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Financial partnerships should conjure with time. What matters in the end is thaa you are Strong Enough to support it. Mufg we build relationships that build the world. And now, bbc world news. This is bbc world news america. Police in australia confirm three people were killed following a 16hour siege in a cafe in sydney. This city has been shaken by a tragedy that none of us could have ever imagined. The families of nine of the 26 People Killed two years ago in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School file a lawsuit against the rifle manufacturer. A bbc exclusive. We sit down with Martina Navratilova moments after she married her girlfriend. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. Police in australia say two hostages and a gunman were killed when Armed Security forces stormed a cafe in the heart of sydney to end a 16hour siege. The Police Commissioner said the forces decided to storm the caee they when they heard shots from inside the building. The Prime Minister of australia said the gunman was well known to authorities and had a history of mental instability. As the siege unfolded yesterday, he sought to cloak his actions with the symbolism of the isil death cult. Tragically, there are people in our Community Ready to engage in politically motivated violence. The events in martin place also show that we are ready to deal with these people professionally and with the full force of law. Our correspondent in sydney has been following the events and sent this report. Terror in sydney on a midsummers night. What sounds like gunfire. Just 10 minutes later, australian commandos stormed in. This is the entire raid. It takes just 30 seconds. But there was a cost. At least two hostages killed, a man and a woman in their 30s. This morning, i come before you with the heaviest of hearts. Unbelievably overnight, we have lost some of our own in an attack we never thought we would see in our city. In the past 24 hours, the city has been changed by a tragedy that none of us could have ever imagined. Got to move that startedrama 16 hours earlier. Lets go australias biggest city under lockdown as hundreds of armed police swarmed the town center. Even thele fled, tiniest being lifted out of the danger zone. The gunmen had walked into the lindt cafe shortly after 9 30. Office workers who have been grabbing coffee found themselves held at gunpoint, some forced to stand for several hours. Others were forced to hold up a black flag, the muslim declaration of state. This is the gunman in the black bandanna, 50yearold man ron monis, who wasan known to police. There were signs he was losing control. Some hostages managed to make a run for it, bolting to safety. A number of the staff had only just ordered working there. The first pictures were of the windows with their hands against the windows. Straightaway, there were three people i knew. Managedght fell, more to escape. Until we were involved in this emergency exit incident, we believed no one had been injured. That changed. Dead andwo hostages others injured, some will ask whether that was the right move. But this will go down as a day when australia felt terror on its home turf. Bbc news, sydney. We are getting more information about the two hostages who died. They were a 34yearold man and a 38yearold woman. What more is known about the hostage taker or the operation to end the siege . Here is our security correspondent. The sydney gunmen, none monis,mus man haron 50 years old, originally from iran, and operating alone. He was a wellpublicized cleric with an antiwestern agenda. And thesen is my gun words are my bullets. He was born a shia muslim. Last year, on his website, he announced his conversion to sunni islam. The police knew all about him. Monis was out on bail. He was facing numerous charges for Sexual Assault and accused of being an accessory to his ex wifes murder. He also had a conviction for sending offensive letters to families of australian servicemen killed in afghanistan. When he was seen Holding Hostages at gunpoint, some are wondering why snipers did not finish his life. He made his cap is make videos carrying his demands, but police asked the media not to run them. In the end, australian commandos and police went in using night vision goggles, reportedly triggered from shots inside. Australia had rehearsed for this. But what prompts such a violent end to a hostage siege . If time is going to give you the game for peaceful resolution, you have got to negotiate. If negotiations or the people you are negotiating with seem unstable are you are moving to the point where there is a risk to the hostages, force has to be used. There is an ongoing terrorist threat facing australia. Those who have gone to join extremist groups in syria have associates back home. The australian Terror Threat has been building in recent months. September saw the biggest antiterror raids in the nations history. The threat month, level was raised and sweeping new antiterror laws were introduced. In october, the Australian Government approved airstrikes on Islamic State positions in the middle east in its role as mission partners. We have focused primarily on arresting individuals. They have disrupted a number of plots inside the country. What they have not been able to do which is a Major International challenge is dealing with the ideology. Australian commandos and police acted quickly swiftly to end the siege. Everyone knows the outcome could easily have been worse. For more on the Terror Threat facing australia, i spoke to the former Prime Minister. This hostage taker had a history of violent crime. He posted extremist material online. He was known to your government. Should he have been monitored more closely . Respecte nothing but for the australian security and intelligence authorities because they are dealing with multiple cases at any given time given the challenges to our security by new forms of violence across the country and incomparable democracies around the world. I will leave it to those investigating the case as to whether everything was handled happily or not in the weeks and months leading up to this. That will be done in the proper way. Weve got to be mindful of the intelligenceice authorities are often preventing and preempting events such as this. World,mes around the often without any recognition and often without any understanding of how difficult this work is. Indeed. But how does a free society like australia guard against an attack like this . Our free society is no different to free societies elsewhere in the world. To us, this is an assault on innocence. If you have been to sydney, open,lia, it is a very welcoming, vibrant, cosmopolitan, multicultural