World in 90 seconds. Now we learn about another 15,000 emails she failed to turn over and theyve just been discovered, i guess, today. Hillary clinton confronts a new email scandal. Weve already released 30,000 plus. Whats a few more . Theyre still going. He is deporting them. He wants to apply the law and do it humanely. Donald trump working through his position on immigration. That wall will go up to fast your head will spin. Zika problems growing in florida. There are 37 cases contracted through local mosquitos. President obama heading to louisiana. We expect the president to show up for us. Outrage grows over the deadly shooting of an unarmed deaf driver of being pulled over in charlotte, North Carolina. A federal judge locked rules that would force Public Schools to let children use bathrooms reflecting their gender identity. A string of wildfires in Washington State has destroyed 16 homes and forced evacuation. A river of people on the run in taiwan all chasing a rare pokem pokemon. Are you enjoying being a grandparent . Its the best. I think id be distraught if we didnt have facetime. Have you considered using facetime instead of email . All that matters the olympics wrapped up over the weekend with the United States coming out on top in all medal counts. The u. S. Brought home 46 gold medals, 37 silver and four idiots. On cbs this morning. Not only did america lead in the overall medal count, we also won the most gold medals, the most silver medals and the most bronze medals, which means were not only number one, were also number one at being two and three, okay . This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. Anthony mason is here along with kevin frazier. Good morning again. Hillary clinton faces new pressure on two fronts, her ties to the Clinton Foundation and the emails from her private computer servers while she was secretary of state. The state department is now under orders to retrieve thousands of messages during an fbi investigation. They are not part of the roughly 30,000 documents the democratic nominee turned over two years ago. Nancy cordes has clintons response to the email revelations. Clinton aides say they dont know whats in these 15,000 emails and documents recovered from her servers by the fbi or how her lawyers missed them when they said they returned overall her workrelated email in 2014. On late night tv, she tried to make light of what has become a serious liability. Weve already released, i dont know, 30,000 plus. So whats a few more . Clinton tried to use humor to diffuse the latest controversy. Have you considered using facetime instead of email . Actually, i think thats really good advice. But in akron, ohio, donald trump and his supporters didnt find it that funny. Now we learn about another 15,000 emails she failed to turn over and theyve just been discovered. On Jimmy Kimmel Clinton tackled a trump lie about her health. Take my pulse while im talking to you. Okay. So make sure im alive. Trump and his allies have repeatedly insinuated shes unwell. She also lacks the mental and physical stamina. Clintons doctor said last year she is in excellent health. Its part of the whacky strategy, just say all these crazy things and maybe you can get people to believe you. Trump used the same approach to go after clintons Family Charity on monday. The Clinton Foundation constitutes a clear example of rico racketeering. He insisted Foundation Donors got favors from Clintons State Department and he called for a special prosecutor. Theres criminality. Everybody knows it. The state Department Said its not true. We have seen no evidence of any behavior, any relations with the Clinton Foundation that werent completely above board. Former president bill clinton did announce yesterday that he will stop raising money for the foundation and step down from the board if his wife is elected president. But Foundation Officials have resisted some calls for them to shut down all together if she wins. They say that would deprive millions of people around the world of lifesaving medical treatments. Donald trump says his immigration policy as president would be fair but firm. And would follow the law. His comments failed to stop speculation about whether he would deport millions of people who entered the u. S. Illegally. The republican nominee spoke in ohio last night with supporters and critics alike questioning his immigration position. Major garrett is in neighboring indiana following the trump campaign. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Donald trump denies what appears to be a clear move away from mass deportations. The best clue, trump doesnt talk about it anymore and neither does anyone paid to speak on his behalf. What is unclear is what a Trump Presidency would mean to an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants here in the u. S. Were going to build a wall, folks. Were going to build a wall. Reporter donald trump clung to that applause line like a rhetorical life raft in akron, ohio, am ohio,. Were going to obey the existing laws. Reporter trump now talks of deporting only hardened criminals and felons. The first thing were going to do is were going to get rid of all of the bad ones. As far as everybody else were going to go through the process. Reporter trump would not explain what that process was or how old it would work but he no longer insists it includes raids, arrests and lengthy deportation proceedings. Im not going to put them in a detention center. Reporter a newly formed hispanic Advisory Counsel hes dialing things back while simultaneously wooing hispanic voters. It is a disaster the way africanamericans are living in many cases and in many cases the way hispanics areallying. And i say it with such a deep felt feeling. What do you have to lose . Reporter trump described a world of squalor and hopelessness, offering himself as a potential savior. You could go to war zones in countries that were fighting and its safer than living in some of our inner cities. Reporter theres another problem for trump. Internal campaign chaos. Advisors said this week would be devoted to immigration and border security, with speeches planned in nevada and colorado. Those have now been scrapped. The Campaign Says it wants to focus more attention on clintons email woes. Cbs news political contributor is the chief National Correspondent for the New York Times magazine. Mark, good morning. Lets start with the emails. It has been nearly nine months since Hillary Clinton held a press conference. She chose late night tv to address these new questions. Was that the right way to address it . Well, they seemed to think so. Its obviously a very safe setting for her. She comes off well. Most people do. As a member of the media, i have a horse in this race. And i would love her to do a press conference like everyone else would. What question would you ask . Why is it taking so long. Shes so glib about okay whats a few more emails to release. Why dont we see them . What else is in there . I would be more pointed than that. But its very, very glib to come off in a situation that keeps lingering. It also looks politically very suspect. These emails, we do know they show contact between the Clinton