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The lingering effects of the b. P. Spill five years after the blast that sent oil pouring into the gulf for months. Woodruff plus. I decided i would update dante and make it more universal. Woodruff the promises of paradise, the depths of hell and the purgatory in between. Visual translations of dantes divine comedy. It was really looking at how people wear masks in order to get ahead in life. You know and everything is concealed, you know and a lot of the messages that i put in here. Its really a conversation about spite and how i feel that that ifill those are some of the stories were covering on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your life and become youre own chief life officer. And the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff the European Union came under intense pressure today to address the migrant crisis in the mediterranean. Estimates of the dead ranged from 700 to more than 900 in a single sinking over the weekend. E. U. Leaders now plan an emergency summit on thursday. Well have a full report, after the news summary. Ifill six minnesota men will face trial for allegedly trying to join the Islamic State group. They were arrested yesterday on terror charges in minneapolis and san diego. In st. Paul today, the u. S. Attorney for minnesota, andrew luger, said the six were of somali backgrounds, and had been conspiring for 10 months. Nothing stopped these defendants from pursuing their goal. They never stopped plotting another way to get to syria to join isil. They were not confused young men, they were not easily influenced. These are focused men, who are intent on joining a terrorist organization, by any means possible. Ifill federal prosecutors say the Islamic State group began recruiting in the Somali Community in minnesota in 2013. Woodruff the u. S. Navy stepped up efforts today to block iran from sending weapons to shiite rebels in yemen. The Aircraft Carrier Theodore Roosevelt moved to join other American Warships off the yemeni coast. The u. S. Effort could involve boarding iranian vessels. Tehran has denied aiding the rebels, but white house spokesman josh earnest argued otherwise. We have seen evidence that the iranians are supplying weapons and other forms of support to the houthis in yemen. Thats the kind of support that will only contribute to greater violence in that country a country thats already been wracked by too much violence. Woodruff the u. S. Naval move came as the biggest air strikes yet by saudi arabia and its allies shook sanaa, yemens capital city. Local reports said at least 25 people were killed, and nearly 400 wounded. The attacks touched off huge explosions at a missile base, held by the shiite rebels. Shock waves from the blast flattened homes and shattered windows. Ifill meanwhile, across the gulf of aden, a bomb destroyed a United Nations van in somalia, killing seven people, including four workers with the u. N. Childrens agency. Alshabab militants claimed responsibility. Police said they planted the bomb under one of the vans seats and triggered it by remote control. Woodruff iran has charged the Washington Posts Tehran Bureau chief with espionage and three other crimes. Jason rezaian holds dual iranianamerican citizenship. Hes been held nine months. His lawyer confirmed the charges against him today. They also include collaboration with hostile governments and antiiranian propaganda. Ifill the u. S. And the philippines launched their largest joint military exercises in 15 years today. The annual war games came amid concern over chinas aggressive moves to build bases in the disputed south china sea. More than 11,500 american and filipino military personnel are taking part. Woodruff back in this country, baltimore officials faced a storm of questions over the death of a black suspect whose spine was nearly severed in police custody. 25yearold freddie gray was arrested april 12th, for carrying a switchblade. He died yesterday. Its still not clear how gray was hurt, but the mayor promised a thorough investigation. Im frustrated were here and we dont have all the answers. Woodruff also today, a white, former Police Officer in suburban detroit was charged with assault in a january incident. Last month, a video surfaced that showed him repeatedly punching a black man during a traffic stop. Ifill the 119th Boston Marathon was run today amid heavy security, two years after a fatal bombing at the finish line. The winner that year, Lelisa Desisa of ethiopia, won again today. The winner on the womens side was Caroline Rotich of kenya. Woodruff the 2015 Pulitzer Prizes are out, and the post and courier newspaper of charleston, south carolina, has won the Public Service award for a series on domestic violence. Other winners include the New York Times for coverage of the ebola crisis, the st. Louis postdispatch for photographs of the riots in ferguson, missouri, and the Washington Post for revelations about security lapses by the secret service. In the arts, Anthony Doerrs World War Two novel all the light we cannot see won the prize for fiction. Ifill and, wall street had a big monday, thanks to strong corporate earnings. The Dow Jones Industrial average gained more than 200 points to close back above 18,000. The nasdaq rose 63 points, and the s p added 19. Woodruff still to come on the newshour migrants risk all to cross the mediterranean sea. Combating hunger in the worlds worst conflict zones. The 2016 race and the week ahead in politics. Five years after the b. P. Oil spill, the lasting damage to the gulfs economy and environment. A historic conviction of a