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Youre really in a position where i think if you had to do it again im not sure you could. I went through a period of two years that was truly tough. Charlie in what way . Well, you know, you have parents and you have people that adore you and you have people that for 15 years nothing went wrong then all of a sudden the world seems to come to an end. It was incredible. Charlie did you have to go through your father and say bail me out. Help me through the crisis. My father wont have been in a position but he supported me morally. I have a sister whos a federal judge and shes very strong. Shes a fantastic woman. I never knew to loyalty whether shed be there and she was there in spades. Other people were there. The other incredible thing is you cant tell whos going to be there and whos not. I would have bet my life on certain people. I would have said politically speaking that somebody you know, andrew stein would have been there and he wasnt. Charlie there for what . For 15 years i supported him andrew stein. I never asked him for a thing. When i needed a vote at the end when everybody else was on board he was not there and i was surprised. Now ultimately he was there but i shouldnt have been difficult. Charlie here comes one of the things they say about you is that ticks within you a vindictiveness about you and you wont forget and part of the trump style is at some point youll try to get stein back. Well, i dont think im going do that. Im disappointed in him and not in others. There were people a man like Allen Greenberg who would call me every day charlie what would he say. Just keep fighting. Hes a phenomenal guy and why theyve done tremendously well but allen has been a loyal friend and ive had a lot of other loyal friends and i guess ill go into this book in the third book and if i do a book its a bestseller. I think this will be the best book because i believe i know more now than i did for the other two. Charlie did you think you were invincible. I didnt because id seen too much but i had a 15 year run that was virtually unpress unprecedented run and there was an article that said welcome to the 90s, donald and everything was crashing and i learned a lot about myself. Charlie you keep say you learned. What did you learn . I think i learned for real im a pretty tough guy. It take a tough guy hey, it takes the brains and this and a toughness. Because to go through a period of turmoil where everything seems to be going in the wrong direction and survive it and end up as they say in my new magazine covers are coming back. Charlie greenberg said trump went from owning 100 of nothing to 50 of something thats making money. Fair . I think thats what he said and he said making a lot of money. Charlie that the right. He did say that. The casinos turned out to be tremendous and some people criticized them and new york is coming back on a slow basis. I dont know how long its going to take but the casinos in particular have been fantastic. Its just worked out for me. It hasnt worked out for a lot of other people. I think part of that is about an inner strength and thats what ill be talking about and ill talk about the loyalty of other people and how you treat other people so maybe they are loyal. Charlie did it split the family or cause division between you and your brother . It didnt cause division. I was a little disappointed in my brother. I thought he would have fought harder than he did. I was the oppose of my sister. I have a sister whos a phenomenal lady charlie this is the judge . The judge. My other sister likewise was tremendous. My parents have always been and id expect them to be. One of my attorneys said always count on my mother. I maybe took advantage of my mother and maybe never appreciated her as much but shes fantastic. Charlie it was said you came out of defense of mike tyson and your mother said enough, donald. Thats the first time my mother got angry at me. My mother was so crazy when i came out in defense of mike tyson. And part of the reason charlie shes 80 . 80 years old. Charlie tough . More than tough shes quality. Charlie she said what . He didnt exactly like the fact i was defending iron mike but i watched what happened to him and how badly he was represented by an attorney in washington charging him 300 million from an attorney and i watched the way he did it and i heard about a girl that late in the evening knocked on his door was taken in. I dont know. I think he with you badly represented but i did see that number one she knocks late in the night and two shes dancing at a beauty contest at 8 00 in the morning and i saw the tape and shes dancing happily in the morning and now mike tyson is in jail three and four years. I had a real problem with don king and the lawyer. Charlie but it was determined he raped her regardless of why she came there. I dont know that it happened and i think as they said, if he didnt testify he would have been exonerated. He was arrogant. He was a horrible witness and i would say generally speaking you dont put him on aa witness. He was horrible witness and to get four or five or six years there were too many circumstances. She was in a beauty contest and dancing with a big smile on her face at 8 00 in the morning. Charlie but the jury listened to her too and test her credibility as they heard it and its the same man that represented John Hinckley and had an extraordinary reputation in a very Good Washington firm. Ive soon mike and people really take advantage of this man. I think this is one of those examples. I know we have a system of jury and if youre