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Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. Today had political meetings and world war ii veterans thering in normandy to remember the anniversary of dday. President obama was among those who paid tribute to the fallen hile honoring the survivors. Dawn at the dday beaches. Where old soldiers remembered that morning when they helped to change the course of history and where some of those who survived and grew old remembered the many who did not. At the world war cemetery at bayeux are the graves of more than 4,000 young men, mostly british, who died on dday or in the weeks of fighting which followed. As the queen arrived to lead the tributes of britain and the commonwealth, aircraft from the Second World War flew pastover head. Wreths were laid at the stone of remembrance and the exultation to remember was spoken by eddie slater. In 1944 he was a 2yearold able seaman. Old as we l grow grow old. But are going down with the sun and in the morning we will remember them. We will remember them. The veterans had been seated close in amongst the head stonse among which are the inscriptions which lose none of their emotional impact with the passing of the years. They are the tributes of families, of mothers for sons and wives for husbands. The men who gave their lives over the so that the continent might be free. After the service, the queen joined the veterans. She mingled and chatted. Sharing memories with those whod fought in the name of her father. At omaha beach to the west flies the huge Military Cemetery of the United States of america. There are nearly 10,000 graves here, a reminder of the if a roshese resistance the americans faced at omaha beach and at a time when the new world sacrificed so much blood in supports of the old. In his speech, president obama said that what the allied troops have achieved on what he called this tiny sliver of sand have determined the course of history. Whenever the world makes you cynical, whenever you doubt that courage and goodness is possible, stop and think of these men. Along with all our veterans of dday, if you can stand, please stand. If not, please raise your hand. Let us recognize your service once more. These men waged war so that we might know peace. They sacrificed so that we might be free. They fought in hopes of a day when we would no longer need to fight. We are grateful to them. On sword beach, the heads of state and government assembled for the official commemoration. Germanys chancellor, Angela Merkel was greeted with warm applause and then a reminder of todays diplomatic difficulties. Over launch russians putin and americas Obama Mohamed hadia their first facetoface discussion over ukraine. French television cut them up side by side on the public genes. The crowd enjoyed it. President putins reaction was harder to read. [applause] then Something Else unexpected, a video and dramatic reenactments of the Second World War, complete with explicit references to nazi brutality and the holocaust. This is one anniversary where even the most sensitive issues of the war are being dealt with openly. But brove above all, this day has been for the veterans. Many of them are frail now. Its time to pass the stories of what they did to new generations. So this afternoon, Prince William and the customess of cambridge joined a group of british veterans at a tea party. , and then in the center of a town by gold beach where one of the british divisions had fought its way ashore on dday, old soldiers paraded for a future king. It was a chance for them to remember so many friends who never made it home. And it was a chance for us to express our gratitude for so much sacrificed. Nicolas mitchell, bbc news. They fought to secure our future. For many veterans its likely to be the last time theyll difficult for some normandy. For some it was their first trip back. Dday has come. On the summers dawn in normandy this is the day and this is the hour. The sky is lightning. Distant voices summon the reat invasion. Your enemy is welltrained said the allong island commander generalizen hour. People fight savagely. This warning was wellfounded. And for the veterans of today, painful memories. It is hard to picture them as they were on this day 70 years ago. Then, their average anal was 19. Like glenn fox from norfolk. A dispatch writer, he came ashore under heavy writer. Servicemen were being killed and there were bodies floating in the sea and where the sea was coming and gone out again,ed the left a red mark with the blood of the lads and bodies and everything. It was horrible. As a 19yearold it was sickening. The procession of elderly people in wheelchairs a symbol of passing time, the Long Distance between the events of june 6, 1944 and today. The dday commemoration brought back memories of a special encounter for margaret dickinson, then a 20yearold nurse who helped attend the wounded. There was a german prisoner of war and he said i was determined he was going to get better and he did. We got him better and he said to me, he said you know, your bombs killed my mother and youve got me better and i would like you to have this medal that the germ germans gave my mother. He joins the game gang of his fellow cungmen taken prisoner. The patience. He said we didnt want to fight. I said no, we didnt want to fight. An estimated 9,000 germans were killed on dday and these, some of the nearly 3 million captured by the western allies between dday and the wars end. Many of the german dead are buried here outside bayeux. Because of the memory of what germany inflicted on europe, commemorations here are low key and somber. These men are from a german peace group that wear the modern uniforms of democratic nations as a statement against nazi is. Over three generations of germany thats had no war. Today belonged to the men and women whose individual efforts formed part of the spear heeled to defeat facism. A french generation raised in security greeted them warmly. For the veterans and their families, this is the last great public acknowledgement of the sacrifice on dday but for those who survived, the images and sounds of that day have been embedded in their memories for 70 years. [gunfire and bombing] war and the memories of war