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We offer expertise and tailored solutions for Small Businesses and major corporations. What can we do for you . And now, bbc world news america. This is bbc world news america. Ukraine launches a military operation against crowerussian the east asin moscow warns the country is on the brink of civil war. Dawns early ligh boston stand strong on the oneyear anniversary of the marathon bombing. And, talk about a special delivery. Today a dinosaur arrived in washington, d. C. We take you behind the scenes of the massive moving project. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. Today the situation in ukraine took another dangerous turn when the government started military action against prorussian gunmen in the east of the country. Russia has called on the United Nations to condemn the move and says the country is on the brink of civil war. Daniel sanford has been following ukraines military advances and sends this report. Ukrainian fighter jets screaming through the sky above kramatorsk in the countrys troubled east. There was sporadic gunfire at this airfield as Government Forces loyal to kiev use helicopters to mount a raid to retake it from prorussia activists. At one town on a main road leading into the donetsk region, ukrainian troops in armored personnel carriers were armed and on very public display, providing extra security for ch eckpoints. A military helicopter had just arrived to deliver ammunition. I asked one of the soldiers what their orders were. We are cooperating with interior Ministry Troops so we can give them back up. We will not be shooting citizens. After days in which we have seen very little sign of the kiev government exerting authority in Eastern Ukraine, suddenly the most public display of force you can imagine. Intos we drove south back the selfdeclared peoples republic of donetsk, we saw once again the extent of the problem that confronts them. Outside the main council offices, very well armed man, much more disciplined than we have seen so far, appeared to be in charge. Men who look similar to the Russian Troops we saw in crimea that had taken over the towns the of power and were asking everyone else to leave. Staff coming out of the council said they had been ordered to go home, leaving the building in the hands of the men with guns. Olenic, a senior civil servant, was one of those who had to abandon their desk. Today we arrived at work. They allowed in three people at a time so we could take our personal belongings. Now we have to walk home. Just 25 miles apart, both sides, both heavily armed, were in position, both claiming to be defending the rights of the people in Eastern Ukraine. For the latest on the ground, i spoke to daniel in donetsk a short time ago. Daniel, russia says ukraine is on the brink of civil war. Does it feel like that where you are . I do not think it does feel like that at the moment. Partly because the Ukrainian Government is desperately trying to not get involved. It has clearly made some moves today to try to stop this relentless momentum which the armed prorussian protesters have on their side. First they started putting up these very visible checkpoints on the roads. It is not only the armed protectors who can set up checkpoints on the road. We can do this professionally. Secondly, by taking the art airfield right in the heart of the most restless part of , withn ukraine helicopters and fighter jets. To say, this is our territory. A very Public Statement of intent. But you know they managed to avoid really getting involved in any kind of shooting battle. What do russian speakers you are talking to actually want . Do they want looser ties with kiev . The trouble is they are not a homogenous group. That is the thing that is slightly lost in this sometimes. There are some people with very strong prorussia feelings in this part of the world, and when you go out to these takeovers of government buildings and government stations they do not ever hesitate in telling you how badly let down the field by the 23 years they have spent in the ukraine and how desperate they to be either a very federalized part of ukraine or, for many of them, to go back into a greater kind of soviet union. Talkf the things people about is rejoining with russia and belarus into a three straight three state greater nation. But there are lots of people sitting on their hands and staying in their homes, who feel deeply uneasy about the whole thing, who understood the things that were wrong with the soviet union in terms of personal freedom and the things wrong with modern russia today in terms of personal freedom. While they may feel this part of the world is economically depressed, they are not at all sure joining russia is what they want. So you cannot say russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine speak with one mind. Thank you for joining us. For more on the tensions in Eastern Ukraine, i spoke a short time ago to a former senior director for russia at the White House National security council. He is now a kissinger associates. Ukrainian troops started to move against prorussian separatists today. How significant is this . I would not put too much significance on it at this point. Clearly authorities in kiev have to demonstrate they are prepared to defend their country. They simply cannot let separatist forces roam at will throughout ukraine. So putting up some semblance of a defense, some tough rhetoric, and hoping a show of force, demonstration of some political will, will lead to a political resolution or the opening of a political dialogue at a minimum. How do you think russia is going to respond to this . I think russia will look at this very carefully. They have 40,000 troops on the other side of the border. As a look at where they have, over the past several weeks, they think they are doing quite well. There is unrest. The issues have been raised. I think they will use the movement by the ukrainian troops as an effort to put for push for a much more Rapid Movement towards a political dialogue, which they believe will eventually work within the framework that they have laid ukraine,ralization of special status for the russian language. You have been in moscow. What do you think president putins motivation is . President putin actually has not done a great deal to conceal what his motivation is. If you read what he has said over