The ceremonial trappings of this visit have emphasized the transatlantic bomb the band of the role Marines not just playing God Save the Queen but the American anthem the stock spangled. Number was the trade secretary Liam Fox talking about a post trade deal to trump administration has pledged to negotiate as soon as the u.k. Leaves the European Union all trade is economic but all trade is also strategic So there's a strategic significance and an agreement between the world's biggest economy in the world's 5th biggest economy that's not Paris and this negotiation is that we shouldn't be under any illusions about that America's going to drive a very hot day alone one of the things that is going to insist on is a lowering of food standards you can insist on anything you want in a negotiation but we're not going to give that so that that's not going to be something that will happen. The special relationship has always been on even with Washington holding the upper hand and that could become even more pronounced in the postscript sit upon the ship especially when America is led by president who's made us foreign policy transactional unfun less sentiment I was a New York correspondent Nick Bryant reporting. You're listening to News Hour from the b.b.c. I'm Paul Henley thousands of migrants mainly from Honduras have set up an impromptu camp in Mexico on route for the u.s. Border as the United Nations Refugee Agency strengthens its presence there President Trump continues to make the caravan of people a key target in his campaign for midterm elections next month he's called them an assault on our country in a moment we'll hear from the United Nations refugee agency 1st let's speak to Natasha Pizzey is a journalist who's traveling with the migrants and she joins us from the Mexican town of weeks flow which is about 80 kilometers north of the border with quite a mile a welcome Natasha set the scene for us what is the caravan look like what are people doing. Well right now in front of me. There are thousands of people from around. The set up a refugee camp in the main town Weixler. And this is their 1st rest day. Child trying to jump on the phone with me as well I think and this is their 1st rest day since they crossed the border into Mexico from Guatemala and as you mentioned where 80 kilometers from the border so they've walked into a marathon it's like they did that in 2 days to get here how much is filtered sorry to in terms of how much is filtered through to them Do you think about the talk in the u.s. And specifically about what Donald Trump is saying about them. Well there's definitely some awareness from people that this much is being politicized and they're being described as criminals people obviously offended by that and say that. You know we haven't committed any crimes and are just trying to do the best to keep themselves and their families say but the reality is that's not at the forefront of people's minds here the simple they say logistics is so overwhelming for everyone here trying to do that huge walking just trying to like find a place to sleep stay clean get food get water that's a challenge for them to deal with down the line tell us a story or 2 from people that you've talked to to give us an idea of who they are where they're from. Well I spoke with a man yesterday that had 2 family members killed he was disabled and couldn't care for his family and so he decided to the March and I met a whole family of women traveling together with young babies and they said the same that they just like could not get enough money to feed their children one of them was traveling with a tiny baby she was breast feeding they were very afraid because whenever they tried to you know set up a business abroad to a business gangs become an external and threaten them so they felt so trapped they had no choice what are their expectations or hopes for arrival in the u.s. I suppose they just want safety is it that short term the thinking at the moment it is I mean there's a range of expectations so some people have relatives up that some people live in cells some point and whether deportation or voluntary return ended up back in their home countries and are now trying again so some people have quite clear ideas of what to expect and the reality of how difficult reception will actually be for others there is still that hope in the American dream and that when they get there will be taken care of look at food the children will get a good education and many people say they'll live by the dignity and a lot of people that they hope that God will touch Donald Trump's heart so that he opens the doors for them and let the men and let live freely so they are well aware of Donald Trump's opposition to them and people like them. Yes absolutely I mean it's just sort of not it's not the big concern here but it certainly will be as they continue going north there are 3000 kilometers left till they get to the border so I think as they cross Mexico that will start to be at the forefront of their mind but intil until now there are many concerned about Mexican authorities getting in their way which obviously I think really was trying to figure out a deal with precious and Donald Trump So they've already been affected by it in directly so it is it is a day to day reality which is not at the forefront of their minds yet thank you very much Natasha that journalist Natasha Pizzey who's about 80 kilometers no. The border with Guatemala with that caravan of migrants heading for the United States Francesca Fantine is woman for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in the Americas I've been talking to her and she's been telling me what her