defined the dday generation. Those hours on the beaches the most vivid and terrifying in so many lives. As many as 4,000 allied soldiers died on dday. They are the heroes. We werent heroes. They were the heroes. They were the lads what we had to leave behind and they sacrificed their lives. I was lucky. I survived. Bbc news, bayeux. We shall not see their like again. Beyond the ceremony today, Vladimir Putin had a meeting with barack obama and the new ukrainian president. The former ier with u. S. Ambassador to ukraine. How important was the neating . It was the first meeting with poroshenko as the president elect. Poroshenko has actually met with putin in the past. They talked about both sides saying there needs to be an end to the violence. Those are good scombords the question becomes whether the russians use their influence to get Eastern Ukraine to get them to ratchet down the fighting and begin to calm the situation . And thats the test. There was also a meeting between president obama and president putin. N untilal 15minute meeting. It sound like president obama heard the same thing. That president putin wants an end to the fighting. You havent seen moscow urging separatists to lay down arms and stop fighting. You still see supplies of weapons across the border into ukraine. You had suggested that the protests may be wearing thin. Why . When you look at the polling over the last couple of months in the eastern ukrainians, on the other hand he were they were not happy with what happened in kiev at the end of february but 70 still want to remain in ukraine. I think they dont see the fighting doing anything to improve their prospects. In fact, its disrupting normal life. My guess is their support could be falling in some parts of Eastern Ukraine. Do you think the president is worried about that and does he control them . I think mr. Putin dulls have control over some of the groups. There has been evidence that some of the people running some of these groups are programs Russian Military and special services but other groups he may have less of an ability to influence. But what you havent seen at all from molls cow in the last several months is anybody saying to the accepttists you need to ratchet accepttists, you need to ratchet this down. What would factions be . Hitting russias oil and gas sector . The sectors people tend to look at would be the defense industry, oil and gas and the financial sector. Now, my guess is that they dont get everything in the sect ore dish sector but they would begin by choosing a couple of big targets. For example, on oil and gas, the you dont want to disrupt that now but programs the United States and europe could say ok, were going to block investment in new oil and gas deals to begin to cause some concern in russia. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. More than 20 people have been killed and many more injured in the northern iraqi city of mosul. One target was a city which has its own particular sbrerp station of the faith. The curfew has now been put in place. Youre watching bbc world news america. Till to come, the civil war in syria could create security threats here in america. Thats the warning of the former u. S. Ambassador and hell tell us why. Researchers in germany have uncovered evidence to support the theory that the moon was created when a huge planet crashed into the earth 4. 5 billion years ago. New satchels of rock have shown the possibility of at another moon. We have more on the new findings. Four 1 2 billion years ago its thought that another planet crashed into the earth. T was cat clizzic cataclysmic. Debris from both planets clumped together to form the moon. But what where is faya now . No one has found any oveed have it, until today. A german teal has found microscopic traces in moon rock. What weve been looking for as scientists is actually the chemical fingerprints of theea in the moon rock. So people have been looking for this for a long time and scientists in early . Germany say they think theyve found i. 900 pounds of moon rock were collected by apollo astronauts the 19 60s and early 1970s. This is a piece of moon rock brought back by apollo astronauts more than 40 years ago and only know scientists have found evidence of a little piece of thea. The discovery backs the view that our moon was formed as a result of a collision with another planet but it raises another question. Why is there so little evidence thea on the lunar surface now . A former u. S. Ambassador to syria has told the bbc that president obamas handling of the conflict has driven people into the arms of extremist groups and damaged americas credibility aboard. Robert formed revined from the state department earlier this year. He said theres now a growing threat for extremist jihadists who are fighting in syria. He tells us why he decided to step down. As a good professional, you salute and you carry on and you try to get to the goal with the tools made available. Frankly, the reason i had to leave this year in february was that it was just clear we cant get to the goals with the tools we have. How would you describe current policy . Secretary kerry has been, i think, very clear about that. We still hope to see a negotiated solution. The question are we doing things on the ground in syria in coordination with other allies and partners in the region that will get us to the negotiated political solution that i think all of us want. And whats the answer . Well, i think the answer is clear. Asod just an ran an election and the message of that election is im not negotiating. So lack of coherence . I dont want to put words into your mouth. Just say theres a mismatch between our stated goal and the practical steps were implementing to get to that stated goal. And what are the consequences on the ground of what you call a mismatch . Were going to have a problem, a growing problem, i would argue, of terrorist groups implanting in syria and our experience in places like afghanistan, somalia and yemen. When you have ungoverned spaces where terrorist groups where are implanted. You will have security groups that will even reach out and touch you inside your own boarders. Do you think polypolicymakers understand how significant that threat is . Something im going to have