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Imports of steel now a mini I'm retaliate in was expected and the European Union have focused on all American products made in the heartlands for the president has sent supports like blue jeans but done on a Harley Davidsons members of the organization for the prohibiting of chemical weapons meet in special session shortly there to discuss a British call for the organization to be able to attribute blame for chemical weapons attacks such as the one in the Syrian town of Duma in April more from James Landale the i.p.c. w As it's known and established only if chemical weapons have been used not who was responsible for the plans will be considered at a special conference in The Hague of all the countries which have signed the Chemical Weapons Convention British diplomats have launched a huge effort to enough support to innovates tomorrow but Russia opposes the plan which might see it Syrian allies face further international condemnation political parties and the candidates taking part in next month's election in Zimbabwe will sign a peace pledge today days after an explosion at a campaign rally kills 2 people nearly 50 others were injured in the blast in the country's 2nd city pulled away oh president Emerson and God narrowly escaped on hurt but his 2 vice presidents were among those injured world news from the b.b.c. a Spanish doctor accused of stealing a baby from her mother nearly half a century ago is due to appear in court in Madrid today the retired gynecologist Eduardo valid is the 1st person to stand trial in connection with the theft of thousands of babies in the Franco era they were taken from their parents to prevent them becoming common it's Or because their unmarried mothers offended the regime's Catholic morals doctor that I was accused of having taken you know Smith mother to go all in 1989 from her mother and giving her to another woman. The lower house of the British parliament has approved controversial plans to build a 3rd runway at London Heathrow Europe's busiest airport London's mayor said the development would increase pollution as our political correspondent Ben right it was a vote that had taken many years of indecision and delay to land on the floor of the House of Commons the transport secretary Chris Grayling acknowledged the issue was divisive but he said the new runway was essential ministers hope work on the new runway can begin by 2021 but there may be several legal challenges before the bulldozers move in a survey by the Thomson Reuters Foundation says India is the most dangerous country for women it says women face risk from sexual violence and harassment from cultural and traditional practices and from human trafficking including forced labor sexual slavery and to domestic servitude a popular Japanese blogger has been stabbed to death apparently by a man he had and got on the internet good nature Okamoto was found dead in a toilet in focus after chairing a social media seminar police that a man had turned himself in and confessed to the killing investigators are trying to link him with an online post in which the writer warned that those who had mocked him were about to learn a lesson he's believed to have a history of harassing people online you can see news you listening to the nice one from the b.b.c. World Service with me Klamath Donald Trump administration is effectively suspending a controversial immigration policy that led to parents being separated from their children the so-called 0 tolerance policy provoked fierce criticism after pictures emerged of young children being kept in cages like facilities along the border with Mexico the White House spokeswoman Sara Sanders conceded the government simply didn't have the resources to sustain a policy at the present time those who've already lived through the separations are recounting the end. Question of the situation. There might be peace in this when I said but I think the most difficult thing was being separated from my daughter she cried calling for me saying she wanted to be with me. For a moment. To keep me yeah. It was the most difficult moment of my life I wasn't expecting it and official gave me the news that I'd be separated from my son because I was facing a criminal charge. While now plans are being made to house thousands of people coming into the us at military bases that attend Secretary Jim Mattis confirms 2 bases in Texas would be used but he was short on many other details The B.B.C.'s David Willis told us what we do know about the extra facilities. The government says it's responding to a rise a tremendous rise in the number of people seeking to slip across the border and into the United States the majority of them it seems from Central America now the u.s. Defense Secretary James Mattis has said simply that his department is providing what he calls logistical support for the Department of Homeland Security he says this isn't a political gesture making these 2 air force bases available now these bases will be used as temporary camps to house immigrants protect precisely how they will be used who will be housed there and so on isn't clear neither the White House nor the Department of Defense nor the Department of Health has actually provided details do even know whether children and parents will be allowed to stay together for the long term while we don't and this is all adding to the confusion because following president trumps executive order last week Border Patrol officers actually temporarily stopped referring immigration cases to the Justice Department for prosecution and that prompted rumors that this 0 tolerance policy very controversial controversial immigration policy might actually be halted and then the Justice Department had to come in an issue a statement saying no there was actually no change in policy whatsoever the government still intended to prosecute adults who cross the border illegally instead of as it put it claiming asylum as a