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Station to your c c k or c c h d Colorado Springs Ky e.c.c. Law Hunter Keay C.C.'s Starkville and k w c c f m Woodland Park. Marketplace is supported by home and Pfizer matching homeowners with home improvement professionals for a variety of home projects from repairs to remodel most homeowners can read reviews and book appointments online at Home Advisor dot com You know what would be really good right now a drone that could deliver beer that's what. Before that though you have got to do the economic news from American Public Media this is market for. Marketplace is supported by mega online test prep for the a c t n s a t that's designed to improve scores students can get video lessons practice questions and expert support online at MCO dot com And by Legal Zoom helping Americans protect their families and assets with last will and living trust estate plans more at Legal Zoom dot com slash marketplace and by college find advising high school families on where to apply to college based on their chances of acceptance mentors guide students through the college admissions process college find dot com. In Los Angeles I'm result is Wednesday today the 22nd of August is always to be along everybody I'm going to let the Federal Reserve do the heavy lifting and lifting rather in setting up what has turned out to be the theme of the program today we got the minutes of the Fed's latest meeting this morning in the word trade is mentioned 21 times including in this passage Here's a quote some participants suggested that in the event of a major escalation in trade disputes the complex nature of trade issues including the entire range of their effects on output and inflation presented a challenge in determining the appropriate monetary policy response end of quote and in other words if the trade war really gets going the Fed's basically going to wind up doing one of those shrug things trying to figure out interest rates and it just because I know you want to know in their prior meeting trade was mentioned just 7 times right now the actual trade. The relatively low level talks between u.s. And Chinese negotiators are happening this week in Washington even as both sides are putting more tariffs in place this week and while the president has said he's not holding out a lot of hope these talks get anywhere if you're going to fix a problem you've got to start somewhere right so if the option is more and more and more tariffs where is square one marketplace treaty and gets is gone now is the time for negotiators to get specific with their wish list in other words don't just ask for clothes for your birthday ask for the shirt you want in the size and color you want Unfortunately this whole China trade war has been discussed with such a broad brush Mary lovely at Syracuse University It's already led the public to expect that we're going to get something out of China that has to do with them buying more of our goods or us restricting their imports she says that's exactly what the u.s. Shouldn't be seeking instead negotiators should stick to really specific policy changes that will address the reason for these tariffs in the 1st place u.s. Allegations that China treats u.s. Firms unfairly with respect to their technology and intellectual property China's making a big push to develop its own high tech sector so Mark Bush at Georgetown says a crate of ask on the u.s. Side might be something like some assurance that China will walk the fruits of any state sponsored r. And d. From benefiting u.s. Producers so in a way the irony is we're asking for us to benefit from their mouth about way on r. And d. But for Christine McDaniel at George Mason Center the more promising trade meetings this week are actually with Japan and the e.u. Not China just us asking China do something has a very limited effect we need more allies to to really make this work she says when it comes to pressuring China to make big structural changes we can't go it alone I'm Tracy Samuelson for Marketplace you know who's not worried about tariffs target that's who. Shares in Target opened at an all time on this morning after the retailer reported quarterly profits revenue and sales that beat anything the company has seen in years c.e.o. Brian Cornel told c.n.n. B.c. He's got a lot of levers to pull that's a quote to make sure we're still price competitive tariffs was so from the USA in Pittsburgh Marketplace's Eric Barris explains what that might mean target like its competitor Wal-Mart is on a roll as shoppers keep shopping but that may not last if the Trumps administrations tariffs push prices higher and you'll Saunders an analyst with global data retail says Target is likely thinking about where they can be tracked. Off But perhaps the increase in cost from one way the retailer could do that is by stocking up Laura Dawson studies trade issues at the Washington think tank the Wilson Center she says when the 1st wave of tariffs hit target and other companies knew their suppliers would be disrupted so they started buying I know what products are price are location sensitive and so I'm going to build up my inventories there so I imagine target warehouses are looking pretty full another way that retailers could push back against the impact of tears by switching suppliers Michaels who kero apparel analyst at Moody's says some companies are already doing that but service and lower costs it also helps serve to move production closer to the u.s. Markets open reduced lean times but that might have a limited impact according to Jonathan doe business professor at the Lenovo university for lots of what Target sells there's only one supplier and as we for example change importing countries sourced from say China to Southeast Asia or to Latin America they'll be different tariffs a bit different customs brokers freight forwarder shippers a cetera in other words supply chains are complicated and if the tariff war goes on rising prices might catch up with American shoppers and chip away at targets bottom line America Paris for Marketplace we're going to do a net neutrality story now remember that's the idea repealed by. The Federal Communications Commission earlier this year that Internet service providers have to treat all content equally no slowing down no higher prices no nothing those Aya species are now free to do what they like with content on their networks and Verizon did the Los Angeles Times reports this morning that while the huge Mendocino complex fire up in Northern California was at its worst Verizon told the Santa Clara County Fire Department it would have to upgrade its data package if