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He the kind of person that youd like to have a bowl with on the side of the street. Hed be the first not from an elite background of money, bureaucracy or the military. Wooduff those are just some of the stories were covering on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by at bae systems, our pride and dedication show in everything we do; from Electronics Systems to intelligence analysis and cyber operations; from combat vehicles and weapons to the maintenance and modernization of ships, aircraft, and critical infrastructure. Knowing our work makes a difference inspires us everyday. Thats bae systems. Thats inspired work. Ive been around long enough to recognize the people who are out there owning it. The ones getting involved, staying engaged. They are not afraid to question the path theyre on. Because the one question they never want to ask is, how did i end up here . I started schwab with those people. People who want to take ownership of their investments, like they do in every other aspect of their lives. And the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Wooduff the political turmoil in afghanistan deepened today. President ial candidate Abdullah Abdullah declared he won last months runoff election. He claimed it was widespread fraud that gave former finance minister ashraf ghani 56 of the vote. At a kabul rally, thousands of abdullahs supporters tore down a banner of current President Hamid karzai and demanded abdullah form his own parliament. The candidate vowed he will not give in. translated the people of afghanistan, you honored us, you voted for us, some of you lost. Your beloved families during the election campaign. We owe you. I assure you all that im ready to sacrifice myself and will not accept the fraudulent government. Wooduff abdullah spoke by phone last night with president obama. The white house says the president urged calm. Secretary of state john kerry warned any attempt, by anyone, to seize power could jeopardize u. S. Aid to afghanistan. Ifill iraqs new parliament, under pressure to choose new National Leaders, has moved up the date of its next session to july 13. Officials initially said the session would not begin until august, but they were heavily criticized for taking an extended break in the face of a sunni insurgency. Wooduff the government in ukraine took a harder line today with prorussian rebels. The defense minister said cease fire talks can begin only if the rebels lay down their arms. Over the weekend, ukraines military drove separatists from their stronghold in slaviansk. They retreated to donetsk, amidst signs of divisions among the rebels. One rebel leader said today his fighters are ready to strike back; even as he questioned how much support they still have from moscow. Ifill russia is saying the u. S. Kidnapped a russian man accused of hacking store computers to steal credit card data. The secret service says hes now in guam, awaiting a hearing on charges of bank fraud, possessing stolen credit cards and identity theft. Moscow says his arrest in the maldives was in violation of a bilateral treaty. Wooduff a powerful typhoon hit southern japan today, and nearly 600,000 people were urged to get out of its path. The storm passed the island of okinawa this evening with sustained winds of 100 miles per hour. It knocked out power to thousands and shut down airports and other transport. About 25,000 u. S. Troops are based at okinawa. They were ordered to stay indoors during the storm. Ifill republicans will hold their 2016 National Convention in cleveland. The partys Site Selection panel picked cleveland over dallas today. The full Republican National committee is expected to ratify the choice next month. Theres no firm state date yet for the convention. Democrats have not yet picked their site. Wooduff legal sales of marijuana began in Washington State today. As reporters looked on, wouldbe buyers lined up at a handful of stores around the state. Under a voterapproved law, they no longer need a medical excuse to purchase pot. Washington joins colorado as the only two states allowing sales of marijuana for recreational use. Ifill ford has added 100,000 vehicles to the long list of recalls this year. Todays announcement involves cars and s. U. V. s that may have problems with the front axle. They include the 2013 and 2014 taurus, flex and police interceptor. And ford edge and lincoln m. K. S. , m. K. T. , and m. K. X. Vehicles made since 2012. Wooduff a selloff hit wall street today, as investors waited for corporate Earnings Report the Dow Jones Industrial average lost 117 points to close at 16,906. The nasdaq was down 60 points to close at 4,391. And the sandp 500 dropped nearly 14, to 1,963. Ifill and in the world cup, germany stunned host country brazil, in a semifinal rout seven to one. The germans broke it open with four goals in a sixminute span of the first half. Brazil played without its two best players, one hurt, the other suspended. Tomorrow, the netherlands plays argentina for the right to meet germany in the championship. Wooduff still to come on the newshour containing the recent wave of undocumented immigrant children; air strikes and rockets light up the middle east; chicago faces another round of deadly shootings; indonesias polarizing candidates for president ; and the story behind bringing dr. Zhivago to the world. Ifill president obama is requesting 3. 