Foundation and the state department. Potentially how damaging is this for her . Thats the second batch of emails. I think its very damaging. It is damaging because it links two ongoing issues for her. One, the email scandal. Two, questions about the foundation. It puts two and two together. Its pretty easy to see you have not a quid pro quo but the interactions between the two are very carefully linked there. This also ensures that its going to linger through october, probably right up until election day. Thats not something any campaign would want. Can we talk about donald trump for a seconds. Being vague on immigration, something that was such a big part of his Campaign Early on. Will this hurt him . I dont think it will hurt him. They have a strategy where they think were going to be a little bit softer in our ret lihetoric. Hopefully we wont alienate our base. This is the core issue for him. This is arguably the issue that got him the nomination. You really think he can pick up more hispanic voters by saying im not going to deport them but im going to build a wall. The rhetoric is fair and humane. Those are words he did not use during the primary. In that sense, it may be presents a softer message. Donald trump is raising questions about Hillary Clintons stamina, her health. He said we have never had two candidates nominees as old as donald trump and Hillary Clinton. 70 years old donald trump, 68 years old Hillary Clinton. She went on late night tv last night, addressed those charges in part by opening a can of pickles to address her strength. The pickling test doesnt put all these questions to rest . I must say i have trouble opening up a can of pickles. Its an issue we can all relate to. I think Hillary Clinton has been more transparent. Her personal physician has released a letter that seemed pretty authoritative if somewhat brief. It was two pages. Trumps letter is even shorter. She can say, you know, rightly that hes released viea virtually nothing. If you count the two paragraphs that his doctor released. I think people would like to see more. What im curious about in the larger sense is, why do you make this an issue now if youre donald trump . The health, the stamina of your opponent. Maybe he thinks hes sewing some kind of doubt. But there are other bigger issues like these emails to focus on. Breaking news from afghanistan. An American Service member was killed this morning. A nato patrol set off an i. E. D. One other american and six Afghan Soldiers were wounded. The fbi is investigating a stabbing in virginia that may have been inspired by isis. A man and woman were seriously wounded saturday at an Apartment Building in roanoke. A Law Enforcement source confirms the fbi is checking to see if the suspect tried to behead the victims. The 20 years old is charged with the crime. An intelligence source tells us investigators have known about him for monltdths. Police think the victims were chosen at random. Florida governor rick scott faces criticism this morning for his handling of information about zika. Now, two areas in Miamidade County are designated zika zones where the virus is spreading. There are 37 transmitted cases by local mosquitos. The governor visited one of those areas yesterday while kids returned to school. David begnaud is in miami beach as concerns about zika spread f. Reporter youve got pregnant women in florida considering relocating. Some have already decided to do so. Youve got businesses here in south beach worrying about what zika is going to do to them. The sizzling political feud between the mayor of miami beach and floridas governor. The governor not only blindsided me. He blindsided the administration. Reporter Philip Levine took aim at Florida Governor rick scott for failing to tell leaders about zika cases on miami beach before he notified the public. Governor scott fired back. I reached out to mayor levine and he unfortunately didnt return my phone call. Reporter two tourist areas in Miamidade County are home to at least 37 locally transmitted zika cases. Katrina bernards third child is due in december. This isnt a cold. Its life or death. Reporter although bernard lives outside the zika zones shes scared to leave her Miamidade County home. Seeing all of these poor babies with microcephaly and seeing women having to make the choice to either not continue their pregnancy or to just be dealt a really hard hand. Reporter there are 69 pregnant women in the state of florida who have been infected with zika. Theling linked to microcephaly. You can put a box on a map but you cant keep the mosquitos in that box. Reporter earlier this month christina relocated to chicago and she plans to stay there for the remainder of her pregnancy. You inconvenience yourself so that your baby is safe. Reporter we are reaching the peak of Hurricane Season and should we get a storm here, standing water after that storm will pose a real problem when it comes to mosquitos breeding and transmitting the zika virus. Here on south beach they will fine you for standing water even a little bit of it. Because remember, those mosquitos can breed in Something Like this, a bottle cap. Minutes ago president obama left the white house to visit flood ravaged areas in southern louisiana. This trip will enable the president to see the recovery effort for himself. The disaster killed at least 13 people. Tens of thousands are beginning the long process of trying to rebuild there. Manuel, good morning. Reporter good morning. This is just some of what the president will see when he arrives later today. Peoples flooded out vehicles where you can still see the water line, just how high the water came in this neighborhood and all of their belongings destroyed. Debris pickup has already started here in baton rouge. But removing all of it could take months. It just breaks my heart. And its devastating and you dont know what youre going to do and youre just scared honestly. Reporter youre scared right now . Yes. Reporter the fear of what comes next is setting in for Nikki Mcdonald and thousands more in louisiana, where lifelong possessions now rest in piles on the side of the street. Whats it like when you look at your neighborhood right now . Its devastating. Going down the street and you see peoples entire house is on the street right now. All of this stuff theyre accumulated and worked for is sitting on the streets right now. Reporter everything. Everything. Reporter the same is true for wallace and shirley. They lost everything in their baton rouge home. All of our treasures, our memories on the side of the road. And we dont know what were going to do. Reporter the couple in their 70s is now faced with the daunting task of having to start over. We wanted to come back home and we cant. We were comfortable. We had a good life. And we still have a good life. Minus the home. Reporter like 80 of people in louisiana, neither the aymans or mcdonald have flood insurance. Officials here say the recovery could take years. The people that didnt have flood insurance, which is most of the people in this area, i just dont know what theyre going to do. They need assistance. They need money from fema. We need attention. We need someone to help us out. Reporter