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Doing right, its just good business, union bank. And now, bbc world news. This is bbc world news america reporting from washington. North and south korea trade hundreds of rounds of live artillery fire as tensions rise on the peninsula once again. The u. N. Warns the impact of Climate Change is severe and irreversible. Threatening economies and Food Supplies around the globe. And playing the patient. Actors giving doctors a chance to brush up on their bedside manners. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. Today tensions rose once again between north and south korea as the countrys Exchange Live artillery fire over their disputed western seaboard. The standoff coincides with the largest joint military exercise between america and south korea in two decades. The bbcs Rupert Winfield hayes is one of the few journalist with those troops and sent this report from poe hang. On the coast of south korea today, invasion. Thankfully these south korea marines are invading their own country. And no one is shooting back. But the biggest war game to be held here in 20 years is in deadly earnest. For weeks north korea has been making ominous threats and firing missiles into the sea. Today the north fired 500 artillery shells, 100 fell into south korean waters. It immediately brought back memories of november 2010, when shells rained down on this south korean island killing two soldiers and bringing the two koreas to the brink of war. On the same island today, hundreds of residents fled to underground shelters. At the same time out in the sea of japan, the u. S. Marine corps as swinging into action. On board this aircraft, about to land on the uss carrier. There are several thousand u. S. Marines here that are about to invade korea. These Young Marines are part of a huge shift of u. S. Forces. Away from iraq and afghanistan, into the tense waters that surround north korea and china. Since we have done our rebalance, we regained all three of those Infantry Battalions and additionally put back our aviation component to its previous so we have pumps it back up from the lower level of manning, if you will, to what is now, as i said, almost 30,000 marines. They are here for a good reason. North koreas young dictator kim jongil is even more unpredictable than his late father. He now has Nuclear Weapons and is vowing to build more. Bbc world news aboard the uss Bonham Richard off the coast of south korea. For more on the tensions between the two koreas, im joined by Bill Richardson just a short time ago. Hes a former u. S. Special envoy to north korea. And was u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations. He joins me from new hampshire. Governor richardson, is north korea saber rattling when it fires shells at south korea or is this a major escalation of tensions . Well, yeah, its serious. What north korea is saying is look International Community its not just ukraine, syria. Were here too. And then they are also saying you have to engage in dialogue with us but the u. S. And south korea, other countries are saying to north korea, were only going to engage in dialogue if you agree to reduce or terminate your Nuclear Weapons. Thats the holdup and then the new leader of north korea, hes so unpredictable, he seems to be catering to his military by being war like. The danger area and this area is a tinderbox. If north korea wants talks with the west, why is it threatening to set off new neek lar devices . Seems a strange tactic. Theyre basically saying look, if you dont deal with us, if you dont enter a dialogue, were going to continue our rocket launches, our missile tests. Were going to do these live rounds of ammunition. We want you to deal with what we are saying our legitimate concerns. And here we have north korea with its unpredictability. They still have an american detainee they need to release, kenneth bay. They provoked south korea. Heyre not legitimate behavior acts. So i think its a chicken and egg situation. I think they just want attention. Dont think this will escalate more than it has but nonetheless, it is serious. How do you think the u. S. Should respond . Well, the way we should react is china is the main player here. They have lev ranch over north korea. They provide food, energy assistance, all kinds of economic aid. Theyre the ones with the leverage that should say to north korea, stop this behavior or were going to curtail some of our assistance. Because right now certainly south korea, america, russia, the other countries dont have leverage over north korea. I do think china has an Important Role to play in it, and its in their interest there not be a brushfire in the area or if the place implodes, north korea, millions of refugees coming into china. Usually china moves in at this stage and says calm down and generally the North Koreans calm down. Kim jongil has shown hes ruthless. He had his uncle executed. You know the country well. You have known his relatives. How much of a threat do you think this new leader is . We dont know much about him. We know that hes very, very interested in keeping his power and his job. He executed his uncle, i believe because he felt the uncle was undermining him with the north korean military. So hes very bloodlike. Hes trying to consolidate his power. Hes trying to show hes in command and this has led to that very dangerous, horrific behavior. Governor Bill Richardson, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. North korean demanding our attention