it wanted unrestricted service the company now says throttling data speeds while the fire was burning was a customer service mistake marketplace is dead Kim has that won a lot of the talk about the dangers of repealing net neutrality to focus on things like weather service providers like $800.00 t. Would give preferential speeds to h.b.o. And other content it owns public safety net a big part of the discussion digi Soane research is technology Law and Policy at Georgetown she says this incident why it's relevant and it demonstrates that I espied well liked her eyes and will act in their economic interests even at the expense of public safety any time there's mention of data throttling it brings up the idea of net neutrality and its recent repeal but horizon which did not give an interview for this story says net neutrality wasn't the issue here they may have a point it's not clear to me that there are implications of this case for net neutrality Blair Levin is a fellow at the Brookings Institution he says Verizon pushing for more money during a fire would have been legal even with net neutrality in place the actions that Verizon took though they certainly violate good customer service cannot strike me as being illegal under that contract but the wildfire incident is already cited in an appeal of the f.c.c. As decision to get rid of net neutrality Tuna Amobi is an analyst at c.f.r. a Research I think you're And I think you see more and more calls from the proponents of net neutrality to perhaps you did have some leverage to you know maybe rekindled a debate on the agenda oversight without net neutrality in plays. There's no real authority making sure Internet service providers aren't jeopardizing public safety I'm Jack him for Marketplace to the list of things the stock market does not care about here in the late summer of 2018 you can now add the guilty plea of President Trump's one time lawyer and the conviction of his former campaign chairman the s. And p. $500.00 bull market winning streak and yes you can quibble about how it's measured but by most conventional mother's measures rather that bull market now sits at a record 3453 days as of the closing bell today but today a split decision we'll have the details when we do the numbers. And. A year ago this week Harvey by then no longer a hurricane dumped 9 trillion gallons of water on southeast Texas parts of Greater Houston were under water for days the storm killed more than 100 people and all total damage topped $125000000000.00 a lot of that destruction being people's homes marketplaces any ular went to Houston to see how people are getting on a year later Meyer land is a neighborhood in southwest Houston with a mix of ranch style homes built in the 1950 s. And sixty's and brand new modern spreads there's also a ton of for sale signs in yards lots of them for sale by owner with just a phone number RINGBACK. Thank you for calling in to. The actual Tice's $895.00. Has only received between 18 to 24 inches of why did John Harvey that we don't need time to house. The owner seller here is stressing that Harvey was. Only time this house flooded because so many homes in my are land of flooded 234 times some folks are just tired of the stress and cost of living in a flood plain I don't buy a house here because I don't want to hurt them own Bercow lives just down the road from the phone seller she and her husband David have their own for sale sign in the yard they bought their house in 2005 and David remembers a few smaller floods but he says hurricane Harvey was a game changer we are here we know anyway to be you know we were together there were 12 hours in the water and I don't have to tell you what came before Terry was it was sewage laden water waist deep throughout their house the Coast Guard rescued them in a raft and they spent the week living with their in-laws in Austin waiting for the floodwaters to recede with no mortgage on their house they weren't legally required to have flood insurance and they didn't buy it any renovation expenses would be on their dollar they would has seen Samone don't want to live here anymore they retired on a fixed income and don't want to fret about future floods if you want to shoot and you good condition able consider a very good neighborhood very soon you'll be my hosts if you still need to raise or new in fact raising foundations for new houses above the old level is a requirement in Houston's new building code that goes into effect September 1st at least in neighborhoods like Meyer land or other parts considered to be in the 100 year flood plain David Bercow got a quote of more than $200000.00 to lift up his house too much for him but not for the builders and developers who have bought up thousands of lots around here everyone from 1000000000 dollar hedge funds to mom and pop investors a ratio Santos works with a group of financial partners acquiring homes that are down to the studs and concrete he knows many sellers are tired of dealing with with insurance companies the. In the county it is a business so we are going to kind of take advantage of it but we try to be fair about it you know there are people out there that are lowballing big time Santos says investors are making big money as they buy up flooded houses on the cheap in flip him but the wider community can often lose out the guy in charge of the county's buyback program is James Wade when investors come into those areas and any of their turn them into Rannells or flip them for profit and you have new owners who may or may not be aware of the flooding history and the problems there Texas law doesn't require landlords to tell tenants their homes have flooded or sit in a flood plain Marvin Odum a former c.e.o. Of Shell Oil has been the chief recovery officer for Houston since Harvey he says it's not the place of government to dictate to the market what can and cannot happen this is where the market actually has to work get the neighborhood rebuilt and the neighborhood will will actually find its way through that back in the mire land neighborhood people walk their dogs and wave to construction workers clearing away house debris and reading the land for new foundations foundations that will be 5 to 10 feet higher than before I mean he learned from our. Alaskan seafood industry is going to be watching those negotiations trace he was telling us about real closely China is Alaska's biggest seafood market and fish writ large are on Beijing's list of cherubs on American imports that are set to kick in in September but even without a trade war fishing in Alaska of late hasn't been all that great which is by way of prelude for the latest