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Yesterday sent a letter to 18 members of congress. It said the bureaus investigation into a new trove of emails found on a computer owe coned by a clinton aide and estranged congressman husband turned up no new evidence to warrant charges against the democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. And with that, stocks took off. In asia, first, then europe, then on wall street. The thesis, a clinton win spells less market rattling uncertainty and a divided government with the gop, presumably in control of at least the house of representatives means diminished chances of major policy changes. In fact, stocks staged their biggest rally since march, and the move higher into the longest losing streak for the s p 500 since 1980. Today the Dow Jones Industrial average soared, 371 points. To 18,2509. The s p 500 rose 46. Bob pisani has more on todays rally. Stocks held on to strong gains all day long. No surprise that market leaders like banks led the way today, jpmorgan, regions financial, all hit 52week highs as bond yields continued to climb. Tech stocks also market leaders as intel, for example and microsoft, both up roughly 3 , helping to power the dow. But even beaten up names rallied. So retailers have had a horrible quarter with many placomplainin the election was keeping them out of stores. Bigger question mark was pharmaceutical stocks like bristolmyers and abbott. They also rallied. They have been terrible performers on concerns clinton with heavily regulate the industry. Some argued today the house remaining republican would make any excessive attempts to make prices a bit less likely. Im bob pisani at the new york stokes. So the question, where does the race for the white house stand on the eve of election day. John harwood is with us in studio tonight. Good to see you, john. That is the key question. Where do we stand . Take a look at the polls. A series of national polls, five of them out today, all showing either a fourpoint margin for Hillary Clinton or a threepoint margin. That is very consistent, and theyre converging around that reality. So Hillary Clinton clearly has an advantage, but, of course, you have to win this in the electoral college. What does that fourpoint margin potentially translate into, in the electoral college, and how do these numbers today compare with where we were on election eve four years ago . Its really interesting. Four years ago, barack obama in the average polls was ahead by less than 1 percentage point over mitt romney. Looked like a very tight race. He ended up winning by four. Hillary clinton is doing better. However, the some of the oddsmakers say her chances of winning are not as great. Why is that . Because shes throwing away some votes in traditionally blue states, running up the score in places like california, which gives her a higher popular vote total. Not always the most efficient using of your votes in those battleground states. She still is leading in enough states to get over 270. Well see what happens when they count them tomorrow. All right. John harwood, on that note, thank you so much. Wall streets major banks have been making their own election predictions. Jpmorgan says if clinton wins, the s p should recover about 3 . Barclays agrees a clinton victory could result in a 2 to 3 gain for the s p. But it thinks a trump win could mean an 11 to 13 decline. Goldman sachs believes that clinton will win the white house, and democrats will gain a slim majority in the senate. What do other economists and Money Managers think . Steve liesman has the results of a new survey. Reporter after trading every twist and turn in this long and most bizarre of elections, wall street was making final bets on monday on the outcome. A powerful rally in equities underscored results of a new cnbc election survey. 78 think democratic Hillary Clinton will win the white house and 46 want her to win. Just 23 favor donald trump winning the white house. While the 36 respondent who include fund managers, economists and strategists are divided on whose policies are best for the economy, 69 say clinton is best for the stock market. Nearly half say they will lower their outlook for stocks if trump wins. That group would cut their outlook for stocks by as much as 10 , but some believe the sentiment may be too extreme. Anything that leans trump ward, we get Downside Risk in the markets. But the question is, does it persist or is it just immediately leading up to and immediately after the election. And i i kind of lean that way. I think we move on, whoever wins the white house. The survey shows a plurality believe it will be divided government with a democrat in the white house and the republicans in charge of one or both houses of congress. Right now, when you look at the breakdown of what the votes are suggesting, that the house and senate will stay. And by the way, the Financial Markets actually want that. A reminder that markets are anything but infallible, badly misprice the chance of brexit. Most recent polls show clinton with a lead inside that margin of error. But for now, a clinton victory looks to be wellpriced into stocks, and a Trump Victory would catch the markets off guard. For nightly Business Report, im steve liesman. So which party is historically better for investors . And now that the election is here, how should you think about your Investment Decisions . Dominic chu takes a look. Reporter since the beginning of the Dow Jones Industrial average back in the late 1800s, there have been 20 distinct president ial terms in office. 