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Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by love me tender we can like many, but we can love only a precious few, because it is for those precious few that you have to be willing to do so very much. You dont have to do it alone. Lincoln financial helps you provide for and protect your financial future because this is what you do for people you love. Lincoln financial youre in charge. And with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff its been a long day of voting all across this country, and the vast majority of the polls are still open. At issue whether Hillary Clinton or donald trump will become the 45th president of the United States. Lisa desjardins begins our coverage this Election Night. Reporter new york state, where both president ial nominees began their campaigns, and now, after 500plus days of campaigning, its where theyre ending. Democrat Hillary Clinton cast a ballot today at her home base chappaqua, awash in supporters cheers both inside. cheers and outside the polling place. Hillary hillary its the most humbling feeling, dan, because i know how much responsibility goes with this. And so many people are counting on the outcome of this election. What it means for our country. And ill do the very best i can if i win today. Reporter chappaqua is just north of new york city, and thats where Republican Donald Trump cast his vote. So who did you vote for . Tough decision. Reporter that, after kicking off his day, as he has so many times in this campaign, with a callin to fox news its been a beautiful process. The people of this country are incredible. I went, last night i ended up with my final speech, we started with it, well you guys covered it. But started at 12 45 in the evening and we had probably 21,000 people. Can you imagine that . Reporter that final speech, in the wee hours of this morning, was in grand rapids, michigan. We have to win. Reporter his campaigns closing salvo in a weeklong push to crack clintons blue firewall. Clinton, too, was campaigning into the early morning, in another key state North Carolina. An Associated Press analysis said at least 46 million votes were already in before today, a record for early voting. Still, many millions more lined up across the country to weigh in on the candidates, and this Long Campaign clearly the candidates were not well liked so ill be glad when this is over. I think its going to take a minute for all of us to come together. You know, were a democracy. This is how its supposed to be done. Reporter but as expected, there were serious voting concerns in some places today. Elections officials in lebanon county, pennsylvania said some Voting Machines turned voters officials said calibration problems sometimes meant a vote for the g. O. P. Ticket lit up as a vote for democrats. They say a Software Expert was able to fix each problem. The day was also about symbolism. In rochester, new york, dozens put i voted stickers on the grave of suffragist susan b. Anthony on the day the name of the first woman nominee for a major party was on the ballot. Unknown, what time this race for the white house might end. Also at stake tonight, of course, possible changes in power at the other end of pennsylvania avenue the capitol. But for now, new york is the center of the political world, with the two president ial hopefuls set to end this campaign, just 25 blocks apart. For the pbs newshour, im lisa desjardins. Sreenivasan well be turning to new york city throughout the night, where both clinton and trump have their Election Night headquarters. John yang is with clinton supporters at the Javits Convention center. John, nothing left they can do. What have you heard today . Well, theyre watching and waiting. Theyre very hopeful. Theyre optimistic about their field operations. They think thats whats going to make the difference in a lot of places where the race has been very close. Right now here at the javits center, the door is not yet open to the public. Still putting the final touches on. When i asked the campaign why they were here at the javits center, they pointed up. This has a literal Glass Ceiling, a Glass Ceiling theyre hoping to symbolically burst through tonight with the first woman to be elected president. More symbolism here, the stage that theyre working on is in the shape of the United States. The lectern where Hillary Clinton will speak is pretty much over oklahoma it looks to me. The campaign tells me that she has prepared remarks either way, win or lose, and shell be speaking on a map of the United States. Thats the lower 48. Wheres hawaii and alaska . Over there on the side. Judy . Woodruff john yang, thank you. Were going to be coming back to you throughout the night, both hari and i will be doing that. Now lets move to trump headquarters. Our Jeffrey Brown is there at the hilton hotel in midtown. So, jeff, tell us what its like at this moment. Well, judy, i can tell you, we have no Glass Ceiling here. We have a rather low ceiling and a rather small venue. Its a decidedly small venue, perhaps the smallest one ive ever seen for an event like this. Were only about a mile and a half away from where john was, so john and i might meet at the end of this long night probably about 8th avenue. Thats to my west. A few blocks to my east is trump tower. Of course, thats where donald trump is, were told, spending the evening there. We were told perhaps he could be coming by 10 00 or at least no earlier than 10 00, but at this point who knows how long this night will go on. But were able to talk to some of the people from the campaign earlier today, and as john heard from the clinton campaign, the Trump Campaign was feeling pretty good about what was happening, what they were seeing at the polls. Woodruff so, jeff, are any of the folks there