the past couple years, his longterm ambition is to create what he calls a Eurasian Union. That would include at a minimum all the former soviet states. Ukraine is an essential element. Without ukraine the Eurasian Union does not make strategic or economic sense. So the goal is ukraine. It is notrt term ukraine in the Eurasian Union, but at a minimum i ukraine that is not hostile to russia. Given what he has said, to people in washington missed that . I think people in washington have not paid enough attention to what putin has said over the past several months about what his intentions are and what the red lines for him are. They focused, and we got carried away with the euphoria of the moment, of the protest in maidan. It was a spectacular event, and was people power to some what theut we lost russians were up to, how the russians were going to react to this, and we did not do sufficient contingency planning. That is, figure out what the other options were. Plan a did not work, what plan b and plan c do they have . Rank you for joining us. We endure, we overcome, and we own the finish line. The words of Vice President joe biden today as he addressed boston on the oneyear anniversary of the marathon bombing. Many gathered near the site of last years explosion for a moving tribute. A moment of silence for a city still hurting. It was a chance to remember those who died and were injured in the Boston Marathon bombings. An emotional anniversary for many. We will always remember our guardian angels. Lingzi, sean, krystle, and martin. We will carry them in our hearts. Today, crowds braved the rains to pay respect. I year ago, they came to cheer on runners until the of and event took a tragic turn. Two explosions went off in quick succession near the finish line. Authorities believe two chechen immigrants were behind the attack. Amerlan tsarnaev died in clash with police. His brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev could get the Death Penalty if convicted. The anniversary was also a chance to celebrate the citys resilience. The Boston Marathon takes place next week. We will never yield. We will never cower. Everca will never, ever, stand down. We are boston. We are america. We respond. We endure. We overcome. And we own the finish line. Those who did not make it to the finish line will always be remembered. The city determined to show strength in the face of terror. I will be live in boston on monday as the marathon is run. Suspected islamist militants boardingcked a girls school in nigeria and abducted over 100 students. Some students later escaped into the bush. Two Security Force members were killed. A letter formally protesting the Obama Administration decision to reject a visa for its new u. S. Ambassador. The dispute is over his background. He was a member of the Group Responsible for the 1979 takeover of the u. S. And busy andtehran. The White House Embassy in tehran. Iran says it is against International Law to deny him a visa. We spoke to a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for international peace. Why is the u. S. So determined to have a row with iran over him . In thehad a fringe role 1979 hostage crisis. He served as an interpreter for some of the hostages. We know this is an event that still lingers strongly in the memory, particularly of members of congress who were probably College Students at the time this took place. Consensus intisan congress that he should be barred from getting a visa, and it will be tougher president obama the fight them on that. I run iran is protesting to the u. N. We have to distinguish what is legal and what is politically expedient. Iran probably has a decent legal case that the United States would be in breach of its obligations to the United Nations to deny him a visa, but then you have to look at what is politically expedient. An, can this individual be effective bridge between the United States and iran . That is unlikely, given his historic baggage. Second, we are looking at this in the context of the broader Nuclear Negotiations and trying to build confidence. It will be very difficult to build confidence with this individual. Why did iran nominate him . Surely he could have they could have predicted this. Because he played a relatively minor role, this was really an oversight by iran. Really . I believe so. I do not think they anticipated his history would come out. Ambassador inbeen italy, austria, australia. He has served in various senior posts before. We should emphasize that every single iranian official was at some point a radical if they were supporters of the revolution. Some of them moderated, and some did not. Is there a diplomatic solution to this that does not undermine the allimportant talks on Irans Nuclear program . Alternately iran will have to find a creative way to save face. I do not see the u. S. Compromising. If you are iran, you need president obama to lean on congress to reduce the sanctions against iran. Want him to waste his Political Capital getting your ambassador a visa . So i think iran is ultimately going to have to compromise, and frankly i think if the Nuclear Negotiations are scuttled it will not be because of this. How are the talks going . Better than anticipated, but there is still a pretty huge gulf. I am skeptical we will be able to meet halfway come july. Thank you for joining us. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come, opening up Internet Access in cuba. The growing number of cubans vying to get online. The girlfriend of Oscar Pistorius told him she loved him in a valentines day card hours before she died. A message the former olympian was asked to read out in court as his fifth day of crossexamination came to an end. Throughout pistorius maintained he thought he was shooting an intruder. Here is Andrew Harding from pretoria. One final morning in the witness box for Oscar Pistorius. Soon his fate will be in the hands of others. Five days of relentless crossexamination ended with pistorius trying to explain what was going through his head as he fired his pistol, killing Reeva Steenkamp. I was screaming. Overcome with terror and de spair. You were not screaming at reeva camera,rius not show on struggled all week with the question of who is to blame for Reeva Steenkamps death. You should blame somebody, something. Who should be blamed . I am not sure. Still prosecutor is battling to prove Oscar Pistorius killed