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Hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. Nobody, let alone a child, should ever have to see what some in syria have witnessed. The civil war has created an entire generation of traumatized children. That is the conclusion of a new report from the united nations. It says that well over a million children are now registered refugees. Some have seen a parent die. Many are going without education because they have to work to survive. From beirut, we report. Children ofo the martes school. Have loste students one parent or both to the civil war. There are tens of thousands like them here in turkey, jordan and lebanon. Hasneration of children been left traumatized by the war. These twins described how their family fled in the back of a truck when their village was shelled. The truck was ambushed. My mom was hit here, here and here, he says. He explained how she died in front of him. In lebanon, the border town is the first place many refugees arrive. Nora and her two brothers just got here. Have not seen their parents since last june. That was when they all fled on foot from the town of paseo. We were walking by the side of the road when the army attacked us, so we ran. Many people lost their parents, like us. We kept looking for them, but we couldnt find them. They were lost. Once in lebanon, a different kind of challenge to survive. Many child refugees are working to support themselves and their families. It can be backbreaking, long hours. The child may be the families only breadwinner. I hope there will be peace so that i am able to go back to school. Of a lostficials talk generation of syrian children. Praise theto governments of the neighboring countries you have done everything to support the population. This city has more serious than lebanese. But the suffering is out of proportion with anything i have known. Half of. N. Says that all refugees are children. Looking around this camp, it is not hard to believe. Some 8000 refugees have been registered here in lebanon. Ae whole country only has population of 4 million. That means one in four people in lebanon today is a syrian refugee. U. N. Says the country has reached saturation point. Officials call the 1. 1 million refugees a shameful state. There is not enough money to look after them, and fitfully, like the war itself, more refugees are arriving. Tensions are escalating in the ukrainian capital as thousands of proeurope demonstrators are attending a rally in the city center. They are demanding the resignation of the president after he decided not to sign a Landmark Association agreement with the european union. The move angered many in the ukraine, where nearly half the population favors closer ties with europe. Earlier, i spoke to david stern in kiev. I am standing just above independence square, which is the nerve center of these demonstrations. It is midnight here, and as you can see, there are still a few hundred people here. They are listening to rock music. They are gathered around barrels, burning kindling, and getting ready to sleep through the 19. This is the exact location where the orange revolution took lace took place nine years ago. There is a lot to remind of the orange revolution, most of all the enthusiasm and the steadfastness of the crowd. This should give the president pause for thought, because the orange revolution is what presented him from becoming president nine years ago. David, the president is adamant that he is not in a position yet to sign this. Talk us through what is holding him back. He says it is the Economic Situation here. Privately, he says it is russian pressure. The lithuanian president said that perhaps it was not entirely russian pressure. Maybe it was just that the ukrainians dont want to sign. There was a lot of thought in kiev among observers on the street that he is afraid to sign on to the reforms, that the Association Agreement would involve. The economic reforms, and most of all, the political reforms. It should be said that ukraines economy is in a very dire situation, and it should give him pause for thought. He should be concerned about the hit that this will mean for the ukrainian economy. What do you think could persuade him to go ahead with signing this . He can see the protesters. He is getting pressure from the eu. He has to answer a lot of questions. What would persuade him to go ahead with this . I could not tell you and i dont think eu officials could tell you. They seem to have tried everything. In their private talks, they tried all sorts of rusher, all sorts of enticements, all sorts of logical arguments as far as i can tell, but that did not seem to persuade him. Perhaps street pressure will make a difference. Perhaps, as he says, they are waiting for the right moment. He said they will revisit this in the spring, although he requires a trilateral meeting with russia to again no garish nations to begin negotiations, which the eu says is a no starter. Turmoil in thailand continues with thousands of people taking to the streets of bangkok daily in antigovernment demonstrations, the largest the country has seen in years. Protesters say they president the Prime Minister is the puppet of her brother, who used to be Prime Minister. Nowhere, it seems, is safe. This is the headquarters of thailands armed forces. Supposedly, the countrys strongest institution. But they just poured in. Longer this goes on, the greater the threat to the government. Its tactic until now has been to avoid confrontation at all costs , but for how much longer . The protesters have been able to move around the city with such ease that the government has had two wall itself in behind these concrete barricades. Masshere over behind that of razor wire, the Prime Minister is struggling to reassert her authority. It was inside that fortress that i met her after the toughest week of her