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Katty welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. We start with efforts to solve europes migrant crisis. What sounded like a breakthrough agreement between the European Union and turkey is under fire. Says the plan, which involve sending migrants to in exchange for taking syrians in turkish camps, could violate international law. Correspondent it is not the promised land, but it is better than where they ran from. Thean families stuck on border between greece and macedonia were stunned by rumors whispered through the camp that europe plans to push them en masse back across the mediterranean. All we wanted was to reach safety. If they send us back, all we for risked and done it is nothing. We dont want to live. It is a violent change of course for europe, which spoke of solidarity and helping those in need. Even once welcoming germany and sweden say that enough is enough. Shutess europe is slamming. Is that really workable . Hopedfor deal with turkey, that is where most refugees and others are hoarding me dinghies to enter europe over the greek islands. Wants turkey to crack down on the people smuggling rings. Registered you want from the e. U. . A lot. More money for starters. Originally a was offered 3 billion euros in aid. Now they want double that at least. They say that accepting migrants back from the rate islands is takes Syrian Refugees directly from turkey. There is rekindling turkeys eu membership. Turkey has no hope of joining soon, but it is a political a Political Tool for the government to be seen back in the game. Can these people pouring into greece be turned back. To turkey, with a shaky humans rights record. How quietly can the desperate give up on the european dream and give into forced deportation . View trust in agreement with. Urkey will result in miracles tonight, slovenia and serbia announced controls on migrant injuries, while others along the torant route from greece europes richer north, like austria, say they will keep their restrictions in place for now. Defenseizing border with turkey as a good idea, but you cannot rely on that permanently. We need europewide solutions. Correspondent the eu does not speak with one voice. The migration crisis is ripping europe apart. With all of these complications, what is the real motivation in this dramatic turn in migration policy . He german juggernaut it is Angela Merkels political career on the line. She faces Regional Elections this weekend. She was behind the scenes at the summit. Votes will be counted in germany before it has a chance to unravel. Is looking to use its position in the crisis to get concessions from europe. Will it succeed . I spoke with a senior fellow at the council for foreign relations. Turkey want in exchange for taking back the refugees . One, money. 2, it wants to allow its citizens to travel within the zone without the current restrictions. Three, they want a fast track to turkish membership into the European Union. They will get the money and the visa waivers. It is questionable if it will get the eu fast track. If turkey was progressing, one could imagine that a sped up European Union membership process, but turkey has moved backwards from the promising years of 2003 and 2004. It is hard to see how the European Union could move up this process. Katty it looks like europe is caving . To some extent, europe is saying to the turks that we accept your political and domestic politics. We are signaling that we are ok with the accumulation of power at the hands of the president , but inviting turkey to join the European Union on this issue is a huge step that i dont think europe is ready to take. They will have to see how the turks respond to the deal. If they will stop the smuggling. Tracking eufast talks and allowing fisa free travel by june, giving money as an indication of the strong hand that turkey has in the crisis and the weekend that europe has and the weak hand that europe has. Gateway tobeing the europe, has the power. The question is if the turks will take the money and the reduced restrictions, pocket that, and do the same things. I think this will stem some of the flow of migrants, but they could turkey stop flow of migrants if they wanted to . I dont think so. There is a turkish infrastructure along the west coast of turkey. Many turks are making money. It will be difficult. This is a huge country with large numbers of refugees. By hook or crook they want to make it to europe. Katty well see how turkey responds. Thank you for coming. This every day, but it is a short step from the crisis in europe to the war in syria, now in its fifth year. A quarter of a Million People have died and half of the population is displaced. Editor has been looking at the impact of the war on the rest of the world. This was damascus in october of last year. The truce is a rest bite, not an end. Has killed 200,000, created millions of refugees, and reignited wars. It has pulled in the worlds biggest military powers, russia, the u. S. , britain, and france. Headquarters,neva theyre trying to and five years of diplomatic failure, where the syrian internal uprising has. Ecome a mini world war another deadly complication is the fact that the war in syria is a major front in the conflict between muslims that stretches across the islamic world. Syria has produced layers of war about power and identity. It started with demonstrations five years ago against the assad regime. That turned into a shooting war. When the main backers got involved, the sectarian dimension deepened. Is deepened by