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The city may invoke Eminent Domain, seizing the loans, and then working with owners to try to refinance their homes at todays lower price. Woodruff good evening. Im judy woodruff. Ifill and im gwen ifill. Those are just some of the stories were covering on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. And by the alfred p. Sloan foundation. Supporting science, technology, and improved Economic Performance and Financial Literacy in the 21st century. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. And. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Ifill our lead story tonight republicans and democrats were locked in a standoff over the president S Health Care law and federal spending. The test of wills played out, with just eleven days until a potential Government Shutdown. Well deliver a big victory in the house tomorrow, then the fight will move over to the senate, where it belongs. In case theres any shred of doubt in the minds of our house counterparts, i want to be absolutely Crystal Clear any bill that defunds obamacare is dead. Dead. Ifill on capitol hill today, neither side ready to blink. The president is digging his heels in too, vowing to veto any attempt to eliminate funding for the health care law. But House Republicans plan to try to kill obamacare tomorrow anyway, as part of a spending bill that would keep the government running past october 1. Speaker boehner said the house will pass the bill, and his counterparts across the capitol should too. I expect my Senate Colleagues to do everything they can to defund this law, just like the house is going to do. Ifill whether they will, remains unclear. Texas republican senator ted cruz, a driving force behind the effort in the house and the senate, said he will not back down. I will do everything necessary and Anything Possible to defund obamacare. Filibuster . Yes. And anything else. Any procedural means necessary. Ifill but some republicans are reluctant. Tennessee republican bob corker dismissed the entire strategy via twitter. He wrote democrats were happy to highlight republican disagreement. Majority leader harry reid theres really some wrangling among the ranks. Not orepublicans in the house, but now we have battles going among republicans in the house and republicans in the senate. So lets just wait and see if they have a stomach for closing the government. Ifill after tomorrows vote, House Republicans are preparing to move right on to the next fiscal fight this time over raising the National Debt limit. This time, they are working to link its passage to implementing a oneyear delay in the health care law. But White House Press secretary jay carney suggested any such proposal is not worth discussing. Its unconscionable to imagine that there are those in the congress and now apparently because he couldnt persuade them otherwise, the speaker of the house has joined them who believe that it is the right thing to do to threaten another recession, threaten economic calamity in this country and the globe over their desire to defund or delay the Affordable Care act. Ifill the treasury now estimates the government will reach its borrowing limit, which would mean defaulting on its debts, sometime between late october and early november. Woodruff and, in the other news of this day a warning from pope francis that the Roman Catholic churchs moral authority is likely to fall like a house of cards, unless it becomes more welcoming. He told an italian jesuit magazine that, the church sometimes has locked itself up in small things, in smallminded rules. The pontiff said doctrines against abortion, gays and contraception must be balanced against the need to be more merciful. Well have more on this, later in the program. The u. S. House of representatives has debated a bill to slash food stamps by some 40 billion over the next decade. Republicans argued today the measure provides muchneeded reforms to a program thats expanded to one in seven americans. Democrats countered with pictures of hungry americans, and argued the cuts would do great harm, as the two sides battled on the house floor. These 40 billion in cuts go against decades of bipartisan support for the fight against hunger in the United States. They will hurt our economy and they are, in a word, immoral. If this cruel legislation were to become law, at least four million of the nations poorest citizens would lose access to the food that they need. Republicans arent trying to take food out of babies mouths or make our seniors go hungry. Dont believe the scare tactics from my colleagues who oppose the bill. This is a common sense reform that cuts waste, fraud, and abuse leaving more money for the americans who truly need help in time of need. Woodruff the democraticrun senate opposes the house bill, and the white house has threatened a veto, if the measure ever makes it to the president. A Texas Appeals Court today tossed out the moneylaundering conviction of former House Majority leader tom delay. In 2010, he was found guilty of illegally channeling 190,000 in corporate donations to republicans running for the state legislature. The Appeals Court ruled the state never proved the money was illegally obtained. Prosecutors plan to appeal. J. P. Morgan chase will pay one of the largest fines ever, for one of the largest trading losses ever. The fines total 920 million. U. S. And british financial regulators said the bank is also admitting that weak oversight allowed london traders to lose 6 billion. More on this, in a moment. The death toll in mexicos disastrous flooding hit 97 today, amid major new destruction. A massive mudslide buried much of a village, located deep in the countrys southern mountains. Officials said 58 people are