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Standards high, capital ratios high, Credit Ratings high. Companies expected it then. Companies expect it now. Doing right its just good business. Union bank. And now, bbc world news merica. This is bbc world news america. Chaos and clashes on the streets of kiev. At least 75 people are killed today in violence between police and protesters. The police opened fire with automatic rifles and now many protesters are coming back badly injured. Concerns about free speech in egypt. The trial starts of the journalist accused of broadcasting false news. Could injecting patients with their own cells help them recover from heart attacks . A new study looks at the deadly problem. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. Ukraine experienced its deadly et day yet today as clashes between antigovernment protesters and Police Killed at least 75 people. Ukraines president is involved in political discussions tonight with reports he could call early elections. He also spoke on the phone with u. S. Vice president joe biden. The bbcs Daniel Stanford has this report and warning, it contains some violent images. The first sign of kievs dissent into insanity this morning was Police Officers being loaded into ambulances. Its not clear what had injured them, possibly gunshots. But very soon afterwards we could see armed police retreating from their front line in the main square. Hen carnage. Police shooting as protesters an up the hill towards them. Having abandoned their positions, they seemed to be iring at will. We watched as protesters advanced straight in to the line of fire. A few had weapons but most were armed only with makeshift shields. They were gunned down mercilessly. Even those trying to rescue their comrades werent safe. When the protesters charged up the hill the police opened fire with automatic rifles and now we are seeing many protesters coming back badly injured. The death toll is still being counted but in our hotel, which became a makeshift hospital run by volunteer doctors 13 bodies were brought into reception. They were killed by very high professionals because they didnt give chance to doctors to help people. The bullets come directly to t, to neck, to lungs midday and protesters have taken so much ground in their costly morning advance they now control the streets right up to the front doors of parliament. The line of police is only blocking them getting to parliament itself. The demonstrators even took several dozen Police Officers as prisoners. The crowd in Independence Square is now much angrier and much more militant than it was only a few weeks ago. Translator we dont have guns but if we had guns, we would use them. There are snipers firing. If we get weapons, we will shoot. We will eliminate these animals. Peaceful protesters have slowly turned into revolutionaries. Not so much blood has been spilt, the divisions in the ukraine are becoming umbrageable. Umbrageable. Bbc news, kiev. European Foreign Ministers meeting in brussels to impose sanctions on ukraine. The white house said today president obama has not decide wld to join the europeans with sanctions but did express his outrage at the situation. And the trouble spread beyond kiev as the bbcs Bridget Kendall reports. This crisis is no longer just about kiev. This was the city of luktz in western ukraine yesterday. Heavily armed protesters had just broken into the governors office. Now hes being dragged out and handcuffed to a pole on a makeshift stage. And this isnt just a handful of radicals taking over. Look at the size of the crowd. Many of them calling for ukraines president to resign. And here protesters set fire to the local headquarters of interior troops. Nd this one, the moment when protesters stormed their way into the Security Service building, a pattern repeated across western ukraine. A country facing two directions. Ukraines trouble is spreading fast. Western ukraine has always been more rebellious, and not just in these cities but across the region, protesters have taken over. The president had virtually lost control. In the east, too, theres unrest. The ruling partys office was ransacked or here where protesters clashed with government troops. And from the russians strong demands the government crackdown. But you cannot divide ukrainian along the river, one side looking east, the other west. Its far more complex with unier ukrainians especially keen to become more european and the warning it might join russia if the unrest worsens. I think the danger is real and presence because the longer this crisis continues in the capital, the more the various provinces of ukraine with their own ethnicities, traditions, own histories will start to talk about separation, federalism, pursuing their own agendas and this is an extremely dangerous thing for a Young Country like ukraine. Its a crisis the world is scrambling to deal with. Today three e. U. Foreign ministers sat down with the ukrainian president , viktor yanukovych, trying to get him to agree on temporary government and early elections. But so far no deal has been reached. Whats also dangerous about this crisis is the way its deepening the split in the outside world. The United States has sided with the opposition, swiftly punishing the Ukrainian Government with a visa ban. The europeans hope to mediate but they too have taken sides and this afternoon announced their own sanctions against the government. But in russia, president putin sees the unrest as attempted coup encouraged behind the scenes, he says, by western powers. Tonight the american, russian and germany president s united in an urgent call to end the bloodbath. Events may be beyond control. Bridget keptal, bbc news. For the latest from kiev, spoke to the bbcs gavin hewitt just a short time ago. Whats the atmosphere tonight just after that bloody day . Well, good evening, laura. The atmosphere is one of great determination on behalf of the protesters not far from where i am standing. Just a short while ago they were busy filling more sandbags, theres been a steady presession of people bringing in more material for defenses. The level of determination is very, very real and strong. Yet at the same time there are marathon talks going on involving the Foreign Ministers of poland, france and germany. They had five hours with the president. They spent some time with the opposition. They had been going backwards and forwards looking to see if they can come up with a