premiership. Prime minister, very nice to see you. She has weathered the turmoil with extraordinary restraint so far. I asked her, isnt the time coming when she will have to use force on the protesters . We think the police can handle the situation. The police are doing nothing at the moment. Do not want to confront. They are using the law. We have to be careful because the situation is sensitive. But no one here is interested in dialogue. This movement is driven by hatred of the family and the condition a conviction that thailand is run by corrupt politics. Kerry is a graduate student. The core of everything is their family. They are multi billionaires and they use their power and their money to buy everything. They bribed the senators. Carrie and her University Friends raise money to buy refreshments for their fellow protesters. Comradeship and a sense of righteousness drives them on. But the rest of the world is alarmed by the exhibitions of lawlessness this week. Believe that they are tearing down the political system to rebuild something purer and nobler seems unshakable. Jonathan head, bbc news, bangkok. Lets ring you uptodate with some of the days other news. Security forces in egypt fired tear gas into a crowd of demonstrators despite a new law protest. Unauthorized protesters came out onto the calls fromesponse to the muslim brotherhood. Two men have gone on trial in london, accused of murdering a british soldier in may. Prosecutors say the two men drove a car at the soldier, knocked him down, and repeatedly stabbed him and attempted to mutilate his body. Both men denied the charges. Sao paulo is dealing with a major blaze at a landmark museum. It is a Cultural Center that holds an art gallery, auditorium, and other facilities. Authorities say it is not clear what caused the fire. It has a relaxed view on love affairs, but today it is taking caughtiew on those paying for sex. A new bill is likely to be approved. We have more. Oldest debate on the oldest profession in the world. What to do about prostitution . Sex is big business. Clientele here at the women who pose in their parked cars. Many wilan is one of them, a registered prostitute from colombia. She pays taxes each year to the french state. She works alone and she doesnt want the governments help. My clients would be frightened to come here for fear of arrest. I will have to go into the forest where i am much more at risk. This law puts us all in danger. The bill proposes fines of 1500 euros for those caught paying for sex, double if they are caught twice. Those arrested will be forced into reeducation classes. For those prostitutes who agree to give up the game, there will be work permits, housing and almost 400 euro a month in benefits. Sponsors of the bill say there is a much colder, crueler reality in which 80 of prostitutes are victims of sex trafficking. 20 years ago, most prostitutes were french. Today, the majority are from asia and north africa. Among those in favor of the bill is a charity that supports prostitutes in 32 cities around the country. About psychological pressure. It is about the money you have to pay back to your camps. But statistics on prostitution are disputed, and last month, 343 men signed an open letter published in this magazine demanding the government think again. I think the government should keep out of the sexual dimension of the relationship between consenting adults. Those whod fight exploit women, those who deal with illegal immigration, and all the other bad things. Historically, governments have tried all manner of ways to tackle prostitution. Often, it is the enforcement that lags behind. Women,ll might help some but there has been a 10 year ban on soliciting and here they carry on regardless. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come, medical memoirs drawn up by crayons. Meet the chicago nurse calling on comics to help treat patients and train students. A debt laden Spanish Television station has been taken off the air in dramatic fashion after in order to shut it down. Liquidators are forcing liquidators and riot police moved into the building as staff continued broadcasting. Last moments of nine, nine,roadcast from channel a public tv station in valencia, spain, just before police evicted staff from the main studio and cut off the power. Had occupied the studio, defying a government order. Over and over, they protested. Hat this is a coup detat valencias government took the decision to close the last station in early november after losing a court battle to cut byor more than half more than half. Founded in 1989, this is the first regional station to be closed down as spains off sterritt he spains austerity measures bite. Just then, technicians pull the plug on the live broadcast, leaving viewers seeing black. The u. S. Government has pulled back from a commitment to fully fix its new federal Health Care Website i midnight on saturday. The website is a key part of president obamas Flagship Health law, but it crashed last month, making it difficult for people to register. It has led to a sharp drop in the president s approval ratings. Final preparations are underway in chinas attempt to land a spacecraft on the moon, and liftoff is expected in the next few days. Has told ther court that he did not know whether his exwife ever took drugs. He said he was utterly bereft that of private email he sent to a Television Chef referring to her being off her head on drugs was made public. This report contains flash photography. The multimillionaire art collector arrived at court to face tough questions about intimate details of his marriage. In court, he sat and listened intently as an email he had written to ms. Lawson a month ago was again read out to the court. You were so off your head on drugs that you allow the sisters to spend whatever they like, and yes, i believe every word they have said. Following the