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World in 90 seconds. Shes got experience but its bad experience and this country cant afford to have another four years of that kind of experience. Trump and clinton face off at the debate. I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the facts. We dont have the money because its been squandered on so many of your ideas. Maybe because you havent paid any federal income tax for a lot of years and youre telling the enemy everything you want to do. No wonder youve been fighting isis your entire adult life. This is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs. Typical politician. All talk, no action. You know, ive never seen one where the decorum broke down the way that it did tonight. Theres no playbook for this. The florida marlins returned to the ball field, their first game since the death of jose fernandez. Leading off dee gordon. Things like this only happen in baseball. Crews are battling a fastmoving wildfire. Were going to be out here for a while. New Orleans Saints and Atlanta Falcons continue the ongoing inequality racial protest. They wanted this to be a sign of unity. We made it we made it ratings are expected to rank up with the finale of m. A. S. H. Which makes sense. This election seems like the Season Finale of america. And all that matters. It didnt take long for one of these candidates to tell a lie. Donald, its good to be with you. False on cbs this morning. In the end, the entire night and the current state of american politics can be summarized by these two words. Howard stearns, rosie owe donald. Miss piggy. And the home of the brave. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. The world is reacting to the first debate between donald trump and Hillary Clinton. The much awaited showdown was hard fought reflecting the closeness of the president ial race. Both candidates traded a series of attacks. They offered very different visions of the next four years. So this morning were going to ask their running mates for both candidates what they thought of the debate. Also, our Political Team is tracking the candidates next moves, Fact Checking last nights statements and analyzing who came out ahead. First, Major Garrett is here with the most important moments from the debate. Major, good morning. Good morning. Like so many other moments in this unpredictable campaign, the debate defied conventional patterns. The second half more revealing than the first and specifics mattered as much as style. Those in trumps inner circle worried afterward that Hillary Clinton scored more points than they anticipated and trump will have to bounce back to keep this race close. Reporter despite opening pleasantries. Secretary clinton, yes . Is that okay . Good. Reporter donald trump and Hillary Clinton wasted little time clashing over who is an agent of change. Well, you havent done it in 30 years or 26 years. Well, ive been a senator, donald. You havent done it. I have been a secretary of state. Excuse me. Reporter and who is physically fit to serve as president. She doesnt have the look. She doesnt have the stamina. As soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina. The world let me tell you reporter asked why he wont release his tax returns, trump deflected by raising the scandal thats dogged clinton for months. I will release my tax returns against my lawyers wishes when she releases her 33,000 emails that have been deleted. As soon as she releases them, i will release. Reporter clinton suggested trump was hiding something and said he may have paid no federal income tax at all. That makes me smart. He paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. Reporter pressed on his fiveyear crusade to prove president obama was born outside of the United States, trump struggled to explain his recent change of heart. I think i did a great job and a Great Service not only for the country but even for the president in getting him to produce his birth certificate. Secretary clinton. He tried to put the whole racist birther lie to bed but it cant be dismissed that easily. Reporter unprompted, trump also addressed one of his persistent weaknesses. I think my strongest asset maybe by far is my temperament. I have a winning temperament. I know how to win. Reporter clinton hit trumps past dealings with Racial Discrimination and coarse stakes about women. This is a man who has called women 3igs, slobs, dogs. Reporter trump said those barbs were aimed at one person in particular. Rosie odonnell, i said very tough things to her and i think everyone would agree that she deserves it and nobody feels sorry for her. Reporter after the debate trump told me he would participate in the final two debates. I also asked trump why he called president obama your president. Trump said he meant no disrespect and considers president obama everyones commander in chief. Gayle . All right. Thank you, major. The candidates go straight back to that campaign trail today. Hillary clinton heads to north carolina. Donald trump will be in florida. Nancy cordes is in white planes, new york, with how both camps are trying to spin the debate. Reporter the Clinton Campaign are not holding back. Theyre using words like deranged, unhinged, to describe trumps performance. And a pro Clinton Super pac is already up with an ad that highlights trumps performance having a temperament. A line that drew a laugh from the audience last night. The trump campaign, on the other hand, argues that his comments about trade creating job losses actually resonate with voters much more than beltway types lielz and they insist that he actually showed great restraint last night by not talking, for example, about bill clintons history with women. Trump himself was up late into the night tweeting about online polls that showed that he had won but these are polls that anyone can vote in as often as they like and a few legitimate polls and focus groups that have been conducted so far show the opposite. Nancy, getting ready to get up on that plane. Thank you so much. The president ial candidates dared reporters to fact check them and we did. We found both of them stretched the truth. They both denied saying things they said in the past. We have the facts for us in washington. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Trump once again claims he cant release his tax returns because theyre being audited and that he never supported the iraq war. With a potentially record audience both candidates made new questionable statements on other matters including trade and isis. Youre telling the enemy everything you want to do. No, were not. Youre telling the enemy we want to do. No wonder youve been fighting no wonder youve been fighting isis your entire adult life ar cale. Reporter al qaeda and isis became the same. Stop and frisk has ruled unconstitutional in new york because it largely singled out black and hispanic young no, youre wrong. It went before a judge who was a very against police judge. It was taken away from her. Reporter not quite. In 2013 a district judge ruled it was unconstitutional saying stop and frisk violated the constitution. Now you want to approve transpacific partnership. Reporter clinton downplayed her past dealings when she was secretary of state. That is just not accurate. I was against it once it was finally negotiated and the terms were laid out. I wrote about that in you called it the Gold Standard. Well, i you called it the Gold Standard of trade deals. Reporter the New York Times backed up trumps claims and said clinton spoke out more than 40 times in favor of the t. P. P. Clinton also raised the issue of how trump treats the women who work for him. This is a man who has called women pigs, slobs, and dogs and someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers. Reporter trump denied the charge, but on the question of maternal leave he said this in 2004. Pregnancy is never its a wonderful thing for the woman, its a wonderful thing for the husband. Its certainly an inconvenience for a business. Reporter clinton dinged donald trump for previously saying that Global Warming is a hoax perpetuated by the chinese. He denied this but did tweet it in 2012. Clinton says her jobs plan will create 10 million jobs and cites moodys analytics. Those are based on congress fully cooperating, a tall order for whoever becomes the next president. Thanks, julianna. Democratic Vice President ial candidate tim cane joins us from orlando, florida. Good morning. Great to be with you guys. The two candidates went into the debate dead even. Now