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Captioning sponsored by cbs stephen hey, whats going on good to see ya hey welcome to the late show, everybody cheers and applause thank you so much thanks, everybody welcome to the late show. Im stephen colbert. Im incredibly happy to be with you folks tonight. Im going to start the show tonight guns blazing. Specifically, j. K. Simmons guns. Have you seen this photo . Hes absolutely ripped. Apparently j. K. Stands for jesus krispie kreme, look at his biceps jimmy, can we put that back up there . That man is 61 years old. Unbelievable. It is a relief to know i can wait ten more years until i start exercising. I was going to go tomorrow, but i thought, ive got ten more years. Ill have the pie, thank you. But heres whats bothering me about this. Simmons is training for his role as commissioner gordon in the new Justice League movie. So now even the supporting characters in superhero movies need to get ripped . I cant wait to see aunt mae with a 20 inch neck. I think this is for commissioner gordon. Though this might be bad intel. Maybe its not for commissioner gordon. He could be preparing for his next movie jacked santa. Yes, comic this christmas, jack santa this Holiday Season all santas got in his sack is a can of whupass. cheers and applause i would go see jack santa. Whatever the reason, delivers toys, fights crime. laughter whatever the reason, that boy from whiplash had better lock his doors. Am i rushing or dragging . God help me, i will slap the head off your shoulders in other j. K news, j. K. Rowling has premiered a new play in london cheers and applause called harry potter and the cursed child. The story takes place 19 years after the last book and follows harrys son who is cursed with making cash appear in j. K. Rowlings bank account. Expecto paydayum. cheers and applause well, i love harry potter, and i cant wait to see the play. Its definitely going to be the first thing on my list the next time i apparate to london i mean fly to london. Ive said too much. Meanwhile. Back on this side of the pond, the 2016 general election matchup is set. It will be Hillary Clinton versus donald trump versus americas gag reflex. cheers and applause who will win . cheers and applause who . So now the big question is, who will they pick as their running mates . A lot of people want hillary to pick elizabeth warren. And these people like her, already. And warren is already out there attacking donald trump. Just today she told a crow, donald trump is a loud, nasty, thinskinned fraud. That is just wrong. Theres no way that stuff covering his face is skin. laughter i want to say, pressuretreated adobe . Meanwhile, trump says that hes narrowed his list of candidates down to four or five. Though, if its a woman, shell definitely be a ten. cheers and applause somehow that excited some people. Im not entirely sure why. laughter trump says hell save his announcement for the convention, but some advisers are reportedly worried that hell post it on twitter without warning, or that a white supremacist will post it, and hell just retweet it. Jon oh, man stephen but its happened. Jon it would happen. He might do it. I guess. Maybe. Stephen but its not just trump and clinton. Bernie sanders has refused to drop out. cheers and applause and today he had a private apparently everyone in my audience supports every candidate. Thats very nice of them. applause and today he had a private meeting in the white house with president obama, which was fitting since theyre both beloved political figures who are just a few months away from not being president. laughter jon thats a nice, clean joke. Stephen nobody knows what will what happened in there, although, i assume, obama did. Something to convince bernie to drop out of the race. All right, bernie, you can sit behind the desk. Take a selfie. And now get out. laughter after meeting with the president , and checking under the white house doormat for a spare key, bernie told reporters that hes willing to work with Hillary Clinton to fight a common enemy. I spoke briefly to secretary clinton on tuesday night, and i congratulated her on her very stro campaign. I look forward to meeting with her in the near future to see how we can Work Together to defeat donald trump. Stephen yes, they will Work Together. cheers and applause stephen they will Work Together. He will be right there with her the whole time, at every debate, standing in the wings, no mouthg along with all her lines. laughter meanwhile, obama left the meeting and immediately endorsed hillary, saying, i dont think theres ever been someone so qualified to hold this office. Stephen suck it, third term f. D. R. laughter i have to be honest, those are words i never thought i would say in my entire life. Suck it, f. D. R. laughter after the endorsement, trump tweeted, obama just endorsed crooked hillary. He wants four more years of obama but nobody else does then hillary immediately responded, delete your account. cheers and applause thats pretty strong i tell ya, if he needs help deleting computer records, she knows a guy. applause jon oh oh stephen suck it, f. D. R. laughter but bernies showing no signs of ending his campaign. With only one primary left to go, bernie has changed his slogan