port of entry at the border and we know that thousands of families have already been split up any word on whether they may at some point be reunited because there seems to be a lot of confusion as to whether people have the right information about where their children have gone and a lot of people who were caught at the border say they don't know where their children are despite assurances by the end. Ministration it has kept track of all of them the Justice Department says that the only way to prevent migrant children from being separated from their parents is to detain entire families that brings us back of course to these 2 military facilities being prepared to receive Well they're saying up to $20000.00 people David Willetts the organization for the permutation of chemical weapons is missing for a special session in The Hague today Britain's request in an effort to give more power to the chemical weapons watchdog the British foreign secretary Boris Johnson said that the o.p.c. W.'s proven technical expertise makes it the right body says to study who is behind an attack I asked Anna Holligan in The Hague why that matters at the moment only has a mandate to investigate the circumstances surrounding an attack and the type of toxic substance that was used so in other words they're able to go to the scene gather samples taken away for analysis and then say was it was so sarin or chlorine and that kind of thing but it doesn't have the power to to point the finger of blame there is nobody in the world that has that power and so the u.k. And its allies argue that they were going to zation as their technical knowledge has the skills has experience on the ground and so therefore it should be empowered with this mandate is the spur to this decision to push for this change the poisoning of said Guy in Union Square pile in Salzburg in the south west of England as far as we understand the motion that's being tabled by the k this week doesn't talk about what happened in Saul's really it focuses on the continued use of chemical weapons in Syria the important thing to remember here is that before 2012th it had been almost. No use of chemical weapons over the last 3 or 4 decades and in the last few years there have been almost mostly allegations of the deployment of these banned chemicals and going forward so you get these powers what difference will this make you can point the finger at someone and say yes we think it was you but what about bringing that person not government to book what changes on that front Well I think it's just part of the process it would just be a step in that direction without there being a real sorry sit there to give a definitive answer as to who was responsible it's left this kind of opportunity for the the waters to be muddied by multiple actors and allow state actors and non-state actors to perhaps belief that they can continue to act with impunity because there is no one there to point the finger if there is given this extra power thing it would potentially mean that the countries could then go to the u.n. Security Council and say well look the o.p.c. W. Said they did it no washer you going to do but that. In The Hague the group that runs the also because in Hollywood the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences is opening its door to a record number of minority and female filmmakers and actors to try to improve its diversity it has long been criticized for having a membership of overwhelmingly white men who then go on to nominate White men as the B.B.C.'s right then Morris in a more about the changes well the Academy is invited 928 new members and that is a record number this is you know last year everyone was shocked when they invited more than 700 people and it's part of their ambitious plan to sort of roll out the red carpet for a more diverse group and almost half of the people invited were women and about a 3rd were ethnic minorities more than a 3rd actually And you know they said they're going to double the number by 2020 the double the number of women ethnic minorities they still have a long way to go though I mean we've seen the campaigns ratchet up over the last couple of years Me too and of course also because so white so what is the hope that having this diversity in the ranks of people who can vote in the office race what is the hope that how is it going to change the shortlist that we see well I think they hope it will change you know perhaps unconscious bias or conscious bias that will change the types of films we see you know it used to be No one knew who the Academy members were and this was never public and you know it was overwhelmingly white male and I think around 2012 the l.a. Times did a big look at a focus piece about the Academy membership and it used to be so secretive Now we know who the members are now there and they were also quite elderly so they were older white male at the today's group that they've invited presumably they'll accept it will still be 69 percent male. And 84 percent white so they are working but it's still it's their goal is difficult but so many young people have been nominated today so many women and there is Oscar nominated stars people we've heard of like Timothy shallow man Daniel Kalu Yeah the British actor from get out and Black Panther several different people from Black Panther have been invited to join and I think that is going to be an Oscar story this year that's going to be a movie we're going to hear more about this is almost a 1000 people today and if they do that again next year and the following year you know it'll they might hit their goal they might you know it was a couple years ago it was 99 percent white male I believe that's not that long ago and this was something no one talked about or spoke about and now the issues of representation who is also making films people want to know that they're being represented people want to see a diverse cast crew a diverse viewpoint so you know they haven't solved it completely but they have a couple more years that he sees Reagan Morris' in a nail now has some of the stories for money's desk Europeans on just say high tech cameras mounted in planes and the drones could potentially save millions of trees from a deadly bout to really infection writing in the journal Nature plans the researchers say the airborne cameras which detect heat and information from the electromagnetic spectrum can identify diseased trees up to 14 months before all plant with all digits on the ground there is no cure for the infection known as all of the tree leprosy and affected trees must be destroyed to stop it spreading it's killed more than a 1000000 olive trees in Italy since 2030 in the former u.s. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin is suing 2 of his children and his former business manager alleging they stole money from him a little suit was filed in a Florida court one week after his children but Titian's to take control of his finances his family members have told the judge that he requires a legal guardian because he is called Going to cognitive decline year old was the 2nd to ever walk on the surface of the moon. The u.s. Association for library service to children has removed the name of the children's author Laura Ingalls Wilder from one of its awards because of racist language was Ingles Wilder wrote the hugely popular Little House On The Prairie books about her experiences as a pioneer in the American Midwest in the late 19th century there's also said that said they have received complaints about the office and to black and anti negative attitudes and it's a crucial day for Argentina one of the big teams of the football World Cup in Russia the 2 time world champions led by their star striker Leo Messi you need to beat Nigeria in their final group game to have any chance of making it through to the knockout stages Australia are also hoping to progress when they take on Peru in the other matches France face Denmark and Iceland are up against Croatia so much football to watch several time Neal thank you know a team of scientists has set sail from Hawaii to investigate the world's largest accumulation of marine plastic known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch the expedition will carry out a range of scientific experiments on the phenomenon now said to be 3 times the size of France our environment correspondent Matt McGrath reports the latest scientific estimate of the size of the swirling mass of plastic known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch says it's 16 times bigger than previously thought as well as the dangers posed to sea creatures who eat tiny fragments of this plastic soup scientists are also keen to find out about the toxic impact of chemicals in the plastic that emerge when they break down in sunlight and sea water British sailor Emily Penn says this is a key reason why she is leading an all woman team to capture samples of water and plastic from the garbage patch she says the plastics in the ocean produce hormone destruction chemicals that pose significant dangerous to women. Crying for their face many homing and stump. This is a big deal they affect pregnant and we can all say a. Child back and. Say with a women if. I really wanted to take the song and play with an all woman cring what awareness of the problems posed by plastic is growing researchers fear that the truth scale of the issue hasn't been fully grasped they say there are up to 5 trillion fragments of plastic floating around the waters of the world they're so small and so fine that they can never be removed. Let's get Argentina now where a 24 hour strike by a trade unions largely has paralyzed all activity in the capital. That's out of the unions protesting against a $50000000000.00 loan president. Agreed with the International Monetary Fund earlier this month they fear it would lead to further austerity in the country it's their 3rd strike against President McCree in 2 years the union leader $100.00 Badat says that striking was the only the beginning. This must be the start of a fight it's cannot end here we must defeat and drive out the i.m.f. Which is the only way for us the workers to be able to turn around the situation where we are being suffocated we're. Going to. South American correspondent case you want to describe the effects the strike has had on the Argentine capital when it brought public transport to whole trains buses even light tens of thousands of people were left high and dry as they couldn't get across the city the roads blocked as well because it just wasn't just a strike by the general confederation of workers it also created demonstrations from activists complaining criticizing about this 50000000000 loan agreed with the International Monetary Fund just earlier this month Dean is always had a tricky relationship with the i.m.f. And he was back in 2001 when the country defaulted on its debt and effectively a lot of say that it was left high and dry by i.m.f. Back policies and that caused much more starting in the country going forward it's try to repay its loans which it's done and then machree Cain and wanting to try. Rejuvenating economy he's very pro he's very market friendly by business friendly and he looked like Argentina was it was doing well but with the paso falling quite considerably he said he needed a loan as a kind of back up if you like to make sure that that would have economic crisis but this is brought back ghosts of the past people saying that you know I mean the thing if you like a president could do in Argentina with bring back the i.m.f. For a lot of people there are concerns that they could see I would turn to austerity measures and much more difficulty for workers in unemployment Kate he wants an fresh from his reelection as Turkish president. Is more powerful than ever with new executive powers at his disposal but you know and international observers have criticized the election campaign saying it wasn't conducted