sounding optimistic . Are they sounding worried . Are you picking up any vibes . I know its early in the evening . Yeah, its too early to really know here. I mean, i tell you what. Its funny, here right now, as i said, this is a small place. Im surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of my new best friends who are journalists right now, judy. And so you can see the journalists, a much bigger number of journalists than people in the hall. Outside, of course, talking to people in the Trump Campaign, they were talking to reporters earlier in the day, and as i said, they were watching. They were hopeful. They were watching the returns in some of the key states. Donald trump himself was on twitter about an hour ago, pretty active. He sent out three or four tweets. And he was talking specifically, go, florida, this is still ours to win. Get out there and vote. So hes still pushing people. Woodruff yes, ive been looking at some of his tweets this afternoon. Jeffrey brown, well be talking to you throughout this night from new york. Thank you. Okay, thanks, judy. Woodruff we get perspective now from supporters of both candidates, and start with the minority leader in the u. S. House of representatives, california democrat nancy pelosi. She was the first and only woman to serve as speaker of the house. And at this moment, she is the highest ranking female politician in American History. But madam leader, youre hoping that could change in a matter of hours . Im counting on relinquishing that title. I have worn my white and purple, colors of the suffragettes in honor of the fact that the first woman is soon to be elected president of the United States. But until the people speak, we dont know. Woodruff so what are you expecting tonight . You obviously are hoping for democrats to do well everywhere, but what are you hearing . What kind of information are you getting that you trust . Well, tonight i believe that the democrats will come out in a stronger position. We will, of course, retain the white house, with the election of Hillary Clinton. I believe we will gain the United States senate. It will be close, but we will retain the United States senate and we will pick up many seats in the house of representatives. Woodruff why are you so confident about the white house . Because im confident in the American People. I believe that Hillary Clinton is one of the bestprepared people in our history to enter the oval office with her vision, her knowledge, her experience, her strategic thinking, her connection to the American People, and i think she has made that case. But as you know, the vote is sacred. Its almost a prayerful time for us as we wait for the people to speak and returns to come in. But im confident. Im also confident because in our efforts to win seats for the white house and the senate and governorship, et cetera, we have had a massive mobilization. We are on the ground and we will pull out that vote. Woodruff most of the attention has been on the senate, six or seven seats there, very, very, very close. Less attention on the house, your body, because its been expected that the democrats are not going to make the 30seat pickup you would need to take the house. There was optimism, but then along came f. B. I. Director comeys announcement. What are you thinking . Everything within half a minute or within a half an inch is gold, silver, bronze or nothing. And our races are very close. But i think that we will not lose any members. I think we will pick up many open seats, and we will unseat republicans and there will be some surprises. But you point out director comeys comments with his letter that he sent out. He became the leading republican political opponent in the country. He has had a tremendous impact on the lead Hillary Clinton had, which was important to other downballot races. Woodruff were talking about an election that has divided the country. It seems to me thats the overwhelming feeling coming out of this election at the end of it. Is that how you see it . Do you think the country is further divided by whats happened . I think that people have great anger over what happened in 2008 in terms of the economy. And that has given them. Some of that has manifested itself in a vote for donald trump. But i think our democracy is so great we can withstand even a candidacy of donald trump and emerge from this. It has to be respecting the position of those who supported him, addressing the anger and anxiety that they have, and, again, bringing this country together, which was always the purpose of our founders, a more perfect union. Meaghan that brings me whats going on in blue states, especially the upper midwest, states like michigan, minnesota, wisconsin, where donald trump does seem to be doing better tan president obama did a few years ago. A lot of people are asking, are democrats really being responsive to bluecollar, workingclass individuals who used to think of the Democratic Party as their party but are now looking in another direction . Well, i would say this president obama and young cal democrats have certainly been responsive. What we do in terms of people in the area you mention, we had the bailout of the auto industry, creating so many jobs in the industry and for those who supply the industry. And yet we didnt advertise it enough. So i think, yes, we were there in terms of middleclass economics and an economy that works for everyone, increasing consumer confidence, people consuming, injecting demand into the economy, creating jobs, trickledown economics, tax breaks for the wealthiest people. But we didnt message it properly. So how could it be that michigan, indiana, all of those states have benefited from the auto bailout, from middle class economics have decided to vote republican . There are some other reason, as well, some that are sociological in