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Rose communications and so you began how . Figure it all out. Is it luck at all . A celebration in and of itself. Whats the object lesson here . A lot of lives. Rose tell me the significance of the moment. This was the week Hurricane Matthew devastated haiti and threatened the american east coast. The president ial candidates prepared to meet again for their second debate. And the United States team beat the europeans to take golfs ryder cup for the First Time Since 2008. And tiger woods announced his return to golf. Here are the sights and sounds of the past seven days. This is going to be bad. Cube athe bahamas, haiti all in the bulls eye. It is a monster out there. The dangerous category four storm with winds of 145 miles per hour. Rose another breach at the n. S. A. A contractor working for the National Security agency arrested for allegedly stealing highly classified information. You know there are more snowdens out there serving in the u. S. Government . I didnt so until today. Norway names a new nobel laureate. He has consistently sought to move the Peace Process forward. Illinois summedded 30 billion in investment activity with wells fargo, due to its phony accounts scandal. Kim kardashian held up at gunpoint inside her paris hotel room. Im sorry. A family emergency. I have to stop the show. Rose the New York Times digs into trumps taxes. He could have paid no federal income taxes for years. Theres no one who has shown more genius in their way to maneuver around the tax code. If everybody in this country was a genius like mr. Trump is and did not pay any taxes, we would not have a country. He says Climate Change was a hoax invented by china. Its pronounced jina you and Hillary Clinton would know about an insultdriven campaign. I think im still on my time. Isnt this a discussion. She had a private server. Rose the running mates debates. Tonight is a debate between the Vice President ial candidates tim kaine, and mike pence. Theyre going to debate which one is tim kaine and which one is mike pence. Walk in fields of gold. Rose bees make endangered species list some people call me the space cowboy a spectacular launch. Blew origin successfully tested its crew escape system. Once were completely confident in the vehicle, well start taking people into space. And touchdown some people call me maurice rose we fin tonight with politics. The Vice President ial nominees had their only debate on tuesday. Hillary clinton and donald trump face off again sunday. And were beginning the final mongst of the 2016 campaign. Joining me from washington for the week in politics is bob costa of the washington post. With me here in new york is amy chazic of the New York Times. I am pleased to have both of them here. Bob costas, let me begin with you. How is trump preparing for this debate . Trump is preparing in typical trump fashion, charlie. There are no mock debates behind the scenes, not trump standing at a lectern, going through question by question. Its more informal, discussions with new jersey governor chris christie, former new york mayor giuliani. His staff, though dconvince trump on thursday to have a live rubthrough, a dry run in New Hampshire where he took questions for only about 30 minutes spp as we know, the debates about 90 minutes. Rose amy . What can you tell me about preparation . Hillarys preparation . Well, her aides would say shes been preparing for had town hallstyle format her entire campaign. Its been about small events, talking to individual voters one on one and some of her most relatable moments have come from these spontaneous interactions with voters. Of course, those voters who come to her event are generally supporters and this will be a very different format. She has been doing a lot of formal debate prep with her advisers. Hillary clinton rather than going over talking points and attack lines is practicing body language how does she come across . Can she show that softer side of herself . Rose bob, with respect to how trump will handle this, is this format good for him in comparison to the first debate or a negative for him . Theres a divide within trumps circ bell how this will actually unfold, whether it will be better for trump or not, because theres a camp within trumps inner circle that things hes been extemp rains. Hes been pretty good in town halls in the past in their view, in terms of making a human connection, of using his celebrity and ease with people to come through ask make a connection. But because of the unscripted nature of this, he cant memorize talking points. Its going to be very unpredictable, in terms of the questions people ask. There is some exprisk there is some vulnerability there what they acknowledge privately. Rose cothey expect to be the subject of goading by her, so what he will do and respond the way he did in the first debate . Will she get under his skin . They, of course, expect that. They look at the first debate. They look at how senator caine went after the Vice President ial candidate for trump, governor pebs, in the v. P. Debate. Sp they expect hes kind of attacks. What they are hope charlie is not so much for trump to have a response and answer each point by point brought up by secretary clinton. What they would really like him to do is shift, shift in some way back to his economic populism, back on his message on jobs, because they think thats what he kind of failed to do after the first 30 minutes in that first debate where he centered on trade and kind of drifted off as secretary clinton made her critique. Rose