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You know I'm Kathleen Maloney f.b.i. Director James Comey will testify before the House and Teligent committee Monday on 2 surveillance issues the 1st one is what happened was Russian influence in the election the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate intelligence committees all 4 Democrats and Republicans have said that they have no physical evidence and I underscore that word physical that the president his associates and Trump Tower were wiretapped now the White House the president and Sean Spicer his spokesman continued to say No no something happened that's what this big debate is and undoubtedly that will be part of the discussion to Fox's Chad program the Justice Department has complied with the intelligence committee's request for information related to surveillance during the presidential election chairman Devon Nunez is not saying what was received budget director Mick Mulvaney is defending President Trump's budget proposal that boosts disk defense spending at the expense of domestic agencies like the e.p.a. They want the government to spend more they want to have more control over your life and over mine and that's how they do it they tax more and they want to spend more in this case borrow more will have a nice speaking to Fox News Hillary Clinton making a rare speaking appearance since her election loss to President Trump I'm like a lot of my friends right now are I have a hard time watching the news I'll confess. So I was thinking like Ok what do we do you know walk in the woods. Oh you can only do so much of that Clinton speaking in Pennsylvania at the Society of Irish women St Patrick's Day dinner a federal judge in Seattle says he will not rule on a request from Washington state to block the president's revised travel ban You're listening to Fox News Radio there and balance. We've got to figure out a way to save energy babe our heating bills are crazy see this new remote it is budget lines was here this morning installed these moderate shades in the kitchen can you watch so I just sit here they open they close this is a really very good budget balance comes in measures then they install everything you didn't have to lift a finger right I like that almost as much as the remote but we were talking about saving energy this right see the sheets are also money time or time or you program the timer to open them in the morning with the sun in then close in the evening to keep in the warmth maybe we should do the rest of the House what a great idea honey right now during budget blinds luxury within reach of motorized window coverings are more affordable than ever the more you buy the more you save with savings up to $2000.00 hurry and call 855 budget lines now before this offer ends or go online to budget lines dot com Don't miss out call 855 budget blinds now offer good on select products at participating independently owned and operated franchises restrictions may apply ask for details in New York are searching for a Secret Service laptop computer that was stolen it could conclude floor plans to Trump Tower and information about the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server now the agent in question reportedly left a bag containing the laptop in her driveway in Brooklyn a spokesperson for the agency says the laptops are encrypted and are not permitted to contain classified information but as you can well imagine that's also raising the ire of lawmakers on Capitol Hill some of whom are already calling for an investigation Fox is Kevin Corke the Secret Service says a man who jumped the White House fence last week was on the grounds for 16 minutes before he was caught authorities say he got close to the White House but did not get inside and f.l. Quarterback call and capper neck is getting desperately needed aid to an African nation he said that there was a lack of media attention so he wanted to do something about it and made a pitch to Turkish Airlines to help him out in getting humanitarian. To Somalia where the u.n. Says a major famine looms a Turkish Airlines the only carrier that travels directly from the us to the African nation and it looks like the pressure that he put on them worked amazing news Turkish Airlines granted us an airplane to fly to Somalia a 60 Town cargo plane so we can fly there with food with water for these people that announcement made on Twitter Hollywood funnyman Ben Stiller is also part of the effort through his foundation a Go Fund Me page has been set up to gather the money to buy food called Love army for Somalia that has already gathered hundreds of thousands of dollars and Eliopoulos Fox News officials in Portland Oregon are thinking inside the box to solve a serious problem some homeless families will soon move into tiny government built modular units located in the backyards of willing homeowners under the pilot program the homeowners can take them over in 5 years and rent them out I'm Kathleen Maloney Fox News Radio. Must be budget lines because only budget lines brings a showroom with great window fashions to your door Hi Julie hi Janet love the new designs colors and patterns you can't find anywhere else brought right to your door explosive product lines for every budget including roman shades rugs pillows and so much more to transform any