thats what many people here say theyd like to express to the president , they need help. And beyond the financial assistance, they say right now they need volunteers to help dla clear out damaged homes and clean up all of this debris. Several wildfires are burning in Washington State near spokane. Theyve destroyed more than a dozen homes. In california six major fires have burned more than 200,000 acres. Thousands of homes are evacuate waited. A driver is shot dead near his own home by police. His family says he was deaf and may have not known an officer , announcer this National Weather report sponsed b this National Weather report sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. Computer guided trucks could a fascinating story. E transportation industry. Its a fascinating story. John blackstone hits the road to see the future. Uber is getting into selfdriving technology in a big way. Well take you on an exclusive first look at otto. Ubers new fleet of selfdriving big rigs. The news is back here on cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning if your sneezes are a force to be reckoned with. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. The best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. Hey, youre yes, sir. Clarence you know, at the model year end clarence event, you can get a great deal on this 2016 passat. Steve. Yeah . Clarence is on a roll. Yeah. I wish theyd name an event after me. Same here. But the model year end becky event . Thats no good. Stevent thats just vandalism. Whatever you want to call it, dont miss the volkswagen model year end event. Hurry in for a onethousand dollar volkswagen reward card and 0 apr on a new 2016 passat. Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . No more questions for you ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. No ones surprised tender pieces and crunchy bites ended up together. Thats just what happens when cats call the shots. New friskies tender and crunchy combo. Tasty textures cats gotta have. Friskies. For cats. By cats. With ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella adds a smile to any morning. Nutella spread the happy . 83 try to eat healthy. Yet up 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens gummies. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. One a day vitacraves gummies. For over 100 yearsaking like kraft has,al cheese you learn a lot about peoples tastes. Honey, what do you want for dinner tonight . Oh whatever youre making. Triple cheddar stuffed sliders. Sold olympics swimmer ryan lochte deals dry up. And tomorrow, we reveal forbes new list o weekandahalf in San Luis Obispo county. Has now crossed the border into southern monterey county. It good morning, its 7 26. Im michelle griego. The socalled chimney fire burning for a week and a half in San Luis Obispo business is has crossed San Luis Obispo crossed into southern monterey county. It destroyed 52 structures. The threat to Hearst Castle has eased but the landmark is closed to visitors. Today crews will try to recover a dump truck that plunged nearly 200 feet off an embankment along highway 1 in marin county. Yesterdays accident led to a dramatic rescue near stinson beach. Crews used a helicopter and a basket to hoist up the stranded driver and two passengers. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,, ,, sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. The time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Only at a sleep number store. Good morning, from your kpix 5 traffic center, time now 7 28. A Traffic Alert this morning in dublin. If you are heading from livermore to dublin on that Altamont Pass, westbound 580 at doherty road, big rig was on fire there, caused three cars to crash behind it and now that right lane is blocked all morning. 11 Miles Per Hour cars driving very slowly. Northbound 87 at almaden expressway a twocar crash on the shoulder backed up all the way to highway 85. Hows it looking roberta . It sounds nasty on the roads. Good morning, everyone. We have gray skies. We have some cloud cover. We do have delays at sfo up to 55 minutes on some arriving flights due to the marine layer. We are in the 50s and 60s not bad out the door. The couple of degrees warmer than yesterday from 60s at the beaches to mid to high 80s inland. Winds are going to be different today. ,,,,. For legal reasons were not allowed to show or air olympic footage. You just cant do it. What i can do is show you a live reenactment of the u. S. Basketball highlights of usa versus serbia. Lets do that right now. [ cheers and applause ] sort of how it went. There they go again. Serbia had a tough time under the boards. [ cheers and applause ] serbia, a really difficult gosh, it was just won oh, man. Those serbians were must bigger than that. Its hard to compete against the usa, right. Congratulations to the mens team. Congratulations to them. Welcome back. Coming up is olympic swimmer ryan lochte washed up when it comes to endorsements. Mellody hobson is in the studio, after the gas station. Gearing up for ubers next journey. John blackstone shows us a big rig that drives itself. Will the technology stop truckers from the long haul . A syrian leader calls the largest city the apex of horror. More than 125,000 people in aleppo are cut off from food and water. He told the security council, its likely to be the worst humanitarian catastrophe of the fiveyearold civil war. The Houston Chronicle reports on a federal judge temporarily blocking president obamas directive on bathrooms in Public Schools and transgender students. The directive allows transgender students to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with. 13 states are challenging it. The judge said the directive contradicted other regulation. The republican of Springfield Massachusetts reports on a former High School Star athlete sentenced to probation in a Sexual Assault case. 18yearold david becker was charged with sexually assaulting two unconscious classmates after a party in april. Last week, a judge gave him two years probation after he pled to a reduced charge. Beckers attorney said we all made mistakes as teenagers and, quote, we shouldnt be branded for life with a felony offense. The los angeles tile times a city officering punching a man. The lapd refused to release the video. The incident happened nearly two years ago, but the court just granted the papers request to make it public. The officer was charged with assault but avoided prison partly by pleading no contest. And the Charlotte Observer said the family of a deaf man killed by a North Carolina state trooper wants more training for police. Daniel harris was shot on thursday after the trooper followed him all the way to harris neighborhood. Jericka duncan is here. Good morning. Daniel harris had a hearing and speech inimpediment and not have a weapon. The trooper may not have been trained to handle someone with a handicap. Reporter Daniel Kevin Harris was remembered at a vigil in charlotte last night, lit by candles marked the spot where the 29yearold father of one was killed. Daniels brother, sam harris, who is also hearing impaired spoke with the help of an interpreter. Interpreter