publication of these paparazzi photos, she divorced him. In them, she appears to pinch her nose outside a restaurant. The photos, het says, i was holding her head by the neck to make her focus. Can we be clear . Asked if their route was about drugs, he said no. They separated, she appeared to lead a charmed life. She was a tv cook. He founded a celebrated advertising agency. I actuallyme whether knew if she took drugs, the answer is no, he said. He later added that not for one second did you truly believe his exwife was off her head. Ms. Lawson wasf also detailed in court. Home thate in their the sisters moved in and forged their relationship with the family. They did the laundry, organize the household and took the children on holidays. One was so integral to the family that she was given a bedroom very close to Nigella Lawsons own. They are charged with defrauding the couple by over half a Million Pounds by using the Company Credit card. Both deny the charges against them. Charles lawson returned home. Before leaving court, he told the jury he was utterly heartbroken at having lost his wife and that he still adored her. Now here is one of the most famous footballers in the world scene as an inspiration to people from all walks of life. Worthvid Beckham Brand is tens of millions in any currency. It all began two decades ago at manchester united, and now there is a new film that celebrates the class of 1992. He is still the best known of them all. First of all, my goodness. I have never seen you with so many tattoos. Have you got more . A couple more, maybe. To you still love them . Yeah. Are you going to get more . May be. Everyone has a mania. Watched the film. It seems like it is a film about friendship and there is a bit of football in it as well. How are you all still friends after all of these years . Thats a great thing about us, you know, we was able to supported team we had our whole lives. All six of us came through playing reserve team level, firstteam level, and also went on to represent our countries, and did it as friends, and did it playing football. It doesnt get any better than that. We are just playing a game of football with our mates. Not one piece of jealousy among any of us. We all had each others back. If you are the band of was he . , what the godfather, and not in a good way. Way, but we were all very scared of him. Will we be seeing you in charge of an American Soccer Team soon . Yes. What is going to happen with that . The announcement will hopefully be before the new year. Go on. Announce it now. As much as i would love to, we are not ready yet. But we are almost there. If you want to be a good doctor, it is advisable to have a good bedside manner. Medical students can learn all about the liver, the heart and the spleen, but how do you teach empathy and understanding . As kay watson explains from chicago, comics have something to do with it. Colorful pictures and simple ideas. Comics are not your typical medical textbook, but they could soon be used to teach adults. Comics been drawing strips about health since she was an aids nurse in the 1990s. There was no way to prepare for the aids crisis. As caregivers, we were just trying to figure out how to get through it. One day i drew a picture of myself, and for some reason, in the top left corner, i drew a box around it. And then i drew another box. And they went from struggling with the patients death to, a place oflater, in hope. There are graphic novels dealing with everything from. Ancer to anorexia as we go out into the world as caregivers, it is a way to keep part of ourselves alive. Students dont just read the graphic novels. They draw them too. I think it is great to have a different outlet talking about medicine. I enjoy drawing and doodling. It evokes my artistic side, i guess. It allows an outlet for humor and selfexpression. For these students still sketching out their career in medicine, they will be faced with Patient Experiences good and bad. Now at least they have learned one new way of dealing with them. Bbc news, chicago. What a simple way to deal with some really complicated issues. That brings todays show to a close. Ont forget to check us out facebook and twitter. For now, from all of us here, reporting from london, thanks very much for watching. We will see you again soon. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. At union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key strategic decisions. We offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. What can we do for you . Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Ingle bells, jingle bells narrator coming up, its everyones favorite Christmas Present a monkey. Open sleigh. laughing george hooting, man gasping man its what george wants for christmas, and i have to figure it out. Whoa wow oh, no grunting bell ringing stop hooting man yes, george. Its christmas. Funding for Curious George is provided by contributions to your pbs station. Ooh. And from ooh chuckles hi ooh oh hmm. hoots happily huh . Narrator december is an exciting month because you know one day youll wake up, and itll be christmas morning. cheering hooting enthusiastically ah george didnt want the man with the yellow hat to miss even one second of christmas. murmuring, snoring hooting frantically grunting hooting excitedly coughs, groans grunts george, my spleen. chatters apologetically sighs thank you. And i am afraid its still not christmas yet, buddy. Aw. Remember, we talked about this yesterday . Uhuh. Uhuh. Uhuh. And the day before . Uhuh. And every morning at 5 00 a. M. Since thanksgiving . Aw. chuckles see, today is the 14th. So, how many days are there until the 25th . Uh. Aha no, its more than one. chatters sadly chatters skeptically there. Thats christmas. chatter excitedly this is today. Oh all these other days come before christmas

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