this morning, the morning after, did it change anything in perceptions or will it have a likely impact on the polls . Well, i think it changed perceptions. You know, i think the folks watching that debate clearly saw that Hillary Clinton was very, very well prepared for the debate and prepared to be president , and what they saw about donald trump was that he lacks specifics other than attacks and he was easily rattled, and that was very, very apparent throughout the debate and the longer the debate went on, the more apparent that was. Have you had a chance to talk to her after the debate . Did you get a chance ith her . I did. We chatted, i dont know, probably about maybe 45 minutes after the debate was over. What did she say . She felt good about it. Well, she felt good about it. I told her i thought on demeanor she absolutely dominated it. In terms of looking president ial, while trump kind of got flustered and really kind of ran out of gas, and i talked about the fact that she offered details and plans and he didnt. He left a lot of questions unanswered, especially to questions about his taxes and even suggested that his strategy of trying to avoid taxes just showed how smart he was. What do you think was her best moment . You know, i think her best moment was her answer when donald trump tried to deflect his comments about her appearance to suggest that he was critiquing her stamina. She said you go to 120 countries and sit in front of a House Committee for 11 hours and talk about stamina. Just the split screen, she was going strong and he was out of gas by that point and that was very obvious. Speaking of the end of the debate, at that moment, too, trump then brought up some of the ads that your campaign is running against him saying theyre not very nice, and then he ominously said, i was going to Say Something extremely rough to hillary and her family where did you think he was going there . That was one of the weird things. I had no idea what he was talking about. He got into an extended segment about rosie odonnell. What did that have to do with anything . When hillary was answering a question about Cyber Security and russian cyber attacks, he jumped in oddly and said we dont even know. Russia may not be behind those attacks. There were some items at the end of the debate that were random nonsequiturs. I had no idea what he was talking about at the end. When you look at the idea about trust which was an issue for her, did that change . Did she do anything to assure those people who had questions of trust . And how did she do it in your judgment . Yeah. It seemed like they were kind of a pair of trust issues got put on the table last night. She got asked about the email situation and she just looked right in the camera and said, i made a mistake, and i apologize for it. And the fbis done an investigation and concluded that there are no additional steps that need to be taken. Donald got quizzed on a trust issue about why were you perpetrating this bigoted lie about president obamas not being a United States citizen and that answer was so incredibly convoluted. No apology, no recognition that this is a painful thing to say in a nation wherefore generations africanamericans were not allowed to be citizens of the United States until we added the 14th amendment to the constitution. She dealt with the trust issue head on, said ive made a mistake, ive learned from it, i take full responsibility. But when he was confronted with a trust question he could not own up to his responsibility and the fact that he had perpetrated a painful, painful lie. In fact, senator, in secretary clintons response on that very issue, the birther issue, she used the word racist three times to describe donald trump. She said he has a long record of engaging in racist behavior. Do you believe hes a racist . I dont know donald trump. Ive never met him so im not going to make that comment about him, but i will tell you absolutely the claim that he perpetrated for five years that president obama was not a u. S. Citizen is an absolutely bigoted and racist lie. Thank you, senator kaine. Absolutely. Thanks so much, guys. Thank you. In our next hour republican Vice President ial nominee mike pence will be in studio 57 with his reactions to last nights debate. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. Face the nation moderator John Dickerson was there last night and hes here this morning. Good morning norah. Suburban women. Theyre leaning towards women. Did donald trump succeed in winning them back . This is a big group for donald trump. He had to show that he had the temperament, judgment, could occupy the office of presidency. Debates are the closest we come to a formal activity that looks kind of like the presidency. I think both in the debate with the interruptions, the bombast, that was essentially a debate version of donald trump in those big arenas. His supporters love that. They love that bluntness, but i think for that group theres nothing in the debate that would give them confidence. I kept thinking towards the end of the debate there was a lot of micro targeting going on. Thats a phrase thats used where the candidate speaks specifically to dem graphics, her bringing up the race several times, also bringing up what he has said about women. Very deliberate on her part. Absolutely. Deliberate also, particularly for her supporters. One of the things she had to do, two groups she had to work with. One is the group of core supporters and the other swing groups who traditionally vote republican. With her supporters in particular there are lines that are getting passed around at the debate, particularly her one about stamina and the one about women that will be played over and over again and that will increase enthusiasm over democrats which she has weakness. Trump comes into this as the change candidate, Everybody Knows that as you suggested. The question raised about him, is he fit to be president . Right. Did that question have any change to it . Well, usually when we talk about temperament, usually its an abstract idea in debates. Viewers could get an actual vision of the two different temperaments. It was showing, not telling. Side by side. Side by side, in the same shot, and now also in what lives on after the debate. And so when you watch the two clips of them talking and donald trump is passionate, heated, rallied donald trump and Hillary Clinton is different than that, then people are getting a can take their own measurement of temperament right there in the split screen. Did you think any of them had any Game Changing moments . Donald trump said i am the most qualified. I have the best temperament ever to be president of the United States. Well, the thing is you can measure that against his actual behavior in the debate. Bringing up rosie odonnell. Thats right. And there was Fact Checking. Hillary clinton, you know, was not telling the truth about the Gold Standard on a trade, but donald trump had a great many more things that he said that were not true, specifically on the birther question. I mean, he created a whole new fiction in that, and thats different than saying, you know, misstating something or spinning something. Do you think hell participate in other debates, john . He seemed pretty proud of his performance. He does seem proud. I dont think he can get out of the other debates. In fact, he told Major Garrett that he would, in fact, participate. Yeah, now giuliani is saying he shouldnt. Rudy giuliani the drama will continue. He should not participate. Thank you so much for being here. Great job last night. The next debate with tim kaine and mike pence is next week. The moderator will be elaine cuillano. Devastating flooding devastates parts of the midwest. Cedar rapids faces what could be the second biggest fliooding in history. Crews built temporary levy walls. They spent 6 million on 250,000 sand bags as additional backup. Thousands of people have been urged to evacuate. Fastmoving wildfires in the west threatens homes. It exploded to 1,000 acres yesterday and is only 5 contained. It began as a structure fire and spread. Evacuation orders reportedly are in place for hundreds of people. Ahead, rising concerns about Police Departments that hire officers with a history of trouble on the job. One woman in ferguson, missouri, says she was unfairly arrested by an officer whose questionable past should have raised flags. Instead of getting fired, to be allowed to resign, and then come work in a different department. Thats a serious problem. Good morning and welcome back. Heres a hazy look at oakland this morning where air quality is expected to be unhealthy both for the eastbay and south bay today where we have a fire in the south bay as well. Temperaturewise, similar to yesterday, shaving off a couple of degrees, near 70s on the coast, 80s around the bay. A cooldown is on the way beginning tomorrow, more so thursday into friday where we bring temperatures back down to near seasonal norms. Hillary clinton may get a debate boost from undecided voters. Ahead well ask pollster frank lux what issues made his focus group tune out. Donald trump in a dial test. The news is back in the morning right here on cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. In monaco. We were born brothers. Competition made us friends. Wish bold in the 2017 camry. Toyota. Lets go places. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Ive been fortunate enough to win on golfs biggest stages. But when joint pain and stiffness from Psoriatic Arthritis hit. Even the smallest things became difficult. So i talked to my rheumatologist. And he prescribed enbrel. To help relieve joint pain and help stop further joint damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis. Lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. 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Our next president needs to take action on Social Security, or future generations could lose up to 10,000 a year. Were working hard, what about you . Hey candidates, do your jobs. Keep Social Security strong. When you ache and havent youre not you. Tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. We give you a better night. Youre a better you all day. Tylenol®. Wow. Theres a little girl who made a big impact on a City Council Meeting. Ahead, her tearful plea to the me invasion. Good morning. Its 7 26. Im michelle griego. Police are looking for a person who shot someone during a Home Invasion on clermont avenue. A couple in their 70s lives in the home. The suspects were wearing halloween masks. Governor brown signed bill to prohibit drivers from using their phones to check their map or change music unless its with a handsfree or bluetooth device. It goes into effect in january. Next on cbs this morning. A discussion with undecided voters. Hear how the debate is affecting their vote. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,, good morning. Time now 7 27. Lets look at your slowmoving traffic throughout the bay area, starting in san rafeal, southbound 101, a twovehicle crash on the shoulder but causing major delays. As you can see, traffic at just 19 Miles Per Hour. Also in marin from 580 to golden gate toll plaza, that should take you 15 minutes into the city, a beautiful shot there. Heres a look at slowmoving traffic throughout heyward southbound 880 and highway 92, expect delays on the san mateo bridge, 880 to 101 westbound will take you 40 minutes. Julie for the weather. Thanks. Another hot one today temperatures flirting with triple digits inland, though a couple of degrees cooler than yesterday, 99 livermore, 91 san jose, poor air quality but better on the coast, 77 pacifica and 80s many spot around the bay. We are cooling down as we head in towards the second half of the work week, substantially cooler, 10 to 25 degrees cooler, by the time we head into this weekend. ,,,, hillary was happiest when donald trump attacked her for having a bad temperment. I also have a much better temperament than she has. Theres a person with a temperament thats got a problem. Secretary clinton. Whew. Okay [ laughter ] thats how an aunt shimmys when she hears Single Ladies at a wedding. You could see when she got asked the questions she got a shimmy there. Whew. Me, words, words give me all the words, words, words. She was feeling it. Ill never hear the song words, words, words again. That shimmy, thats funny. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, undecided voters watched last nights debate with dials in hand. Frank luntz gathered a focus group in the battleground state of pennsylvania. Youll see whether the candidates swayed these voters. Plus cops with a checkered past. A lack of oversight allows troubled cops to move to another department. What one woman is doing to keep called gypsy cops off the street. The wall street journal under states his profits at a congressional hearing. 100 for a twopack. After questioned by the journal, mylan said it included taxes. The actual profit is 166. The Washington Post reports on a rise in violent climb in murders last year. The fbi says homicides in the u. S. Increased more than 10 in 2015 over the year before. Violent crime went up nearly 4 . But crime rates are still far lower than they were during the 80s and the early 90s. And the Charlotte Observer reports on an emotional statement from a little girl at a City Council Meeting last night. It couplings after the deadly shooting of keith lamont scott, a black man. She made a tearful plea. I never felt this way until now. Its a shame that our mothers and mothers are killed and we cant see them anymore. Its a shame that we have to go to their graveyard and bury them. And we have tears. And we shouldnt have tears. Makes you remember. You know, kids see things. And they feel it much more acutely sometimes than adults do. You could certainly feel compassion, feel for that girl, because shes echoing what a lot of people are feeling in charlotte, north carolina. Its heartbreaking to watch her. The expression of graveyard. Thats not what children should be thinking about at this time in their lives. Its heartbreaking to watch that. We also saw at the meeting protesters called for resignations. A group of voters from the battleground state of pennsylvania is telling us volumes about the first president ial debate. Cbs news contributor andclinton. And eight of them had no preference before the final debate. They all watched the debate and then they talked about it. Tell the American People which of the two candidates impacted your votes more. Raise your hand if its donald trump. One, two, three, four, five six. Raise your hand if it was Hillary Clinton. 16 to 6. I want a word or phrase to describe Donald Trumps performance tonight. Strong start. Weak finish. Missed opportunities. Bombastic. Not president ial. Sloppy. I want a phrase to describe Hillary Clintons performance. Prepared. Firm. Same old, same old. When she responded about her emails you werent happy with him about that but you were mad over the tax returns, why . She at least went ahead and says she takes responsibility for something wrong where he, again, continued to deny any wrongdoing. I want to focus on her performance now. Shes as absorbed as she is. But shes got so much traction that covers it up. Where does she do so well or trump do so well . Somebody, yes. Recently, hes been very good with speeches. His appearances no attacks just told himself and his plan instead of attacking. Tonight, he went back to attack. Go ahead. Trump impacted my vote in favor of hillary because he was completely offensive. He lost me on the racial unity. And thats where i draw the line. He made inner cities seem like youre literally going to die as soon as you step outside. Thats just not true. Donald trump is standing where i am right now. What do you tell him . I tell them to answer the question that is asked of him and then stop talking. Do you guys agree with that . Yes. Frank luntz is here joins us at the table to discuss. Going into this debate, everybody the two candidates were neck and neck. What mattered most to the voters, what were they looking for . They wanted to see in donald trump that he was president ial. What they meant was, sthey wantd to feel like he has a grasp of the issues. They wanted to see more from him. For her, they wanted to see candor, they wanted to see who they felt they could trust. They got some of that with clinton. They did not get what they were looking for from trump. It wasnt that Hillary Clinton won the debate, they felt that trump lost the debate. It bothered them that he kept interrupting lester holt and ignored him. It bothered them that he kept taking shots at Hillary Clinton. The difference is she took shots at him. They were well prepared. I think she had one of the best debate preps that i have seen in the last 25 years. Virtually, every comment she made about him, voters didnt mind it and it clearly got under his skin. Do you think he was prepared . Yes, for the first 20 or 30 minutes. Donald trump for the first 30 minutes was very different than the last 30. Its all about preparation. It just kept