a sect of shiite islam, and the main backers are in the shia as well. The Hezbollah Movement as well as russia. Backeded rebels have him by saudi arabia, turkey, jordan, all sunni countries. Now that has escalated into a proxy war with syria as the battlefield. In damascus, across syria, each new layer of war has made peacemaking harder. After five years, it is a tangled and complex fight. Deals between syrians are possible, but the war that row in syria left space that is filled by the jihadists, calling themselves the islamic state. I. S. Brutality forced a reluctant u. S. And britain into the fight. One of the most upsetting parts of this migration discussion is that it is the migrants who have to pay the price for the failure of the international system. Correspondent permanent members of the Security Council should have tried harder . Yes. They have special responsibilities, not only special privileges. Should havet they done more . Because they didnt, that is a major factor . Undeniably so. It is a major factor. Quietpondent new troll, switzerland feels like it is a long way from the killing. That is an illusion. Belatedly, europeans are realizing the world wars on their doorstep. Trying to contain or ignore it is no kind of policy. Jeremy bowen, bbc news, geneva. Katty a war that is increasingly felt around the world. An american tourist has been killed and 9 have been injured in the seafront city of joffre. Wounded a Palestinian Police officers in East Jerusalem before being shot dead. This comes as the u. S. Vice president is in israel and is attending an event nearby. The u. S. President ial race, republican and democratic frontrunners, donald trump and hillary clinton, are hoping to extend their lead to in four states. The biggest prize is michigan. Nick bryant is there. Been following these races closely. Every time we say this is a critical day, why does michigan matter . What we are looking for is evidence that donald trump has peaked and the antitrump forces are impeding his progress to the nomination. They will not hold it halt it , but they are hoping to slow it down. There is evidence that is happening. Over the weekend, he lost maine and kansas to his main conservative rival ted cruz. A lot of people are disgusted by his performance in the debate last thursday, where he boasted about the size of his manhood. Many mention that as they were going to the polls as the reason to why it disqualifies him for the presidency. Prior to super tuesday, donald trump was getting over 60 of the delegates. Of ther, he got 43 delegates. Since super tuesday, he has gotten 30 . There is evidence the movement is having an effect. Katty when you flew up to michigan, you reminded me that dearborn, michigan was the home of reagan democrats. The kind of people that trump would like to peel away from the party, white workingclass male voters. Is there evidence he can do that . Flightit is the white suburbs that were famously the reagan republicans. They were democrats that became republicans because of ronald reagan. We found people in those communities that support donald trump. What we also found were people that support ted cruz, and people with affection for john kasich. He is surging in michigan. Eight things that he is catching the late wind. It will give that him momentum into next weeks races. The next big race is in ohio, and he hopes to win it. It was interesting to speak to those voters. A lot of them have been offended by Donald Trumps behavior. They regarded the manhood brag as unpresident ial. Not the sort of thing they wanted to hear, and in particular, their children to see. Detroit, michigan. Thank you. Next tuesday, florida and ohio. We will bring you those results. You are watching bbc world news america. Aftersuccumb, a day tennis star Maria Sharapova drug test, failing a sponsors respond by severing ties. Years ago, flight mh370 disappeared between kuala lumpur and beijing. Lost on board, most were chinese. Wherever they gather, they are watched. Even on the grounds of the beijing temple. The second anniversary of the aircrafts disappearance, chinese police, uniformed and photograph and monitor the relatives of those on board. They came to my home to harass me. We are not criminals. I cant understand why. 2 years after the disappearance of their loved ones, the families arbor after the information and explanation. They feel abandoned by the malaysian government, and continuously corralled and controlled by chinese authorities. Ahead of thest 2year deadline, some families filed lawsuits against malaysia airlines. They have refused compensation, and say they want the company to answer in court. Ling lost her 27yearold son. She says that she cannot accept that he is dead. Mom is waiting for you to come home. Hope we can find the truth. Correspondent their main grievances are with malaysia, of course. China does not encourage public gatherings. As long as the grief and anger and doors and anger injures anger endures, so will the suspicion. Bbc news, beijing. Katty yesterday, came the admission. Today, the fallout. Three major sponsors of Maria Sharapova that have cut ties in light of her failed drug test. Porsche, and a watchmaker have suspended their deals after she admitted to testing positive for meldonium, which he took for health reasons. Correspondent winning wimbledon age 17 made her a globalstar. 