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>> and now "bbc world news." one of the three main insurgent groups in afghanistan tells the bbc a ceasefire is possible, spelling out a term -- spelling out terms for a truce. the european union says it is ready to bailout the irish, but they say no rescue package is needed. german terror alert, the government talking of clear indications that attacks are in the net. -- that attacks are a minute. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast in america and around the globe. the u.n. closes operations in northern haiti in the face of violent protests. demonstrators claimed that peacekeepers brought cholera into the country. and what will the royal wedding look like in the future? hello. one of the three main insurgent groups in afghanistan has told the bbc that cease-fire is possible. they spelled out their terms for a truce in rare interview across the border in pakistan, where it is alleged the key afghan insurgent groups have sanctuaries. from the border, we have this report. >> under pakistani military escort, which followed a route etch into history. this is the gateway to afghanistan. invading armies have come this way for centuries. today, there is chaos and conflict on both sides of this border. people here blame one thing. while there are foreign troops in afghanistan, there will be no peace there or here. the fates of these nations are intertwined. for many pakistani is, a pullout of foreign forces from afghanistan cannot come soon enough. they believe it would have a calming effect here and reduce the blood shed on this side of the border. if there is a path to peace in afghanistan, it probably has to run through here. afghan insurgents, and go here in the border. and tribal belt. pakistan's shadows spy agency has backed them in the past and allegedly still does. and it was here in pakistan we managed to contact one of the three main insurgent groups fighting across the border. we met the son of the head, whose father has been branded a global terrorist by the u.s. his group is maneuvering for influence and evening talking of a cease-fire -- and even talking about a cease-fire. >> talks can be held. if they agree to be confined to their bases and give a specified time frame for a living, there can be cease-fire. >> whatever the future for its neighbor, pakistan is still battling its own taliban. this was their latest attack, a massive blast aimed at the anti-terror police. experts warned and long term, the buttons based here are the biggest threat to the west. >> they represent an enormous threat. it does not mean even if they get out of afghanistan that there is an end to these groups. >> back at the border, a parade. new recruits pledged to defend their country with their lives. pakistan has paid a high price for supporting nato in afghanistan. if it is ignored, it could jeopardize the deal. >> they would ignore pakistan only at their own peril. a pakistan would be excluded only with the implications for america, and unfortunately afghanistan, which nobody would want. >> pakistan is eager for the endgame across the border, but it forces no -- but its forces know that if nato leaves too soon, there could be greater instability here. the republic of ireland is insisting it will work with european authorities to overcome its huge budget deficit. so far it has resisted it accepting a bailout. officials from the e.u. and imf are going to dublin to prepare one just in case. the finance chancellor in london has offered british money to help. >> the crash and ireland's economy is summed up by 30,000 and the homes. a gathering dust and coast estates after the irish property bubble burst. the celtic tiger boom made ireland the golden boy. it is now the problem child. ireland's debt crisis is making borrowing more expensive for other parts of the eurozone. the u.k. is outside of that zone but it still wants to help. >> ireland is our closest neighbor and is in britain's national interest that the irish economy is successful and we have a stable banking system. britain is ready to support ireland and the steps that it needs to take to bring about that stability. >> ireland is the u.k.'s fifth largest export market. the u.k. could help by giving the country a direct loan or contributing to a european-wide rescue fund. although the irish government says it does not want a bailout, some believe that is just a tactic. >> they're probably getting as much as they can at of this negotiating process so that ultimately when the decision is announced, that it may be on slightly favorable terms for ireland. there is very much a game going on here. >> any deal that is negotiated will be too late for this young nursing graduate. she is leaving ireland this weekend, one of thousands of people leaving. >> i have to leave my family and friends behind, my boyfriend behind. i have to go to the u.k. to find a permanent job in nursing. i don't want to leave these people behind, but it is not a choice i have. >> the focus of the debt crisis is now switching from brussels to dublin. tomorrow, officials are coming here from the european central bank, the european commission, and the imf. for ireland, it is not decision time. bailout or no bailout? the rest of europe is waiting for an answer. measures to taking curb rising inflation, which officials fear could cause social unrest. food is now 10% more expensive than a year ago, so now there will be food subsidies for poorer families and moves to ease stable goods. viktor bout has appeared at an american court for the first time, pleading not guilty to terrorism charges. he is held in custody without bail. russia is fiercely criticizing his extradition to the u.s. from thailand. they have called it a blatant injustice. at least 49 people have been arrested by the police in violent clashes outside of the u.s. embassy in athens. riot police used tear gas and stun grenades. one protester is being treated in hospital for burns. security is being stepped up in germany on indication a terrorist attack could be imminent. the interior minister has talked of a tipoff from abroad, suggesting a possible attack before the end of this month. steve avens reports from berlin. >> security at train stations will