addition to economics. Woodruff finally, you dont believe the democrats have some work to do in order to not just message, but in order to come up with programs, with ideas that can capture the imagination and the support of these people. Well, president obama came up with tremendous ideas, but he was blocked by republicans nch but we can all do better. We can all do better. Were a entrepreneurial society. We had entrepreneurs who started our country. And they want us to think of fresh, new, different ways all of the time. But the fact is that people in some of these regions are voting against their own economic interests. We have to Work Together. They have concerns about trade. So do we. We want trade that is knock trickledown trade, but trade that recognizes were in a global economy. So we have to Work Together on all of those things, but i stand by what i said. T democrats have been there, for working people in our country. Thats who we are, trickledown, versus middleclass economics. Thats the major difference between the parties. If we didnt have this foolishness going on with some of the president ial campaign, we could have had a better discussion of that. But this is almost a religious experience election day, and all the things that have gone leading up to it, lincoln said, public sentiment is everything. We have to listen to the people and come together as we prioritize our agenda and go forward. Woodruff finally, madam leader, how does the next president bring the two sides together, the two parties together . I think youll see some of that tonight. I think Hillary Clintons statement tonight about being the president of all of the people, again, we have our differences since the beginning of our country. Its a legitimate difference. What does the world of government, et cetera, say, but also we have respect for other peoples points of view. And i think that that has to really come across in what Hillary Clinton says tonight. She needs no advice from anyone. You know, shes an experienceed public figure. But there has knob no doubt that this isnt about democrats or republicans. Thats minor. Its about america. Its about honoring the vows of our founders, respecting the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform, and honoring the aspirations of our children and their futures. So elections are about the future, and whoever is going to be president tonight, and i think it will be hillary, has to understand that its a responsibility well beyond party and all about americas future. Woodruff the minority leader of the u. S. House of representatives, the highest ranking woman. For the moment. For the moment. Woodruff thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. We do hope to be joined any minute now by the Republican National committees Communications Director sean spicer. Hes running late. We hear theres traffic. We hope to get him here very shortly, but for now, our Election Night coverage continues with a team thats going to be joining us at this table all night long. All night syndicated columnist, mark shields. New york times columnist david brooks. Amy walter of the cook political report, Andra Gillespie of emory univeristy. Republican strategist stuart stevens, and democratic strategist, cornell belcher. And from wnet in new york, jeff greenfield, who has been reporting for the newshour weekend throughout this campaign. So thank you to all of you for being here. Im going to turn to you, david brooks. You just heard the democratic leader of the house of representatives talk about, frankly, the problems democrats have in states that used to be all blue. Yeah. And it struck me that she didnt claim they were going to take over the house. A bit of realism there from nancy pelosi i think but optimism and maybe wellearned. It is still a problem for the party that white workingclass voters are more and more heavily republican. One of the exciting things that happened, whether you like it or not, this year is the white workingclass took over a party, and they took over a party that had formerly been a party of the rich and elites. Thats an amazing thing that happens rarely in American History. Woodruff we have a problem with your make phone, david brooks. Well fix that and come rights back to you. Amy walter . Hi, judy. Hello. And i think this may play out in the house tonight, as were watching these results come in, if the results play out as the poll numbers have suggested, where the democrats are going to pick up seats will be in places that were formerly republican, inner suburbs that were very republican for much of our history. Now trending more democratic as White Collegeeducated voters move into the democratic column, as workingclass whites have moved out, white educated voters have moved into the democratic column. And at the same time in place like the iron range in minnesota, that upperworld part of minnesota, you can see republicans winning there, a district that democrats have held for many, many, many, many years. So its really like a tale of two congressional districts. Were going to swap out the suburbs for the more rural areas. This has been happening over the last ten years, but sort of at an accelerated pace i think this election cycle. Woodruff stuart stevens, are Nancy Pelosis expectations reasonable . I think she called it pretty close to whats going to happen. You know, the big test i think tonight for the Trump Campaign, and its going to affect these downballot race, is what happens with White College educated voters. This has been a Strong Center of support for republicans. No republican has least this in modern history. Even goldwater won collegeeducated republicans. So if trump, who has been losing them in polls, does not carry them tonight, i think its going to have very interesting consequences up and down the ballot in