i assume hell argue about health care as well . Theres an encouragement behind the scenes for trump to go after Affordable Care acts, particularly coming from reince priebus, who has taken an unusual role in these debate prep sessions, both this past sunday in medminister, new jersey, and this thursday at trump power. Priebus is trying on tell trump, my sources tell me, make a case for the republican party, glowft for trump. Go over our poants that speaker ryan and others are try to make. Rose talk about Donald Trumps taxes and his refusal to release his tax returns once again dominated some of the Campaign News this week. It came after the New York Times revealed that the republican nominee reported a 960 million loss on hez 19 taxes, a loss that came from failed businesses and may have let him legally avoid paying tax of taxes for 18 years. Reporter suesab craig and editor david bafferto broke the story. There are a whole tun of things you can learn, especially from a tax return filed by donald trump. Rose so how did this begin . Did you get a letter from trump tower . I got a letter in the mail. Yeah. And i opened it with a 25cent stamp or whatever stamps cost today. I think there was a forever stamp on it, and i opened it up, and it was folded over once, and i looked at it, and it was a 1995 tax return for donald j. Trump and marla maples, who signed her name marla trump. Rose and it was three pages of their tax return. Just three pages. Rose were they summary pages . Summary pages of new york state, connecticut, and new jersey, which, of course, showed a lot of details about what he paid federally. Rose and what else is interesting about this . What did you see there gee we saw that they disclose the one dependent. We saw a lot of different lines about how much in wages he disclosed. It was quite low, it was 6,000 and something. Just over 6,000 in wages, salaries, and tips. Almost 1 billion in operating losses. The numbers were kind of honestly, the numbers were mindboggling. We didnt know, when we first got it, we were trying to figure it out, and we got our computers and pulled up the 1995 tax code and we started trying to figure it all out. We obviously immediately realized we needed tax help so we brought in some good tax excerpts and i remember one of the tax experts he looked at the numbering and said well, hes only lost 916,000. It was like his brain exoont computer. Rose he didnt say 916 million. He said nine 16 million. I said, no, no, look again. It was interesting to watch people had they first saw it because the process they went through to say 916, almost million dollars. People had to get their heads around it when you would watch them. Rose what were the components of the 916 million . Thats an interesting question. We dont really know. A lot of it was lozs from previous years. There was a lot of red ink flowing out of some bankruptcies he had and some big business losses. Rose is there a consensus hay think the reason he is withholding his tax returns. The leading theory is he wasnt paying federal income taxes, primarily because when youre a real estate develop developer, theres just no better occupation to be in, in this country, to avoid paying income taxs. Theres a whole set of just fabulous tax deductions, loopholes, et cetera, that apply specifically to commercial Real Estate Developers that dont apply to anyone else. And that gets to the how he managed to do it, which is how i think how does he manage to do it . I think thats one of the things he also doesnt want people to figure out is exactly how hes done it. Rose the Supreme Court opened its fall session this week in unchartered territory eight months after the death of antonin scalia, the court remains still one justice shy of a full bench. Just Stephen Breyers was appointed to the court in 1994, by president bill clinton. I spoke with him about the future of the Court Wednesday at new yorks 92nd street y. Its not so terrible in this country. People have different point of view on the Supreme Court. Its a big country. Rose cothe justices of the Supreme Court agree much more and rule 90 or more often than we imagine . In other words, is there more agreement lets say you agree 70 of the time 50 . Rose its 50. Its 50 were unanimous. Rose 50 of the time the nine justices agree. Yes. And probably its 54 about 20 . And its not always the same five and the same four. And so ill say that, you know, to a university audience, law school audience. And then theyll say thats our biggest problem. People think were Junior League politicians. Thats what they really think. Rose are there any experiences, or skills that you wish you had as a justice of the Supreme Court . , of course, what youd like youd like, number one, youd like to be able to know all the relevant things and have tremendous experience at Different Things that you dont have so you can understand thats like Thurgood Marshall saying that. He said that he had, can which was correct experience that the others didnt have. Rose right. And it was valuable having that on a court. Its valuable having a wide range of experience. Of course it is. And i would like to be able to write better than i can. Rose you said about justice scalia, you said he suffered from a good writers disease. I have said that. Id say a good writer, like a good comedian if he has a good joke, hes not going to give it up. The world could come to an end and show will he. He will not give it up. And the same is with a felicitous phrase. You find the felicitous phrase and hell use and because the way it sounds. We all