from and this is true feel the bern to the struggle continues. Its a great slogan. Clearly, he got it from a highpriced political consultant. Or read it off a can of prunes. Say hi to john batiste and stay human, everybody cheers and applause cheers and applause stephen yeah you know, i was talking over there a second ago remember when i was standing over there . Those were good times. Anyway, when i was over there talking in the other camera, i was saying that Bernie Sanders has not dropped out yet. But Hillary Clinton has already started reaching out to his supporters. And, shockingly, so has donald trump. To all of those Bernie Sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of superdelegates, we welcome you with open arms. Stephen yeah, bernie supporters, donald trump welcomes you with open arms. If you cant have what you want, how about the exact opposite . laughter applause its like when theyre all out of Chocolate Ice Cream so instead you get someone to call you fat and deport your family. laughter mmmmmm that sounds good. And trump is making his appeal to bernie supporters by trying to speak their language. Bernie sanders has a message thats interesting. Im going to be taking a lot of the things bernie said and using them. Stephen okay. Hes going to use a lot of things bernie said. Bernie, that works both ways. So feel free to Start Talking about how hot trumps. Daughter is. Still, no matter how hard trump tries, the idea that bernie voters would support him just seems outlandish, cartoonish even. Here to explain this strategy is cartoon donald trump. cheers and applause mr. Cartoon trump, welcome back. Its great to be back, stephen, especially now that im the partys undisputed heavyweight champion nominee. Woo hail to the me. Stephen woo, indeed. You seem pretty confident. But do you seriously think you can win over bernie supporters . My arms are wide open, stephen. Come on over here, gimme a hug. Come on, at least a high five. Up top, down low, too slow. You missed the hand. Its yuge. Its fantastic. Stephen thats on me. Thats on me. I apologize. Yeah, and Everything Else is everybody else fault. Stephen mr. Cartoon trump, you do realize that bernie supporters dont like you. Perfect. I do very well with people who dont like me. Im telling you, the people who hate me, they love me. Stephen okay, but youre a republican bernie supporters tend to be very young and very liberal. Stephen, im known for liking em young. Come on i mean, Everybody Knows that. Plus, im very liberal. Check out my new make America Great again hat. Look at this. Look. Look, im a trumpstafarian. Get mellow with me, mon. Come on, get mellow stephen thank you, thats a frightening sight. Those are beautiful dreadlocks. Fifth avenue. Stephen but you and bernie have nothing in common. Hes a socialist. Me too my daughters a socialite. I go to all the social functions. Were total socialists. Stephen so are you just abandoning your platform to win over bernie voters . No way, jose. Im still building that wall with mexico. But now its gonna be covered in phish posters. Now, join my drum circle, bernie voters fight the power jam bands kombucha cmon, join in bongo, bongo. Bang, bang, bang. Stephen cartoon donald trump, everyone. Well be right back with Patrick Wilson. cheers and applause take on the unexpected with a car that could stop for you. Nissan safety shield technologies, available in the altima, sentra and maxima. Intrthe only lemon lime soda with a twist of real juice. Its a crisp, refreshing twist on lemon lime. Insist on the twist. Try duo fusion ing antacids . New, two in one heartburn relief. The antacid goes to work in seconds. And the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. Try new duo fusion. From the makers of zantac. I smbut ended up nowhere. A lot now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. Olive garden now offershen you catering delivery. Nt . We make the food and deliver it to your door. So you can enjoy whats important. cheers and applause stephen welcome back, everybody cheers and applause my first guest tonight has played just about every kind of role an actor can play, from musicals, to superhero movies, to just some really creepy dudes. Now hes back, playing ghost Hunter Ed Warren in the conjuring 2. Whats that . Ed theres theres something behind you. Stephen please welcome Patrick Wilson cheers and applause ah, so festive. Love them. Stephen nice to see you. How you doing . That movie scares me. Looks like i take ten minutes on a wrench. Stephen looks like youre doing something we cant talk about on cbs. laughter im a big fan of yours. Im a huge fan of yours when i heard you singing see theres a bright golden haze on the meadow in oklahoma. Your first breakout was full monte on broadway. Youve done comedy, drama, horror. Is there a Patrick Wilson role . If someone said get me a Patrick Wilson type, what do they say . Usually a very conflicted allamerican looking guy. Stephen are we conflicted about him or is he conflicted about being all american . Well, there is that. There is an election year. Stephen yeah. You know, i think because my first thing out to have the gate was angels in america on hbo, the mini series. cheers and applause so when thats sort of your calling card, honestly, even