some of these races. Woodruff mark shields, what are you looking at tonight . Im looking at the fact were going to make mystery. Well elect the first person who has never held a Public Office or served in the military of any kind, and donald trump, or well elect the first woman. For the second time since world war ii, we have a possibility to electing a party to the third term in the white house. It happened with george h. W. Bush in 1988. I think democrats have a real problem. I think theyve become a Cultural Party and a little late and somewhat continue sending toward white bluecollar working americans. And i think they republicans had a great opening there. Democrats are obviously far more comfortable with coastal types than they are with people in the heartland. Christa woodruff cornell, i saw you smile broadly when mark said that. Its interesting that democrats are now backtoback majorities in National Elections and somehow the problem is democrats have a cultural problem with workingclass whites. I think democrats do have a problem with workingclass whites, but if you look into the future, i think the larger problem is the problem that republicans have with the ascending electorate, right . Its a point of diminishing returns at some point with workingclass whites. Do democrats do better with workingclass whites, but without a question, we see her recobble together that ascending electorate that makes up a majority in this country. I think its going to be hardpressed to say that right now democrats are the ones with the problem. Can i just briefly defend myself, cornell . That is this the democrats, in spite of assembling this National Coalition and this majority, are noncompetitive in the house of representatives. Theyre frankly noncompetitive. Theyre noncompetitive in districts that are basically blue collar, white, more conservative culturally. But, mark, doesnt that have a lot to do with gerrymandering . They werent gerrymandered in 2010. Just before 2010. No, they werent. It was the 2010 census. Well, theyre even worse now. Once upon a time in this country you did hve 30 or 40 congressional districts, you really did have a lot more congressional districts that were highly contested. That number is shrinking a lot now and it has to do with people drawing these maps to keep incumbents in office. Ill jump in here. What i would say, its not just gerrymandering. We also have to consider the ways that weve idealogically sorted ourselves into partisan camps in ways we hadnt before. A generation ago you had liberal republicans and conservative democrats. Those dont exist anymore. People understand enough about party to know which issues fall into which party, and theyve fallen into those camps. The question for tomorrow is can people reach beyond the aisles and talk to people who disagree with them. Woodruff youre nodding. Were selfsorting now more than ever. You talk to demographers. Were moving ourselveses into areas that relate to our own where were most comfortable in sociocultural ways. And if you look for, for example, at the question pew has asked this question, do you want to live in a place where you can walk everywhere and you can walk everywhere, or you have a bigger house and bigger yard, but you have to drive . Guess what . Liberals want to walk everywhere and conservatives want to drive. Jeff greenefield, are the old boundaries still relevant today . The Democratic Party has been the party of the working man and later the working woman since the days of andrew jackson. And as late as 1992, when whites were a far bigger proportion of the electorate, bill clinton split the white vote in 9 and 96. One of the things that i think has happened is the focus on mobilization, get your vote out, has i think had a big cost, which is that the candidates even. They use the rhetoric, the pieties, but in substantive ways, they do not speak to the broader country because it has become harder and harder to speak to the broader country. I think whatever happens tonight, this campaign has been a loss to the civic nature of what a campaigns supposed to be like because the strategy of both campaigns has been get your folks out and to heck with the other folks. Woodruff david brooks, if your microphone is fixed, i want to ask you to come into this conversation about whether we are making what is already a bad situation worse . I was wondering why mark was messing with my microphone. No, i think one of the things, there has been the polarization, but theres also the heat. Tonight is about the heat with which this campaign was conducted. What makes tonight significant is the size of the margin and the nature of the concession speech. Were certainly a divided country. This election has been like a flash flood that wipes away all the soil and reveals the champs champs the chasms that have divided us and exacerbates them. Whether were one country after tonight. If democrats win, how trump reacts will be super important. If trump wins, democrats will be stunned and a lot of people will be stunned, and how clinton reacts at that moment will be super duper important. Woodruff exactly. Andra, i want you to speak about that. Ive been hearing conversation for days, whats the reaction going to be like . Yes, the results are going to be important, but are people going to be able to deal with the result, whatever side youre on . There have been surveys when people have been asked that question. They said theyre not going to be happy. So i think we can expect that half the country is going to wake up upset tomorrow. Thats why its really important for whoever loses to accept defeat graciously and also for the winner to accept winning graciously and also send out a conciliatory bond to the other side. Its not going to be enough, sadly, and i think its going to be pretty contentious going after, that