if the officer had known he was deaf, it would have ended. Reporter North Carolina trooper tried to stop harris for speeding along an interstate. The pursuant ended about five exited his vehicle and an encounter took place between the driver and the trooper causing a shot to be fired. Harris posted this video online last year. On a fundraising site, his family said daniel will be a hero in our Deaf Community once police have proper training on how to confront deaf people. What we need to know is that the system is able to change to prevent horrific tragedies like this from happening, where people die, because of something simple as i dont hear what the police say because im deaf. Funeral services for harris will be held tonight. The state bureau of investigation expects to get footage from dash cameras and body born cameras from officers that responded to the shooting. The North Carolina state Highway Patrol is conducting an internal investigation. And the trooper who shot harris is on administrative leave. Team usa from ryan lochte has his gold but his value in Corporate America is plunging. This comes day as ever the medal the apologized. Speedo, ralph lauren, and the make of a laser hair removal system all announced theyre ending or not renewing their sponsorship with lochte. Speedo said in a statement, we cannot condone behavior that is counter to the values this brand has long stood for. Mellody hobson at the table. Good morning. This is turning out to be very expensive for ryan lochte. Very expensive. In the scheme of things the number hes making from endorsements isnt huge, but for him, its big. Reportedly, about 1 million a year. Thats down from 2. 3 million a year after the london olympics. To put that in perspective, someone like Lance Armstrong lost Something Like 20 million a year after the scandal that happened for him. You look at lebron james right now at his peak, hes making 50 million plus for sponsorship. How does a company like ralph lauren say lets drop this deal . Well, very easily. They have morals clauses in all of these endorsement deals. That state if you do something that potentially tarnishes our brand, we are out. And theyre ruthless about it. They have to be. The brand is everything. And people know that going in. And when the actions are not commensurate with the brand, they make the right decision. In 2009, a photo surfaced of swimmer michael phelps. And it looked like he was inhaling marijuana. Only one sponsor dropped him. Why the difference with that . Right, that was kelloggs. Very big difference. First, many people view that it surfaced, phelps apologized within 24 hours. This story went on for days. The story changed. And some are not happy with exaggerating the facts. So i think thats a very different scenario. I think last but not least, it was the idea that they one is a superstar. Greatest of all time in the pool. And the other is obviously an olympic medalist, but very different in terms of their profile. Whats this going to mean for future deals for him . Do you think there will be any . I think its going to be very hard. I talked to the company yesterday. They said, no, they wouldnt touch it. Thanks. Only on cbs this morning, uber next drive into the future. Coming up a front row kids should be eating. Well be right back. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. 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[ laughter ] dmade with the perfect balance of raspberry ice cream, luscious raspberry sauce, and belgian chocolate. Discover magnum chocolate pleasure. Ive bfrom natures bounty to support my heart. Im running, four times a week. Eating better, keeping healthy. So that no matter what happens in the future, my future self will thank me. Thank you youre welcome hey listen. Whatever you do, dont marry dan hey babe, im dan. Hey babe, can i get 14 dollars for. Thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us no matter what the future holds, youre always better off healthy. Natures bounty im tom steyer. Weve had a million kids get asthma. We need to send the Oil Companies a message. Tell your legislator to stand up to the Oil Companies and protect our clean air laws. Dont let the Oil Companies put their profits. Ahead of our kids. Uber is putting selfdriving on the fast track of its business model. The ondemand car pioneer recently bought a company thats designing autonomous big rigs. John blackstone is in the cab of a selfdriving semi, in San Francisco, on a story youll only see on cbs this morning. John, good morning. Reporter good morning, well, driving a big rig is a big job. And even a rig as big as this one is now learning to drive itself. A Silicon Valley startup called otto just bought by uber is designed to put a fleet of selfdriving trucks on the nations wides in as close as two years. We were invited along. At 50 miles an hour with no one behind the wheel, otto is testing its technology on closed roads. For test runs like the one we took on a busy freeway. We are good. Were back. The truck is driving itself. Reporter a safety driver sits behind the wheel just in case. Your hands are now close to the wheel but not on the wheel. Leon ron is cofounder of otto. Your goal here is to build equipment that can be put on to any truck to make any truck a selfdriving truck . Correct, we want to make every truck a selfdriving truck. So our approach is to retrofit those trucks with equipment that is providing those trucks. Reporter they announced last week that uber is buying otto for an estimates 86 million to give a ride sharing access to ottos technology to further its own push into selfdriving vehicles. The key for all of this is about accelerating the future. The best of minds from our team and the uber team. It will allow us to get to the future sooner than later. Reporter that future is arriving in pittsburgh. Where uber is introducing a complete of new cars complete to drive themselves. Right now, more than 1 million uber drivers around the world may be seeing a future where that this will be have the dependency on human drivers. Reporter uber is only one of the companies racing towards a selfdriving future. Its competitor lyft is teaming up with General Motors on developing a selfdriving fleet. Google, ford and other Major Car Companies are also pursuing the technology. I think smart car show up quickly and change things dramatically in a relatively short period of time. Reporter Truck Drivers will be needed for everything off the highway. So theyll still have some job security. Ottos trucks are designed to operate on highways in selfdriving mode only. So truckers will still be needed for everything off the highway. Anthony. John, thanks. Im not sure that i was convinced that you werent nervous in that cab, john. You brought up a good point. Whats going to happen to all of these drivers and these jobs its not being addressed . Its a big issue thats going to slowly hit the country. All right, james corden takes the stage with coldplay for a powerful, announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by tena. Tena lets you be you. Leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you a box is where you keep things safe. Which might be some peoples goal. But not mine. When you dare to move forward. So much is possible. And what helps me do it . 