missing there. One survivor told a harrowing story. translated i was walking down the street, near a store, when i heard a loud noise and i just stood there. I saw how the dirt and dust began to billow up. It was like black smoke and it turned like a windmill. When i saw that it was coming down to the field, i left running. I didnt see anymore. Woodruff the flooding and mudslides were triggered by a pair of tropical storms that struck last weekend. One devastated acapulco, then grew into hurricane manuel and battered the northwest state of sinaloa today. New fighting has erupted in syria between islamist gunmen and westernbacked rebels. Activists confirmed today that an alqaeda offshoot seized a northern town near the turkish border, driving out fighters with the free syrian army. It was the latest sign of growing infighting in rebel ranks. U. S. Senator john mccain fired back today at russian president vladimir putin. Last week, in the new york times, putin strongly criticized the u. S. And its policy on syria. Today, on a russian news website, mccain wrote that putin rules, quote,. By corruption, repression and violence. He rules for himself. The Arizona Republican also accused putin of siding with a tyrant in syria. In egypt, Security Forces stormed an islamist stronghold near the great pyramids, on the outskirts of cairo. They went door to door, hunting down armed supporters of ousted president mohammed morsi. The soldiers were backed by Armored Vehicles and helicopters as gunmen fired down on them from the rooftops. The Egyptian Security chief vowed today to keep up the pressure. translated the 55 people who were arrested are those who burned the churches, paraded with the bodies of the policemen, scared the people and formed the criminal hideouts in kerdasa. This is just the beginning and we will continue our operation. Woodruff islamists seized the town after Security Forces cracked down on promorsi protesters in cairo, killing hundreds of people. The washington, d. C. Navy yard reopened today for the First Time Since a gunman killed 12 people there on monday. The 16block walled complex had been closed to all but essential personnel as the f. B. I. Investigated. As thousands of employees streamed back to work, vice admiral William French said theres counseling for anyone who wants it. To the people that are in the military, and buy things so were interested in opening people up and making sure we can get to them and get them the help they need woodruff the navy yards building 197, where the shootings occurred, remains closed. Wall street mostly took a breather today after wednesdays rally. The Dow Jones Industrial average lost 40 points to close at 15,636. The nasdaq rose five points to close at 3,789. The man who spent more than 50 years at the helm of videogame pioneer nintendo has died. Hiroshi yamauchi ran the Japanese Company from 1949 to 2002. During that time, it grew from a playingcard maker to one of the most popular Gaming Companies in the world. Yamauchi died today of pneumonia at a hospital in central japan. He was 85 years old. Woodruff still ahead on the newshour goodwill gestures to and from iran; over a billion dollars in penalties and refunds levied on j. P. Morgan; a unique approach to help troubled homeowners; the pope faults the Catholic Church for being obsessed with abortion and homosexuality and what will healthcare reform mean for the premiums you pay. Ifill now to iran and what looks like a Charm Offensive not seen in more than three decades. Ever since Hasan Rouhani was elected president of iran in june, hes been sending signals that he is more open, more moderate than his predecessors. Perhaps his most overt olive branch was delivered last night during an interview with nbc news, in which he signaled a possible diplomatic opening on his countrys disputed nuclear program. translated we have never pursued or sought a nuclear bomb, and we are not going to do so. In its nuclear program, this government enters with full power and has complete authority. We have sufficient political latitude to solve this problem. Ifill rouhani also said hed had a positive and Constructive Exchange of letters with president obama on the issue, which the white house confirmed. The iranian leader has already transferred responsibility for Nuclear Negotiations from irans conservative military to the foreign ministry. And, on monday, the countrys new Atomic Energy head pledged increased cooperation with u. N. Inspectors. During an interview on telemundo this week, president obama said he welcomes the apparent diplomatic thaw. There are indications that rouhani, the new president , is somebody who is looking to open dialogue with the west and with the United States, in a way that we havent seen in the past. And so we should test it. Ifill other signs of defrosting iranian authorities unexpectedly released 11 prominent Political Prisoners yesterday, including nasrin sotoudeh, a prominent human rights lawyer. And earlier this month, in a tweet, rouhani wished the worlds jews a happy rosh hashanah. Rouhanis change in tone, at least, stands in stark contrast to the heated rhetoric of mahmoud ahmadiniejad, the previous president , who routinely attacked the west and denied the holocaust. But Israeli Government leaders remain deeply skeptical about rouhanis nuclear plans. Ifill although rouhani will attend the u. N. General assembly next week, there are no announced plans for him to meet with president obama. So, what do president rouhanis overtures to the United States mean . And how much change is actually happening inside iran . For those answers, im joined by haleh esfandiari, director of the middle east program at the wilson center. And karim sadjadpour, a senior associate at the carnegie endowments