country. For us, it is a matter of deep shock that this could happen in the heartland of the beautiful city of sydney. But we have to deal with the reality. You surrender to the fear these things could induce if you change your lifestyle. We dont intend to do that as australians. We also intend to remain an inclusive society. One of the great things about sydney in the last 24 hours was jews, muslims, christians praying together. Ufti speaking to the halfmillion australian muslims pray for those taken hostage. A number of australians have gone to join extremist groups in syria and iraq. How do you combat the appeal of that ideology . Is a challenge for all western democracies because it is not just australia. It is the united kingdom, germany, countries and the wider west including the united states. The question is what attracts this tiny fringe of people, young men, to join violent jihad ism in organizations like isil and isis and what levels of alienation occur. I am not making a connection between that phenomenon and what occurred in sydney. That has to be determined by investigatory processes. Or broadly when it comes to the isilisis phenomenon across the west, what is causing these young men to abandon opportunity in the countries from which they have come to pursue island jihad, the response has to be a of more cooperative police and intelligence work among us all. At the same time, ensuring every young person belonging to these communities in our various countries is given every opportunity to participate fully in our societies and economies. Thank you for joining us. Thanks for having us on the program. Other news now from around the world. There have been angry protests in the philippines after a u. S. Marine was charged with the murder of a transgender filipino. The private is accused of killing him in a hotel room in october. By the time at the time, the soldier had just taken part in a joint military exercise between the countries. Turkeys president told the e. U. To mind its own business after criticized police raids on turkish media organizations. The president called the arrests of more than 20 opposition journalists a domestic security issue. He is reportedly saying some turkish institutions must be cleansed of traitors. It has paralyzed traffic across the country. Many offices, factories, and schools are closed. Unions have called the strike in protest of the governments economic austerity program. It is the largest star to have taken place in belgium for many years strike to have taken place in belgium for many years. Police say one man is suspected of killing six people and seriously wounding three others. The District Attorney has named a suspect as former marine bradley stone, a 35yearold man who may be wearing military fatigues and should be considered armed and dangerous. The attacks took place in three different locations in the suburbs of philadelphia. The man then barricaded himself in a home. The families of nine of the 26 People Killed in a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School two years ago have filed a lawsuit against a rifle manufacturer. The negligence and wrongful death suit was filed in connecticut against bushmaster. The families allege the rifle used by adam lanza in the incident should not have been sold to the public because it was designed for military use. A short time ago, i spoke to our correspondent. What is the basis of the families lawsuit against the manufacturer of the weapon . It is a negligence and wrongful death lawsuit predicated on the idea and argument that the bushmaster a ar15, which was used in newtown with deadly consequences, is a military weapon. It was designed for military use. It is unsuitable for use in selfdefense or hunting. Because of that, the manufacturer and dealer have disregarded the risks when that gun is used outside of the armed forces and outside of Law Enforcement agencies. There are federal laws in place that protect gun manufacturers from liability when their weapons are used in criminal activity. Cedentere is a pre with bushmaster having to pay out of the past. Became after the washington sniper killers when they reached an agreement with survivors and families of some victims to pay 2. 5 million. Ofthere is a precedent bushmaster having to pay out any case like this. There was another deadly shooting spree today, this time in pennsylvania. After the failure in the wake of the newtown attacks to pass gun control laws, do you see any appetite at all for another go at that . I think that question to be answered in one word. No. Since newtown, remember the groundswell of public opinion, the number of politicians that came out saying that has to be tighter legislation, the president leading the call. Yet there has been nothing happening in congress. There has been no tightening of the laws on background checks checks or the size of magazines on weapons. There hasteresting is been nearly one incident of a School Shooting each week since then. States. Ents in 33 to give you a sense of how powerful begun lobby is and how powerful the argument is on the right which argues against gun controls, one thing we have been hearing from conservative commentators today in relation to the cbcs is one sydney siege is one of the reasons it lasted so long is because australia has very tight and laws. Thatis the type of debate happens here. That is why with a Republican Congress you will not get any action on gun control. You are watching bbc world news america. In an exclusive, we hear from tennis legend Martina Navratilova moments after she married her girlfriend. Daniel craig has been filming some of the first scenes of the next james bond adventure in london today. In a twist worthy of dublin 7, cybermself 00 hackers have managed to steal and leaked an early draft of the script. Sony has warned anyone who wants to leak details that they could be sued. Afterg began this month the cast were unveiled in london. A new car was shown off but few details were given about the film. We have this report. Daniel craig along with one of his costars today in central london, building that has been overshadowed by confirmation of the producers that an early draft of the script was part of the data hacked from Sony Computers in november. Films rely on shocks and surprises. That is what bothers sony so much about the sleek. They fear if details to become widely known, it could harm them at the box office. Bond is a franchise worth many billions of pounds. The hiking has also led to media reports about the studio and some of the stars it works with including angelina jolie, george clooney, and jennifer lawrence. Sony is threatening legal action against anyone publishing information, some of which has already damaged