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Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. It has been a tumultuous day for the libyan prime minister. He was abducted in the night from a hotel in trippi of in tripoli by armed men and then released several hours later. Ali zeidan has appeared at a Cabinet Meeting looking shaken but calling for calm. It is still not clear why he was taken. Some libyan militias have been angered by the u. S. Raid. A rude awakening for the man leading this countrys government on shaky ground. Taken from a luxury hotel in tripoli at gunpoint, his shocked face, released by his captors. These lead to the rooms where he has been living since he came to power a year ago. An audacious kidnapping. With a signed, paper from the prosecutor general for the arrest of the prime minister. They were revolutionaries. They entered and captured the prime minister. The ease with which armed men came and snatched him in the early hours of the day really demonstrates the opaque and confusing nature of Security Services here since the end of the war. ,he eastern city of benghazi it is different from the one David Cameron visited. This Police Station has been bombed. There have been countless assassinations. Speaking to the bbcs news n ight last week, they warned of insecurity around the country. Being smuggled from and into libya by groups which are trying to murder people and spread terror. The movement of these weapons is putting our neighbors at risk. We need International Cooperation to stop it. But rebuilding institutions and Security Services from scratch is a mammoth task. Small groups taking the law into their own hands. I would not say that libya is now a totally lawless place. There are far more libyans who want to see progress and who are prepared to cooperate with the authorities man there are people who raise their hand against it to cooperate with the authorities than there are people who raise their hands against it. Prime minister ali zeidan dismissed the days events as revolution overflow that will disappear. The question for many people here is, when . Bbc news, tripoli. Ali zeidan keeping his cool. I spoke a short time ago with a senior associate in the middle east program at the Carnegie Endowment for international peace. Thanks for coming in. Just how unstable is libya at the moment . It is quite serious. I think in the past nine months or so, we have seen a real deterioration of security. The militias have free reign. Assassinations, kidnappings. That said, it has not deteriorated to allout civil war. But you would expect some of this after the tumultuous events a couple of years ago when gadhafi was overthrown . Isnt it normal that you would have a keeper of transition thisd of transition, or is Something Else . Revolution was made up of disparate militias the revolution was made up of disparate militias. These militias are calling the shots. It is quite natural. I think there is a sense of unity among libyans that often gets overlooked. That is why we have not seen the place collapse into Something Like somalia or bosnia yet. Are the militia ideological . Is it a general decline in moral order . I dont think that is the most useful framework for looking on its at this. Many of them are just pushing for a greater say in government. Some of them have got into criminal enterprise. There is a whole mix of motives at work. So, are we wrong when we look at libya perhaps there is a temptation in washington to say this is part of a growing expansion of an Al Qaeda Network through north africa that we are seeing from somalia to ma li . Is that accurate or not . I think it is vastly over exaggerated. Networks,ere are some some personalities. Maybe they share the same worldview, but they are not part, organizationally, of al qaeda. And we are not seeing al qaeda sink very deep roots into the country. We are seeing some tentacles being put out. We are seeing some hints of it. I would not read libyas situation as part of a broader al qaeda expansion. These Islamist Groups have their own local motors that are separate from al qaedas vision. Looking at the abduction today of the prime minister, do you think it is plausible or even possible that there could be some sort some kind of connection between what we saw happen today and the american operation over the weekend . I think that the american operation may have been the catalyst. Many of these militias many of them are not islamist. They have grievances against the zeidan government that are nonideological. It is about the inability of the government to deliver services to some provinces. They are upset with the lack of transparency in the way zeidan governments. They have threatened his resignation before. Perhaps this capture provided a spark to go after him. Ninthgrade much for coming in thanks very much for coming in. Now to capitol hill where talks of an extension for the debt the republican goal line moved back by six weeks was encouraging. The dow jones surged nearly 325 points. It still does not solve the problem of that pesky government shutdown. The bbcs north america editor is on capitol hill. He joins us now. Are the markets right to think this is the end of the crisis . I think they probably are. It is not absolutely certain. What the republicans are saying is they have backed away from linking the financial message with obamacare. They are desperately seeking some sort of solution. What they are proposing is to lift the debt ceiling, allow america to pay its bills for six weeks while they are in negotiations. That does not affect the government shutdown. That would stay in place. The white house does not sound terribly enthusiastic. The spokesman had a colorful phrase for it. He said good news that they are putting away the matches and the gasoline, but they still want to negotiate with a nuclear bomb in their back pocket. I think they will shuffle slowly while shouting at each other towards a deal. I think it is likely. Doesnt that mean we have just delayed the process the six weeks . It is the underlying issues on which they are divided they are still relevant. Is there any chance they can fix those in the course of six weeks . That is the nuclear bomb that jay carney was talking about in the back pocket. That is the danger that we will be back