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And by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications rose you began how . Natural style of play. Rose luck or something else. I felt passionate from the beginning. Whats the objection lesson. You can be as involved as you want to be. Rose tell me the significance of the moment. We begin with a look at the news of the week. Here are the sights and sounds of the past seven days. In iraq, a major milestone in the war against i. S. I. S. The Prime Minister is declaring victory in mosul. An airplane crashed in mississippi. F. B. I. Arrest add soldier in hawaii for alleged ties to terrorist group i. S. I. S. Authorities in eastern pennsylvania are searching for four men who disappeared over the past week. President trump and Vladimir Putin had a private two and a half hour meeting. The president again tweeting said, putin and i discussed an impenetrable Cyber Security unit. A phonein bomb threat prompted evacuation of dormitories at u. C. L. A. A Wild Elephant rescued after being dragged out to sea. Luckily elephants have a builtin snorkel. No reason for a russian Government Advocate meeting with the president s son. Someone sent me an email. I cant help that. Rob goldstone acquaintance set the meeting up. He is the one who took donald trump, jr. To trump tower because he checked in on facebook. Good at hitting homers. 2017 home run a mature lady is the talk of the town after shown dancing and then flashing fans on the jumbotron. At dodgers stadium. You can. President trump noticed a marine whose hat blew away at fort andrews so decided to help him out. Ill knock him out. Mark my words. The circumstances left the station for mcgregor meriwether. You can get it right now you can get it right now president trumps relationship with russia are again in the news this week. The trump family often has said contradictory things about the trump organizations business ties to russia. Heres what dwrump told Nbcs Lester Holt in may. I built a great company, but im not involved with russia. I have had dealings over the years where i sold a house to a very wealthy russian many years ago. I had the Miss Universe pageant which i owned for quite a while. I had it in moscow a long time ago. Other than that, i have nothing to do with russia. But back in 2008, donald trump, jr. Told a real estate conference that russians make up a pretty disproportionate Cross Section of a lot of our assets. And he added, we see a lot of money pouring in from russia. As craig unger reports in this months issue of the new republic the money has been pouring in for better part of three decades and some from questionable sources. Story called trumps russian laundromat. Welcome, craig. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me. Fascinating, heavily Research Story in the new republic about trumps business ties to russia, about the role russian money played throughout his business career. Absolutely. I think we see these blockbusters dropping almost every day now in the press and i was trying to say, they dont come out of the blue. Lets look at basically the thesis of your story here. You write, a review of the Public Record reveals a clear and disturbing pattern. Trump owes much of his Business Success and, by extension, his presidency to a flow of highly suspicious money from russia. Then you add this without the russian mafia, it is fair to say donald trump would not be president of the united states. So i want to kind of unpack the story going back to 1984. But you also put a very important caveat in this piece. You where, to date, no one has documented that trump was even aware of any suspicious entangle nents his far flung businesses let alone directly compromised by the russian mafia or that corrupt oligarchs now closely allied with the kremlin, so far when it comes to trumps ties to russia, there is no smoking gun. But you find a lot of smoke. There is an enormous amount of smoke. I think, when it comes to a smoking gun, its very hard to prove what was going through Donald Trumps mind, whether he the same time, when trump tower was built, it was only the second building in new york that allowed buyers to purchase something anonymously without disclosing their identity through Shell Companies, and we see that going on for more than 33 years. Now, if you come up to the president , since hes been president , about 70 of the sales in his buildings have gone to Shell Companies where we dont know the identity. There was much in here thats been in the Public Record but you kind of collect it all and do some further reporting on it. One that hasnt gotten much attention was a trip that donald trump made back in 1987 to the soviet union, to moscow during the gorbachev years. We have a photo of donald trump and ivan nay, his then wife, there in moscow during this visit. What was donald trump doing in moscow in 1987 . This was during the gorbachev years and there was a lot of talk about building a trump tower