7 billion in emergency funds from congress to deal with the influx of unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border. About half the money would be used on care for the more than 50,000 children who have arrived in the u. S. Since october, mostly from Central America. The rest would be spent on Border Patrol agents, additional immigration judges, surveillance and new detention facilities. We are joined now by cecilia munoz, director of the president s domestic policy council. Thank you so much for joining us. Could you tell us what in the president s proposal would slow the flow of immigrants . There are a number of resources for our partner countries in Central America to make sure that were dealing with the root causes of the migration that were disrupting the Smuggling Networks which is an incredibly important factor in this migration and that were actually helping them create centers for the process of paterationf those folks that are going to be returned. And then were also, as you mentioned, things like Immigration Asylum officers for claims from children and others that come forward and might qualify for some form of relief. But then for others that hoo are not going to qualify for relief we want to make sure we can get them answers to their cases expeditiously and theyll be moved to their home countries in cooperation with their home countries. The most important thing here is making sure were focusing on the Smuggling Networks, that were dealing with the root causes and were effectively able to manage the migration that has already reached our border. Warner what would you say is the root causes . Smuggling networks that are actively marketing to people falsehood that if they spend money to put their children in the hands of traffickers and make this incredibly dangerous journey that when then get to the United States, they will be allowed they will be given permission to stay permanently. This is incorrect. And it is obviously influencing a decision that parents are making which puts their children in really great danger. So were working very hard to disrupt those networks but also to get Accurate Information to people who are making this decision to put their kids in this kind of danger. Ifill you think this may be a little too tough but in fact youre punishing the children that are trying to escape and should be treated as refugees instead. Well, were making it as clear as possible that those who have humanitarian claims, were going to do the best possible job of hearing those claims, making sure that we provide relief when its available under the law to those who meet the standard but it should also be clear that claims are very high and given the his trif these kinds of claims that the majority of those folks coming forward who are arriving in the u. S. Are unlikely to qualify for relief. And so with our responsibility under the law to make sure we return folks but understanding especially in the case of children that we will either be doing this in a way that doesnt put them in any further danger, that we collaborate with their home countries so we do this properly. Were approaching this as a humanitarian situation and you we have to make it clear to any parent who might be making the disoigs put their hands in the child in the hands of traffickers, this is a dangerous thing to do and they should not do it if they think its going to give them status. Ifill what are you hoping to share with rick perry what support are you trying to get from him for this proposal . Hes invited the governor to join him in meeting with advocates and leaders that are looking to do something about the problem, that are looking to help open facility for some of these children in texas. So hes hoping for a bipartisan clapration, not only with the governor, but with the congress. This president , as you mentioned, sent up a request for emergency funds to make sure that we have the resources to deal with this situation effectively and expeditiously. We have people on both sides of the aisle talking about how serious this problem is. Were hoping for cooperation on both sides of the aisle and addressing it. Ifill should the president be going to the border to see the conditions for himself . Well, the president is focused as he has been throughout this situation on making sure that the government all across the federal government is doing everything that we can to deal with the situation effectively. So that includes making sure that the various agencies of the federal government from dhs to hhs and the Defense Department are working collabatively to provide shelter, to make sure we can handle these kids as expeditiously, to make sure were doing what we ought to do to disrupt these Smuggling Networks. The president is focused on whats going to be most effective and hes urging others to do the same. Ifill Speaker Boehner suggested the president should be empowering the National Guard to go to the border to help with border security. What do you say to that . Well, its not clear what kind of role the National Guard would play. The issue is not that we are not apprehending people. We are apprehending large numbers of people. The issue is having the facilities to manage those cases properly, to make sure children are receiving the appropriate kinds of care, and to make sure we have the capacity to surge judicial resources of asylum officers to hear humanitarian claims where theyre being made. Those are things the National Guard cant do. Ifill how do you know that these children who you are now basically saying will have to go home once theyve gone through this judicial process, how do you know how will you be able to tell that theyre not being trafficked, in fact, that theyre not refugees . So this is a process which already exists. We have to make sure that there are theres representation for the kids, which has been a challenge. We in fact announced a new justice corps where were trying to recruit volunteer lawyers for these kids. We have trained asylum officers whose job it is to make sure they can have these kind kinds f kflegses in a way that might highlight this kind of humanitarian claim. We need more of those officers. Thats part of the Immigration Reform that the president has been pushing forward. We have a backlog Immigration Court system. The Immigration Reform included more resources so we can bring more judges to these cases. Were going to search the resources that weve got to deal with these interests at the border but we need some cooperation in congress to make sure we can bring Additional Resources to bear to do this more effectively. Ifill cecilia munoz, thank you very much. Thank you. Ifill for another point of view we turn now to Republican Center jeff flake of arizona, a member of the Senate Judiciary committee. You signed a letter recently, late last month in which you urged the government not to give special treatment to these children coming across the borders. Does the president s proposal, his request today, does it satisfy your concerns . No, it doesnt. But let me first say i wrote a letter with senator mccain and then senator feinstein and i wrote a letter encouraging the president and the administration to make sure that those clear that those who are coming now, these unaccompanied minors would be unlikely to qualify for deferred action or any legislation proposed by congress. And i applaud the president for making that statement and his administration. The problem i see with this proposal before congress is the bulk of the money, 1. 