c. I. A. Contractor for his actions in the war on terror. And, paradise, purgatory and hell interpreted by african artists. Ifill europes attention was fixed today on images of desperate refugees dying on rickety boats. A jampacked vessel out of libya went down sunday, taking nearly all of its human cargo to the bottom of the sea. We have two reports from independent television news, beginning with matt fry, in catania, italy. This is the worst shipping disaster to date, the worst so far for mediterranean migration. The survivors are outnumbered by the body bags and the body bags are outnumbered by the hundreds whose bodies will never be recovered from the bottom of the sea. The ghostly knock term images of the actual rescue show the Italian Coast Guard looking for more survivors in vain. As many as 900 may have drowned here and that means more souls have been lost in seven days in the calm waters of the med than when the titanic sank. shouting in the greek corner of the mediterranean, this was today, when syrian and South African ref gist boat disintegrated a few hundred meters after shoamplet here only a few drowned and you can sense the panic of the others, as they cant swim. This is just one small desperate episode in an historic drama. Neither greece nor italy like that the shores have been worrying and libya is in a state of civil war. When the ship went down off the island of lampedusa in 2013 almost 400 people drowned. The mass rescue operation ended up saving 130,000 lives last year. In the end, the European Union decided to replace that mission with a much smaller rescue mission. The policy was if we show the migrants that we dont rush to their rescue, they wont rush to the boat, but it didnt work. They keep coming in ever greater numbers. Ifill so far this year, at least 1,500 migrants have died trying to make the crossing. Thats 15 times more than the total for all of last year. Itns rageh omaar picks up the story in luxembourg, where european Foreign Ministers met today. Its the fatal plight of wouldbe migrants of these syrians fleeing civil war that jolted the e. U. To take action. Member governments were presented with a tenpoint plan today aimed at doubling financing and the number of ships to help overcrowd vessels athlike these. As we look at the tragic events everybody is concerned about the horrific loss of life weve seen in the med train reason, but what was clear today and agreed is theres no quick fix on this issue. Its a reflection of the rising political concern within europe of the scale of deaths of migrants in the mediterranean. What should have been routine talks in luxembourg have turned into a crisis conference to address the issue. The question now is how to get the 28 member countries to act as one especially when tissue of migration is such a polerrizing and heated domestic political issue for european governments. Ifill and joining me now for more on the deadly journeys that thousands are taking, and the european communitys response is daryl grisgraber, Senior Advocate at Refugees International for the middle east and africa. Two questions here, why do the migrants come and what do you do about them once they get on their way . The first part why are they coming. A number of reasons. Within the country of origin, there is conflict, poverty, persecution. So in africa and particularly in the middle east, you will find people fleeing these particular issues. Many end up on the west coast of africa and migrate by sea when land routes are not available to them. Ifill why dont we talk about who these people are. Theyre not libyans necessarily and theyre not from any one place. No, not at all. We have seen syrians from lib bia people from africa fleeing Human Rights Violations and people from sub saharan africa. People are come anywhere they can find a migration route and often they ent up on the west coast of africa, they get ton the boats. Ifill we are see ago stunning increase in numbers because of the weather . Because of what . Well, the weather is the sailing season right now so the weather is calmer, the waters are slightly easier to deal with. But i think were look at whats happening in the countries that people are fleeing from. Human Rights Violations are a daily occurrence for many people in many places and, again in this part of the world. Conflict in syria for example is driving people out and there are libyans joining. Libya is in chaos right now. So people are coming from all over but are all fleeing situations that are making them desperate. Ifill what about the ones who dont drown on route where do they end up . It depends. Many end up in detention and there are definitely efforts by European Countries to send them back. A lot of them have dreams of moving on further to join family members often in scandinavia or western europe. A lot are not getting there and many languish in Transit Centers along the coastal European Countries because theyre not allowed in. Ifill lets talk about the second hard part as you identified, what do you do about it. Today we saw the meeting among the European Union countries in which theyre beginning to make a common cause . Yes, theres a move toward that and i think its a question of how quickly it can be done and how thorough the response can be. The common cause, unfortunately, might not focus as much on humanitarian and life saving activities as it does on the turns at the border and creating a secure area. Ifill i was going to ask you to expand on that a little. When you say deterrence, we talk about building fences. What are they talking about . The same thing. Not building a fence but not making people