Transcripts For KQED BBC World News America 20170524

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Crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. And now, bbc world news. Jane this is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i am jane obrien. More arrests in the Manchester Bombing as the investigation spreads to libya. Salman abedis father and brother are also in custody. This is a network we are investigating and it continues at a pace with extensive investigations going on. Jane britain publicly reduce the u. S. Over leaks of information. British Officials Say it is frustrating and undermining. A match not entirely made in heaven. Pope francis meets with President Trump at the vatican after public clashes over Climate Change and immigration. Jane welcome to our viewers on Public Television and around the globe. The investigation into monday nights bombing in manchester is moving fast. Police say they are looking at a network of people and not just the bomber, salman abedi. More people have been arrested in manchester and other cities and salman abedi are in custody. s father and brother gavin hewitt starts our coverage. Gavin late morning, central manchester, and a raid on a block of flats, part of the huge operation to discover the network of the manchester bomber. The Police Believe she stayed there and was recently as a 7 00 monday evening, the night of the attack. Todays operation involved armed units, some wearing military clothing. Got to the front door and was greeted by an armed Police Officer with a mask and a machine gun. Gavin to gain access to the apartment, they blew down the door. Other police units arrived, looking for any signs of a bomb factory. There have been raids and parts in different parts of the city. This one involved armed units. Police regard themselves as in a race against time, trying to find other members of the network to prevent further attacks. This was just one of a number of Police Operations carried out in manchester today. You will be aware that the level of activity in the investigation is intense and at a fast pace. Is continuing i think it is clear that this is a network we are investigating, and it continues at a pace. Gavin Late Afternoon and a new arrest, this time on a street in wycombe. A man detained. Police say he was carrying a suspicious package. Reading this morning, and this is the Scottish Parliament in edinburg. Outside downing street, soldiers were patrolling alongside police. 3800 troops will be deployed. Elsewhere, the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace was canceled. A nation living with the expectation of imminent attack. We have gone to a critical level in terms of the threat. Operation tempora has been invoked. That means there will be additional military personnel coming to backfill armed Police Officers so they can support other areas. Gavin all of these special operations are aimed at discovering the circle linked to salman abedi. It has become clear that he is part of a terrorist cell. Police were examining his house in south manchester. Abedi may have been a mule, a bomb carrier. The bomb makers may still be at large. Abedi returned to the u. K. From libya a few days before the attack. Abedi worshiped that this mosque. One of the trustees condemned mondays attack, although he did not take any questions. The horrific atrocities that occurred in manchester monday night has shocked us all. It has indeed shocked us all. This act of cowardice has no place in our religion or any other religion, for that matter. Gavin on monday, abedi carried out a Suicide Attack at the manchester arena. 22 people were killed and 64 injured. Today the New York Times revealed pictures from the crime scene in the foyer of the manchester arena. The pictures appear to show the remnants of the bombers backpack the metal fragments , used in the attack, and a possible detonator located in abedis left hand. All day in manchester, people have been coming to the town hall to lay flowers and to remember. Just pain, because everybody in manchester seems to know somebody who attended. My daughter had a friend that went. It is like we are all linked together. It is like it happens to someone in your own family. I brought a red, white, and blue rose and spoke some words. Gavin tonight, manchester is a city that knows there may be people in its midst who plan to mass murder and may strike again. Gavin hewitt, bbc news, manchester. Jane a short time ago i spoke with my colleague Christian Fraser, who is in manchester. Extraordinarily complex investigation linked to libya. What can you tell us about the people in custody . Christian there have been a number of arrests in libya. Salman abedis father, known to the Security Services here, and his younger brother, and that follows the arrest of another brother ismail. , there has been an arrest in today, a man pulled off a bus. Quite dramatic pictures of that arrest. There was focus on a package he had. Lots of different threads, jane, that need pulling together, and how significant they might be for the investigation. Jane what is happening where you are . There is a lot of noise and people gathering behind you. What is happening and what is the mood there . Christian there have been a number of vigils set up around the city. There is a big athletic meeting here at the end of the week. A lot of flowers transported and they have been growing through the day. Families are observing and taking it in with their own thoughts. You can see that at the moment they have broken into spontaneous song. We have had a few occasions were people started singing this is a city known for its culture, its pop music culture and people , are trying to reflect that. Jane the whole country on a critical alert. What does that mean and how unusual is it to see armed military on the streets of london . Christian it is unusual. It has only happened twice before, after the 2005 bombings in london, there were two occasions where the threat level was increased to critical. It means senior Police Officers particularly in london, have , soldiers at their disposal. There are 984 that have been put out so far onto the streets around the country. Critical positions. Westminster, Buckingham Palace, embassies, government buildings, tourist spots, travel hubs. What that does is it frees up armed Police Officers to keep an eye on other areas of the city. Unusual for soldiers because they