if you cant act, it certainly says, wow, you can hold your own with other big people. Stephen but you also have a beautiful singing voice. You sing a little bit in this movie. Yes, it was the first scene james our director wrote when he came back to the movie to direct it. He texted me one night and said, do you play guitar . I said, yeah, why . What are we going to do in a horror movie that requires a guitar . And i ended up singing elvis in the movie. Stephen what do you sing. Wise men say a little better than that, but not much applause stephen thats a perfect song for a horror movie because the next line is only fools rush in. Elvis might as well be singing. Get out to have the basement now a guy behind you with a knife laughter the conjuring 2 was an enormous hit. Did you know it would be . I knew it would be good. This is my fourth movie with james. I knew whey knows what to do in this genre. The first one reached such a wider audience. Whats cool about these movies is unlike some random scare, a lot of blood and guts, its you have a husband and wife, very devoted to each other. Stephen based on a true story. Yes, they were paranormal investigators, the biggest in this genre, he passed away ten years ago and shes still with us. So at the core, off loving relationship. So unlike most horror franchises from youre where youre from the perspective of the villains, you have the good guys doing it. Stephen do you believe in the paranormal . Im open to it. Stephen at least until the poovy movie opens, totally open to it. Ive had a lot of crazy things happen. Stephen really . You live in a neighborhood with a lot of old houses, crazy stuff goes on. Stephen sure. I have had a few of those. People in my house have heard the same strange noises from spirits of, like, children, not my own, that are in the house. Stephen you have spirits of children in your house . I mean, i did. Stephen get out right now ee, heres the thing, whether maybe just because im an idiot, i feel like now ive played this role, like if there are spirits, ive got it, its all good. Stephen thats ridiculous thats like saying once youve played a doctor you can do surgery. Well, i can stephen dont do that. Thats dangerous. Im a catholic so i kind of have to believe in ghosts. Father, son and holy ghost. Was there a movie that scared you like the exorcist. Salems lot freaked me out because of the guy scraping on the window. Stephen vampires. They dont scare me too much. Stephen ghosts, vampires. Yeah. Stephen are there any tricks to acting in a scary movie . I cant quite figure out what scares me about a scary movie because i can never predict the moment im going to jump out of my skin. As an actor, what do you have do do to be in a scary movie . As my grandfather would have to say, you cant halfass it. You have to wholeass it. You have to dive in. cheers and applause half and whole. Thats with the w at the front. Stephen okay, great. cheers and applause laughter you know, because youre dealing with larger than life stephen what did he do for a living . He was the best. My grandfather was awesome. He ran a golf course to a taxidermist. He was the coolest guy. Stephen thats kind of spooky, too. laughter as i said before, you had your breakout role on broadway was the full monty, but you got a chance to direct it. I went back to my alma mater Carnegie Mellon university, go tartans, and i got to direct it. It was 15 years ago so i was approaching it from a fresh angle. Stephen college kids . Yeah. Stephen at the end the men are totally naked. Is that appropriate . Heres the thing. I thought, youre college kids. Of course you want to get naked on stage. I thought college kids were down with that. Stephen they warn us about men like you. I play that guy, too. Stephen yes, exactly. A director is going to come in from new york and going to want to see you naked. So sad. Stephen yeah, yeah. Brutal. Stephen when was the first time you were naked on stage . Full monty. Stephen how old were you . 27, 28, something. Stephen okay. And the way the show was on broadway is that youre back lit at the end of the show. Its dark the entire time. Then as soon as you get naked, the lights go on in the audience. Stephen so its a very strange thing. You can see them, but they cant see downtown. Where your bathing suit goes with we had a similar vibe where you had the lights at the back. Stephen so you really get naked. You do. But its a classy show. Its not just stephen its very tasteful. Lets lose the pants, its going to be very tasteful. laughter what was your advice to them . I said you can screw up every single other light cue in the show. Do not blow the last light cue. Stephen did it ever happen for you . They were 0 for 3 going into the weekend, by the way. You guys got it. It did happen to me, yeah, and i locked eyes with an 11yearold girl, and it still scars me. laughter stephen the conjuring 2 is in theaters this friday. Patrick wilson, everybody. Thank you so much. Back with gayle king cheers and applause i drive a golf ball. I drive to the hoop. I drive a racecar. I have a driver. His name is carl. But thats not what we all have in common. We talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. Xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. 