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I have lived in the city for years, but hong kong still makes me fall in love with it time and again. And now, bbc world news america. Babita this is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i am babita sharma. Brussels remains on high alert. The city is to be shut down for a fourth day over fears of its terror attack. Inside the mali hotel were 19 people were killed. And free after more than two decades in prison. Robert jones is released in louisiana after being convicted for murder most say he did not commit. Babita welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. A fourth dayacing of lock down with the city on the highest alert level over fears of a terror attack by Islamic State militants. Morean Police Arrested people, including a man charged with involvement in the paris attacks. , the suspected gunman in the assaults, remains at large. Brussels calls itself the heart of europe. But tonight he moves to a fearful be. A heavily guarded ghost town in places. Schools and the metro will stay closed again tomorrow as the city enters a fourth day of lockdown. This is why. The Terror Threat remains at level four. Level four, as you know by now, means the threat is perceived to be serious and imminent. Despite multiple raids and arrests over the last 24 ,ours, this man, Salah Abdeslam the missing gunmen from the paris attacks, is believed to be on the loose here. As are a number of other gunmen feared to be planning with the belgian government called parisstyle attacks, unnerving for everyone here, old and young. Brussel has changed for good and we do not know what will happen over the next weeks and months ive a feeling it will be there for quite a while to reporter there are more police and more military on the streets of brussels, but is the city all that much safer go there are questions surrounding the Security Services of a country that is rapidly becoming known as a terror capital of europe, a country where jihadists, such as two of the paris gunman, are able to run a cafe selling drugs in buying weapons and plotting bloody attacks, a country where wanted men apparently can singly disappear. How is that possible . There are criticisms and we do have more jihadists per capita than other european countries. But the belgian Security Services work well. It is too easy for the french to blame a street my 20 years of service, we have never faced a situation like this. The emergency measures are very much justified. Reporter but are they enough to make belgium a more secure for this agreed for the foreseeable future . This woman represents the families of the missing gunmen and the presumed ringleader of the para back, but not the men themselves. It is action and reaction. Link of no measure prevention so to do something before some the happens, not only do something after something happens. Reporter prevention that is what people in belgium and across europe are asking from the government, for a future that is safer, not just heavily guarded. Tonight the u. S. State department has issued a Worldwide Travel alert. It is warning american citizens of possible risks due to increased terrorist threats. The alert has been issued until the end of february of next year , and our reports this evening from france that a suspicious object that result a suicide belt has been found in the southern suburb of paris. Police forces say that the object discovered in a rubbish bin is similar to the belts used in the paris attacks. Both of those development, we will keep you updated as soon as we get any further information. Lets get more on this. A brief time ago i spoke to juan deputy who served as National Security advisor for combating terrorism and is now with the center for strategic and international studies. Welcome to you. I want to get your assessment first on the arrests and raids in paris and now the investigation moving to brussels , the city entering its fourth day of lockdown. How do you see the investigation progressing along these lines . Juan you see with the belgian and french officials are trying to do, to ferret out the networks they are concerned about and trying to avoid another imminent attack. You of heard that language from officials in belgium. It is not surprising that you have had these connections between the french and the because there have been the historic ties between not just the numbers but the attack and attack planning. The belgians had disrupted an attack in january of this year in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks. There has been its conductivity of networks and planning and plotting that now the belgians have to worry got in addition to the french. Babita no big surprises for you in that respect but for people who might know the machinations of the Islamic State group, they have got a network that spreads out from outside of syria in northern iraq. How is that possible . What kind of support levels are we talking about here . Juan we are talking about hundreds in the case of western foreign fighters and thousands of individuals who have gone to the region to train and connect and fight, and many of them have come back. Some have died in the theater, but some have come back. In