Transcripts For KQED BBC World News America 20170502

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>> this is "bbc world news america." funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits from newman's own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs, and aruba tourism authority. >> planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. you can find it here in aruba. families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm, sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. nonstop flights are available from most major airports. more information for your vacation planning is available at >> and now, "bbc world news." tim: this is "bbc world news america." reporting from washington, i am tim willcox. "i'd be honored" --president trump says he would hold talks with north korea's leader under the right circumstances, but what are they? protesters and police in may clashes in paris. the final 2 candidates take aim at each other. and capturing battle and the moments in between. how a new exhibition shows soldiers at rest and those who have been lost. tim: hello, and welcome to our viewers on public television and also around the world. no u.s. president in history has ever met his north korean counterpart, but today, with the rhetoric and military hardware escalating by the hour, president trump said he would be honored to meet kim jong-un in the right circumstances. within hours, the white house spokesman was explaining those circumstances weren't quite there yet. what is going on? mr. trump's comments came as japan showed support for the united states by employing a worship to protect a supply vessel. rupert wingfield-hayes reports. rupert: it is the pride of the japanese navy, the biggest worship the country has built since world war ii. today's departure is hugely symbolic. it will escort and protect this u.s. navy supply ship and will respond with force if it comes under attack. military, this is another big step away from pacifism. just across the sea of japan, satellite photos show north korea is preparing for another underground nuclear test. speaking on sunday, u.s. president donald trump again warned pyongyang not to go ahead. president trump: i would not be happy. if he does a nuclear test, i will not be happy. i don't believe the president of china complete is very respected man, will be happy. rupert: if pyongyang is worried, it is not showing it. today in vowed to go ahead with the nuclear test at any time and at any location. this comes 2 days after north korea test fired another of its growing family of ballistic missiles. the fifth test this year. vinsonle, the uss carl carrier battle group has finally arrived in waters off the korean peninsula. the huge ship and its escorts are very potent symbol of america's military might, but what are they here to do? president trump is not giving many clues. president trump: i just don't want people to know what my thinking is that eventually we will have a better delivery system and if that happens, we can't allow that to happen. rupert: for the first time u.s. president acknowledged the terrible consequences that could result of a military strike against north korea. president trump: massive warfare with potentially millions of people being killed. that come as we would say, trump s trade. rupert: tensions are higher than at any time since north korea's young dictator, kim jong-un, came to power in 2011. despite the heated rhetoric, neither side wants a conflict. when tensions are high, so are the dangers of miscalculation. rupert wingfield-hayes, bbc news, tokyo. tim: for more on the escalating tensions on the korean peninsula and president trump's willingness to meet kim jong-un, i spoke earlier to p.j. crowley, a former spokesman for the u.s. state department. honored"e "i would be is so extraordinary here. >> it is stunning. i thought back initially to president bill clinton as private citizen went to pyongyang in 2009 and exchanged a meeting for freeing 2 journalists who had crossed over the border. it is something that he did for a deal. but it is not something he necessarily enjoyed. tim: what is going on here? within an hour, sean spicer said the circumstances aren't in there at all, rolling back from what resident trump said. does that suggest note communication? >> i think the first part of what president trump said it -- you could envision if there was a meeting as a crowning piece on denuclearization, you would make that deal, under the right circumstances. but this aspect of honoring a leader who is responsible for the deaths of millions of his killeds, had his uncle because he thought he was a rival power center, this is not someone that by any stretch of the imagination is a leader you want to do business with. tim: even though not many people have spoken to kim jong-un -- >> dennis rodman is the only american to have done it, as far as i know. tim: is there any suggestion that this is bring major on his part -- this is brinkmanship on his part? >> i think president trump deserves credit for putting the stock on the american agenda, and he is leaning on president xi to be more helpful with his, and there is some indication that the chinese are doing what they can do. the real dilemma is president trump suggests he is a deal maker but there may not be ideal available. interview said in the today, if there were another nuclear test we would take that seriously. what are the dangers of this