here in five weeks or six weeks, talking about another crisis because the negotiations havent gone anywhere. If one is an optimist, and im not sure i am standing on capitol hill, they could have very serious talks about their differences over the budget and finances and find some solution that would allow them to go forward with a much longer fix. Im not sure that will happen. It depends, in part, on the mood of the republican party. Ormust get as much as we can whether some of them will feel that this is rather a crazy strategy that does not seem to have an end in sight. There was no obvious game plan. That they are glad to have got out with saving a bit of face. Lets hope we are not all here again in six weeks. Thanks for joining us from capitol hill as america tries to get itself out of a model muddle. One british unit began a nine month tour of duty in afghanistan. Be the lastats will major british forced to go to helmand province. They begin their tour with a special handover ceremony. We have this story. Playing] it hearlds the the lone bagpipe heralds the arrival of the desert rats. Packing up to finish the mission on timetable next year. Almost all british bases have already been handed over to afghan control. The country is unrecognizable from a decade ago. What the Afghan People do with that opportunity is up to them. Can the british army look back on this war and be proud of their legacy . Very differently definitely. The British Public are proud of their force. They should be proud of the achievement. Almosts on the streets eight years ago on the january morning when british soldiers first set foot in helmand. What do you think of the atmosphere here . Everyone has been really friendly. They are happy to see us. How different it is now when we travel in the heavily armed vehicle on our way to see a court. Better justice is something britain has promoted. Case that the looked like proper justice not available under the taliban for biting a mans year during a fight a mans ear during a fight. The chief justice says security does not now depend on british troops. Outside his court, security felt more in the balance. This man said the Afghan Police were not good enough to keep order on their own when the british leave. Feelsd certainly different now to when british troops arrived. Were hoops schools that close under the taliban are now so full that they cannot keep up with demand. President karzais commented that nato troops have brought only suffering to afghanistan. As britains long war enters its final phase, there are searching questions being asked about whether it has been worth the huge cost in loss of lives. Since the day british soldiers first walked out of here believing they were welcomed. Bbc news in helmand. Those questions being asked here in america just as they are back in great britain. At other news from around the world. Pakistani police have arrested former president musharraf for his role in the his alleged role in the death of people in a raid on a mosque. President is already under house arrest on other charges. Former taylor, the president of liberia, is to serve his 50year sentence for war crimes in the united kingdom. He is the first head of state to be convicted by an International War crimes court since the end of the second world war. The charges against him include murder, rape, and terrorism. They stem from his support of the rebels in sierra leones brutal civil war. There is interesting news for the millions of people who suffer from alzheimers disease and the millions more who care for them. For the first time, british scientist have british scientists have shown it is possible to stop brain cells from dying as a result of the disease. It could be many years before it leads to Clinical Trials in humans. Here is our medical correspondent. This Laboratory Mouse has a brain disease which is gradually destroying its coordination. See how it struggles to write itself right itself. Now contrasted with another mouse which has been given a compound which is protecting its brain tissue and stopping the run from dying. This study is being seen as potentially highly significant by those investigating human brain diseases. Meansing population neurodegenerative diseases are affecting more and more people. Around half a million have alzheimers. Then there is parkinsons and the devastating condition huntingtons. Scientists believe there could be a common mechanism that drives them, namely the buildup of abnormal proteins in the brain. That triggers a natural defense response which leads to cells dying. Compoundwere given a which reactivated protein production, preventing cells dying. This gives scientists a new target for tackling brain disease. But the human brain is far more complex than that of a mouse. It is simply too early to say whether this one study will ever lead to new drug treatments. We must be quite cautious. This is earlystage research. We need to do a whole lot more research to really understand what this means and turn it into a potential new drug. There needs to be Clinical Trials to see if it is a safe and effective treatment. Although he can still say the cano, this 84yearold can no longer care for himself play the piano, this 84yearold can no longer care for himself. All timers is robbing him of the ability to think and act independently alzheimers is robbing him of the ability to think and act independently. If there is something that can stop the brain dying, that would be absolutely a miracle. Any practical benefits are probably a decade or more away. Only then will we know if this Research Marks a turning point in the fight against brain disease. An interesting moment for alzheimers. The master of the contemporary short story, canadian author alice munro is awarded the nobel prize for literature. Every sport has its most famous player. In cricket, that crown goes to india for recordbreaking is recordbreaking to indias recordbreaking sachin tendulkar. He has announced he will retire. No man has ever done more with a simple cricket bat. Lkar has scored more runs than anyone in the International Game ever. His significance is more than statistical. Well who know tendulkar admire not just his talent but his ability to ignore the adoration. His idea about the game, the way he has led his life very simple. Never