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Experiences from the great arc of life. You know, what do people remember from their childhood . What do they go through when theyre in, you know, adolescence, or middle age, or you know, late age . Woodruff all that and more on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. And the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. And with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Ifill a new tide of migrants surged across the balkans today as the weather worsened. They resumed their desperate journey after a twoday stoppage. Malcolm brabant has been tracking the story. Hes in denmark tonight, where he filed this report on the days developments. Reporter it was the desperate plea of some 2,000 migrants trapped for most of the day at a rainsoaked Border Crossing between croatia and slovenia. Just one thing one thing. Please, open the door. Because we are dying if we stay here. Reporter their journey ground to a halt after hungary closed its border with croatia, sending a human wave west toward slovenia. The slovenians in turn, declared they would accept only 2,500 people a day from croatia. And they condemned their neighbors to the east for not slowing the flow. translated croatia asked us to process 5,000 migrants per day and, of course, on the other hand we have a request from which says they cannot possibly accept more than 1,500. We cannot accept a number of migrants larger than the number of those who will continue their journey. Reporter croatias Prime Minister shot back today that his country had no choice but to let the migrants pass through. translated obviously, yesterday we kept 5,0006,000 from coming in on the other side, in serbia. But, its apparent that this is no solution. Reporter it was all too much for the thousands waiting at that official Border Crossing. The government there, and the government there no humanity. No humanity. Reporter for a time, the Ripple Effect also extended farther east, keeping more than 10,000 migrants stranded in serbia. In turn, the serbs said they would consider restrictions on their border with macedonia. Then, late today, slovenia reopened its official crossing, and the flow resumed. By then, several thousand people had already found their own paths across the frontier. The majority of those migrants began their journey in turkey, hoping to get to germany. German chancellor Angela Merkel was in turkey over the weekend with hopes of addressing the issue at its source. She arrived with prospects of a European Union aid package of more than 3 billion, if turkey will do more to stop the human exodus. But today, turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that was not enough. translated we would never accept a deal that assumes we gave this money to turkey so the refugees should stay there. and i told this to merkel. Nobody should expect turkey to become a country housing all migrants, like a concentration camp. Reporter in northern europe, the two countries which have been most hospitable towards refugees are struggling to cope with the influx, amid growing opposition from those opposed to mass immigration. In sweden, which expects to take in about 150,000 refugees this year, there have been three separate arson attacks in the past week on centers that were supposed to house newcomers. In the Northern City of umea, which is close to the arctic circle, the authorities are so concerned about the potential for trouble, that they are refusing to say whereabouts they are going to accommodate 150 new refugees. In germany, the police union is warning about trouble between rival factions in refugee camps. And its urging the government to erect a fence along the border with austria. In the meantime, merkels poll numbers are falling, and the flow of migrants continues unabated. The greek coast guard rescued nearly 2,600 people from the aegean sea this weekend alone. For the pbs newshour, im Malcolm Brabant in copenahgen. Woodruff in the days other news, a week of United Nations talks on Climate Change opened in germany, leading up to a december summit in paris, and the draft accord immediately faced criticism. The talks convened in bonn, with african states complaining their demands were ignored. South africa called it apartheid against developing nations. But the u. N. s climate chief played down the disagreement they realize the urgency of this. They realize that we have been working on this for a long time, necessarily so because this is the most profound transformation of the Global Economy that we have seen in recent times. So its understandable that this is complex. Woodruff meanwhile, in washington, president obama met with Corporate Leaders who have committed to the u. S. Pledge on reducing carbon emissions. In all, 81 companies have agreed to support it. Ifill theres word that chinas agreement not to hack u. S. Corporate computers has already been violated repeatedly. President obama and chinese president xi reached that agreement last month, in washington. Now, the Security Firm crowdstrike says fresh attacks started the very next day. It says the hackers are linked to the chinese government. Woodruff u. S. Government officials moved today to begin cracking down on unsafe flying by drone aircraft. A task force will come up with rules to mandate that heavier, higherflying drones be registered. Officials said the decision follows a growing number of close calls, involving near accidents with passenger planes and interference with Fire Fighting operations. We can