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And by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. So you begin how . Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications self confidence. Sit luck at all . This is a lot of social interaction. What is the object lesson here . Tell me the significance of the moment. Rose this was the week the Republican Party gathered in cleveland to nominate donald trump for president. The turkey government cracked down on the opposition in the wake of a failed coup, and Henrik Stevenson beat Phil Mickelson by three strokes to win the british open, here are the sights and sounds of the past seven days. The Entertainment Industry is mourning the loss of one of its most prolific writers and directors. Gary marshal dies at i never yelled cut because you never know what will happen. Rose a coup attempt fails in turkey. These two attempts in turkey affects its ties with the United States. It is irresponsible to have accusations of american involvement when we are simply waiting for their request. A Police Shooting is under investigation in florida. A man who was shot is the caretaker of an autistic man. Why did you shoot me . Three officers ambushed in baton rouge. Unjust final, the violence and hatred just has to stop. Every Police Officer who gets up in the morning and takes the night shift, they kiss their wife goodbye, their husband, we owe them big. Munich in southern germany they shot in a shopping center. Rose rogers ails is forced out in fox news. Facing allegations of how he treated women in the workplace. The nba looking for a new home more the 2017 allstar game because of a law that limit it is lgbt community. Henrik stinson takes the british open. Rose the Republican Party gathers in cleveland. I am your voice. I accept your nomination to run and serve as vice president. Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom. The most dangerous, reckless approach to being president , than i think we have ever seen. Word is your bond. Melania trump channel michelle obama. The charges about plagiarism. What was most interesting is he came out to the queens we are the champions and i would have gone with a different queen song, i would have been with, i see a little silhouette of a man. I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the United States. Rose donald trump accepted his partys nomination thursday night with a strong speech. I am your voice. Rose it was long for an acceptance speech, 73 minutes. I will present the facts, plainly and honestly. Rose and many thought the speech was unusually dark, a portrait of a crime riddled america humiliated abroad. This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton, death, destruction, terrorism and weakness. Rose joining me is tom barrack, she to the the founder and executive chairman a of chronic capital a long time friend of donald trumps, when did he tell you he wanted to run for president . Well. The first time. You know donald, the first time probably ten years ago. Yes. And, you know, he is an amazing guy, because when you think of it, there is a lot of powerful the rich, accomplished businessmen who are never celebs and then he created the donald. Rose right. So as you know when he talks about himself he is talking third person. He talks about the donald. It is the caricature he created. And along that way that human touch he had was always endemic so he would start to talk about it almost a decade ago. But i always thought it was a negotiating tactic, as celeb and i think the last time it probably was in earnest. But i think as he gained selfconfidence and found this aggravation, this social imbalance, this little fuel that we are seeing in all of our rose the economic discontent. Yes. He wants to be president because he thinks he can make a difference . Absolutely. Rose how much of it is ego . How much is well, that is a great question. And i really couldnt answer it. I am sure a lot of it is ego. You test yourself, right . I mean, what sane person, a businessman of his ilk would walk through this fire and take all of the punishment if there werent a couple of objectives . I am sure ego is one of them, he thinks he is smart enough, tough enough, capable must have to get there. And on the other hand at the end of the day i think he really looks and says i am the beneficiary jane fonda of an unbelievable system, he is so far over from where he actually in his own mind thought he would ever get. Rose the essential criticism of him, tom, that he is not given detail, he is not detailed, he says i am the best negotiator when i negotiate with the chinese, you know, i will create a better deal. It is not about the specifics. He talks about nato and the new york times. He raised questions as to why they are not paying their fair share of the Companies Members of nato, thats a valid criticism, president obama raised that criticism, if it is not in the nato agreement and if a balance tick communicate is prepared for america to defend them they ought to be able to depend on that. Look, it is a tough topic. The initial reaction, he is just bullying and just positioning. He is not he actually gets it, a lot o of the substance, bt i think what he is doing on all of these issues is saying, look, none of sit