organization was doing for this particular group of migrants festival are we provide the money tight and I see sense it which means it basically water food shelter and this special assistant to for a wee man they came a long long no or with babies we children we've added the people but also we provide the legal assistance is especially helping in the Mexican targeting to ensure it can maybe are a few cities shot or good those people are or ask for asylum this is key in order to eat into shall I and document people who need internation protection you know did to provide it proper response so just to be clear you believe that at least some of these people will have a right to asylum in the United States do you they have a right to to ask how you everywhere ask each it to ever really needs country where they would like it to apply for us how do you we have Richie set aside I said only question what if. Some people are sealed they are in Mexico and especially at the border they can ask here they can ask it to the u.s. And they can ask you know every other country where is it intimidation out what the actual needs look you've been based in various hotspots around the world these 7000 people are politically significant especially the elections coming up in the States but compared to the refugee crises faced by the neighbors of Venezuela this is nothing is it this is a drop in the ocean. Cannot of the number it's there not to significant a number if you compare it we do in its way though are that emergency cases are like in Europe Middle East but at the end of you I would. See what are these people that went to tour and when you go today the reason why some people in this case mainly for violence it pretty cue shall and they are violation of human right hand that Busa the software in some of the same time they got country is very important to explain why they are free from the do you think president trumps tweets upping the hostility towards foreigners in the us at the moment is standing in the way of these people's rights in the us. I look at we think it at every state issue play and he made sure that they can see that in this area to defend their border to protect their own population but what we really are p.l.o. Is I like it to open the space ship to the people or are they really are in need of that protection How do you react to the claim that you're becoming an enabler as an organization you're encouraging more people to make this journey to the u.s. By defending their rights and by helping them now. But you were doing from the u.n. Charter side beating collaboration a variety of secret society is alike informing people about these right to ask asylum we not when they know about these rights what I'm wired they ask you to stay in Mexico so now we have to see how many the reach of the u.s. Border because there are still very far away and many They don't have any more economic a means in order to proceeded to continue to join it Francesca Fantine speaking to me from Mexico City. Now while the route over the journalist Jamal Khashoggi death continues Saudi Arabia's involvement in Yemen civil war continues to the u.n. Has told the b.b.c. That millions. People in the country could run out of food if fighting closes Yemen's biggest port of data the Saudi led coalition which is trying to restore the internationally recognized government to power launched an offensive in June to wrest control of the port from who theory rebels since then fighting has caused half a 1000000 civilians to flee the B.B.C.'s all or Guerin has gained rare access to her data to speak to civilians who've already suffered more than 3 years of conflict. In her days as main hospital. A delicate operation is underway. Doctors are repairing wounds of war the patient is a 13 year old called Saddam who has shrapnel embedded near his spine. But data is now Yemen's key battleground more civilians are being killed here than anywhere else and more children are at risk of starving. Well I'm at the bedside of a little girl called Maria she's a year old and her limbs are painfully thin and she's suffering from lung interests and a mother yes I mean. Yes I mean can you tell me how difficult has it been for you to try to see. That as a giving to who has had a big impact of him a financial situation is impossible having nothing had can and provide medicine for our children and culture today have. Them Can you tell me how many relatives you have lost in the years from now and again they should be a good thing that the Unknowns 20 to 30 who are living in the same area that now just looking at current. Forklifts lots of rubble here on the ground we've passed several large cargo vessels which are more words here. And we've seen some one loading taking place there are a flock bed trucks here and they're full of sacks probably of food stuffs 80 percent of the food supplies for this country come through this port the conflict has disrupted the arrival of food and aid and made the situation much more critical the u.n. Has told us that if this port was to be closed even for just a few days the impact would be immediate and it would be catastrophic and. As soon as it we've come to an area that's like a shanty town there are families living in incredibly poor conditions in shacks made of corrugated iron we're sitting now with one family and there are 4 children here we have the father the mother on the ground Father can you tell me how often are you able to feed the family now I thought it didn't matter. If the children often don't hire Jay you said as the youngest I have never tasted a moment most of the time we survive on bread and tea I tell her as wife Mana begins to cook for the family