getting worse. Worse. The last 30 minutes, the bencher, the tax returns, they were mad at him. On that very topic of tax returns, during the debate, red line show trump leading voters. Green line shows clinton leading voters. Yellow line undecided. Lets take a look at the reaction when trump talked about releasing tax returns. I will release my tax returns against my lawyers wishes. When she releases her 33,000 emails that have been deleted. As soon as she releases them, i will release i will release my tax returns. And thats against my lawyers, they say, dont do it. Explain what were seeing there, frank. That was a tremendous response. See, in the end, by 2 to 1, voters were more concerned by whats in her emails because thats national security, rather than whats in the tax returns because thats personal. Frank list, they dont believe hes as wealthy as he says he is. He doesnt believe he pays the taxes that he says he does. They want to see his tax returns . They want to see his tax returns. Heres what i dont understand they were more turned off by her emails than the tax returns . Thats the point. When he turns it to her emails, hes winning. But what does he do, goes back to his tax returns. Did you take a look at what he did when he talked about the birther issue. Here it is. The birth certificate was produced in 2011, you continue to tell the story and question the president s legitimacy in 2012, 2013, 2014, as recently as january. The question is what changed it now . Nobody was pressing. Nobody was caring much about it. I figured youd ask the question tonight, of course. But nobody was caring much about it. I was the one that got him to produce the birth certificate. And i think i did a good job. No, he did not do a good job. That was one of the lowest moments in the entire debate. Every time hes talking about that issue hes losing because it looks like hes challenging Barack Obamas character. And hes on the defense. And if thats what he talks about between now and election day he cannot succeed. Of the 27 undecided voters how many for were clinton in the jend. The end, 16 thought that clinton moved them 6 thought trump moved them. The rest not moved at all. Some Police Officers with questionable pasts are being hired by different departments. Ahead, one womans quest to weed out gypsy cops after an unfair arrest. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Harvoni is a simple treatment regimen thats been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. 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Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. Whats your body of proof . Its been more than two years since ferguson, missouri erupted in violence after the Police Shooting death of michael brown. Since then the city has agreed to overhaul its Police Department to restore accountability. But there are few checks in place to keep problem cops off the streets. Good morning. Good morning. They are known as gypsy cops, Police Officers with questionable records that leave one department only to be hired at another, and one officer remains on the payroll in ferguson, missouri where one woman says enough is enough. Where did this happen . It happened right here right outside of my house. Reporter last november 43yearold Angelique Kidd was approached by Police Officer eddie boyd after a hit and run another her home in ferguson, missouri. He said you have to get out of here, you have to go, or Something Like that. And then i said, what was your name . And thats when he arrested me. And why did you want to know his name . I felt that i needed that information because he just he wasnt doing what he was supposed to be doing. And so you were arrested because of disobeying the officers orders . Thats the charge. Reporter that charge is still pending. In december she filed a lawsuit claiming the arrest violated her civil rights, causing her fear, anxiety, depression and emotional distress. Kidds suit is the latest for officer boyd. In 2004 and 2005 boyd was accused of physical abuse in two separate incidents. Neither of the complains were sustained. In 2006 boyd was accused of pistol whipping a 12yearold girl and falsifying a police report. Boyd was demoted. The following year he was accused of beating a 16yearold boy. Boyd resigned and was later acquitted. I mean, im disgusted. Im like its not right. For a Police Officer to be somewhere and have these horrible charges brought against him and then instead of getting fired, to be allowed to resign, and then come work in a different department. Reporter just last month, retired librarian, mary notten was shot and killed during a Police Demonstration in florida. Although ruled an accident, cole was already under investigation where he allowed his canine to maul a cyclist during a traffic stop in 2015. Two years before that cole was a rookie cop when he resigned amid allegations of using Excessive Force during an arrest caught an surveillance tape. I started in 71 sgll Roger Goldman is a law professor and expert on police licensing. He says a National Database is needed for Police Departments looking to hire. There is tremendous opposition by Police Unions to have any kind of reform. I know of many cases where the chief will agree not to say anything negative in order for that person to resign. Reporter both boyd and the Ferguson Police declined our request for an interview, but in a statement to cbs this morning, the Department Said theyve made important revisions to their hiring practices, including a psychological examination, investigation of an applicants prior work history, consultation with applicants previous employers and a criminal background check. What would you like to see happen to officer boyd . I would like to see him fired. I would like that information to follow him everywhere to where he would not be allowed to be a Police Officer anymore. Reporter the department of justice told cbs news that plans are under way to launch a nationwide database to track decertified officers. Experts say the biggest challenge will be to convince the nations estimated 18,000 Police Departments to participate. You have National Databases for physicians. You have them for attorneys, why not have them for Police Officers. You have them for tv. This is so surprising to me. Theres no reference checking. Theres nothing on your resume that says, look, we better check if what theyre saying is true. Im sure they have reference checking but a lot of times its personnel issues where an employer cant disclose why they fired you but if theres a big incident that makes National News or local news they can sort of put their hands on it. Thank you. Ahead women getting pushback after asking for a salary that they deserve. Cheryl sandburg will join us at well, were starting off with a look out towards mount dee yag low with clear skies. We anticipate unhealthy air for the eastbay. Temperaturewise, we will be hot once again, temperatures near the century mark for livermore, fairfield, 92 san jose, 77 pacifica, 93 santa rosa, 91 napa, 80 around the bay. Temperatures continued to drop in the second half of the week. By this weekend, were back down to noor or below average. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by edward jones. 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Xarelto® is selective targeting one critical factor of your bodys natural clotting function. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. Theres more to know. Xarelto. Itll get cooler. Itll get warmer. Its called weather. We need some Global Warming we need leaders who get it. So that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. Im tom steyer. If you want to do something about climate change, you can. Please. Register and vote. Nextgen California Action Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. County. Crews are battling the loma fire. Its burn good morning. Its 7 56. Im kenny choi. Crews are battling the loma fire that burned nearly 1100 acres since it broke out yesterday. The American Red Cross has set up three evacuation centers. Today the trial continues for two accused of killing a canadian backpacker in Golden Gate Park and a hiker near fairfax. Shawn angle will testify against defendants allygood and lampley. And coming up on cbs this morning. Mike pence weighs in on monday nights president ial debate. Well have traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,, good morning. Your time now is 7 57. Lets look at bay area roads, starting in san rafeal, a crash southbound 101 before central san rafeal accident, a two vehicle crash causing major delays, cars driving southbound at just 99 Miles Per Hour and backed up towards nevado here. Your marin commute into San Francisco from the Golden Gate Bridge, a Beautiful Image here, 580 to golden gate toll plaza will take you 15 minutes. Also eastbay, Altamont Pass slow coming off the 205 into dublin where we have a crash northbound 680 but will send to it you, julie, for the weather. Thank you. Its a hot one today, a few degrees better than yesterday but near triple digits for the warmest spots, 99 and 97. South bay, unhealthy for the south by a with the fire burning in the south by a so that could impact air quality. 