formula that might end this violence before it develops its own momentum. What theyre looking at is whether they can persuade the president to hold both parliamentary and president ial elections as soon as possible. Would those early elections be enough for the protesters, gavin . Well, it would certainly have been enough some time back and clearly they believe the momentum is on their side and if they hold these elections, they believe they will do very well. But there are others who want the president to stand down immediately, the americans have been urging for the Security Forces to withdraw from the center of kiev and so there are people who have different views as to how to lower the tension and perhaps reduce the violence. But clearly, if there were going to be president ial elections as soon as possible, if there was sufficient trust for that to happen, then i think that could possibly open a way forward. Thats bbcs gavin hewitt there from kiev just moments ago. In other news now from around the world, theres been another leak of highly radioactive water at the Fukushima Nuclear power plant in japan. The plants operator said as much as 100 pounds of contaminated water escaped from a storage tank on wednesday. It was accidently pumped into a tank that was already full. They were devastated by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011. For two days iran and six world panels say they agreed on a framework for more talks. For the next round scheduled for march. The aim is to allow iran to have Nuclear Power without being able to develop nuclear weapons. The latest International Atomic Energy Agency reports iran is complying with a deal reached back in november. The Iraqi Government is offering rewards of about 17,000 for each Al Qaedalinked militant thats killed. Its also offered a similar reward for capture of militants belonging to the Group Islamic state of iraq. In cairo, three journalists from al jazeeras news channel appeared in court today. Egyptian authorities have charged them with broadcasting false news and assisting the muslim brotherhood, which is now called a terrorist group by the government. Critics say the case is part of a sweeping crackdown on freedom of speech in egypt. Roland garon reports from cairo. A heavy media turnout to cover the media on trial. The venue, the high security prison complex where the journalists have been held for too two for two months. Relatives came to show support, including the brother of the australian compeapedant peter corespondent peter gresta. Mentally hes strong and obviously hes prepared for a longer haul. He actually warned me yesterday until theyre out and until that occurs theyre holding out well. Entry was strictly controlled and we were not allowed to bring our cameras in. Many believe freedom of speech in is also on trial here. In egypt is also on trial here. Inside are the three journalists, appearing in metal cages. Al jazeera insists they were just doing their jobs and telling all sides of the story. The journalists deny allegations of aiding or joining the nowbanned muslim brotherhood. During a break in the trial, the al jazeera journalists gave us a gripping account of their conditions in prison. They said theyre locked up for 23 hours a day, denied access to newspapers, tv and writing materials. They said they have not been given a chance to properly prepare a defense. They have not seen the evidence against them. And in court today, there was no translator for peter gresta. Senior Officials Say the al jazeera team will get a fair trial and as long as journalists abide by the law, they wont wiped up in the dock. In egypt we have more than 1,000 correspondents representing more than 200 agencies and media organizations. None of them have been exposed to that because they are abiding by the law, respecting being in egypt and respecting its circulations. Alongside the journalists, several other defendants appeared in court. They complained of being kicked, beaten and tortured in custody. One said he was only told about the trial hours before it began. The case was adjourned to march 5th. Bbc news, cairo. Freedom of speech on trial there in egypt. Now just across the north korean border, families that had been separated for decades were reunited today. More than 100 South Koreans made the trip to meet their relatives for the First Time Since the korean war. But they only had a few hours together. They came any way they could, supported by helpers in wheelchairs, even in ambulances. They came to hold their brothers, sisters and children and meet their north korean grandchildren for the first time. It was the moment they waited 60 years for. Too much for some, this man, 91 years old, began to cry at the touch of his nieces. The families 11 hours together and there are restrictions on talking politics or bringing in presents which break u. N. Sanctions on north korea. Wow. Full of stuff. The leader is due to meet his brother this weekend. They were children the last time they met. Since then 64 birthdays have come and gone. The gifts mr. Lee is taking his brother now are those for an old man, thermal underwear, medicines and chocolate biscuits. Mr. Li remembers him as being softly spoken and very kind. But the family has been apart so ng that sun yong got his Little Brothers name wrong on the application form. Translator its hard for people to understand what its like when you have been separated so long. But its a true miracle. Im so elated to be reunited. All that was missing in my life was my brother. And now that i can see him again, i have no regrets whatsoever if i were to die tomorrow. For 60 years, this border has been closed and fiercely guarded. This was the closest that many separated families could get to their relatives on the other side. And the ribbons pinned to the border fence behind me carry messages left there for them. And even the lucky few taking part in these reunions will soon have to return home. After a brief taste of the relationships they never had, curtain that divides them will swing shut again. Lucy williamson, bbc news, seoul. After 60 years apart, just 11 hours together. Youre watching bbc world news america. Still to come on tonights Program Facebook pays an eyepopping 90 billion for whatsapp. We will look at why they paid so much for the mentioning application. Messaging application. France has uncovered new threat to the already beleaguered bumblebee. Researchers found diseases harbored by commercial