she has some onions and a small diet of rice they don't know where their next meal is coming from it is a war that has brought this nation to the brink of famine aid agencies say Yemenis are not starving they are being starved. It was all a gerund reporter. From the port city of data in Yemen you're listening to the b.b.c. World Service this is News Hour. Distribution of the b.b.c. News Hour in the u.s. a Supported by Fidelity Investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their wealth learn more at fidelity dot com slash wealth for the with the brokerage services l.l.c. And babble a language app to teach us real life conversations in the new language like Spanish French or German Bibles 10 to 15 minute lessons are available in the app store or online at b. a B. B. e L. Dot com. A refugee from Syria wanted to finish high school when she got to the United States 1st she had to learn English I did not know what Peaches want me to do but I was absolutely not evade it because I wanted like from the bottom of my heart to go back to school she learned she excelled and then she aged out before she could graduate how age rules pushed immigrant students out of school on the world today at 2 pm on 91.5 k. Or c c. It was well loved well you know 1972 editors absolutely no bells and whistles we had tried to sell it my teenage daughters get money out of it and I'm like No no I'm going to buy it and then probably about I don't know 6 months ago I would think Ok we're down here it's the simplest thing I've done. In a toe tag I was one so I'm Susan I live in Colorado Springs now this is a k r c c k or c c dot au or g. For car donation information. I there this is Michael this is Jonathan from this is from the 67 pm Good night my 91 point. Programming on 91.5 k. R.c.c. Is supported by Cottonwood Center for the Arts kicking off the holiday season with workshops markets and creative activities for all ages starting November 17th more information available at Cottonwood Center for the Arts dot com. This is Paul Henley with news hour live from the b.b.c. In London the u.s. National security advisor John Bolton has called his talks in Moscow today with President Putin productive despite a main subject being America's decision to pull out of a Cold War nuclear arms control treaty Mr Bolton said relations were in a new era and he highlighted Russian interference in u.s. Elections as harming relations with regards to the us is unilateral decision to pull out of the nuclear treaty Mr Bolton struck a sanguine tone downplaying the risk of renewed nuclear arms race but how can that be the case with President Trump having already talked about upping America's nuclear arsenal our Moscow correspondent is Sarah Rainsford Well I think it's inevitable if you listen to what both sides are saying at least in public and certainly President Putin has made it clear in the past that if the u.s. Were to withdraw from this treaty and John Bolton has said that is going to happen it's simply a question of when the u.s. That makes its formal notice that if if that happens and when that happens then Russia will respond in mirror terms to whatever the United States does I think you know there's a question about how far Russia in particular can go economically on this you know how much it can afford to keep pouring into developing and and building producing more missiles but at the moment the intention is absolutely clear that Russia will mirror any move by the United States does it help the states that the relationship with Europe is a little frostier than it was because it's Europe that is going to bear the consequences of this partly isn't it Oh I think absolutely Europe is going to bear the consequences and in fact that's what people here point to they say that Europe is becoming a hostage of an American move and you know I think there's a slight sense here in Russia that the politicians think perhaps that there is still time to persuade the United States to to shift position certainly the language from the Kremlin although with stark warnings the language is being quite . Tom the tone has been quite calm saying this is a risky step don't take it but not ready to alarmist if you like it sounds almost like they expect the United States to step back they've been sort of suggesting that this is about domestic politics in the United States that Donald Trump is simply saying what his audience needs to hear so I don't know if that's ultimately going to be true but certainly I don't get the sense that Russia is really all that worried about what's going on and to what extent does this suits the domestic political agenda in Russia. Well it certainly allows President Putin to grandstand Abed's if we bear in mind that President Putin has talked about the collapse of the u.s.s.r. Is a tragedy and he certainly wants to see Russia as a superpower again but I think this allows him to sort of play that role it puts Russia back nose to nose with the United States talking about nuclear weapons and nuclear capabilities that I think you know a place very much to a domestic audience that was Sarah Rainsford in Moscow let's hear now from Franklin c. Miller in Washington he's principal of the Scowcroft advisory group and served for 22 years in the u.s. Department of Defense and for years as a senior director for defense policy and arms control on the National Security Council staff Welcome to the program Franklin c. Miller has the u.s. Made a good decision to pull out of this Cold War treaty Yes because what you heard from your correspondent of asco it no doubt is what they're telling her but it stands truth on its head so I think it's important to understand what the