think if they get on a boat and it sinks that they will be rescued biff someone in those European Countries, for example. Rescue efforts were very much at a heart of what was going on in the mediterranean for much of last year and 2013. Its not as comprehensive agree graphically now and doesnt have the same amount of funding. Its more about deterrence and keeping people away from the borders, trying not to have people arriving in the first place. Ifill trying to stop freedom getting on or office the boats . From getting off the boats mostly. It would be to create situations where people dont feel make like, they need to get on the boats. Ifill more complicated. Yes. Ifill thank you. Co. Online, an organization working woodruff the nation of south sudan is barely four years old, and for much of that time, the fledgling country has been at war with itself a conflict thats displaced more than two million south sudanese in just the last 16 months. Its estimated that 50,000 people have died in the fighting among the living, more than 2. 5 million need Food Assistance, that number could be four million by years end. Earthrin cousin is executive director of the World Food Program, the u. N. Agency that is charged with helping the south sudanese in need. The w. F. P. Is also facing four other major crises elsewhere in africa and in the middle east. Earthrin cousin was just in south sudan late last month, and she joins me here tonight. Good to have you on the program again. Yes, thank you. Woodruff so you were just there weeks ago and you were sayingeth gotten worse since then. Yes, it has gotten worse. When i went to visit an island surrounded by swamp larntiond i had an opportunity to talk to women. One mother told me she walked for weeks and months to reach a place where there was safety and food. The only thing she could do was feed her children water lilies till she could get to a place to provide them with food. She came from the northern part and the northern part has gotten worse. Two counties in the region, we have been forced to suspend activities because three of our staff were kidnapped in the last ten days. Woodruff what can the World Food Programme do in a situation like that where the fighting, the civil war elements are just getting more complicated . Well, what it requires is we are agile with the other members of the countries, we go in, provide assistance and move out. But the challenge is when we cant go in at all and thats where were finding now as the conflict becomes ever more difficult and were breaking down into more private conflicts with militias where theres very little command or control as you would think about in a traditional conflict situation. Its more about local fighting parties. So its very difficult for us to have anyone even to talk to as three have been kidnapped. Woodruff what is it the World Food Programme and other agencies like yours need at a time like this . We need first and foremost not to forget the victims, the women and children who need our assistance. We are 250 million from what we need to provide what is required for the 2. 5 Million People we know are now in desperate need of Food Assistance between now and the ent of the year. Particularly nutritional assistance for children. And we also need to ensure that the entire Global Community not just the agencies, let their voices be known that humanitarians must be provided with the access that is necessary to provide assistance. Finally, what we need to particularly do in south sudan is were looking to expand our School Feeding program because we want to ensure that particularly boys, and were taking 160,000 additional children for School Feeding so those boys can hander see a different way out, a different narrative than the ones their fathers saw who for decades fought for their own freedom and now those same boys are seeing conflict seems to be the only answer. Keeping them in school will provide a different outcome. Woodruff the World Food Programme has frequently put out the word that it needs more money. Your shop, your office has done that. Whats the response to that and who is it who is falling back in their ledges to their pledges to the World Food Programme . The World Food Programme is 100 voluntarily funded and the majority of that is being provided by government and governments like the United States are extremely generous in providing us with assistance. The challenge is that because uh you have syria iraq, south sudan, yemen, the needs are so large that it requires that we broaden the number of donors who are supporting our organizations and seek Additional Support particularly from private sector individuals. You mentioned syria and iraq. Let me quickly ask you syria this is a war that has gone on, a civil war for years. So many displaced syrians are inside and outside the country. How is the World Food Programme getting help to them . We are providing support inside to approximately 4. 2 Million People on an everymonth basis and were providing support in both the opposition areas as well as the governmentheld areas. But these besieged areas are where were challenged in reaching the parties. Outside syria, we continue to put about 1. 7 Million People. But unfortunately because the syrian conflict has gone on so long it has required us to reduce the benefit inside syria which means the basket of food were providing is 30 smaller today than this time last year, and the support were providing financially, because outside syria its not about the availability of food, its access to food, so we provide a cash voucher that allows the refugees to purchase food. The challenge is we have been forced to cut the vouch voucher by 15 . Woodruff because . Because of lack of funding. Woodruff let me ask you about iraq. Next door. The syrians have gone into iraq. Iraq having its own crisis which grows worse by the day with the Islamic State group. How is the World Food Program dealing with it and are you able to deep up with the situation there . Inside iraq, we support 1. 