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This is bbc world news america, reporting from washington, im katty kay. Pope francis apologized for the evils of child abuse by catholic priests. The obamastration streags says to nt grant a visa teherans choice to the United Nations. And just like this country, baseball has been shaped by imgravents tonight, we look at its special role in u. S. History. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television here in america and around the globe. For the first time the head of the Catholic Church has taken personal responsibility for what he calls the evil of priests who sexually abuoysed children. During a meeting at a carryity, the pope debatiated from his remarks to personally ask forgiveness for the damage that they have done. Where hes most at home, among the believers, young and old, with the faithful here and around the world, he smiles easily. But behind the scenes is some very dark concern. They were on his mind when he met eau delegation at the vatican and he expressed them in the most personal terms. I feel compeled to take upon myself all the evil of some priests, quite few in number but not so few in relation to the total number of priests, to ask forgiveness for the damage they inflicted for the sexual abuse of children. And he hinted as punishments for the guilty. We dont want to take a step back in dealing with this problem and the sanctions that must be imposed. On the contrary, we must be even stronger. You dont play around with the lives of children. Square, st. Peters the pilgrims liked what they heard. Its very pressure refreshu refreshing. You usually dont have a hope that issues apologies like that. But this is a different pope. We are human and make mistakes. I think its good that hes done this. Pope would argue that he and the vat i can ap were already marching to a better place long before he spoke. Hed sate church isnt given credit for say the church isnt given credit for all that its down done to tackle the abuse crisis and that the leaders do understand the gravity of all thats happened. Pope frps in a very personal way recommitting himself to confronting the scandal. But to many victims, words will never be enough. Of all the actions the pope has taken, sex other approximate buse has been the one in which less progress has been made because he has hasnt done anything. Can anybody name any action that the pope has taken to protect children . The groups who speak for those who suffered at the hands of priests say that this place and the pope must still do much more to root out the sex crimes of the clergy. Allen johnson tornings bbc news at the vatican. For more, we steak to the executive director of the Survivors Network of those abused by priests. He joins me from st. Louis. Whats your reaction to what the pope said today . Well, its very, very disappointing because here we have a man who has taken Decisive Action in many other parts of church life. Church governance, finances, and yet today its more talk. This is a crisis thats been going on for centuries be in the church. In a very public way its been going on for three decades and ape successive pope talks in cleary, stronger language about it but each refuses to take the kind of practical steps that will actually make kids safer. So the words always sound good but not enough . Supporters of pope francis say he has made it clear that there will be zero tolerance Going Forward for priests who commit child abuse. Is that some sort of action . Its not. Its merely words. Right now in the vatican theres a polish archbishop who is being sought by police and prosecutors in his homeland for allegedly molesting kids. Theyve tried to extradite him. The pope and his staff arent letting that pap happen. Right now theres a bishop in our country who has been convicted of endangering children by withholding information on priest sex crimes. The italian bishops just pass aid poise saying we do not have to report suspected child sex crimes to police so. When you look at the tangible actions happening in the church today we still see a lot of lip service but we see the same tired old Diana Taurasi dangerous selfdestructev patterns be of recklessness. I imagine you are referring to the bishop. It will be interesting to see what happens to him. Could you play out for met specifics of the action you would like to see the vatican take in sure. We would love it see the pope discipline, demote or even defrock bishops who hide child sex crimes. Its never happened. Support lawmakers who are trying to reform arc ike, predator friendly laws. We would like to see the pope post on his web site the names of childmolesting clerics and see the pope praise and promote the very few brave whistle blowers in the church who do speak out about crimes by their colleagues and supervisors. Wed like to see them rewarded instead of shunned. There are many, many steps he could take literally with the troveg a pen that would make a dramatic difference but it