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Like the 100 beef big mac, filetofish made with sustainably sourced fish, or 10piece chicken mcnuggets made with white meat enjoy the choice lemme get a mcpick2 find more delicious deals in our app. Ba da da da da cheers and applause stephen hey oh, ladies and gentlemen, we all love my next guest. Shes one of the anchors of the soontobe number one cbs this morning and an editor at large of o, the oprah magazine. Please welcome, gayle king cheers and applause Stephen Lovely to see you again. Lovely to see you again. I like the introduction when you said soon to be the morning show stephen youre doing great. Weve had the highest numbers the network has had in 28 years. So think about this for a second we havent been number one since captain kangaroo. So when we started in 2012, we were 2. 5 million behind the today show. Now 600,000 behind viewers. Thats really big. Stephen congratulations. Were within striking distance. Stephen congratulations. Were psyched about it. Were working really hard. Stephen thank you for being here. Listen, this is broadcasting technically after midnight. I know. Stephen so am i officially on your show right now, cbs this morning, because it is the morning officially now. You are so right. My alarm goes off at 3 20 in the morning. But i was up late last night. Stephen you did something on a school night . Its called beyonce. Stephen did you go to a concert or hang out with beyonce . No, i was one of 45,000 people at the concert. I did go backstage. Im the dork that walks around. The things youre supposed to cut off. Stephen is this it . June 8, 2016, the formation tour, i was there. cheers and applause stephen wow that makes you look really cool, or like you just escaped from a hospital. laughter i figure ill cut it off in a couple of days. But im telling you, i first covered her when she was 18 as destinys child, so to see her go from that to the woman she is amazing. Stephen do you like jayz, too . I love him. Stephen we dont have to pick . No, you can like them both. This is how i does covered jayz. My son who is now 29, when he was eight, he was playing a jayz song, and i said you cant listen to that vulgarity, take that off who is this . Its very disconcerting thing to hear an 8yearold saying give me the sweet, that gushy stuff, that nasty stuff. He says, its the beat. Fast forward to a couple of years later. Will was living in shanghai. I went from new york and he went from shanghai and we went to paris to see jayz. And we wanted to be negroes in paris seeing negroes in paris singing in paris. So its singing jayz song cheers and applause stephen its language like that that makes you catching up on the morning shows. I know this audience can handle it. Stephen they can. I would never talk like that on cbs this morning. Stephen our friend cory booker, senator from new jersey, he says not only you are a great host but that you have a talk show everywhere you go. He says that youre always up for a chat. What do you tribute that to . I think its ironic. When i was a kid, we lived in turkey and i didnt have television but i was a voracious reader. When i came to the states and discovered television, i was fascinated. As a kid, we had to watch Walter Cronkite. Stephen walter wonderful. Yeah, walter wonderful. You should know whats going on in the world. Now i have a talk show in the studio where Walter Cronkite delivered the news. My dad died when i was a freshman in college and never got to see it, but i have a natural curiosity. When i was in fourth grade, the teacher said dear mr. And mrs. King, gayle king is bright but tends to talk a lot in class and is disruptive. I brought it to her attention and now am bringing it to yours. I lived in a house where if you got a note from the teacher you got in big trouble. So its ironic i make my living talking. I like you, stephen. Stephen i like you, too. You have been on our show. Stephen i liked it. What do you like about cbs this morning . Stephen i have been on all the morning shows and yours is the only one that does not seem like an insane circus. Theyre all wonderful, but the other ones feels like youre in an industrial dryer that people have flown fluorescent tubes in and closed the door behind you. Its so he ca hectic. Yours is a calm talk about what the day is about. We start with having a circle of a table, so theres a real conversation and we give time for a conversation to breathe. Stephen i enjoyed your interview you did with the obamas forhe super bowl. Talking about the presidency, when president obama was nominated eight years ago, there was a sense of the history of the moment. Yeah. Stephen now, you know, we are rightly informed of the history of the moment for mrs. Clinton being nominated. Yes. Stephen why do you think there is not the same feeling of the history of the moment as broadly. I think when barack obama became in democratic nominee, there wasnt the word presumptive so much because it was really a done deal. Now you still have Bernie Sanders, even though it is a done deal. When you look at the the math, it would be very difficult for him to win, but he still thinks and is encouraging people to think that he the does. So its not as clean as it was with barack obama. But