once again. Now, severe pervasive and irreversible fpblet thats how the United Nations is describing the impact of Climate Change in a new report. It suggests rising Global Temperatures are likely to cause a high risk of flooding and more extreme weather like heat waves. Changes could also mean food shortages. Because of lower crop yields, skeptics say the reports are also being way too alarmist. Our journalist has been breaking down the findings for us. A consignment of animal feed from south america, brought assure in belfast harbor. The Food Industry is now so global and so dependent on International Trade that if crops are struggling in one part of the world, impacts will be felt in another. So how the Climate Changes in countries very distance from our own can have serious implications. This is soyia from brazil where they just had a heat wave so the prices have gone up and this stuff is used for chicken feed, prices of chicken will also rise. What the u. N. Climate panel is saying is while some plants and some regions may do blet better with Climate Change, overall the. Elds are likely to go down the Scientists Say the most severe impacts like this record drought in texas two years ago are more likely if temperatures rise steeply during the course of the century. And they want the world to start adapting to a changing climate. The launch of the report this morning, there was a warning of the need for urgent action. The one message that comes out very clearly is that the world has to adapt and the world has to mitigate and the sooner we do that, the less the chances of some of the worst impacts of Climate Change being faced in different parts of the world. The report says that Climate Change is now being felt across the continents and the oceans, warming the arctic and as we have been reporting in recent years, melting the ice which raises the level of the sea. Theres also change in the oceans. The water is becoming more acidic. Guinea was in papua new to report on the threat it posed to corals. And scientists warn coastal areas are at risk. We filmed these scenes in bangladesh a few years ago. The report says the most vulnerable are the poorest city. Within the slum areas we do not have the proper facilities. The impact of Climate Change or extreme events and people become more vulnerable. The report does offer a message of hope thats just as the dutch build new defenses against the rising sea, people can adapt to changing climate. The question is how serious the impact will be. And one scientist withdrew his name from the report because he said it was going too far. People live around the equator. People live on the poles. Humans are very, very adaptive to very diverse climates. We have very developed technology to deal with those sort of things. There will be impacts. I just dont think it will be dramatic. Global warming will mean different thins to different parts of the world but according to this report, we will all be affected. And how will the worlds leaders respond to that call for action . In other news from around the world, the Russian Defense Ministry Says several hundred troops amounting to one motorized Infantry Battalion are being withdrawn from the ukrainian border. President putin told the german chancellor angel merkel he ordered the partial withdraw but nato believes tens of thousands of russian soldiers are disdeployed along the border. General motors said it can recall more than 1. 3 million vehicles in the United States to fix defects in power steering. Its the latest problem for the company. On friday it expanded its global recall of cars with effective ignition switches to 2. 6 million. That detect has been linked to 30 deaths. Today malaysian authorities reveal the last words from the crew of the missing plane were good night, malaysian 370. Not the more casual, all right, good night, as previously reported. It comes as a shift is leaving perth for the search area, turning a device for the missing planes flight box recorder. The bbc John Donaldson is in perth and has the latest. Back to base but still no breakthrough. Planes are now scouring the southern indian ocean and still no closer to knowing where the missing malaysian airliner crashed. For the moment though, no question of giving up. Im certainly not putting a time limit on it. We owe it to everyone to do whatever we reasonably can and we can keep searching for quite some time to come. Setting off from perth today, an Australian Navy ship which we were given access to. Ts carrying a device called a pinger locator. This will be dragged through the water to pick up signals emitted by the planes missing black box flight recorder and relay them back to the ship. But the locator only has a short range. Despite the state of the Art Technology on board this ship, its only really of any use if they know where the plane hit the water and at the moment, they have no idea. The search teams admit that finding the black box is a long shot. First, we need to work out which direction to look. And that means finding some debris. It all depends upon how effective we are at reducing that search area. Right now the search area is basically the size of the indian ocean, which would take an untenable amount of time to search. Progress at the moment is slow. Its more than three weeks since the malaysian jet disappeared over the ocean. Investigators are warning the recovery could take years. John donaldson, bbc world news in perth. For more on the search for the plane, i spoke a brief time ago with Ocean