installment of our series My economy how people are actually getting by away from the economic headlines here you go. My name is Hannah Heimbach I'm a commercial fisherman from Homer Alaska. My brother and I are drift kilometers we fish for sockeye salmon we grew up with our dad on his boat in a couple different areas in Alaska and 2 years ago we decided to invest in our own operation you know in our early thirty's and kind of looked at each other and well I guess we're in this together. Probably our biggest annual investment is our boat payment that runs about $11000.00 we also have permit payments that's another you know $5000.00 and then after that you have the basic maintenance you know we spent a few $1000.00 upgrading so we have a boat that's in tip top shape but we needed to make more than $20000.00 to break even this year we did not come close to that we're looking at a record downturn for our fishery and I think we put in less than $5000.00 pounds of sockeye this year which is definitely a disaster season. We'll be baking our boat payment not from that business but from our other work you know for instance my brother is doing winter squid fishing in California he did that last year and have probably do that again this year the rest of the year I I work in fisheries policy if I'm not able to catch fish I go talk about it. You know running my own business especially one that gets me out in a wild landscape you know I think that really satisfies that that need to be independent and self-reliant probably the best way to put it is you know sometimes it's not always fun sometimes you're physically miserable or worried but I really like who I am when I'm fishing. In any of these stories to tell. Us. How your economy is doing what it is a place you do that the marketplace. Coming up we're looking for solutions not just for penalty tariffs the trade war that keeps on a given but 1st student umbers. 88 points is Wednesday 310 percent 25733 the Nasdaq 29 points to the good 310 percent 7889 s. And p. 500 declined a point to 2861 the s. And p. 500 bull market run was less Some say it was actually for a while 3453 days talk about Target's really really good earnings report stronger sales growth in 13 years and all that investors were yes they were happy the Minneapolis based retailer surged almost 3 m. To 10 percent today Lowe's is doing a little remodelling to better compete with Home Depot is shutting its orchard supply stores which is going to recompile weekend by the way in fiction to slim down in a dory Lowe's was picked up 5 and 8 tenth's percent seriously that's part go through our doors to Rosie old on the tenure of all the 2.2 percent you're listening to Marketplace marketplace is supported by Progressive Insurance committed to offering a streamlined shopping experience where home and auto can be bundled together now that's progressive learn more progressive dot com or 1800 progressive and by personal capital helping over 1000000 people plan for retirement with their online financial tools you can download the personal capital app to link and see all your accounts in one place get to know your money hand by c 3 I o t the software platform for digital transformation using artificial intelligence and Io t. To solve previously unsolvable business problems learn more at c 3 I o t a I. You're going to hear stuff you're not going to hear anyplace else travel tips from America always be our local always get natural light always exercised this memory that 1st a magazine like a finger beckoning me to the feet and Microsoft's. Personal hospital bad device for the listener my conversations with them and more on the corner office podcast. Want to dive deeper into a story you hear on Marketplace visit our website at Marketplace dot org for extra content and analysis from videos to explainers we have you covered when it comes to understanding the economy. This is Marketplace I'm car Ryssdal There were more hearings today by the u.s. Trade representative on the next batch of Chinese tariffs the White House wants to put into place Section 301 is the vernacular 200000000000 dollars worth is the amount a jewel use is up tomorrow she's the president of the u.s. Fashion Industry Association clothes accessories all of that welcome to the program thank you my guess is that those tariffs should they be imposed will show up on on consumers of clothing more quickly than they will on anything else what's what's your sense of that I totally agree with you and you know the initial tariffs companies pay that duty 1st but when you start getting to consumer products like what's on the lists that we're talking about tomorrow apparel products handbags backpacks everything that families are buying right now for back to school you're going to see those price rises a little bit faster if the administration follows through on this threat to impose 10 percent or 25 percent tariffs on the imports How dependent is the American fashion industry on China I mean couldn't you just go somewhere else and get the stuff yeah that's a great question and obviously companies aren't dependent on just one country for everything but what's happened in the textile an apparel industry there's a lot of products that are only made in China and that are predominantly made in China almost every company has some business that's in China today because China is the global center for textile and apparel production not just to the u.s. Market so there's case to me it in the administration has made it right and it's legitimate that there has been intellectual property theft and there has been forced technology transfer I wonder though whether you believe you will be heard by the u.s. T.r. When you bring a message that is not related to those things but is related to direct to consumer items and the tariffs and the effect those will have you know the fact is to. Arabs aren't a great solution because American consumers and American companies pay the tariffs the Chinese don't there's other ways to do it and really we look at the more global approach the ideal would be let's use the World Trade Organization and let's use the close relationships that we have with our allies in the e.u. And Canada and other countries to work with China and find specific criteria specific accomplishments to end some of these practices Yeah fair enough last question in the knowledge you know I'm sure you saw the other day that the president told Reuters You know he's got no timeline for ending this thing he doesn't have high hopes for these Chinese negotiations that are happening in Washington this week what happens if this doesn't go away I'd like to be optimistic and