room from Ordinary to Extraordinary to as we do all the measuring and installation for you know that running from store to store or taking your chances on line budget wise a home convenience concept whatever you call budget wise are always going to get a live person come out will bring all sorts of samples listen to your New You being a franchise owner of a budget line big part would be our workers are working as a room unbeatable with no questions asked no matter what happens to one of our brains you're so when you hear think budget lines need a custom window coverings your budget lines all today 2 to 690 to sell your business on the web but ones don't. Warning both Savage Nation contains or don't language but don't go into psychological nudity listener discussion is about. Now America's most exciting radio talk show The Savage Nation almost borders one culture and a period. Up on National Radio one with. Michael Savage. This is the Savage Nation I am Michael Dell Giorno from Nashville Tennessee honored to be in for Dr Savage who is expecting to be back Monday he is still getting some medical treatment for his injuries after being attacked hopefully he'll be back Monday if not hopefully the next time somebody thinks they can attack Dr Savage I'll be sitting at the Italian restaurant with them I'll go Sonny Corleone on somebody but our thoughts and prayers are with Dr Savage and and hope for a quick return and hope he's back as soon as Monday our phone number throughout the show 855400 savage 85547282 don't forget to get Michael's book Trump War His Battle for America and it's all of our battle Breitbart did a an updated story on the attack of Dr Savage and Tipper on California and the quote they used from Dr savages it's clearly open season on prominent Trump supporters the fascist left has been empowered by their own false narrative I love that you got to realize some of these bots are really programmed by the I mean you heard the clip I played earlier of the woman talking to spies are like I'm a programmed bought a Dem bought a snowflake block bought but they have been literally programmed and empowered by their own false narrative. That those who support borders language and culture culture not just Dr savages model it's something all of us as Americans should embrace We are a sovereign nation and we have a right to decide who comes into our country who doesn't especially protect ourselves from those who are telling you they're going to come through and harm we have a Judeo Christian culture that has made us the exception to the world and exceptional in the world and yes through illegal immigration and the past out of many came one because those that came here left somewhere for very good reason and they assimilated and became a part of us you can't assimilate radical Islamists you're asking them to give up their entire devotion everything we stand for as a nation is antithetical to what they stand for we believe in freedom they don't we believe in freedom of speech they don't we believe in freedom of religion they don't we believe in separation of church and state not the ocracy they don't they're not here to be one of many They're here to replace and to overthrow you have a right as a sovereign nation to have borders that are protected and secured and in a constitutional republic a government of laws laws that are enforced and the people that still stand for these things are not fascist That's how Hitler came to power he used his brownshirts to beat up any importance or silence them love the quote read the story on Breitbart I'll tell you a funny story from my childhood because what I love most about Dr Savage he doesn't know this but for decades I've been listening to his radio show his voice sounds so familiar having all my relatives either be from Italy or upstate New York but when he would tell stories I went to his childhood story my father finds a marijuana cigarette on my brother. Brings him into his bedroom my dad standing facing my brother sitting on the bed and just beyond my brother is the bedroom windows of my father's room and as my dad is going over his disappointment and his anger at my brother having a marijuana cigarette. He is a celebrity and this could be scandalous it could cost him his job you know my dad doing over the can to speak to my brother I'm standing in the doorway and I'm watching the marijuana plants that my brother is growing on the side of the house waving in the Louisiana breeze left to right and so is my dad is focused on this marijuana cigarette as he should have been lecturing my brother as he should have been he was missing a much bigger story right outside his window was any and I may have only been 11 years old but I've never forgotten that story and I vowed all my way through life I will never be so myopic so focused that I missed the big picture while you're following in chasing these false narratives we're on the brink of World War with North Korea or you think it's about Dr Savage being attacked in California it's about all of us being silenced all of us being attacked and elections have consequences and they lost we should just get out of the business of governing and today I would love to be talking to you about the Paul Ryan b. Trail the Mitch McConnell betrayal the John McCain betrayal or how about my 2 Jim Oakes