8 billion of it, will go to the department of health and human services. Thats not money that goes to Deport Anyone or to provide border enforcement. Thats money to actually settle these children with families or a guardian somewhere in the country. And so at best its a very, very mixed message, and at worst, its telling the cartels and the human smugglers that the same situation we have now is going to continue and to keep the kids coming. Ifill let me get this correct. You believe that that money is going to keep the children in the country rather than to care for them while theyre here before they are returned . Well, if you look at what hhs, their role when the kids are handed off from the Border Patrol, their role is to actually place those children in the care of a guardian or family member. And then what the records shows is theyre told to appear later in court where their case will be adjudicated. But 90 of them, 90 , do not then show up in court later. And so what youre really saying to the cartels and the smugglers is that the same situation is going to continue. Now, the administration makes the point that thats a requirement of the current law. Thats why we need to change the current law, the antismuggling law passed in 2008 says that children from Central America, if youre in a noncontiguous country, then we have to be treated differently. And you have to have a day in court with the judge rather than behandled be handled administratively like we do with kids from mexico or from canada. Ifill and i recall correctly, in 2007, when were you in the house, you opposed the original law. I should say i opposed it on budget reasons. I didnt foresee this happening. But certainly, we ought to change it now, and i think the president initially said that it did need to be changed, and now perhaps backed off a little, but weve got to change that because, until we do, as long as these kids are placed with hhs, hhs does no due diligence. Its not their job, theyll tell you. To determine who theyre placing these kids with. Once theyre placed somewhere in the country, 90 of them dont show up for a court date. And so the message is clear, very clear, to the cartels and human smugglers and the families to go ahead and continue to send your kids here, because, although we can say until were blue in the face, most of them wont qualify for programs here in the u. S. To have some kind of treatment. They will get treatment theyll simply disappear into the population. Ifill so you dont believe in any way that children should be treated differently. Well, what i believe is children, whether theyre from mexico or whether theyre from honduras or el salvador, should be treated the same. The problem is its a loophole in the law. We didnt foresee what would happen when this antismuggling law was passed in 2008. And people very wise to this have taken advantage of this law to get kids into the country and then, knowing that they have to appear in court, and the court system is so backed up, and that i should point out that the money here for judges is to expedite the Court Process is very minimal. I think its 50 million compared to 1. 8 billion to h. H. S. To actually place these kids in homes. So its the message is actually quite bad here. Ifill are you among the members of the senate who has suggested there should be some sort of broader Immigration Reform, yet youve also said that there will be no appetite for that in the house, that it will be next to zero chance of that happening this year. Given that, do you think theres a chance at all for the house and the senate to agree on even the legislative fix that youre suggesting here . Well, i hope so. And im glad you made that point. I am a member of the gang of eight. I believe in Immigration Reform. I agree with the president that we need it, and part of the problem here is well never get there as long as this crisis persists. I do think theres appetite in the house and in the senate on a bipartisan basis to actually fix this problem. And i should mention, in 2005, we had a big problem with socalled o. T. M. , other than mexicans coming, and lampley from bra largely from brazil. We find brazilians, its a tightknit community, they found they could exploit our law, and whether he a large number coming. And so there was a program called Texas Hold Em actually where they caught them all, didnt release them, and within 30 days, the number of brazilians coming actually dropped by 50 , and within 60 days, it dropped by 90 . And so we need to treat this the same way. Ifill i guess my pardon me. My question was whether congress has the will to do anything like that right now. I do think so. This is such a crisis. And keep in mind, this is a horrible humanitarian crisis. These kids are being put in the hands of smugglers that dont have their best interests at heart. But i can tell you that we wont stem the tide until people in honduras and el salvador and guatemala actually see a plane coming back with children on it. And those parents say, i spent 5,000 to send that child to the states, and now theyre coming back. Thats when youll stem the tied. Thats when tide. Thats when youll do something good on a humanitarian basis. Weve got to change that law that allows the loophole, that allows the cartels to exploit these children. Ifill senator jeff flake, republican of arizona. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Wooduff in the middle east, tensions are running even higher, as fighting between israel and hamas intensified again today. Militant rockets reached israels two largest cities, while israeli airstrikes killed at least 25 people inside gaza. Wooduff there was chaos in the streets of gaza, as palestinians ran for shelter while Israeli Forces blasted the coastal enclave. Air strikes and naval gunfire sent plumes of smoke billowing into the skies reducing homes and buildings to piles of rubble. The Israeli Military called it operation protective edge and released aerial video showing the results. It said the targets included homes of hamas militants who fire rockets into southern israel, plus concealed launch sites. President shimon peres said his nation was left with no choice they are shooting at our children, at our mothers, at our civilians, what for . We cannot compromise with death. We cannot compromise with rockets. We cannot compromise with this sort of behavior and we shall stop them. Wooduff the israelis said more than 130 rockets were fired from gaza in the last 24 hours. Some were intercepted by israels iron dome Missile Defense system, including two rockets that targeted tel aviv, the deepest strike so far. Later, air raid sirens also sounded in jerusalem, but the military said there were no casualties. The government urged citizens living near gaza to stay close to bomb shelters. President obama appealed for peace in a guest column for the israeli newspaper, haaretz. He wrote, all parties must protect the innocent and act with reasonableness and restraint, not vengeance and retribution. But hamas warned there would be no letup. translated the resistance is defending the palestinian people. The occupation threats and crimes will not break our will. We will continue to defend our people against these crimes. We warn the occupation not to continue its crime against our people. Wooduff in turn, israeli officials warned their offensive will go on until the rockets stop. They also left open the possibility of a ground invasion. Tanks and artillery have already massed along the gaza border, and the Israeli Government has authorized calling up 40,000 reservists. Wooduff a short time ago, i spoke to Josef Federman, who is reporting from jerusalem for the associated press. For talking with us again. How much has th is situation escalated since you talked to you this time yesterday . Well, clearly, its a lot worse. Israel carried out, i think, over 150 air strikes overnight and throughout the day. Hamas responded with about the same number of rockets. So the number of attacks are much higher than what weve seen in the past few days. Also, the rockets are flying further than weve seen before. We had air strikes here in jerusalem tonight. Also teleaveef. There there is deeper than anything thats ever flown before so israels sort of dealing with Uncharted Waters right now. Woodruff describe the scene where you are in israel. How are people dealing with it there . Yeah, its a difficult situation, i think, for everyone. The sound of air raid sirens, its a very chilling experience to go through. You never really get used to it, and people have learned to stay store indoors or close to shelter, and you see these sirens going off and people in tel aviv and in jerusalem running for cover. The situation in gaza, of course, is even worse with air strikes. There were buildings that were flattened today. Weve seen some chilling scenes of people running away from the ruins of crushed buildings, Women Holding their screaming children, people with bloody faces. So its really terrifying, i think, on both sides. Woodruff what can you tell us about the targets on each side . Can you tell what each side is trying to hit or who . Yeah, the hamas strategy has always been the rockets that they use are not guided missiles. Theyre very inaccurate and they just fire them and wherever they land, they land. So the idea, i think, is more to just strike fear into peoples hearts. You dont know where theyre going to land, and hundreds of thousands of people are just forced to stay indoors or to stay very close to shelter. So its just scary because of the random nature of this. In gaza, the amount of force, the weapons that israel has are just so much stronger and the amount of damage it can do is so much stronger. So i was talking to a colleague in gaza this evening. He tells me the streets are just empty. There people are terrified to go outdoors, and lots of people are leaving areas close to the border. Theyre fearing there may be a ground incursion and theyre seeking shelter with relative fwrendses sort of deeper inland, hopinhoping that theyre going e safer. Woodruff you mentioned that the israeli fire power is so much stronger than that of the palestinians. Quantify that. What is the capability of the palestinians . And whats the capability of the israeli . Well, the palestinians have thousands of rockets, and you shouldnt dismiss the threat of a rocket. Obviously, theyre deadly weapons. But the amount of explosives that they carry are relatively small by international standards. Most of the rockets they possess do not fly long distances, maybe 10 to 20 miles inside of israel. But hamas has developed very sophisticated or increasingly sophisticated weapons that now cover a good chunk of israel including israels two largest cities. So you have probably half of the countrys population now are subject to the threats of these rockets. As for the israeli side, israel has everything from warplanes to attack helicopters to tanks to artillery batteries and very smistcated guided missiles, g. P. S. Systems, drones that are believed to be able to deliver weapons, so just the amount of fire power is just a lot stronger and the number of directions that israel can fire from, including naval forces as well. So they have many more options than just the payload that they can deliver is a lot larger. Woodruff are there any voice at this point urging restraint on each side . So far i have not heard anything along those lines. In fact, one of the israels senior cabinet ministers, the minister in charge of internal he was on tv this morning. He told the public, you have to bow ready for Long Campaign in isnt going to take a day or two. Its going to be longer. He also said that the idea of the ceasefire is out of the question right now. Its not even on the table. Woodruff and why is that . Do you does your reporting what do you say from your reporting about why thats the thinking now . The thinking is that just the rocket fire is so heavy, theres no sign of it stopping. And they believe they have to continue once and for all to stop this threat. You have to realize, israel has been down this road several times in the past five or six years. There was a large offensive in 2009. Another one in 2012. And it just seems that when they do these things, it brings them a year or two or maybe three of quiet and then its back to the same old pattern. So i think theres just