but i think tonight is the night where both candidates can change the tone enough that they can actually get us through, you know, at least the next couple months so we can set up a new government. What does donald trump have or Hillary Clinton have to change the tone today . Listen, i think one of the key elements of democracy is somebody has to be willing to lose. Whats been extraordinary i think about Donald Trumps comments is challenging that before we even have results. Its one thing if there is a razorthin margin like 2000 where one person wins Electoral College and one person won the popular vote. That took 31 days and it was a night mare, but to prejudge this, i think the whole process. Our process is out there amongst these states with thousands and thousands of local officials, many good and decent people. It doesnt mean mistakes dont happen. Well have 140, 150 Million People voting tonight. There are going to be mistakes, but the system isnt rigged. And i think that you need to put that out there. Thats something we need to try the heal as soon as possible. Woodruff cornell belcher, whose responsibility is it to try to do this healing . Leadership matters. It shouldnt be a partisan thing. John mccain after losing, ethe called barack obama, my president. Thats a tradition in this country right now. And i fear whats happening right now is that were losing sight of that tradition and so much of the anger of our politics. It is important whether youre a democrat or youre a republican that you embrace our system because it is not rigged, and the moment our people start thinking, and im concerned with the polling numbers i see that so many people think the system is rigged. Thats how we believe in the democracy when people dont believe in the system and they dont accept the outcome of our politics. What donald trump. Because i think donald trump is going to lose. What donald trump does tonight i think is going to be very, very important not just for him and his brand, but for our country. Think about where we were even in 2000, that was a very contentious election. We also remember the aftermath, but going into that election, george bush, his overall Favorable Unfavorable rating was plus 23, the highest we had seen since wed been looking back in the last 20 years. He was very popular. He was viewed very positively. Now both candidates are viewed negatively, Hillary Clinton somewhere around minus ten or 15. Donald trump even lower than that, maybe at 20, minus 20 or minus 30. So theres no residual goodwill there that at least george w. Bush had something to go on. Neither one of these candidates have any of that to start with. I think this is why parties are so important at this moment. Because partys have to step forward and do what the candidates sometimes find difficult to do. Woodruff all right. Well have many opportunities tonight to come back to all of you. So save those thoughts. Were getting off tonight . Im joined now by rnc. I am joined by sean spicer, the Republican National committee Communications Director. Thanks for joining us. Youre joining us from trump headquarters in manhattan. Has the rnc done everything it can to put its candidate in the best position possible . Have you left everything on the field . Everything is on the field, hari. I dont think there is a speck of field on the dirt, not just for the candidate, for the senate, for our house members, nor down ballot all the way down to dogcatcher. I think we feel unbelievably proud of the ground game and the data operation that weve run. Just to put it in perspective, in 2012, we had 876 staff fanned out across the battleground states. This time its 6,012. We had 11. 5 door knocks in 12. We exceeded 20 million in this cycle today. I think thats a huge feat for the rnc and for all the volunteers that are part of that. Sreenivasan you made a strategic decision to go after the ground game more than Television Ad spending, but Trump Supporters said you spent so much more money supporting candidates in the past. Just in the last week or so you came in with 3 million or 4 million worth of ads in a lastminute blitz. Could you have done more . Oh, no. First of all, that was part of the coordinated expenditure the candidate gets. Theres 24 million the candidate can coordinate with the rnc. That wasnt an independent expenditure, which is what you were referring to in the past, but we put all of our money into the ground and into data. We spent over 175 million in data over the last four years. In advance of this election. The numbers dont lie. 876 staff are on the ground. Last cycle. 6,012 this time. Its not just the number. Its the length. Weve had them out there in some cases two, throw years, making relationships in the community, putting voter contacts, registration, and i think it shows. Look at our absentee and early vote numbers. Weve cut that deficit. Huge. I think thats going to propel us to victory tonight. Sreenivasan one thing of tht came out of the postmortem last time was latino voters. Are you concerned that your candidate might have set you a couple steps back . Well, if you look at what the exit polls are showing so far, hes on track with romney and were up a few points with African American voters. It looks like we probably have improved with minority voters visavis the 2012 election. Sreenivasan considering the latino voting population is going to be important in the long run for democrats and republicans as they become a larger proportion of this country. Oh, absolutely. Look, i dont think that doing good enough is okay. I think we have to do much better. We have to get our latino and hispanic vote into the high 30s, low 40s, like george w. Bush did. Youre absolutely right. The demographic shift that is coming in this country, we have to be ahead of the curve. I think the Republican Party