I think that there is a path forward and what I'd like to hope we see which is a pause put on the implementation of these retaliatory tariffs until there's a chance to have serious negotiations can we have a summit can we have Asian ping Donald Trump summit in November when there are 2 opportunities for the leaders to meet we're looking for solutions not just for penalty tariffs. Julie hears she's president of the u.s. Fashion Industry Association testifying in front of us here on these 3 owners then thanks very much for Tom I appreciate Ok thank you. Chinese negotiators are here Washington really is true as he was telling us the Chinese economy meanwhile is still mostly happening back home where his market was trying to Correspondent Jennifer Pak tells us suppliers and manufacturers are really although worried so far some 2000 items are subject to tariffs either in the u.s. Or China you might think Chinese companies affected by these would be scrambling to find ways to manage risk and maintain their profit margins instead a lot of businesses tell us well mention the shooting got to go when people we do not think this is a big problem here the trade dispute will be resolved soon we're confident about this that's Juliet Young who's firm buys raw pecans from the u.s. And sells them on to Chinese distributors she spoke to us back in May just after China imposed retaliatory tariffs on u.s. Food exports including an extra duty on American pecans of 15 percent now China has raised the tariff to 40 percent China's media has downplayed the impact on Chinese businesses president Donald Tran has started a trade war against China an animation video of a bikini clad Californian Allman on state backed channel c g t n it's a light hearted appeal to American viewers the u.s. Must stop its trade dispute or China will continue to retaliate the messages in a tariff war the Us will hurt more I would think the water borne by the time Shanghai's Consumer Electronics Show took place. In mid June a 2nd round of tears and counter-terror seem likely. A small plastic robot performed a lively dance on an exhibition stage the routine and music were upbeat just like Claudia Jo She handles oversee sales of the handy blocks toy robot that teaches kids coding Oh. She says her product was initially on the u.s. Tariff list but she's happy it was later dropped or whatever that's going to opt out Trump is a very cunning president I believe that he values access to the Chinese market and he will keep China sellers out of the American market either changing telephone. Help a major rail station in Lucy City a short bullet train ride from Shanghai about 10 minutes from the terminal is the universal machinery company. The pile dry burst its exports for construction projects all across America have just been subjected to a 25 percent u.s. Tariff but says boss most of his Chinese competitors think his firm is lucky common even your janitors about to go to bombs are u.s. Partner has decided to pass the extra cost to customers by raising its own sales price by 25 percent still he's thinking of ways to reduce costs for his u.s. Clients come to the Bahamas if possible Mahatmas she shows me the steel frames needed to support his pile drivers the frames too are subject to u.s. Tariffs so he's now planning to manufacture these in America and avoid the duties Wangyal says he's preparing for a drawn out trade dispute between the u.s. And China. Even if the 2 sides reach a consensus I think the trade relationship will follow the trend of protectionism but he says a few of his industry colleagues share his concern in with the city I'm Jennifer Pak from Marketplace. This final note on the way out today and which I think is a tell that the gang at i.b.m. Has too much time on it hands on its hands but they are using that time awesomely the company got a new patent this month one on a very long list yes for a 107 year old company but this one might be the best dated August the 7th or the title of this thing is drone delivery of coffee based on a cognitive state of mind of an individual so you know where this is going but I'm going to read you part of the abstract here this quote The drink is connected to the u.a.e. That's the drone and the u.s.b. Flies to an area including people and uses sensors to scan the people for an individual who has gesture that they would like of a drink or for whom an electronic analysis of sensory data indicates them to be any pre-determined cognitive state end of quote In other words the drone can tell that you need coffee I mean yes please right but now can we get one for beer. Marketplace is supported by a cloud based phone service working to help businesses run efficiently the smartphone for your business more at 000 am a dot com and 4 x. Dot com committed to empowering and helping traders seize opportunities in currency markets since 19994 x. Dot com It's your world trade it for x. Trading involves significant risk of loss and by Carbonite offering data protection solutions for businesses including automatic backup for servers and point protection high availability and disaster recovery and data migration and learn more and Carbonite dot com All right we're going down just rolls off 88 today 310 percent Nasdaq 29 points higher 310 percent s. And p. $500.00 basically flat. Just edge of Peter's Dan Powell Daniel Ramirez. Engineer the broadcast for us. This is a pm This is southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station 91.5 k. Or c c Good afternoon I'm Mike Purcell 29 minutes after 3 o'clock to ancient human species had a baby together and scientists just found her will look into that story and about 15 minutes 344 that report coming up here as we begin all things considered for this Wednesday August 22nd. Hi I'm out whether it's the debate over immigration a shift in u.s. Foreign policy changing trade tariffs issues of the mountain west or the upcoming midterm elections are more focused than ever on a vital mission to follow the story 1.5 Care theory makes a difference in your life each time you tune in which is why it matters so much that you stick with us and support public radio we've become a monthly 15 member by the. Org today and thank you. Thanks for supporting 91.5 Care c c Thanks for tuning in for all things considered we'll get that program going here right after a check in with Headline News from n.p.r. Weatherwise cloudy 70 current weather conditions here in the downtown area some light rain and 67 being reported at the Springs Airport at last check or tonight again where they have been upper forty's in the higher elevations to lower sixty's across the lower Arkansas River