a sense of exhaustion on the israeli side. And this time they want to kind of stamp it out once and for all. Woodruff but perhaps some division among the palestinians . You hear it from the palestinian president , Mahmoud Abbas who is based in the west bank, he is not in gaza, hes calling for restraint. He has always been an outspoken critic of violence. Hes antiviolence. But in gaza, you dont hear anything, at least publicly. The hamas militants are still speaking with the same Strong Language where they are committed to resistance and they say theyre going to keep up the rocket fire, where i think maybe youll hear some of the oppositions just private voices. Like i say, when i speak to colleagues and friends in gaza and people are terrified indoors, i think everybody wants to see an end to this pretty quickly. Woodruff Josef Federman with the ap reporting from jerusalem. Thank you. Thank you. Ifill chicago is once again in the National Spotlight for a level of gunrelated violence that has pushed its homicide rate beyond new york and los angeles. The city has made some progress in cutting down the number of murders, but dozens of shootings during the long fourth of july weekend have raised fresh questions about the citys efforts to stem the bloodshed. Ifill it was the most violent weekend the nations Third Largest city has seen all year. Police say at least 11 people died and 58 people were injured in 50 shootings over roughly three days. News organizations, using different times for the start of the weekend, say the number is significantly higher at least 14 dead, more than 80 wounded. It was supposed to be Independence Day but its not independence for parents who lost their children to gun violence. Or any other citizen in the city of chicago who lost their life to gun violence this weekend. Ifill yesterday, Community Leaders and residents joined chicago mayor rahm emanuel at an antiviolence vigil. A lot of people will say where were the police, what are the police doing . And thats a fair question, but not the only question. Where are the parents . Where is the community . Where are the gun laws, where are the National Leaders . Ifill the shooting deaths occurred mostly on the citys south and west sides, many in minority neighborhoods that rank among the poorest and the most violent in chicago. Two of those killed were shot by police. Superintendent of Police Garry Mccarthy said hundreds of officers were on the streets, but there are just too many illegal guns. Theres a greater sanction for the gang member to lose that firearm, from their gang, than there is to go to jail for possession of their gun. Ifill just last week, Chicago Police reported that, compared to the same period last year, gun killings actually dropped, by five percent. But nonfatal shootings rose. Ifill paris shutz of w. T. T. W. s news program, chicago tonight, has been covering the response to these shootings. He joins me now. Paris, garry mccarthy, the police superintendent, said today theres got to a Tipping Point has got to come, Something Like that. Is this it . Uhhmm. Well, this is pretty typical, unfortunately, of summer in chicago, as its weather gets warmer, more people are outside, even in a down homicide year like this year, homicides tend to go up. And the fourth of july is typically one of the worst weekends of the year. It was about the same last year. It was about the same the year before, which superintendent mccarthy says is unacceptable, because they had actually put hundreds of more Police Officers, most of them on overtime, on the street. Clearly, it didnt work. But the Tipping Point will come, according to superintendent mccarthy, when state leaders pass tougher gun laws, specifically tougher sentences on those caught with illegal possession of guns. So far those calls have gone unanswered. Ifill i want to come back to the legislative options in a moment. But first i want to ask you about this part about the gangs, the point you made about gangs, superintendent mccarthy said, in which he said the option for retaliation from gangs is a bigger penalty in the minds of shooters than the idea of giving up their guns or the penalty of dealing with law enforcement. Is that where the focus is now on gangs . Well, that goes back to the gun lechingslation piece legislation piece, because he says that a lot of these oferns are offenders are convicted felons. They go to jail but they dont serve a lot time so they might be back out on streets, in many cases, in six months, and 93 commit more crimes. So hes saying they get more grief from their fellow gang members about giving up a gun than they do from the site because of those state laws. Ifill we also know there are a lot of police on streets over fourth of july weekend. Some of this was anticipated. And yet these numbers still went up. Right. Ifill is this because theres not enough police on the streets, because theyre just increasing overtime pay instead of putting more boots on the ground as it were . Well, obviously, the police union has argued for a long time that there arent enough police in the force. There are several alderman in Chicago City Council that have called for 500, 1,000 more cops on the street. But because of the fiscal situation in chicago, the mayor says he just cant afford a larger police force and mccarthy has admitted that they have to make do with what they have. So whats happened is overtime has skyrocketed so in 2013 they budgeted for 25 million in police overtime. It came in at the end of the year at more than four times that. They have continued that strategy into this year. They acknowledge that istha not a longterm strategy. They say theyre waiting for some of these other policies like intelligence, like social media efforts, like comp stat to sort of take hold so they can sort of wasnt the police wasnt the Police Department off overtime because that leads to questions like morale and fatigue. Ifill if the mayor is superintendent are right, where are they coming from . Well, they come from outside of chicago, because up until very recently, you couldnt sell guns and set up shop in chicago. That has changed. They come from the south suburbs of chicago in cook county. They come from across the border in indiana where chicago leaders and superintendent mccarthy have said that background checks there dont tend to be