on a level playing field I got more details from on a limb of the Turkish 7 the criticism of based on the state of emergency they exist in Turkey for the last 2 years so they were claiming that this situation blocked their opposition from having the same program them yes the government party Mr a lost party and another point of criticism of the media because in Turkey the media is under control mainly by the pro government businessman that was another topic of criticism the government didn't react to these criticisms here but you know that from last election there were similar criticisms last year right after the referendum Mr r. Grant that these criticisms are aiming to cast a shadow on Turkey and Turkey success there he said that they will not reach their aims so there is no reason not to expect a similar reaction after this criticism it's a very divided come. Now that we saw thousands of people on the streets celebrating his wing there are thousands others who are unhappy about the new powers that he now has how can he unite the country his main aim will be developing the economy right after this election because Turkish economy is on the decline for the last one year the Turkish lira lost its value of turkey stock a fear of losing well or the interest rates are going up so he will try to reverse this and hope that it will create a positive reaction in the Turkish society at the same time he will have the power to issue all kind of degrees apart from the ones which affect human rights topics for he will be able to implement many laws that he wanted there 1st if he runs and also he gave the promise of lifting the state of emergency right after the election he said this will be one of my priorities so we will see if he holds these promises or not. And I am from our Turkish Tevis Prince William the 2nd in line to the British throne is currently on a tour of the Middle East becoming the 1st royal to make an official visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories he will meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later today and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas later in the week becomes amid a rising tensions between the 2 sides a Middle East correspondent yellow Nell reports. This is Jeffrey Gates one of the entrances to Jerusalem is Old City watching the flow of foreign Pilgrims the tourists heading in to see the holy sites taking in the history it's remarkable to think that a British royal hasn't come in decades on an official trip it Israel's former ambassador to the u.k. Ron process says there's been an unofficial boycott Look it's interesting that. Majesty only 20 years to visit Germany after World War 2 and 70 years for a member of the royal family to visit Israel we all know that members of the House of Windsor visited. The country. Not exactly Jeffersonian democracy surrounds us so there was no we not to have a visit. But right now presidents royals are particularly popular following last month's wedding of Prince Harry and Mecca Markel like many locals British Israeli Linda Lipschitz is pleased about Prince William's arrival I'm very excited and actually the throne but being Princess Diana's son I think Israel is really loud and obviously everybody would like to see Kate but having a new baby it wouldn't be expected. On his solo trip the Prince will got Jewish and Arab Israeli children playing football but political differences here always so easy to overcome Israeli politicians are criticizing his shed jewel for presenting Jerusalem's Old City as part of the occupied Palestinian territories Israel captured the east of the city in the 1967 war and later an extended in a move that's not internationally recognized it sees all the city as its capital but Palestinians want East Jerusalem as that capital Palestinian official we says the palace is using the right description the only country that has led to the international law opening and then let into those 11 as the capital of the us a stump. Has not changed its position still considers to this occupied territory you cannot expect. To come and become complicit and land theft and the legal annexation of those. That have been private to be. It's here by British royals Prince Charles last came to Jerusalem for the funeral of Israel's former president Shimon Peres and then went to the final resting place of his own grandmother Princess Alice of Greece on the Mount of Olives where this week his son will pay his respects. But there's also been speculation about whether Prince William might follow the example of 19th century British royals who got tattoos when they visited. Runs the oldest family tattoo business in the Old City and invites him to come of course we're going to be very proud to be like my great grandfather probably had his great grandfather. This will be like a real nice link to the past and to this beautiful tradition of the 3 programs. What ever he decides this will be an unfair guessable visit for the prince with lots of personal significance but it's also an unprecedented diplomatic challenge in such a sensitive place he knows that every step and every comment he makes being closely scrutinized. Your life and you have been listening to the news room on the b.b.c. World Service with me Claire McDonnell a reminder of the main use the u.s. Head of border security has suspended the policy of handing over illegal immigrants with children for prosecution that was the newsroom. Distribution of the b.b.c. World Service of the us is made possible by American Public Media a.p.m. Producers and distributes award winning public radio programs that Inform engage in captivate a.p.m. Is proud to connect audiences to the world with accurate impartial international news and global perspectives from the b.b.c. World Service. Support for k.q.e.d. Comes from the Murray and county fair with the theme all for one and fun for all opening June 30th through July 4th with a focus on sustainability the faire features