Strategic decisions. We offer expertise and tailored for a wide range of industries. What can we do for you . And now bbc world news. This is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i am laura trevelyan. Violence escalates in egypt. More than 50 killed by Security Forces amidst warnings the country could be headed for civil war. Searching for answers after a deadly plane crash. Investigators piece together aw a flight incident how landing San Francisco went so terribly wrong. A new list ranking the world from Top Companies is out. We will tell you what it reveals. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. Tonight,not egypt is a country on edge after more than 50 protesters were shot dead in cairo. A group from the Muslim Brotherhood has gathered to reinstate Mohamed Morsi as president. In response the caretaker leader has called for calm. Quentin somerville starts our coverage from cairo. Click the fire from tear gas and live bullets. These president morsi supporters run for ever. It is just after dawn and it is the Egyptian Army shooting at them. They say they were unarmed and in the middle of prayers. But Authorities Say gunmen and that gunmen in the crowd provoked them. Scores were killed, nearly all of them protesters. Hundreds work rushed to the nearby hospital. This is the aftermath later this morning. Bullet holes and shell casings. I got hit in the ack of my head since morsi was ousted. The confrontation here shows no sign of winning and the violence only gets worse. Apologies if there was a break in transmission where you are. We are very sorry about that. I to our correspondent in a very noisy cairo a short time ago. Bloodshed is only just getting worse. Is there a way out of this . The only way out of this is a political solution, somehow including islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood, whose supporters you can see all around me and at every event like this. They are still operating with the authorities. This is the biggest islamic institution. They are saying there is an opposing to greed and what has happened. Really, the islamists feel left , and they arel questioning what revenge they might take . The Muslim Brotherhood has called for an uprising against the army. What might be a solution to this crisis and older egyptians who are talking to you what are their fears at this point . The army came in and said when the new interim president stepped down, they arrested the Muslim Brotherhood leaders. We have seen this. A hundred People Killed over the last few days. These people have found their way back into the cause politically, and while they have been saying they want to keep civil, there are some very angry people there. And this has already escalated. It is now a huge problem in terms of security. There are going to be some of aese people looking for like the solution reinstatement of Mohamed Morsi, which does not look like it is going to happen. They will continue to violence. Thank you very much for joining us. I am joined now by my guest, the and marceau thats repressor for peace and development from the University Anwar sadat the professor for peace and development from the university of maryland. These developments, these concessions could be in six months. What do you make of that . Surely that is good news because most people want a fast transition. Certain people in the coalition, the International Community have been pressuring them. Washington, in the Obama Administration has not called this a coup. They are hoping there will be an accelerated move toward democracy. Im sure this is good to hear, especially in light of what happened earlier today, which is been problematic generalsn some ways and people who supported them are saying this is really responding to the people that we want to be inclusive. On the other hand, a lot of things that have happened indicate theye need to send a message quickly. Is it sayingood new elections need to be held when the results of the last elections were not respected . Good question. I think part of the problem last time was we did not have, prior to the elections that led to but the parliament and the president , they did not have a new constitution. Some of the people in this coalition mohamed al bharati who is central, that they needed to see new constitution first. That is not a small issue. About basic and fundamental rights. It is about basic and fundamental rights. What is common in this coalition they oppose morsi. Based know what they dont want to rid they do not know what they want. You have people that are liberal. You have people who want to go back to a more Hosni Mubarak regime. In the meantime, the u. S. Is standing by and watching very carefully. What is the dilemma for the white house . The white house understands that it is not about washington. I know here in sound we think everything is about washington, but the Obama Administration in aid to. 3 billion the generals . Despite that for sure. They gave morsi 8 billion in one year. Lets put that in some perspective. Yes, it matters. The u. S. Doesnt have levers and it does influence the generals. Arguably in the first transition after mubarak was overthrown, they influence them to go with morsi winning. But the u. S. Does not have that much leverage except to push them perhaps to a quicker transition toward democracy. Thank you for joining us my pleasure. Today the Investigation Continues into what caused an Asiana Airlines flight to crash land in San Francisco on saturday. Reports indicate that the plane tootraveling too low and slow when it hit the seawall before landing. The pilots experience is being questioned. Look at that one. The final moments of flight an amateur by cameraman across the San Francisco bay. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. This is where it ended up. The smoking wreck. Fire still burning inside. Was no warning for the passengers. They jumped from what was left of the plane, desperate to get away. The impact was so powerful. The captain was screaming emergency evacuation to school girls were killed. Two school girls were killed. They were Chinese Students coming to california to practice their english over the summer. One of the girls may have been killed by an Emergency Vehicle on the runway. The flight came in too slow and too low and hit the edge of the runway. Its tail was ripped off along with its landing gear. The body of the plane skidded almost 2000 feet for it came to rest and first into flames. The crash investigators have gone through voice and eight or recordings recovered from the scene. No evidence of any distress calls or any problem or words with respect to the aircraft prior to the accident. The pilot had little 777. Ience in a seven seconds before the crash, an alarm went off. The pilot tried to pull up before impact, but by then it was too late. , washington. Click the search continues in San Francisco. It looks like a war zone. That is how canadas Prime Minister described the site where containers of oil asked loaded. Scores are still missing. Police are warning that somebodys may never be recovered. The bbcs paul adams has the latest. Theore than two days after first explosion, a feeling of devastation and lingering danger. Much of lacmegantic was too hazardous for investigators to search overnight. The death toll is thought to be destined to rise. Many are thought to have been drinking in a bar in the early hours when the train blew up in the center of town. Aroundre still talking 40 people are missing. We do not know their whereabouts. Likened to an atomic bomb, i giant fireball of the train derailed. Crudef it 73 wagons of oil exploded. Dozens of nearby buildings flattened or vaporized. The reasons for all this, still a mystery. The train traveled out of control for eight miles near account. Any had already put out engine fire late on friday minutes before the parked train simply rolled away. Canadas Prime Minister stephen , sayingoward the area it looked like a war zone. He may use questions about the rising volumes of crude traveling by train across western canada. A local secondary school turned into an emergency shelter. 2000 people forced from their homes. There is uncertainty and bred dread uncertainty and here. Investigators are looking into whether the train brakes were somehow switched off. The locomotive was left running to make sure the brakes work. There is also the question of pollution. An unknown quantity of oil has spilled into a nearby river and lake. Paul adams, bbc news, washington. A small canadian town in shock there. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come the painful story of Sexual Assault in the u. S. Military. One former marine talks about an incident which forever changed his life. Pope francis has made his First Official trip outside rome and has gone to the island of luck producer. Our vatican correspondent reports. This was new style, stripped down papal travel. Less ceremonial, with fewer bishops and local vip politicians hanging around. Pope francis wanted to see for himself the tiny island just become a gate way into the you for undocumented african migrants. He threw aread modest wreath of yellow and White Flowers into the sea to the memory those who had died at shipwrecked over the last years. At we need to wake in our consciousness. To make sure this never happens again. At least 40 migrants have drowned at sea. The year the figure was in hundreds. Pope francis chatted with the help of an interpreter to muslim migrants. This evening will begin the fast of ram again. I wish for you great spiritual fruits. The altar in the shape of a boat. And francis at the ships wheel. The chalice the wreck of the immigrant votes. Is new Catholic Church determined to minister above all to the worlds poor and dispossessed. Bbc news, rome. Now to a disturbing trend in the u. S. Military. A study by the Defense Department estimates last year 26,000 men and women were the big himself unwanted sexual contact. Only a small percentage of cases are reported and fewer are prosecuted. While there has been much attention on the views of women, male counterparts are also exposed to serious trauma. Former marine Jeremiah Arbogast shares his story with us. It was a childhood dream. I felt as a child during up, i always went to be United States marine. It was my calling. At the age of 17 i had my mom itned enlistment a person. Was a good feeling every day, putting on my uniform and knowing what my purpose was in life. I was sexually assaulted and raped by a staff sergeant. It was really a hard hits me , sexualitymy manhood wise. You start to question, being gay or Something Like that, like it was your fault. I felt stigmatized. People think you are crazy or Something Like that. They do not know the trauma. I dealt with posttraumatic stress disorder from the time of the incident to this day. I deal with it. There are different ways of how dark it went and how i cope with it now. My darkest day was october 2009. , like aike a Disease Burden on peoples life. I have a daughter 10 years old and a wife. Everything that i should be doing because of the