belgium, the numbers are less than 1000. The numbers in france are higher. These are individuals who have come back into the territory in the region. Elements of al qaeda as well in some context the Charlie Hebdo attacks came from an al qaeda element. Those are longstanding Jihadi Networks and groups in those environments. State ablee islamic to reach into capitals in a material and dangerous way. Babita theyre able to reach it with the help of financial assistance. You have gone into detail about how they are able to get hold of the money. We are millions announce of dollars. Juan actually, hundreds of millions of dollars. Isis has been called the richest terrorist organization in the 21st century. That is because they developed a war economy and have a broad portfolio of income. They exploited the Oil Infrastructure that they have, they deal in antiquities, a deal in kidnapping for ransom, extortion taxes. They control large urban environments. They have resources and territory at their command. Babita im not sure if you heard this news today, but the u. S. Military said some hours ago that it was checking isis oil businesses, saying that it accounts for 50 of its support. Is that the strategy down on a focus on very much, it hitting them where it hurts financially . Juan absolutely. A sum which the question of disrupting isis financing is what can washington and london due from the outside . They can control resource on the inside and you have to physically deprive them of access to the resources. That is why you see the military campaign begin to shift to those verses and the supply lines. Babita also talking refreezing accounts like with al qaeda 10 years ago. Juan yes, but it is slightly different. Isis and other al qaeda affiliates have adapted to the environment and are not relying so much on the external sources of funding, the deeppocketed donors and the charities could some of that is happening, but is much more self generated an organic from the ground up. Stop a terrorist financing is less about Freezing Bank and counts the outside and more about dislodging them physically on the ground. Babita fascinating lifting the lid on. Thank you so much for doing it. The fight on the Islamic State group, french warplanes have watched the First Mission from the Aircraft Carrier charles de gaulle, deployed to the eastern mediterranean. Today the british Prime Minister David Cameron was in paris paying tribute to those who died could he declared he thinks britain should join the fight against Islamic State in syria. Reports. Nssberg laura as if it needed pointing hit words in paris were clearly hard to find. Frances leader has been bombing syria. We willt hollande intensify our strikes. We will choose targets that will do as much damage as possible to this terrorist on terrorist army. Laura the Prime Minister mcchrystal clue clear he wants to join france there. Cameron i firmly support the action that president hollande has taken to strike isil in syria and it is my Firm Conviction that britain should do so, too. Laura i would be the first action of what one cabinet minister described as a new military phase warplanes, more troops ready to go, potentially more interventions around the world, and this from the same Prime Minister whose last defense review led to this, raf nimrod scrapped and put the unused. Statement, the Prime Minister. Laura oday, i case for states in syria more modern forces to come. The threats we face go beyond this evil death called. From the crisis in ukraine to the risks of cyberattacks and pandemics, the world is more dangerous and uncertain today that even five years ago. While every government must choose how to spend the money it has available, every penny of which is harder by taxpayers, this government has taken a clear decision to invest in our security and safeguard our prosperity. Will he apply Lessons Learned in libya and iraq and afghanistan and elsewhere to britains role in the escalating war in iraq and syria to chat for the disastrous mistakes are avoided . Britain does need Strong Military and Security Forces to keep us safe, and to take a lead and to take a lead in humanitarian and peacekeeping missions. Laura questions downing street will try to answer to make the case for strikes in syria. There is growing confidence and the gates that ministers are more likely to start bombing syria. Today is also about the new assertiveness at the ministry of defense and with that extra confidence comes extra cash. More spending their means budgets elsewhere will be even tighter. The government hopes british planes can join these french flyers, setting off for syria. In their words, ministers want to project our values around the world. In other words, to protect and intervene where they see fit. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. Babita for more on the Prime Ministers remarks and president hollandesesident visit to washington, i spoke to jon sopel. How successful do you think he will be . Jon lets be clear about the ambitions of the Prime Minister here. Once extend airstrikes to take in syria as well as iraq. But he was scarred from 2 years ago when it was seen as bashar assad had crossed the line with Chemical Attacks and he asked the comments to backed him and they didnt and it was humiliating for him and later for obama. He wants to make sure he has enough support from across houses of parliament to get that through the i think he thinks he is there. Thursday he will set out the case. Next week we will hear the debate and the vote and im sure it will go the way David Cameron wants it to prevent British Forces will join the fight against the Islamic State in syria present and other exiting up intensification is the word we heard Francois Hollande use. Babita that is what he is fishing for, and more coordinated effort. He is arriving tomorrow to meet with president obama. Is he likely to see any announcement from president obama about the strategy . Jon there has been a lot of criticism of obamas tone and white are the americans doing more . Why arent the market is doing more . It is more about style than substance. No one in the west is saying to put 20,000 Ground Troops to take raqqa in syria. We had an american spokesmen say that we are doing a great deal already. What is more interesting is what emerges on the diplomatic front. It seems that Francois Hollande is engaged with this shuttle diplomacy with David Cameron today, obama tomorrow, Angela Merkel wednesday, Vladimir Putin on thursday, and it is the attempt to bring the russians in that will be interesting, to get the russians to a political settlement to end the civil war in syria without bashar alassad. Babita thank you very much for that. Jon sopel will be bringing us full analysis of the meeting of president hollande and president obama. You can watch live coverage of that press conference here so stay with us for that. Lets update you on the situation in mali, where they have begun three days of National Mourning following fridays attacks on the hotel in the capital of bamako. 19 people were killed. Investigators are still hunting for those responsible and they hope that cell phones count on two of the gunman may provide clues as to how the attacks were planned and who they were working with. Bbc has been speaking to some of the victims who were inside the hotel at the time of the attack. My manager and i let the guests through the kitchen so we can take them to the basement it but the lift can only take 8 people. 20 of 25 of us too many. The doors couldnt close. One gun man arrived and shot once to show that he was there. That we couldnt slee flee. Reporter u. S. As for the guests when the first burst of gunfire rang out. He is recovering from Bullet Wounds in the next. In the neck. This is where the carnage started. The residents enjoy a cup of coffee, croissants, or plate of eggs and tomatoes. The tables are still set the way they were when the guests. Rrived at breakfast but when the shooting began, hotel staff led them through the kitchen hoping for an escape. But many of them were met by one of the gunman right here as they were trying to access that lift and another one around the corner. Many were shot here. There were french, english, chinese, and others did he. Tarted to shoot i took the first bullet because i was standing at the front. Reporter when he regained consciousness, he had a 2 female colleagues rushed into this office and closed the door. He opened the door and came in and pretended that i pretended to be dead. One of the two women started to scream when she saw him. He shot her dead immediately. I had told the other lady to stay under the table. He didnt see her. He looked at me but i faked being that. I faked being dead. He looked at me again and left. Reporter 19 people from around the globe died. He waited eight hours until soldiers were able to get to him. He said he kept praying and thinking of his wife and their oneyearold daughter. Therefromporting mali. Lets update you on the other news today. Russian president Vladimir Putin is in tehran with the iranian leadership. Discussions are likely to focus on the war in syria. Russia has been conducting intense air and missile strikes against syrian rebels, including the Islamic State. Iran has been helping to coordinate the fighting campaign on the ground. Ukraine has suspended trade with crimea to the region annexed by russia last year. The peninsula has already lost most of its Electricity Supply after unknown assailants blew up lines bringing power to the ukraine over the weekend. The ukraine Prime Minister says that the restriction of road and rail traffic to crimea would be temporary. The Crimean Peninsula has no plan to link with russia. It is one of the last four remaining northern white rhinos, died in the united states. Nola had been a popular attraction at the zoo in california could she died following an operation. Three surviving white rhinos are in a Wildlife Reserve in kenya. Northern white rhinos were declared extinct in the world in 2008 after extensive coaching for their homes extensive poaching for their horns. Still the come, tasting freedom for the first time in 23 years. The bbc investigation tracks the case of robert jones and wife he may have been convicted for a crime he did not commit and why he may have been convicted for crime he did not commit. 