Working to nurture new visions and we offer tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. What can we do for you . And now bbc world news america. This is bbc world news america reporting from washington. An israeli synagogue is attacked by two palestinians armed with guns. Five are killed in the iolence. The conflict in syria and iraq have led to a refugee crisis. All must step up their response. The u. N. High commissioner. Were no longer able to clean up the mess. Fire ripped through one of scotlands great treasures. Six months later, archeologists are sifting through what remains with some highpowered supporters. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. Today in jerusalem, five israelis were killed when two men armed with a pistol and meat clevers attacked a synagogue. Attackers are palestinian from East Jerusalem and shot dead by police. The victims were four worshipers and a policeman who later died of his wounds. Our correspondent reports. They were murdered, a jerusalem synagogue desecrated by the blood of its worshipers. This shows the Moment Police stormed inside killing the attackers. Two palestinian men who used meat clevers and a pistol to kill four inside. It was filmed by sarah abrams and was out jogging when she heard gunfire. When i come to the street, i he was meone bleeding all red and one of the neighbors told me they were coming inside the synagogue. And had a knife. Clearing up the aftermath in jerusalem from this bloody attack, theres a great sense of anger in the society and a great sense of anxiety among palestinians and israelis. One of the dead was british. Abraham moved here in the 1990s, his cousin in london emembers him fondly. He was a lovely person. His motto was live and let live. He had nothing against anybody and thought everyone had their own view and he respected their views and very respected himself. This was the deadliest attack in israel in years. Animals carried out this massacre and came full of hatred and incitement against the jewish people and its state. Predictably the killings brought cautiousness across the west bank. Anger has been rising. It was an important religious site. It was this that motivated the killers. He told me this was done to protect our holy sites to prove that we wont be moved. This is a religious war. Its likely the familys home, raided by police, will be demolished in retaliation. Condemned the violence. We condemn this incident and categorically reject attacks against civilians. At the same time, id like to say that while we denounce this act, we also condemn attacks here and at other holy places. The community is in shock. The dead men buried this evening leave behind 24 children. It shows the hopelessness here. These deaths are horrifying and unlikely to be the last. Jerusalem. Bbc news. President obama has condemned the assaults on the synagogue but called for calm. We now report from what caused the tension in jerusalem and the consequences the attacks could have. In jerusalem followed months of tension. In jerusalem, tension combined with no bright light on the political horizon often leads to bloodshed. Israelis and palestinians are as far apart as ever. More than 20 years of attempts to make peace have failed. T the heart of the unrest in jerusalem is the fact that another generation is being swept up by the long war between palestinians and israelis. What is enraging palestinians, not just those on the street, are fierce about the acts on the mosque and built on what was the site of the jewish temple until it was destroyed by the romans around 2,000 years ago. Many palestinians dont believe israel when it says it has no plans to change the status quo there. This should cut deeply in palestinians fears in East Jerusalem which they want as their capital. Israel claims all of jerusalem as its capital. Palestinian anger has shown itself in deadly attacks on jews, including using cars to ram those in the tram. Reaction to the synagogue killings came swiftly around the world. President obama has tried and failed to make peace between the two sides. Represent the extremism that threatens to bring all of the middle east into a spiral from which is very difficult to emerge in. We know how this violence can get worse over time. In gaza, the killings were celebrated but plenty of palestinians are deeply worried about the prospect of another round of violence, though most would not disagree with the reaction of hamas. Hamas calls for a continuation of revenge operations and stresses that the israeli operation bear responsibility for tension in jerusalem because of the crimes by settlers there. Israel has promised a harsh response. In the past, the Israeli Government has retaliated with palestinian violence by authorizing a further expansion of jewish settlements, a socalled zionist response. A security crackdown and more arrests are certain. Parts of gaza are in ruins after last summers war. None of the wounds have healed on either side. It is still too early to talk about a third Palestinian Uprising or intifada. Jeremy bowen, bbc news. Other news from around the world, the u. N. German Assembly Human Rights Committee Approved a resolution urging the Security Council to take north korea to the International Criminal court because of the countrys human rights situation. Resolution will need to be approved by the entire General Assembly and then referred on to the Security Council. E European Space agency said the satellite connected molecules on the comet, and is designed to sniff the atmosphere and detected molecules that is the carbon element for the basis of life on earth. Being analyzed. The satellite will drill in the comet surface before the batteries ran out of power. They bull cut into it. In march it was ruled japan had abused the exception of whaling from the 1996 international moratorium. Fifa lodged a criminal complaint against individuals connected to the bids for hosting the next two world cups. President sepp blatter acted on the advice of the judge whose cleared russia and qatar to host the 2018 tournament. It follow as report by the Ethic Committee judge that led to the accusations after white wash. Since 2011, more than three million syrians have fled their country as a result of the ongoing civil war. Nearly urrently hosts 1. 