Sexual Assault and the rate, it was rubbing off on them. I took a nine millimeter handgun and was going to shoot myself straight in the chest. Because of my drinking, i slumped and it went into my high abdomen area and came out my spine, which caused an incomplete paraplegia. I lost 50 of my blood. I should not be here. A higher purpose has me here. Me. Is not going to define this is not going to rule my life anymore. I am going to show people, you can overcome this. I started to get involved in sports. Last year i was at the 2012 warrior games. I got a silver and bronze. The best thing i am living for each and every day is myself and my family and rents. Friends. Is now to ensure that these sick individuals who prey upon these innocent people it is not a gender issue within the village area. It is a predator issue. It is a power issue. If we can get across to all of these people, hey, you guys need to open your eyes within the thing is this destroying 17yearolds, 18 yearold, 19yearolds dreams. Marine Jeremiah Arbogast there bravely telling his story in the hope of bringing about change. Shifting gears to the Global Economy today a new list shows who is up and who is down. The fortune 500 reveals that more dutch shell generated revenue than any other company in the world. The u. S. Leads the list with 130 two of the globes richest companies. China now has 89, up to explain from last year. Japan comes in third with 62. For full analysis of the list, i spoke with the fortune 500 Deputy Managing Editor in new york. What does this tell us about the rise and seemingly inexorable rise of china . Laura, it feels like an inexorable rise. China had less than 10 companies a decade ago, and now it has 89 companies as you pointed out. What is interesting about the global 500 is it is a snapshot of the Global Economy and provides insights into what is going on in domestic economies like china. China obviously has made National Companies that serve that very Large Population and as a result, they are going to be huge companies. The other thing we have seen with china is its companies are going out into the world and you have major corporations warweies like technologies and lenovo, and those companies are global. 89 of the Worlds Largest corporations are from china. The u. S. Has 132. How long until the until china takes the lead, do you think . I think it is a matter of china going out into the world, as i said earlier. The domestic economy can only take companies so far. And you look at companies from the United States on that list, Companies Like general electric, Companies Like apple, i huge percentage of their revenue is generated outside their home country. For china to overtake the United States or all of europe, more those companies will have to be truly global. They need more lenovos. Like a good year for the u. S. On paper, but are there any worrying trends as you read those tea leaves . Sure. If you look at the overall global 500, revenue was up slightly. The cumulative global 500 had trillion in revenue. But profits were down. In 2008 the world was going through that big global recession. To see the profits go down, to suggest that companies have a little bit of work to do, i suggest Many Companies have done all they can with cost cutting. So, for the biggest corporations in the world, it really is going to be about stimulating organic, longterm sustainable growth. Stephanie, thank you very much indeed for joining us. Good fortune, andy murray continues his victory lap after winning wimbledon. Prime minister David Cameron welcomed him. There is the rumor that murray could be considered for a knighthood after his achievement. For constant updates from around our 24hourheck four hour news network. For all of us, thanks for watching. Please tune in tomorrow. There are books that you simply cant put down. At there are read there are writers you cant ignore. When i am writing a story, i want it to speak to me. Interviews with prizewinning authors. It is essential for any rider. Talking books on bbc world news. 21st century, wealth is changing hands and crossing continents. Across the globe, he rich are becoming younger, less likely to bemen, and more likely to used. This series has access to some of the most innovative entrepreneurs. Changing fortune this weekend on bbc world news. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the Freeman Foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newmans own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. At union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key strategic decisions. We offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. What can we do for you . Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Captioning sponsored by Macneil Lehrer productions ifill investigators tried to determine today why the jet that crashed at San Franciscos airport saturday was flying too low and too slowly. Good evening, im gwen ifill. Woodruff and im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight, we get the latest on the accident, which killed two chinese teenagers and sent more than 180 people to the hospital from the head of the National Transportation safety board, deborah hersman. Ifill and Hari Sreenivasan updates another transportation disaster; the Oil Tanker Train that exploded in canada killing at least 13 with dozens still missing and a town incinerated. Woodruff we return to egypt, where the death toll topped 50 when the military opened fire on backers of the deposed president

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