take enforcement action as necessary to protect the airspace for everyone. If Unmanned Aircraft operators break the rules clearly, there should be consequences but in fact there can be no accountability if the person breaking the rules cant be identified. Woodruff theres no official count of how many drones are already in private hands in the u. S. , but the industry projects 700,000 will be sold this holiday season. Ifill in syria, United Nations officials now say a government ground offensive has 35,000 people on the run. Theyve fled areas near aleppo. The syrian army and its allies are attacking there, supported by russian air strikes. Woodruff the toll from the hajj islamic holy day stampede in saudi arabia last month has grown to more than 2,100. That Associated Press tally is based on news media reports and official comments from dozens of countries. The official saudi government figure remains 769. Ifill the story of a hospital bombed by u. S. Forces in afghanistan took a new turn today. The october 3rd attack in kunduz killed 22 people and wounded many more. Now, the acting defense minister says taliban wounded and other fighters were there, along with a taliban flag on one wall. That was a place where they wanted to use it as a kind of a safe base, because Everybody Knows that we, the security forces, the International Security forces, were very careful not to do anything with the hospital. Ifill Doctors Without Borders has insisted there were no insurgents in the hospital. In another development, the u. S. Military acknowledged today that an Armored Vehicle crashed into the hospital compound last week. The troops went in to examine the bombing damage, and believed, mistakenly, no one was there. Woodruff canadians headed to the polls today in a parliamentary election that could result in their first new leader in a decade. Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper trailed liberal Party Leader Justin trudeau in recent opinion polls. Harper has clashed with president obama over the Iran Nuclear Deal and the keystone pipeline. Ifill back in this country, problems obtaining drugs for lethal injections. The delay affects more than two dozen planned executions. Ifill First Lady Michelle Obama opened a new front in her campaign to educate more teens beyond high school. A new website bettermakeroom. Org will let students swap information about exams, Financial Aid and college applications. Mrs. Obama announced the effort at the white house, as part of her reach higher initiative. Its about valuing success in the classroom instead of just on the big screen or on the basketball court. And its about turning the culture of celebrity upside down so that we dont just have kids worshipping celebrities, but we also have celebrities honoring kids who are working hard and achieving their goals. Ifill the first lady takes her campaign to the university of akron this week, where shell be joined by n. B. A. Star lebron james. Woodruff and, wall street had a muted monday after china reported its thirdquarter growth was the lowest since early 2009. The Dow Jones Industrial average gained just 14 points to close at 17,230. The nasdaq rose 18 points, and the s p 500 added half a point. Ifill still to come on the newshour a call for peace after another violent attack shakes the middle east. V. W. Customers left in limbo. Life lessons from a master cellist. And much more. Woodruff we return now to the recent wave of attacks in the middle east. Earlier today, the Islamic State group posted a video calling on palestinians to attack Israeli Soldiers and civilians. Meanwhile on the ground, tensions remain high after a weekend of more deaths. Special correspondent Martin Seemungal reports from jerusalem. A warning this story contains graphic images. Reporter israelis woke up this morning to another barrage of violence in the news. A terror attack the night beforethis time at a bus station in the southern town of beersheba. An israeli arab bedouin armed with a pistol shot and killed an israeli soldier, then grabbed his Assault Rifle and opened fire, injuring several people in the station, before being shot and killed himself. We have six people that were injured, four of them being Police Officers injured inside the central bus station. Reporter a Security Guard at the station also shot this man, thinking he was a terrorist. An angry mob attacked him while he was on the ground. He turned out to be innocent, an eritrean asylum seeker, 29year old haftom zarhum. In east jerusalem, the epicenter of the recent wave of Terror Police and army continued to escalate their security presencesetting up roadblocks at the exit points of several arab areas. Jabal mukabir is an extreme example of israels determination to fight this recent wave of terror. There are Army Checkpoints all around and they are in the process of building a wall to separate the arab village from the jewish neighborhoods on the other side. The palestinians view the operation as a form of collective punishment. Thaer oraga says it only makes people here angry. All the people make attack from Jabal Mukabir . I am guilty. I am guilty of the attacks . No. I dont think this will prevent attacks. This leads to extremism i think. It doesnt lead to peace. Reporter the jewish town is called armon hanatziv. David dahan says the wall and the extra security is necessary. Its not optimal to live when you are checked every day but if its good for security they should do so. Reporter the fiery attack recently on josephs tomb near nablus also inflamed