5 million displaced parties as a result of the ongoing conflict in iraq. Last year saudi arabia provided 500 million contribution to the entire international community, which part of that was food for the entire year. That pot has run dry, unfortunately, and were now in a situation where we are significantly underfunded in iraq at a time when we just saw 90,000 people leave ramadi with the bombing campaigns and anbar province. We are trying to reach approximately 6,000 of the 90,000 with just the basic ability to feed themselves while they move and try to find safety. Woodruff finally, individuals who are watching, is there anything they can do . Go to www. Wfp. Org and help us, contribute, provide your support, provide your voice to your governments to ensure that it continue to provide the support that is necessary so people dont forget the victims of the crisis around the world. Woodruff its a very difficult story to listen to. Earthrin cousin, executive director of the World Food Programme. Thank you. Thank you so much. Ifill the 2016 race for president moved into New Hampshire over the weekend, as announced and unannounced candidates descended on the granite state, apparently just to say hi. Joining us for our regular politics monday discussion tonight Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post and tamara keith of npr. While they were saying hi while you were there, karen, there was a string especially of republican candidates, who came through town. Who made the biggest impact . These guys and one woman didnt disagree with each other on anything, and the degree to which they were taking shots at each other, they were very veiled, very indirect. So by the end of the weekend where there were 17 candidates that i counted, it really was, i think, just pretty much of a blur for this room full of 600 activists and Party Leaders in New Hampshire. Ifill tam remarks lets remind people why everyone goes to New Hampshire for this first in the nation summit and everyone is lining up support. Yes, this big event, this cattle call event is not very New Hampshire actually. The real New Hampshire is going into peoples living rooms diners and coffee shops and they did those events around the periphery of this cattle call. When there are 17, 19 of them, its really hard to stand out when you each get 30 minutes of a cattle call. New hampshire voters love this. New hampshire republicans love this contrast where they can amazing competition were having and were not going to make up our minds were going to wait it out and compare that to the democrats where theres a coronation. They love that. Ifill scott walker today we hear he may have the inside track in what we call the koch primary. One to have vents today, koch said i dont want tell you who you should write a check to but it should be scott walker. People think of the republicans as the conservative the evangelical practice and scott walker seems to appeal to all these. The Koch Brothers support today does not necessarily mean this gigantic organization of theirs is going to support him, but the interest in scott walker is so intense that at that event there was a wedding going on in another ballroom in New Hampshire in that hotel. The bride and groom left their own wedding reception to come over and meet scott walker and pose for pictures. Ifill only in New Hampshire, perhaps. laughter lets talk about jeb bush. He was asked in New Hampshire whether he was on his way to a coronation or whether he felt like he was the establishment guy who had all the money. He said, well, you know, if i have this all sewn up, why are all these other people here . I think New Hampshire is very important for him in part because he is trying to lower expectations about iowa. New hampshire is sort of critical to his path to the nomination. So he was there trying to stand out amongst all these other people who are also there. Ifill marco rubio, the newest person in the republican race, what was he doing there . He was very well received and very attractive, but in the outside chatter i heard a number of republican activists say, you know, he looks awfully young. Ifill hes 43. And by the way not the youngest, but slightly older than bobby jindal, the governor of louisiana. The thought is maybe this wasnt his year but potential there could be an opening for marco rubio. Ifill rand paul had a bit of a path carved by his father when he ran. Hes also trying to navigate the challenging waters of running towards and away from dad, where do i stand. I think hes figuring that out. That will probably be a long journey. Ifill fun to watch. Lets talk about Hillary Clinton. She is making her first trip to New Hampshire today. The one interesting thing about what the republicans were doing this weekend, they talked about common core, iran and substance and Hillary Clinton. They did. You got a sense they were sort of auditioning their attack lines and the attack lines essentially went in two directions one, that maybe shes running as a historymaking first woman president but, guess what, she would also be a third term for barack obama. This is same old same old. The second thing is there were a lot of lines kind of locking the rough spots of her lots of jokes at chipotle, lots