know that, and if its aimed at us we dont take it personally. Rose his vacancy has not been filled. Judge garland hab nopinated and will not be considered, and will not be considered perhaps until a new president takes over, perhaps after the election. Whats the impact of 44 . Oh, 44, last year we hear not 54, but 44. I know. We here 75 to 80 case, somewhere in that range. We decided 44 see if its 44, thats just as if the case was never heard. Rose exactly, thats my point. Thats the point. Rose have you changed your mind on any particular after 22 years where you if you had another go i can think of a couple, yeah. But normally, we dont look back. We decide. Thats the job. Decide the case. Do your best in that case. Absolutely. But eventually, you have to decide. And then move on. Rose maureen dowd is a Pulitzer Prizewinning columnist for the New York Times. Her career covering politics spans nine president ial campaigns. In her new book, she describes this election as the most epic battle of the sexes. The book is called the year of voting dangerously the deragement of american politics. I majored in shakespeare in college, and its the closest thing to me that you can get it to being a court a royal court reporter. You know, its the drama, how people respond to power, you know, how either they become better people or it cruments them or the pressure theyre under in a campaign is the closest thing you can get to that. And now im a game of thrones afficionado for the same reason. All of those alliances and fused and trying to get power is fascinating. Rose mayhem but not murder. Ynot yet. Rose but trump keeps talking about it. In a sense he said somebody i could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and they wouldnt convict me. My supporters wouldnt convict me. Then he made the same kind of reflection on her the other day she could shoot somebody and she wouldnt be convicted. Yes, its the most incendiary political rhetoric we have ever heard, the craziest. I used to call political strategists to help me analyze want campaigns and now i call shrinks. Rose psychologists and shrinks. Right. Rose do they give you helpful advice in understanding why donald trump is the way he is and why Hillary Clinton is the way she is . Yes, because with hillary, its sort of a nixonian paranoia. And with trump, he lacks empathy. So he doesnt understand why he can heckle people and insult them and, you know, they get mad at him. And then when they do something to him, he doesnt understand. For instance, he didnt understand why the bushes wouldnt come to his convention. He was really hurt, but he doesnt understand what he said about their son. In his head, he thinks hes doing what he needs to do now, and then later, hell be really flexible. You know, he said to me, the New York Times will be very happy with me when i become president because i will be the kind of president they like. I said to him, i dont recognize you on the public stage. You are this bigoted person who is spreading hate, and thats not person i knew in new york for three decades. And, you know, he said, i can be that person again. Anyone i can be very president ial. But i think he just feels that hes riding this train, and he doesnt realize that train is taking him to very dark places. Rose Maria Sharapova is a fivetime grand slam tennis champion. She is one of the worlds highest profile athletes. Her future was thrown into doubt last january at the industrialian open when she tested positive for a wanned substance. I spoke with her on tuesday, an exclusive urnt view, shortly after a court of arbitration announced it was reducing her suspension from 24 months it to 15 and concluded she was unaware that a substance she had been taking for 10 years had recently been banned. Tell me your reaction. Friday morning was a Beautiful Day for me and my family and my friends, just the thought of coming back i was in my bedroom and the received the note from cass. And i just screamed down to the first floor to my mother that im can coming back. Yeah, the last seven months or so, ive just ive been really strong. I knew that i had to, can and then i she came up, she ran up the stairs, and i gave her a hug, and all of of a sudden evidence just so emotional. It was like everything let go, because something thatimented so much, i was having another opportunity at it. Rose how heavy did it hang on you . It your suspension. It was a lot. It was a lot. And it was i went through so many different emotions from finding out when i received the first email that i had taken the substance and that it was a shock to me. I said how did i not know about this . So i went through this shock, anger, sadness, and then i i dont know, something inside of me just went above everything, and i felt like it was almost the process of going through a breakup. And i went through all these emotions. Rose a breakup . Yes. I went through all these emotions, and in the end like after a little time, i just i felt really above it. Theres some sort of strength in me that that just felt really good about things. And i went through two different hearings, and all, obviously, it was i was very nervous about all of them. But i was so strong inside, and i knew that i knew that the truth of my story and me being up front and honest from the beginning would get me through this, and it did. Rose do you feel like its a fair description of you to say being defined as tough in the face of adversity, that somehow the kind of life you have lived has given you some of that stuff . I believe so. And ive ive never used the word