12 republican and 8 democrat. During that time, the good news is, the average republican and democrat Stock Performance is positive. But the dems have a larger average gain at 82 versus 47 for the average republican administration. Of course, there are always caveats. Some of the biggest gains and losses came in times of crisis and the great depression, where the internet stock bubble in the late 1990s. There are those who argue that Government Policies take time to yield fruit and lay the ground work for future gains. Regardless of your view, many experts believe its a very difficult scenario to create a longterm Investment Strategy based on who our commanderinchief is. We would not allow how you feel about politics influence how you feel about investing. Looking historically, the equity market and the economy tends to do well, no matter who is in the white house. Or what the configuration is in congress. It is much more about the Economic Cycle and about valuations. The biggest variables are still time left before retirement and how much risk you want to take for possibly higher returns. Depending on your answers, your strategy should change. I think when youre younger, you obviously have more room to run in terms of your investable horizon, and so you probably can afford to take on more risk and that typically lies in the equity space or in the credit high yield space. And, of course, in older investor would be more cautious. And probably more sensitive to things around episodic volatility, one of the events we think is more likely to increase going forward. In the end, as important as this election cycle is, it may just be a blip on the longerterm market radar. Really, our belief is that when cash pays you nothing, we should get invested in something. There is no doubt, this has been the most heated president ial election in recent memory. But should you make wholesale changes to your longterm vesting because of it . That remains to be seen. For nightly Business Report, im dominic chu. Tonight we have reporters across the country in a number of battleground states where Economic Issues are top of mind. On immigration and business, be Contessa Brewer is in arizona. On housing, diana olick in port florida. We begin with scott cohn in raleigh, North Carolina, where more than just the presidency is at stake in the tar heel state. Reporter all roads to the white house go through raleigh. Donald trump with an afternoon rally. We are going to winin the grt state of North Carolina. And we are going to win back the white house. Reporter while Hillary Clinton plans a midnight rally, her running mate and husband, crisscrossing the state before hand. Its not just the 15 electoral votes at stake or a potentially pivotal u. S. Senate race. The North Carolina governors race, the closest in the country, is a referendum on the states controversial law signed by governor pat mccrory, restricting transgenders people use of public bathrooms. The controversial law has been blamed for close to 500 million. Reporter opponents say the law, which also bars local anti discrimination ordinances is costing the state billions in business. Putting such a negative brand on the state is going to turn young professionals, events, performers away for not just this year, but years to come. Reporter democratic challenger, roy cooper, wants to overturn the law. But proponents say there are more important things than alleged lost business. Roy coopers bathroom plan. What does it mean to you . Theres no way you can put a price on the safety of one little girl in a bathroom who is sexually assaulted by a man who gains entrance to that bathroom by dressing as a woman. And thats whats at stake here. Reporter North Carolina is one of 12 states choosing governors on tuesday, and in each one, Business Competitiveness is front and center. The democratic candidate in missouri promising to make it a top ten state for business by cutting taxes, while his republican challenger vows to fight corruption. The republican in West Virginia promising to cut red tape, while the democrat vows to recruit business in person. Of course, no matter whom the voters choose, theyll find themselves in the mercy of what happens in washington and the race for the white house and what happens there may depend on what happens here. Scott cohn, nightly Business Report, raleigh, North Carolina. Now to diana olick in port st. Lucie, florida. Reporter in the Tradition Community in port st. Lucy, florida, the local economy is still recovering from the great recession. Homes here sell for half of what they did a decade ago. One in five homeowners are still under water on their mortgages today, and memories are very short. My parents went through it. I watched them go through all of it. And i was here. Reporter nicole, who didnt want to give her last name, is a new mother, who is sitting out this election. Theres just so much i guess controversy on both sides of it. I just i dont know who i would vote for this year, to be honest. Reporter but sitting at a bench nearby, preparing for a job interview, mj said she already voted. For donald trump. The clintons seem to be interested in their own financial future. And mr. Trump seems to be interested in the countrys financial future. Reporter early voting ended sunday night in florida, and a record 6 million ballots were cast. 39 were by registered republicans, 40 by democrats. That does not, however, mean those voters chose along party lines. What we do know is that hispanic voters who make up an outside 17 of floridas electorate, voted early with a vengeance. Juan dyer