Explorer christine dennison, who joined us from new york. Christine, as we heard at the end of that report there, it could take years to recover the plane. Do you agree with that assessment . Unfortunately, i do. At this point we have gone so many weeks into this recovery effort. Search operations that have been ongoing and we have not found anything. Were still looking for debris threeplus weeks into this. And does it you were you although a lot of debris has been spotted, none apparently is so far from the plane . It doesnt. South indian ocean theres a lot of ocean junk, garbage, depending on the current is moving around and swirling and churning and they have been working in a search area that at one point was 470,000 square miles, which is vast. Theyre now at 123,000 and theyre still trying to make the search area much smaller, which they need to do. This is a vast area of ocean that they are searching for and the debris their finding is just going to keep sort of moving around and in some cases they might be chasing it. Theres probably a lot more debris father north. It really will depend where theyre moving the search area too, what they will be finding at that point. Given the currents you were just talking about, would you like to hazard a guess as to just how wide the debris fields could be at this point . Its so hard to really speculate because we dont have any debris. We dont have any wreckage and unfortunately they keep coming up short, even though their efforts have been tremendous. They have been working against very bad weather conditions. But it sort of one step forward, ten steps back, which i think is going to be the case as we move ahead. And at this point i still remain optimistic because these are some of the best crews in the world and i have worked on several missions with a. E. V. s and launching and recovering and i fully understand how much time this takes. And how its very much a process that they really have not even begun. Without the visuals and finding debris, they cant move to the next stage, which is to search underwater. Its a bit difficult and my hope is this doesnt become something that drags on for years, which it may very well happen to be. Just how hard would that search be at the bottom of the southern indian ocean . It really will depend on where we can locate debris or debris field that would indicate they will have to backtrack. We go back to visuals. We will have to spot debris. They will have to match it with some part of a plane, this plane. They will have to examine it, identify it and backtrack to see if we can point a point of impact. Which could be thousands of miles from the fields they find initially. This is going over three weeks at this point. As we said currents are moving everything around the south indian ocean. What they might be finding in a particular search area today will still lead them back possibly farther north, northwest, in the coming weeks. There are so many variables and we have nothing, unfortunately. Christine, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. The confounding mystery of flight 370. Youre watching bbc world news america. Still to come the french president named a new Prime Minister after his party suffers a beating at the ballot box. A court in pakistan charged the former president musharraf with high treason. The case stands from 2007 when musharraf suspended the constitution and imposed emergency rule. Hes pleaded not guilty saying the charges are politically motivated. But if convicted he could face the death penalty. Heres mike waled ridge. In a country thats been under military rule for roughly half its existence as an independent nation, former military ruler going to court to be indicted for treason. Hundreds of Security Officials on the root from an armyrun hospital to the special court handling Treason Charges which carry a maximum penalty of death. Todays musharraf has been absent for many other hearings because of security threats and ill health. Inaction at this moment is suicide for pakistan. I cannot allow this country to commit suicide. Then president musharraf on National Television seven years ago justifying his move in suspending pakistanis constitution and declaring a state of emergency. Hes now charged with doing so unlawfully. Outside the courts one of his lawyers said how can a military general whos been army chief be a traitor . And if he is called a traitor, what impression will that have on the armed forces of pakistan . How strong will their reaction be . Todays musharraf returned to pakistan a year ago to participate in politics again, but he was barred from running in last years elections and ran into a barrage of legal cases. Pleading not guilty to these latest charges, he asked whether this was wait to reward someone for being loyal to park stan and for loving the country . He served the army for 45 years and for two wars. For me, he said, traiters are those who loot public money and empty the treasury. Mike aldridge, bbc news. In paris theres a political shakeup under way. The president appointed a new Prime Minister and reshuffled the entire cabinet following his partys disastrous performance in the local elections. The socialists lost control of dozens of towns and cities. Our correspondant Christine Frazier reports on the difficulties piling up for the president as his popularity plummets and French Economy stalls. Its a stinging humiliation, vote that reflects the failing of the president himself as much as the performance of his government. Tonight