working. Because now you have bureaucracies, so you have nato. You have gap. You have the marshal plan, you have the wto, you have the imf. Rose right. Nobody knows what any of these entities do, and why are we paying for them. It is all Foreign Policy, it is all Foreign Policy related and our Foreign Policy doesnt work. So i think what he is doing, in a smart way, is saying, look, i am throwing a little bit of fire and i know into the frying pan, and people are going to be concerned. But them being concerned is a good thing. Rose so you are actually saying that while you think he understands the issues he also understands the value of inflammatory rhetoric . Yes. Absolutely. Rose so when he has all of these names and calling Hillary Clinton crooked, calling ted cruz lying ted cruz, and all of the things that he said, and even when, what he said about john mccain, does that have a purpose . Look, he is a friend so i can disagree with him. I dont personally like any of it, and the reason i dont like any of it is he is better than that. He doesnt need to go there. Rose joining me now is roger stone, he is a republican strategist and a long time friend and advisor to donald trump. I am pleased to have him to talk about donald trump and to talk about roger stone. Welcome. Great to be here. Rose how long have you and donald trump known each other . I met him in 1979, when i came to new york to organize governor Ronald Reagans campaign for president. Rose and when was the last time you talked to him . Saturday. Rose and what was the conversation . Well, i had gone to the rollout of trump in new york and he was really on his game. I mean, i really think he improved dramatically as a candidate and remember he has never done this before. There is a difference between being a media personality and being a candidate for president of the United States. Rose being a media personality or an actor helps . I dont think you could do it if you havent been. Rose thats what Ronald Reagan says. Exactly and i think trumps celeb status and his larger than life quality is what is drawing these enormous crowds. People want to see donald trump you know, these other guys running for president with all due respect, they are just conventional politicians. Trump has a car irs ma and a star quality that, you know, is larger than all of that. And this campaign is bigger than the Republican Party. Much bigger. Rose he is bigger than the Republican Party party. Well i think the reform agenda he represents is bigger than the Republican Party so i think he has the ability to draw people to the party and he has the reach to what we call the reagan democrats, they are not reagan democrats anymore because they are too distant but the same profile, moderate white democrats who are tired of the country losing jobs, tired of their communities no longer being safe, tired of the International Trade deals they think are robbing rose these are people you call reagan democrats and many come from right. You wouldnt call them reagan democrats in the day. And i also think, frankly, that trump has a reach to africanamericans and in the end to latinos that is understated. These people rose the polls dont show that. No, but i dont think he has had a chance to make his economic argument yet. He needs to get them on aspirational grounds. Rose it is a Republican Convention was getting underway here in cleveland, Hillary Clinton was campaigning on the other side of the state. We sat down in cincinnati for a conversation with her and we began with the thought she had on the republican nominee. He has set groups of americans against one another, the language he has used to scapegoat literally demean, denigrate groups of people, starting with immigrants. They are bringing drugs, they are bringing crime, they are they are rapists. Going so far as to raise questions about the qualifications of a highly qualified federal judge born in the United States whose parents were from mexico. What he has done to make fun of people with disabilities, his treatment of women, what is often seen as a kind of dog whistle code, the way he talks about minorities, and how he appeals rose white supremacist . Well, he accepts their support, but he appeals to the fears, and the anxieties and yes the anger, and i was stunned when he was inciting violence at his rallies over the past year. He is walking out like a big high five, smiling and laughing i would like to punch him in the face. I tell you. So i think it is very clear that he has staked his political identity and his future as a president ial candidate on dividing us and that is dangerous. Rose do you believe he has some racism in his own character . I cant speak to what is in his heart. I can only see what he says and what he does. And the way he talks about other people, the way he treats people is something that i find deeply rose but the is the way he treats people racist . Well, i think it is demeaning to a lot of people. I think that it is, when you dont denounce a White Supremacy group, even the you plucks clan who is supporting you vocally, making phone calls for you, and you dont repudiate that, i think that speaks volumes. Rose he also, as you have suggested, led the movement to delegitimatize our first black president. Yes, he did. He was