of talk about benghazi. But you did get a sense that the republicans understand that running against a woman is a little bit of a different endeavor, so they have to be tough enough to rev up their base but not looking like they are piling on her in a way that is going to offend centrist voters and women who see this as sexest. Ifill the interesting response this afternoon from Hillary Clinton who decided to talk to reporters knowing there would be questions about these questions and her response was i dont know what they would talk about if i werent in the race. Ifill sort of the haters will hate to quote taylor swift. Ifill never do that again. Sorry. Ifill thats okay. laughter during these events, New Hampshire and iowa, she has been very controlled, limiting the size of the press corps limiting whos in, trying to keep the audience small, trying to make conversation. She hasnt answered many questions. There have been quite a few questions shouted at her but not many answers this time she wanted to answer ifill in iowa, how was it . Theres a certain level of absurdity in chasing after the highest profile candidate in the race whos trying to be low profile. How did that roll out . It was fascinating. There were decoy locations for reporters in the press pool. We were given a decoy location and another location and told to move to that location. The people selected to sit with her and have the conversations the democratic activists whom she was trying to woo and listen to they also were given decoy locations and had to hand over their cell phones before they moved to the actual location all to try to avoid some sort of mob scene of people right get to her ifill how much are you looking forward to the decoy locations . What i am sensing especially on the republican side is people feel there are so many choices out there why make up your mind now . Lets let the process play out ifill im up for that. Thank you both very much thank you. Woodruff no matter how you measure the numbers, it was the biggest oil spill in american history. A gusher triggered by a catastrophic blowout of a well deep in the sea, and the deadly explosion aboard a drilling rig. Five years later, how is the gulf coast doing . Lets get into that, but first a reminder of that moment. April 20, 2010. The darkened skies of the gulf of mexico lit up as the Deepwater Horizon Oil rig exploded into a fireball. B. P. s macondo oil well had blown out, killing 11 workers, and sending a torrent of oil gushing from the sea floor. Multiple attempts to seal the leak failed, when it was finally capped, 87 days late, the government estimated more than 170 million gallons had spilled. A federal judge later put it at 134 million gallons. Thousands of birds, turtles, and other animals died as the sheen coated the gulf shoreline marshes and barrier islands. Today the beaches and waters of the gulf look clean again. If you didnt know there was a spill, and you went out there today, youd never know there was even a problem. Woodruff many fisheries have rebounded, but Scientists Say millions of gallons of petroleum, dispersants and other chemicals may have settled on the sea floor, threatening deep sea corals and bottomdwelling fish. And, tar balls still wash ashore. Youre seeing this cycle of exposure and reburial of remnants of the spill, and thats going to go on for a long time. Woodruff in addition, dolphin strandings and deaths tripled after the spill. Endangered Kemps Ridley Sea turtle nests dropped to levels not seen in a decade. And oyster populations in Southeastern Louisiana plummeted. B. P. Maintains the drops are not related to the macondo oil itself and that wildlife populations are back to pre spill levels. On the economic front, the spill devastated livelihoods, shut down fisheries and coastal businesses. How you define what is eligible and ineligible is a formidable challenge. Woodruff Kenneth Feinberg was initially named administrator of an independent claims fund. He spoke with the newshour in 2010. Its one thing to compensate a shrimper who cant shrimp in the gulf because the shrimping is unavailable, that the government has closed off the shrimp grounds, or a oyster harvester, or a fisherman. Its another thing if a restaurant in boston says i cant get shrimp from the gulf and im losing revenue because i cant serve a favorite dish. Pay me. Woodruff b. P. Has spent more than 28 billion since the spill began. Half went toward response and cleanup measures. More than 5 billion has gone to pay compensation claims. In january, a federal judge in new orleans found the oil giant grossly negligent in the spill, which could leave it liable for up to 13. 7 billion in penalties. Meanwhile, the Obama Administration proposed new offshore drilling regulations last week. Theyre aimed at preventing equipment failures like the one that led to the deepwater horizon blowout. There are plenty of different opinions and findings about how well or poorly the gulf coasts waters, wildlife, businesses and people have recovered. We explore that now with two people from the region. Mark schleifstein, the environment reporter at the timespicayune, in new orleans, and john young president of Jefferson Parish louisiana, a coastal district near the epicenter of the 2010 spill. We welcome you both to the program. John young, to you first, how are people in your area doing five years after . Well, judy, we have a resilient population. Weived through katrina, b. P. Oil disaster, hurricane isaac and more in the past few years. People are coming back. There is still damage to assess. Were still getting tar mats on the island. Were still dealing