Valley mid fifty's for the springs a good chance as you might surmise for continued showers the rest of today but skies turning mostly sunny for Thursday and Friday highs back into the mid eighty's mid ninety's for the lower elevations mid seventy's to lower eighty's for the mountains and high valleys the next couple of days make it 69 degrees and mostly cloudy skies here in downtown Colorado Springs at 330. Live from n.p.r. News and Culver City California I'm to Wayne Brown universities and high schools across Pennsylvania are renaming buildings once dedicated to bishops who were implicated in the state's weeping clergy abuse report last week as N.P.R.'s Bobbie Allen reports schools from Pittsburgh to Scranton are separating themselves from the now disgraced church leaders the University of Scranton a Jesuit school was the 1st to respond to last week's report from a Pennsylvania grand jury describing how bishops covered up decades of child abuse the university officials have renamed 3 buildings once dedicated to now tainted bishops and revoke their honorary degrees since then 4 other schools across the state have taken similar steps to remove the names of accused priests at the University of Scranton faculty members like history professor Jeff Welsh are applauding the chain reaction would be even more impressed with this university taking this proactive stance and saying we won't be a party in trying to push this out of the rug in his letter to faculty and staff the school's president said he hopes renaming the buildings will start the quote long but hopeful process to rebuild trust and find peace Bobby Allen n.p.r. News Scranton the White House is defending President Trump one day after his former attorney Michael Cohen told a federal judge that trump directed him to make hush money payments to 2 women to keep them from influencing the 2016 election White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders calls it ridiculous to suggest the president lied when he said he didn't know about the payments at the time they were made as the president has stated on numerous occasions he did nothing wrong there are no charges against him in the us and just because Michael Cohen made a plea deal doesn't mean that that implicates the president on anything Cohen pleaded guilty to a series of charges and said Trump directed him to arrange the payments to influence the election President Trump during an interview with Fox News says the payments quote didn't come out of the campaign and it's not even a campaign violation stocks finished mixed on Wall Street this is n.p.r. . Hurricane Lane continues to push towards a y e at this hour the powerful Category 4 storm is approaching the Big Island Hawaii Public Radio's Bill Dorman reports residents are preparing for dangerous winds and heavy rains Hurricane Lane is lumbering towards the horny Mai-Ling chain with winds of more than 150 miles an hour bands of rain stretching out from the hurricane center of the storm's 1st impact the Central Pacific Hurricane Center expects lane to pass west of the big island of Hawaii but close enough to pose a series of dangers Forecasters say at least $10.00 to $15.00 inches of rain may fall even more in some areas surf could reach 25 feet and hurricane force winds are a possibility the slow moving storm is expected to move off the west coast of Maui on Thursday and approach the most populous island of Oahu on Thursday or Friday for n.p.r. News I'm Bill Dorman in Honolulu the oil industry wants the federal government to help protect some of its property along the Texas Gulf coast against the effects of global warming one proposal involves building a nearly 60 mile flood barrier to shield refineries and chemical plants but the Republicans argue such projects should be a national priority but others question whether the taxpayer should be on the hook to protect refineries in the state where top politicians still dispute whether climate change is real on Wall Street stocks finished mixed today the Dow dropped 88 points you're listening to n.p.r. News All Things Considered from n.p.r. Coming up next here on Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station 91.5 Care c.c. Zimbabwe's constitutional court must rule by Friday and a challenge to last month's historic presidential elections more on that story in this 1st half hour of All Things Considered we'll get that report at 350. That 91.5 k. Or c. C. We have increased our daily news services so please consider upgrading your sustaining membership color membership department at 719-473-4800 extension 1 now you can tune in to 91.5 k. Or c c without lifting a finger just tell your smart speaker to listen to 91.5. And you'll be the boss of technology. 69 degrees under mostly cloudy skies here in downtown Colorado Springs at 335. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Ebsco committed to an open library services environment ab Sco discovery service integrates with any libraries chosen integrated library system learn more at abs go dot com from Fidelity Investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their wealth learn more at fidelity dot com slash wealth fidelity brokerage services l.l.c. And from the John d. And Catherine t. MacArthur Foundation at Mack found dot org. It's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Audie Cornish and I'm also checking Republicans in Congress are sticking by President Trump after one of his former top associates was convicted yesterday while another pleaded guilty to several charges saying in the process that trump directed payments to 2 women before the 2016 election n.p.r. Congressional reporter Kelsey Snell has been talking with Republicans today and she's here with us now by there so what's been the immediate reaction from Republicans to yesterday's developments Basically they're doing the same thing that they usually do when there is bad news about the president they try to downplay it and they try to move on nearly everyone I spoke with had some version of the same line they also said that the charges against Conan man of Ford didn't mean much if anything about the president John Cornyn a top Republican leader told several of us who were standing around in the hallways today that that the special counsel investigations always go down unrelated rabbit holes this is how they put it but nothing that happened yesterday or to this point has indicated any evidence of collusion or any involvement of the campaign sure the Russians did attempt to meddle in the campaign it's a serious matter Chuck that we need to protect against in the future but. This is not why Miller was she will point to special