is a natural home for hispanics. And i think we have to do a better job of going our to those communities, working in them. Weve made hunting strides since 2012 putting staff in the communities. But we have room to continue to improve. I agree theres room to improve. How difficult is it for you when the top of the ticket speaks in a way that really turns them off . Well, again, i think look at the exit polls right now. So far were on par or better than we were in 2012. So the numbers will speak for themselves after tonight. Sreenivasan what are your expectations tonight . You have access to information we certainly dont. Looking at the first and second and third and fourth wave of results you might have access to, what are you expecting . I think North Carolina we feel really good about. We feel very good about michigan. I think colorado is a state thats shown tremendous advance in the last couple weeks. So theres a lot of these states that obama won twice, not only won twice, but i mentioned michigan, thats a state that hasnt gone republican since 1988. We feel well do very well in these. And the path to 270 has continued to increase over the last couple weeks as the map has expanded. Sreenivasan sean spicer from the Republican National committee joining us from trump headquarters in new york tonight. Thanks so much. Thanks, hari. Woodruff every Election Year it seems there are reports of long lines, malfunctioning Voting Machines, and sporadic chaos at some of the polls. Today is no different. For months weve heard accusations, as weve just been discussing here, by the Trump Campaign, that the election is rigged and could possibly be stolen. We head up now to William Brang lamm in our newsroom with what weve been seeing so far today. William . Brangham hi, judy. Thanks very much. Yes, were trying to sort out amongst all the reports weve been getting today what of these are real and what of them are not. To help us join through that, im joined now by jessica huesman, a reporter at propublica, and shes part of an interesting Large Consortium of election monitors known as electionland. Lets dive right into this. Today the Trump Campaign filed a report there were problems going on in nevada. What was their complaint . Sure. They were asking the judge to separate out some votes at a couple of polling locations that were kept open late. And they were also asking for the names of the poll workers in those locations so they could investigate themselves. The judge turned down both of those requests, one, because the state of nevada already does that. They already keep the votes separate. There was no need for the judge to rule that they must do something that they already do. Also she was concerned that the voter. That the poll workers that he wanted access to would be intimidated or otherwise harassed online if she were to make their names public, so she declined to do that and also said there was no proof the secretary of state of nevada would not do a thorough investigation herself. So the Trump Campaign really didnt show enough reason for her to do these things that it was asking them to do. Brangham these were largely latino voters. This seems to fit into the pattern the Trump Campaign has been making all along, that somehow the polls are going to be wiggled so that certain voters, maybe minority voters might get special access. I know the Trump Campaign has also asked some of its own supporters to go out and watch and monitor whats going on at the polls. Have you been seeing any reports of that kind of activity that would be problematic today . You know, weve seen oneoff reports of those all over the country, but they have been in the vast minority of instances. So what were not seeing at this moment is an organized campaign to intimidate voters, like some feared we might see today. We havent seen any indication of that. What we have seen is one or two people at polling places across the country, but a very small number of them intimidating voters, screaming at voters, having intimidating or inappropriate signs, but no real indication that anything organized has transpired. Brangham weve also been seeing reports that there were problems with some Voting Machines in pennsylvania. Can you tell us what you heard about that . Right. We just published an article about. This so you can go to election. Land and read it. But there was a viral video that happened where a voter tried to press trump and it wasnt working, and so it. So he blamed it on a rippinged voting machine, but it was user error. We were able to see this by looking up the instructions for the voting machine. Brangham similarly, in durham county, North Carolina, a very crucial swing state, there have been long lines, problems with registration, not enough ballots for people. Whats been going on there . I understand there have been calls to keep the polls open later there tonight so some voters who might have been pushed aside might get a chance to vote after all. Whats going on there . Sure. Yeah. Were seeing long lines there. There are fewer voting locations this year than there have been in elections past. Give then was a highturnout election, we were expecting long lines this these states and other states that reduced their locations. Were seeing in North Carolina what we expected to see all along. Its not clear how those requests will transpire for the polls to stay open later. But there are certainly those requests being made. Brangham this is obviously the first president ial election we had since the Supreme Court chipped away at significant parts of the Voting Rights act. One concern was that minority voters might be disenfranchised with what happens after that Supreme Court ruling. More broadly, have you seen any reports of those types of things going on . Right. So, you know, just like in North Carolina, were