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Cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. And now, bbc world news. Laura this is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i am laura trevelyan. The dutch voters have had their say. The exit polls show that the Prime Minister has held off the far right Geert Wilders. Thousands of passwords and emails stolen from yahoo . And michelangelo was undoubtedly one of the renaissance masters. The partnership that shaped his work. Inra welcome to our viewers america and around the globe. The winds of populism are blowing in europe. They campaign focused on the far. Ight leader, Geert Wilders he ran on an antiimmigration platform. Planning to take the netherlands out of the eu, close mosques, and then the koran. If you do not like the idea, dont come to holland. You can decide where to go and where not to go. I hope we have less islam in holland. Islam and freedom are not compatible and we are a free country and you are free to go and leave whenever you want so that is my message. Laura Prime Minister mark rutte s campaign was all about stopping wilders in his tracks. I know the International Journalists are interested in this. It is the third election after brexit. After the american elections, we have the upcoming french and german elections. This is a chance for democracy like the netherlands to make a point to stop this toppling over the dominos. There is the risk that we wake up thursday morning and see s leading the biggest party. Laura we can bring you the results of the latest exit poll. Mark ruttes center right vvd party is projected to win 31 seats out of a total 150, far ahead of the next three contenders, including Geert Wilders Freedom Party and the christian democrat party. The liberals each got 19 seats. We can go to the hague. I spoke about the exit poll results a short time ago. Does it look as though this way for populism, which began with brexit, swept over the atlantic here with donald trump, has stalled in the netherlands . Reporter certainly we can describe wilders as a populist, and if this is at a disastrous result for him it is not the , significant shift in voting he would have been hoping for. There were times he was pulling well ahead of mark ruttes party. It has not materialized on voting day. It has been interesting talking to politicians. Some are resistant to the idea that what is happening in the netherlands is connected to what happened in the u. S. And u. K. , but mark rutte pushed that point heavily. He said there could be a domino effect from brexit to trump to the netherlands and then to france and germany. For some people that was a , persuasive message. He will be delighted in tonights results of the exit polls. We should emphasize it is not a result yet. It looks like he will form a coalition. Laura did Prime Minister rutte have to tack far to the right to defeat wilders, though . Reporter he certainly did go further to the right man several of his supporters would have wanted to do. He made it clear in a number of highprofile statements that if anyone comes to live in this country, they will need to be prepared to adopt certain dutch values. How you define dutch values is a difficult thing to do. He had a stronger message in the last six months then we have seen from him previously. I should mention though, laura, what people are calling the turkey bounds, this highly passionate, vitriolic argument between turkey and the netherlands over canceled rally on sunday has allowed mr. Rutte to seem strong in the face of fierce criticism, and most commentators agree that favored him in the last few days. Laura Marine Le Pen in france will be watching this very closely indeed. What is the message for her, do you think . Reporter well, i think Marine Le Pen would say do not compare mean. I am my own woman, ive got my own party, and the situation in france is quite different. I think she would also point to the fact that Geert Wilders and other politicians have cap into a real frustration that people have with what we might call the western consensus around issues of immigration and free trade and she might say, look, its true, there are a huge number of parties in the netherlands and it makes it hard for anyone any one party to poll really highly. We cannot draw conclusions about how she might do in a completely different electoral system when the french president ial election comes around. Laura thank you. 2 russian intelligence agents and 2 hackers have been charged in a breach at yahoo that affected half a billion users. The hack was in 2014, and the fbi came forward to announce its findings. It comes as the House Intelligence Committee is looking into russian involvement in the u. S. Election. When it comes to those charges by President Trump and his phones that were tapped by the previous administration, this is what the chair of the Intelligence Committee said today. As i said on the issue of the president talking about tapping trump tower, the evidence remains the same that we dont have any evidence that that took place. In fact, i dont believe in the last week of times that the people we talked to i dont think there was an actual tap of trump tower. Laura for more on the wiretap allegations and charges announced for the yahoo hack i spoke with Washington Post columnist david ignatius. We heard the Top Republican on the Intelligence Committee say hes not seen evidence of what President Trump tweeted about. Is that damning . David support for President Trumps allegation weeks ago that president obama ordered a wiretap of his lines is crumbling. Devin nunes, who we just soccer who we just saw was a close supporter of the white house and is in effect backing away from the allegation. I should note that he did also say today that it is very possible that people in the trump campaign, trump transition, were caught up in intercepts that were authorized on russian agents. So this story still is alive. It is just the specific order by president obama, no. Laura the president is keeping it alive himself. He said in an interview that more interesting items will come to the forefront in the next two weeks regarding his claim. What do you make of that . David i think we will discover that incidental collection, as fbi and intelligence agencies were surveilling russian targets, did include people in trump tower. I dont think it is in the president s interest, and it continues the story of russian hacking and contact with trump