4 men have gone on trial in connection with a raid in london. Valuables estimated 21 million stolen. It was the thursday night before the Easter Bank Holiday weekend. The start of what was to be the biggest ordinary in english legal history. Vann unloading a transit and, according to the prosecution, caught on tv entering the building through the fire exit. Once in the building, they disabled list on the second floor and dropped down from the ground floor to the basement, where the safe deposit is. There, they drilled three holes in Massive Concrete wall, but then hit the back of the middle fifth deposit cabinets. Says, onhe prosecution the first night the men failed the vaultough into and leaving through the back door again, they drove away emptyhanded. But some of the men went back to 2 nights later to finish the job. The prosecution says they took an estimated 14 Million Pounds of diamonds, gold bars, ingots, jewelry, watches, and cash. Only one third of it has been recovered. 4 men have pleaded guilty to the burglary, met with the prosecution say have brought a great deal of experience in serious acquisitive crime, including 76yearold who went to the burglary by bus. Were a on trial today man accused of being in the building when the drilling took , will accused of helping the gang. The man on the right and the other three defendants deny all the charges. The case for the prosecution continues tomorrow. Babita now for an update on a story were told you about last month. Robert jones was convicted in 1992 of being behind a onemen crime spree in new orleans, louisiana, which included the murder of a british tourist couldnt jones is the subject of a bbc investigation which found that the judge and detective involved in the case did not believe he was guilty, and that another man had already been convicted of the crime. After 23 years, robert jones has just been released. Reporter robert jones is finally out of prison. Family for the first time in more than 23 years. Among those she was reunited with, his other, his sister, and the daughter born after he was jailed. A judge ruled he could be released pending a retrial come after it was found his original prosecution wasnt fair. Feel . Work on how to robert oh, man, i feel great. Reporter must have been thinking about this moment for a long time. Robert thinking about it for years. But im glad it has finally come. In april 1992, series of Violent Crimes were committed in new orleans. The same attacker described each time. One of the crimes was the killing of the british tourist come after which Police Received a tip and arrested robert jones could even though another man was eventually convicted of the murder and had compelling evidence linking him to all the crimes, robert jones was tried, too. Last month, the original judge in that trial was among those who told us prosecutors withheld key favorable evidence that led to robert being sent to prison as well. The fact that he was wrongly convicted and in jail weighs heavily on me. Reporter robert jones remained behind bars until now. A guy who pulled out a pistol and rob somebody until somebody and you look at him as a coldblooded murderer. Here you have a District Attorney who withholds favorable evidence from a guy, since into what is most guys the difference . Whos the murderer and who is not the murderer . Reporter robert talk to others who leave also innocent who did not get the help. Thats another added thing that gives me strength, to fight for a lot of those guys. A lot of the minute was actually innocent. Who i knew wasm actually innocent. Reporter and while he is regarded with his family can he does face a fight. Despite the detective and a judge is standing by him and all the staten through, is still insisting he endured a retrial. Bbc news, new orleans. Babita the case of robert jones could we, of course, we will let you know what happens next with robert jones. Free for the moment after more than 20 years in prison. You can find much more on all the days news, including the latest on the investigations in brussels and paris on the bbc news website. To get in touch with me, go to twitter. I would love to hear from you. Thank you for watching. Goodbye. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs, and hong kong tourism board. Want to know hong kongs most romantic spots . I will show you. I love heading to repulse bay for an evening stroll. Its a perfect, stunning backdrop for making romantic moments unforgettable. I have lived in the city for years, but hong kong still makes me fall in love with it time and again. Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc ifill good evening. Im gwen ifill. Judy woodruff is away. On the newshour tonight brussels in lockdown. Belgian authorities remain on high alert after a terrorist threat similar to paris. We look at what the u. S. And others can and should be doing to stop isis. Also ahead its politics monday. We look at how the politics of fear is shaping the president ial campaign. And, could tobacco plants be key to finding a treatment for ebola . In a vaccine, you give a person a protein that stimulates your own body to make antibodies. In this case, were giving antibodies directly to you so your body doesnt have to make them. Ifill all that and more on tonights pbs newshour

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