80s around the bay, 70s on the coast, cooling continuing wednesday into thursday. By friday, were dropping significantly, only topping out in the 70s by this weekend. ,,,, ,,,, good morning to our viewers in the west. It is tuesday, september 27th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Theres more real news ahead including donald trump and Hillary Clinton on the attack in their first debate. Well look at the key moments. Trumps running mate mike pence. Hes here. First, heres the eye opener at 8 00. Like so many other moments, the debate defied conventional patterns. The Clinton Campaign is using words like deranged and unhinged to describe trumps performance last night. Potentially record audience last night, both candidates made new questionable statements on other matters including trade and isis. Have you had a chance to talk to her . I did. I told her i thought on demeanor she absolutely dominated it, while trump kind of got flustered and really ran out of gas. The question raised about him, is he fit to be president . We talk about temperament, usually it is an abstract idea. In the debate last night, viewers could get a vision of the two different temperaments. I tell him to answer the question asked of him and then stop talking. Do you agree with that . Yeah. Is wasnt that Hillary Clinton won the debate. They thought donald trump lost the debate. Most of the night looked like this. You havent done it. I have been secretary of state. But you have no plan. Educate oh, i do. You heard what i said about it and all of a sudden you were against it. Well, donald, i know you live in your own reality. Welcome to the real life version of twitter, people. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. Hillary clinton and donald trump return to the campaign trail today after last nights hard hitting debate. In their first head to head meeting, the two argued over how to heal racial tensions and defeat isis. Some of their biggest disagreements centered on their economic plans and Donald Trumps not yet released tax returns. Under my plan, ill be reducing taxes tremendously from 35 to 15 for companies, small and big businesses. Thats going to be a job creator like we havent seen since ronald reagan. We just have a different view about whats best for growing the economy. How we make investments that will actually produce jobs and rising incomes. I think we come at it from somewhat different perspectives. I understand that. Donald was very fortunate in his life, and thats all to his benefit. He started his business with 14 million, borrowed from his father, and he really believes that the more you help wealthy people, the better off well be and that everything will work out from there. I dont buy that. My father gave me a very small loan in 1975 and i built it into a company that is worth many, many, many billions of dollars with some of the greatest assets in the world. And i say that only because thats the kind of thinking that our country needs. Why wont he release his tax returns . And i think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe hes not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe hes not as charitable as he claims to be. Third, we dont know all of had his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about 650 million to wall street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesnt want the American People, all of you watching tonight, to know that hes paid nothing in federal taxes because the only years that anybodys ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license and they showed he didnt pay any federal income tax. So that makes me smart. That means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. I have a great company. I have a tremendous income and the reason i say that is not in a braggadocio way, it is because it is about time that this country had somebody running it that has an idea about money. With us now, indiana governor mike pence, republican nominee for Vice President. Welcome. Good morning. Youre smile iing about whats going on. It was a good debate. My running mate had a great night. Good . Yeah. Do you agree with the idea he was better at the beginning but as the debate wore on it was less good for him . Well, no, no. I think what people saw last night was donald trump being himself. Answering the questions. He was driving forward on the issues that matter most to the American People. And he has his own style. Hillary clinton brings a style of 30 years in public life, and, you know, a well scripted politician, donald trump just speaks right from his mind, from his heart and thats the reason why we have so much momentum in this campaign. I was sitting on front row there with such a privilege for me and my wife, but what was exciting for me was just to see donald trump as himself, relaxed, even in front of 100 Million People. They got a real good look at the donald trump one of the things he says, he was getting hammered by had Hillary Clinton as we showed about the taxes and not leasing his tax returns and he said that makes me smart, about the question of not paying taxes. Did he confirm last night he does not pay taxs . Oh, gosh, no. It appears that way. Yeah, he said afterwards, he said afterwards hes paid federal taxes. I think the reason why donald trump had a great night is because from the very getgo, he was talking about the issues the American People care about. Were in the midst of a struggling economy. I dont want to get off of the tax question for a second. Why would you want voters to think you dont pay taxes . Why would you want to leave that impression in any way, shape or form . This is a business man. And, you know, Hillary Clinton, you know, her three different guesses about his taxes when hes she knows hes filed 100 pages of Financial Disclosure information that is available on the internet as the law requires, but speculating that maybe he didnt pay as much in taxes, i think hes joked in the past about, you know, that like any Good Business man, he works to pay as little taxes as he can. I remember i think what really happened last night was this difference in style between someone who literally embodies the status quo and somebody who really embodied the kind of change and the kind of leadership that will up end washington, d. C. And change the direction of this country. We talked about suburban women which have voted for republicans in the past. The current poll shows theyre favoring Hillary Clinton. There was a moment at the end of the debate last night which Hillary Clinton seemed to goad and go at Donald Trumps past statements. I want to play that and get your reaction. This is a man who has called women, pigs, slobs, and dogs. And someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers, who has said that women dont deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men. Hillary is hitting me with tremendous commercials, some of it said in entertainment, some of it said somebody who has been very vicious to me, rosie odonnell, i said tough things to her and i think everybody would agree she deserved it and nobody feels sorry for her. He doubled down saying rosie odonnell, she deserved it. What did you make of that exchange . It culminated an evening that was an avalanche of personal insults from Hillary Clinton. I literally lost count. She spent twice as much time insulting and attacking donald trump as she did talking about her own agenda. And that was just the culmination of it. I have to tell you, i was so proud of the fact that he demonstrated that quality that is i think most important in a president , and that is restraint. In that moment, donald trump demonstrated the restraint and the temperament that the American People knows is required for the presidency. Because he said he wanted to bring what do you mean restraint, because he brought up about the clinton attack. One insult after another