tensions. Some of the young palestinians who carried out the attack were arrested by Palestinian Security forces. But nabil shaath, a Senior Member of the ruling fathah party in the west bank, says it is becoming increasingly difficult to control young palestinians there. What can you do if the occupier does not take the first step there is no way you can stop it . I am telling you this, with alarm. With grief. Reporter palestinian anger is fuelled by a belief that Israel Intends to change the status quo involving the al aqsa mosquelocated in the area. Muslims call the noble sanctuary. Jews call it the temple mount. Jews can visit the temple mount, but by agreement cannot pray there. Reported attempts by right wing jews to pray have triggered clashes. Israels Prime Minister has asked jewish leaders not to visit while tensions are high. Dore gold is the director general of Israels Foreign Ministry with close ties to israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. We are not taking measures against the al aqsa mosque. That is a total lie that is extremely dangerous. Reporter the gulf between the Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas and netanyahus government grows wider every day. U. S. Secretary of state john kerry is now stepping in. You have to sit down and talk to each other in order to explore those kinds of possibilities. So i dont enter discussion with a specific expectation except to try to understand better for all of us. Reporter kerry is expected to meet netanyahu in germany thursday, and abbas in jordan over the weekend. Reporting from jerusalem, im Martin Seemungal for the pbs newshour. Ifill its the week of will he or wont he . Will Vice President joe biden run . To discuss all that and more, we turn to politics monday tamara keith of n. P. R. And amy walter of the cook political report. Im going to put it all in front of you here. Joe biden, what do we know . I dont think that anybody knows anything, an thats the reality. Okay. If i could just boil it down to the way im looking at both of these, is one i think is much more quengsal than the other. And that is paul ryans decision, a go or no go. What i am hearing more and more of is a pes mism of rep kants they dont think he will do this job. St a thankless job and they dont think he will be able to get the entire republican conference around him to support him. What does this mean . This means the republican conference is now officially ungovernable, that there is a risk now that may not ever be able to be fixed. That we have two big deadlines coming up very soon. The debt ceiling, highway transportation bill, real stuff, real big, con is he quengs stuff way republican conference in the house that nobody can lead. Interesting enough in the hillry camp that you cover, tamara, there have been more anmore of those joe biden has to make up his mind. He should make up his mind. Are they nervous or are they just assuming that they know the answer and they just want him to get on with it . Last i checked, i dont think they think they know the answer either. This is just one of those things where, this has been dragging on for months now. Weve had hieltenned heightened joe biden awareness back in august. Now were in this new flurry of leaks and nonleaks and people close to joe biden say yes. And people close to joe biden say no. And off off the record people sy its all wrong. Sth is just, i think a lot of people, including people in the Clinton Campaign would just like the wondering to be done. Ifill one way or the other. It is the hardest thing i think for her is that it is probably having an impact on fundraising. There are a bunch of people sitting on their check books saying im not going to write a check until i know what biden is actually doing. Ifill lets talk about othe. Were expecting on thursday for Hillary Clinton to finally testify in front of the benghazi committee. There has been quite a dustup in the days leading up to it between the committee chairman, the democrat, about what the purpose of this. Is and Hillary Clinton is happy to jump on board. For the first time in a long time Hillary Clinton is on the offense. When this first came up we thought okay, this is going to be a very tough day for Hillary Clinton. Well talk a lot about email. She will be put on the defensive. Republicans now are going to be able to get at her in a way that they havent before. And now its been turned completely around. That its republicans now on the defensive. Ifill one of the things inoe minute video today in which she touted her time as secretary of state, one what the best of secretary of state she was. Is that part of the offense too, tamara . I think she goes in there and she acts like secretary of state. She is the stateswoman. She has to be very careful in that hearing not to come off as dismissive. Even though she thinks that it is a partisan witchhunt. She has to come in there and take it very seriously. And the challenge for her is this could be six or eight hours long. You think that Republican Debate of three hours was a long time . Try a daylong hearing, multiple rounds of questioning, on a whole range of areas, not just the benghazi attack. It is going its going to be a marathon. And by the end of the day, she like any other human being is likely to be tired. And the pressure is still going to be on her to be statesman like. Ifill two more things iwant. One is the latest dustup between donald jump and jeb bush about who is responsible for 9 11, whether he was blaming jeb bushs brother, george w. What is