barn animals rides fireworks and more Marin Fair dot org And Providence credit union a local nonprofit offering financial strength and safety since 1950 there are 13 month liquid certificate offers flexibility as rates rise Providence see you dot org insured by n c USA It's 930 fishing is an age old activity but is still so appealing as stocks of some fish decline and regulations limit the number of fish that can be taken on Kazakh Gras and in this week's why Factor I'll be finding out why people still want to fish and hearing about the special characteristics of fishing commune this is a big joining salmon fisherman in the u.k. Whose ages old method of net fishing is being threatened by regulations So joining me for the wife fact up after the news. B.b.c. News with Neil Yunus the u.s. Head of border security has suspended the policy of handing over illegal migrants with children for prosecution in apparent contravention of the administration's 0 tolerance policy Kevin Macklin and said the polls would continue until his agency and the Justice Department agreed on a policy allowing parents to be prosecuted without separating them from their children President Trump has criticized Harley-Davidson for its decision to move some of its production outside the United States the company said making bikes for the European market would gradually be transferred to other countries to avoid sharply increased stary of spy the European Union members of the international chemical weapons watchdog the o.p.c. Double it will discuss a call for the organizations powers to be increased that meeting has been called at the request of Britain which wants the o.p.c. Dumbly to be able to attribute to blame for incidents such as the chemical weapons attack on the Syrian city of Duma in April its thoughts to have killed more than 40 people political parties and candidates taking part in next month's election in Zimbabwe will sign a plea Peace Pledge today days after an explosion at a campaign rally kills 2 people there are 50 others were injured in the blast in the country's 2nd city put away. A Spanish doctor accused of stealing a baby from her mother nearly half a century ago is due to appear in court in Madrid today the retired gynecologist Eduardo Vella is the 1st person to stand trial in connection with the theft of thousands of babies during the regime of General Franco a popular Japanese blogger has been stabbed to death apparently by a man he had angered on the Internet that blogger Kenny Cheero Okamoto was found dead in the southwestern city of folk Oka after chairing a seminar on social media issues Police said a man had confessed to the killing b.b.c. World news. I. Flushing that was a positive line wasn't about the plan but there was no salmon and here's another one a blind eye to what. It's like to look at you flounder mind you isn't it. Thank you I heard a ghost I. Thought lapping sound is the gentle slope of the incoming tide hissing my green water pray for white is about chest deep in the waters of the soul life Earth which is a brutal river and situate that divides England from Scotland on the West if they perceive the main hospital on here to witness I have a message which is a rare and ancient type of fishing this is the most basic form of fishing you ever going to get easier method would be to stick. With. This is the b.b.c. World Service I'm cast and this week on the y. Factor we're asking why you know when it's dangerous or in conflict with the authorities if it makes no economic sense or contradicts conservation advice to people all around the world want to catch fish it's about the age old of the big catch in Australia of hauling your dinner out of the sea in met. I think you know something about what I would think which are no matter how it is. A little bit of. Out of hand he told me and that's but I. Would change the way I am now now if the ship. Afloat I'd feel I'm in front of bring the fish in that were sitting in the holes really just have to say so in a very short time in my profusion and with moccasin j. Who is chairman of the house for that is. Well we're in the middle of a soul with. And with him coming. And what we're doing with these fish and it's reputedly with the Viking all is well known for screaming at $16.17 foot. Half my thing was brought to the Solway 1200 years ago bond of by Takes Scandinavian rages it's a small scale of fact one fish a time but most messenger and a few house netted p.z. Asked still catch salmon and sea trout the way the Vikings did. Were found out there was a fish within the soul and the fall of the bank a few They were a little bit of fish and so what they actually did was the mid. Out of the rollers are 2 legs. And a lifting stick in the middle followed by a 12 foot net behind it the best way that I can think of describing this net is that it actually looks a bit like a football Golden that you've got your bar which would be the ancient Viking all then you've got you to post a lot of the red and you've got the net. Following out with the time and that's why you hoping your fish are going to go we hope an official comment about you know what you do is you just hold on to it and then you'll feel the fish in the back of the next. Is it only in this part of the world wait you get half net fishing now it's the last place left in the world that those fish and I think there is a commonality across the world among fishing communities the thing that links them is that this is literally the last livelihood which is the hunter gatherer life is good. That's Callum robots professor of marine conservation at the University of York in the u.k. You know for tens of thousands of years people have pitted themselves against nature in order to gather food and hunt food to keep people alive and communities going and the fishing industry is really the last of those hunter gatherers we are going out there to find how to moles and bring them back for food and livelihood you know that's that's a great