have different rules of engagement to Police Officers, but ordinarily they would remain under the command of Police Forces around the country. Jane christian, just how nervous are people, this idea that there could be another gunman or bomber on the loose . That this investigation is far from over . Christian i think what is really concerning authorities is that they dont know perhaps who the ball maker was. Who the ball maker was bomb maker was. They might be getting to grips with that can we just dont know. They are pretty sure that this bomber salman abedi was the mule. He carried the bomb but did not create it. Interesting pictures coming out tonight from the center in there are pictures of him carrying a rucksack and through the Shopping Center and it looks like it is a new , rucksack that he bought. He was in the city on friday night. That is important because it gives the police a thread. It is from that position that they would have followed his movements for the next two days until he reappears at the arena monday night. What theyre doing is pull as many of these bomb fragments together and forensic labs will look at that. There may be a signature or fingerprint or something that points towards the bomb maker that would give the crucial piece of evidence towards the next level. Jane Christian Fraser with the latest for manchester. A clearer picture of the bomber is now emerging. We know that salman abedi is born in the u. K. To libyan parents. He went to school in manchester but dropped out of the university. We also know he traveled to libya, returning days before the attack. Ed thomas looks at abedis found background and what may have motivated him. Ed suicide bomber salman abedi, an extremist to attacked the city of his birth. Investigators surround his home, like everyone here, wanting answers. He knew abedi and watched him come and go from manchester to libya. He cant believe what his neighbor did. It is unbelievably disgusting to be honest. , as a muslim, yeah, and a libyan as well. To us, obeying the law of the country is priority number one. Ed talk of erratic behavior, shouting in the streets. The bbc has been told a black flag with islamic writing hung outside his home. They had no idea what it meant. Was it english writing . No. Ed a Community Worker who did not want to go on camera has told us that 2 separate people who knew salman abedi at college rang police several years ago. They say he was supporting terrorism and expressed the view that being a suicide from was suicide bomber was ok. Greater Manchester Police will not comment on the claims. What about the manchester bombers family . This is his brother now under , arrest for supporting islamic state. On his Facebook Page he praised fighters in syria linked to al qaeda. He gave an interview in libya minutes before he was detained, defending himself and his son. Alman doesnt belong to any organization. He doesnt hide things from me. Wouldnt that salman do such a thing, but there are hidden hands behind this. Evidence is he did not travel to syria. Ed were told that he would sometimes take part in praise of this mosque. He is there all the time. He is a guy who announces it. Ed police now want to know if anyone else knew what salman plans and his fathers beliefs. Salman abedis father, he was well known in the mosque . Oh, everyone knew him. Ed good man . He was a good man. Ed he is close to the trustees at the mosque. He had no idea of the familys extremist links. We know he is connected to extremist fighters in libya, groups close to al qaeda. Right. To us it didnt show it all. Problem that people like yourself, good people, dont know who they are with . We have to do more about that. Leaders of the communities, a lot can be done in this mosque. Ed they said that salman abedi was a coward that had no place in their religion, willing to kill and hurt in a city that was once his home. Publicly rebuking the u. S. For leaking information to the media before the police were ready to release it. Senior Officials Says it undermines relationships and the investigation. The New York Times published detailed pictures of the scene, including this one of his backpack. This is extraordinary. A public rebuke to pretends best friend. How ar angry are officials . Nick angry enough to say that it was irritating that u. S. Leaks were reporting the name of the bomber. Then we see extraordinary pictures from the scene of the bomb. Fragments of the rucksack, what seems to be a detonator, the explosive device, pieces of shrapnel. That caused absolute alarm in whitehall, we are told, astonishment and disbelief across whitehall, according to somebody who spoke to the bbc. In the past few minutes, and an extraordinary on the record statement from a National Counterterrorism Police Spokesperson speaking about the importance of relationships, the importance of trust in those relationships when it comes to intelligence sharing, and then saying this when the trust is breached, it undermines the relationship and the investigations and the confidence of victims, witnesses and their families. , it goes on. It is greater when it involves unauthorized disclosure of potential evidence in the middle of a counterterrorism investigation. Jane it is still ongoing. Where is this information coming from . What is the information sharing relationship the u. K. Has with the u. S. . Nick well, that goes back to the years of the war. Britain and america were Founding Partners in the intelligence sharing agreement that involved britain and america but these days new zealand and australia and canada as well. Since 9 11, the level of collaboration has been much greater. What the brits are doing today is quite extraordinary from for these public slap downs, not only from the home secretary, port from this spokesperson saying that the unauthorized disclosure of potential evidence in speaking about these pictures in the New York Times, is really damaging. It is extraordinary that 2 close allies at this very moment i are having this public spat. Jane this is the second time this year that British Intelligence has had to put the record straight with u. S. Intelligence. Nick remember after donald trump accused barack obama on twitter of wiretapping trump tower, sean spicer said some of that information came from the British Intelligence gathering units. Chq used Strong Language to deny that saying it was utter , nonsense and completely untrue. This