very active and vocal in the socalled birther movement, which was a fraud from the very beginning. He has a lot of experience in fraud so i guess he didnt really mind. But he did it in a way that raised not only unfair, untrue questions and innuendo about the president , but played in to the basis, basest political instincts of a group of americans. He says the answer is law and order. Well, i think what he means by that is not what i mean by it. I support law, i support civil order. I support security in ways that are consistent with Human Dignity and respect, constitution and the laws of our country. And i see no contradiction between supporting the police and working for police reform, standing up for those officers who put their lives on the line like we have just seen in dallas and baton rouge and doing more to get people to recognize the fears that africanamericans, young people face every day, so i want law and i want order and i want to marry it with respect and listening to each other, i think what you hear from donald trump is very uninformed, very much in response to the political currents that he is playing in, and i worry about that. Rose are you really worried about donald trump . Do you believe donald trump is dangerous . Do you believe donald trump is not fit to be president . You believe donald trump has in this campaign shown, how would you characterize it . I think he has shown that he is dangerous, that he rose in what way . Several ways, i will give you just a few of the somebody examples that i think he has provided for us. When someone running for president says in the most offhand way, he doesnt really care whether other countries get nuclear weapons, including saudi arabia,. Rose japan. Japan. But lets focus on saudi arabia. We have done everything we can democratic and Republican Administration going back decades to try to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. That was what was behind the iran agreement that i began the efforts on when i was secretary of state. That casual indifference to the worst weapons that we have ever created in the world is dangerous. It is either a lack of knowledge about what he is saying means or it is an indifference to the power that he is seeking. And i saw today where the man who wrote the art of the deal said in an article, a long article, that he thinks donald trump being mere the nuclear code would pose a danger to civilization. Rose and you agree with that . I do agree with that, charlie, and i dont look, i dont say that lightly and i dont say it with any satisfaction. Rose donald trump with his thumb on a Nuclear Button is a danger. No selfdiscipline, no selfcontrol, no sense of history, no understanding of the limits of the kind of power that any president should impose upon himself. He has shown none of that rose the most dangerous man ever to run for president of the United States . I believe that, i believe that and again i have known democrats and republican president s, i have been privileged to them, i wa in opposition with a number of the stands that republican president s took but i never doubted that they had a sense of history, they had a sense of their place in history, they understood the enormity of the responsibility that they sought and assumed, i dont see any evidence that he feels that way. Rose why, then, is today in the polls most recent poll within two or three points . Well. Rose because in is a man you just described in such harsh terms close to the margin of error of being even with you. Well, our president ial elections are close, and the campaign is really just starting. Their convention is this week, our convention is next week. And then we are in the you know, in the intense months leading up to the election. Rose do you think the email crisis contributed to the question of trust . Well, i have said that i am very sorry about it and that i made a mistake and it was certainly not a choice i would do again. Rose i want to hear you out on this, you said you were sorry and it was a mistake, it was the wrong thing to do. Yes, i have said that. Rose and some say, what were you thinking about the marble Security Risk when you made this decision . It hasnt been determined there was no hacking. Well, there is no evidence of rose there is no evidence rose some suggested they were very food at it be through is no evidence of it and you exposed as you know charlie, there is no evidence of that. I take classification very seriously. Rose the question well, but it is the question. Rose the question is, did you no, no. There has been so much talk and understandable confusion about all of this, let me just repeat what has been found. That there is no evidence that i was ever breached or hacked, contrary, may i add, to Government Systems for which there is great evidence, and this was looked for. This was not overlooked and speculated on. This was looked for and there is rose you said a private server you were totally aware of this and decide you would not put anything at risk . There is no evidence there was. Rose but the director of the fbi has said, you know, but we dont know. No. Thats not what he said. Rose what did he say . He said that rose cant rule it out, he said. Well, you cant rule it in either and there is no evidence so we