middle east program. What is rouhani up to, karim sadjadpour. As you said, queen, this is the most significant event they have launched since 1979 and it has been significant. I think the big question is whether this is merely a tactical compromise in order to stave off economic pressure and reduce sanctions 0 is this a strategic shift by iran to alter its relationship with the outside world, in particular with the United States, and i think only time will tell. Were going to have to test that as president obama said. What do you think about that, haleh esfandiari. I think its strategic. I think that the economic shardship that the people of iran are feeling and have been sensing for the last eight years finally res natured with the supreme leader. Because of the sankions. Because of the sankions, of course, and i think thats why he gave at least a lot of leeway to president rouhani to see if he can do something that you know, he can sense that he has quite a lot of authority to be able to at least start a set of negotiations. Ifill when president rouhani won and was installed in office there was much discussion about how he was a moderate or centrist. What dud that mean in iran. With the bar of Public Diplomacy was set very low by the previous president so as long as rouhani comes in and doesnt deny the holocaust and call for israel to be wiped off the map he is seen as a moderate. But historically he has been a constant regime inside ever. But his Foreign Policy and National Security focus, in that respect he has shown himself as someone putting irans National Interests ahead of revolution or ideological interests and for the Obama Administration which is looking a the middle east and every country seems to be unraveling, syria, egypt, bahrain, a lot of negative examples there, and i think that iran, ironically, is perhaps one of the few sources of hope for obama to leave a positive diplomatic regularly. Ifill so so curious about one part of ann currys interview at nbc about whether he denied the holocaust. His answer was im a politician not a historyion. That seem like a missed opportunity. Yes, i know. I think he felt he could not come out straight and say, no, i think my predecessor made this horrendous mistake by saying that. So he got away with this answer because he thought that his foreign minister who is equally a savvy politician had already taken care of the holocaust issue when he left on his facebook or in his twitter in answer to a question that happened to be from daughter that the people of iran never denied the holocaust and the person who that person is no longer president. So i think rouhani that that that took care of the holocaust so he tried to wiggle his way around sphwhriefl he is a politician. He is a politician, compared to his predecessor and the others. Karim, what do you say to people who wonder if all of this olivebranch waving isnt a ploy to get sankions lifted . Anything is possible, gwen, but we wont know until we test it. I dont doubt rouhanis desire to pursue de taunt with the United States. What is in question is whether he has the authority to carry out that da taunt with the United States. And we really dont know. I have to say im someone who didnt allow for rouhani to be elected in the first place. And the supreme right has looked at resistance towards america as one of the strategic pillars, idealogical pillars for three decades and im confident that he is prepared to abandon those pillars . I dont think so. But i think we wont know until we try to test it. Ifill against that backdrop, in 2007, haleh esfandiari, you were released from being held in iran. And you watched this prisoner released yesterday with special interest. How significant is it . I think its very significant and i felt very emotional when i saw the reunion of the young woman that was freed. But there are a whole list of people that were released, by the foreign minister and i think it was very significant because it happened also on the eve of the trip of president rouhani, who im sure would be asked about the other presenters, political prirches, including so at least we have something to show. Ifill but there are dozens of others . There are numbers, they say, you know, around 800 Political Prisoners and different degrees but maybe that is the first step. But just to give you an example that nothing is as simple as one sees in iran. Already today, if you see the press comments that say, well, these people had served their terms and had nothing to do, which is ridiculous. Everybody knew the sentence. But they want to try and cover it up. Ifill this mutual outrage going on between the u. S. And iran, does it help the president of the United States to square the circle on syria at all . Possibly. At the moment, the u. S. And iran are basically embroiled in a zero sum game in syria, bashar alassads biggest backer is iran and obviously the u. S. Wants us to go. The irony is, theyre locked in the game but when theres a fault theres going to be an overlapping interest between washington, iran and syria which is mutual concerns about radical islamists who hate shiites as much as the United States. What do you think will happen at the u. N. General assembly, is this all a build up to that moment . I believe so. But my sense is that he is going to give a speech which is very moderate in terms and showing that he is a man of compromise and a con silltary turn but he will also insist on the right of iran. He is not going to compromise that, and he will explain what iran thinks is its rights when it comes to Nuclear Issues and then what i think is interesting to watch is histone on issues that have been always important for the palestinian issues, for example, how is he going to formulate that, and that is