uniting think it's a primordial instinct in a way that motivates people to go out and fish fish stocks in almost all global war says have plummeted over the last 50 years many countries impose strict limits on the number one type of fish that can be landed to prevent overfishing in years gone by hundreds of half Metis waded into the waters of a soul why in search of salmon but now the u.k. Government agencies that oversee the environment say Solway half nesses in English waters must return all the salmon they catch to the sea half measures in Scotland can keep just 3. Why do you think it's so important that this method of fishing continues well of it's the last place in the world to actually do this it's a living hell to teach it hasn't changed in a 1200 years it's still a sin would it still is being still a sin that's in a lot of their use Hassy in him we've got a better form of of nets so I'd say it's life fission in historical and anybody come and watch and say Well that was done in the same way over a 1000 years ago by by man not campus all went to Sally probably our forefathers and. 1240 generations of people a fish dish where this instinct to fish is one that motivates people across the globe I'm meant to bend I live in Alaska which is on an island and. Southeast Alaska and I fish on our family boat the Woodstock which is 38 feet long with my husband Kent in our 2 sons Linda is preparing for a 4 day fishing trip this is a long line trip for Sable fish some people also call it Black Sable fish live very deep the equivalent of a mile deep under water so we will run offshore in the morning 1520 miles offshore and set our gear will leave it in the water overnight will come back in the morning and haul it and then I'll take most of the day then will rebate our hooks and reset it do that for a couple days if the weather holds I 1st came to Alaska just to find a wild place and turn some money to pay for college and was immediately captivated by the beauty of the place and also by the strength of the fishing community and. The independence of the people and also their connection to this wild and productive land and decided it's where I wanted to live and that I wanted to be able to do that myself very strong connection between this community in the city. Of today. How long have you been. At the moment till now for you have been still there. So when are followers and on I'm going to fish I mean. Someone how big. As it is I go to a place with a well known as act want to yes I am Helen even. 45 year 46 years from. When doing a long term study when I was a boy. I'm getting quite good at it no. Just a smile to. Rebuke me so you've been doing this for the foreseeable. What's what's a pale What's the attraction. If you haven't you haven't tried it. The rule should get when you get among a lot of fish which. Now are. Bald you can't get any amount of fish they just keep putting restrictions on it all the time and people have followed fishing livelihood for generations and it's kind of independent lifestyle that you're pitching yourself against the elements you are trying to outwit the facia and catch a good catch feed your family make money and that motivation overwhelms something of the common sense motivations that might be expected to kick in as fish stocks decline so you know you might expect people to flee the industry long before they do because their livelihood is gradually getting more and more difficult there's a tendency to diminish. Fissures in particular and always sort of point things in time and say these cruel people are overfishing or exploiting of exploiting the resources as somehow met is an environmental economist a marine biologist at the International Institute for Environment and Development he championed small scale fishing communities across the global south you know when he sit down and talk to fishers day. You know what needs to be done there are the stewards of the resources and to want to be to be over exploited all over harvested if you think about the global fish catch or supply for the 50 percent of that is provided by small fish globally when he when people say I'm a fisherman I'm from a fish or family significant cultural. Portions rather So for most of these people. So much of survival at the same time he said much of I don't use well I'm just waiting out a bit further. Into the water. And if you have you caught him today. What are your thoughts on the fact that the authorities are trying to stop you from keeping the salmon here. And that's all my goodness that's because you can still go fish look at. President plus pushing going on this now over. Bill drove up to see if you can just gone through them just now well you know. How big some of those may be about 2 foot long. Oh you can eat fish but him but he's going to put it in it that way somebody is going to look. Fantastic skin and scales so shiny and look at the. Reverse Don't you see proof that you know you've got some analyses here our. Version 6 you did You can't recreate. Because. What do you like about fishing. To get. The right all. We ate things probably not money was left. To get some food. Well there's certainly easier ways to make a living the fishing support me financially but I chose to 1st because I love the way of life and their connection to the sea back in the u.k. On the East Coast a party of fisherman a landing that catch in states a picturesque fishing village. Plus fish for. 50 pounds. It's a subsistence living almost cultural didn't. Feel right thanks a lot. But I'm sure. Going charter boat other states on a day like today stays is the most wonderful place to be and it's a little empathy it's cliff there and it's nestled in the cliffs if you're not strong he won't survive in the fishing industry you've got to have tenacity you've got to have independence stubbornness and bloody mindedness if you're really really really going to be tough it's a hard life in the past fisherman rowed out to sea from states harbor