as strict as leaders here want them to be. So and they have recovered thousands and thousands and thousands of illegal guns. So conceal carry used to be illegal in illinois. You couldnt have guns in chicago. But that doesnt mean there werent guns proliferated all around the city. Now the city has to contend with a court ruling that mandates them to allow gun sales in the city so thats the next debate the city will have. They actually just passed an ordinance to allow gun shops to operate in a very tiny portion of the city. The constitutionality of that will likely be challenged as well. Ifill how do you keep track of these numbers . We know there are some discussions about a couple of policeinvolved shootings. We know there are some questions about what counts as a domestic shooting, what counts as an accidental shoot, what counts as a gang shooting. Sure. Well, over the long term, over decades, homicides are down in chicago as they are in new york or l. A. Theyre less than half of what they were in the 90s. But year to year, they may be down ten. They may be down 20 from the year before. By law, the Police Department and the coronerers office has to report every homicide, but there are ways that some say they fudge those numbers. For instance, if theres a murder that happens or homicide that happens on an expressway in chicago, that doesnt not count towards the citys homicide rate because the city says, well, that occurred on state property, so were not going to count that. Or if its a Police Officer that shot and killed somebody in selfdefense, they dont count that towards a homicide rate. Also, they used to say there were x number of people shot in the city. Theyve reclassified that. Now they say there are x number of shooting incidents. So there might be one shooting incident where ten people were shot. They dont say ten people were shot. They say there was one shooting incident. Ifill the mayor what kind of pressure is on him now to come up with a solution to this . Theres enormous pressure on the mayor. The mayor faces reelection in about a year. He has trouble in the Africanamerican Community where a lot of this violence is happening. In his first year in office, homicides spiked to above 500. They sort of went into emergency mode after the murder of pendleton, who is that High School Student who had marched in the president s inaugustra just a week prior. And thats when this sort of joan time Police Strategy went into effect. You did see homicides dip right away. But they acknowledge that is not a longterm strategy. The pressure is on the mayor every time a weekend like this happens. The mayor has a significant war chest. He has a lot of money. He is very unpopular in the Africanamerican Community but most observers say that wouldnt be enough to prevent his reelection. Ifill paris shutz of partner w. T. T. W. In chicago. Thank you very much. Thank you, gwen. Ifill across the international dateline, voting has just started in indonesias president ial elections. This rising power in east asia and ally of the United States is seeing a very hotly contested race that will determine the future path of the Worlds Largest muslim country. Special correspondent kira kay recently joined the campaign trail and has this report about a new breed of indonesian politician. It was produced in partnership with the bureau for international reporting. Reporter its a full day of whistlestop campaigning for the president ial candidate. Morning begins with a visit to a green market, with the area farmers eager to showcase their wares. The candidate then stops to admire the craftsmanship of local textile workers, a natural photoop. Across town, its an audience with the allimportant teachers association, with a promise to invest in both primary and secondary education nationwide. Such grassroots politicking may be familiar on the streets of iowa or new hampshire; but this is palembang indonesia. And the candidate, joko widodo, nicknamed jokowi, is running to lead this Southeast Asian country of 250 Million People, the Worlds Largest muslim nation. At a time when islam, the military and democracy are at loggerheads in countries like egypt and turkey, indonesias transition from past military dictatorship to vibrant political openness stands out. And jokowi has become a oneman symbol of this dynamic process. The rise of jokowi is extraordinary because it represents the new indonesia. Reporter Douglas Ramage is an analyst with bower group asia. And if he becomes president , hell be the first president in indonesias history that is not from an elite background of money, bureaucracy, Political Parties or the military. He doesnt look president ial, he doesnt speak with a bureaucratic or authoritarian kind of voice. He has what we would think of as authenticity. We ask in the United States whod you rather go to a barbecue with . Jokowi is the kind of person someone wants to have a bowl of noodles with on the side of the street. Reporter at times, jokowi displays the awkwardness of an unseasoned national candidate. But everywhere he goes he enjoys a rockstar response from the crowds, sometimes startling even the candidate himself. Supporter joko supriyatin showed off his prized campaign tshirt we love jokowi and we are proud to have a leader like him. Thats why we are willing to buy the tshirt, to donate our money so that he can become president. He symbolizes hope for people like us. Reporter indonesian democracy didnt always look so certain. For three decades the country was ruled by anticommunist strong man suharto, supported by billions of dollars of aid from the United States. But frustration with his corrupt leadership finally boiled over on the streets, with studentled protests turning bloody but ultimately chasing suharto from power in 1998. Even then, indonesia faced turmoil the Asian Financial crisis was in full swing; there were separatist movements and religious conflicts dotting the archipelago and a string of islamic terrorist attacks, including the 2002 nightclub bombings in bali. But one early reform helped stabilize the region, says Douglas Ramage. Indonesia used to be one of the most centrally organized countries in the world. It was run from jakarta, this vast archipelago, highly authoritarian system, run from the center. Local communities, local groups, didnt have any responsibility