culminating in that round at the end, and donald trump literally just completely open and transparent with the American People said there is things i could bring up, we all know what they are, we all live through the 1990s, and he just said im not going to do it. I think there you saw in him the restraint and the temperament that will make for a great president. You were with donald trump, did he have a cold . No, i didnt perceive that at all. Gayle and i didnt notice it either, but people were picking up that he had a sniffle. Yeah, i didnt hear it at all. I really didnt. I thought he literally took command of the stage. And literally drove the agenda toward jobs, the economy, growth. The focus on trade, i have to tell you, when you see the enormous crowds that come out, when im campaigning with donald trump, or even the hundreds of people that come out when im out there campaigning on my own, he is speaking into this moment for the kind of change the American People want and Hillary Clinton last night, 30 years in public life, was just well scripted presentation of the status quo. And thats why i think donald trump had a great night. Hes always talking about the birther issue and other issues that have gotten him into trouble in the past. And was he persistent about that because he wanted to get those that birth certificate rereeleased or because it had political impact . Charlie, to be honest with you, the media over the last several years continued to bring up that issue and donald trump put it to a rest a couple of weeks ago once and for all. Throughout this campaign, hes been focused for the American People are focused. The last seven and a half years weakened americas place in the world, stifled americas economy. We have seen a Supreme Court that now literally hangs in the balance in this election on our core constitutional principles. Donald trump has been speaking about those things that Everyday Americans are most concerned about. He did that again last night, even though there were these side bar issues. I will tell you, while issues like that came up from the moderator, and other issues, it is remarkable to many of us the things like benghazi, the clinton foundation, emails, the fbi. You had the last word. We have to go. Always uniquely himself. We hope youll come back. Two more debates. President ial candidates are often judged on more than what they actually say. How body language hurt or helped the temperaturewise, shaved off a couple of greeses, upper 90s. 70s along the coast, 80s around the bay. A cooldown on the way beginning tomorrow. More so thursday into friday where we bring temperatures back down to seasonal norms. A new study shows women are being penalized for asking for a raise or promotion at work. A new study shows women are being penalized for asking for a promotion at work. Ahead, facebook executive sheryl sha sandberg will be in studio 57. Youre watching cbs this morning. How women in the workplace are more likely to be called bossy. Youre watching cbs this morning. When you are suffering from chest congestion try mucinex 12hour. Mucinex is absorbed 60 percent faster than store brands. And lasts a full 12 hours. Relieve chest congestion with mucinex, and enjoy living well. But. My doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, its been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and its still recommended today. Use as directed the things that i consume a lot of it is very acidic. The enamel on my teeth was actually weakening. The whiteness wasnt there as much. My teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. So it was really important to start using the pronamel. Itll be one less thing you have to worry about. Pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing. So its nice to know that its as simple as that. The candidates will spend more time trying to engage in the handshake. I know it sounds ludicrous, but theres all this psychology who seems more in control of the handshake. Veteran political strategists dan seymour and Michael Feldman showed us last week exactly what goes into the debate prep. They carefully watched their candidates it all began with that handshake between donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Dan and mike are here with their impressions and how they reacted. Lets start with the handshake. People make their decision in the first 15 minutes of the debate. I actually was wondering whether or not she was going to shake his hand. She said good to see you. As a xenophobe and all of this, how do you shake your hand. The whole thing is im not here to fight, im here to make a case, but at the same time, she was there to push the buttons and undermine himself. And i think she did a good job. He was good at outside rallying and bad trade deals. I think if he stuck to that he could have won the debate but by her pushing his buttons he got way out of hand. Mike, do you agree . Yeah, she occupied more of that real estate than he did. On issues she needs to communicate to voters and distinct voters. She was communicating to women, and by scoring more points with africanamericans. To your point, she kept drawing him off his strategy. The first 15 or 20 minutes i was worried that he might actually be completely contained in the debate. By the end he was off that strategy if he ever had one. Mike, you advised al gore, and he was criticized because he sighed a lot during the debate. We saw personal reactions by donald trump. The sniffling, the drinking of the water. Do those matter . They do, particularly since the Bush Campaign made it more about size than substance. If you scored on points, al gore probably would have won the debate. A week later, he lost the debate. Im not sure that particular issue, snifflegate is going to leave a lasting impression. Its a little distracting. As someone who has advised marco rubio and paul ryan, im particularly sensitive. I couldnt believe how much he drank water. I agree it doesnt matter that much. But i will say this, for the last few weeks trump has made stamina a big issue. And it was breaking through. He kept hammering this point about her health issues. Last night she stood in front of a massive audience and she looked energetic. She looked upbeat. She looked like she was brimming with ideas. She looked like she was ready to prosecute. He was the one sniffling and guzzling water. That issue is over. Clearly, there was debate prep for him, did he not follow advice . Or do you think he said ill do my own thing . I think somewhere in between. He was prepared. Notice he called her secretary clinton last night. Not hillary. He did deliver lines that he clearly prepared. He made the argument for change broadly speaking. But she was able to draw him off the strategy and that means he wasnt prepped enough. By the way, these issues were not surprises. I think it said in the paper theres psychological warfare that Hillary Clinton attempted last night and it worked. On what particular issue did you see that . If you looked at the primaries, they studied the republican primary debates from what i understand. If you look at rubio in houston. He pushed trump on whether or not a selfmade man, born on third base and made all of his money. Trump goes crazy on taxes. I think she systematically went in with those two points and pushed and he like clockwork went crazy. But he didnt challenge he paid no federal taxes. He basically confirmed he paid no federal taxes. She laid out three cases only four reasons, theyre not as rich as they say he is. Not as charitable or he paid zero federal taxes. He said that makes me smart. Its probably going to turn that into a campaign ad its basically confirming that. By contrast on the emails the vulnerability of hers, in and out in two minutes. Yeah. She explained it and got out. She didnt get into the anthropology of it. A missed opportunity on his part. Good to have you both. Into the anth anthropology of it. 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Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. First on cbs this morning, Facebooks Sheryl Sandberg is in our toyota green room with a new study on women in the workplace. Why women face a double standard. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. This is a kxix5 morning update. 