that about . What is driving that dispute . What is driving that is donald trump. Donald Trumps Campaign is all about his ability to get media attention. He gets media attention, he says something dramatic or he attacked somebody. The media covers it. Then the media asks his opponent to respond to it. And then we go back and around. And guess without wins on that, donald trump, every single time. Thats why i think jeb bush jumping into this, both over twitter and then in the media is a mistake. If you are on Donald Trumps territory, you are going to lose. If you are fighting your campaign on your territory, you are more likely to win that fight. Ifill one more thing, sosatt for saturday night live during Campaign Season to see what they are going to do with the people they cover every day. And this is what they did with Bernie Sanders. Were doomed we need a revolution. Millions of people on the streets. And we got to do something and we got to do it now thats larry david from cu rb your enthusiasm doing a spoton Bernie Sanders. I think we need him to be on the trail now 24 7. If we could get larry david and tina fey as sarah palin, put them on the road, i think that would be a big hit it would sell a lot of tickets. It would be huge. Ifill Bernie Sanders himsels debate even though Hillary Clinton did well, he didnt do bad for himself. Eben fits of get tok show off his sense of humor because he seems like a really cranky guy sometimes. And what he highlighted, larry david did in the saturday night live scit, was his ability, Bernie Sanders ability to win over younger voters. Here is the guy in his 70s. And he has the larry david mannerisms and all of the and yet its young people who are attracted to him. Hes like get off my lawn but dont you love me . laughter jz well. Ifill well, a lot of peopley clinton is also worried about. Tamara keith, amy walter, happy birthday to you. Thank you very much. Thank you, all. Woodruff stay with us, coming up on the newshour from street gangs to the n. B. A. , and the Police Officer who became a role model. Abuelas make it their mission to find their missing grandchildren. And yoyo mas musical interpretation of life. But first, hundreds of thousands of volkswagen and audi owners have been left in the dark about what to do after learning their dieselfueled cars are emitting up to 40 times the amount of nitrogen oxide allowed by the federal government. Special correspondent cat wise takes a look at the reaction in portland, oregon. It is taking a lead role in a multistate investigation of volkswagen, and has the most affected vehicles, per capita, of any state in the country. Reporter gourmet meats are sizzling and business is brisk at the lardo sandwich restaurant in one of portlands hip new neighborhoods. Owner Rick Gencarelli is a true portlander, carefully sourcing the food in his restaurant and driving an ecologically friendly car. At least he thought he was driving an ecologically friendly car until last month. Thats when he, and 500,000 other u. S. Owners of volkswagen and audis socalled clean diesel cars learned they had been duped. Youre trying to make the right decision, for the environment, and then it turns out that its 30 or 40 times the allowed amount of emissions, which is, thats just completely heartbreaking. Reporter gencarelli says he was already starting to feel guilty driving his 2011 jetta tdi after the news broke, then he discovered a note left by an anonymous person on the windshield. It read in part your car is currently polluting at rates higher than nearly any modern gasoline car today. Two to four times more than a chevy suburban. Not to mention that vw lied to you and the public. I feel horrible like i want to just wear a mask because i feel like im being judged so harshly. The note kindly says that i should consider a new car, but then what do i do with this one. Its still going to be on the road. Reporter in fact many vw owners in portland, and around the country, are wondering what to do. Volkswagen has yet to reveal plans for fixing the emissions problems and vehicle values are dropping amid the uncertainty. Nationally, more than 250 lawsuits have been filed against volkswagen and more are likely as states, car dealers, and consumers grapple with the long term implications of the companys fraud. One of those filing suit is jamie saul, a portland environmental law professor and a dad in a busy household. Saul and his wife alex have been big fans of the newer volkswagen diesel vehicles theyve owned two and convinced several family members to buy them but now jamie is part of a Class Action Lawsuit against the company, filed in a california federal court. We caught up with jamie as he was heading out for his morning commute in his familys jetta tdi sportwagen. So tell me about that day that you heard the news. What was your reaction . I was shocked. Shocked and disappointed at volkswagen. Its one of the few major corporations that i thought was really trying to do the right thing. There are a lot of latemodel tdis in our neighborhood and in portland generally, because i think consumers in portland like the idea of having a fuel efficient clean car thats fun to drive and practical for their family needs. Reporter saul and his wife are trying to drive less, and ride their bikes to work more often, but thats a big hassle when they have to get the kids around town. Theyd like to sell the car, but who would buy it and at what price . I think the people who own these cars need to be compensated for the lost value in these cars on the