be increased because of fears of attack, although the german government is not saying what it thinks the specific targets are. the interior minister said there is concrete evidence of a threat. he said the measures are intended to be preventative and as a deterrent. we are showing strength and will not allow ourselves to be intimidated. we will not allow international terrorism to construct our way of life or are liberal culture. the information came from an unspecified country after the discovery of two bombs in printer toner cartridges from yemen. the aircraft traveled through a free hub in germany. last year in moscow, hamburg was closed after 12 militants vanished. at least one was killed in an attack by an unmanned u.s. drone aircraft. others remain unaccounted for. it is not known if these people are the reason for today's heightened security, which will now take place at german airports. the government warned german citizens there was a need for heightened security, but not for hysteria. stephen evans, bbc news. the united nations has shut down eight at operations in northern haiti because of violent demonstrations. more than 1000 people have died in the cholera outbreak. people blamed the u.n. peacekeepers, which they denied. >> not so badly affected by the earthquake, living conditions of our port and there is alarm with the spread of cholera. anger directed at these peacekeepers and relief workers. >> they began attacking the warehouses, throwing stones and bottles. in the early morning hours, those attacks went on to begin looting food from the warehouses and also to burn it this morning. >> scientists say the cholera is related to restrain from south asia, but none of the nepalese have tested positive. that has not stopped the rumors or the anchor. them if they have come to a conclusion that the troops are responsible for spreading cholera in this country, they should all leave. it is important for haitians to stand up and get the u.n. troops out. >> the haitian authorities and the u.n. blame it on criminal figures to want to prevent the presidential election plan for the end of the month. they warn that chaos will only worsen the epidemic. and there is chilling news from the neighboring dominican republic, where despite closing the border to haitians, its first case has been confirmed. the authorities there have called it a serious threat. a group of military officers in madagascar are said to have taken control of the island, this on the day people were voting on a referendum on a new constitution. the group says they have formed a military committee. of the government insists that it is still in charge. the interim president of guinea has declared a state of emergency until the supreme court decides on the election. there have been clashes between security forces and the apparently defeated candidate. a 3-year-old girl has been rescued on injured after falling into an irrigation well near buenos aires. there were huge celebrations as rescuers pulled her to the surface after the six-hour operation. she escaped with just a few scratches. stay with us on "bbc world news." how the kidneys could hold the key to saving people from high blood pressure and strokes. first, a question, what do the mediterranean diet, and chinese acupuncture have in common? they have all been given protected status by the united nations, something that has made many italians very happy. >> these are all part of the mediterranean diet that is now protected. for years, italians, spaniards, greeks, and others have championed the health benefits of food like this. now unesco has given the diet's special recognition. it has added the diet to its intangible harassed -- intangible heritage list, protected world status. what this award says is when it comes to protecting things, traditions and cultures are just as important as monuments and buildings. in the end, it is all a matter of taste. although the scientific benefits of the diet have been disputed, unesco's award is a symbol that they believed the tradition is worth preserving. world heritage status is usually associated with physical structures or outstanding natural features, like stonehenge in britain, this temple complex in cambodia, or australia's great barrier reef. unesco began in tangible heritage status two years ago, and this week, along with the mediterranean diet, they added french cuisine and the spanish flamenco. now there are around 180 cultural treasures that you cannot quite visit, but even still savor. -- but you can still savor. this is "bbc world news." the latest headlines, one of the main insurgent groups in afghanistan has told the bbc cease-fire is possible. they laid out terms for a truce across the border in pakistan. the republic of ireland is insisting it will work with european authorities to overcome its huge budget deficit. the indonesian province has long been at odds with the central government in jakarta. separatist insurgents have been active there for decades. now ritual harvey has gained rare access to the capital. -- now rachel harvey has gained rare access to the capital. >> their rich in natural resources and ripe with resentment. they're physically and culturally different from other indonesians. this meeting is trying to chart a new path for them. the central government granted them autonomy status to stave off calls for independence. despite millions of dollars of investment, all tammy has failed to deliver the prosperity and empowerment people demand. it community leaders are urging more dialogue to work out something better. we have heard people calling for a referendum on independence. the idea of a meeting is to reach consensus so that they are all speaking with one voice. a clearly will not be easy. -- it clearly will not be easy. this catholic priest is increasing the dialogue. >> it is decided by somebody else, not by us. what we are demanding now is see us as human beings. i>> these disturbing images show members of the indonesian military interrogating suspected independence sympathizers. much of the abuse is too graphic to show. the government has promised to investigate. it knows incidents like this hard in separatist sentiment. this person was convicted of treason for taking part in an independent