in moscow, and its been something hes gone back to again and again and its never really happened. Building a trump tower in moscow. Right, and there are over 30 trump towers over the world. Its never happened in moscow. When he came back the first time you see his president ial ambitions. The waning days of the soviet union, Ronald Reagan is president. Right. And he goes back a couple of times, but you quote him praising the soviet leaders in comparison to the american leaders. Right. He is i mean, you know, its interesting. He has watched russia become a mafia state. Rather than being appalled by it, it seems to me hes embracing it. The mafia state putins put together, its an interesting phrase, but what does it really mean . And what you see is a system of oligarchs and mafia crime bosses, and putin allows them to work, allows them to become wealthy. As long as theyre serving putins interests and as long as they dont challenge him politically. You make the case that, when trump really had his financial crisis, when Atlantic City went south in the late 80s, that it was russian money that, in part, helped bail him out. Right. How so . E was 4 billion in debt, had 800 million in personal set debt. He couldnt continue. He couldnt get a bank loan anywhere. In 2002, a Company Called bay rock moved into trump tower, and they are a Real Estate Development company and wanted to partner with him. Essentially, they made him an offer that he could not and did not refuse where they put up about a billion dollars in financing or helped raise the money, trump put up nothing in financing, but he got 18 of the profits for licensing his name. So why isnt this just a Smart Business deal for trump and, you know, hes got a name the russians clearly are attracted to, believe in. So, i mean, why not . Well, it was a Smart Business deal, but part of the real question is did he know he was doling with mobsters, did he know he was dealing with people with a criminal past. They were multibillionaires doing very, very well in putins mafia state, and its also important to remember that the russian mafia, when youre dealing with the russian mafia its not like some american politician dealing with tony soprano. The russian mafia is an adjunct of russian intelligence, so you are being compromised, in effect, especially if you end up as president of the united states. Three years ago, the forces of i. S. I. S. Captured the iraqi city of mosul and proclaimed the establishment of its caliphate. Earlier this week, iraqi forces declared they recaptured the city and that fighting had been reduced to isolated pockets of resistance. What does this mean for the middle east . Charlie rose spoke with David Ignatius of the Washington Post and anthony cortisman of the center for strategic and international studies. Its an important tactical victory but it doesnt bring stability to iraq, it doesnt eliminate the threat. I. S. I. S. Was only responsible for about 11 of the acts of terrorism in this region in 2016, and thats all of its affiliates, and that sort of puts i. S. I. S. Intoperspective. Rose marlin told the New York Times there is no such thing as a phrase after i. S. I. S. I. S. I. S. Is a mentality and the mentality will not end with guns alone. I think thats absolutely correct, in every dimension. You have a country with massive unemployment, critical problems and its stayed on industries and agriculture sector, its rated as one of the most corrupt governments in the world and the one with the highest levels of popular resentment and you can go on and on. You have the problem of creating stability and security and moving forward in development and defeating i. S. I. S. Alone in one city, important as it is, doesnt shape the future. Rose david, could this victory have been, however you measure it, could it have been achieved much earlier with different policies . Well, if you go back to the beginning of the story, really wind the movie back, yes. I think if the u. S. Has been able to maintain a presence in iraq, the rise of i. S. I. S. Would have been retarded, maybe altogether. Theres a chain of mistakes that led us to the i. S. I. S. Breakout in 2014 taking mosul. While i agree with tony that were far from the end of the story, there are so many question marks that surround the political future in both iraq and syria, i also think it would be a mistake not to see the victory in mosul and corresponding successes in syria as important. Our local partners have fought better and with less ethnic friction than we feared as this campaign began. So, no, its not the end, its not perfect, terrible problems, but we should note the elements of success that are there. Kumail nanjiani is a an actor and writer. He wrote the big sick with his wife. Its a biobraphy of the beginning of their relationship and opens in theaters nationwide this weekend. I love movies, horror, scifi and comedies, too. That was my first, like, big thing. So but its tough to make movies. Its easier to