seeing a limited number of polling locations this year compared to what there was in 2012, and so we are seeing longer lines there, and as previous studies have shown, those longer lines tend to disproportionately affect minority voters. If we use texas as an example, for instance, they changed their voter i. D. Laws, and while that was taken to federal court and struck down, it only happened in july, and thats really close to the start of an election, so were seeing a on ton of confusn about what i. D. You have to bring to the polls. Both on the part of poll workers and on voters themselves. So confusion just really doesnt create clean elections. And so even when these issues have been litigated in court, they have been litigated so late because they dont have to be preapproved anymore, that were still seeing confusion, were still seeing unexpectedly long lines and were still seeing these problems that voters face they shouldnt. Brangham Jessica Huseman from propublica, thank you so much. Woodruff thank you, william. I know well check back with the folks at propublica throughout the night. Right now, though, we want to step back and get some Historical Perspective on this election day. Joining us is newshour regular michael beschloss. Its so good to have you back with us again. Thank you so much, judy. Woodruff well, there is so much to think about on this election day after what the country has been through. Is there any election, michael, you can compare this to . No. I spend my whole life looking for parallels, and usually i can find an implied one, but you cannot think of a campaign thats been this personal and in negative. These have been the nastiest debates. The difference is, you know, oftentimes people will say, well, didnt john adams and Thomas Jefferson dis each other. Yes, they did, but they usually didnt do it personally and they sure didnt do it on tv. It seems to have translated into how vitriolic people are against the other candidates. Has that happened before . Not to disagree. If this was the election in American History with the biggest policy difference, you might expect that, like 1960 when we were fighting over slavery or 1940 when we were fighting whether to get involved in a war against adolf hitler. There are huge issue differences this year, but nothing like that. Woodruff i have been dying to ask you this question for a long time what would the Founding Fathers think about the idea of electing a woman as president or electing someone to office who had no experience in elected politics . Well, the lack of experience they would find a little bit more understandable, because they wanted people who were not lifetime politicians. They wanted him to go back the his plow. They would not have imagined the idea of a woman as president. But if they thought harder, they would have had to think that the freedoms and the values and the goals of the constitution that they wrote were likely. It might take two centuries, as it did, but they were likely to lead to a female president at some point. Sreenivasan Hillary Clinton is closer than anybody ever has been to the us a as a woman. She ran unsuccessfully another term, but how historic is it . The miracle is that it took this long. The 19th amendment, which denied women the vote, that was 1920. So that was 96 years ago. And if you go back as i have to the debates of 1920, they were saying, just give women the vote, there will be a lot of female office holders, there will probably be a woman president within a couple decades. Didnt happen. We have to ask why it took so long. Sreenivasan were not anywhere close the parity in terms of representation in congress today. Absolutely, absolutely. Woodruff as you think about the division in the country, michael, and the need to heal this country, the historian in you, how do you see that . Do you say, oh, yes, weve been through tough times before, well get through this, or do you look at this as a moment thats unlike any other in terms of how divided we are . Well, i think the happy thing is that the ugliness is more personal and more based on the kind of campaign weve been through than because were dealing with an issue like hitler or the civil war. If you have a president elect coming in and saying, one of my first responsibilities if not the supreme one will be to heal and unite this nation, that can do a lot. Thats happened in history. Woodruff so keeping out immigrants, changing trade policy doesnt rise to the level of slavery . It is deep and rancorous, but riots not its not to that level. Woodruff michael beschloss, great to have you with us. Thank you. Sreenivasan this Campaign Season has been very long a year and a half since trump and clinton first announced their candidacies. Tonight, as it comes to a close, we take a look back. It is wonderful to be here with all of you. You see the top 25 Hedge Fund Managers making more than all of americas kindergarten teachers combined and often paying a lower tax rate. That is why i am running for president of the United States. When mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, i assume, are good people. I am officially running for president of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again. I think jeb is a nice person. Hes very low energy. Im in the used to that kind of person. Last week in Rolling Stone magazine, donald trump said the following about you, look at that face. Would anyone vote for that . Can you imagine that, the face of our next president . I think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. Trump said. I should have used two accounts, one for personal, one for workrelated emails. That was a mistake. Im sorry about that. I take responsibility. The American People are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. Thank you. Me, too. Me, too. I took responsibility, and as part of that, before i left office, i launched reforms to better protect our people in the field and help reduce the chance of another tragedy happening in the future. Donald j. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the United States. The World Trade Center came down during the reign of. [booing] he kept us safe . Thats not safe. Hillary clinton, dictator and butcher in the middle east. Guilty or not guilty . Gilly lock her up, lock her up my pledge reads, im with you, the American People. I am your voice. To all americans tonight, in all of our cities and in all of our towns, i make this promise we will make america strong again. We will make america proud again. We will make america safe again. And we will make America Great again. Now america is once again at a moment of reckoning. Powerful forces are threatening to pull us apart. Bonds of trust and respect are fraying. And just as with our founders, there are no guarantees. It truly is up to us. Imagine, imagine him in the oval Office Facing a real crisis. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. It is with humility, determination, and boundless confidence in americas promise that i accept your nomination for president of the United States. [cheering and applause] you know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of trumps supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islam phobic, you name it i dont believe that hillary has the stamina. Lets let her respond. Well, as soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal, a ceasefire, a release of dissidents, an opening of new opportunities in nations around the world or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina. Or maybe he doesnt want the American People, all of you watching tonight, to know that hes paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody has ever seen were a couple years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didnt pay any federal income tax. That makes me smart. And i will tell you, you look at the inner cities. I just left detroit. And i just left philadelphia. You know, youve seen me. Ive been all over the place. You decided to stay home. And thats okay. But i will tell you. Ive been all over, and ive met some of the greatest people ill ever meet within this within these communities, and they are very, very upset with what their politicians have told them and what their politicians have dump. I think donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. And, yes, i did. And you know what else i prepared for . I prepared to be president. And i think thats a good thing. When youre a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the [bleeped]. You can do anything. I want to ask you here on this stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely, sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election . I will look at it at the time. Im not looking at anything now. Ill look at it at the time. What ive seen, what ive seen is so bad. First of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the pileon is so amazing, the any w york times actually wrote an article about it. They dont even care. Its so dishonest and theyve poisoned the minds of the voters. She should never have been allowed to have run for the presidency based on what she did with emails and so many other things. But, sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the prides of this country is the peaceful transition of power, and no matter how hardfought a campaign is, at the end of the campaign, the loser concedes to the winner, not saying that youre necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying youre not prepared now to. What im saying is i will tell you at the time. Ill keep you in suspense. Well, chris, let me respond to that because thats horrifying. You know, every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is is rigged against him. And i am sure they will reach the same conclusion they did when they looked at my emails for the last year. There is no case here. Although my name and my opponents name may be on the ballot, every issue you care about is on that ballot. If we dont win, this will be the single greatest waste of time, energy, and money in my life. Woodruff our election coverage continues on our website, including live Election Results and much more at pbs. Org newshour. In other news, wall street, too, is keeping a close eye on the election returns. Stocks made big gains monday, after chances of a clinton victory appeared to improve, and they rose again today. The Dow Jones Industrial average gained 73 points to close at 18,332. The nasdaq rose 27 points, and the s p 500 added eight. Sreenivasan the u. S. Supreme court will decide whether to let cities sue big banks for compensation, over the housing meltdown of 2008. In arguments today, the city of miami, florida charged that wells fargo, bank of america and citigroup targeted minority customers for risky loans that led to mass foreclosures. The city says it should be allowed to sue for lost property taxes and damaged property values. A lower court ruled against the banks. Woodruff and again, this is Election Night, and polls close in the first batch of states in just a few minutes. The results will give us the first look at how democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump are faring with the voters. Also at stake tonight control of the u. S. Senate, with democrats hoping to wrest away the republicans majority. Sreenivasan and thats the newshour for now. Im hari sreenivasan. Woodruff and im judy woodruff. Join us all night on this, your pbs station for special live election coverage. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and stay with us. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. 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