Reeva Steenkamp on purpose,. I am told they are very confident they have now shown he fired deliberately at the stall, intending to kill whoever was hiding behind it. The athletes defense tried to limit damage, asking pistorius about this, the valentines card Reeva Steenkamp had given him that night. She says, today is a good day to tell you that i love you. With that, a drained pistorius left the witness box, his Forensic Team taking over, seeking to show the evidence supports his game that it was all a terrible claim that it was all a terrible accident. For many of us, remembering life before smartphones can be a struggle, but for cubans even accessing the internet at home is an extravagance enjoyed by a religious jew you, like cuban officials who strictly regulate prestigious few, like cuban officials whose prickly regulate access. Cuba is playing catchup with the modern world. Just six years since people were permitted to own mobile phones. Now they have been about email on them. Some lined up for seven hours to sign up for service to make their phones a little smarter. Many say they want email to stay in touch with Family Living abroad. The same aso have the rest of the world. Yet cuban phones are still not hooked up to the internet. One of the least connected countries in the western hemisphere. This is one of cubas new public Internet Access centers, were people in cuba can get online. A new service, around 300 of these places across the country opening in the past year. It is 4. 50 to get online for one hour. If you are a state worker, that is one weeks salary. But people are finding phones somehow. Funds somehow. Like the vast majority of cubans, he is not allowed the internet at home. He says he would like to read the news and download books while he is online, but it is expensive so he sticks to email. Communist cuba has always kept tight control over information, but without access to the internet the revolution risks being left way behind economically. Officials insist that access for all is coming, though they will not say when. Investment. Ut every Service Costs money, and we need to create infrastructure for a quality product. But politically the will is there. Of course it is. Meantime, cubans have been finding their way around the restrictions. There is no internet cafe, but booming black market for flash drives. You can get movies and magazines, almost like surfing the web. Sometimes you even get the real thing. These people have discovered a wifi network letup and by mistake left open by mistake. It is slow, but it is something, and it is free. The main thing, to make the most of the connection before it is discovered and disappears. Bbc news, havana. Change comes slowly to cuba. Now a delivery that the fines special. It is not everyday you ship a 65 million 65 millionyearold dinosaur. That is exactly what has been accomplished. The most complete tyrannosaurus fossil discovered so far was packed up in montana and arrive today in washington d. C. What you are about to see is the right femur of the nations trex. In washington at last, one of the most complete tyrannosaurus skeletons ever discovered. It will become the centerpiece of the Natural History museums new dinosaur hall, but getting it here from its home in montana has been quite a journey. In the basement at the museum of the rockies, a delicate packing job is underway. This is the pelvis of the t rex. A team of scientists from the museum had spent days packing the crates to the bones safely to washington. Pretty much a onceinalifetime moment, to stand here and help pack up i tyrannosaurus and ship it across the country and put it on display. Most museums if theyre lucky get one shot. It is named after a rancher who found the bones in montana in 1988. We could tell, when we got it fully exposed, is one of the most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex skeletons ever found. The skeleton includes the first example of a complete tyrannosaurus forearm, and it is one of the most examined and documented dinosaurs in the world. But the science of discovery can be pretty basic. I ame other day, usually walking along with a pick ax and hammer and pocket knife. Those are my tools. You turn them over montana is dinosaur country because of its geology. Fossils are thrown to the earths surface. How do scientists know they have found one . See . It sticks. It is a negative test. It is not sicken the rock. That is incredible. Many dinosaurs have left montana, but few have been hacked with so much packed with so much care. It has taken a week to get to this stage. Hundreds of bones, some just tiny fragments, all individually wrapped and ready for shipping. The question now is how to get them to washington, the bones are being transported in a huge climate controlled truck. It has added security systems, and the journey is under constant satellite surveillance. Knowing that that skeleton is packed well, on that beautiful air ride truck going to washington, i cannot wait to meet it on the other end. This is our how it will look when fully assembled. The first time in 66 million years it will stand on its own two feet. It will have a new name, the nations t rex. Bbc news, montana. Mr. T rex comes to washington. You can find much more on the days news on our website. To reach me, simply go to twitter. For all of us, thanks for watching, and please tune in tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. For nearly 150 years, we have believed that the commercial bank owes its clients strength, stability, security. So we believe in keeping lending standards high, capital ratios high, Credit Ratings high. Companies expected it then, Companies Expect it now. Doing right it is just good business. Union bank. Captioning sponsored by Macneil Lehrer productions ifill boston remembers the lives lost, and those still healing, one year after twin bombs struck at the marathons finish line. Good evening, im gwen ifill. Woodruff and im judy woodruff. Also ahead tonight, the first sign of a military response from kiev, against mounting unrest in ukraines eastern regions. It says its recaptured an airport from prorussian separatists. Ifill plus, the second of Jeffrey Browns reports from the asian nation of myanmar. Tonight, the struggle to preserve its grand architecture and cultural history, in the face of rapid change

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