secondary market. And they need a realworld fix that solves the problem while not undermining the fuel economy and the performance of these cars. Reporter while owners have been struggling, volkswagen dealerships are also feeling the pain. The company has told dealers to stop selling their inventory of diesel vehicles which typically account for about 20 of sales. But volkswagen is reportedly reimbursing u. S. Dealers for expenses they incur during the scandal. We reached out to portland area volkswagen dealerships, but none would agree to speak with us on camera. Nationwide, sales of vws are expected to take a significant hit. But the emissions scandal isnt just impacting new car dealers, its also having a big impact in the used car market. The values are just dropping like a rock. Reporter monty king is president of the Oregon Vehicle Dealers Association and represents used car and truck dealerships. The dealers are very concerned. Because theyre small businesspeople. And if they had bought one of these vws at the auction or even taken it as a tradein, and now because of this the value drops say 5001,000, theyre going to take it, theyre going to take the loss. I think vw is responsible for that. Reporter king says independent used car dealers arent expecting the same level of support as vw dealerships. Theres 120,000 used car dealers in the united states. And if every one of them has one of these, what do you think the chances are of vw helping. Im not real excited about that possibility. Reporter one of the Big Questions on many vw owners minds here in portland is can they still legally drive their car . Pull right in here. Reporter oregon, like 29 other states around the country, has a Vehicle Emissions Testing Program in several cities. The goal is to improve air quality by making sure vehicles are properly maintained and not emitting pollutants that exhaust systems are designed to catch. I know it seems to be out there that vehicles, if you own these, youre going to fail, and thats just not the case. Reporter Gerry Preston is in charge of the Vehicle Inspection Program for oregons department of environmental quality. Preston says that impacted vw diesel cars wont automatically fail the required biyearly test. The state is waiting for a recall to happen and then owners will be expected to get those repairs made. We certainly care about the issue, and we know that nitrogen oxide is a component that were talking about, can cause the emissions, problems with asthma, other respiratory problems, emphysema, and bronchitis, and things like that, so were very concerned about that. However, were letting e. P. A. Take the role, as are most states, to let the recall process take its form, and then after that, when they come back in, if they havent gotten the recall done, then well be looking at that. Reporter for now, jamie saul and many others are waiting for news about that recall, expected in the next few months. For the pbs newshour, im cat wise in portland, oregon. Ifill a lot of boys dream of growing up and playing for the n. B. A. Caron butler was one of the lucky ones. He had the dream, and the skills to get him there. But he nearly threw it all away, turning to a life of violence, drug dealing and eventually, prison. William brangham has our latest addition to the newshour bookshelf, butlers tuff juice my journey from the streets to the n. B. A. Brangham to see him now on the court, youd have little sense of how far caron butler has come. This fourteenyear veteran of the n. B. A. Has played with, and for, some of basketballs greats. But this career almost never happened. Bought a gun at 12nd soon was posing for pictures with stacks of his drug money. In prison at 15, butler vowed that when he got out, he would change. He got a job at burger king, and rededicated himself to basketball am but 17 years ago, those plans nearly fell apart. If it wasnt for the snap judgement of this man, detective rick geller, caron butler might have gone right back to prison and his career would have never happened. I talked with him both recently in our studio, rick geller, caron butler, thanks for being here. Thanks for having us. Take me back, 17 years ago to when we first met, tell me that story. I had drafted a search warrant for the bluff avenue house that caron was living at at that time. He had a criminal history, a very lengthy criminal history. You thought you would break into this house and bust a drug dealer. Thats exactly what i thought. And what did you find . We ended up finding 15. 3 grams of crack cocane in the garage area. There was a lot of incidentals that just didnt make sense to me. Like for instance, i had a chance to talk to him inside the house. He had burns on his hands. And i asked him, where did you get burns on your hands. From working at burger king. We pat him down and hes got 11 in his pocket. Not consistent with what a dope dealer normally would be carrying. It just didnt match up, i guess. I felt like he was one of those people in the wrong place at the wrong time. So on this day that you make a decision that he is, in fact, innocent and that the drugs you found in the house were not his, thats a pretty monumental decision, right . Definitely. I mean it changed my life. It changed everything. It was a decision that really altered my whole life. Because lets say it had gone the other way. Lets say he said im going to book you. I dont believe you when you say those are not your drugs in the garage. What would soo happened to you . Because of my past already, and my lengthy record, i