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Eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant nothing nothing can take away what you do cause nothing compares nothing compares to you thats james corden, of course. And coldplay, with a tribute to prince. The late late show host joins the concert band at the california rose bowl as they perform nothing compares to you. We know he can sing, but hes a really good singer. I know. Outside of the car. Like the Carpool Karaoke man. I think it was his birthday yesterday. Happy birthday. Polls say most voters dont trust donald trump or Hillary Clinton, well see how it compares to previous nominees. Thats ahead right here on cbs this morning. I was in shock when my dentist was explaining to me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. Thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out my dentist recommended pronamel. It can help protect enamel from acid erosion. My mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. I really like it. It gives me a lot of confidence. Pronamel is all about your enamel. Helping to protect your enamel. Right. In. Your. Stomach watch this . Yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. In the country have in common . Many of them now call Cancer Treatment centers of america home. Expert medicine works here. Find out why at cancer center. Com. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Just how easy it is to securen financing for a dwellingow you like this. We need only answer a few quick and simple questions. Name. Address. Income and employment history. Now Rocket Mortgage will pull my credit at no cost and provide a custom solution based on my financial information. And all thats left is to push this button. whisper rocket see star trek beyond in theatres. When i used to fail over and over trying to invent things. Everyone said i was crazy. Then i invented this mama jama. Just like this morning when i wanted chicken for breakfast. Everyone said i was crazy again. Then i got the new egg white grill from chickfila. Lets review. Crazy. Not crazy. Crazy. Not crazy. Chicken for breakfast, its not as crazy as you think. Try the new egg white grill from chickfila. Possibility of a state of good morning, its 7 56. Im kenny choi. Today San Jose City leaders and police union will talk about the possibility of a state of emergency request that would allow the chief to move detectives back to street patrol. The department is short 87 officers. At the San Francisco zoo they have a new addition a baby guanaco born this weekend. The mother and baby are doing fine. They are similar to a llama. Ahead on cbs this morning, new recommendations to cut sugar from childrens diets. They discuss how to make the changes. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,, good morning. Im roqui theus in the kbc traffic center. Time now 7 57. Lets take a look at that Traffic Alert we have had this morning in dublin. Westbound 580 at hopyard, theres a big rig that was on fire there causing three cars to crash into it. That right lane is still blocked. Apparently, they are unloading the big rig. Cars driving 10 Miles Per Hour on the dublin interchange. Northbound 280 at alemany boulevard here three cars crashed, blocking the left lane. Cars driving at 17 Miles Per Hour in San Francisco. So very slowmoving there in the city. Heres a look at the san mateo bridge from hayward to foster city and the peninsula, westbound 23 minutes. Bay bridge toll plaza, backed up into the maze. Ro, its looking hazy. It looks hazy and we have areas of low clouds and some fog. But no drizzle being reported at this hour. But because of that very low ceiling delays sfo up to 55 minutes on some arriving flights. 50s, 60s, not bad as you head out the door. Plus the winds are under 5 Miles Per Hour. Out of the westnorthwest 10 to 20 later today. Right now again 50s and 60s. Realizing high temperatures today from the 60s to the 70s into the 80s. Warmer today than yesterday. ,,,, good morning to our viewers in the west, its tuesday august 23rd, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead, including the first of their kind recommendations on sugar in our childrens diets. The new limits that kids may find hard to swallow. But first, here is todays eye opener at 8 00 a. M. Clintons aids say they dont know whats in these 15,000 emails or how her lawyers missed them. Trump denies what appears to be a clear move away from mass deportations. The best clue, trump doesnt talk about it anymore. It has been nearly nine months since Hillary Clinton held a press conference. She chose late night tv to address these new questions. Its obviously a very safe setting for her. She comes off well. I would love her to do a press conference, like everyone else would. The biggest headline over the last 24 hours has been the sizzling political feud between the mayor of miami beach and floridas governor. This is some of what the president will see when he arrives later today, removing all of it could take months. Driving a big rig is a big job, even a rig as big as this one is now learning to drive itself. This is turning out to be very expensive for ryan lochte. Very expensive. And now the whole world thinks of ryan lochte as that crazy american with the weird hair who keeps making stuff up and causing an international incident, which is not how an olympian acts. Thats how a president ial candidate acts. President obama and the first family returned sunday from their Summer Vacation in marthas vineyard, only to find the locks had been changed. Im Norah Odonnell with Anthony Mason and kevin frazier. Charlie and gayle are off. For more than a year donald trump said as president he would deport americas 11 million undocumented immigrants. Now he says he would deport only the bad ones. In his mind, he says harden criminals and felons. Everyone else will go through a process. Trump did not explain last night what that process would be, but he no longer insists on raids, arrests and lengthy deportation proceedings. You dont have to put them in a detention sender. You would keep them in their homes. I never said i never heard the term. Im not going to put them in a detention center, no. Mr. Trump, you sited Dwight Eisenhower on this program that was in 1952. Right. Who by the way deported tremendous numbers, millions and millions. He rounded them up. He took them out. So when you sited him as an example of someone that you would emulate, thats what the conclusion is. Yeah. I said that its something that has been done in a very strong manner. I dont agree with that. Trump said this in november about president eisenhowers Deportation Program in the 1950s Dwight Eisenhower, you dont get nicer, you dont get friendlier, they moved 1. 