already cast his vote. Donald trump hasnt been a favorite for latin voters and i think they just wanted to prove it. So they wanted to prove it in the numbers. Reporter so did this couple, who did not want to be named. Whats going to happen if trump gets in . Wow. I dont want to say nothing about him. But bad words for him. Understand . I dont like to trash anybody. But thats how i feel. Youre asking me. I feel that way. Me too. Reporter most analysts agree that donald trump cannot win the white house without florida, the math just doesnt work. As of now, the race in this state is razorclose and as with everywhere else, turnout will be key. For nightly Business Report, im diana olick in port st. Lucie county, florida. Next, Contessa Brewer in owe gallis, arizona. Reporter a milelong fence separates arizona from mexico. On the u. S. Side, little more than 22,000 people live. On the mexican side, more than 220,000. Spanish is the predominant language on both sides of the border. And Donald Trumps characterization of mexican immigrants as rapists and drug dealers made its mark. Is there no part of you that is a little worried about his perception of latinos in america . No. Since im not a drug dealer and im not a rapist. And im also from mexico. So it doesnt bother me a bit. Reporter Mike Melendez imports arts and crafts from mexico. He has seen profits plummet because of declining tourism and the strength of the dollar against the peso. He doesnt have a problem with Donald Trumps stand against nafta and free trade. If mr. Trump gets elected, and he puts like a fee of, i dont know, maybe 20 , 30 , i would just be getting less of a profit. Because mexican goods are they have a lot of profit, a lot of margin. Reporter melendez was a democrat until a year ago, now a republican running for county supervisor, and sharing his shop space with a state republican party. The arizona gop has seat belt up headquarters in nogales for the First Time Ever to woo hispanic voters. They have an uphill climb. The democrats have been a steady presence in nogales. Were latinos, and i think the other party is not, like supporting a lot of latinos. Theyre not caring about how the city here. Reporter more than 90 mers of the population here is latino. The Democrat Party is so dominant that in 2008, when arizonas own senator john mccain was on the president ial ballot, Santa Cruz County went for barack obama 72 to 27 . And times are tough here. Empty store fronts, unemployment at 12. Of , declining tourism and a weak peso against the dollar. Small Business Owners say their profits are down 40 from last year. If trump does win, its going to kill whatever know gal he is has left over. Reporter and Donald Trumps insistent he build a wall doesnt go over well in this state. An Arizona Republic poll shows 42 said one should definitely not be built while 27 said it definitely should be built. But thats not the driving issue here. After all, they already have a wall. Both democrats and republicans are pedaling the promise of prosperity. The question is, who is better positioned to deliver the American Dream . For nightly Business Report, Contessa Brewer, nogales, arizona. Still ahead, changes in china. Why the man who helped reform the worlds second largest economy is now out of power. The investigation into volkswagens diesel emissions scandal is expanding. The vw chairman under investigation by german prosecutors. Investigate,s want to know whether he failed to properly disclose Financial Risks to investors. Vw has admitted to rigging 11 million diesel vehicles worldwide with software to cheat emissions tests. Meanwhile, california regularities have discovered a new type of device hidden adds an audi automatic transmission. Chinas finance minister, the man who played an Important Role in trying to reform that countrys economy, is out. And the move comes at a time when china is facing mounting debt and large deficits. Eunice yoon reports from beijing. Reporter chinas finance minister, lo jiway was unexpectedly replaced and as is the case in china as to why government ministers come and go, there wasnt a lot of clarity here and thats left a lot of people wondering what it all means. Some analysts and observers believe this could be a sign that the government is backtracking on Economic Reforms and thats because the outgoing finance minister was known to be outspoken and reformminded and credited with furthering fiscal reforms. Theres also some speculation that this decision could have been about politics and part of the president xi jinpings efforts to tighten his grip on the party, as well as the government. Not a lot is known about the new finance minister, but there are some who do believe that he is closer to the president and the premier than his predecessor. The replacement of the new finance minister is part of a greater political reshuffle here, which includes the state security minister. The new state security minister is known to have a background in Anti Corruption. He played a key role in the president s Anti Corruption campaign. Hes also believed to have a background in Cyber Security. Separately, the government passed a very controversial Cyber Security law, International Companies as well as ngos are fearful that this new law could mean that there will be even greater restrictions on the internet here, and possibly narrow the access of Foreign Tech Companies to this market. For nightly Business Report, im eunice yoon in beijing. The online lending platform said National Bank of canada will buy nearly 1. 