associates. We are still very early in this process, so i dont want to get too far ahead of the fact. Laura but we do have a key moment on monday when fbi director james comey, who does know all about this, will be in an open hearing on capitol hill. How significant do you expect that to be . David i think he will be very careful and guarded in what he says. It is widely believed i have reported that the fbi is conducting a criminal investigation on this question of russian hacking, involvement in the campaign, involvement with trump associates. Since that investigation is ongoing, the fbi director will not want to disclose sources, methods of investigation, and i think wont want to talk much about the details of what they are finding. Laura given a criminal investigation, which is ongoing, how long is it going to take for these swirling claims about russia to clear . David i think it could be months before the facts are really established. I think congress has an interest republicans more than anyone in clearing as much of this as they can. If there are criminal prosecutions, we have no idea what the evidence is, but if there and up being criminal prosecutions, we could be in the next year before that is resolved. Laura the whole matter of russia is swirling around, and in a separate development, 2 russian intelligence agents have been charged by the Justice Department with hacking yahoo email accounts. Russia, we cannot get away from it, can we . David this case is fascinating in that it demonstrates the evidence compiled in this indictment alleges that Russian Intelligence Service works closely with the russian hacker underground, something that people have often speculated about. I included that in a novel several years ago about this subject. It has been the subject of fiction and speculation. But here is real evidence that people doing criminal activities ended up providing information to the Intelligence Service from which had other uses. Laura Vladimir Putin is watching from moscow, no doubt. What must he be making on what seems to be his outsize influence on american politics and yahoo hacks . David on one level this is a covert action that has had enormous results, tying america in knots for months. On another level, i think Vladimir Putin was hoping donald trump would open the way for a different relationship between russia and the u. S. That is less likely now than it was before the election on 8. Novemberthey have lost out on what they hoped would be an opening. Laura david ignatius, thank you for joining us. Attack targeted a restaurant causing multiple casualties, mainly women and children. The latest in a series of bombings hitting governmentcontrolled areas in series in syria. Spiders consume 400 and 800 pounds of insects. That is approximately the same amount as the meat and fish eaten by humans each year. The economic crash of 2008, Interest Rates were slashed and have barely shifted. The Federal Reserve has upped 2e rates and forecasted additional hikes. Fraseray and christian spoke to an economist for 100 days. Katty the Interest Rate hike is that the u. S. Economy is doing well . Absolutely. Yellen said this is a reflection of underlying economic fundamentals. Strike about what fiscal policy may come down the road. Finally the fe is getting what it expectedd in the economy, and it is reacting the way they expected. It is a validation of the fed the incredible. The statement was less hawkish than many expected, highlighting the symmetry of the inflation target. There was a dissent, but highlighting the symmetry that means the fed is willing to overshoot on information for unemployment to undershoot and reengage workers that have been marginalized. That is a key issue of where the debate will be going forward. Katty this is a question they continue to ask about the u. S. Economy. You have janet yellen sounding optimistic and you say it is a good sign. We hear from American Voters they are underemployed and underpaid, that there is a large section of the u. S. Workforce that is not at all feeling optimistic. That is why they voted for President Trump. Exactly. That is one reason why the symmetry in the inflation target, something the fed has discussed and debated how high they would let it go and low unemployment go, chair yellen is a veteran of the 1990s. Even though she felt she didnt have all of the tools for the economy after the expansion, and later in the expansion without fiscal policy, now they have the ability to let the economy runs a little hot and reengage the workers that remembered the 1990s. Itt happened then and now, is necessary that we need fiscal policy that is better attuned to this. It is necessary to reengage the workers on the sideline. Firms are investing in training. It is something that was cut aggressively during the crisis. They are investing in workers that dont have the skills necessary to employ them, to upgrade their skills. She hopes that will also trigger innovation. Indulge me as a nervous brit itd all of the brexit, if u. S. Is pushing rates will be u. K. Is keeping rates at rockbottom, does that mean it remains low and import prices go up . I think you are stuck with that. Since i will be going to london later, it is to my advantage, but not yours. I was there in faltering the flash crash. Flashfall during the crash. Central bank policies, the ecb is not ending with its dovish inge, but there are hawks its flock. That will be less pushing with accommodation at the European Central bank will slow the appreciation of the dollar. A different situation in the u. K. Uncertainty about the referendum in scotland as well, complicating the mix along with along with the trigger of article 50. It will be hard in terms of inflation. You are watching bbc world news america. They work. Ile Truck Drivers in europe who cannot afford to live in the countries that they work in. Are a Small Business owner, social media can help you grow your profits. In africa getting online can be a challenge, particularly for women. Now there is a new u. N. Initiative. Im really happy to say the ladies are graduating. Foras been so difficult women to have access to a technological background. At this minute i am sending an email to a client abroad. Important because i can make business digital, online, selling my stuff and meet real friends from all around the world. When we know how to use a computer, we can get a job. The teaching changed me. I feel great to see peoples lives changing. Laura Truck