something to watch. Ifill we will be watching all of that. Haleh esfandiari, the Woodrow Wilson center. And karim sadjadpour, carnegie endowment. Thank you very much. Thank you. Woodruff and we return to j. P. Morgan the Huge Investment bank hit with two sets of penalties today. First, s. E. C. Officials criticized the banks top leaders for how they handled trading losses last year that eventually topped 6 billion. The sec said no top executives were charged. For more on this and another federal penalty, we turn to dawn kopecki with bloomberg news. She joins us from new york. Welcome to the news hour. Remind us what jpmorgan is charged with and then what is it admitting that it did wrong . Well, the bank has been charged with basically having such bad and lax internal controls that it led executives to give shareholders, regulators and their own board of directors really bad information, inaccurate information. They didnt correct the information in a timely way. And basically miss lead, you know, very important, you know, regulators and share shoulders that are investing in their company. Woodruff and the bank in, i gather, what is taken as unusually in these kinds of arrangements, jpmorgan is admitting that it broke the law . Its something new that the securities and Exchange Commission is trying to force companies to do. Because investors are getting tired of banks being able to pay a large fine and then not admitting any wrongdoing. So what theyre doing so getting them to admit that they at least violated securities laws but it didnt say specifically what they violated, so this is new, its new under mary jo white, the new chairman of the commission, had to recuse herself from this case because she used to represent jpmorgan in private practice but they still came down very hard on the company today. Woodruff how does this compare, dawn, with other penalties leveed against other banks in the last few years . Its huge. Its tremendous. Its definitely in the top 10, perhaps the top five, for a single bank to absorb, and its not done. It wasnt just the fcc today, it was the financial regulator and the united kingdom. It was the office of comp controller the currency and the federal reserve. Their got hit by four different regulators today but there are many other people, many other agencies still investigating this, so this 900 billion today is not the end of it. By the time its over, you may see this you will probably see this go well over a billion dollars. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is conditioning whether or not they manipulated various trading indexes and thats another sign that will be probably coming down the pike in maybe a few months or so. Woodruff and i gather theres a criminal probe by u. S. Prosecutors . Yep. Theyre looking at the traders involved. And right now, they have filed charges and indictments against two of the lowlevel traders. Ironically, they havent charged the london wail, bruno etsel because he is cooperating with them. But in these cases they start low and try to work their way up the food chain. No one noes how high it will go. It may stop with these three traders but the goal is to see if they can implicate executives higher up the food chain at jpmorgan and that could be a big headache. Woodruff is it clear why the government you mentioned three regulatory agencies in the u. S. And a british agency, why they went ahead and did a joint finding today and yet there are still these other investigations under way . Well, the securities and Exchange Commission k. Financial conduct authority, im told they often act in unison and the fed as well. So the company was really trying to get as many fines charged off against the Third Quarter earnings which closed on september 3rd, so thats coming up in a week or two. So they were really rushing and probably paid more than they would have, had they fought it longer, just to try to get it off their books this quarter. Now, separately we know today it was announced that jpmorgan is being asked to pay hundreds of millions in refunds to customers. Yep. Woodruff tell us about that. They were charged by the office of the comptroller of the currency who was joined by the consumer federal protection bureau, who fined them 80 million together and then forced him to refund about 300 million in charges to consumers that bought Identity Theft protection. It was because the protection wasnt really there. It was kind of a scam, a little bit of a dupe of consumers and they got slapped for that as well today. So today cost jpmorgan over 1. 3 billion. Woodruff all together when you add it all up. What affect does this have on jamie diamond who has been heralded as one of the wonder kids of Bank Leadership . This puts a lot of pressure on jamie diamond. He was challenged very hard last ring to keep his chairmanship. He is chairman and c. E. O. And there was a big push to get him to step down as chairman. Ircant imagine that investor groups wont do that again with the next proxy season. That comes about in april or may of next year so this will probably put more pressure on him. I mow investor groups are not happy with him still, and so this is really going to make it difficult for him to keep his chairmanship. I dont know about his c. E. O. Position. Some people have called for resignations but its kind of early for that. Woodruff dawn kopecki, watching it for us tonight. Thank you, with bloomberg news. Thanks. Thank you. Ifill next, a second story about government officials pushing back against banks and other lenders, this one focused on the aftermath of the mortgage meltdown. In northern california, a town is on the verge of taking unprecedented action to help underwater homeowners. Will other cities follow suit . Hari sreenivasan