honeybees are spilling over into the wild and bumblebees, which are already in decline, are most at risk. Our science correspondant ba recia morel explains more. There are a vital part of the countryside, but bumblebees are in decline. The destruction of their habitats has caused numbers to plummet and now they face a new threat diseases carried by their distant cousin, the honeybee, have spread. Bumblebees are already doing badly. Tests carried out here show they have been hit by ten new diseases, virus and fungal parasite. These deadly pathogens have already caused widespread losses of honeybees and now a word that these insects could suffer the same fate. Scientists here at Royal Holloway University of london have discovered infected bumblebees across england, scotland and wales. They found that the pathogen are cutting short the pollinaters lives. Were particularly concerned about this obviously because bumblebees are already in decline and we know theyre being impacted from a number of different threats and its wrorying a potential new threat could be impacting them as well and all of these things could be acting together to drive down our world bee population. So it may not be enough just to by back habitat. We need to think about these other potential threats as well. The researchers are calling on bee keepers to help. They say that controlling diseases in honeybee hives could stop the spread and conservationists say this is essential, with bumblebees playing a key role in pollinating many crops and plants, any further losses could have a devastating impact. Rebecca morel, bbc news. Heerk in here in america more than 700,000 people suffer heart attacks each year. Now a major study is under way to see whether injecting heart attack patients with their own stem cells could help them recover. Its the largest study of its kind involving 3,000 patients from 11 european countries. Bbcs medical correspondant virgous walsh reports. Heart attacks are a medical emergency. Every minute counts and more people than ever are surviving them thanks to prompt treatment. Like neil granger, but patients can be left with a permanently weakened heart making everyday tasks difficult. For now a week after cardiologists at the london Chest Hospital saved his life, theyre trying to repair his heart. With these stem cells taken from his bone marrow, which they inject, direct into his heart. They come to mend yourself, its not something i ever thought of that could be possible but its fantastic. So could those cells mend his heart . A heart attack happens when the blood supply suddenly gets blocked, usually by a fatty deposit of cholesterol, heart muscle starts to die because of the lack of oxygen. Urgent treatment is needed. The narrowed artery is cleared and metal mesh, a stent left inside to keep it open. But the damage caused by the attack can continue for several days. The injection of the patients own stem cells through a tube is an attempt to halt that damage, maybe even reverse it. The cells release chemical messengers which hopefully kickstart the hearts natural repair mechanisms. That could mean patients are left healthier and less at risk for longterm heart problems. Neil granger will be monitored for five years to see if his heart improves. Hes taking much better care of himself now, especially his diet. Salt was the big problem with me, extra salt on everything. Ive done everything i could, i didnt think my body shape fit a heart attack. To a person. I was surprised. There have been several small trials using stem cells for heart repair. This study will show for certain whether the treatment is effective. If this trial is positive, the benefits for patients are that we have something to do with the problems heart attacks can cause that we ever had the thought. And we overfilled the medicine and have a whole new branch essentially opened up. This trial is not being funded by a drug company. You cant patent a patients own cells so theres no profit in it for them. Instead, its being backed by the european commission, the hope being to create a treatment using these cells which save money and saves lives. A Fascinating Development there in potentially treating heart disease. A staggering sum, facebook agreed pay more than 19 billion for whatsapp, an instant messaging application used by more than 450 Million People around the world. Does a company that offers most of its services for free really deserve such a high price . The bbcs technology expandant takes a look. Its the social network which in ten years has attracted over a billion users around the world. And now its swallowing a messaging app which is growing even more rapidly for a quite extraordinary sum of money. Whatsapp allows you to send messages and photos without paying a penny and its got users around the world. Its less hassle than facebook, quicker and easier. Can he can get a group we can get a group going. I use it internationally so its very convenient for me to talk to my friends overseas. You will receive the information, sealed information and answered information at the same time. Its easier to use. So what makes whatsapp attractive to facebook . It has 450 million users around the world. Most of them pretty young. How fast is it growing . About a million new people join it every day. You would expect it then to have quite a large workforce. In fact only around 50 people work for it and each of them will now be very rich indeed. So what makes facebook so convinced its worth so much money . Using whatsapp, i contacted the founder of one of the u. K. s most Successful Online businesses. Should be free about 2 15 stpwhrfment it cost me and Michael Atkins nothing to communicate. Does he think facebook overpaid . 19 billion is a lot of money but mentioning apps are super valuable. Were already seeing this in the far east with products like we chat and line. These are the center of the new mobile ecosystem, not just connect with wrur friends but to send money or buy a coffee or discover new games to play. Making money wont be easy when whatsapp users have been promised the service will stay free of adverts but with people around the world using their phones to communicate in new ways, facebook seems ready to pay any price to be the one etwork that connects them all. 19 billion, thats a lot, isnt it . That brings today ago show to a close. But you can find all of the news on our website. Thank you for watching. 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