do standup. Rose they cost a lot of money. Yeah, just sign up. Rose or it doesnt take much. Youve got to find somebody to give you that. With standup, go, put your name on the list at a bar, go do it. You could decide to be a comedian and be a comedian in six hours. If you want to be a filmmaker, you have to convince a lot of people. Rose is writing for comedy, writing for standup different than writing a script for a movie or is it a series of oneliners strung 20g9 . No, its very different. With standup, there is kind of no rules. I could do a bit, a joke thats a minute long and thats it. Thats how long its supposed to be. I could write a story thats eight minutes long, and thats all it has to be. With the movie, and its also very easy for me to write standup for myself because i know myself. When youre writing a movie, youre writing all these other characters, so youve got to figure out how to write in their voices, you have to show them struggling. You know how we have arranged marriage in our culture . Oh, god, im so stupid and you have to show change. If i do standup, i can veer off a story and come back to it and as long as its funny, it doesnt matter. But with a movie, you really kind of have to be pretty focused on the story. Rose is it harder to write for a me feel character than, say, for yourself . Yes, because i dont have the perspective of being a female. Rose right. Which is really great that i wrote it with my wife emily gordon. She is very smart. Rose she wrote all the female characters. Is this well, yeah. She really brought a lot to it. She was the one who was, like, i dont think a woman would do this. I dont think i dont think it would be like this. No selfrespecting woman would do this. Its very easy. So many movies are made by a bunch of dudes. Ates bunch of dudes guessing what a woman would do. Heres a trick get a woman in there. Talk to them, theyll help you get the character exactly down. And then zoe kazan who plays emily in the movie and hunter who plays emilys mom in the movie were making sure the female characters of the movie felt real. Rose i want to show this one scene. Emily had been talking about the character emily made by zoe kazan leaving the house a after the first date. I think im going to go home. We havent had sex yet. Im not that kind of girl. I only had sex once on a first date and that was a hand job. I havent had that. m not doing that. You made fun of me. What are you doing . Im changing. We were just having sex. You were in the throws of passion then. Listen, i had a really nice time. Thank you very much. Im just going to like go home and i hope ringing just traveling as soon as he puts on his pants. Rose a great scene, ive seen it twice. This is the second weekend of the annual wimbledon lawn tennis championships, the tournament has been the site of some of the greatest matches in history one former Champion John mcenroe calls the greatest moment of his career. His new memoir is called but seriously. The game is different, the courts are much truer. Thats a good thing for tennis but at that time you needed to be resourceful in a different way and thats why you see us play that way and guys serve and volley a great deal. So worked to my damage a bit. The greats were in tennis. No question. Six years into my career i wanted to prove i could win on any surface. Ironically, the only titles i won in the juniors are ron clay, the french open juniors. I traveled to b to brazil, the a bowl, all these foreign events. I preferred being the aggressor and attack and that was more of my natural style of play, so i wanted to prove i could do it on the clay courts and was five points away with yvonne and i blew it in a number of ways that i explain in this book and have to live with that. But it humbled me. I dont know if my head would have fit in the door had i won that tournament. Rose youre fine. Whats the greatest victory . Ironically, the greatest moment of my career was the match that i actually lost at wimbledon. Rose one of the greatest tennis matches of all time. Im proud to be a part of that. Rose dont you think so . I think so. It elevated me in more ways even though i lost in terms of respect for my fellow players, dare i say the media, fans, everything, more than any wins i had. But i would say the most satisfying was getting the monkey off my back the following year when i beat b bjorn in the finals the following year. Rose when did he leave tennis . 