5 Million People out. We have no choice. Lot of people like eich. He deported, as you rightly pointed out, about a million, maybe more back in the 1950s, but believe me when i tell you, mr. Trump, that was brutal what they did to those people to kick them back. I mean, the stuff they did well was really brutal and could never happen today. Ive heard it both ways. Ive heard no, no. You know me good reports, bad report. We would do it in a very humane way. At a rally last night, trump attacked Hillary Clinton over the Clinton Foundation and her newly discovered emails. The fbi investigation of Hillary Clintons private servers uncovered nearly 15,000 more emails, a judge oerded the state Department Yesterday to review those messages that clinton didnt turn over and make them public. Clinton brushed off the news during a late night tv visit. The state Department Said that they have to release 15,000 emails by the deadline, couple days before the debate. Are you concerned about that . No. Because i would be tearfied if my emails were released. Jimmy, my emails are so boring. Yeah. Mine arent. Im embarrassed about that. Theyre so boring. We already released 30,000 plus, so whats a few more . So in the end, youre not concerned there will be something that donald trump is able to use against you, that the republicans that comes in at the last second . He makes up stuff to use against me. So, if he would stick with reality, i wouldnt have a worry in the world. Have you ever sent him an email . No. The additional emails raise new questions about clintons transparency. Its a kwaul that she and her republican opponent struggle with. Julian goldman shows how both candidates have not been as open as previous nominees. Good morning. Good morning. Well, both candidates have been criticized by members of their own party for failing to be open and transparent. Trump has come under fire for not releasing his tax returns. Remember, Bernie Sanders hammered clinton for not releasing transcripts of paid speeches to wall street. These exams and more raise questions about what they may be saying and doing in private thats different from what theyre promising voters on the campaign trail. No press conference in, what, 255 days . He refuses to release his tax returns. Reporter donald trump and Hillary Clinton regularly accuse their rival of hiding secrets. But both nominees have skirted basic standards of transparency. Ill release them when the audit is completed. Reporter since 1976, every president ial has released their tax returns. Trump says he wont follow suit while he is under audit. I built an unbelievable company. But the returns would shine a light on the business moguls finances. Including how his global empire could present conflicts of interest if he were to be president. Clinton has fought back persistent criticisms for deleting thousands of emails composed while secretary of state and while she sat down for interviews with reporters in recent months since december she hasnt opened herself up to this sort of lengthy let me try to unpack your multiple questions. Reporter uncontrolled rapid fire questioning about that and other controversies that could dog her as president. Now that im a candidate for president reporter over the same period in 2008, then senator obama held at least four press conferences. Donald trump has held at least seven. I think the Political Press is among the most dishonest people that ive ever met reporter both 2016 candidates keep reporters at a distance. Neither allow reporters into their fundraisers, unlike in 2008 and 2012 when obama, senator john mccain and mitt romney allowed journalists to cover portions of what they said to top donors. Clinton has two Campaign Events scheduled for the rest of the month, but at least eight fundraisers just this week. Trump has five. Several of the norms that we have for what the public should know are being violated. John is the interim executive director of the Sunlight Foundation which advocates for open government. Transparency for us means that in a democracy we understand what the government is doing, because if we dont have an understanding of that, what does our vote really mean . Neither campaign responded to our requests for comment on these transparency issues. Now over the weekend, Clintons Campaign manager did said she is not avoiding tough questions and has sat down for more than 300 interviews. Anthony trumps countdown manager said he wont release his tax returns, even though a few years are being audited. Thank you. Jimmy carter made candid remarks act his cancer diagnosis last year. He told a crowd at habitat for humanity he thought he had just weeks to live. Mr. Carter admitted that last year at a similar event he acted more optimistic than he truly was. I still had signs of cancer in my brain, although it was tending to go away. I said i would be back next year. I wasnt sure i would be back. I thought i might be gone by now, but it has turned out quite well. So the optimism i had paid off. The former president does not have any current signs of cancer, but doctors check him periodically. He will be 92 in october. 92 and going strong. Going strong. Looks great. The killing of a little by by an alligator at a Disney Resort was ruled an accident. 2yearold lane graves did nothing to provoke the alligator at it was a predatory attack, saying the gator likely saw the boy as prey. At least two people reported seeing an alligator to disney workers before the attack. Disney installed warning signs and built a barrier following the boys death. The cincinnati zoo is calling for an end to negativity surrounding the killing of a gorilla. They killed harambe who killed a boy. Since then the gorilla has been used in tweets and viral images. And the zoos twitter account is actually down today, but earlier even a tweet about a zebra at the zoo sparked reaction about the gorillas death. People responded with critical comments like, quote, you had a unique way of killing harambe and harambe loved zebras. Bold new recommendations to cut sugar from your kidss diets. Ahead, the added sweeteners under scrutiny and the concerns over the potential for high blood pressure, Heart Disease carter evans has been out on the fire lines in some of this years biggest wild fires. But this morning he talks to a scientist about why the fight is also taking place indoors. Theres an expression that everybody uses here in the u. S. , spreads like wild fire. Yet we dont even know how wild fires spread. Ahead, how this lab could stop future disasters. Youre watching cbs this morning. Diasterers. Youre watching cbs this morning. Ive been taking fish oil from natures bounty to support my heart. Im running, four times a week. Eating better, keeping healthy. So that no matter what happens in the future, my future self will thank me. Thank you youre welcome hey listen. Whatever you do, dont marry dan hey babe, im dan. Hey babe, can i get 14 dollars for. Thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us no matter what the future holds, youre always better off healthy. 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The American Heart Association yesterday issued its firstever recommendations for added sugar. Now the guidelines call for a daily limit of less than 6 tea spoons of children between 2 and 18 years old and none at all for kids younger than 2. Currently 2 to 19yearolds in the u. S. Consume an average of 19 teaspoons a day. Our doctor is a cardiology with northwell health. Good morning. Good morning. Here is what i have to ask. How drastic are these guidelines considering what our kids consume and are eating right now. Well, theyre definitely need md ch the current recommendations from other places like the World Health Organization recommendation less than 10 of your daily calories. This really simplifies it and says 6 teaspoons, 100 calories a day, 25 grams. Added a sugars provide nothing in the way of knnutritional val. Theyre raising the caloric intake without any benefit. 