8 25. Im kenny choi. Crews right now battling a wildfire just south of san jose. It has burned 1100acres and destroyed one building near loma prieta. They say 300 properties are under mandatory evacuation now. Well have live coverage on kpix5 news at noon. Wells fargo facing new lawsuits after the bank admitted to inflating sales by opening fake accounts. Workers say they were fired for refusing to open fraudulent accounts. The stockholders are suing as well claiming they were kept in the dark. In the next half hour of cbs this morning, musicians make music using garbage. Traffic and weather in a moment. ,,,,,,. Good morning, everyone, time now 8 27. Yes, we have a Traffic Alert in san fariel. Eastbound 580 at the midspan of the bridge, it is a big rig fire. As you can see thanks to the the sky one for this great picture, you can see the flames coming off that big rig. Traffic is moving down to 7 Miles Per Hour. We can imagine this will take a while to get through and get cleared out of the area, heres a look if you want to take an alternate route. A smokey Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco and then also you can take the bay bridge toll plaza into San Francisco or out into the east bay as well. 24 minutes. Thank you. Another hot one today. Temperatures triple digits for the warmest locations, likely a few degrees cooler than yesterday. The cooldown doesnt kick in until tomorrow. More so wednesday into thursday. Temperatures in the upper 90s for the warmest spots in the east bay. 70s along the coast, 80s around the bay itself. The cooldown is on the horizon. Marine layer tonight and more so tomorrow. Low 80s tomorrow. 70s friday, saturday and sunday, 60s by the bay and increased cloud cover, 50s and 60s along the coast. ,,,, our resident cartoonists, yes, we have one, liza donley turned her attention to last nights president ial debate. Be sure to follow this mornings instagram and facebook pages to see her work. Shes in the toyota room right now. Live drawings in the studio. Go, liza, go. Facebooks Sheryl Sandberg is also in the toyota green room, which makes me think shes going to be a liza drawing pretty soon. Hi, sheryl. Coming up shes going to address the challenges that women face how theyre being penalized when they ask for a raise or promotion. Time for headlines. Usa today says the Washington Monument will be closed while its elevator is being repaired. The National Park service ed the modernized. The elevator is 555 feet high and the worlds tallest stone structure. And bloomberg said disney is considering buying twitter. The potentially takeover would give disney a new Online Outlet for sports and news. Salesforce. Com is also responding to a request by twitter. Facebooks chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg says in an oped this morning that more women are leaning in but getting penalized for it. By lienin. Org, and mckendi and company. They surveyed 132 companies and 34,000 employees. Women who negotiate are kevin more likely than women who dont to receive feedback that their personal style is intimidating, too aggressive or bossy. Sheryl sandberg is here. Welcome back. Great to see you. Theres a lot of positive in the report. First of all, you say women are negotiating more than ever for raises but doesnt always work. No thats right. This is the most comprehensive study thats done over year of women in the u. S. Workforce, it represents 4. 6 million workers. So, theres some bad institution and theres some good news. The bad news is women are not getting that very critical promotion to manager at the same rate as men. A man is 30 more likely to get that first promotion into leadership. And thats why we continue to see women underrepresented at all levels. It starts earlier than people think. Thats women overall. For women of color, we know its even worse and that starts at the beginning, too. Heres the good news. The good news the survey for the first time show that women are negotiating for salaries and promotions at the same rate of men. When negotiating, theyre Getting Better outcomes. Make no mistake about it. Youre not going to get what you asked for. They are pushing pushback. When are they penalized being called bossy or aggressive versus men or not . Well, in the study in 2016. In 2016, we process information very quickly. If im looking at a lion by the time i deductively think, huh, tail, fur, running at me, im dead. As human beings, were wired to make snap judgments. When i see a lion, i run. We organize, get things done. We expect women to be emotional giving. Thats why when a woman negotiateses on behalf of someone else, but for herself, we instinctively dont like it. And thats me unfortunately tell our sons to man up and not cry. Yes. We want women to be able to lead and get results and become ceos and we want boys and men to be emotional and full caregivers at home. What do the numbers show about that, how many people are working at home as well . Both working outside of home and at home, who does that . Well, mostly women. Mostly women are working inside the home. Men as a fulltime caregiver estimated at 4 to 10 . But whats interesting here, what were seeing is that women want to be leaders. Men want to be caregivers. And i think what we need to do is make sure we dont hold people to narrow gender stereotypes but instead, we let individuals make those decisions. Sheryl, one of the ideas for women getting credit for how they feel at work. This was even facing women in the Obama White House. The women in the Obama White House had to decide collectively, oh that is a really good idea, gayle or sheryl, in order to get credit for that. Why does that persist . Women and men tend to give men credit for ideas. Women, even as managers, women get interrupted more, again, focused on what we can do. 132 companies who participated in this study, they know they need to do better which is why they participated. And they know theyre going to outperform their peers and other companies if they get all of the it on the table. If youre a woman, you can interrupt, if youre a man, you know, id really like to hear what she had to say. Were seeing that happen. Whats that famous Warren Buffett quote, if youre not using the equal percentage of the population, women in the workplace, your company is not going to be doing very well. Warren buffett said that, one of the most successful investors in the world. He tells company to use the full population, because thats how youre going to outperform. So, why did you want to put this data out . Did you want to prove a point . Do you Want Companies to change or how is this data being used . Women have been basically 5 or less at fortune 500 companies for a decade. We thought women were making progress and we are. Better than my mothers generation. It has fallen down in the last decade. So what women are doing, were surveying every single year so we get a chap shot of that progress. So these can make progress and see whats going on. Were not at the top to change the numbers at the top because we do not get women getting the same percentages as men into that first promotion. And we also have women in stockholds. Theyre really important, but theyre not often the roles that get promoted to ceos. If we want to change the fortune 500 5 , were going to have to promote women. Whats interesting in your study, you talk to people at all Different Levels from the top people to the entry level. Im curious about men in the study, so they say we need to do better . This isnt right . Across the board they know they need to do better. Obviously, theres a range but the best performers from entry level to ceos, they know if they can act better as a population, theyre going to be outdo their peers. Lets talk about facebook. How is advertising on facebook, that has been driving some of the profits, right . Well, im here in new york for ad week and were excited to announce today that we have 4 million advertisers. Thats up from 3 million we announced i think on your snow in march. Thats real good. I think thats businesses, mostly Small Businesses know that people are on their mobile phones. The average smartphone owner is checking that mobile phone 150 times a day. For anyone who has a teenager, we know it can be more. But if its a secure business and you want to reach people were they are, you need to be on mobile. A third of Small Businesses dont even have a web page. And building a mobile app is way harder into your investment. Its recently reported that facebook overestimated how many people and how long they were looking at videos. What happened there with the correction being made . Well, the success of our business is working with other businesses to grow results so were focused on that all the time. What happened about a month ago, we discovered an error in one of our videos. It wasnt