facts are this treaty was signed in 1987 and it prohibited the u.s. And the Soviet Union now Russia from building missiles of anything anything between 535550 kilometers range about 2012 the Russians began a covert program a cheating program to develop such a missile 520142015 they were testing it which is prohibited by the treaty and by 2016 they were deploying it and they are deploying but tell us if these weapons today which threaten Western Europe the United States has abided by the treaty in its entirety so that treaty is dead the Kremlin killed this treaty with a very cynical decision to proceed with the prohibited weapons system and of course Mr Putin's can because he is currently deploying weapons while the United States is constrained by the treaty not to deploy weapons so it's what Mr Trump often says they'd be making fools of us those foreigners but I wouldn't go that far I would say that the Russians have cheated on this. Treaty just as they cheated on the Chemical Weapons Convention and used used Novacek in saw spree when they're not supposed to have those kinds of weapons anymore how can what the us is proposing which is upping its nuclear weapons count possibly make the world a safer place well go back to 1987 Why did the Soviet Union signed the i.n.f. Treaty the Soviet Union signed the i.n.f. Treaty because it did not like made those counter deployments of ground launch cruise and Pershing 2 to counter the van Russian s.s. 20 threat recognizing that there was a NATO counter this to Gorbachev signed a treaty Mr Putin is currently free to deploy this was training violating system without any Western counter and American counter to this system which doesn't have to be deployed in Europe could all get it could be a sea based system of some sort will say to the Russians there are consequences to violating a treaty and perhaps maybe you want to rethink this whole thing these weapons that they were talking about 30 years ago world trained on Europe one day and presumably they will be again does that concern you it'll. It's not a will be it's they are these weapons have been fielded by the Russians and yes it does concern me because as a member yet it is full of people saying this makes it more dangerous but the Russian the Russian weapons are out there right now that's the whole point the Russians are threatening Western Europe with these weapons right now having violated the treaty to deploy them and what we would like is for those weapons to be discarded in scrapped we have been negotiating with the Russians for 4 years to ask them to do that their only response has been to put more weapons in the field so if the West deploys a counter perhaps we return to the to the days when the i.m.f. Treaty was originally goes heated and the Russians back off and we destroy those new weapons as well as President Trump is betting on short term proliferation delivering on long term control it's quite a gamble isn't it now what's the alternative to do nothing and let the Russians continue to deploy additional numbers of these violating systems would Russia perhaps prefer a universal treaty bringing in the likes of China. That's an open question but the way to do that would be to begin some diplomacy in that regard not to violate the existing treaty and put battalions of these new weapons in the field to threaten Western Europe and China isn't it and when John Bolton said that his talks were good humored and pleasant enough in Moscow believe in. I couldn't possibly comment that wasn't clear doesn't sound from what you're saying like there's anything good humored a pleasant going on behind the scenes look a treaties are shined in the expectation that both parties will abide by that one party has a record of 6 years of cheating on the treaty it doesn't sound very good for it for international diplomacy in fact it undercuts the whole notion of signing treaties in the 1st place Franklin c. Miller in Washington principal of the Scowcroft advisory group there many thanks for coming on this edition of News Hour and bringing it to an end in fact Thank you very much for listening we hope you join us again next time this is the b.b.c. World Service live from London from this program from all the team by phone and. Voting rights advocates warn states are using new tactics to keep minorities from voting at the polls it is almost a long. Way to the antiquated law that discriminated against racial minorities. Want them to. Be able to I'm Audie Cornish concerns over voter suppression in the midterms this afternoon on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News all things considered today at 3 30 pm. Programming on 91.5 k. Or c. C. Is supported by CBOE charter high school offering college prep courses advanced placement and a variety of Arts electives appointments to learn more about CBOE may be scheduled at any time more information is available at CBOE charter school dot org This is southern Colorado is n.p.r. Station kill your c c k or c c h d Colorado Springs Ky e.c.c. Law Hunter Keay C.C.'s Starkville and k w c c f m Woodland Park no agreement equals real crisis today on the world. I'm Marco Werman The Trump Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying a major investment conference allowing for billions of dollars in deals is under way in Saudi Arabia However in recent days and weeks a flurry of individuals and organizations including prominent Americans have backed out N.P.R.'s Kamila dominant report certain guests are distancing themselves from the Saudi crown prince who is widely suspected of ordering a hit on a Washington Post columnist who died inside the.

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