has our report. Reporter jazz musician Morris Legrande spends a lot of time jamming in the small Recording Studio in the back of his richmond, california home. He and his wife luajuana, both 57, were firsttime homeowners when they bought their place in 2004 for 310,000. Several years later, when the property was appraised at nearly half a million dollars, they refinanced and used the money to do some home repairs. This was on sale. Reporter but the legrandes dream of paying off their home one day was shattered in 2007 when the housing bubble burst, and, like so many families across america, they found themselves underwater owing more than their home was worth, much more. Were currently 270,000 underwater. It weighs on me heavily. Ive had some sleep issues over the years. You only get what you absolutely need. Every now and again you can splurge and get some ice cream. Reporter their street has been hit hard, too. This white house down there was lost to foreclosure and resold, this house here that was lost twice. Reporter the couple is current on their mortgage payments, due to help they receive from the federal governments Home Affordable Modification Program which cut their ballooning Monthly Payments nearly in half, but they say foreclosure is a very real possibility unless they can reduce the amount they owe. I dont see staying here, pouring more money into this house, knowing in the end im going to have to say here you go. You can have it back. Reporter but the legrandes and other families in richmond who are on the brink of foreclosure say they now have hope of keeping their homes, thanks to this woman. They say, no, we cant. We say, yes, we can cheering reporter richmond mayor gayle mclaughlin, a former teacher and member of the green party is on a crusade to stop foreclosures she says have devastated her working class, predominantly minority community. Despite rising home prices in many areas of the country, half of all richmond homes are currently underwater; meaning the homeowners owe more on the property than it is worth, and nearly 20 of homeowners have gone through foreclosure. When we have these vacant blighted homes, you know that theyre really attractors of crime. They really lower the overall value of property for the entire neighborhood. Reporter mclaughlin has put forward a controversial and novel plan using Eminent Domain to seize underwater mortgages from wall street firms and investors in hopes of keeping residents in their homes. Eminent domain is usually invoked by governments to take private property for big projects like railways which are designed to serve the public good. But richmond is on the verge of being the first city in the nation to instead use the power to help refinance homes. Richmonds city manager took the first steps in july, sending letters to Financial Institutions that manage the mortgages of 624 underwater homes, including the legrandes offering to buy the loans at what the city considers current fair market value. Thats considerably less money than what is owed on the mortgages. If the offers from the city are refused, mclaughlin says the city may invoke Eminent Domain, seizing the loans, and then working with owners to try to refinance their homes at todays lower price, restoring some equity to the homeowner. So far, not a single Financial Institution has accepted the citys offer. We have moved forward with this option to utilize Eminent Domain as a last resort, because no solution to this housing crisis has been brought forward by either the banks, or the federal government. Reporter it is an unprecedented approach which has garnered National Media attention and has sparked a huge debate among richmonds residents. People didnt complain when they signed the paperwork. Now theyve made a bad call, they are looking to you to bail them out reporter at a Contentious City Council meeting last week, mclaughlin sparred with two of the Council Members opposed to the Eminent Domain plan. I can not in good conscious put this city at risk. Reporter passionate residents on both sides of the issue linedup to speak into the wee hours of the morning. If we dont cancel this program, then it is going to be impossible to get credit here in the city of richmond and believe me theres not going to be a job created in this city, theres not a house improved. Bought my home for 420 and now worth 125. If program doesnt pass, we move. Reporter vice mayor corky booz, who is strongly against the Eminent Domain plan, said the city could face serious legal consequences if it moves forward. We are the guinea pig. Is 110,000 people worth fighting wall street . Yes thats fine, but when we have a multimillion dollar suit and your tax dollar has to pay it, i hope you are still there hollering and saying, yeah, yeah, i want to pay that bill. Reporter local Real Estate Agent Jeffrey Wright is also opposed to the use of Eminent Domain. He is part of a campaign, funded by the California Association of realtors, to stop the plan. Wright says lending institutions have no legal obligation to negotiate with homeowners, and he fears they will no longer want to do business in richmond. If a lender wants to renegotiate, thats between the lender and the borrower. Its not for a municipality such as the city of richmond to become an interloper into someone elses agreement, utilizing strong arm tactics such as Eminent Domain to force them to have to renegotiate an agreement. Reporter wright also believes homeowners, many of whom claim predatory lending forced them into bad mortgages, bear the burden of responsibility, not the banks. In my 34 years with the real estate business, at no point in time have i ever seen anyone strapped to a chair, burned with cigarettes, pistol whipped, forced to sign a loan