5 million refugees and today the turkish Prime Minister warned his country could see millions more if aleppo falls to Islamic State or government forces. Earlier i spoke with antonio gutierrez, the u. N. High commission of refugees to discuss what must be done to address the crisis. As winter approaches, just how grave is the refugee crisis in syria . It is a mega crisis. You are talking about two seven refugees, and Million People displaced inside the country. And people think its warm but its not true, in winter, some areas are snow and rain and negative temperatures. So its absolutely essential to provide these people with adequate winterization. Neighboring countries like lebanon and jordan have been generous in accepting refugees from syria but are they approaching a breaking point . That is a big worry for us and the need to mobilize the International Community to provide much more massive support are lebanon and jordan. With lebanon, probably one set of the population today is refugees. And the impact in the economy and the society. I was in the village with a lebanese and syrians and jobs go up cares and prices and poor people leaving much worse conditions. Its important from the International Community support. And without the support, the space for syrians will be at risk. The air strikes against the Islamic States in syria and iraq, are they worsening the refugee crisis in the region . The evidence is the air strikes, if localized, and mostly in areas that are not heavily populated. There is a very important impact because of that. Youre here in washington meeting u. S. Officials, what are you asking for . I think there are two key aspects. First is humanitarian support. Second is to look into the neighboring countries and especially to jordan and lebanon and turkey and of course pakistan and iraq that is also struggling enormously number of large displaced iraqis inside and to do Everything Possible to find a political solution for the nflict because they are no longer able to cope with the challenge because it can become overwhelming. If youre overwhelming and dont have enough money to care for the refugees, which countries need to do more . All countries, with new donors, additional donors from the gulf and other areas. Everybody is necessary to move the development of the operation into the countries affected by the crisis. Nd at the same time, to make all possible efforts for those that have a need to the resolution of the conflict. Russia, iran . Iran, saudi arabia, turkey, all the countries around. And of course the d5 need to come together to understand this is a war that now everybody is losing. Those who must pick up the pieces from the syrian conflict, why is it that the big powers in the world cant resolve this problem . I dont think that the big powers and the regional powers are doing enough to end the conflict because there are many contradictions. You have the sides of the cold war and you now divide among the Sunni Community because of the muslim brotherhood. Its a threat to everybodys security and a global step to peace and security who fight us from all over the world. So its time to put aside the differences, put aside the contradictions, come together and make it happen, make peace happen in syria. Because we are no longer able to pick up the pieces. We are no longer able to clean up the mess. The humanitarian capacity is not enough for the dramatic need we are facing. Thank for you joining us. Thank you. Youre watching bbc world news america. Still to come on tonights program, president putin takes direct aim at the u. S. In comments today. We speak to the russian president s chief spokesman in a rare interview. Heading to japan where the Prime Minister has called a snap election for the middle of december, just two years after taking office. The bbcs Rupert Wingfield hayes reports now from tokyo. It has been a very bad few days for the Prime Minister and as he announced a snap election, the japanese Prime Minister was on the defensive. Japans economy is back in recession and mr. Abes big plan to revive japan is in disarray. People say the economics have been a failure, he says. Ive not heard one concrete idea what to do instead. Is there another option . The only way to revive the economy. Mr. Abe says he needs a quick election to get the japanese people behind him, an even bolder economic reform. On the streets of tokyo this evening, there was amusement. I really dont understand, says this man. I dont know why we need this election. Why he needs an election now, i dont know says this woman. The economy is still not good. Why doesnt he wait until the economy has recovered . One of mr. Abes strident itics told me he thinks its precisely because his economic policies are not working. The Prime Minister is going for an election now. Its almost like pushing the reset button when the video game youre playing is not going your way and start all over again. After the election is over, he has another four years ahead of him, so hes still buying time. With japans opposition parties weak and divided, mr. Abe can be fairly sure hes going to win the election. But with the japanese economy now back in recession, the really big question remains, has mr. Abe got the policies and the determination to succeed where every other japanese leader for the last 20 years has failed . Bbc news, tokyo. In russia, where as usual, president putin isnt mincing his words and accusing the u. S. Of trying to humiliate and subjugate his country and comes after america strongly criticized moscows actions in ukraine and in a rare interview, mr. Putins chief Spokesman Says if russias National Interest is threatened in ukraine, it will react more intensely. The International Situation is as bleak as the moscow weather. Behind all the security at the Big Industrial show ground on the north of the city, president putins political allies are gathering to hear him speak after his bruising trip to the g20 in business one. Theyre distinctly worried by sanctions in ukraine and by the threat of a new cold war. As a mother, im saying we dont want any kind of conflict. I talked to the group of businessmen, each one of them was worried about the way things are going. I must say, this comes as rather a surprise to me, with so much hostility in the newspapers and televisions towards