in small boats called couple. That was. Down people people died why drag. The sailing in rowing incredibly hard it was it was it was a tough tough tough tough life and now it is better it is easier. We do have motors but the old days are sailed rowing the knowledge that you gain from it was fantastic they were the best seamen in the world the u.k. Has a rich fishing heritage but a life at sea has always been a dangerous unpredictable and pick a Areas way of making a living perhaps more so now than ever with the global decline of fish stocks but there's still ah young people who want to fish Chris Trent field is 21 and working towards a diploma in sea fishing at the Whitby and district fishing industry training school. After school I got a place on my accountancy apprenticeship Pricewaterhouse Coopers but after 6 months realized that it wasn't for me sitting in an office and not being in the outdoors after that I went and did some traveling to Alaska and Norway and while I was a lot of fishing and that's where I found my passion for fish and what's it been like Feed do you think it's going to give you what you warm from a career Yeah yeah I definitely think right now my passion is solely on fishing I just love the idea of. Pot net and then seeing what comes out in the end and I can definitely see the school you can give me a career later on from the. Just walking out the back of the nets now is fellows who've got these these strange looking contracts there's like a bill a football net catching well hoping to catch the salmon and sea trout for the coming in on the incoming tide. Finally coming and that was if. You look at the roof. It's a powerful thing and you can you can see that the fellows on the end having to really really strain to hold on that so now and I. Mean old is one that was. Used to get people 100 on at the end desperate not to leave because you might well be a fisherman sometimes a struggle between. Your life and culture through but that's what happens to fishermen isn't it you know you want to get the fish that you become addicted to do forces it works. And the result is also because this is a lottery where you stand we don't know where the fish are going to call. One guy can catch all the fish. Everybody else will be blind and everyone's just glancing up and down the line at each other to see what's happening and if anyone's having any journalist or professor of marine conservation caliber robot. I think there's a little element of the gambler about a fisherman and you know there's always the chance that one day you're going to hit that paint underwater you're going to find a huge fish show you're going to catch them and make a lot of money of course that becomes less and less likely as fish stocks decline and more and more improbable that you're going to beat the system and come back with the catch which is going to turn your right life around but just like a gambler you keep doing it even even with the long odds against you what is it about being out here half netting so appealing seeing the freedom. There's no tax money is no policeman. Who still lives so you want to do. This everyone for himself. Pretty hunks of yours has to feel like you. You've been listening to the wife factor on the b.b.c. World Service with me Kathy if you've enjoyed this program take a look at our website where you'll find others asking questions like why do we have such a close relationship with dogs and why do we look down on laziness and also found videos including why are we so fascinated by dinosaurs if you've an idea for why fact I would love to hear from you why factor at b.b.c. Dot com. That's a mile because they were not well known call I do things but you know fishing fishing fishing fishing when I was little a good time playing with the a.b.c. Difficulty for I better move this fish in the fact that there's a. Hello and welcome to more of something b.b.c. World Service we'll guide the numbers all around us in the news and in life and I'm Tim Harford. Now I've lived in England nearly all my life and I like to think I'm a bit of an intellectual or at least I wear a black polo neck sometimes which seems to be much the same thing so I was rather surprised when Beth one of our producers asked me how well I can speak English yet sorry about that you see the thing is we have an e-mail from a listener in islands called David Hurley and he's got a problem I've been trying to learn German for 3 years on the back of a New Year's resolution I've been using apps German t.v. Shows German newspaper websites trying to build up my book Aboriginal language skills. And in particular to. Do this to. Feel like I'm going to hitting a wall but no I think I would have maybe $500.00 words a German I was hoping that more or less could give me a shortcut but work out how many words we actually have in our vocabulary and more importantly how many of those words that we actually use on a regular basis fingers crossed of the German with just a few 100 words so David asking how many words a native speaker knows and how many words a native speaker uses and and best that's why you want to know how well I speak English that's exactly right I say well if your dictionary then I want to brag but it is going to take you a long time to tick off all the words that I know I can only imagine Don't worry I've got 100 s. Here is just got 50 words an x. I think I 50 words well you might not know all 50 of these words it's been put together by linguists and the idea is it gives you a rough estimate of how many words you might know together so you're ready Yeah thinking cap on going to be tricky Well we'll say one way to brace yourself Ok Ok Do you know what has means. You take in the making. Yes I know what as me I keep going hundreds goes along what dog I think she dog is probably easier to scribe than ours and yes I know what dog this is going to get more test. Backing up editor at its. Best Ok what about for a rule all the family will is fairly rule