agreement. Reporter while emotions are running high in richmond, theres an even bigger battle underway between the city, supporters of the citys plan, and wall street. Do i believe that wall street is circling the wagons in any way they can . Of course they are. They dont, for whatever reason, they dont like this. Reporter Steven Gluckstern is the chairman of the San Francisco private Investment Firm mortgage resolution partners, m. R. P. He is the one who proposed the Eminent Domain plan to richmond leaders and hes now working closely with the city to implement it. And heres an important point to understand gluckstern and the city didnt just randomly pick 624 mortgages to buy. They went after homes with a very specific, complicated loan, known as private label securitized mortgages. Now these are mortgages which have been sold from the original lending institution, bundled together with other loans in trusts, and then sold to private investors. They are traded daily, so hundreds, possibly thousands of individuals have a financial stake in them. Gluckstern says, unlike a traditional loan directly between a bank and a borrower, the complicated structure of p. L. S. Mortgages makes it very difficult for richmond homeowners and homeowners around the country to know who they can actually negotiate with to reduce their loan. Theres about four and a half million private label securitization mortgages, half of which are underwater, half of which we know are going to default. Thats two and a half million american families. This is a hairball stuck in americas economy right now, and its got to get hacked up. Reporter but one of the most controversial aspects of the citys plan is that glucksterns company, its investors, and the city of richmond stand to make money if the Eminent Domain plan moves forward. Heres how their plan works. In a hypothetical example, if a home was originally purchased for 400,000 and is now worth 200,000, the city would use Eminent Domain to seize the loan for 160,000. Thats 80 of the current fair market home value. The city would then help qualified homeowners to refinance, reducing their Monthly Payments, and giving them 10,000 back in equity. That leaves 30,000 to be divided between the city of richmond, m. R. P. And its investors. Thats called stealing. Reporter scott simon is a former managing director of pimco, one of the Worlds Largest bond funds which invests in mortgage and assetbacked securities. Simon says m. R. P. And richmond are taking profits away from average americans. The lenders, the investors, its really the same thing in this case, are in a large part your viewers. Its their 401 k , its pension plans, its firemen, and policemen, and teachers, its exactly backwards of the way m. R. P. Makes it sound, which is that rich people are, you know, wall streets trying to make money. Reporter and simon says as the citys move could have very real consequences for all residents of richmond, even those not underwater on their mortgages. Why would you ever lend money in an area where the government could just say, were going to take it . A place like richmond will be cut off, fannie and freddie will all walk away, the big lenders will all walk away, and you want to see something terrible happen . Wait until you cant get a mortgage in richmond. The fact is you cannot restrict credit to a community. The fact that mortgages would be boycotted, or any kind of, thats an illegal type of action. Reporter still, richmond may already be seeing blowback from wall street. Last month, the city was unable to sell its highly rated Municipal Bonds in the open market. And a coalition of mortgages bondholders, which are being represented by trustees wells fargo, deutsche bank, and the bank of new york mellon, have been challenging the city and m. R. P. In federal court. Mayor mclaughlin and a group of supporters gathered outside wells fargo last month and demanded the bank and other lending institutions stop their legal actions and work with the city. This is building to be a national movement. There are many cities like richmond that and are suffering big time. Reporter at the end of their sevenhour meeting last week the Richmond City Council Voted four to three to move forward with the Eminent Domain plan. But city leaders, including mayor mclaughlin, say they are still hopeful they can work out some kind of agreement with the banks and bondholders using Eminent Domain only as a last resort. Ifill a postscript earlier this week, a federal judge in San Francisco dismissed the investors lawsuit against richmond and m. R. P. , saying the case had been filed prematurely. But he did not rule on the merits of the case. Woodruff now to the remarks made by the pope and the unusually blunt language he used about the state of the Catholic Church. Jeffrey brown has more on the story. Brown the popes words came in a wideranging interview with an italian jesuit magazine, done in conjunction with a number of jesuit publications around the world, including america magazine published in the u. S. Its editor in chief, father matt malone, joins us now. Welcome to you, father. I wanted to ask you, first, briefly, just how unusually this is and how surprising it is to have the pope speaking out in this way. Its actually unprecedented. Other popes have given interviews. Pope benedict specifically gave two book length interviews to a german journalist but they were highly redacted and highly philosophical. No pope has really given an interview that was this frank, this intimate. Thats look at some of the language getting a lot of attention. He said we cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. This not possible. I have not spoken much about this things and i was reprimanded which that. The teaching of the church is