found guilty youre guilty but i think hey, mike tyson in my opinion should be given another break. They put him in jail before he was even guilty. Charlie do you feel hell ever fight again and be a heavyweight champ. I think hell fight again. In the prison hes in they dont allow fighting. Ali was a unique man. Maybe mike will come back. I think mike probably will be the champion again but you have some young heavyweight fighters like lennox lewis is who is phenomenal. Charlie do you think holyfield is going to lose . I think the next champion is going to be lennox lewis. Charlie he did a number first round. He knocked him out and he went 18 or 20 rounds. Charlie thats the claim to fame. Lennox lewis is probably the real thing and the first real thing since mike and hes younger and this and that. Charlie what is your fascination are you an athlete . Scratch golfer . Scratch golf. Charlie par 72, 73 on good courses up against good players. Up against good players. Charlie for money or not so much. I like for money because it gives you an interest. Theres a point at which you cant push you have to wait and see how the chips are falling. In the adversity period. Id go on the golf course and sometimes id go with friends who are good golfers and you dont think with the problems of the world and again i like to blame myself but frankly i was doing so well and so easy i took it easy and i started relying on other people and said listen you, went to the Warton School of finance and you take care of this and i stopped and then i got rid of people and did it myself and since then things have been fantastic. Charlie is 1992 the best year of your life . It came together financially speaking and in so many other ways. Charlie i reel all these numbers and this is not Investigative Journalism and we are interested in what makes you tick and we dont have the resources but do you owe 5 billion . At one point i owed close to 5 billion and had assets close in excess of that and the tax load was stupidity by the politicians. Charlie a lot of people supported that. The Tax Reform Act of all time and jack kemp too did he not . I like a lot of the people you mentioned and they didnt support. He destroyed this homebuilding industry in the United States and destroyed the savings and loans. Charlie with the reform act . What happened is incentive was taken out of the Real Estate Industry and the industry such as savings and loans and the values plummeted. So the Savings Loans had billion in real estate that is now half. Charlie you know better than i do the savings and loan crisis came about because they lent a lot of money to developers that were bad loans and shouldnt have been made. Thats true. I have to say its 100 true but a lot of that was exacerbated and loans that could have been good were made bad because of the change because of the 1996 tax law change. All of a sudden you had changes. Charlie and some people came along and made a ton. Some made a ton. Charlie one person made 1 million. Hes a good man i hope he did but its the governments fault. They have fought have to put the incentive back into real estate. Charlie people with great entrepreneurial gifts like you get yourself extended too far and then what happens in america as the a Business Cycle and when the economy go up and down if you get your stuff extended too far and have a huge debt service push comes to shove and you find yourself in a very very between a rock and a hard place and its extending yourself too far that causes so many people to come to that. Im not going to not take blame for that. I think everybody takes blame because the only people that dont get in tloubrouble are th people that dont do anything. People said how can you build a 1 billion. It takes time. Charlie one arguments about riverside flat is that you faced opposition on the part of the Planning Commission. A lot of people who did not want to see a Huge Development over there you turned it around and most people give you the credit for turning it around. It was a 120 vote and did you make so many concessions its no longer an economically viable project. Today you can have the best piece of land in new york and nothings viable. When i did the hotel the market was in shambles and everybody said youre crazy and by the time it opened it was tremendous. Charlie but would it have been as successful without the zoning and abasement. No, but i got concessions and now were asking for certain things and every Civic Association virtually in new york is supporting it. Charlie but because of the concessions you made with the subway and the park and so the question remains can you deliver . The market comes back and you deliver. If the market doesnt come back you dont deliver. Maybe clinton will come up with a Housing Program with subsidized housing. We have an area thats ratinfested and if i get the zoning if the city turns around and the incentives are put back in real estate charlie those are ifs. Theres always ifs. When i did trump tower everybody said it was too big and expensive and turned out to be the most successful Condominium Development in the country. Charlie but is it profitable . Yes and the most successful condominium complex. People thought i was crazy to do it and it worked out to be fantastic. You can say the taj mahal and trump law plaza. Charlie who makes the decision when to go . Is that made by you or the bankers . The city is lucky to have the bankers i have on my job because theyve invested a lot of and have confidence in me and in the city and frankly theyre very lucky because otherwise it could be a were a this or that and that