could go back and forth on this. I go where the evidence leads and there is no evidence. Rose lets go to what he said, he said careless. Well, i would hope that you like many others would also look at what he said when he testified before congress, because when he did, he clarified much of what he had said in his press conference and i appreciated that. Rose but he said it was sloppy. No, he did not. Rose real sloppiness. No. Rose he said he said. Rose correct me if i am wrong, you know much better than i am i am sure because of the interest you had in it, he said if, in fact, someone said what is the definition of careless. And he said real sloppiness. Rose . Well let me say this, there were three probably at least 300 people on those emails, the vast majority of whom are experienced professionals in handling sensitive material. They did not believe anything they were communicating was chaffed. Classified. It now has been clarified that there were no markings of classified material. There was a little slurry about these little documents that had a little c but that has been a calculator tied by the state department socht you have 300 professionals, this is not i am not communicating with myself, charlie. You have 300 professionals who are accustomed to dealing with this information, i trusted them and i have no reason to have secondguessed their decision to send or forward me information. So i think at the end of the day, do i wish i hadnt done it . Of course. Was it a mistake . Yes. Rose the ill fin temporary is a new move. Cranton, the undercover customs agent is tasked with taking down Drug Networks of the colombian cartels. It was so compelling, not just this fantastic plot, which is true, and brought down the seventh largest bank in the world at the time, but also how this manchurek silence living that dirty life during the day and then going home and being the husband and the father, the helping his kids with homework and taking out the trash and doing fatherly mundane chores. How does he deal with that . And thats what really drew me to the show. Represented the true American Hero and thought it was a story that needed to be told. You invest with me and a portion of your money stays put. A majority of your cash gets filtered through my businesses so3that you are able to do with it what you please. I got trained through an Undercover School that had a lot of former longterm undercover agent that shared their experiences with me, psychologists in it and leadership within the agency that allowed me 18 months to put together a sophisticated front which was my shield i could deal with so that gave me a lot of confidence to be able to deal in my longterm undercover role. So the team really pulled together. You say it is a film about friendship and betrayal. It is. To an extent, if bob mazer who is doing his job well, it means he is garnering the trust from the cartel, or whomever he is infiltrating. Getting them to trust him with, implicitly, and in that, there is a lot of social interaction. He has to dine with them and socialize with them and drink with them and play a party with them and get to know their wives and their families and, you know, intellectually i think you can justify what you are doing. This is his job. This is what i am sworn to do. It is the right thing to do for society, to take town a known criminal. I wonder, though, emotionally to are we always connected to our bodies . Our bodies, our hearts, in other words, saying i like this man, i really like his wife, his kids are nice. And how do you reconcile those two . So if bob is doing his job right, at the end of the two and a haltwo anda half year operatio then reveal himself to being not who he says he is. He then has to have his friend, his acquaintance arrested and them do the best he can to send that person to prison. What other job requires you to do such a thing . So i think, i think it is fascinating on that element and on the element of the duality that he had to live being the family man and being this crooked money launderer. Rose here is a look at the week ahead. Sunday is the induction ceremony of Major League Baseballs hall of fame, in cooperstown new york. Monday is the opening day of the Democratic National convention in philadelphia. Tuesday is olympic Gold Medalist Dorothy Hamills 60th birthday. Wednesday is the day president obama addresses the Democratic National convention. Thursday is the first day of the pga championship in springfield, new jersey. Friday is the opening day of the Montana State fair in great falls, montana. Saturday is the first day of the plate japan beer festival in nagoya, japan. And here is what is new for your weekend. The countrys oldest rodeo, frontier days kicks off in cheyenne, wyoming. The Red Hot Chili Peppers headlined lollapallooza in grand park. And the next installment of the star trek series star trek beyond opens in theaters nationwide. What the hell is this . I know why you are here. Why we are all here. Thats charlie rose the week, but this week from all of us here, thank you for watching, i am charlie rose, we will see you again next from the Democratic National convention in philadelphia. Funding for charlie rose was provided by the following. 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