clear and i am a son of the church but it is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time. He later uses the word obsessed, the church is obsessed with these things. What do you make of it . Well he is not changing any of the churchs teachings per se. But what he is doing is reordering our priorities. What he is reminding the church is that the fundamental and most important teaching of the church is that we have a god of love who has treated us and has redeemed us. And only within the context of our relationship with him does the rest of what the church teach make sense. Brown so not changing any doctrine or policy. So does that have any practical implication, for example, here in the church and the u. S. . It does, i think. Because, for instance, you know, in the modern era, the church has always taught officially that guy and lazy baby people should be welcome with open arms and accepted and their dignity should be respected. That has always been an aspect of what the church has taught. But what the pope told us today is that 1 not only an aspect of what the church teaches about homosexuality but it is the most important aspect. In other words he has not changed the teaching but he has drawn our attention to another aspect of it and said that ought to take priority. Perhaps the strongest language he used that got some attention, i want to put that up for our audience, he said we have to find a new balance, otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall, like a house of cards, losing the freshness and fragrance of the gospel. Thats right. And what the pope is saying there is that rules only make sense in the context of relationships. Rules exist to safeguard relationships. And the most important relationship that the church has, the most important relationship any of us could have is our relationship with this god of love who has created and redemmed us. And the pope said when we forget that, when we forget that essential truth of who we are, then the rest of it just doesnt make sense and it becomes a very blunt instrument. Who is he speaking to here . Yes, to audiences around the world, is he speaking to foacial rome, the vatican, to folks like you . How strong a message is this . Well, interestingly enough he is not speaking to the vatican because he largely bypassed the vatd can in giving this interview. It went directly to american magazine and directly to rome ask we published it without censorship with the vatican bureaucracy. He is speaking i think directly to the people of god and he is saying to the people in the pews and saying any reform, any change in the church that is to come or not to come, it has to begin with a change in our hearts. It has to begin with the reform of our attitudes. And the first way that you begin that change and that reform is by remembering who you are, and the people in this interview is reminding us who we are and in a very candid way revealing who he is. Yes, i just want to ask you about that briefly because he also mentions some of his loves, mozart, dostoevsky, and that was interesting to hear him talking about his artistic influences. And even wagner, he has quite eclectic tastes. Thats absolutely true. You know, he is a man of the heart. So he is attracted to he is attracted to the affairs of the heart. And you know, the comedy and tragedy of human living. And he finds that in those artists. Father matt malone of american magazine. Thank you very much of the. Thank you. Ifill finally tonight, understanding the Health Care Reform law. Weve been examining the changes scheduled to take effect when online insurance marketplaces known as exchanges open next month. Our series of reports, answering some of your more frequently asked questions continues with ray suarez as our guide. We again focus on questions about exchanges and insurance rates. Tonight, what do we know about what premiums might cost . We received a lot of questions about this and this time were joined by newshour regular susan dentzer. Susan, theres widespread either misunderstanding or confusion about what this is going to mean, even among people who are already insured, they think something is coming to change their lives. We got questions like this one. My name is burton ask im from odenton, maryland, and my question for the Affordable Care act is will the premiums go up for those who currently have Health Insurance and if so how much . Do we even know that yet . Well, if you have Health Insurance through your employer, your Health Insurance is probably only going to be affected by all of the normal things that affect Health Insurance premiums like the fact that Health Care Costs are rising and even though theyre not rising as fast now as they were several years ago, theyre still going up 4 percent or more a year. So generally speaking for everybody Health Insurance premium restining to rise. For people buying coverage through the exchanges or the as theyre officially called the marketplaces, the premiums will be different from premiums available on plans previously because the plans are different. The plans are coming into the market. They have new requirements on them about what they have to cover. We now know that no preexisting condition restrictions will be held against anybody and thats going to affect the price and we also know that things like no more annual limits on what Health Care Insurance payouts can be come into effect, no lifetime limits. So in essence, the coverage is different from what was available previously for people buying coverage in the individual market, and the prices are going to vary, exchange by exchange, depending on how many insurers bid to participate in the program and how heavy a bargain states drove with the Health Insurers that are coming