with that. People are going about their daily lives and putting it behind. Theres still a lot to be done. Still holding b. P. Accountable and theres still litigation that haas to occur and damages to be paid. Woodruff how would you say peoples lives have changed . Certain peoples lives have gone on but shrimpers and oystermen are still suffering. The seafood is presentful but not as predictable to where they catch it. They have to move to catch it. Some restaurants on grand isle which is part of Jefferson Parish are. We havent seen one cent of clean water funds from the restore act thats the manny we use to protect and restore our coast. So people are moving on with their lives but the last chapter hasnt been written and the jury is still out as to the ultimate cost in terms outnot only economic losses but also environmental damage. When it comes to the Environmental Impact, mark schleifstein, what do you see . Thats what you focus on. What has been the main effect on the ecology of that area . Well, there was some obvious damage that occurred in the early days of the spill. You could see the oil just about everywhere along the louisiana coastline and it showed up on beaches along parts of alabama, mississippi and florida. Today, a lot of that is not seen from day to day unless you see a bit of significant storm that ends up uncovering some of this oil that is still in the near shore right off the beaches under the sediment and when that happens, you get a situation like we had about a month ago when you had 25,000 pounds of this material that ended up on the beach and you had to clean it up. The problem is trying to figure out what all this means. A lot of the efforts that have been made public all really have to do with the Civil Court Case and the fines, and that basically is how much damage did b. P. Do that you could measure over a certain number of years and you try to come up with a dollar amount for that and then come up with a plan for restoring the damage that was caused. In addition to that what the scientists are right do is to figure out what are the longterm effects. We know that there are some significant effects that we have seen in animals like the bottlenosed doll dolphins in the bay, the smoking gun specifically saying that b. P. Is the cause of the deaths of those dolphins, more than is thousand over several years, is a bit more dealt. Woodruff mark schleifstein, you mentioned the dolphins. What other sea life has been proven has been affected and damaged by this . Well, again thats the problem is proving beyond a doubt that the oil spill is the result of some of these things. What we have seen are indications that some of the nasty chemicals, the polychlorinated aeromatic carbons have shown up as far as way as the gulf of mexico even as far as falcons in rhode island. But what it is doing to the birds is hard to tell. This is a longerterm process. Another key issue is a lot of this oil occurred right in the area where you had the blue fin to you nay laying eggs each year at literally the same time as the oil spill occurred. The blue fin tuna. The longterm effects would be something to take years to find out. Woodruff john young, president of Jefferson Parish the money b. P. Has spent, is it visibly making a difference whether from the Environmental Impact from what you can see, the ability of people to get past this . Well, judy, for one thing people have been paid that were far removed from the spill and some people such as a shrimp processor on grand isle hasnt been paid. So claims are still pending. Cat island is a good example. It was a lush place for water foul and now is an island thats washing away. Theres still a lot of unaccounted oil probably on the seabed of the gulf. Again, as mark said, i dont think the last chapters been written. Its too early to say what the full impact is of what happened, and b. P. Is going to have to be held accountable and theyre going to have to continue to pay for damages they caused and make it right as they say in their commercials, and make us whole. Again, i dont think we can write the last chapter on this book yet. John young, picking up on that, are people feeling optimistic about the future coming out of this . Or do they feel this is something that is going to continue to hurt the new orleans and gulf area for a long time to come . Oh, no, were optimistic. Were an optimistic people, judy. Were moving forward and going to turn the negative into the positive. Were producing the besttasting seafood in the world. We produce 30 to 35 of the fish consumed in america and we still are in Oil Exploration inla because we produce 30, 35 of the oil and gas consumed in the United States and therefore well continue that production. We just want to make sure that what happened with the b. P. And the deep water horizon doesnt happen again. Woodruff john young, president of Jefferson Parish louisiana. Mark schleifstein with the timespicayune, we thank you both. Thank you judy. Ifill the United States senate spent five years investigating the c. I. A. s secret interrogations of terrorism suspects releasing an exhaustive report on the agencys tactics in december of last year. The report detailed brutality, dishonesty and at times arbitrary violence by the c. I. A. Despite those findings, only one c. I. A. Contractor, an interrorgator serving in afghanistan, has been convicted in a torture case. Now out of jail he has spoken for the first time in a short film produced by retro report, a nonprofit News Organization partnered with the New York Times. Reporter David Passaro is a free man today, and holds the distinction of being the