really, when you think about it, as a woman person sitting here today to have a woman as a democratic presumptive nominee is a really big deal. cheers and applause regardless of how you feel about Hillary Clinton. Stephen yes. Regardless of whether you like Hillary Clinton, dont like Hillary Clinton, you think shes polerrizing, whatever you think about her, what she has accomplished is amazing and i do celebrate that as a woman person. applause so we will get to the fact the party is still a little fractured, so to speak. The president spoke to Bernie Sanders today, so there is still healing that needs to be done. But i think at the end you will have a republican capt. , we already have, and well have a democratic candidate and we can go to follows and decide who were going to vote for in november. Stephen i cant wait for it to be over. laughter seriously, it is the gift that keeps on giving. You never know whats going to happen in this election. I love that. Stephen absolutely. Its like h he herpes, theres o getting rid of it. Want purelle . There you go. Cbs this morning 7 00 to 9 00 a. M. Only cbs. Gayle king, everybody well be right back. cheers and applause [ screaming ] rate suckers [ bell dinging ] your Car Insurance goes up because of their bad driving. People try all sorts of ways to get rid of them. [ driver panting ] if youre sick of paying more than your fair share. [ screams ] get snapshot from progressive, and see just how much your good driving could save you. 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[ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm. The turbocharged dream machine. The Volkswagen Golf gti. Named one of car and drivers 10best, 10 years in a row. cheers and applause stephen hey, now were back. Well, its a huge time of the year for sports baseballs in full swing, the Pittsburgh Penguins could win the stanley cup tonight, and ive heard rumors they might still have an olympics. But of course, what everyones talking about is the n. B. A. Finals. Its a huge rematch the recordbreaking Golden State Warriors led by unanimous m. V. P. Steph curry going up against the legendary lebron james, whos fighting to give the Cleveland Cavaliers their first ever championship. Everything about this series is incredibly exciting except for the games, which have been complete blowouts. In games one and two, golden state did the impossible make the people of cleveland even sadder. But last night in game 3 the cavs came back with a fury. Including this ferocious alleyoop from kyrie irving to lebron james. Get over. James peaks his dribble somehow. Irving back to James Stephen oh someone give that man complementary checked luggage because hes eligible for business plus after accruing all those sky miles applause blackout dates apply. laughter but of course, as incredible as that dunk was, the big sports highlight yesterday came from baseball, where my friend snoop dogg threw out the first pitch at the padres game, and it went a bit off. Heres the wind up. And ball one. Oh wide to the right and a little high. Which is surprising i expected snoop to be very high. Its too bad lebron wasnt there. Pretty sure he couldve grabbed it out of the air and slammed it down right over home plate. Which by the way, is one of my suggestions to improve baseball. Also, metal bats with spikes, exploding balls, and hear me out just two innings. cheers and applause you can still drink all you want. laughter but lets not be too hard on snoop. This is how we saw it. But this is what snoop saw. Im over here, snoop. Throw it to meeeee fo shizzle laughter stephen its a true story. Well be right back with governors gary johnson and governor william weld. cheers and applause ranking from top to bottom. Car company of the year . Luxury cars just seem like they would be top awarded. Better be some awards behind what you are paying for, right . The final answer. Chevy. The most awarded car company two years in a row. Wow, its like a luxury car. I was shocked. I mean its like, this is chevy . Get cash back for 20 of the msrp on all 2016 spark, sonic and impala vehicles. Thats over 8000 on this chevy impala. Poallergies . Reather. Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. cheers and applause if you think youve seen it all,. Well do i have a surprise for you. 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Please welcome the Libertarian Party candidates for president and Vice President of these united states, governor gary johnson and governor william weld cheers and applause governor. Governor. Thanks for being here. Well, governor gary, if i may call you governor gary. Please do. Stephen nice to see you again. I interviewed you three times ton told show. Nice to see you again. Good to be with you. Stephen governor weld, first time weve met. Twoterm governor of mexico, twoterm governor of massachusetts. Both republicans, now youre running as a libertarian. Why libertarian and why sell people on the libertarian idea . We were republican governors in hemily blue states. We were fiscally conservative. We were socially liberal. The notion that people should be able to make their own choices in their own lives, always come down on the side of choice. cheers and applause and, hey, from a military intervention