16 of kids daily calories is from added sugars. This comes in things like high fructose corn sugars, sodas, cakes and cookies. Why is sugar so bad for kids . Anthony, when people come to my office as Adult Patients and had a heart attack or coronary disease. I didnt feel anything . How did this happen . When did i develop this . We see the begins of coronary Artery Disease in teenagers. It starts as a youth. It can increase your risk of obesity and high blood pressure. It can also your bodys cholesterol in a way thats unhealthy. And it can promote insulin resistance which leads to diabetes. My husband and i wrote a book called baby love. How much our Heart Disease begins at such an early age. Absolutely. What you feed your children is affecting them for the rest of their lives. However, i think theres some pretty strong pushback to these recommendations from the sugar association. And they say that the American Heart Association is recommended 6 teaspoons of added sugars for an active 16 to 18yearold boy. Thats 3 of his calories. They say where is the science to support this . Where is the science to support the need for added sugars that arent providing any additional nutritional benefit. The American Heart Association rightly says we have a budget of calories were allowed to spend everyday. You want to make sure that those are budgeted appropriately. Some for protein, some for healthy fats, some for carbohydrates or sugars. But the added sugars are not providing anything else in terms of nutritional value. I can get any son to eat oatmeal in the morning or nutrient rich cereal but it has added sugar in it. For instance, for flavoring milk for kids or chocolate milk or certain whole grains, you want to get your kids to eat them. Okay. Added sugars are allowed there because youre giving it in a form where theyre getting vitamins and protein and fiber. What about natural sugars. Exactly. So natural sugar is different. Theres fruits and vegetables that have natural sugars. In terms of juice, for instance, for little kids, you can give them 100 unsweetened juice but you want to limit that to small amounts. That will raise their caloric intake. The better thing is to offer them fruits. Is there a formula or some suggestion you have for parents out there who will struggle with little ones who love their sweets . Well, i have a 4yearold who is constantly asking for candy and strawberry milk. I think one of the things that this statement also talks about is nonnutritive sweeteners. So one of the debates in our house, if i cant have juice, can i have crystal light. We dont have a lot of science there to say whether they are safe or prevent weight gain. This statement doesnt provide a recommendation for or against. As a parent and cardiologist, i like to teach my kids about the science even when theyre young to explain to them why im telling them this so when theyre out of the house and offered different things, they can make choices that are appropriate and healthy instead of just saying no juice. No juice. Explain to them, it raises their risks. One of the main things they said the number one source is soda, sports drinks. If you can cut that out, youre doing a lot. Thanks. The stampede takes over a busy city intersection. Ahead the phenomenon that sent thousands of people sprinting. Youre watching cbs this morning. Thousands of people sprinting. Youre watching cbs this morning. Announcer cbs morning round sponsored by nexium. Introducing new easy to swallow nexium 24 hour tablets. Rounds sponsored by nexium. Make nexium 24hr your 1 choice. When you ache and havent youre not you. Tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. We give you a better night. 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Reagan duncan vote yes on 55. Sarah morgan to help our children thrive. The pokemon go craze apparently caused a stampede in the capital of taiwan. Video posted to facebook over the weekend appears to show thousands of people running to catch an elusive pokemon called norlax. At an intersection, oh, my gosh. Police reportedly stepped up to patrol the overcrowding triggered by the mobile game. Thats insane. I dont know i hope somebody got norlax. From babies staring the screens to the grownup world of online dating. The Technology May be taking control. The woman with the digital age, Cyberpsychologist Mary Aiken is in our green room your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. Good morning, its 8 25. Im kenny choi. Cal fire says that the blue cut fire in San Bernardino county is now 100 contained. It burned more than 36,000 acres and destroyed nearly 100 homes. Today, bay area born rapper e40 is giving a new backpack to every student at vallejos menke minute franklin middle school. Earl stevens graduated from the middle school and plans to give away School Supplies in person at the ben franklin middle school. A psychologist explores whether the evolution of Internet Technology is changing human behavior. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,, good morning. Time now 8 27. Lets check the Traffic Alert we have been checking on all morning long. Westbound 580 on the Altamont Pass on hopyard big rig on fire the tow truck is on the scene. The right lane is blocked. Cars coming out at 10 Miles Per Hour. As you can see, Altamont Pass to the dublin interchange will take you about an hour westbound so very heavy there. Lets head here to your, uhm, nimitz freeway very slow as you can see heres a live look 238 to 80 northbound will take 40 minutes so heavy headed in that commute direction. And heres a look at your san mateo bridge into the peninsula. 880 to 101, westbound will take you about 20 minutes. Moving pretty slow and your bay bridge toll plaza, roberta, its looking good. Thank you, roqui. Good morning, everybody. Our time check now is 8 28. Our live weather camera perched atop the Transamerica Pyramid looking to the south a bit of a glare out there. Lots of clouds areas of fog visibility down around the sfo area so therefore we have delays of 55 minutes on some arriving flights. Now, look at the temperatures. Relatively mild into the 50s and 60s. Winds have been flat but will rotate later today northwest and west. That means east bay finally some good air quality for you. Moderate air quality confined to the southcentral bay and the santa clara chimney fire. 89 outside number. Warmer wednesday. ,,,, welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, new research in the fight against wildfires. Carter evans takes us to a special lab where scientists are literally playing with fire to save lives. Hear in a top researcher who says the best way to battle wildfires is to simply let them burn. Plus, he helps keep new yorkers safe. But this Muslim Police captain is traveling the country to bring people together. Ahead, his family shows why its a battle that begins on the home front. Right now, time for headlines. The wall street journal says the alcohol industry is going on a Public Relations offensive amid new concerns about the drinking. Studying linking cancer risks that light drinking has light benefits. Countries like russia and the uk are encouraging the reduction in drinking. A homeless womans fight with the government for more than 100,000. 