the west, i was expecting to find it here, too. These after all are president putins strongest supporters. Not so. Everybody weve spoken to is worried about the situation and hopeful a new cold war isnt starting. When he addressed the conference, mr. Putin himself only mentioned the International Situation briefly, though what he did say was to be tough. America doesnt just want to humiliate us, it wants to subjugate us. No one in history has ever done this to russia and no one ever will. Meanwhile, president putins chief press spokesman came out to meet me for a rare interview. Dmitri peskov is mr. Putins righthand man and what he says is russian policy. I would like to hear 100 guarantee that no one would think about ukraine joining nato. I would like to hear that nato will discontinue to approach the russian border, but unfortunately weve failed to hear this word and it makes us, well, nervous. Makes us feel here, you aggressive. But if you feel fear, you take measures of precaution. And in the long run, our National Interests will be endangered, and well continue to reply. When the conference ended, there had been none of the reassurance many people had been hoping for. Relations in the west remain as cold as ever. John simpson, bbc news, moscow. The kremlins view there. In ferguson, missouri, theyre awaiting the outcome of a grand jury investigation to decide whether to indict the white Police Officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in august. The death of Michael Brown sparked days of protest which sometimes turned violence. And now the community is bracing itself again. We are there and have this report. It is more than 100 days since the killing of Michael Brown. Right here there was tribute immediately after the event and there are more being added even to this day. And we are expecting an announcement very soon as to whether or not the Police Officer involved is going to be indicted on both the authority and the people of this area are preparing for what could be once again a very difficult for ferguson. There are some local groups taking a longterm view in looking at how they might protect themselves against what they see as police harassment. You know, the police might just come up here through the back way, two or three cars deep. As part of an Organization Called cop watch, david has been educating his neighbors in their rights and how to monitor and record interactions with the police. And if the police engages in a manner thats not befitting of an officer, then we have a camera and can record. We actually have body cameras. Weve given 110 of these body cameras to people in the area ust so people can have a tool. And just put your camera on. If theres no indictment, what do you think is going to happen . Thats a Million Dollar question i wish i knew the answer. I just hope that, you know, our government really takes a real strong look at the process thats going on here. You know, this is bigger than missouri. This is where the grand jury of 12 members of the public are making their deliberations. Theres been so much scrutiny on the prosecutor and his link to the police but also the makeup of the jury which the jority is white, because research has shown very different views generally from white americans and black americans in terms of this case. But whatever happens, whether or not they do indict Baron Wilson Darren wilson, it will have huge repercussions locally and nationally. In ferguson, missouri. And of course well continue to bring you the latest as that grand jury decision is set to be announced. Off to scotland next why forensic archeologists are sifting through the ashes at the Famous Library of the Glasgow School of arts. After a fire ripped through the building, a search has begun for items that can be restored or structures that can be rebuilt. Our art expert has been to the site. Charles mcintosh glasgows school of art was a original design brilliantly realized by 1909 and since become profoundly influential. It is a masterpiece from which disaster struck in may. One of scotlands most significant buildings, the Glasgow School of art has been extensively damaged by fire. Fire crews saved around 90 of the building but could not save what was perhaps mcintoshs greatest work. The art schools library, which once looked like this and now looks like this. This is the threshold of the charred wreckage of what was once the mcintosh library, considered by some to be one of the finest rooms in europe and still have the light pouring in from those wonderful windows that he designed but after that, well, theres not a lot else. Burned bits and plastic and a bit of a book which is poignant. Beneath this crust of debris, here is some hope. Forensic archeologists expect to find important segments of mcintoshs work including bits of his chairs and pieces of light fittings but could it ever be the same again . Probably it cant be the with the names carved in the tables and chairs, though you can, in my opinion, you can recreate the design intention. Mcintosh was not fully appreciated during his lifetime but his genius is now recognized around the world with alist celebrities backing the restoration campaign. Its one of the great buildings. Its an artistic building where art is made and art is learned. Mcintosh was one of those rare individuals who created his own voice, had his own vernacular. The building is not only remarkable for its physical properties but also for its empty spaces which inspired generations of students. Its tragic that a major part of the school of art is working and occupying this building, but we will again. In about four years time, it is hoped when the archeologists have left this bruised and burned building and it reopens with its fabric and spirit restored. Bbc news. What a masterpiece there. And a reminder of our top story tonight, two palestinians armed with a poistol and meat leavers stormed a synagogue in jerusalems. Four were killed in the attack and a israeli Police Officer died of his wounds. Those killed were zhual citizens. That brings todays forecast to a close but find more news at our website and to reach me and our team, go to twitter. From all of us here at world news America Thanks for watching and please tune in tomorrow. 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