the company. It has been a difficult time for sony anyway. This recent scandal has exacerbated problems. We saw the shares fall close to 13 as a result of this. The feeling is some executives involved, some heads will have to roll. With further revelations expected to be uncovered, it is not clear how many documents will enter the Public Domain or what the final effect will be on one of the worlds biggest entertainment groups and the films it produces. Gay Rights Groups say russia has seen an increase in homophobic attacks since the new law made it a crime to spread socalled gay propaganda. Supporters insist protecting what they call Traditional Russian values. Activists say many gay people are afraid to even hold hands in public. We have this report from st. Petersburg. It is not easy being gay in russia. This is a festival in st. Petersburg. And the protest mobs that showed up to intimidate. They shouted insults and left a m. Sage, say no to sodo it is why she installed extra security at her lgbt support group. She tells me the situation got worse after the passage of the law. All people understand from the law is something is wrong with gay people, that they are dangerous to children, that information about them is harmful and it is ok to discriminate. It does give a green light to more violence and aggression. That is a serious worry for activists. They say many were already nervous about revealing their sexuality. He tells me it is forcing people back into the closet. I feel it. It becomes the position that being supported by government, that we are sick because russian government chooses this approach , and i dont know how to live with it. Even this giant iphone is unacceptable here now, taken off the streets after the boss of apple revealed he was gay. Iphone is where the statue used to stand. Now there is a tree and empty space, like a new monument to increasing intolerance here. Activists say since the law banning socalled gay propaganda was passed, it has given people a license to be homophobic. They say it is not just about artwork. Homophobic attacks are on the rise. The legislation was introduced in st. Petersburg before it reached federal level. He insists homosexuality is a sin and has no regrets about the law. I want to protect my kids and family. They can do what they want in their homes, in the special garbage places called gay nightclubs. They are not allowed to do it on the streets because it is not polite, and it is uncomfortable for the people. After the last attack on his friends, he carries his pepper spray. He has not felt safe since masked men with pellet guns burst into an event here. He says he wants to leave russia now, joining a wave of activists who are immigrating, convinced fighting for gay rights here is a lost cause. Bbc news, st. Petersburg. Navratilova,tina who has a history of breaking records. From her first wimbledon title in 1978, she went on to win at centre court a record nine times. She was the first major athlete to come out as bisexual. Now she has become one of the first openly gay athletes to get married, tying the knot with longtime girlfriend. In a bbc exclusive, we spoke to the newlyweds shortly after the ceremony in new york. Bertino never to live up Martina Navratilova won wimbledon a record nine times, the first player to win six times in a row, and the first major athlete to come out as bisexual. Today, we caught up with martina and her new wife moments after their wedding. Very fine. Overwhelmed . And relieved. It is just really odd. I am 58 years old and just got married for the first time. It is about time. Growing up as a gay woman, you dont ever think about that. Iout 10 years ago i thought, think within 10 years gay marriage will be legal. Here we are making it legal. [laughter] afters summer, 33 years she came out, martina proposed to julia in public on camera. [applause] i was overwhelmed and completely surprised. But i would not expect anything less out of martina. By proposing and marrying in such a public way, i think and hope we will give inspiration to families set up like ours that they too can be married legally one day. Martina has championed gay rights for decades. But the world of tennis still has few openly gay stars. I am surprised more stars have not come out, particularly male players. They are so far in the closet i dont even know who they are. Why . I dont know. The fear is still there. It is funny. Sports has been on the forefront on so many civil rights issues. But it has been not great on the gay rights issues. Martina navratilova is a trailblazer, off court and on, a role model for millions of aspiring players. Today, she is something else, something more private, more romantic. She is a bride. Bbc news, new york. Another first form mar keenan average 11 for Martina Navratilova bringing todays show to a close. To reach me and most of the bbc team, go to twitter. From all of us, thank you for watching. Please tune in tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, and mufg. They say the oldest trees theyre the sweetest fruit bear the sweetest fruit. Believe in nurturing banking relationships for centuries because Strong Financial relationships are best cultivated for the years to come. Giving your company the resources and stability to thrive. Mufg, we build relationships that build the world. Bbc world news was presented narrator coming up next on odd squad. Something very odd has happened. Why did the ball of gum shrink from 1,000 wads to one wad . What happened to the zero . olive theyre disappearing. Ottos turning. 1 tomorrow im going to be in diapers olive my name is agent olive. Odd squad is made possible in part by. A cooperative agreement with the u. S. Department of education, the corporation for public broadcastings ready to learn grant, and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. This is my partner, agent otto. This is what i had for lunch today. But back to otto and me. We work for an organization run by kids that investigates anything strange, weird, and, especially, odd. Our job is to put things right again. theme music who do we work for . We work for odd squad. clock ticking hiccupping yup, those are exploding hiccups, all right. Weve got just the thing. Drink some of this. Gets rid of them every time. Thank you, odd squad. Now, if youll excuse us. rushing sound hiccupping uhoh. breaking glass car alarm incoming roaring sound obrien morning, agents. both obrien. otto hey, uh, olive, i know weve been working together for a little while now, but its my birthday tomorrow. Ottos turning 10. 10 . Im tall for 10. Im short for 12. And id be happy to go. Oh, quiet day at the squad. whirring clanking t. Rex roaring

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