5 billion worth of loans off the companys platform. That sparked optimism the company is turning itself around, following the discovery of lending improprieties. Lending club also reported a narrower than expected loss and said loan volume stabilized. Shares up 15 to 5. 91. The Internet Services provider win stream said it would acquire earthlink for more than 1 billion. It would increase scale and competitiveness while cutting costs. They posted quarterly profit that missed street targets. Shares were off a tick, but shares of earthlink were down nearly 10 . To 5. 60. The Factory Automation systems maker, rockwell, expects to see sales rice for the first time in three years next year. In addition, the Company Posted profited revenue for the quarter above analysts forecasts. Shares were up better than 5 to 124. 24. Biotech companies eye onus and biogen said their experimental drug for treating spinal Muscular Atrophy showed promise. The company said the children given the treatment showed a statistically significant improvement in motor function compared to those who didnt receive the medication. Eye onus shares surged as much as 18 to 32. 12. Shares of biogen popped. And lower raw milk prices helped dean foods post earnings that surpassed analysts expectations. The nations Largest Dairy processor said it saw volume performance improve and expects that trend to continue. Shares were up 42 cents to 18. 88. Travel booking company priceline said an increase in Hotel Bookings helped to lift its revenue. Net income did see a decline as a more than 900 million charge tied to the companys open table business ate into profits. Even so, those results still exceeded street targets. Shares rose in after hours trading but ended the regular day up to 1,480. 33. Major oil hub in oklahoma was rattled overnight by an earthquake. A magnitude 5. 0 quake shattered windows and caused substantial damage to dozens of buildings in curbing. But Officials Say no damage has been reported to the big oil terminal there. Oklahoma has had numerous earthquakes in recent years with most traced to injection of wastewater that results from oil and gas fracking. Coming up, do you prefer back flips over bonds . What about flips instead of fed funds . If you were born to perform, have we got a job for you. Wall street bonuses expected to decline for a Third Straight year. According to compensation consulting firm, johnson associates, payouts are projected to be 5 to 10 lower this year. The reasons include limited trading activity, and a number of very large mergers that never went through, despite being announced. Bankers who advise on deals get paid largely when the merger is completed. There have been a lot of jokes plaed about how this president ial election season is like a circus, but there is one circus thats offering a new twist for jobseekers. And kate rogers has the story from vaeegas, baby. Reporter ashley has seen her life come full circle. I remember seeing the stair when i was 14. I remember walking out, just in awe. Wondering how Something Like that was ever made. And thinking i want to do that someday. And here i am. Reporter the 35yearold gymnast performs bungee and chine chinese poles, the show she saw as a kid. Its very physical. We do 470 shows a year. Reporter the performer will see more opportunities in the next decade as the Entertainment Industry is poised to grow by about 6 , creating nearly 46,000 new jobs. Pay in the industry can vary widely from 50 a night for a small production to up to six figures and a full contract with benefits at a Major Company like Cirque Du Soleil which brings 450 artists each year for new and existing production. Casting direction tors say todays ideal candidate is multitalented. Generally looking for extraordinary talent, looking for people who can do something that you do not see in the real life. Many roles are actually going now into more of a what we call a generalist, multitalented, multidisciplinary profile. On broadway, they call it triple threat. Reporter social networks give the opportunity to showcase to a wider audience. Its harder than ever to stand out. Out of every 100 applications, only 2 to 4 will make it to the talent database with a potential to one day receive a contract. My hope is all of them one day receive a phone call from us. The reality is like maybe less than a quarter of them will receive a phone call. Reporter at cirques auditions, talent team in all shapes and sizes from eccentric clowns to jugglers and pickup tiers. To make the cut, they had to impress with three ps. Its projection, precision and presence. Presence, very subjective. Some have presence, some dont have. Precision and projection, its something that they learn in school. Reporter having found success at cirque, ashley says getting is hard but well worth trying. I would say go for it. Find what you love, find what youre good at and if its something you really want to do, just push for it. Do whatever it takes to get there. Reporter but just make sure youre cut out for it. Not everyone is. That is seriously, so, so hard. Reporter for nightly Business Report, im kate rogers, las vegas. She is such a trooper. Before we go, heres another look at the rally on wall street ahead of election day. The Dow Jones Industrial average soared 371 points to 18,259. The nasdaq added 119. And the s p 500 rose 46. I couldnt do any of that stuff. Oh, my goodness, shes brave. Thats nightly Business Report for tonight. Im sue herera. Thanks for joining us. Im tyler mathisen. Have a great evening, everybody. And well see you back here on election evening. 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