1981. If you look at nadal and federer, they played almost 40 names. Djokovic, 45. We played 14 times. So i thought things were just starting to cook. 7 and 7 career. Yes, i had won the last three, i believe, and elevated me to number one, and bjorn felt, if he wasnt one, it didnt mean anything, didnt matter if 2 or 100. I felt different, theres only one guy better than 2. So he seemed to think forget it and walk away. He did something unusual. When i beat him in the finals in the 1981 u. S. Open, he shook my hand, picked up his bag, walked off the court, went to the plane and didnt stay for the ceremony. I would have been arrested if i had done that. Rose didnt pick it up for a long time. Never played another major. Rose are you frustrated you couldnt do more for tennis in america. Very frustrated. Were the one and its gotten worse. Its more difficult for kids to afford the opportunity, so thats one of the big things im trying to do is raise enough money that we can make a temperatures and trying to bring a cool factor. I was lucky as it turned out. I didnt realize the sport was exploding. I got wind when i played on the professional tour and was proud to be part of that, but im biased, i admit. It felt like the hay day of tennis and a lot of personality. Even though federer and nadal are the two greatest players that ever lived, you dont hear about it that much. We havent had a guy win a major in 14 years. In 2003. Rose 14 years, no american has won a major singles title. Thats correct. George orwells 1984 was first accomplished in 1949 published in 1949. Six decades later 1984 is as popular as ever and still seen as a scathing indictment of authoritarianism and totalitarian regimes. Now the book has been adapted into a broadway play. Its stars reed birney, olivia wilde and tom sturridge. It was adapted originally in nottingham five years ago. What is terrifying me is all of the language or at least 95 is taken from orwells book, published in 1949. None of the script has been manipulated or changed in any way since trumps ease election, yet people come to it and watch it and feel that weve devised it purely for that purpose. Rose does it have more relevance, more power because it was written in 1949, not 2017 . Absolutely. If it were a brandnew play someone wrote about a dystopian universe, we would accuse them overjumping on a weird bandwagon. But the fact its George Orwells words, and he saw all of this in 1949, is what is so terrifying. Rose you have been thinking about coming to theater. This is something youve wanted to do. Yes. Rose did this just seem like perfect for you . It did seem perfect for me. I saw the email that they were making this, and i had the opportunity to audition, and i immediately pulled out of the movie that i was supposed to shoot, even though i didnt have the part and my agents were horrified and said you should try to get the part before you pull out. I said, no, im going to do this. I know im going to do this. It just felt so rose theyll want me for sure. Not that, no laughter i just knew of the directors and i was excited at the idea of working with them. Rose yeah. And the material was something that i was familiar enough with that i understood the role already and i loved their adaptation and i said i just know what to do here. Rose they probably sat with you at the dinner table when you were growing up. They did. I felt passionate about it from the beginning and it felt as way to manifest my daily rage. Rose a way to manifest your daily rage. Its cathartic. Rose is this what theater should be at its best is this. Yes. I mean, i think its most exciting rose relevant, explanatory. Yeah, and also involving of the audience. Its an art form unlike cinema and sirteture where the artist and the audience are together in a room and this is a play that speaks to our times and, therefore, its really important that we all experience it together, and its caused a lot of very intense reactions in people. Rose is it different in the audience at the same time. Completely. What scares me is the need for consensus, Everyone Needs to clap and laugh at the same time, which i think is a dangerous idea. Whats exciting about this is the democratic response of people feeling very differently about similar ideas. Some people are afraid, some people energized, some people walk out, some people laugh. Its incredibly democratic reaction from people of all kinds of backgrounds. Heres whats new for your weekend the environmental documentary chasing karl is released on netflix. We live in a unique moment in time where we can change history. Its not too late for coral reefs. A trial called headlines saturday at the Music Festival in chicago. Sunday espn prod cast the mens finals at wimbledon. And a look at the week ahead. Sunday is the day hbos game of thrones returns for a seventh season. Monday is the third anniversary of the downing of flight m. H. 17 over eastern ukraine. Tuesday is the start of stage 16 of the tour de france. Wednesday is the first meeting of the president ial commission on election integrity. Thursday is the first day of the british open at royal burkdale. Friday is belgiums national holiday. Saturday is the Naacp National convention in baltimore. Thats charlie rose the week for this week, from all of us here, thank you for watching. Im jonathan karl. Charlie will be back here next weekend. Rose for more about this program and earlier episodes, visit us online at pbs. Org and charlierose. Com. 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