to keep raising myself publicly. So you have concerns . Absolutely. We dont have to have american troops de la hoyaed. We dont have to have the American Air Force to strike targets inside syria. There are other tools in our tool kit to help this and let syrians take the lead, not americans or british soldiers. Do you think there are concerns because eventually it will be. How many young americans, young brits are going to go over there and then come back to the United States, come back to their home countries in europe and may still be involved in black areas . When president obama fail told enforce the red line, some feel that that has diminished American Power and influence overseas. Do you share that view . Absolutely it did. No question it did. It was a bitter disappointment to our friends in the region who are involved in this syria campaign. Its not a secret that saudi arabiaens were extremely unpeap about it and they werent the only ones in the regions. Because the disappointment was so great among the fighters, i think there was a temporary bumpup in recruitment by some of the terrorist groups who said we you cant trust the americans. Join the jihad. Absolutely it hurt our credibility. The former ambassador to syria speaking to us. Many will probably be praying that their team is victorious in the world cup. The player from honduras may have a help in that department. Its a boost for the poverty stricken country that has the highest murder rate in the world. Its hard to produce worldclass players due to a lack of recent facilities. But in one rural town, a paperish priest is trying to change that. We have a report from honduras. Its no small thing to build a football stadium in rural honduras. Previous attempts have been selfsled shelved through broken promises and corruption. Did you but now theyre putting on the finishing touches to one of the biggest and best quipped sports facilities in the country. Overseeing the work is not a master building or an architecture but a chainsmoking energetic priest from malta. A francis can who arrived over 40 years, ped ray alberto has dedicated his life to helping the small community. Afteroing the construction of an old peoples home, orphanage, Health Care Center and even a prison, now hes turned to football to tackle the towns social ills. Were losing a whole generation through the problem. Its no use telling a guy dont do this, theyre going to destroy it. Ok, so what . At least now with this we have something to offer them. Theres sports. Now you can choose. One man who made that choice now plays for the team who will move into the stadium when its complete. They were on the brink of promotion to the first division, thanks in no small part to their veteran streicher marco mejia. The young player who struggled with alcohol addiction has brought honduras football back. This stadium is a window which honduras is opening. Its a window to the rest of the world. It will help to capture the imagination of the young people trapped by drugs or alcohol so that they may see it as a chance for a new start. This stadium has been four years in the making, hampered in part by lack of heavy machinery. There are no cranes in this part of honduras and the roof had to be erected by a system of pullies but the challenges have made the people of the town more enthusiastic to see the first match and padre alberto homes that the stadium will be used for more than just football. It will be a place where the whole family can come together for anymore kind of spectacle, sit down, have a roof on their head and enjoy whats taking place, whether its religion, sports, culture. Thats my dream. During the darkest moments, padre alberto said he entrusted the stadiums fate to st. Francis of acisse, the man who inspired him to come a become a priest. The town has now created a place from which future world cup stars can emerge. And good luck to honduras in that soccer world cup that starts next week. That brings todays program to a close but you can find much more on the days news on our website. From all of us here at bbc world news america, thanks for atching. Funding of this presentation is made possible by by the freeman foundation. Newmans own foundation. Giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good. Kovler foundation, United Health care and union bank. At union bank, our relationship managers use their expertise in Global Finance to guide you through the Business Strategies and opportunities of international commerce. We put our extended Global Network to work for a wide range of companies, from Small Businesses to major corporations. Hat can we do for you . Bbc world news was bbc world news was presented by kce [ female announcer ] fun together is the best fun of all. Chuck e cheeses proudly supports pbs kids. And by contributions to your pbs station from every day, when youre walking down the street everybody that you meet has an original point of view laughing and i say, hey hey what a wonderful kind of day if we could learn to work and play and get along with each other you got to listen to your heart, listen to the beat listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street open up your eyes, open up your ears get together and make things better by working together its a simple message, and it comes from the heart believe in yourself believe in yourself for thats the place to start place to start and i say, hey hey hey what a wonderful kind of day if we can learn to work and play and get along with each other hey what a wonderful kind of day hey what a wonderful kind of day hey arthur on tv hey, d. W. hey whoa loud thud letters shattering did you ever think about how the things we use every day come from all over the world . No way youre exaggerating. No, im not. Like your mitt it was made in china. Hey so was the ball. And that cheese sandwich youre about to eat . The cheese is from canada. And look at the label of that shirt youre wearing. Made in malaysia. See what i mean . Even those pants you have on come from. Okay, okay, i get the picture. Its a small world. Just start the show already. Theyre from honduras. binky yells mr. Read is that cumin i smell on those lamb kebabs . Youre going moroccan

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