coming off the back of that , what is possibly the most important intelligence sharing operation there is, is really being seemingly compromise by these constant leaks. Jane not a good time for this to be happening. You are watching bbc world news still to come bbc world news america. Still to come, President Trump meets the pope. Not a match made in heaven, but the relationship seems to be improving. Australian police have conceded 2014ers should in the sydni siege in which two hostages and a gunman died. 18 people were held in a cafe for 17 hours. There was a 10 minute delay between the first gunshot and the police storming into the building. Our sydney correspondent reports. Finally ended a 17 hour siege. Armed officers stormed into the the hostaget dead taker. Questions about the polices actions and they should have gone in sooner. The cafe manager was executed shortly before the police entered. They waited 10 minutes before in. G katrina was killed by the ricochet of police bullets. The family of both the victims said the inquest exposed flaws in the system. Unprepared and under resourced. Was knownthe gunman to the police. He was on bail charged with conspiracy to murder with a history of extremism. It was only during the inquest that the police learned about the polices decision not to enter the building unless there was a death or serious injury. Police was a grand stander who would not act on threats. The police have admitted the rescue team should have been sent in sooner. No blame is being put on the shoulders on the officers on the ground. It has brought answers, but they may never know if a different response would have saved those they lost. Bbc news, sydney. Jane a look at some of the other news. The Congressional Budget Office came out with the assessment of the latest republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care act. 23 Million People would lose their health care by 2026 under the updated plan. Federal deficits would fall by 119 billion in the same period. Duterte said his martial law could be extended across the country. He would not allow abuses, but he would deal harshly with terrorists. Sts killed two policemen and injured 10 others. Suspected suicide bomber was killed in the explosion. And in niche or has long struggled with is lawmaker militancy. Day five trump is on of his international trip. Today, he was at the vatican to meet pope francis. The two men have clashed in the past, most famously during the campaign when the pope spoke out against trumps plan to build a wall on the border with mexico. By both accounts the halfhour , meeting went smoothly. For more, i spoke with a jesuit priest and Senior Analyst at the National Catholic reporter. Father, thanks very much for coming in. These are 2 men who have had very public disagreements, but after the meeting donald trump tweeted that meeting the pope was the honor of a lifetime and he will pursue peace with renewed determination. What happened . I think what happened is everybody stuck to the script for a change, and we have seen that with President Trump during this entire trip. He stuck pretty much to the script. When he sticks to the script, he tends to do much better. It is when he gets off message, starts being creative that he gets himself in trouble. But here it seemed like a very professional meeting between the pope and the president. They had a good exchange. They talked about things they could Work Together on. And you know, they politely exchanged disagreements. Jane you call it a professional meeting. The vatican described it as cordial. These are 2 men who have big personalities in their own way. What do you think the dynamic in the room was like . I would have loved to be a bug on the wall during that meeting between the pope and President Trump. It was only the two of them end to of them and their translators. The pope, i think, made an appeal to him. The pope is a very persuasive person, a very personable person. He is not somebody you can be upset with. I think he spoke from the heart to the president , talked about his concern about refugees, his desire for peace in the middle east. These are all things that the pope wants to work with United States on. Jane what about the 2 big issues they disagree on, Climate Change and immigration . How would those issues have come up in this conversation, and would there be any room for reconciliation . Well, i think the pope would make his position they are, but position clear, but he would present it politely, not argumentative. But say that we have to protect the earth. He calls it mother earth. This is an obligation that we have. The pope was trained as a scientist before he went into the seminary, and he trusts the science, he believes the science of Climate Change, he finds it convincing. And i think he would try and persuade the president that this is something we have to be very concerned about because it is going to have an impact on future generations. Jane very briefly, the president was overheard saying as he left, i will remember what do you say it, or i wont forget what you said. Do you think he will . I well, lets hope he remembers what he said. The pope is a persuasive person. Jane thank you very much for joining me. Youre welcome. Jane you can find more on at the president s visit and the latest on the Manchester Bombing at our website. Check out our Facebook Page. I am jane obrien. Thank you for watching bbc world news america. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the Freeman Foundation and kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. Planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. You can find it here in aruba. Families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. Bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening. Im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight a critical threat in britain. New arrests tied to the Manchester Attack as Police Search for a network allegedly behind the bomber. Also ahead this wednesday, oneonone with senator dianne feinstein. A key member of the Intelligence Committee weighs in on the state of the russia investigations. And comeys records. One way or another, theyre going to be turned over. Its just a question of time. His documents are fundamental to the issue of his firing. Woodruff then, we are in rome for President Trumps first meeting with the pope

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