standpoint, i think the fact that we put troops on the ground, i think the fact that we drop bombs, i think the fact that we throw or we fly drones and kill thousands of innocent people, at the end of the day, has a consequence thats worse not better. The unintended consequence of making the world less safe. cheers and applause so id like to say that i want the government out of your pocketbook and out of your your bedroom. I told that to the Republican Convention in 1992. This year it seems to me, you pay your money and take your choice. With the democrats you get the government in your pocketbook and with the republicans its much worse because youve got the government in your bedroom, so thats the choice. Stephen did you leave the Republican Party or did the Republican Party leave you . Why arent you republicans anymore . I think the Republican Party has always been about Good Government first and foremost, that its been about smaller government, and by that i mean get government out of your lives, more freedom, more personal responsibility. But then there is the social side, you know, a womans right to choose, marriage equality, legalizing manner. Come on, let people make choices in their own lives that only people should be able to do. cheers and applause stephen governor, im legally required to ask you the following question are you high . Being on this show right now yes. laughter stephen trump calls you guys fringe candidates. What would you say to that . Totally fringe. Stephen you enjoy being a fringe candidate . Absolutely. In 1999, im the highest elected official in the country to call for legalization of marijuana. Bill weld denied ambassador in 1997 because he was pro gay, pro womens right to choose and pro medical marijuana. By fringe, i think hes saying the majority of americans are fringe and thats just not the case. Stephen well, you guys are now polling at 10 in some national polls. If you get to 15 , theyve got to let you in the debates in the fall. Yeah, the key is being in the polls. Look, youre having us on the show. Thank you very much. But you start off the show by talking about the fact there are only two candidates in the rairks and thats trump and hillary. Thank you for having us on the show, but youve also got stephen im part of the problem. Well, kind of sort of. But youve come out of the closet and i appreciate you let us give a pitch here. Stephen youre welcome. laughter you both had strong statements about mr. Trump. Youve called donald trump a bleep . Okay . cheers and applause in your career, i know youve had misfires when it comes to humor and that was a really misfire when it came to humor. Total misfire. Stephen but you repeated it multiple times. laughter you misfired repeatedly. To explain dr. Let me interject here. Ive said a couple of things about mr. Trumps foreign policy. I think its a basket case. He wants to build another berlin wall. That didnt go well in the 20th century. He wants the address the problem of nuclear proliferation, probably the most dangerous threat to the world today by giving Nuclear Weapons to south korea just to provoke the north more and to japan to ensure the chinese. Thats incoherent. Stephen we have to go, but one last question is that lets just imagine that we live in a crazy world where the two of you are not the next president and Vice President of the united states. This could happen, though, as a result of this, you understand. Stephen i understand the power of the colbert bump. Exactly. Stephen but who do you think you would draw votes away from the most, hillary or donald . I think more from the rs. Theres a lot of rs that havent signed on for trump yet. We have to be what theyre waiting for, my view. cheers and applause i see it, in all the polls that we have been in to this point, which have been about six national polls, actually theyve done this little bit of analysis where there have been more votes to hillary at this point. Stephen okay. I think when all said and done it would be equally from both sides. We wouldnt be doing if the there were an opportunity to win but we have to be in the president ial debates to make it happen. The colbert bump. Stephen hope it works. Thank you for raising the issues. Governor. Governor. Gary johnson and william weld, everybody cheers and applause well be right back when josh atkins books at laquinta. Com. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Feel me lois . Im feeling you. I just picked us up 2 breakfast croissants for 4, when this bear attacked. With one swipe, it devoured one of the croissants. Then jack showed up, and took care of the beast, so i could escape. And thats what happened to your breakfast croissant. And yours . It survived. Enjoy freshly cracked egg with ham and bacon. Or sausage. Two tasty croissants at an even tastier 4 price. Its a deal youll devour. cheers and applause stephen thats it for the late show. Tune in tomorrow when my guests will be david duchovny, aaron tveit, and a performance by world juggling champion alexander koblikov. Now stick around for james corden and his guests, Tom Hiddleston and thomas middleditch. Goodnight cheers and applause captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org

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