requires real courage and hes yet to show any real courage on this ongoing crisis. Thank you for joining me and speak out on this issue. Thanks so much. Approximate fiving weeks after Malaysia Airlines flight mh370 went missing, investigators have significantly reduced the area they are searching. This as the Australian Authorities say they are confident that the signals heard in the indian ocean are indeed coming from the black bock flight recorders of that missing plane. The australians are becoming increasingly optimistic that the search for flight mh370 deep in the indian ocean may soon be over. Signals picked up in recent days by an Australian Navy shirning the ocean shield, are consistent with an aircrafts black box. Speaking in china where hes on a trade mission, australian Prime Minister tony abbott says the acoustic pulses are very significant. Were now very confident that the signals that we are detecting are from the plaque box on flight mh370. The signals are starting to fade and we are hoping to get as much information as we can before the signal finally expires. All i want to say at this point in time is that we have very much narrowed down the search area and we are very confident that the signals that we are detecting are from the black box on flight mh370. The last of the underwater transmissions was heard three days ago and search teams have continued their painstaking efforts to reestablish contact. However, there are fears that beacons on s on the the flight recorders could already be dade dead. The hunt would then rely on a deepsea drone to map the ocean floor thousands of meters below the surface. In malaysia, the police have observed a minute of silence to remember the be passengers and crew on board the plane that vanished more than a month ago the the investigation is continuing the the mystery of flight mh370 could timely be solved in isolated seas off australias west coast. Far beyond the horizon, the is nsive search for clues continuing as a sun sets on another day. There is growing optimism here that the final resting place of the malaysian jet could soon be revealed, although no hard evidence has yet been found. Bbc news, near perth, western australia. White house announced today that it would not grain the visa to the man iran has chosen to be its next ambassador to the United Nations. In response, iran called the decision regrettable, saying it does not comport with International Law. The dispute is over the background of hamid aboutalebi, who was involved in the 1979 takeover of the u. S. Embassy in iran. So which is it . Is it legitimate that the white house is doing it . Or is it, as the iranians are saying, in couldnt rah vention of International Law . This is a bit of a murky area. It hasnt come up that many times. U. S. Immigration law gives the u. S. Pretty broad latitude to reject vice as. The problem is that the is u. S. Also has obligations as host nation for the noons to allow diplomats in and jenny to allow considers countries to choose who they want. It has to be worked out. We were trying to look into this and find any precedent. But either way it clearly hasnt happened very often if its happened at all. What does the u. S. Do now in the thing is, katty, the white house had hoped to avoid ever getting to this place. They were hoping iran would back off and pick someone else a little bit less controversial. Now its really going to be a little bit of a fight. Well have to see what happens. Obviously there is also this bill that Congress Passed denying entry to this man thats now been sent to the president s desk. Meanwhile, the real issue at staket nuclear negotiations. Is it going to be fobble possible for the white house and Iranian Nuclear negotiating teams to separate issues . The white house keeps saying so but it seems to strain credulity to do that. Like how theyre saying were fighting if russia on ukraine but can still work with them on chemical weapons . Well, how does that work out, particularly with iran, a country weve been in a cold diplomatic relationship with for so long lou now. How will we know . Whats the next test coming up . Probably the next test is whether theyre able to either get a comprehensive Nuclear Agreement to follow this sixmonth interest everim deal or find a way to extend that deal to give more time to negotiation. Negotiate. Well have to see as the deadline gets closer. Ok. Something thats turned up just as the americans and maybe some people in iran as well didnt want this to be happening. Thanks for coming in. Thank you. The United Nations Refugee Agency says italy will need help from the European Union to cope with the growing number of migerants arriving at its shores. Theing agency said over the past four days 6,000 people have been rescue bit italian naivey. Japanese have approved a plan that backs Nuclear Power p despite worries after the daft at if you can you shima. Tonight, we have the story of a 7yearold who is lucky to have survived being severely injured by a stray grenade. She was grown flown to the United States for treatment. Karen allen has this exclusive report on her recovery. I first came cross her just tase after her tiny body had been shattered by a grenade in one of the most gruss parts of afghanistan. Every darings children like her live in fear for their lives. 