Senators Corker and Alexander that this president thinks he has friendships with this president thinks he has trust with and things in common with their as bad as the Democrats and they're setting him up for failure Dr Savage's any contact with Donald Trump please tell my president that a lot of those R.'s are as bad as the d.s. And they don't like them any more than the D's and they would love to sabotage that office of the people and return it to the establishment Republican Party as if they could keep it they've proven their numbskulls. This latest Obamacare replacement is in d.n.a. The same as Obamacare I could spend a whole hour teaching you how everything that made Obamacare a terminal patient is still present in the d.n.a. Of its replacement everything that made it an actuarial failure everything that made it a civic and principled failure everything that made it a fiduciary and an American failure is present in the new bill and they either lack any courage to really replace this with the right thing or they're trying to sabotage our president in the end history's going to look at a good time of death and cause of death both to Obama and Trump and designed to fail from the beginning all you'll have left is well the government can't solve it we'll just do a government system Republicans tried the Democrats tried will just to a single payer system I would love to talk to you about that but this is far more pressing and they use that marijuana analogy outside the window don't miss the big picture the big picture is they don't hate Michael Savage They don't hate Donald Trump they hate all of us were all deplorable if you believe in God's plan for the family and natural order of reproduction you're almost bald if you listen to an emo mourn Islamised tell you the truth convert or die your Islamophobia and you'll have one of 2 choices and if you follow the lead of the church Heck I don't fill in that often you're probably sick of hearing this you know darkness doesn't exist it's merely the absence of light how did all this happen in a nation under God you better look to the godly 1st as Dr Savage will teach and he's going to be working on a book on a god what did 2nd Chronicles 714 say not of the Sodom ites and of the whoremongers that of the serpents If my people will humble themselves confess their sins and pray maybe I'll hear them and then I'll hear their land you want your land healed is going to start with the church. If you follow the lead of the church in America today they have conveniently gone silent to protect their tax exemption or to protect their Sunday school attendance or their big church it is a ridiculous fiscal responsibility to create a place when you were supposed to be a thing you're called to be the church not go to church don't even get me started a justice culture has whipped the Christin dumb and to dangerous silence that's what's politically happening right now and I don't think it's a coincidence that Obama is a mile away with Valerie Jarrett living in his home that's a strange nanny and I watched nanny in the professor that was going on down the street it's a coup d'etat mile away using c.n.n. And The Washington Post and George Soros is money you better know listen when Michael Savage shows the title trumps war probably the only thing you need to be brainstormed we call it trumps war are war Well I'm going to call it trumps he wrote our movement to be his to win it is what the title says a battle for America it's not just your 2nd chance it's sure last chance and I know you're ignoring your radical Islamist enemies and what they're saying they're going to do to you or ignore North Korea and what they're saying they're going to do to you you might not want to ignore these crazy left as nuts as they're doing it and not just a trump and not just a doctor Savage although you throw an old man down 74 years old to the ground and you try to abuse his 12 year old put a lot of given anything to be there is somebody been filling in for me today filling in for Michael Savage because I'd be in jail but I want you to see the bigger picture I want you to know that the attacks by inference the ginned up divisions in the the the whisper recalls to violence there is dangerous is the silence there's a lot of stake here a prominent talk show host. And a last bastion of truth talk radio 1st to be tried to be silenced was attacked and I don't know if it was because he was Jewish I don't know if it was because he was supportive of Trump I don't know what this sick you know what had in mind but the fact that nothing happened since a loud message that's why in the 1st hours trying to make the point to you it's what Obama goes to Cairo demands the Muslim Brotherhoods there 2 years later there's a Muslim Brotherhood overthrow of Egypt our ally and then when the people take their country back silence from Obama Trayvon Martin is dead and instantly Obama knows he's a 10 year old innocent child walking by a gated white community none of the facts matched that he was 6 foot 3 a drug addict and he was trying to kill the neighborhood watchman and on all of the majority neighborhood but when the truth comes out he just goes silent or the case of Michael Brown after the grand jury says the officer did nothing wrong this guy was a thug use trying to kill the officer then when the biased Obama Justice Department comes it just goes silent the silence is dangerous is the lie I got to tell you something I have common sense of decency and somebody throws a 74 year old man down I want to punch their head in and as a kid I watch movies and I don't care what happen to the people got shot I started crying after a dog and then nothing happens to this guy I hope if you don't hear anything else today pray for Michael pray for his protection but don't think he's the story you next you now already is the story. 