rally. released from prison in july, he has joined the community discussion, but they are unimpressed with calls for talks with the government of jakarta. >> autonomy was forced upon us. most people have rejected it. the majority want to be independent. there is no point in dialogue without that. >> the government says debate is fine, but the island's position within indonesia is not negotiable. >> we're dealing with certain issues, and it is a problem that will improve the part of the problem. >> the government says autonomy is here to stay. it is up for the residents to make it work. but the residents want more. mutual mistrust and mutual misunderstanding. stalemate. something has to give. regional party, bbc news. it -- rachel harvey, bbc news. a referendum will decide if the south should break away from the arab dominated north. on tuesday, are east africa correspondent was reporting on how the referendum is seen. he is now in the south. >> the national anthem for a country that does not yet exist. but there is plenty of optimism here. a new nation, south sudan, is about to be born. >> there are millions who have shed their blood for the sake of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. >> for decades, the people of southern sudan fought a war against domination by the is it is on it -- domination by the islamic north. millions died. when the war ended just over five years ago, the development effort began, but progress has been slow. this is the main town and the south of southern sudan. right across the south of the country, they are less than -- there are less than 50 kilometers of roadway. this country is being rebuilt from scratch. delicately piecing their lives together, these women who missed out on education learned how to make arts and crafts, a rare chance to make a living. this woman called for the soldiers during the war. mistrust of the old enemy still runs deep. she tells me that she hopes the referendum will allow the south to finally break free from the arab north. in this town, a rare sign of investor confidence, a $50 million brewery. some feel an amicable divorce is in everyone's interest. >> i think they realize both parties have to be good neighbors because they are very dependent on each other. >> the march towards independence is in full swing. there are still hurdles to overcome. the message is that the birth of a new nation is now on stoppable. -- the birth of a new nation is now unstoppable. researchers have discovered a new technique that could help people keep their blood pressure under control. they say it can be substantially reduced by short blast of radio waves to the kidneys. >> high blood pressure is often called the silent killer because it greatly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, yet many of us do not realize we have it. in the u.k., nearly one in three adults has high blood pressure. one in two patients in treatment do not achieve good control. this device offers a radical new approach by zapping the kidneys with radio waves. in a trial of 100 patients reported in the lancet journal, have achieved -- have had this device implanted and there are three, next to nerves going into the kidney, delivering a burst of radio frequency energy. this knocked out the nerve, which plays a key role in blood pressure control, and stopped under from sending signals to the brain. most of those who had treatment obtained substantial reductions in blood pressure, cutting their risk of cardiovascular disease. those involved in the trial that has the potential to save thousands of lives per year. >> we rarely expect to see big drops in blood pressure with further changes in medication. it to be able to drop somebody's blood pressure by this much as a result of a relatively simple, quick procedure is groundbreaking. >> fred could not keep his blood pressure under control. after having the kidney procedure, it is substantially lower and he dreams of one day coming off medication. >> i went for the operation, which to me has worked wonders. hopefully no more tablets. >> fred is trying to keep fit, another key to lowering blood pressure. a much bigger trials are needed to show whether the kidney treatment is effective, but if successful, it could be another key tool and fighting cardiovascular disease. in london, planning for the royal wedding next year has begun an artist. -- has begun in earnest. this report contains flash photography. >> emerging into public life, the announcement made, the organizing can begin, as can a little wedding anxiety. ropes,on't know the really, but i am willing to learn quickly and work hard. >> which venue will they choose? the obvious choices hold bittersweet memories for prince william. or westminster abbey and the painful reminders of his mother's funeral? whether at westminster abbey or st. paul's, the planning of the warrior wedding is complex. it will be led by several organizations, including the new the engaged couple. as for the wedding date, possibly as early as march. the diaries of senior royals will have to be looked at, as well as many other major defense. >> it is going gangbusters in america. americans love a royal wedding. americans love celebrity, the history of the royal family, the pomp and circumstance. americans just love the royals. >> what kind of event will be in these difficult economic times? the queen and prince philip's wedding in 1947 came in the postwar austerity years. a grand, but less extravagant. perhaps an example to her grandson and his fiancee. >> you just know we will be back to that story. much more on that and other international news on get in touch with me and the rest of the team on twitter and facebook. and you for being with us. i thank you for being with us. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold. get the top stories from around the globe and click to play video reports. go to to experience the in-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> union bank offers unique insight and expertise in a range of industries. what can we do for you? >> there is one stage that is the met and carnegie hall. >> o, that this too, too solid flesh -- >> it is the kennedy center -- >> check, one, 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