got carried away with the adulation he gets in india and overseas. We started school cricket. I captained him for six years. Fantastic. Tendulkar made his first entry for india in 1990 against england. He was just 17. By his 30s, he has become both celebrity and statesman. He appeared on television telling his country he played now more than ever. Into her batting terms, there is always debate about who is the greatest in pure batting terms, there is always debate about who is the greatest. The best two players by a long way in teh last in the last 20 years. In the two test matches that be an, it will opportunity for an outpouring of emotion which will make this seem tame. I never thought i would win that was the reaction from canadian author alice munro after learning she actually did win this years nobel prize for literature. The judges said the 82yearold was a master of the contemporary short story. Our arts editor has the this report. Some of alice munros many collections of short stories represent the body of work over 40 years in the making. For which today she became the first ever canadian nobel laureate. The nobel prize in literature for 2013 is awarded to canadian author alice munro, master of the contemporary short story. Although she was hotly tipped to win this year, the news came as something of a surprise to her. It seemed so impossible, such a splendid thing to have that i cant describe it. It is more than i can say. Alice munro does not write about big political subjects. She writes about the small details of everyday life, about communities and relationships, but the way she does it is as powerful as any novel. The peoples, places, and it ends she describes in her books become real. You dont just read her stories, you live them. The selfeffacing author gets to the heart of what it is to be human. Reminiscent of anton chekhov, another great writer of short stories with whom she has been compared. I dont know any jokes. Might her award have on the world of literary fiction . Is a boost for the short for the it is a boost short story besides being a boost for canadian writing. It is a form that has been kind of neglected, especially by publishers. The short story has been out of fashion for some time. This puts alice munro together with a short listing of it would suggest remedy is back. Brevity is back from the written word to visual art, over a hundred years ago, an exhibition of paintings in new york city revolutionized the u. S. Art scene. The armory show introduced american audiences to the great masters of europe. To mark the anniversary, the New York Historical society is putting many of those same masterpieces on display once again. The curator has coauthored an accompanying book. She spoke to us about the power of these paintings. There was a lot of uproar over it in new york. 87,000 people visited in a month. People on the street were talking about it. First time the american public, in 1913, was able to see the great things that were being produced in europe, the work of pablo picasso, matisse. 1913 in new york was an amazing time period. Raise the flag and plant the standard was revolutionary in so many different ways. Women were marching in the streets not only for the right to vote but for contraception, for the right to have children out of wedlock. Laborers, workers were marching the streets for better working conditions and for higher wages. Change was in the air and change was a good thing. Inside the armory show as well as outside of it. Some critics berated and derided and laughed at them. The ones that critics did not ,nderstand, like Marcel Duchamp nude descending a staircase, people have sent to us, whats the big deal . Take yourself 100 years back. People dont know what to look for. They cannot see what duchamp supposedly said is there. Legends, we call them. When people think of the armory show, up until this exhibition, we hope, they think of it as being european art. There were as many if not more american artists. The Young Artists were very frustrated because there were few outlets for them. They could show the public what they were doing. It was an opportunity for american artists to exhibit their work. The work that you see now that you are criticizing and dont understand years from now will be seen as masterpieces. They had a great eye. Obviously, they are stone as masterpieces now. They had wonderful things that were new they are seen as masterpieces now. They had wonderful things that were new and fresh. What 100 years will do to our perception of art. The curator of american art at the New York Historical society. The armory show 100 years on. That brings todays broadcast to a close. You can watch bbc news on our 24hour news channel. From all of us here, thanks for watching. I will see you back here tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. 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And from you never do know whats around the bend big adventure or a brandnew friend when youre curious like Curious George swing well, every day every day is so glorious glorious george and Everything Everything is so wondrous wondrous theres more to explore when you open the door and meet friends like this, you just cant miss i know youre curious curious and thats marvelous marvelous and thats your reward youll never be bored if you ask yourself, what is this . Like curious. Like curious. Curious george. Oh. Captioning sponsored by Nbc Universal narrator george liked everything on the menu at the ygoby diner. Especially the maze puzzles. hooting happily good job, george. But do you think youre ready to face the maze at renkins farm . Uhhuh, uhhuh wow, there it is. That was the maze . sighs george was going to need a bigger crayon. Welcome, radio listeners, to the amazing maze race the annual contest to see who can solve farmer renkins cornfield maze the fastest. This year, farmer renkins has cut a doozy of a path, with more tintersections and dead ends than ever. Whoever first finds the exit, way over by the barn, wins, dontcha know. I see our competitors have received their maps. Lets find out what strategies theyll be ausin. Oh, were leaving it all up to tina. Whos tina . Not who, what. Our tiny intelligent navigation aide beeping tina

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