escalating further and america being backed into a corner? >> i think that is absolutely a concern. his rhetoric saying we will have to deal with this one way or another does put the credibility of american power at risk. if he is required to take military action, it immediately puts tens if not hundreds of thousands of south koreans at risk. tim: what more can president xi do? what more sanctions can china impose? >> this is the dilemma here. the essential deal is you de nuclearize, you have a normal relationship with the rest of the world. what kim jong-un is trying to do a say i wanted t normal relationship and nuclear weapons. notwithstanding it is most heavily sanctioned country on earth right now, there is a building boom there, the economy has stabilized. that is all about china. the president has the right target here, but realistically, how far will china go? not as far as he wants. tim: p.j. crowley, thank you there were violent scenes on the streets of the french capital today during the traditional mayday march please officers were hurt in skirmishes as the fight for the presidency grows more intense. both candidates used campaign events to launch a stinging attack on their rivals on issues that are central to the future of france and europe at large. lucy williamson has this report from paris. lucy: the second round of french elections has been the graveyard of far right dreams of power. used to facing a united front of all arrivals, marine le pen is calling on voters to unite against someone else, or liberal opponent, emmanuel macron. pen: the enemy of the french people is still the world of finance, but now it has a name, it has a face from it has a party, it wants to be elected, and it is called emmanuel macron. lucy: her campaign has become ever software, a woman of the people, a mother, and protector of what she calls the front. >> the french are being fooled less and less. they are fed up taking orders from people who have always deceived them. the barrier now is against emmanuel macron and all he represents. that is the future. lucy: for decades, the national front has influenced french politics from the margins. now marine le pen says the party represents the mainstream on issues like immigration and the eu could but many voters still fear that she would unravel france's democratic traditions, and that fear, as one paper put it, is her political class ceiling. emmanuel macron honored a moroccan man killed by far right supporters two decades ago. a reminder of the controversial history that dogs the national front. but support for the far right is growing here, and on a visit to france's rural heartland over the weekend, he told us that this election was the last call for france's membership in the eu. almost halfyou have of the country angry with the european idea. we need a new european union to protect our people and to regulate our globalization. i follow up and pursued the current functioning of the european union, i will betray my people. getn't want to do so the day after we would have fr exit. lucy: there were scuffles today on the margins of a march, injuring several police. but the success of the far right parties and the shock it used to be, and rather than voting for liberal reform to keep the national front from power, some on the left are wondering whether to vote at all. lucy williamson, bbc news, paris. tim: you are watching "bbc world news america." in other stores, police in california have shot a man dead after he opened fire on people at a swimming pool and residential complex in san diego. 8 people were injured, some of them critically. it is unclear what the man had been drinking in the run-up to the incident. tear gas has again been fired at opposition protesters in venezuela. it has been months since violence erupted across the country in which almost 30 people have died. government supporters also gathered to hear speeches by president nicolas maduro, who announced a 60% increase in the minimum salary, and it calls for the country's constitution to be rewritten. critics say it is another way to stifle the opposition. thousands of demonstrators took part in mayday protests in the united states, including this rally in los angeles. activists marched on city hall, criticizing president trump's orders on immigration. there were depositions in other states such as pennsylvania, wisconsin, and minnesota. and the story seven people have been injured in severe fromlence on a flight moscow to bangkok. these pictures show the .ftermath as russian officials say no injuries are life-threatening but it is pretty shocking. passengers suffered broken bones, three needed surgery. with his first 100 days in the rearview mirror, president trump is looking forward to the next, already kicking off with his apparent willingness to talk to north korea's leader. an invitation has also been extended to the controversial president of the philippines, rodrigo duterte k. then in an interview with bloomberg news, mr. trump suggested he might break up the nation's biggest banks. and he has weighed in on the health care issue. wilson,earlier to read national correspondent for "the hell." -- "the hill." andtations to international pariahs, not even in consultation with the state department. levelre is not the same of coordination with the white house, the national secret counsel, the state department, as there has been in previous administrations, and that risks taking the white