or authority over their own communities and their lives. So one of the strongest demands of the Democracy Movement was also to decentralize; to put power in the hands of local governments and people all over the country. Reporter people like jokowi, a furniture maker from the central indonesian town of solo who got tired of the red tape and bribes entrepreneurs like so he ran for mayor. He decided he could do a better job than the old, corrupt elite running his city. He ran, the people loved him. And he was elected once, and then again with over 90 of the vote in a popular election. Reporter his success in solo brought him National Attention and in 2012, he ran for the powerful position of governor of jakarta, beating the favored incumbent to lead the capital city of 10 Million People. There, jokowi perfected the so called blusukan, his signature habit of dropping in unannounced to inspect the work of city officials, or strolling in rubber boots to signal his attention to jakartas notorious flooding problems. Today it is easy to find supporters of jokowi among the urban poor of jakarta. At a health clinic, we met siti rokayah and her 11yearold son faisal, whod been up all night sick. Last year, jakartas poor were issued health cards that provide them with free and fast medical care. It is such a contrast from the old program. Back then i needed to get different letters, from my neighborhood chief and district chief, just to state that im poor. Jokowi also helped poor students like my son get uniforms and books. He really changed my life, especially since im a widow and have no income. Reporter and not far from the clinic, residents of the petogogan neighborhood are moving into new homes, built uphill from their original slum dwellings that were regularly ravaged by flooding and sewage. Siti kadijiah and her four children are part of the pilot program. Jokowi came here and he felt that the neighborhood was too cramped, too filthy. He also saw how the neighborhood below got flooded all the time. So he made a plan to refurbish the neighborhood so its more livable. It wasnt a very long process; in less than a year, the houses got built. Reporter but even such a stellar record may not be enough to launch a relative newcomer to national office. Jokowi entered the president ial race with a 30 point lead over other contenders. But his numbers have slid as some voters begin to question his experience, says Douglas Ramage. Running a country of 250 Million People is very different from running a city of a halfa million, or even the capital city of 10 million. And the opposition, i think, has quite effectively negatively defined him as a nice man, but whos devoid of policy substance and not ready for the National Stage. Reporter jokowis rival for the presidency is his polar opposite. Prabowo subianto, a former general with a militaristic style that includes uniforms and highly choreographed stadium rallies. Prabowo evokes indonesias strong man past, and his poll numbers have been rising as jokowis have plummeted. Andreas harsono is with human rights watch. Prabowo is doing a very rigorous campaign. His organization is solid, his volunteers are all very well organized. They have a lot of money. A lot of his former military colleagues are helping him in organizing his campaign; to be compared with jokowi, who only built his campaign over the last three months. Reporter but prabowos military history is also stained with abuses, including the kidnapping and torture of democracy activists, for which he was never held accountable. Back in 1998, prabowo was actually to be courtmartialed. But when he was called by the National Commission on human rights, he moved to jordan for two years. And then because of political considerations, long delay and of course he came from a very prominent family, it did not materialize. Reporter prabowo was denied a visa to the United States following his involvement in the 1998 upheaval. But for some indonesian voters, his leadership skills outweigh any unease. We need indonesia to be more known. We have power, we have something to be shown. And prabowo can give all that indonesian people need. Everyone has mistakes, everyone has a past. But everyone has a future. Prabowo, thats something hes done in the past but im sure he can fix that. Reporter on the eve of the president ial elections, the race is a dead heat. But whether or not jokowi wins, it is clear that his impact on indonesian politics will be a lasting one, as he has forged a path to the National Stage for a new generation of local leaders. Ifill finally tonight, the story behind the story of a worldfamous work of literature. Jeffrey brown has that. Brown when he finished his novel in 1956, authorities read the tale of an individual struggle amid the Russian Revolution and refused to publish it. Western intelligence agency, though, quickly realized its potential as a tool of propaganda. The story of how the novel became came to be published and smuggled back not soviet union with help from the cia is told in the new book the the zhivago affair. Its coauthored by petra couveee and joining me now peter finn, National Security editor and former moscow correspondent for the Washington Post and welcome to you. Great to be here. Brown its almost hard to remember now how a time when a book could have this kind of power, right . Propaganda tool. Yeah, poth the cia and the soviet authorities and were big believers in the power of literature to effect change, to the soviets believed in literature as a means to mold soviet man, to help create this new society, and they expected their writers to pick these muscular characters in the factories and the fields, celebrating the communist state. Brown set the scene for us, Boris Pasternak himself. He was already very famous in the soviet union. Not the way we think of it, right, but a relationship with not at all. He was regarded as one of the great poets of the 20th century, one of the great russian poets. He became increasingly disillusioned with the soviet state and, after the great terror, he started writing doctor zhivago in 1945. It took him ten years. And it wasnt an overtly political book, but he realized that he was not celebrating the revolution, and when the soviet literary bureaucrats came to read it, that was their biggest criticism. Brown thats what i want to