would be bad for everybody. I have great banks on this particular site and theyve gone with me and believe in me and ill tell you what, ultimately the decisions going to be good. Charlie they say when you owe as much as you did they become your partners. Some are in deep trouble. Charlie are they in bankruptcy . Theyre in deep trouble. The banks my banks have had a great confidence in me. They know im good and do it the best and im honest. Charlie do they have a choice . Im not there to get the loan back. Im not saying it was easy but they had a choice and they could have gone a different route. Charlie whats the route they could have gone . A contentious route rather than working with me it could have been contentious and it would have been bad for me and them. Charlie they could have put you up against a wall and said you owe us this money. It would have been bad for me including them and they understood that. I found out a couple things about banks. First i find the banks to be very underrated in terms of the intelligence level. The whole thing. Ive worked with the banks closely for years and theyve done a fantastic job at least as far as my stuff is concerned. Theyve done great for me and ive done great for them. I think in 12 months i may be stronger than two or three years ago. I think i will be stronger. Id like to see an uptick in the market. Charlie why do you think youll be stronger . Youve given up equity . The story is ive given up equity. I sold the shuttle charlie you made more than you sold more than what you paid for. I reduced my debt by hundred of millions of dollars by the sale of the shuttle. If i sit down win a pencil and paper we can maybe figure it out in five years its a longterm deal and i got rid of a lot of debt and personal guarantees. Charlie unsecured loans from friend friends. If you take the Casino Properties i have 80 of the taj mahal. Charlie is it making a fortune or generate fortune in revenue but has a fortune plus in expenses. It has a big fortune in expenses. Its a fourstar. Charlie how much in the end is netnet cash . I hear a lot of is flowing in but theres a lot of money going the other way. Well have probably 80 million in interest. I think it could have a cash flow of 40 million to 50 million. The taj mahal has turned out successful and i own 100 of trump plaza. I sold very little. Charlie why would your friend from bear stearns say you used to own 100 of assets that were worth nothing and now he owns 50 of things that are making a lot of money. Whats the difference . I own 50 of the castle. I am also paying less interest because i sold 50 to bond holder and in return i got a reduction in debt and interest so its making more money. In Atlantic City i owe 100 and thats turning out to be fantastic. Because of the fact charlie if youre a winner theyre a winner. They dont want to seem like a winner. Charlie let me stay with that image. Was it embarrassed for you they say about you they took his toys away. His yacht away. I sold it. Charlie did the banks put you on an allowance or not. Help us understand how bad it got for you and whether you said wow. I didnt love waking up in the morning. Charlie you were the big winner and then suddenly the papers started saying trump in trouble. Golden boy no longer has the midas touch. The hardest thing about life to understand in baseball if you get 15 runs in the first inning and you dont get any more runs you still have 15 runs at the end of the game. Generally speaking youll win that game. As sad as it is to say. Charlie a la the atlanta braves. In life i was 150 and then had one very bad year. Maybe my fault because there were a lot of peoples fault and there was the governments fault. I have to tell you, eight of smart trouble are in real big trouble and im not and a lot of smart people are dead, theyre gone, theyre buried. Charlie and why are they bur buried, gone, history and you are alive and well . You have 15 great years and one bad year and youre only as good as your last article or what youve done. You take a guy like harry humphrey. He had 50 great years and unfortunately he married leona. Poor guy. Harry, get rid of her leave her alone, find a new woman if you can. And he marries leona and now has a couple bad years to put it mildly and now the scores 50 2. He has a fall year and it should be 502 thats a good record. I had one bad year and one and a half real bad years. It was a struggle. It was surviving at the top. I wrote the book surviving at the top. It wasnt pleasant. Charlie did you of lose confidence and say i may not get out of this . No. Charlie not once . The reason i didnt say it is because i had to do it myself. I built what i did myself by working long hours and working hard and smart. More importantly than anything else using my own brain. There was a point where i was making so much so fast and it was so easy i almost got bored and now im writing about this. Charlie i should believe you hear saying in a way this was good because it gave me a chance to test myself and made me hungrier and leaner and therefore i pay attention. I think when i look to the future it was good and i had to do it myself. I had Riverside South for five years and went through a succession of executives in charge. A year and a half ago i took it over myself and i got a 120 vote and you were told i did it myself. Charlie i read. Guest you cant believe everything you read but i did do it largely myself with a gruoup of people. I spearheaded something i think would turn out to be a great thing. I went back to work and why i survived and who knows. You lost during this period three Key