Drivers moving goods for ikea and other retailers in western europe are camping out in their cabs for months at a time because they cannot afford to live in the countries they are working in. The east european drivers have been paid at the level they receive in their home countries. A judge has described as inhumane the pack is where the practice where companies are able to exploit loopholes in european law. Reporter in a trailer on the edge of copenhagen in denmark, they have created their very own popup kitchen, cooking from scratch saves them money. This is how you want to have your breakfast . No, i dont want to live like this, but this is the conditions. Reporter he is moving goods for ikea, but they dont employ him. His actual employer is a slow is a slovakian firm. He is paid slovak wages. European union in employment rules state that a driver temporarily posted away from home should be guaranteed the host nations minimum rate of pay and conditions, but companies are exploiting loopholes. A danish driver can expect to take home 2200 euros from 1900 pounds a month in salary. He has been taking home an average monthly salary of 477 euros, or 418 pounds a month. This is my home. This is how i live. This is my bed. Here i sleep. Reporter danish drivers go home every couple weeks, but he spends up to four months on the road. This is the refrigerator. Reporter he says he is responsible for taking his rest breaks, and the company says he can go home whenever he likes. He has just driven from ikea and stops in denmark into sweden. He only ever works in western europe. Sometimes it might be germany or norway. He is being paid as if he is driving in slovakia, yet he never works there. This is the biggest Ikea Distribution Center in the world. It is in germany. In front is a truck parked turned the campsite. Trade unions accuse ikea of turning a blind eye to how companies treat their drivers. Ikea would say this is many different layers of Companies Operating on contracts and they cannot be expected to know. Yeah, but these guys, the moldovan, ukraine, all these guys remove the furniture from ikea. They touch the furniture. How can you deny reporter how can you not know what they are being paid . Yeah. Reporter in a statement, ikea said we take the bbc reports very seriously and recognize the fact that there is a discrepancy between these reports and what we find in our auditing process. It is not just Ikea Andy Dick it is not just ikea and the big retailers that are in the firing line. Europe is under pressure to act on the deterioration in the working conditions of drivers. Laura the explication of drivers. Michelangelo was one of the greatest figures of the renaissance, and we live with his legacy as a sculptor, architect, and poet. Londons National Gallery is shedding new light on his famousnship with a less artist, sebastiano, while revealing the rivalry between him and raphael. Reporter as sculptors go, michelangelo was pretty good. Michelangelo is the peak of skill and virtuosity. Reporter as you can see from this marble carving. It shows the virgin and child with st. John the baptist on the left. If you look at the foot of christ down here, that is about to emerge from the stone. Michelangelo wrote perfectly about the figure being found in the marble. Reporter he was also quite handy at painting. While he was busy decorating the ceiling of the the Sistine Chapel ceiling, and ambitious young artist named raphael came to rome and started to compete with him for commissions from the powerful pope julius ii. A better rivalry ensued. Rafael prospered and michelangelo toiled. It is that moment when michelangelos painting the Sistine Chapel. He becomes friends with michelangelo and they began a very fruitful collaboration. This is the first example. Reporter michelangelo would make preparatory drawings like torso, which sebastiano would render in paint michelangelo was never. Interested in landscape. Sebastiano has a real feel for nocturnal landscape with the ruins on the left and the waterfall there. Reporter the stakes were raised by the cardinal medici. He commissioned 2 enormous altarpieces. Transfiguration from rafael, and from sebastiano, the raising of lazarus. This picture was the center of an extraordinary rivalry between rafael and michelangelo, with sebastiano painting on behalf of michelangelo. It is a proxy battle between michelangelo and rafael. Reporter could sebastiano have done this without michelangelo . He certainly couldnt. Michelangelo was fundamental for sebastianos development. This heroic titanic character of the representations, the figures that are full of dynamic energy, come absolutely out of the mind of michelangelo. Reporter the remarkable creative collaboration continued even after rafaels death but ended in acrimony with michelangelo accusing the welltodo sebastiano of laziness. Laura artistic rivalry bringing pe broad cast to a close do you can find the latest on our website, including the dutch election. The team, go to twitter. I am lauratrevelyan. Thank you for watching. Please, tune in tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs, and voya financial. Voya hey, hows it going . Who are you . Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. I represent the money you save for the future. See, we are putting away acorns to show you the importance of being organized. Thats smart. Who is he . He is the green money you can spend now. Whats up . Oh, you know, going to pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. Tennis racket for a squirrel . Hes got a killer backhand. Voya when it is time to get organized for retirement, it is time to get voya. Bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening, im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight, the House Intelligence Committee chairman voices doubt that former president obama ordered wiretaps of trump tower. But President Trump stands by his claim. Also ahead this wednesday, Malcolm Brabant takes us to turkey where president erdogan is seeking more power during a time of political and religious tensions. The popularity and policies of president erdogan are about to be put to the test in a referendum to determine whether the country should have a United States style executive presidency, but without the checks and balances. Woodruff and, the possibilities of computer connected brains how researchers are experimenting with implants to help people

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