12 years on, her life has taken another dramatic turn. I made a huge mistake. I let my fans down. I let the sport down. Correspondent Maria Sharapova claims a Family Doctor prescribed her a hard drug. Eart drug called meldonium it was banned due to its ability to boost endurance and athletes. The current world number one, who defeated Maria Sharapova on the same day she tested positive testified admiration for her opponents stance. Most people were happy that she was out front and honest. It takes a lot of courage to admit to what she had done and what she neglected to look at. Correspondent Maria Sharapova essay she was unaware that meldonium was prohibited, but takes full responsibility for her actions. You are running a 30 million annual business. It depends on you being eligible to play tennis. You are taking something on the list that you have known about for four months. Im sorry, that is a big mistake. Maria sharapova is the highestpaid woman in sport, because she transcends tennis in a way that few do. Now, her backers are distancing themselves, including the biggest, nike. The fivetime grand slam winner has lost a number of commercial and horsemen. Postponing any future plans until all the facts are known. Will not watchmaker renew their contract with the russian. Maria sharapova at the brand has taken a considerable financial hit given the admission of guilt. It is not about anything but yourself. Correspondent she hopes the efforts to explain why she took the substance will result in a reduced sanction. Richard conway, bbc news. Katty we now turn to the intersection of politics, religion, and art. Donald trumps call to temporarily banned muslims has been a rallying cry of his campaign and fierce criticism for his opponents. Is being portrayed as a muslim. Jane obrien went to meet him. Jane for centuries, he has been , often as an african played by white actors wearing face paint. Shakespeares theater company, the pakistaniamerican dumpster takes on the role and emphasizes the moors muslim roots. The biggest idea were dealing with is can a muslim be an american . I think that othello also deals with that, the outsider in the society. How much is he being accepted in the society of venice . There is a social tragedy in othello. He is called black of soul, sooty bosom. That is one side. Lets not forget the personal tragedy of othello, which has nothing to do with what faith you might be or the status you might have in the society, where he is from. There is a personal tragedy of that isnt man devolving, disintegrating, and the coming something else. Not i. My heart, my title, and my perfect soul. When you play the villain in ironman you managed to change the character from a muslim terrorist to a generic data guy. Do you think there is a responsibility to move away from twodimensional betrayals of muslims . That responsibility falls on all of us. Are there bad people in the world . Absolutely. That are terrorists muslim . Yes there are. Are there terrorists that are not muslim . Yes, there are. There is a time and place to explore that story. When it is, i have no issue of exploring that. When you take a movie like iron man which is a superhero movie emma when you inject that, it takes away what the genre and peace is about and piece is a bout. Jane how does othello contribute to the conversation . We are trying to find it from within the story and to give it color. Let me see it. We want this to be a conversation piece. Our approach has been to accentuate those moments come of those ideas, those words so that it triggers something in the audiences mind and heart. Jane obrien reporting. William shakespeare is just as relevant today as he was 400 years ago. A great production of othello. You can find more of todays news. You can reach me on twitter. I am kattykaybbc. Thank you for watching. Do tune in tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. 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First flap those wings like a dragonfly, like a butterfly keep flapping, and moving look at you go now climb up the window, climb up the door like a spider, oh yeah its so much fun to be a bug and jump up high youre a cricket, thats what you do and grasshoppers, too awesome job and if you want to try out more exercises with me, just visit pbskids. Org anytime you want. See you soon the van eekeren family, founders of land o frost, supporting over 12,000 youth sports teams across the country, and by the hamill family foundation, the segal family foundation, the Arthur Vining Davis foundations, polk brothers foundation, alvin h. Baum family fund, bobolink foundation, sage foundation, the david e. Zyer family. The corporation for public broadcasting, and by viewers like you. Thank you. Fred thats me, fred the housecat. When my family leaves for the day, i dont just sit inside watching the world go by. I become. Nature cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire oh, go go go tallyho go go go tallyho were climbing up the trees now were swinging through the breeze now were getting muddy knees now were nature cat nature cat, nature cat nature cat, nature cat, nature cat so what are we waiting for . Were so excited to explore all that nature has in store with nature cat go go go tallyho go go go tallyho hes our favourite nature guide we just cant wait to get outside were swinging through the trees now were jumping in the leaves now were getting muddy knees now were nature cat tallyho nature cat, nature cat, nature cat tallyho narrator ants revolution. Man oh man, a surprise picnic for squeeks this is certainly going to be a blast i know she has no idea chuckling i cant wait to see the look on her face when we jump out and yell surprise both shhhhhh what . Why the shushing

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