could have been facing ten to 15 years. I would have been 26, 25 years old, getting out. Career is over. You know, all those dreams of playing basketball or doing all these things, would be gone. Lets go back a little bit in time. Obviously as you mentioned, you did have a very lengthy record. You had spent a good deal of time in the drug trade. Im curious, what is it that drew you to that trade . I would have to say, you know, from a youngster, the second i jumped off the porch, you know, and that is the second that i started experiencing things in the neighborhood. I was exposed to material statistics things. I saw guys riding around in the nice cars with gold rims on t the cadillacs, the 98s and the beuics and the gold chains and the jewelry and had the money and the flash, you know it was just something that i was intrigued by as a youngster. And those were guys who were not working at the manufacturing plant. No, they wasnt working a nine to five, they was working around the clock. So by the time you two have this meeting 17 years ago, you had spent some time in prison. You had decided to turn your life around. What was it that changed your mind . It was a combination of things. One, some of my closest friends that i lost to the streets. And two, i felt like a huge disappointment to my mother who worked two jobs and did everything she possibly can do. That to me, i think, was the biggest factor. Because his mom really was, for one, working two or three jobs, plus trying to keep a handle on him. And i mean, she would go out to the park that we were talking about, the 18th street. This is where all the drug traffic was. And she would get out of her car and chase him down. Chase me off the street. She just couldnt do it all the time. Yeah. And he got better and better and better. And i think when he finally got sent toettean allen. The correctional facility. When he finally was sent there, and his mom is trailing behind, hoping and praying that the car that she has will continue to work, the tears are rolling down her face, i mean i think that was it for him. I really do. I think that was the shining moment. I really do feel like a huge disappointment. Just because i knew what she invested in me. And for me to you know, throw that all away and be in corrections. And her having to live with that void of me not being there. That was frustrating. So it was just, it was all those things. And my mom moving out my Old Neighborhood so when i got out, i was in a new environment. So i didnt feel like i had to live up to the norm, or the expectations of my former self. I felt like i had a fresh start. And people started showing me a lot of favor. Putting me in situations to be successful. And i took full advantage of it. In carons case too, there wasnt a real father figure. No. There was a great mother figure. But not really a father figure. So i think it finally came, he came to the conclusion, either i keep hurting my mom or i end up dead, or i end up in prison for a long, long time. And i think he just decided it wasnt worth it. And im so glad he did. And i tell you something, as far as that father figure, he has without hesitation become the father that he always hoped for with his kids. So i think that is that. The book is tuff juice my journey from the streets to the nba caron butler, rick geller, thank you very much for being here. Thanks for having us. Thank you. Woodruff during the military dictatorship in argentina, from 1976 to 1983, as many as 30,000 people simply disappeared. Some of those were Young Pregnant women. An estimated 500 of their babies were then given to couples who were often deemed sympathetic to the regime. What happened to those women and their babies is explored by the documentary project, retro report and distributed by the New York Times. Were partnering with them to bring you a version of this piece here. A threeman military junta has taken over the government of argentina. Reporter the coup began in the Early Morning hours of march 24, 1976. The action was swift and efficient, and the new ruling junta composed of coup leaders seemed in firm control. Reporter it wasnt long before the military dictatorship started rounding up guerrilla groups and those believed to be left wing subversives. Housewife and School Principal Estela De Carlotto was 47 years old back in november of 1977 when her 22yearold daughter, laura, disappeared. translated she was the first of my four children. Laura was a very respectful girl but with a strong personality. She became politically active because she wanted change. Reporter carlotto says she was frantic to find out what had happened to her daughter. translated at that time i was the same as other mothers, very naive. We didnt know that the military were coming to kill people. We were expecting the return of our children. Reporter but it was not to be. Carlotto would never hear from her daughter laura again. In august of 1978, she was killed by her captors. Although devastated, Estela De Carlotto was one of the more fortunate ones she was given her daughters body to bury. It was two years later that she learned something she had suspected laura had been pregnant and given birth to a son before she was murdered. translated i buried laura. I knew where laura was. But i didnt know where my grandson was. Reporter not long after, she joined the grandmothers, or abuelas, of the plaza de mayo. translated being on my own was dangerous. I couldnt share my sorrow. So, to find the grandmothers was to find company, to Exchange Ideas to look