Executives who died in a Helicopter Crash and went through executives and put your lawyer in charge. You had a divorce. Fair to say people were laughing at you about the adivorce. I was living in new york and we were amused and some people said enough of this. I couldnt help it. You were feeding the columnists too. It wasnt a feed. It was a frenzy. I called up a person at a new york tabloid and i said dont put it in and he said i have to were selling papers like crazy. I think for 28 days in a row and this swamped everything it was big and crazy and out of control and had all the elements of a soap opera. Charlie did it bring satisfaction to you you got out of the marriage then you would have at another time. Some people say i dit purpose. Some say you used the adversity that you better make your deal now. I was happy to pay ivana because if i would have ended up with nothing she and the children would have been taken care of and that was important. At one point i was being sued by 2 billion from her and that would have been nasty and charlie if you hadnt bottomed out and put pressure on her. It wasnt a question of pressure. There was a point where she probably thought i wasnt going to make it. She just had to read the New York Times and they were making predictions about me and the bad is when youre doing bad they go the other way and did it the other way times ten. Had i not been involved in a glitch i dont think wed be here id be studying for a trial. It got so bad and the stories began getting so bad she said i better take what im entitled to according to our contact and got the 10 billion plus this and that and probably a package of 25 million. I think her lawyers were horrendous. She could have gotten more with better lawyers. Charlie more amenable in a settlement. Ivana decided to hire these characters that were just looking for fame and fortune for themselves and they did a bad job for her. My folks did a great job for me and i had a wonderful lawyer but in the end im saddened by it because i would have preferred the initial deal. She was poorly represented in this divorce. Charlie you must have some sensitivity for a woman and you seem all powerful and she doesnt know and has to lean on to the advice she gets. She was leaning the wall street journal im not even saying the stories were wrong. Ive done things but im not saying they were wrong at the time. The economy was atrocious and the business was bad and the real estate business was horrendous and the casino business was bad and were opening up the taj mahal in the middle of the world and everyones at home. Charlie and reading about you and another woman. Guest i never left for another woman. I left because i got tired of the ballroom gowns and the nonsense. Charlie whats that mean . Guest i dont necessarily believe the socalled Charity Events but the people that have them are probably the least charitable people ive ever met and have them for their own villiv villiv villive i look at the table settings at the plaza hotel and the other places and in the end i dont think they make a hell of a lot for charity and i look at united way where the man gets paid millions to run it and i look at charities. Ive started charities and theres few wellrun charities. You got tired of the balls . I got tired of the scene and some i like and some i dont. Theyre a vicious breed. Charlie some would say this is a guy on top of the world and he wanted to have his cake and eat it too and date young attractive woman who viewed him as a giant catch and an interesting man to be with. Guest i think its great. Ive never had a better time charlie whats great about it. I can do what i want. I can be with who i want to be with. I really like it and i would tell you if i didnt and by the way i think at a certain point i wont like it and get tired of it. Charlie and settle down . I think ill settle down strongly but at this point i do like it. I had a fabulous life in many respects. Charlie great kids. Fantastic children. Great children and i love them and that was so worthwhile. I have another friend who was also fantastic for a fairly long period of time and i just didnt want to settle down. I didnt want to get married. I didnt want to marry marla and i didnt want to settle down. Im just not ready for it. Its not me. Its not right now. Charlie is that what killed that relationship . A lot of things perhaps killed it but probably thats the predominant thing. I was very antsy and didnt want to settle and dont forget im busy. Im doing Different Things and im so happy now. I enjoy getting up and going out to the wars and the wars are now becoming battles and its just worked out well. You cant devote lots of time to a relationship when you go through this. Charlie theres also a piece that you love the limelight and publics adulation something. The mirror of something is somehow important, confirming true . I dont think so. I think i got used to it and do well in it. Its great for my business. The fact is my casinos are up more than any casinos in the United States. Were number one, two and three in increases in Atlantic City every month. Charlie at the same time the most profitable. Its one thing to be up in revenue. Youre not saying necessarily theyre the most profitable. The taj mahal has the largest gross profit by any casino by far. Charlie and the most gross. The biggest gross and largest gross in profit in Atlantic City. Now, ill say this, when people thought i was going down they sort of deserted me. Charlie who deserted you . Im talking about customers not local friends or this, that the. When the taj mahal customers even