855400 savage 504-7282 your calls on the Savage Nation next join those savage nation call No 85400 savage 854072827 just Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com Hey Savage Nation I've got big news for you news you want here about anywhere else a major economic event will take place on a before March 31st which could have a devastating effect on every dollar you have invested or in savings did you hear me March 31st this global financial event presents economic danger for those unaware and an epic opportunity for those prepared according to an urgent new Swiss America report the great convergence of 2017 it is free or you can do is call 802812646 it's simple you call 802892646 I trust Swiss America they've been with me from the beginning don't wait get the great convergence of 2017 a vital 6 page special report in time to take the steps necessary to protect your hard earned savings and investments do it now why risk everything just call 1802892646802892646 or visit Swiss America dot com The Pet of the week is brought to you exclusively by country air Pet Resort listen to news talk one o 57 k. 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Commercial refrigeration sight for sore eyes strips power equipment and coach Masters collision repair help preserve our God given liberty by protecting constitutional principles of free enterprise and individual freedoms not available in North Dakota I wish this bag on the my I would just go away well if that sounds like you every morning I'm sorry you're not alone you see bags and puffiness under the eyes are a problem for millions of American men and women are less you use Gen yourself the plants stem cell treatment from Chamonix then ladies and gentlemen the bags and puffiness will go away Susan from New Jersey wrote this I've been using gen-U. 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This is the Savage Nation on Michael Dell journal from Music City USA Nashville Tennessee filling in for Dr Savage who hopes to be back on Monday getting medical treatment for his injuries don't forget to check out Michael Savage dot com for all the latest headlines and stories that we're covering even those we may not get to and don't forget to pick up a copy of what we're right in the midst of Trump's war. His Battle for America our phone number for show is 85547282 the same as always 850400 savage which is where we find Kevin listening to w. A.b.c. In New York Kevin welcome into the Savage Nation Hey thank you Michael and excuse my poor Italian here but on John. I just want to say real quick you know I was kind of a late decision when falling for a trough in the race I thought wow. Because I was so tired of hearing the media and all the liberals that I know saying all of you possibly thinking of supporting Trump you must be admissable I'm appalled almost all the stodginess are a bigot and I'm going to tell you I'm none of the above and of I don't care to convince people because God my wife and my kids know what I am and that's all that matters to me but I'm not going to let anybody guilt trip me into voting for some you know socialist it's not happening I appreciate it have a great St Patrick's Day what's left of it and March Madness weekend thanks for the call Kevin I don't doubt that some of that has happened. And again I hope you realize this is beyond a medium to media tantrum this has been very revealing about the media but these are just people that can't come to grips you dealt with that on election night the fact that we knew Donald Trump was the president elect of the United States at about 1030 Central time but we had to wait till 2 30 in the morning why really Clinton have a meltdown a tantrum over the mainstream media come to grips that they told America what to do and they didn't listen. This is beyond tantrum this is a battle for America and you have sat silently for decades and generations or education has turned into indoctrination and it's been reinforced by the re writing of history in Hollywood or in textbooks the intelligentsia community or the rewriting of reality moment by moment with the main stream media and you've kicked open a wasp nest and they're on the attack and they're not going to stop so the question becomes how violent is this going to get now the only thing I would suggest is don't let that be the only reason why you're supporting Donald Trump you should be supporting Donald Trump because the president of the United States is prioritizing national security and he's identifying enemies and he is vying and Vaal wing to protect our nation our people and wage and win this war once and for all because you're a sovereign nation with borders that must be secured because you're a government of laws in laws must be enforced and those who serve and protect must be respected