after one another. Reporter the dictatorship lasted seven years. During that time, as many as 30,000 people were tortured and killed at detention camps all over the country. Many of the victims were buried in mass graves. After the regime fell, the grandmothers were desperate to, not only find out what had happened to their children, but to also recover their grandchildren who had been stolen at birth. translated in the beginning, we were searching, but we didnt have a way to prove which were our grandchildren. Reporter so they turned to science, and in 1987, they began storing their profiles in a newly created National Genetic bank. By may of 2014, Estela De Carlotto and the grandmothers had found or identified 113 missing grandchildren. And at the age of 83, her determination seemed stronger than ever. translated i will never stop doing what i do, because there is inside a very powerful strength that is love, love for our children and grandchildren. translated i first heard of grandmothers and of Estela De Carlotto when i graduated from secondary school and went to study in a music conservatory. Reporter Ignacio Hurban was born in june of 1978, at the height of the dictatorship. His parents were farmers near the city olavarria, some 220 miles from buenos aires. On his 36th birthday in 2014, ignacio found out that he had been adopted. translated it was a shock, yes. The parents who raised me didnt tell me. When i asked them, they confirmed what i had been told. Reporter not long after his discovery, ignacio went to the grandmothers, who arranged for a blood test. In august of 2014, just days after taking the test, ignacio got the results from the head of the commission. translated she told me whose grandchild i was. And that my grandmother was waiting for me, very excited. We met immediately, the next day. translated given his good nature and nice character, he said, in jest, of course, if im a grandson of the grandmothers, i hope estela is my grandmother. He seemed to have sensed it. Reporter uki goni is an author and journalist. The country came together, i think, in this huge cry of joy. I went to the press conference where she appeared publicly with him for the first time, and theres a room packed full of journalists all in tears, myself included, because she represented so much for us. I mean she had been so brave. She had put so much of herself at stake. And finally she had her reward. Reporter but it also meant Something Else her grandsons adoptive parents would face a legal investigation. translated the people who raised my grandson committed a crime. Its a serious crime; a crime against humanity. There are extenuating circumstances in that they were farm people under a very domineering master who one day brought them a child and told them, do not ask questions and never tell him he is not your own son. I personally do not blame them or exonerate them. That is in the hands of the justice system. Reporter Ignacio Hurban is now Ignacio Montoya carlotto. Although he has changed his name, he says his bond with the parents who raised him remains strong, and he is proud to be the 114th grandchild identified. At the age of 84 Estela De Carlotto shows no sign of slowing down, taking her message and now her grandson around the world. translated there is my public life with my grandmother and my private and emotional life with her, a life were building. In that sense, were just a grandchild and a grandmother. translated when i met my grandson, i could hug him. He doesnt look like his mother, but i knew that in his blood was my daughter laura. And it was like i got her back. Woodruff you can watch the full documentary by retro report, the disappeared, on the New York Times website, nytimes. Com ifill finally tonight, yoyo ma and his acclaimed career. Hes been on the stage since a very early age. Now, as Jeffrey Brown found when he visited him in new york recently, the renowned cellists taking time in his latest work to incorporate personal milestones and reflections. They used the music of cherished compose ires, bach, brahms, gersh win and others to create a sound trang track of change, love and lost. Its called songs from the arc of life. You know, what do people remember from their childhood, what do people go through when they are teenagers, or what do they go through when theyre in, you know, adolescence, or middle age, or you know, late age. We have two ave marias the miracle of birth, the infinitude of death. Brown ma was born in paris to musician parents and moved to new york when he was five. Hed begun cello lessons, a year earlier, and by eight, he and his violinist sister had performed on National Television in a concert featuring Leonard Bernstein and other major figures. Over the years, hes turned out some 90 albums, a Classical Music star whos also recorded a wide variety of music from this country and around the world with a whos who of musicians from other genres. Hes appeared before eight president s, received the president ial medal of freedom, and the National Medal of arts. And, the true sign of cultural importance, made a cameo on sesame street. All of this before he turned 60 this month. And, between his birthday and several musical anniversaries, when we met at a Recording Studio in new york, i found him ready to ponder his own lifes arc. I think my path was a little circuitous, because i was born into a musical family, and so music was there, and so i felt like i never chose to go into music, because thats just what i did. The accidental parts, you know, my moving from