house look like it is not exactly following protocol. donald trump likes to say that he wants to be an unpredictable president. in foreign policy, predictability is a good thing. think if heou extends an invitation, he would know what the answer would be, because rodrigo richard i said he is too busy. reid: and the president has extended invitations to the leaders of singapore, thailand, to come to the white house as well. in both cases, it feels like a more off-the-cuff invitation, when an invitation to the white house is highly coveted and can be used as a bargaining chip in future negotiations. tim: let's look at past 100 days and the next now. just before the close of 100 days, there are rumors that perhaps the health care reform bill would go through. the freedom caucus on board still, or where are we on that? reid: the conservative freedom caucus is on board with the current version of the repeal of the affordable care act. however, the moderate tuesday group, a larger percentage of the republican house conference than the freedom caucus is, are saying they cannot entirely support it. republicans can afford to give can -- votes before they they will fail the past something. they have 22 members of congress who say they cannot vote for it. that tells me that in trying to please conservatives, the white house has gone too far. tim: in interviews over the weekend, president trump suggested the details have been sorted out and the premiums would be coming down the that fact? what particular version of this bill is he talking about? been the white house has of three or four mines on various versions of the health care bill could we have not seen actual text of a final version that could pass. this version under discussion apparently has too many republican nos. the white house has a ways to go. tim: in terms of the budget, that has passed, but minus a lot of the things he was committed to. reid: this budget of passes will keep the government opened through the end of september and gives the white house room for negotiations. democrats have sent out a firm line, especially on something like the border wall. they are not adjusted in negotiating that part of the bill. tim: good to see you. you are watching "bbc world news america." still to come on tonight's program, recaptured from islamic state but left in ruins. we are in iraq's christian town to see why people are just so reluctant to return. around 30,000 people disappeared under military rule in argentina. the mothers have been demanding to know what happened to them ever since. they have been demonstrating for 40 years. protest -- it makes their protest one of the world's longest. there are fewer off and some are less able to walk now, but the mothers are more determined than ever to have their voices heard. wearing the white scarves that i become a symbol of their battle for justice, they march in front of argentina's presidential palace khamenei holding pictures of the sons and daughters who were taken -- residential palace, many holding pictures of the sons and daughters who were taken from them decades ago. >> i feel that my heart is shaking. it is good that every day marks the anniversary of the disappearance of our sons and daughters, but today is something very special. it is as if it were the first day we began. reporter: her daughter was one of 30,000 young men and women who disappeared after a military coup in 1976. year, on this day, a group of 14 women came out to confront the dictatorship. the general brought terror to of anyone rounding suspected of being involved in left-wing opposition. the mothers who came out to protest was the same torture and death that many of their children suffered, but they never stopped marching to eventually the mothers have to bring hundreds of torturers to justice. they accuse the current government of downplaying the number of those killed. marches,e than 2000 the mothers continue to demand answers -- what happened to their sons and daughters, and where are those responsible. before the arrival of so-called islamic state in 2014, it was iraq's largest christian town. it was recaptured six months ago as part of the battle for mosul, but few people are returning. many prefer to remain in camps in kurdish controlled erbil. others have left altogether. our correspondent has been there, a once thriving town which is now in ruins. waiting to go home, the christians of qaraqosh came to your be all more than two years ago. their lives are still on hold. we met them on the door to their cramped cabin. they agreed to take us back to qaraqosh to see why it is so hard to return. the area was liberated in october. isis had gone. but it is a ghost town. the father is the only person here. this is where the whole family once lived, 30 people. when they came back last year, they found a burned out, looted wreck. >> if no one cares about this or replaces what we lost, how can i come back? it is a disaster. reporter: six months after liberation, there is no water or electricity, and no plans to repair the damage. as the battle rages on in nearby mosul, the people of qaraqosh feel ignored and vulnerable. >> we are christians, the original people of this place. we want our own christian programs to run by ourselves, to guarantee the future for ourselves and our children. reporter: they were married in the church of st. mary, one of the biggest in the middle east, defaced and burned by i.s. fighters. in the