ask you. What was so dangerous about doctor zhivago, the book . A lot of people remember the movie. But the whole idea that it was exploring of this individual in his time, what bothered them so . Nothing had been written like this before in soviet society. It was completely original and it failed to celebrate the revolution. It had religious overtones. It was teeming with life in ways that were alien to the soviet authorities. And they just couldnt abide it. Everything that they couldnt abide made it seem so interesting to people in the west who had never read this kind of literature coming out of russia. Brown but ci british and cia intelligence offices, they were reading novels coming out of the soviet union. They saw something right away. Yes. And within the cia at the soviet russia division, there were many first and Second Generation russians, the head of the division spoke russian, read russian, when they read this, they were hugely enthusiastic, and you can see it in their internal memos where theyre talking to one another and saying essentially, wow, this is an incredible book. We havent seen anything like it. We must get it back in. Brown the memos are truly stunning to read because you sort of see at that moment, right . Yes, its all contemporaneous. Its all them reacting to this rahmanu script in russian and that they had gotten from british intelligence. Brown once they realized this and thats what you document through most of the book and somebody refer it as kind of a stunt. It was how they were able to get it published and then sent back into the soviet union because thats the audience they wanted to reach. Yes. Their primary goal was to get this into the hands of soviet citizens and hope that each soviet citizen who got the book would pass it to a friend and that person would pass it to another so that the book would circulate widely. And it did ultimately circulate quite widely among the intelligencia at least. And the larger context here was that over the course of the cold war, the cia published a translated, printed and sent in millions of books and journals across a whole range of subjects, not just literature, but also art history, psychology, biography, economics. Brown again, a struggle of ideas. It was a struggle of ideas. Brown yeah. And it was a huge, huge multidecade effort that cost tens of millions of dollars. Brown the cia i gather from your writing was seen earl yes and written about a little bit. Yes, because the first printing and the cia did two printings, one a hard back, one a miniature paperback. The first printing, the operation did not go smoothly, and that immediately led to rumors and speculation about who was behind this. And there was suggestions from the very beginning that the cia was involved, particularly because People Associated this printing with russian emigres and saw the hands of the American Government anywhere they saw russian emigres in russian europe. Brown but you were able to tell the larger story because of all these classified donees yes. We were able to tell the cia part of the story which is part of the larger story. Our main character is Boris Pasternak and his book. Yes, that was our goal. It took several years for those records to be declassified but they were in the end. Brown i know you spent years in moscow yourself and thats where this all began for you . Yes. In moscow, i came across the story. I started reading about pasternak. I became completely absorbed by it. I thought it was just a fascinating tale. And it deserved a single narrative in english. I thought other people would love it as well. Brown and what from your years in russia and also covering National Security, what about the story surprised you most or stuck with you that made you want to tell . I guess it was the use of soft power by the cia. Brown soft power. Yes. I was fascinated by and that part of the cias history and they had massive programs throughout the cold war that were cultural programs, not only books but magazines, subsidizing and the tours of orchestras, art exhibitions, academic conferences. They were involved in a whole range of activities. Brown all right, peter finn is coauthor with petra couveeeef the the zhivago affair. Thank you so much. Thank you. Ifill again, the major developments of the day. President obama formally asked congress for 3. 7 billion in emergency funds to cope with the surge of children crossing the mexican border. The fighting between israel and hamas was the heaviest since 2012. The israelis blasted gaza with heavy air strikes, with palestinians reporting 25 killed. Hamas militants fired 160 rockets into israel. And secretary of state john wooduff on the newshour online right now one pakistani sculptor uses chisels, knives and hammers to break down taboos and start conversations about womens issues that are often silenced. See her creations carved from wood, and hear about the experiences that influence her work, on our art beat page. All that and more is on our web site, newshour. Pbs. Org. Ifill and thats the newshour for tonight. On wednesday, the battle for ukraine, as separatists are pinned down by Government Forces in the east. Im gwen ifill. Wooduff and im judy woodruff, well see you online and again here tomorrow evening. For all of us here at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. And by the alfred p. Sloan foundation. Supporting science, technology, and improved Economic Performance and Financial Literacy in the 21st century. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by Macneil Lehrer productions captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org  this is nightly Business Report with Tyler Mathisen and susie gharib. Show me the money, stocks retreat as investors turn their lonely eyes to you. Corporate america, hoping profits havent left and gone away as earnings season begins. First out of the gate, alcoa with a big earning beat. Cutting cancer costs, quality care thats less expensive . Tonight a new studs did finds its very possible. That and more for nightly Business Report for tuesday, july 8th. Good evening, everyone. Here is the new worry on wall street. Earnings, investors want to see u. S. Companies deliver strong profits and revenues as the new Quarterly Earnings season kicks off this week but

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