the one that we were viewing advertisers on but we take trust seriously. As soon as we found it, we went to our client and let them know we have this mistake and we are fixing it. Its also why we work hard to rely on third party relationships. We just dont write on facebook. Its not just owned by facebook, but often third parties and we work with those third parties. At the end of the day, Small Businesses use them as product top shelves. So what theyre focused on and what were focused on is using that mobile phone that people are checking on three times a day and to reach customers and provide Great Service. Every time somebody sees you, sheryl, they say, there she is . She looks good. How is Sheryl Sandberg doing. Im doing okay. Thank you for asking. Its in the wall street journal, a huge section, if you want to learn more. Thank you, sheryl. Always good to see you. Music is transforming lives in a community so poor its built around garbage. I was diagnosed with parkinsons actually in early 2013. It took awhile to sink in. We had to think a little more seriously about saving money for the future and for the kids. The income of airbnb really helped to mitigate the stress. But we have that flexibility of knowing that if you know things get worse, we have this to help keep us afloat. So thats very, very important for us. Theyre bringing crime, when mextheyre rapists. Ople. Are you going to have a massive Deportation Force . Youre going to have a Deportation Force. Were rounding em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. Were going to build a wall. Thats not america. Were all californians. Im tom steyer. Its time to speak out. Please, register. And vote. Vote. Nextgen California Action Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. Into a multicolored oasis of music. The kids flock here to learn and to play. But bermuda is a long way from juilliard. But these students are just as dedicated as prodigies in new york. In 2016, paraguay is about the size of california, these Young Musicians live in a village formed from a municipal landfill. Its residents used to be known as trash pickers. Today, theyre known for the incredible music they make. From vad duthiers from cbs san. Reporter good morning, the most powerful things these students learn is that music can change lives. This ensemble warmup session. Until you take a closer look at the instruments theyre playing. Thats not a stratavarius, but a violin created from a fork. A flute made of discarded pipes. A wax tin was used to build this electric guitar. The instruments are made entirely of trash. These Young Musicians from paraguay form the recycled orchestra. Describe for me what its like to play with the orchestra. Translator a lot of people are dying to play with us. And the truth is, its a very beautiful thing that has no price. Reporter when we met them recently in new york city, they were more than 4,500 miles from their home. Small village built around a landfill on the outskirts of paraguays capital. They sift through the mounds looking for stuff to sell. This former environmental technician came up with the idea to make music from the junk yard. He gives lessons for free to any child to escape poverty. Translator because culture is very important. Its as important as eating. Culture is as important as having a home. Reporter a local carpenter named don picks through the trash heap for the Raw Materials to make these instruments. These sisters were among the music schools first students. Translator the truth is that at first, people would make fun of us because we didnt have instruments and now they realize that thanks to the orchestra, us or any other child can change his or her life through music. Reporter their grandmother enroll the girls in the music lessons. She grew up listening to the beatles and dreamed of becoming a singer. Her granddaughters now play imagine at the United Nations in new york. Translator now my Main Objective and biggest dream as a family is that im able to become a professional musician and help children who want to grow in the cmmunity. Reporter a dream thats coming through largely thanks to a documentary about the orchestra. Its called landfill harmonic. It reverberated around the world. Were you surprised by that . We never thought that we would get the response we had. We were already inspired by the story, but this really pushed the orchestra even more. We are helping to tell their story to the world and its a privilege. Reporter theyre receiving invitations to perform at music halls across the globe. Even playing with the kids rock idol mega death in the United States. Whats been the most surprising thing for you in watching the children over the last six years . Translator the most surprising thing ive seen in these children is the change in their eyes from living in hopelessness to living in hope of a better future. Reporter a better life through music, and they did it in their own extraordinary way. [ applause ] reporter the documentary landfill harmonic is playing in several cities around the country. It will become widely available in november. I cant get over how good they sound. They are amazing. And they were playing metallica at one point for me. They love playing rock n roll. Thank you so much. Youre watching cbs this ,,,,,,,,,,, the debate discussion continues. That does it for us for this day. Be sure to tune into the,,,,, mountains, j h of san it is 8 55. Im kenny choy. Firefighters hard at work battling a wildfire in the Santa Cruz Mountains south of san jose. It is just 5 contained right now. The loma fire has burned 1100 acres and destroyed one building near loma prieta. Cal fire says that 300 properties are under mandatory evacuation. And American Red Cross has set up shelters for the evacuees. We will have live coverage on kpix 5 news at noon. Police in orindo are looking for the suspects who shot someone during a Home Invasion last night in claremont avenue. Investigators say a couple in their 70s lived in the home. The suspects were wearing halloween masks. For a look at weather, here is julie. Were in for another hot one today. You can see clear skies over the pyramid of San Francisco and aside from some smoke over most of the bay area, we will see temperatures heating up once again. But not quite as hot as yesterday. And low to mid90s for the south bay and 70s along the coast and near 80 around the bay today. And low 90s up north, santa rosa, and napa. And we begin to see a cooling trend tomorrow. Likely starting with cooler temperatures along the coast and then eventually making their way inland. Cooler temperatures, thursday, inland, and we will see an increase in the marine layer and increased onshore flow. The temperatures are going to drop friday into this weekend where the warmest spots inland are in the 70s. And 60s by the bay. And 50s and 60s along the coast. Traffic coming up after the break. Good morning, from the traffic center, 8 58. A major Traffic Alert along eastbound 580 and thats the lower deck of the Richmond San Rafael bridge. And a live look right now at crews trying to put down this big rig fire that has scorched the entire big rig there, causing major delays. Now, lets move on to a map, taking a closer look at the traffic and you can see, just down to six Miles Per Hour. So if youre at home, headed out to richmond or san rafael, take a look at this, and you will want to avoid the bridge, all together right now. And then you want to take the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco, or out of San Francisco, and into marin, but take a look at the fog, or the bay bridge, into San Francisco, or out into the east bay. Here is a look at some very slowmoving traffic along the dublin interchange. But otherwise for more updates catch us at noon. Wayne ahoo jonathan its a trip to ireland hello, wayne mcbrady s, im naughty. Jonathan its a new motorcycle cheering jonathan omg. Wayne come on, brother, lets do it cheering wayne what . tiffany wake up wayne if youre having a good time, say yeah jonathan its time for lets make a deal now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne whats up, america . Welcome to lets make a deal, im wayne brady. Lets do it. Three people, lets go, three of you. Lets see, three people, three people. Lady, you right there. You, you right there, yes, maam, come on. Lets see, lets see. Lets go over here. The lady, christina christina, come on over here. The scarecrow. Everybody else, have a seat for me. Welcome to the show, ladies

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