because there is an economic war and socialism is a great flawed ideology and historic narrative that Kennedy was right Reagan was right and Trump will be right the more money you allow morally the American people to keep and trust with without the middleman of government the better I love all this outrage over the National Endowment of Arts What a joke that is right we need bureaucrats now to determine what is art or to pick winners and losers and to support narratives and agendas I love the arts you love the arts support I'm only the government middleman and why are we subsidizing p.b.s. And n.p.r. And their biased opinion nobody else is getting subsidized they're not being wise Deward of it and that's not a priority of the federal government. Well I can think of any number of reasons you should be supporting although I do get the notion that it makes you support him even more. John John Marion Barry will try to get to your calls I hope you don't know who he is. But trying to defend his uncle Snoop Dog not an easy task for a while. But you want to talk about the level of disrespect wanting to pimp the 1st lady all the only left shocking in life is the truth that I got more of that next on the Savage Nation join those savage nation call No 854-078-5407 extension 2827. My friends at my pillow always have great the old for a limited time call 807680898 or go to my pillow dot com Use promo code savage and you get Mike's 4 packs special you'll get 40 percent off to my pillow premium pillows and to go anywhere pillows by now on my pillow will also extend the New Year money back guarantee through April 1st 2017 you can have a pillow for months and if you aren't happy you can return it for a full guarantee I've had my pillow for over a year and since I've had their ultra thin pillow I've never slept better I've always had the hardest time finding the perfect pillow until I ordered my pillow they sent me exactly what I needed and I couldn't be happier and don't lose out on these incredible offers now through the end of March my pillow is offering like 4 packs special you'll get 40 percent off to my pillow premium pillows and to go anywhere pillows So go online to my pillow dot com Savage for this incredible offer a call 807680898 that's 807-680-8908 extension 4 my mike's 4 pack special my pillow made in the USA guaranteed the most comfortable pillow you'll ever own take you will miss news time is $730.00 Haven Humane Society is hoping that by tomorrow afternoon the shelter will be as quiet as it's ever been the carpet cleaner maker Bissell sponsors an empty the shelters event during which the company pays all the adoption fees for every single animal that goes out the door it will only be done tomorrow and there will be no reservations its 1st come 1st serve the only fever acquired will be for the city licens a free kids' fishing day will be hosted in the Bend area tomorrow by the State Department of Fish and Wildlife and the u.s. Bureau of Reclamation the vast pond will be stocked with trout in free bait and limited loaner tackle will be provided kids just need to be under 15 years old and . Able to hold a rod in real it takes place tomorrow from 9 to 3 at the bass pond in the community of bend off jellies ferry road here Kate you want to ask for a chance going for rain showers this evening rain is likely tomorrow with valley highs in the upper sixty's mountain highs in the upper fifty's I'm Kelly frost on your Newstalk 1057 cakes you want to us if you want to know what mainstream media sources are not telling you tune into global Earth News on k.-q amassed Saturday mornings from 6 am to 7 am global alert News has a commercial free completely independent news source with one purpose to tell you what you're not being told from other sources we don't sell anything or nonpolitical and not affiliated with any organizations for institutions if you think you know what's going on in the world from conventional mainstream sources think again tune in to global news and find out which you had no idea it was happening in the world this is Chrissie grabbing and Andi Davis with 3 max 5 star listen to House talk Saturday mornings from 10 to 11 on k.-q m.s. Whether it's a short sale or 35 or a repossession poor Stay want to one question it's just give us a call at 221-1402 part tune in Saturday mornings from 10 to 11 listen to House talk Saturday mornings from 10 to 11 on k.-q m.s. . Listen I'm Michael Savage on k.-q am a superstation weekdays brought to you in part by Neil can do with bank home loans your local trusted advisor with 15 years experience educating and empowering people like you whether you're buying for the 1st time considering moving up or refinancing get your questions answered locally Neal candor and experience loan officer of bass to face located at 27 Creek Road Neil Cantor Bank home loans more ways to say yes in m.l.s. 530611 equal housing lender f.d.i.c insurer Have you heard sleep train is changing its name to Mattress Firm I'm Steve Gibson I'm clar Shah Flynn The name may change but all the good stuff is staying the same the same professionals. 