the condominium customers thought i was going down for the count they really deserted me. I have to say. Now that they see me doing well again and that im back and have crazy magazine covers one of the reasons my casinos are up so much more is charlie are you saying it makes sense to promote this. Look at this picture. You like this being dont you . You promote that because it says donald is back and its good for business so you want people to believe youre back. Its late in the evening and youre a fantastic guy and we did this in new orleans but here we are doing an interview. I think well have a good time and hope you get good ratings too. Charlie exactly. It happens to be great for business. It was nice if its the other way if you have problems charlie but apart from all that, ego. I have an ego. Ive never met a successful person. Charlie neither have i. Nevertheless, you love the limelight and beyond the business and what it does and the trump image. Like it. You like the fact theres security guys ahead of you and behind you and adulation and women want to be with you and wherever you go theres flash bulbs and this kind of thing. You like it. I dont mind it. Charlie you dont mind it . I use to like it more. I probably would miss it if it werent here. I probably would. Charlie its part of your its been wild but i also think its great for business. Its great for the casino business and condominium business. They just came out with a report that trump apartments sell more on a square foot basis than any apartment in new york by far. Its not even close. A lot of that is all the nonsense. Charlie let me talk about people you ought to say sorry to. One ill raise this person first. The guy in philadelphia. You know who they say you got fired. Remember the guy who did the analysis . He did great. He did well and now im his champion. Charlie you have to look back [overlapping speaking] charlie one man may have lost a job because you leaned on him. Hes a tough go and savvy guy and now my biggest champion. In fact he used the world brilliant. Charlie whats his name . Marvin. He was a great critic of me and now saying im brilliant. Charlie you did him a favor by getting him fired . In the long run i think hes doing better. Charlie so you did him a favor . Dont you regret that . That the life. You cant look back. If you look back there are things you would have done differently. Charlie what would have you done differently. Guest i probably would have sold some other things. I think i would have treated people differently. I think some of the people that were most loyal to me i think i would have treated them differently and different groups differently. I would have wiped the floor with the guys that were not loyal which is great because i love getting even with people. Charlie you love getting even with people. Absolutely. Charlie you are going to get even with some people . Given the opportunity. If given the opportunity ill get even with people that were disloyal. Charlie how do you define disloyal . They turned their back on you. Give me one example. I had one man who frankly was on the board of a company that i was selling and it was a tremendous sale for me. It was a great sale. Would have been a very helpful sale and end up going through but charlie the shuttle. No, it doesnt matter which company and it was a great thing for me and i only put him on the board because i thought i was doing him a favor and got some money and contributed nothing. I had five board members. When it came to time everybody said im leaving. Everyone left except this one particular person said i dont want to leave. When i heard about it i went nuts and blasted him and all of a sudden he left. I consider that a great act of disloyalty. I put him on the board. Now, he did leave like andrew. Andrew end up in favor of riverside but i never asked him for anything. Its a great job. He had to do a charlie how can you get even with andy stein. Its not a question of getting even. You can be disappointed in people. Charlie you said an eye for an eye. How would you hit him back . Time will tell. Charlie but looking for the opportunity . Im disappointed with him and im disappointed with another man who wouldnt get off the board. He got off after being hit over the head with the cannon. Charlie what was the cannon. That was me. Charlie what was the threat . Going to the papers. The threat was a strong threat. He would have gone through a lot of hell if he didnt and then gets off and acts like hes doing me a favor. Like a great joke of the century but he got off and the deal went through but it doesnt mean i have to love this particular guy. I want somebody loyal from the beginning not loyal because theyre afraid or because this or that. I think again i think the new book and i dont know why im promoting a book thats not coming out for three to four month but the most interesting aspect well do that for the national. Forget the local stuff. I think the most interesting aspect is the loyalty area and chapter. Charlie you measure loyalty in termed of your own relationship with roy kuhn. . Im so loyal to people when someones slightly disloyal i look at it as a great act of horror. David denkins has had one hell of a comeback in the last six months and you saw what happened. People like the man. Ive been with him and watched him and hes become a popular guy. I think hes going to be hard to beat in a lot of ways. A year and a half no one wanted to run against george bush and it took a man who wanted to run because he was unbeatable. There was no way to beat this guy. Charlie he looked like he could win