1,700 killed and injured just last year. She was one of the fortunate few. Flown to america after a nurse raised at larm, shes been treated for her injuries and has been even been going to school. But her family were least way, thousands of left at home, thousands of miles away. Today i met sher her as she returned to afghanistan, a country with an uncertain future. With the elections going on, security seems tight. Shes fascinated. Taliban, she says, pointing to the men with guns. In fact, theyre police. Finally the moment her father arrives. The first at first she seems overwhelmed by it all. Then the intimacy returns after many months forced apart. Moment i saw her i laughed and then a cry a little. Seeing her healthy like this, i feel deeply indebted to the people who helped. Im bursting with happiness. I feel it in my heart. Cant stop smiling. She shows off what Little English shes learned. I want to see my brother, my sister, and my mother, she tells me, and i want to teach them to write. In a country dominated by images of war, captured is a fathers relief that his daughter has survived. Karen allen, bbc news, kabul. A little girl reunited with her father there. You are watching be bbc world news america. Smum still to come, buried under student debt, many College Graduates are finding the graeme of owning a home is simply a nightmare when it comes to getting a loan. The prosecutor in the Oscar Pistorious murder trial said today it was improbable that Reeva Steenkamp would be silent before he killed her but under crossexamination, Oscar Pistorious said he didnt hear his give girlfriend scream. At the end of another punishing week, crs examination, Oscar Pistorious repeatedly accused of lying about how he shot Reeva Steenkamp. As usual, no video of him was allowed. Prosecutors asked why he didnt talk to his girlfriend and check where she was the moment he felt they were in danger that night. When you heard the noise, you never discussed the noise with her . I did not discuss the noise wither. You didnt say, reeva, did you hear that . I did not. Why not . Shes awake. Is pistorious then argued that it was instinct that prompted him to rush from the bedroom to the bathroom to confront intruders. Im not sure why i did it. Im not sure why, i didnt have any time. That was my instinct that told me to do that. Im not sure why. I find your instinct strange. The prosecutor returned again and again to the exact moment pistorious fired those four shots, insisting that regardless whether he thought his girlfriend or an intruder was hiding in the toilet, his aim was to kill. Did she scream at all whis whilst you shot her four times . No. Are you sure . Are you sure, mr. Pistorious, that reeva did not scream after the first shot . Reeva steenkamps mother never took her eyes off him. Andrew harding, bbc news, preat oria. Pretoria. 1 trillion. Larger than the g. D. P. Of some countries but here in the United States its simply the combined debt of college students. A College Degree in america is more expensive than anywhere else in the world and the price tag on leabs people paying back loans for decades after the years are over. And many p find you cant buy an education and also a home. New toys for boiboly. His parents were hoping theyd also have a new home in time for his arrival. But one Main Financial obstacle stands in their way. Im looking at probably paying my loans until my son is in college and he was born in november. Michael is a High School Science teacher and spends half his monthly takehome pay on his loans which total 60,000. They cant buy a house. The Mortgage Broker told me in no uncertain teams terms he couldnt do anything for me as long as i had any my student loan debt, which was a complete shock to me because i worked through college, i had an academic scholarship, i thought i did everything right. The reality is ive im worse off thn than my peers. U. S. Housing market shows signs of recovering after a difficult recession but slowly. One of the reasons the recovery is so slow is that firsttime buyers arent snapping up prts like this. This is the bedrock of the u. S. Housing market, 40 of sales. Student loan debt is one of the key Things Holding younger people back from buying their first home. The cost of going to college has gone up substantially in recent years mainly because of increases in tuition and fees. Student loans are now the second biggest type of Consumer Debt in america, overtaking credit card and car bore owing. Its almost quadrupled in the last 10 years, to over 1 trillion by the end of 2013. Student loan debt is without question this big ticking time bomb thats impacting the marketplace. It translates through the entire economy and