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AC and home automation call today and schedule a free consultation whether it be residential commercial or agricultural call Essex solar heating in air 244-0993 that's 244-0913 or visit Essex olor heating in their dot com 805013689. Come back into the Savage Nation I'm Michael Dell Johnno in for Dr Savage will hopefully be back on Monday still receiving medical treatment for his injuries Oh number 855-472-8285 extension 5400 savage which is where we find marry him marry him go I'm. Very I'm going through. So Gary. Busey in New York welcome to The Savage Nation. Michael you are on fire to add love like you said and I thank you so much I just want to say that the church is an important place we need more people going to church it's a fantastic thing however the church has. A lot of talk about politics at all half of the people are church believe in homosexuality happily even abortion. There's no effect anything in a culture where not affecting a culture we just want to maintain our congregation and I which is an enormous indictment and an enormous failure listen every one of you at the moment you profess your faith should just die and go to heaven because you're useless after that you have been called to be salt to preserve you know what Jesus said about so once it loses its sultanas it's to be trampled on you know why in Jesus' day that's what they did was so that last itself saltiness it be they used it like gravel you were called to be salt and preserving You were called to be light and you have become worthless you have all but bought and Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the life yes that's a way the truth life the body of Christ is either grown silent or become just as moral relativist or pluralistic as the world and culture that Paul warned us not to conform to you get it I don't have to tell you. How much I think. It is growing but you know they're afraid to talk about the truth and I just wish that we just stand up for what Christianity really is I appreciate the call Gary and from your lips to god's ears although he's waiting on his people to confess and repent I will say this and I had several callers and because I got to make a transition now let me show you how professionals steers the plane we're going to steer away from doctors savages attack somewhat in this segment but I had several callers that wanted to and Miriam was one of them that was going to express this notion of it's an attempt of course it's an attempt to silence you of course if they can do it through intimidation they will. If they if they have to take your breath and life they will ultimately what part of it's a battle there are casualties and battle enemies are always identifying who they're fighting with but somehow in this a feminine politically correct culture we live in we can never identify an enemy and defeat it I got news for you somebody's going to win fundamental Islam is going to defeat you as you know what Turkey used to be a Christian nation you know in Syria used to be a Christian nation they're going to win or you're going to win but yeah they're trying to silence you I hope Dr savages attack I hope these whisper campaigns and guilt by inference that are blowing up and Rachel Maddow is phase you know what if they prove you've got a bunch of frauds and Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders Mitt Romney running around the rich aren't paying their fair share this can't be an audit firms trying to hide that he's not paying taxes so they finally get and you know what I would love it I wouldn't care if the president dropped that in their mailbox and these morons illegally disseminate it and then their chief moron Rachel Maddow Rachel Maddow is defending herself saying I never said it was going to show anything I just said I had 2 pages of his tax returns what about the months and months you've been telling everybody in your attack and guilt by inference of course that's what you and Nancy Pelosi and everybody's been saying he won't show us his tax returns because he isn't paying his taxes and then what do you find out he's paid twice as much as Bernie Sanders who is the fraud in of all networks m s n b c where they have 6 talking heads on that network that either through the state or the federal government have had liens placed against them for not paying their taxes look I hope all of these things are very revealing to you I hope all of these attacks you're very aware of them because they are ultimately directed at you you are the deplorable. Michael Savage not doubt you are the deplorable they hate your god they hate your worldview they hate your inhale they hate your exhale they hate everything you stand for everything that you believe in because they are an intolerant hypocrite or give a great example climate change denial is a crime against humanity which should be punishable by trial in a world court says Monte Python's Eric Idle Oh he's ready to bring out the dead even though he doesn't apparently believe that the punishment you know for such stupidity and ignorance should be death he does generously insist that any deniers should be you know put down humanely Are you kidding me we're still fighting over one degree one degree that is corrected we're in global cooling now catch up your whole thesis was that c o 2 levels were linked to man caused catastrophic global warming and only man can change it but what if what if India doesn't participate would have China doesn't participate you realize if America did all of these