courtyard, signs of target practice. and from the roof, a lifeless panorama. this really does bring it home. outta here on the roof of the church, you look around it in every direction, there is no sign of movement, no one hanging up the washing, no one walking in the street. arrived, there were at least 50 dozen people in qaraqosh -- 50,000 people in qaraqosh. now there is almost no one. people remember how quickly isis swept in before. could it happen again? he runs the only café in town. is up to the iraqi government whether i.s. comes back or not. it is all about security. back,e they won't come but if the security forces withdraw, there's a chance i.s. will return coming maybe even stronger than before. is aner: qaraqosh overgrown, haunted place. the christians who lived here have scattered. some are living abroad. it is hard to see them coming back anytime soon. paul adams, bbc news, northern iraq. tim: more than 2.5 million american soldiers have been deployed to iraq and afghanistan in the 16 years since the start of the war on terror. but the politics of war often gets more attention than the men and women who actually fight in them. the national portrait gallery in washington is quite literally putting faces to those who served with a new exhibition, "the face of battle." jane o'brien went along. jane: in spite of the title, "faces of war," some of the most moving faces in the exhibition show nobody these are the empty bedrooms of fallen soldiers. their very actions creating a haunting presence. -- absence creating a haunting presence. ofis captured in the work stacy. >> this is a picture i took of specialist garcia, caught him chain-smoking. air: and are forced -- an force, photographer, she was wounded twice and awarded a bronze star for bravery. >> we have this idea of a soldier being impenetrable, sort of invincible. what i wanted to remind folks photographically is that there is more to the soldiers than the bullets on the blood, that there is humanity. what happens in the downtime? what do we do with the suspended time between fighting the war? jane: other images capture soldiers in the midst of battle. this work in afghanistan reveals the psychological impact of conflict. and there is more of the unexpected. cataloging is the work of archivist emily prince, inspired by seeing the rollcall of dead soldiers on tv. this is a montage of all the american service men and women have been killed in the conflicts in iraq and afghanistan. intimatetiny, tiny, portraits arranged on this ingrained in which implies some sort of order, but of course it was the chaos of war the cause of these deaths. but what links all these images is their tragic timelessness, a continual threat of war and personification of conflict that has gone on for centuries. >> you just look at the face, that could be gettysburg, it could be yorktown, it could be agincourt. there is an element of commonality and even a common mythic reality of war. war is the most celebrated subject in human history, and what we are doing is linking through portrait photography, linking these men and women back to a tradition of the war. jane: and while the focus of this exhibition is squarely on the men and women who fight, it is also a reminder of the bravery of the image makers. most of the artists in this show have risked their lives to get close to the subject. who createdngton, these pictures, sacrifice his life in 2011 while covering the insurgency in libya. jane o'brien, bbc news, washington. visit.ll worth a just before we go, the mission hush, butit hugsh spacex once the will to know its rockets are reasonable. it's had a spy satellite into space and successfully retrieved the booster rocket for later use. here are the pictures of the unmanned rocket taking off from the launchpad at nasa. the rest of the rocket arriving safely back on earth a few minutes later. no word on what the newly launched a will be doing up in space plenty more on the website. for me, tim willcox, and the whole team here in washington, bye-bye. >> make sense of international news at >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits from newman's own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs, and aruba tourism authority. >> planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. you can find it here in aruba. families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm, sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. nonstop flights are available from most major airports. more information for your vacation planning is available at >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> brangham: good evening, i'm william brangham. judy woodruff is away. on the newshour tonight, congress reaches a deal to keep the government's lights on through september. a look at the first bipartisan agreement of the trump administration. then, we begin our series on the brutal civil war in south sudan. how ethnic cleansing and government corruption ravaged the world's youngest nation. >> civilians are fleeing towns and cities across south sudan because of repeated attacks and they're just turning nto ghost towns. >> brangham: and inside the popular photo-sharing app instagram. we explore how the young tech company has taken the world by storm. >> you would post an image, and anyone anywhere in the world could see that image, and understand what you were trying to say without speaking your

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