could dampen the pace of the u. S. Economic recovery from where we were hoping it would go without this overhang of a 1 trillion debt hanging on these young peoples backs. For michael, that debt makes it hard sometimes just to provide for his family. Although he hopes his College Education will be worth the investment in the long term, the dream of homeownership seems a very lock way off the beth mcloud, bbc news, philadelphia. As college fees keep rising here in america, so too will that debt if nothing is done to stop. Now, baseball is known as americas favorite pastime. Its also the game of imgrand slam. The role of the sport in integrating new arrivals to the country has now been captured in a new book, called chasing dreams. Its a companion to an exhibit in philadelphia. Baseball is often talmed talked about as the american game but there is something wildly immigrant about it, too. No other game can so solidly confirm that you are in the let United States yet you know you are from your own country too. They come from players, journalists, scholars the exhibition is really an indepth exploration of the meaning be ghable the lives of immigrant communities, beginning in the 19th century and moving through the present day. It really illustrates how baseball has become a reflection for values that we consider to be american and ways minority communities have embraced those values and sometimes challenged those values. As you move sbobt 20th century, theres a great example in the book and exhibition of joe dimaggio and hank greenberg. Two individuals who came into baseball almost at the same time. One a child of italian immigrants, the second a child of jewish immigrants. Much later after world war ii and our immigration laws changed we knee a new influx of communities coming into the United States and into baseball. Players from the caribbean, from asia. Their appearances in baseball not only support, you know, the aspirations of those communities, but they also help to education our broader population about their cultures, their ideas, and the pluralism that our country represents. A number of different authors in the book be explore the significance of Jackie Robinsons debut not only to their lives, but to the lives of the communities they lived in. Robinsons debut signified the culmination of the america that American Jews aspired to live in. Robinson was chosen to overcome the weight of centuries. My father and our cleaning lady minnie understand his struggle. Orthodox jew and underprivileged black, they saw in his struggles a mirror of their daily lives. If he made it, they could. If not them, then their children. The essential value baseball stands for is a level playing field. While baseball has wrestled with issues like race, it has nevertheless represented the opportunity to minority population to pick up a bat and prove their mettle. Baseball, so much more than just a sport here in the United States. A vehicle for immigrants to assimilate as well. That brings the program to a close. Find out much more on our web site and you can find us on twitter. From all of us here, thanks for watching. Do have a great weekend. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, unioning banks and charles schaub. Schwab. Theres a saying around here. You stand behind what you say. You dont make excuses, you make commitments and when you cant live up to them, you own up and make it right. 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At Houghton Mifflin harcourt, we believe reading opens new worlds and inspires curiosity in learners of all ages. Were proud to sponsor Curious George on pbs kids. Funding for Curious George is provided by contributions to your pbs station. Ooh. And from lively drum intro you never do know whats around the bend big adventure or a brandnew friend when youre curious like Curious George swing well, every day every day is so glorious glorious george and Everything Everything is so wondrous wondrous theres more to explore when you open the door and meet friends like this, you just cant miss i know youre curious curious and thats marvelous marvelous and thats your reward youll never be bored if you ask yourself, what is this . Like curious. Like curious. Curious george. Oh. Captioning sponsored by Nbc Universal narrator george was excited, because he was going to see his very first baseball game marcos team, the cubbie bears, versus the tiger babies. Hey, george, throw me the ball chatters okay ooh chatters excitedly i just wish i could bat as well as i catch. I still have never hit a home run. Youll do it someday, marco. And in the meantime, youre still our favorite shortstop. chatters excitedly come on, george, ill introduce you to the coach. Bye, mami, papi. chatters bye both bye. Have a good game. Hey, coach, this is my friend george. Put her there, kid. Ah. Uh, if im going to get good at batting, i need more practice. Would you mind pitching . Hey whos running this outfit

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