into the marketplace. So were seeing a lot of variation in rates around the country. That said, its also fair to say though in general the rates are lower than many people expected they would be. Among that first group, the majority of american whose have Health Insurance coverage and get it through their employer, arent there any taxes or fees that are going to be added to the premiums they already pay to help implement this new system . Eventually thats right. Very high cost Health Insurance plans are going to be subject to a socalled cadillac tax. But that doesnt take affect right away. So in general, for the early years of this, if you have employerprovided coverage, you will be subject to the same forces that were driving Health Insurance premiums up all along. Some additional expense related to some of the changes in that coverage. As we know, for example, Adult Children can now stay on their employer plans that their parents have. So modest effects on that on premiums from that, but in general, most of the difference in premiums is going to be seen by people who previously had to buy coverage on the individual Health Insurance market and now had the ability to buy that through a marketplace. Some people who are entering the changes are a little worried about what theyre going to to find there and what affordable means. We got a letter from Bill Williams of fort collins, colorado, who writes i presently pay approximately 100 a month per person in our household. How come the obama premiums i hear bantered about are 600 for each person . How can this be considered remotely affordable . This takes us from 300 a month to 1,800 a month and 1,800 per month totals to 21,600 per year. What can you tell bill . There are going to be a variety of plan available on exchanges including in colorados, subject to, for example, Different Levels of covering. They will be rated by socalled medals, bronze level, silver level, gold and platinum. And what this speaks to is how much of a persons total Health Care Cost every year does the Insurance Plan cover. The bronze plans cover only 60 percent of total costs. And the silver, which many people will buy covers 07 percent and so on. So, depending on what level of coverage you pick, premiums will be lower or higher. For example, in colorado, a bronze level plan, available for a 40yearold male can be had for as low as 186 a month. So theres going to be some variation. There also is variation within states, depending on what the county is and how Many Health Care providers and insurers bid to provide coverage. And also its very clear that in some states and some changes, insurers drove very hard bargains with Health Care Providers to get there emto take lower rates. In a case like bills, he hey not may not be comparing his hundred dollar per Family Member month a plan to an equivalent plan to get this 600 that he has heard about and frankly scares him a little bit. Thats right. 600 may be a platinum level plan that is potentially more generous than he is buying now. It will be very difficult for people to make apples to apples comparison because the coverage changed the options have changed and the underlying marketplace has changed. Susan dentzer, thank you for joining us. Great to be with you ray. Woodruff our series continues online, where you can leave your questions about the new health care law. And well try to answer those in the coming weeks. Ifill again, the major developments of the day republicans and democrats were locked in a standoff as they tried to avoid a federal Government Shutdown and a debt limit crisis. And pope francis warned the Roman Catholic church runs the risk of losing its moral authority, unless it balances rules against abortion, gay marriage and contraception with the need to be merciful. And a correction, last night, as part of our series on Climate Change in the arctic, we got something wrong. Point barrow, alaska is the northernmost tip of the United States, not of north america. That distinction belongs to ellesmere island in canada. And thats only if you dont count greenland, but well leave that geography lesson for another day. Woodruff online, although reports show that existinghome sales have hit their highest levels in sixandahalf years, first time homebuyers continue to struggle to get in on the market. We have a report on making sense. And on the rundown, we discuss how hiroshi yamauchis leadership of nintendo helped turn video games into the highest grossing entertainment business in the world. All that and more is on our website newshour. Pbs. Org. Ifill finally, we remember the lives lost at the Washington Navy yard. Here, in silence, are the names and available photographs of the 12 civilians killed in mondays tragic shooting. Gunman aaron alexis also died. Woodruff and thats the newshour for tonight. Im judy woodruff. Ifill and im gwen ifill. Well see you online and again here tomorrow evening with david brooks and e. J. Dionne. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and the william and flora hewlett foundation, working to solve social and environmental problems at home and around the world. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. And. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by Macneil Lehrer productions captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org live from berlin, youre watching me journal you are watching the journal. The syrian president says he needs a year to destroy his countrys chemical weapons. After the murder of an anti fascists singer, thousands of greeks take to the streets to protest far right extremism. Iran is praised for releasing Political Prisoners, including a human rights lawyer. Human rights lawyer

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