only person working for the c. I. A. Ever to be convicted of abusing a prisoner in the war on terror. Man, i wasnt hired to be nice to these terrorists. I was there to get a job done i was there to elicit the truth and keep moving. Reporter passaros case started in 2003, when he was working as a contractor for the c. I. A. At a remote base in asadabad, afghanistan, and was tasked with interrogating abdul wali, a farmer who was suspected of being behind rocket fire at the base. I didnt want him sleeping anymore than two to three hours a night. One of the stress positions was something called the air chair, thats just hold his arms out until he decided he would change his demeanor. Every time he would sit there, he would do this, and he would drop his arms to his elbows. Well, thats not the air chair. And then i would tap his arms to tell him to get his arms back up, underneath. At one point he lurched out after me and i slapped him. It was just a quick response. My hands were right here, and it was just to get him off of me. Is that assault . It could be construed as assault, but in the war on terror, and in afghanistan, in asadabad, thats not assault. Reporter after three days of interrogation, wali collapsed. Despite efforts to revive him, he died. No autopsy was performed. Witnesses would later say that passaro hit wali repeatedly with a flashlight and kicked him in the groin. American, had initially accompanied him to the base. Hyde akbar, an afgan. This was a man who had turned himself in voluntarily. It wasnt the traditional way that people kind of justify torture the, the ticking time bomb situation. This is not a situation like that. Anything that i did to abdul wali, none of that constitutes torture. In hindsight, i wouldnt have done anything different. Reporter the c. I. A. Opened an investigation, but passaro returned to a civilian position at the ft. Bragg army base in North Carolina. It was american soldiers serving as military police at abu gharib that took these pictures. Reporter a year later, after the abu ghraib prison scandal broke, the Justice Department indicted passaro for assault. This morning, a grand jury in raleigh, North Carolina has indicted a contractor working on behalf of the Central Intelligence agency for brutally assaulting an afghan detainee. Reporter passaro maintained that he and others on the frontline of the war on terror were given the implied authority to use force when necessary. After 9 11, president bush got on national television, and said, not only are we going to go after the terrorists, but were going to go after those that harbor the terrorists. And we will do so under anyor with any means necessary. In other words, all the rules and regulations no longer applied. Reporter but witnesses testified that passaro was explosive, and acting far outside of c. I. A. Rules in his zeal to break wali down. And there was no conclusive evidence presented that wali was a terrorist at trial. Theres some blame to be placed on the u. S. Military for allowing an individual like dave passaro to be in such a sensitive situation. And then, i think that of course, dave passaro for actually, you know, beating this man. A former c. I. A. Contractor charged with abusing an afghan detainee was found guilty today of assault. Reporter after his conviction, the c. I. A. Released a statement that read passaros actions were unlawful, reprehensible, and neither authorized nor condoned by the agency. He served six years in prison. For some, the problem goes beyond a case like passaros. Former pentagon official alberto mora, one of the leading critics of torture, says that even authorized frontline interrogators were given mixed messages. One of the former c. I. A. Directors was mike hayden, was quoted as saying, famously, that he wanted his people to have chalk on their cleats as they were proceeding in the war on terror. Well, the problem withwith that analogy is that, if you have chalk on your cleats youve stepped out of bounds. Reporter former attorney general alberto gonzales, who helped draft the legal justifications for enhanced interrogation, says the practice was meant to be done only in specific circumstances, by authorized interrogators. We looked at the statute which is you cannot intentionally inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering. Thats all the statute says. And, you know, all i can say is the, that the lawyers tried very hard to define for the operators what would be consistent with the statute passed by congress. Ifill the c. I. A. Told the newshour today that the agency stopped using contractors to do interrogations when president obama ended the c. I. A. s detention and Interrogation Program in january 2009. At least two other cases of detainee deaths in c. I. A. Custody have been dropped, and the Obama Administration has pledged not to prosecute anyone for interrogations during the bush years if they adhered to guidelines. Passaros case may go down in history books as the first, and only, case in which a c. I. A. Interrogator has been prosecuted for abusing a prisoner. Woodruff finally tonight, a look at one of the canons in world literature, through the eyes of african artists. Heres Jeffrey Brown with the story. Brown the assignment was to take one of the great artistic achievements of western culture dantes epic poem, the divine comedy, and play with it, translate it, reimagine it through the work of 13 contemporary artists from africa. When you say dante the divine comedy, everybody think he knows it even if few people have really read it. Brown curator simon njami has read and loved dante. But at a certain point he came