reelection. You support him over juliani. Im not anowsing im not announce who will im supporting. Charlie did he help you Planning Commission . He was tough and strong and communityorient and for the people. And he said he would support the job. Charlie there was a guy on the political scene ross perot. Were i a billionaire . Did you actually have what were you up to . Maybe what i have now. Nobody knows what im worth. Whats the taj mahal worth or the center. I have no idea. Charlie you said the plaza was a trophy. A different place. Its a trophy. Its unique and theyll pay a premium for the best. Did you pay too much for the trophy . When i bought the plaza i was offered a huge profit and i didnt take it. It was a son sort yum of people. Con consortium and i love my purchase of the plaza and diversitys a funny thing. Its a question of how many bad shots do you hit. Not so many good shots but bad shots. Charlie minimize the bad sho shot. Its a question of how do you stay out of trouble. Its already turning out to be a good deal. Charlie in golf you were playing you have to go over the water and sometime dont make it and you get to bogie land. Are you back to par . I think in six months ill be stronger than three and four years ago. I restructured things in the early 90s and now its turning out to be good. Who knows, well see what happens. Lets see what happens with the economy. Ross perot is willing to spend and got 18 to 19 of the vote. There was a time you were teasing america you were going run for president. People said that. I never did. Charlie you didnt think it was an interesting idea. I wanted to go to new hampshire. Charlie you knew what youre appearance would do. I have no idea how much talk would be generate and had no intention for running for president. I will say this, ross perot he made monumental mistakes. Had he not dropped out of the election and made the gaffs or had three or four bad days and they were bad days he could conceivably have won the look. Charlie some others have said the same thing. At the same time whatever made him to do as well in part he was effective in the debate and at the same time maybe you have to take with the good of the bad and part of the personality makeup of making him 2 billion create med paranoia. The problem with politics and politicians you cant have done very much wrong and that means you cant have done anything. And i do a lot of things and most turn out good but some were bad and if at the hit you with bad it makes it more difficult. Charlie and i think f. D. R. Said im proud of all my enemies. Ive earned them. What enemies are you proud of . He did a lousy job as mayor. Hes a promoter. Hes very much of a promoter. He did not do a good job as a mayor because i was able to build it in four months and built it for a tenth what they did and i got tired of people sitting down and not working and not doing it right and having no planning or leadership. Instead of saying donald, you did a great job he went around saying i think we could have done it if wed done this and that. Charlie what other enemy are you proud of . Im not proud of enemies. Id like to have good friends but im not proud of enemies. Charlie is your father the seminol seminole influence in your life . Id say my mother and father. Charlie together . Yes. Charlie what way did they influence you differently . Theyre different people. My dad is a businessoriented guy but a good man and if somebody said i need 100, 200 my father has the softest touch for people in trouble. Hes a great humanitarian in that sense but hes a strong man. You would think of him as cold but hes not cold and my mother is openly warm. Charlie except for when it comes to mike tyson. It took 40 years. Charlie she made you like yourself growing up. She did. Shes some woman. Charlie greenberg in the new York Magazine article said if donald gives you his word its good as gold however he said sometimes i have a bad memory. Charlie it leaves you wide open to the fact. It raises the question can you trust what donald says. Hes a great friend and i think he meant that jokingly. I dont know. Charlie what brings you the greatest satisfaction now . I used to think continued success but i got bored by it and enough is enough. I think right now im proud with the way ive handled things. I think ive handled things well from a business standpoint. Charlie somebody who steps forward second said this is donalds hype. Hes a giant promoter. You just have to look at the numbers in the casino journals and its been a tremendous comeback. Im not saying im as far back as i will be in six months. Im back and not in any trouble and doing well and making money. The money is not as important as people would be to a guy like me but it is a scorecard. Charlie so what is the most important thing for a guy like you . The way ive survived and the image during the survival period. People havent seen me going to a corner and putting my thumb in my mouth and say i give up. This kid doesnt give up and some people give up. You wont be doing interviews with them but some people did give up and many tough, smart killers gave up. They just gave up and said i cant do it anymore. I think the way in which i survived was important to me. Charlie out of the comeback. Youre writing this alone . Im doing this one alone because i want my flavor. Ive had two wonderful writers. I want to get my own flavor. Its become somewhat of a passion because i think people will learn a lot. Charlie good toj p e you. Thanks very much. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. 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