counsel now that echoes what the White House is saying right now Republicans on the Hill are just kind of taking their lead Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was asked a slew of questions and as you know he doesn't always respond to us but today he was completely silent which 100 senators are getting the brunt of the questions here it's important remember because they're the only ones that are here in Washington this week McConnell canceled their regular August recess so they have to respond so we just heard Cornyn mention the Moeller investigation but what does all of this mean for the separate Senate Intelligence Committee investigation basically it means that the investigation continues as it was before I caught up with Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr and he said that he and his team aren't stopping their work and he also doesn't often talk to reporters in the. But he was really well prepared for the question when we caught up with him our investigation has nothing to do with criminal action and the actions that we've seen in the last 12 hours deal with charges or police it doesn't change or anything that we're doing so he went on and kept talking it was saying that if anything it means that they have new lines of questions and different access to witnesses that they didn't have before and that's generally been the response of most of the people on the Hill the probes into potential clues in between the president's campaign and Russia are still the focus of those investigations and they do not plan to change that to Republicans seem to be worried that metaphor and Cohen could worsen their chances in the midterm election I mean we're only a few months away at this point Oh absolutely and some people tried to downplay it saying that voters have other things on their mind they want to talk about the economy but a lot of Republicans like Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio and retiring Senator Bob Corker told me that it's hard to see how this doesn't play into the midterms Graham was in a particularly blunt mood he said it just adds to an existing narrative that top officials and people around the president are involved in what he called a bad thing so we'll have our side of the story but I think you have to be a political genius to understand stuff like this didn't help her and it does not sound like they're totally realize that this gives Democrats a lot of ammunition how far are Democrats going to take this I mean are they calling for impeachment right now no not any of the Democrats that I spoke to today would utter the words impeachment they know it's a controversial idea and it's likely to create a huge backlash among independents and that's the last thing they want so people like Nancy Pelosi have made clear that impeachment should wait until the miller investigation concludes that's n.p.r. Congressional reporter Kelsey Snell thanks Kelsey thank you another member of Congress who is following the man afford verdict and the Michael Cohen plea deal was Virginia Senator Mark Warner and he's the ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee Senator Warner along with his Republican colleague Senator Richard Burr are charged with overseeing the Senate's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016. Lection I spoke with Senator Warner earlier today and I asked him to respond to this clip President Trump talking to Fox news about Michael Cohen's allegations that he directed Cohen to make payments to cover up affairs they didn't come out of the campaign fact my 1st question when I heard about it was did they come out of the campaign because that could be a little dicey and they didn't come out of the campaign and that's fake but they were that's not a it's not even a campaign while a ship that's the president speaking in an interview with Fox and Friends those Angele Erhard this afternoon trying to make the distinction that it's somehow not a campaign violation What's your response to this I mean this president has so little regard for rule of law I'm not surprised at his reaction I mean I remember the image of the president denying even any payments to Stormy Daniels the adult film star but the notion that not only did he on tape lie to the American people but the fact that Mr Conan to use got other reinforcing judgments and and that's what I think we'll have to see whether there was other evidence validating that he was doing this at the direction of. Mr Trump I've been around campaigns long enough to know that's a campaign violation of the law it's not a given where our investigation is focused but what I was also very interested in hearing was that Mr Cohen's lawyer has said that Mr Cohen would have very interesting things to tell Robert let me jump in for a 2nd here the attorney for Michael Cohen says that Cohen is ready to testify before any congressional committee without being granted immunity he is ready to talk or he going to be taking him up on that we would like to matter fact yesterday the chairman and I am very proud of the fact that our Senate investigation committee is still bipartisan we have questions about some of Mr Cummins testimony about knowledge or non knowledge of the now infamous Trump Tower meeting with the Russian agents. We hope that his guilty plea would not preclude him from coming back before the commit. I do know that I also hope that he testifies before on Mr Maher because I think that's where we get more has a lot more tools that they can bring to bear that we can at the Senate investigating committee but is even a credible witness to you I mean at this point between the fraud charges and his shifting story do you trust him to tell the truth clearly Mr Cohn would have some credibility issues but if you take the Times that Mr Cohen has maybe misrepresented the truth versus the not times of Mr Trump misrepresenting the truth. That's pretty much a jump ball one of the things I would hope to see is beyond Mr Cummins testimony what other evidence does the special prosecutor or others have and frankly a lot of the things that we've investigated we've got open gaps that can I think could feel mine were just listen and 3 months from Election Day for the midterm elections what's your response to Rudy Giuliani the president's current attorney insisting that investigation should wrap up by September right is actually to avoid affecting the midterm elections I mean Mr Giuliani who depends on the day is saying truth isn't truth or you know you can't as some of the things that he has said or been stunning the say the least. I think that's wishful thinking I think the one thing about the more investigation I don't know what status I do know that they've been very professional they've not been leaking he's going to do his job in the appropriate way I do hope though that if if he's close this the more that can get out before Labor Day or mid September I think the better I do think there will be some period leading up to the election where I would hope that there wouldn't be activities I do hope that if Mr Miller's team has got other indictments to come down other charges to file those that are ready that can be filed before Labor Day or mid September I sure hope he moves forward for junior senator Mark Warner is the ranking member on the Select Committee on Intelligence thank you so much for speaking with all things can see. Thank you. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Scientists said today that they have made a surprising discovery about prehistoric sex researchers say that they have found direct evidence that different types of human like ancestors were mating with each other N.P.R.'s Laura Wamsley has the story in the all time mountains of southern Siberia there's a cave that was inhabited for millennia it overlooks a river valley good for hunting and it's called Denisova. Has been there the main chamber is very high 2025 meters and have a little hole in the ceiling so lights come in from above it's almost church like is a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany back in 2010 he and his colleagues took from the cave a bone fragment a shard of a pinkie bone and extracted and sequenced its d.n.a. What they discovered was a previously unknown branch of the human family tree a group they dubbed to news events who lived in Asia and till about 40000 years ago Denise Evans weren't the only human relatives using this cave Neanderthals were there to Neanderthals of course where are stocky cave dwelling cousins so when researchers found another tiny bone fragment just an inch long that seemed fatally human they weren't quite sure who it belonged to I was sort of convinced it would be easier than this of and then there on the troll or in modern humans and the 1st part of the number look that was unlike the condor the which is a tiny part of the genome that we inherit exclusively from our mothers and that part was showing good evidence of this individual being a Neanderthal but as they kept analyzing the bone people in the lab then started to have this indication that it was equally close to this of us I was in this really convinced I had screwed something up in the lab or something up in and out of this but they hadn't and as a paper published today in the journal Nature explains they found something quite remarkable the bumbling. To a young female at least 13 years old who lived about 90000 years ago what makes her special she had a Neanderthal mother and a Denise of an father from their previous sequencing of that pinkie bone in 2010 they already knew they didn't use events had made it with Neanderthals at some point in their past but to find the remains of someone who was herself the 1st generation offspring of these 2 groups is surprising with that and I have very direct it's evidence of extinguish our Sharon Browning a statistical geneticist at the University of Washington says sex between Neanderthals and nice events couldn't have happened very often otherwise their genes would not be so distinct car have been to many of these and next individuals say you know what are fine this particular barring that is from this kind of individual it's pretty amazing it's right catching something as it's happening says that this finding means that when Neanderthals and Denise have been smacked they had no problem mating with each other and full disclosure it wasn't just a nice happens and Neanderthals that were hooking up modern humans mixed with both of them too it's beginning to be a picture where all these 3 groups when they met they could quite friendly with each other and that's why he says many people today have Neanderthal or Denise have been d.n.a. In their own genomes Laurel Wamsley n.p.r. News. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News and we are. Getting started with today's edition of All Things Considered here on Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station $91.00 Thanks for tuning in after more than a century Nabisco zoo animal cracker packaging is now cage free Nabisco is taking a stand for all the animals who are dragged from city to city and forced to perform these painful and confusing tricks under the threat of punishment coming up at 415 we'll get a new and you look at the a look at the new look for these familiar animal characters are crackers. Again keep it tuned for that story coming up in the next half hour of All Things Considered. There are so many ways to listen to 91.5 k. R.c.c. On your radio stream us on line a k r c c dot org Tell your smart speaker to play n.p.r. Or listen with the free mobile app radio for homework and play. Being president of the United States comes with a lot of power but does it make you untouchable President Trump has been accused of ordering someone to commit a federal crime what's next for his time in office and how does it compare to other sitting presidents who faced scandals I'm Joshua Johnson the limits of executive power next time. And n.p.r. . Joined us for one a. Right after Morning Edition 9 am here on 91.5 k. Or c. C. Programming on 91.5 k. R.c.c. Is supported by Cottonwood Center for the Arts offering classes for all ages like clay Ham building watercolor technique and theory and more beginning September 3rd information about activities is at Cottonwood Center for the Arts dot com Why Colorado Farm and art market Colorado arts baked goods meats and produce 3 to 7 Wednesdays at the Colorado Springs pioneers museum and Saturdays 9 to one at the margarita at Pine Creek farm and art market dot com. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Elsa Chang And I'm Audie Cornish the opposition party in Zimbabwe is challenging the results of last month's presidential election in the country's constitutional court the party is arguing that the electoral commission engage in a vast rigging campaign N.P.R.'s Day to Perrault reports lawyer to Bonnie and stood in front of the 9 justices in detail what he called a vast attempt to undermine opposition leader Nelson Chamisa a statistical analysis of the election results he says showed huge irregularities in some places there were more ballots cast than registered voters in others tens of thousands more voted for president than they did for Parliament some polling places had exactly the same results that's like a kid was claimed the biggest that with the said is not all election is conducted chief justice Luke did not seem convinced he wanted to see the math behind the statistical analysis he wanted the opposition to show discrepancies between tallying forms and what was inside ballot boxes said those documents the so called residuals were likely manipulated if you go to there is issued. You'll think for me poisoning the well. Surely you can tell us we should drink from that poisoned well if you that is how it is too stupid be established the Electoral Commission lawyer the one that come in going he said the opposition is just making things up they looked and corrected some of what he called in significant clerical errors days only a variance of 0 point one percent in that does not change the outcome of the election the electoral commission did it Mitt it has had to change final results several times and that as improbable as it may be 16 polling stations recorded the exact same results the court will head down in opinion on Friday it a Prata n.p.r. News. In the new film The wife of Glenn Close plays a woman who has silently stood in the shadow of her husband a famous author played by Jonathan Price for much of the film her motions are only undercurrents and only expressed by the musical score that music was written by Joslin Pook an English composer who 1st came to international attention for her music to Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut Tim grieving has her story most of us got to know jostling coupes music at one of the weirdest parties we ever attended the masked orgy in Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut Good evening. Getting all those words. For Davies. Thank you so. Just one Pooks weird started back in London where she made up tunes as a kid a My mum was very encouraging and my 1st song was called If a man was dead. And I hadn't performed it at my local church she went on to play viola in London pop bands and write music for theatre and dance a cassette landed in the hands of an ad agency and music for a t.v. Commercial led to a record deal her 1st album Flood was released in 1000. 99. At the same time choreographer Yolanda Snaith was working on the masked ball scene in Kubrick's film and playing hoops music during rehearsals and that's how he had a music he won't in at the right time and I called I Was On the other line and I had saved on hold. I've got a gag a systemic a Wish I could make was famous for his use of music but he often preferred to use dead composers. Christiane Akubra says that's because her late husband needed to live with a piece of music for a long time before he knew it was right for a scene there wasn't the amount of time you want to let somebody writes a music and then listen to it as in I hate to do another one and so if you had found a piece on the radio aware of it whether it was classical a modern music but at least I know this one goes but when Kubrick heard a piece had originally written for a dance about homophobia using a backward sample of a Romanian priest he knew he'd found the music for his master. Then he did something he rarely did book to write original music for several scenes and I tried not to freak out but because it was my 1st feature film. There was a big worry about give me the video and they were talking about somebody sitting in my house every day and taking a bag that was so much secrecy around Kubrick but in the end they trusted me and they left the video is me who trusted her to score a pivotal monologue by Nicole Kidman scare her. After. Helen went to the movies. And. When Eyes Wide Shut came out in 1909 a bunch of directors took notice of pokes music let me just Sing Lee mall art house films not the Hollywood's kind of movies that we had once she scored several French films and in 2004 she was hired by directors. To score actual life mystery. Was. The staircase is a serial documentary about the death of a female executive in North Carolina and the murder trial of her husband who says her job was to play the emotional undercurrents of a real life crime drama it was never about telling the audience what to think and I generally try and stay away from that and I think I'm generally not asked to do that my muse is usually uses another voice and it's not usually used to underline what's happening in the scene that's exactly what Swedish director Bjorn room wanted for the wife a film about the simmering emotions of a brilliant woman who's been muzzled most of her life I think our music is emotional in a very good way and he's also not written on your nose so complex music it's not about bright music or a set mean seek I think just his music has to be to offer to know from melancholy. Was. You know. Way the music in all the stories is connected the wife is about a woman forced to repress your emotions and accomplishments the staircase is about a successful woman who is now merely a silent corpse at the outset of a man's ordeal and Eyes Wide Shut deals with the objectification and disposal of women just one expresses what all these women can't and she feels their pain too with every project so I have to believe it is that you have to really feel like you are in masts in May when she's not channeling the emotions of characters on screen she's expressing her own in concert music opera and on stage with her group Jocelyn Thew consomme for n.p.r. News I'm Tim. Was. Here listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from visit St Pete Clearwater home of 35 miles of white sand beaches and a daily sunset celebration on Clearwater beaches Pier 6090 minutes west of Orlando at visit St Pete Clearwater dot com from people for the American way committed to defending a free press protecting the right to vote fighting for equality and building the bench of progressive leaders more it p.f. A.w. Dot org from Exact Sciences offering color guard for average risk adults over 50 a non invasive colon cancer screening test that can be used at home by prescription only information a color guard test dot com. And from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station thanks for doing that supporting Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station k r c c c c h d Colorado Springs case. Casey Starkville and k w c c f m Woodland Park and streaming a Kia c.c. Debt or gee thanks also for tuning in for all things considered lots more to come on this Wednesday the 22nd of August Facebook and Twitter have revealed that they've taken action against a number of accounts linked to foreign influence campaigns and separately the Democratic now.

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