to a realization. I was not in dantes book. It was supposed to be a universal book dealing with hell, purgatory and paradise and i was not in the book. So i decided i would change it. I would update dante and make it more universal. Brown the results are now on display at the Smithsonian Museum of african art in washington, works that reflect ideas of heaven, purgatory, and hell. This set of arresting images was created by photographer aida muluneh, who spent part of her youth in canada and the u. S. Before returning to her native ethiopia. Here, she reworked a very old tradition of body painting, to make some very new statements about contemporary life. It was really looking at how people wear masks in order to get ahead in life. You know and everything is concealed, you know and a lot of the messages that i put in here. Its really a conversation about spite and how i feel that that is hell. So you know it seems like everyone is running around you know to make money, to have power, you know to go to different places, but the real person is not what you see. You know theres a lot of layers within that. There is a new generation thats coming up that where were expressing ourselves that you know yes were africans, but you know it doesnt mean that we have to always do the clichee definition of what is considered african art. I happen to be an artist from africa but what is africa you know . Brown Dimitri Fagbohoun is another global citizenartist. Ill say that im from benin. I didnt grew up in benin, i grew up in cameron so am i the fruit of that story. Ive been in france for 20 years now and i feel french. Am i french therefore . You know, so im all those stuff. Brown set in purgatory, fagbohoun created a kind of confessional, with a video inspired by a very universal experience the loss of a parent, in this case his father. What happened when you lose someone, what remains, the pain is what remain unspoken. So i had that feeling of things that i wish i have tell my father and i wish that id heard from him and the best way to do it in was in a confessional form brown hell, in this exhibition, is dark indeed. A menacing video by kenyan artist Mwangi Hutter plays on a loop. Headless duelers, by the britishnigerian artist Yinka Shonibare are poised to do the unnecessary. A ship of heads, by Jems Robert Koko bi of ivory coast, sits motionless, recalling the one used by dante and his guide, virgil, to cross the river styx. And light barely escapes a dome of darkness, created by egyptian artist moataz nasr. You could be up in heaven or you can be down in hell. So its like, it can work both, both ways. Brown not a literal response to dante, nasr says, but a response to what he sees happening in egypt today. Instead of searching for love, theres a lot of hate violent, killing all these things that we hear about all the time, which is really very strange and very real. I dont give solutions. I just make them see, look, like i magnify things, i make them bigger than usual so they see it. So thats how i see that the role of the artist should be. Brown for curator simon njami, theres another goal here, beyond shaking up given notions of heaven, purgatory and hell, that goes to the idea of africa itself. People think they know africa but i dont know africa. Ive been to all the countries in africa and i dont know africa. I dont know africa because theres no such a thing as africa. Brown wait a minute, theres no such thing as africa, you say . Because africa is a contradiction. The only thing that is real is the shape of the continent. Brown what do you want people to take from this exhibition . I want them to take the notion of hell, purgatory and heaven and i want them, those who have some, to forget about any preconceptions they have on contemporary african art. Definitions are terrible because theres always a counter definition. An experience is much more open. I want them to experience it and to be surprised and maybe to reframe a couple of ideas of ideas they have before they enter the show. Brown many will have a chance to do just that, as the exhibition travels to museums around the world after wrapping here in november. At the Smithsonian Museum of african art in washington, im Jeffrey Brown for the pbs newshour. Woodruff on the newshour online, an organization working in afghanistan is trying to convert fields of poppies used in the illegal production of opium into fields of the purple flower that produces the exotic, and costly, spice saffron. The bostonbased Company Works with farmers to get them to cultivate the delicacy. Read how theyre doing it, and find a recipe for rice pudding with saffron, on our home page. All that and more is on our web site, pbs. Org newshour. Ifill tune in later this evening. Charlie rose talks with Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman john podesta on the 2016 elections and thats the newshour for tonight. On tuesday, the u. N. High commissioner for refugees on why the u. S. Should open its doors to more syrians displaced by war. Im gwen ifill. Woodruff and im judy woodruff. Well see you online, and again here tomorrow evening. For all of us here at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and by the alfred p. Sloan foundation. Supporting science, technology, and improved Economic Performance and Financial Literacy in the 21st century. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org this is bbc world news america. 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And most of us cant imagine running six marathons in six days, let alone in the sahara. We speak to a

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