is that on the tip of a pencil you kind of put the eraser was an amazingly interesting word for that particular items now it is a good word keep us. Well it reminds me of a queer sort igneous or I want to get a fashion I I've got no idea. I'm not sure this is after failure. Well the spelling that you're showing me suggests that is it is the condition of not having a head or maybe a very small no thank you not having a hand yeah failure it's activator sounds like half losses ahead it sounds like when acapella goes wrong yes I'm Ok for us both for must be. Something that eats seeds or spore of all. I do know I write Ok I'm going to do the adding up to seconds so you've got 37 out of 50 that's actually really good and I do the math that means based on this test. You know roughly about 18 and a half 1000 words which is quite a lot it's quite a lot of words but it's not as many words as I proudly assumed that I would know could test and our listener David says now I've got 18500 words in my vocabulary Apparently David No 500 words of German but I mean fair enough that there's no way that David needs to know the German for all the saw could Prius Oh so you know how he was does he need there must be a big gap between how many words we know in our 1st language and how many we need to get by in a 2nd bomb luckily enough 10 that's just what I asked Professor Stuart Webb of the University of Western Ontario He's a linguist and his specialist subject is language that So you see not a perfect person to help us out for English I would usually tell students that educated native speakers of English know about 15220000 words families so here I'm talking about the word in all of its inflections and derivations for language learners in a foreign language setting So for example if you were learning French in Britain or English in Japan students may often really struggle to learn more than 2003000 words after many years of study so for example there was a study in Taiwan recently that showed that after 9 years of study about half of the students have still failed to learn the most frequent $1000.00 words now they knew lower frequency words but they had mastered those most important words words have different. I'll use if we think about synonyms for example we could consider tremendous and great now if you knew tremendous but didn't know great it's not going to be as valuable to you because you're not going to hear tremendous very often or read tremendous very often whereas you will hear great perhaps on a daily basis the guy who wrote in to us David Headley he's saying is that a shortcut by which I can quickly learn the language I'm choosing to learn in this case German So you'd say pick the 1000 most frequently used and try and learn those absolutely So for example with English I would suggest if you learned the 800 most frequent lemmas which is a word and it's inflections that will account for about 75 percent of all of the English language so that learning those $800.00 words 1st will provide the foundation for which you may be able to learn the lower frequency words it's incredible So you're saying no to speak is might not be 15000 different words families actually if you learn just the main 800 you already accounting for about 3 quarters of all the words we use That's right so that would be a cherry message for language line is absolutely what I tend to recommend the most is watching television find one show that you're interested in and start with Season one Episode one. The story. That it was Ok. When you watch that 1st episode it's going to be quite difficult and gradually as we watch these episodes in sequence we're not going to have to focus so much on learning the background story we're going to have all of that information and that's going to help us to learn the new words as they are encountered again and again and again. Professor Stewart Web so you only need to master around a 1000 words to speak most of the language brilliant and in case you're wondering how far you can get with a 1000 words well a 1000 isn't one of them just one thing I learned from cartoonist Randall Monroe who produced an amazing illustration called up go a 5 now up gala 5 labels a Saturn 5 space rockets using only the most commonly used 1000 words sorry $1000.00 words labels include components such as people box and fire comes out of here and this end should point toward the ground if you want to go to space if it starts pointing toward space you're having a bad problem and you will not go to space today in short I reckon David still has a few 100 words to go before we can describe any major space mission in Germany Good luck. That's all we have time for but please keep your questions and your comments coming in to more or less at b.b.c. Don't see oh don't you care we will be back next week until then. Our rebroadcast of this morning's forum is next here on k.q.e.d. Public radio support for k.q.e.d. Comes from Albany Subaru celebrating 25 years of service to the community now featuring the entire 2018 Subaru line including the new cross track details at Albany Subaru dot com and Eric and Wendy Schmidt who's fun 1st are teaching innovation supports transformative ideas that benefit humanity while protecting the natural world record. Izing through science the interdependence of all the systems the announcers and technical staff of k.q.e.d. Radio are affiliated with the National Association of broadcast employees and technicians c w a local 51 and fell c I o tomorrow's weather a lot like today's after some morning drizzle along the coast especially should be a mostly sunny afternoon temperatures a lot like today's It will get warmer later in the week this is k.q.e.d. F.m. 88.5 San Francisco and k.q. a I.f.n. 89.3 North Highlands Sacramento It's 10 o'clock. Public Radio in San Francisco I'm Michael Krasny last Friday President Trump addressed a room of people who have lost loved ones through.

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