france to the united states, because my father got a job in new york, that was an accident. I think if i were growing up somewhere else my life would have turned out very differently. Brown but surely so much work goes into making you the musician you are, and the life that you had, and the kind of commitment, and drive, that goes beyond the accidental. Absolutely, i can be incredibly focused, and you know, incredibly willful, and stubborn, but i think i also want to figure out what its about. Yes, it takes a lot of focus, it takes those 10,000 hours to do something, but its like how does it fit in within the context of living. Brown one of the Major Projects of mas life connects music from different ages and cultures. He created the silk road ensemble 15 years ago its name chosen for the ancient chinatoeurope trade route. We sat in as the collective, comprising many nationalities, worked on a composition by syrian clarinetist kinan azmeh, titled the wedding. Ma says much of his own world view, embodied in this effort to blend sounds and cultures, is shaped by his immigrant past. And with everything thats happening now, you know, the refugee situation, immigration, im an immigrant, je suis immigrant, right . Brown well but its striking to me, and im wondering if it hits you, it must, that even as this sort of era of globalization, where theres much more communication. Theres at the same time more tribalism, more xenophobia, more tensions around the world. You could you know, where, what would be the opposite of fear . I would say its hope. Ive also spent quite a lot of time thinking, well, you know, what can i do between 60 and 70 that may be useful . Brown so what does that mean in your case . Well, it means that i think from my perspective, i get more and more pleasure seeing other people doing things, and succeeding. And i dont feel like i have to do this and that in order to prove something. Brown but what has been the purpose, or the goal, for you . That music gives you . Its a friend, a friend in need, it is, it gives joy, it gives solace. Brown you know, ive seen you play so many times, and now i get to ask you this, when you close your eyes, and youve kind of, your head kind of goes back off, and then sometimes theres this smile on your face, are you thinking at that moment, are you experiencing, whats going on inside you while youre playing . Its a process of figuring out what are the priorities that need to be communicated, so basically the most important thing is that something, someone cared about, whether its a piece of music someone wrote, or something that im playing the content of which actually passes on to somebody, and lives in somebody else. I think thats where age makes a difference. Brown in september at Royal Albert Hall in london, ma gave himself a rather unusual 60th birthday present he performed all six of bachs solo cello suites, still considered the pinnacle of composition for his instrument. Its an enormous challenge. Its a physical checkin, because ive never actually done them pretty much, pretty much all in a row without breaks. But its also a checkin in terms of where you are in life in terms of focus. And the question is, have i learned enough to be able to do this with total dedication and focus . Can i pull it off . Brown and the results were . Are you a better musician now . Im not sure that im better at anything, but i think i feel that i can still contribute. Youre always learning. You just keep learning; keep on trucking. Brown alright, yoyo ma, thanks so much. Thank you, jeffrey. Ifill yoyo ma played part of quartet from the end of time for us. You can see that on our artbeat page at pbs. Org Newshour Ifill on the newshour online its a first for the so called doomsday vault. Researchers tapped into the Global Seed Bank for the first time to retrieve samples that they hope will restore some of the genetic diversity lost during the syrian conflict. Seeds from the wartorn country were moved from the vault, to areas where scientists can continue their work. Read more about the project on our home page a young chickano writer on the poem inspired by the deep cuts an rough skin of her immigrant fathers hands. Our features poem of the week and you can listen on our arts page. All that and more son our website pbs. Org newshour. Woodruff and thats the newshour for tonight. Im Judy Woodruff ifill and im gwen ifill. Join us online and again here tomorrow evening. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and by bnsf railway. And by the alfred p. Sloan foundation. Supporting science, technology, and improved Economic Performance and Financial Literacy in the 21st century. And with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org ccess. Wgbh. Org announcer this is nightly Business Report with Tyler Mathisen and sue herera. Feeling blue. Ibm reports its lowest quarterly revenue since 2002. And its shares slide initially in afterhours trading. Securing your nest egg. How much Retirement Income will you need . It may not be the amount you think. Fighting the flu. Its big business for some very big companies. Tonight begins the first of our threepart series. All that and more tonight on nightly Business Report for monday october 19th. Good evening, everyone and welcome. Case of the blues for big blue. Ibms revenue fell for the 14th straight quarter, missing analyst estimates. The Worlds Largest Technology Services company said it was hurt by a strong dollar and by the sale of low margin businessess

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