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Quest and his unquenchable thirst for movies. He baffles, he exhilarated, he perplexes and surprises and most of all he entertains us and we want more of these imprints. In 24 frames per second. What quentin did for a lot of actors and collaborators, he put to them on the map. He put me on the globe. Here he is for his imprint, four more and not the most important ones. Someone was asking, are you excited . I was like, its not that ive wanted to do this my career. Ive wanted to put my hands in the courtyard way before i ever had a career. This is something ive wanted to i have to admit positively my favorite one is right rogers. His saying is cool and he put his sick shooters in there. I thought i would bring my glock down today. I kind of think the time has changed a little bit and it might not be the greatest idea. Im going to let roy have that one. I appreciate my friends coming out and all of you guys and the theater for inviting me to do this. This is a thrill and im honored. When we come back, more from hollywoods biggest films only we are happy is it and weve returned and weve got a lot more movie news to show only on the hollywood news report. All the dealers in atlanta are being supplied by antonio tope cope in miami. Put me in on it, james. Kevin hart and ice cube go undercover in miami to stop a Drug Trafficking ring in ride along ii. You going to help me get some hard evidence on him. Get to the north hallway and find out. Nobody said nothing to me about getting out of a window two stories up. We had everything in place, all the players. For us to kind of talk it out and talk it about expectations and we just were in a grooving at the meeting the kevin had him in stitches i was playing off what i was doing and i knew once i got on the set the magic would continue. Once people responded to the movie the way they responded to the first one, you knew you had something special. We said why not take advantage of that . Get in the lab now and cook up another one and the wrires writers and producers did another great job of getting us another Solid Foundation on film. What you got . You want this one . What you got in for sne i tried get into this and it fried my computer. Like its got acid for blood. Aliens. Ive never seen a device locked this tight. Level we cant crack. Noy, we started working on this and then very soon after one came out, thats when we set the plan in motion for ridealong two. We its been two years but a fast two years because we shot two right after one. Its chaling but youve got to be fearless when you approach a sequel the if youve got a successful movie, you have a lot of opportunity to go down there. You dont want to let down the fans. But youve got to be fearless, just go for it. Thats what we did. People can tell when the filmmaking process is fun. I think that kind of energy is evident on the screen and this was a fun movie to make. Future down drop it put it down put it down now holster your weapon. Theyre cops. Put your gun away. Future down, castro ok, you put it down. We go way back. Yeah, but i think we just met on set and no, we didnt see each other until ride along ii, qus but its been so fun seeing him, watching his rise. Every character you do, you dont play it the same way. And theres a plan or no plan . Because it feels like no plan. Maybe for the week. No, i have no thought in this noggin. I just say things. Im not paid to think. It depends on the project and character the like for a. J. , simple things, wearing watches. Know no one wears watches any more. But its simple. Where is the heart or the joke there . Sometimes theyre one and the same, sometimes theyre not. Im in the drivers seat, jamess. Why does this seat tell like burned toast . Get hell out thats kind of where i leeve. Live. Its like a little brother thats annoying you, you know, and its just that place, its where you live. I know hes thinking something bad. But he keeps turning his head to the side and its that observing look. So its definitely probably something along those lines. But it does the trick. You cant find the process if the process works and in this particular case, it works. Its not intense to where you dont have room to be silly at times or play around. You need that. There were times i was laughing and times i did the same thing. The only guy who skip thely doesnt break is q. My counterpart is q because i could really focus on him and being noid with him. But the real thing was ruining nine or 10 takes due to uncontrollable laugh 1234rer789 james. Maya. James . Maya. Youre an eagle. I saw an eagle take this playedys baby one time. Biggie small sefment slightly overrated . Hes no skir sir mixalot. May na. Maya. James. Shut up are overnight and had to shoot it again because i ruined so many because of laughing. They are so funny theyre continuing a long line of comedy duos that have that same kind of interplay. Kevin is a master comedian. He works really hard. And cube is o. G. Gangster from compton so when you have that kind of Energy Meeting what kevin brings there is something truly organic and magical that emerges. The end result is deeply funny. Kevin is the energizer bunny every minute of his life. Its crazy. Thats who efments but you know what he does . He actually is pervasive so its con ageous. He gives that energy to the whole crew. We have to shoot late nights, sometimes come in at 5 00 in the morning. Kevin is always on time and the crew feeds off that. I remember one will came and said what about putting kevin and q together and he couldnt finish the statement before i said im in because i knew putting them together would be classic. All right. A. J. Is on it. Step aside, por favor. Wait this is all your fault. Im your bodyguard. Not your certify vant. You are what i say you are not your certify vapt. Serveant. You are what i say you are traditional sign of respect. You have to preaire and prepare and when you are doing comedy there is a melody and cadence. There are moments when he and kevin say one thing and the whole audience laughs. You just prepare every want to make people laugh you got to hit the right key. Shes gorgeous. Lets just say it, ok . Shes break freaking beautiful. But shes also grot got great combedic timing and you would be surprised how smart she is. Just a great addition to this family. The were partners, james. We protect each other. On the vest. I definitely saved your life, man. Dont go too far now. James well be right back with more of your favorite stars news report. Were back. Now lets take a look at some more films only on hollywood news report. I want you to go up on deck and have a look. Chris pine, eric bana, and Casey Affleck help tell the coast guards true story of the attempt to rescue mariners during a blizzard in the finest hours. Please call him back in. I think thats the great thing about watching stories like that, you are not watching a caped crusader, you are watching someone who looks very much like you look, could be your nextdoor neighbor, could be you. And what would you do in this situation . I think its about who these men are but its important to have these stories out there because there are people all around the world serving their country that are ordinary people that in circumstances can do by sheer force of will incredible things for people. It focuses on all the good they were doing and the heroism of this. And be strength and courage and it nice to see a movie that captures that in a really simple is, straightforward kind of oldfashionedy kind of way. Similar boat and a few days on the set talking to an expert about what every little crank does and lever does. But im sure there are times i should be spinning it this way or pulling it that way and no one knows the difference. I dont know how shes going to date a guy in the coast guard. Im not afraid of the water, bernie. It scares me at night, thats all. You cant see whats underneath. The i met bernie the last day we shot the film wand and she was a lovely, lovely woman. It was a move to see it was kind of moving to have her see her dad in this kind of hollywood way. Its kind of, easy is the wrong word but what i really enjoyed about it is in any situation where you are under great physical duress on or an expenditure of energy there do anything other than your job. I appreciate that and i think there is some sort of ligament that attaches us to the real guys in that while we were not in any great danger we felt a little bit of what they must have felt, which is that hyper zen like focus on the job. Working with chris is lovely. Kind of felt like we were trying to keep it fresh all the time and trying it different quays as well. We did lot of takes. Kind of a lot of playing with Different Levels and confidence. We played around with it a lot. It would have been lovely to work with some more of the guys. But i literally passed them noy and then through the stoop doors. Craft services. And it was so cold. Apparently i just heard over lunch, that they had to take a little shot out of the scene because viewers were saying i and i was like, i didnt look cold enough . I was bloody freezing p Everyone Wants to live and the only way that happens is if we work together. It was great. There were so many stunts involved and i love to see that, guys that will throw themselves off buildings and everything. When it was really cold and wet, they from were the first to clam up. Some of the toughest guys nope and then you hang out with them after, theyre animals but on set theyre the first to wrap themselves up. It was challenging with the wind and water and the shaking. But approximate when you go through Something Like that are, at the end of the day you feel like youve been through something hard and together and its a bonding experience. Furs fun part is we were able to go around with the real coast guard and see the real its so sobering and inspiring being around these men and women who do this job. Every day peoples lives shall saved by people like this and that becomes our job, to represent them, and thats the greatest privilege the lost the pump. We all live or we all die hold on when we if thanks for joining us again. Now lets get back to more Entertainment News only on the hollywood news report. He successfully made the jump from Television Actor to movie star. Now steve carell is receiving is one of hollywoods highest honors, a star on the walk of fame there is no one more prepared. There is no one who works harder and no one who cares about their material more than steve carell. To notice is oh, are my god, this is an amazing guy. Hes a is sweetheart and i could tell every time we worked on movies, i could tell he like, virsally missed his family. Dont get me wrong, i love my family, too, but when you are on a movie, you are busy. Every chance he had, steve would be like, can i go home and see my family on the weekend . Today the city of angels is crying. But not tears of sorrow. They are tears of joy as we honor steve carell. Terms that come to mind when you think of steve car snell brash talking. Gunslinger. Punch first. Ask questions later. Thats what we come to expect frl a steve carell. From a steve carell. Today there is not just one there karel. There are thousands. We are all steve caret. Join me in saying be i am steve carell. I am steve carell ing french french [speaking french] out. This is an awful, awful day to be doing this. Im looking at the bank of photographers here, and eye more Miserable Group of people i dont think ive ever seen. This means an awful awful thought me. You can push it aside and say its sil, its fun, but it really does mean an awful lot. Last night i was putting my son johnny to bed and we had read our stories and he asked me about the ceremony stood and what it is about and why im being honored. Him about it and what a great honor it is and the star going to be on the sidewalk forever. Its a big deal. We talked about it a while and then, ill never forget it, he leaned in and whissered in my earthquake how long is this going to take . And i will never forget it. Thats it for this week. Please join me next time on the hollywood news report entertainment is news. Announcer this week in agribusiness, serving americas most essential industry with agricultural broadcasters Orion Samuelson and max armstrong

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