crazy things you wouldn't impacted by one percent of one degree it's not even a solution and of course its roots are in Agenda 21 and sustainability it was a net a worldwide movement with one set goal to eliminate any superpower militarily or economically a massive international redistribution of wealth and control. It was an international crew wasn't science enough time is expired to disprove it all so you have a sensible logical knowledgable argument and suddenly because they just determine science is then there's no longer a debate you know. They're ready to put you to death or how about rapper bar while he's placed himself in the middle middle of a Twitter beef between Snoop Dog and Donald Trump and he jumps in and says whoa whoa whoa shut your punk you know what. Be about my uncle Snoop Dog before we pimp your wife and make her work for this is a despicable cultural goofball threatening to prostitute the 1st lady of the United States now what do you do with a story like that well such as the game of of rap Now imagine if you know Paul Anka had come out well the song about pimping Michelle Obama I would have certainly been racist but look at the level of I want you to understand there is a law I would love for Michael to write on this a law of diminishing return you know what it says is that which is shocking today becomes normal tomorrow so then what does tomorrow become like a toilet bowl as it gets swirling in Flushing faster and faster so you start with an innocent kiss on Ellen now look at what you've got now you can't even remake a cartoon this weekend without gas Dawn French kissing a bumbling idiot that which is shocking today becomes normal tomorrow if you're silent allow it and it's not so much that it becomes normal and it's setting a direction it's going in a direction that leads to a destination that you may not like it was certainly not our intent what are you asking for why do you think homeland security is concerned even about the attack on Michael Savage because it sets the direction in motion and the more we're silent the more it perpetuates So yeah maybe pushing a 74 year old down and roughing up his dog today but what does it lead to tomorrow if they're not getting their way if we're not silencing if they can't really take the country what does it lead to if we all that Norrin seances by. Now let me just say something with Almighty God listening to me right now not only I never laid eyes on I've never even served the saw the words Bow-Wow in my life I'm not a moron I know who Snoop Dog is. And it's easy for us say who cares what this goofball rapper said because nobody should disrespect the 1st lady of the United States in such a way and if we don't say something today what do they do to disrespect the 1st lady tomorrow Dr when will you speak up even got Captain America jiving and Chris Evans sharing his feelings with Esquire magazine a 35 year old actor said I'll get me started I feel rage I feel fury Now clearly they can't accept the results of an election clearly they don't know the difference between political disagreement debate or protest and assault rioting and violence but if a wiser cooler head doesn't jump in and prevails soon where is this all leading so I use that analogy sure my dad should've been all over my brother for finding a marijuana cigarette but he certainly would have been shocked to know it was waving outside the window in the breeze as he was growing a crop outside this is not about defending Dr Savage and he should needed a 74 year old man and his dog to be able to eat in peace it's somebody thinks that they have the ability to silence someone through intimidation threat or physical harm and if you don't wake up till it's you at some point you're begging to deserve it Dr Savage hits the nail right on the head in the Breitbart article that's really what this is all about and I really do believe and I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I you know most people saw a cereal box when they saw Barack Obama I read the freakin ingredients I knew who he was hanging out with and how they felt about America I'll go one step further you would never be able to prove to me that Barack Obama Sr is Barack Obama's father. Looks too much like another guy sounds too much like another guy and has all the same views and by the way it doesn't sound like mentorship it sounds like custody to me but Barack Obama's a United States senator supported an Islamic overthrow by a relative in an allied nation becomes president 1st speech Cairo pro Islamic anti-American and demands the Muslim Brotherhood to be there and then for 8 years divides us all against each other women fighting with men rich fighting with poor returns everybody against each other black versus white gay versus straight and I think he's still a mile away with Valerie Jarrett living in his home calling all the shots with c.n.n. In The Washington Post is essential and I think Michael Savage hits the nail right on the head it's clearly open season on any Trump supporters the fascist left has been empowered by their false narrative that those who support borders language and culture is the motto of this savage nation are evil fascists how Hitler came to power uses brownshirts to beat any opponents the media and police are almost wholly driven by this lie I want to know how do you throw a 74 year old man to the ground for no reason and his dog and you don't get arrested if you don't think that you know what you know what justice is all about. Justice for the crime Look you took my wife's life I'm taking the rest of your life you're in jail but it's also descended to turning message one of the messages that you can lie and it's Ok if it fits everybody's narrative but you can attack somebody and no one will care these are the seeds of anarchy in a battle for America and the thing I would disagree with Dr Savage on it's not just drugs for it's all of our war speaking of war let's talk about North Korea next on the Savage Nation I'm Michael Dell joining in for Dr Savage 855400 savage. 