his entire cabinet resigned. The announcement was timed to hit the biggest evening audience but are the french listening . There were a Record Number of abstentions in this election. Many appear to have turned off long ago. Translator i assume total responsibility but i have to look beyond the immediate results. I have to concentrate on the wider destiny of our country. Right now its the destiny of the socialists in doubt. They lost 155 at some 500 town halls, a good night for the opposition u. M. P. But 11 towns fell to the far right, among them a depressed commuter town west of paris. The candidate, 32yearold history teacher, cites local opposition to a new mosque in explaining his success. The defeated socialists blame the president. He disappointed everyone who voted for him said this candidate. If hi its like being betrayed by your own family. The leader of the far right is appealing to disillusioned voters. Maria penn has oftened the image of the national. And the goal she said is to top the polls in mays elections. The next vote will be political earthquake, resurgent of patriotism and sovereignty across europe. When in trouble, ditch the Prime Minister. Guiding principle of many modern french president s. The trouble is theres so much doom and gloom in france at the moment. Growth is stagnant. Debt is still not under control. Unemployment is rising over 11 . There were 31,000 new jobseekers in february, biggest monthly jump in almost a year. So it falls to the new Prime Minister to rescue the socialists fortunes, not entirely popular on the left of his party but the voters like him. Mr. Mr. Allem needs more than just a fresh catalyst. What he really needs is results. Bbc news, paris. Today marks the deadline for americans to sign up for health care. Under the new law enacted by the obama administration. The slight glitches to the website, web house says enrollment will substantially larger than 6 million. Speaking of health care, theres an Innovative Program using actors to teach new doctors bedside manners. Heres the story of one patient laying the part. I started i guess when i was in high school. Stood up and sang a song and made people laugh and i thought oh, kind of like this. Hi, im bob and im an actor. Even if had you some success in film or tv, doesnt mean youre working every day. 6 unfortunately you dont work every day but that rent check is due every month. Come in. We are not dealing with students. We are dealing with fullfledged doctors who decided to practice in this country. How can you describe your pain . I had a horrible pressure on my chest, like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Horrible pressure. Before this test, diplomat know i could read this. I said to my wife, ive got to get to the hospital. And they tell me this is serious and took me right away. Give you an entire background family, what your parents are like. I have been healthy and my parents were really healthy. My father died of prostate cancer. His son is a schoolteacher and his daughter worked for the South Pasadena chamber of commerce. Its detailed. I assure you, were here to help you. Youre in good hands. I will do what can to make you feel better. Thank you. Its not my first language so i need this experience how to talk to them and how well they can understand me. Were also trained in the physical and how it has to be done exactly right in order to pass american standards for them to pass the board. And if its not done correctly when the doctor leaves the room, we go to the computer and grade them. Hes a great actor that day. He gave me heart pain but i could manage it. There seems to be a real genuine need for this and i think its really helping patients receive better pair, for comfort from your doctors than they were perhaps 25, 30 years ago. But from a doctors perspective to think that your future is in the hands of crazy los angeles actors is a little scary. Convincing portrayal of a sick tramente, bringing todays program to a close. For all of us here at world news america, thank you for atching. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, union bank and charles schwab. Theres a saying around here, you stand behind what you say. Around here you dont make excuses. You make commitments and when you cant live up to them, you own up and make it right. Some people think the kind of accountability that thrives on so many streets in this country has gone missing in the places where its needed most. But i know you will still find t when you know where to look. At union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in. Working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key strategic decisions. We offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. What can we do for you . Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Captioning sponsored by Macneil Lehrer productions woodruff a dire warning on the effects of Climate Change. A u. N. Panel of scientists conclude it may get out of control. Food and water shortages, floods, droughts and other threats to societies across the globe. Good evening, im judy woodruff. Ifill and im gwen ifill, also ahead tonight. The pain and the pride experienced by the 2. 6 million americans sent to fight in iraq and afghanistan. We examine a new survey on the scars of war. Woodruff plus, its deadline day for the new Health Insurance exchanges. But a surge of People Racing to sign up caused more problems for the website. And mixed experiences for those

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