rejection in my life. I dont believe in rejection. I dont i dont believe in nos. Y just get through it. I was born to be a warrior, and in tennis and in my life how were you born to be a warrior . Because theres something when ive when ive had challenges in my life, ive perce veered, and i, and thats not just in me. I feel that in whether youre a tennis player, whether youre in another career, when you have challenging moments in your life my first one in my life came when i had shoulder surgery. I was out per a year. And there is something during that period that that builds you dont know its happening, but its something inside of you that builds. It almost becomes an immunity to pain almost. And during that time, i was training. I was doing everything i could with no knowledge that i would ever go back on the tennis court after shoulder surgery with no one they could look to that ever came back and won a grand slam after shoulder surgery. But i went through it and day after day after day, i grinded it out. I kept going. And when i went back on the court and i was playing tournaments and i was making errors and, you know, losing matches, maybe i shouldnt have lost, and people were saying, shes never going to come back. Nothing fazed me, because something they built inside of myself, this strength that i built over that time got me through that. Rose issa ray began producing comedy for the web while still in college. 10 years later she became the executive producer and star of insecure a new series on hbo. She made the juch to television with the help of her cocreator, larry wilmore. I wanted to break into the television industry, and i felt like i found a shortcut by way of the internet. And i found that by way of procrastination, being on facebook and youtube. And spurred the idea, oh, my gosh, what if i made a show online to share with my friends. And that became dorm diaries about being black at brandeis university. And i saw that spread to other schools on a very minor scale, 500 to 1,000 views. And people were like, oh, my god, this is my college experience. And i helt felt i had direct access to an audience and that was in 2007. That was my first web series, and i created another one in 209 and 2011. Rose when did you meet larry . I met larry, after i sold pitch to hbo for insecure. They said youll be a supervising producer or runner because you have never run a room before. We had the same management company, and they said you should meet with him, and if you like him, great, if not, find somebody else. And we immediately clicked on the first meet. He is so great and gracious and fun disple and you just talked . We just talked. We had a conversation. We got to know each other. And by the second meeting he said, i really like what youve built here and id like to write this show with you if you dont mind. And i was like, if i dont mind . Heck, yes, lets do it. Rose did hbo say we want you to do something for us, or did you say, based on the success that youd had on the web go to them and say,look, this is what i do. I can do this in a larger, bigger, broader way. They actually called me which was a celebration in and of itself. They called me a short time after i had i had another series on another network that was passed on. And i was kind of devastated and thought i blew my shot, and then they called me a month later and said, hey, we heard youre free. Do you have any ideas . So i pitched them the concept insecure. Which is . Its basically the chronicles of a modernday black woman and her friend. Rose two of them. Two of them. I always listen to you. You only listen to me because i make you feel better about you so two friends navigating their jobs, their relationships, each other, and just dealing with what it means to be a black woman today. Rose here is a look at the week ahead. Sunday is the day of the second president ial debate at Washington University in st. Louis. Monday is columbus day. Tuesday is the day musician darrell hall celebrates his 70th birthday. Wednesday is the start of professional hockeys 2017 season. Thursday is the 100th Pulitzer Prize ceremony in new york. Friday is the first game of Major League Baseballs championship series. Saturday is the opening of the bricks annual economic summit in india. And here is whats new for your weekend the 17th annual new York Festival runs all weekend in new york city. A lot of communication can happen in silence. But you have to listen. Rose nate parkers slave drama the birth of a nation is released in theaters well rise up and well do it 1,000 times aain rose and the rolling stones, bob dylan, paul mccartney, neal young, roger waters and the who headline the desert trip Music Festival in california. Is there thats charlie rose the week for this week. On behalf of all of us here, thank you for watching. Im charlie rose. Well see you next time. Rose funding for charlie rose has been provided by captioning sponsored by Rose Communications captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh captioned by funding for arthur is provided by when you encourage your children to learn, wonderful things can happen. Abcmouse. Com Early Learning Academy Proud sponsor of pbs kids and arthur. And by contributions to your pbs station from every day when youre walking down the street everybody that you meet has an original point of view laughing and i say hey hey what a wonderful kind of day if we could learn to work and play and get along with each other you got to listen to your heart, listen to the beat

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