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Welcome back into the Savage Nation from Music City us. Michael Bell Journal in Nashville Tennessee honored to be filling in for Dr Savage who we pray will be back on Monday still receiving medical treatment for his attack and we pray that he is recuperating fine and his doctors have great wisdom in his care you know coming up next hour if if those of you are going to be listening you know you think I'm just crazy about Obama throwing this stuff out I want you to look at that judge one of the great stories of the day not being told where Barack Obama was before this judge came out and ruled against the travel ban stick around for that and then Rachel Maddow who's trying to have her cake and eat it too now claiming it's not her fault that people overhyped the tax return over half the tax returns because that's the expectation you've created with your audience and you've been genin this up for over 2 years now that this guy isn't paying his fair share and won't show us his tax returns because he hasn't paid and then when you find out he's paid twice as much as your candidate. Deserves to be on your face just to show you nothing sacred say goodbye to the boot symbol and wheel barrel monopoly but that's next hour let's kind of wrap up our conversation this hour the phone number 855400 savage that's where we find Robert in San Francisco welcome into the Savage Nation Robert how do you go Michael Good good I just want to get to the point I was when I heard what happened to Michael Savage I was furious and really angry and I hope the best for him Well what I really want to say is I am a police officer and happened for over 25 years. Regarding Michael's if he needs anyone any private security I'll do it for free. Because I don't see this getting better I see the situation get worse and on once and for. The spot the level of. Well you know it's it's very difficult for me to armchair quarterback from Nashville but I'm wondering why both are under house arrest when one sitting there with their dog peaceful eating the other one begins to harass Weener Weener calling his real name to the point where I don't know if this is an isometric anti trump what the motive is and then he pushes a 74 year old man down and even shows harm towards his poodle of 12 years I mean I don't understand maybe you can help me as somebody who is in law enforcement I want to know what he got to do to get arrested anymore. You know I don't know the situation I wasn't there but when I heard about it I was like I said I was serious and. I mean if this guy this guy did in fact correct. I know I think you know both were released nobody was arrested both were released and to my knowledge I don't even know if the attorney I mean if the district attorney plans to do anything with this hour even if he's got the information to do it I don't think anybody has even tension of creating justice and or a deterring message for just a sick. Man to. Join those savage nation and call No 855-478-4072 extension 82 Savage It's the radio show that explores the world of the unexplained I'm George Norry inviting you to join me for coast to coast am overnights News Talk one o 5.7 k. Q.m.s. Sean Hannity's show sponsored in part by Essex solar heating air a trusted name in the community for 20 years Essex solar heating in their your local source for solar h.v. AC and home automation call today and schedule a free consultation whether it be residential commercial or agricultural call Essex solar heating in air 244-0993 that's 244-0913 or visit Essex solar heating in Air dot com. 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Standard savvy home buyers are looking for in today's market stop buy a new model home speak with Rhonda cope of Kobo Baker and get your home on the way within days. As patriotic Americans are you concerned with the current local state national and international affairs happy and you make a difference participate in the discussion by listening and calling freedom in action Saturday mornings from 7 am to 9 am with Pete Peterson happening this local citizen radio forum is brought to you by Northern Lights Energy News trucking in California safety company r. And c. Commercial refrigeration sight for sore eyes strips power equipment and coach Masters collision repair help preserve our God given liberty by protecting constitutional principles of free enterprise and individual freedom so used to keep us reading j 289 bt Anderson key to a 5 heavy reading. Fox News Radio I'm Kathleen Maloney the man who'd.

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