80yearold wanda rearic spe ii on the streets. The social worker helped wanda prove her case. And now she has an apartment. What a story. Good for her. The st. Louis post dispatch shows how a minor leaguer smashed a home run and also his car. Brandon thomas hit a brand slam sunday night for his Frontier Team in illinois. The ball cleared the left field fence and landed on the windshield of his eightyearold pickup. The club said someone volunteered to pay for it. The detroit news reports on a festival in michigan that turned into an international incident. People on inflatable rafts and boats floated down the st. Clain canada and had to return to michigan on buses. 23yearold, cbs news began covering the rise of the World Wide Web at a trade show in washington. Theres a Global Network called the internet. Data highways. To communicate with anyone in the world. And it changes the way people access information. Most people think in 10 or 20 years, yeah, were going to give in this modern world. Its here. Its fun to look at that. After the internet evolved as lightning speed, dialups gave way to aol mailers. Connecting smartphones and tablets. So how it all of his hightech upheaval changing human behavior. Thats one question Cyberpsychologist Mary Aiken investigates in her her new book. Good morning. What exactly say cyb cyberpsychologist and this book . We study everything from human environments. I wanted to write the book for the largest unregulated social experiment of all time. And we would pay attention. Lets talk about screens particularly. Its one thing that the American Academy of pediatrics recommend nod screens for kids under age 2. You talk about its really important to look at your babys face . Yes, babies need eye contact. There are studies that doesnt support the eye contact. People say well what age should i expose my baby to facetime . I think under 2. But whats more important what age do you expect infants for screen time. The average time we look is 200 times a day. If youre a parent or caregiver of an infant, thats 200 times that you havent looked at your child. You say that eye contact could change the course of human civilization . Absolutely. In terms of bonding, children need face time. Not the app, eye contact. They need this. The real question is where did they learn to do that . What can we do about the disturbing trend of cyberbullying . Oh, cyberbullying, to paraphrase my movie, theres this trick that the social Media Companies have ever pulled is to convince us they can do nothing about cyberbully. Theres a punch in the playground, harsh words. You cant cyberbully without leaving a trail of digital evidence. So what can Tech Companies do . Weve seen Companies Like twitter and others recently say that theyre going to crack down on this . I think there has to be more pressure on these companies to step up. So were all hung up on surveys. And nobody wants to enforce what they learned. But children need to be monitored, under surveillance and parents should monitor their children. Im working on an oalgorithm. Cyberbullying is math. Direction, im bullying you. Interval and frequency. With concept, you can put the algorithm on a chat forum and it may escalate into a digital mess for the child. Parents shouldnt be the last person to know that their child is being bullied. Thats brilliant to know. And adults and abuse on twitter and other social media, too, right . Absolutely. Now, youre in protection and surveillance. Lets start with the kids. Lets start with the kids. Yeah. And lets look at modern trends, their behavior, and healthy parents. Parents should not be left to parent their own children in cyberspace. Why are people so so doggone mean in cyberspace where they can be anonymous . Theres a study that looks at online that finds a relationship between a score on on sadistic traits and the Study Concludes that its a manifestation of everof day satanism. Wow. You talk about the importance of the selfie. Its not just harmless Little Things that were all doing now. Guilty. You know, at our age at the table, were done, were cooked. Taking selfies, its not going to make a lot of difference. Other than the type of selfies but for kids. You have young kids. Ages between 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, children go through whats called identity formation. So can you imagine if they create this idealized self online. 50 of kids under the age of 13 have a facebook profile. So the child will invest heavily in self. So that leads to an identity crisis. And they can never live up to this thing, this thing, being popular, evidence like all of these connections. Very interesting. Mary aiken, thank you so much. Great information. By the way, the cyber effect goes on sale today. Meanwhile, researchers are looking at a Surprising New tactic to fight wildfires. The blue cut wildfire is one the most damaging in california state history. The fire destroyed more than 100 houses despite the efforts of firefighters. Carter evans went to a lab looking at a firefighting approach that could be more effective. Reporter inside a laboratory in missoula. Cameras capture the flames from every angle to help scientists like mark finney better under how fires spread. Theres an expression that everybody uses here in new york. Spreads like wildfire. Yet, we dont know how wildfires spread. Reporter in this specially designed burn chamber researchers for the u. S. Forest Service Measure how past trees burns. It didnt even require flames . No. Reporter and they study how a fire can propel itself even without wind. Slow motion experiments show the flames forming peaks or troughs like a fire blade. So those troughs or the dips is where the fire is advancing . Thats right. And its pushing. Reporter but finneys research said more needs to be done outside of the lab to cut down on the large number of wildfires. He said the current approach of putting out every fire is not working. If we truly want to manage fire, rather than have it manage us, we need to get out there well before the fires and those conditions. Reporter the Forest Service spent an 1. 4 million fighting fires that burned 10. 1 million acres last year. Are we making it worse . We are making it worse. We are entering the fire paradox which means the harder you try to suppress them, the worse they get. Reporter under normal conditions fire thin out for us, but by constantly putting them out, more unburned brush is left for the next fire. Mini says firefighters should be intentionally set be more socalled prescribed fires to burn off vegetation or simply letting natural fires burn. In a statement to cbs news, the Forest Service says it agrees that managed and spriebed fires are important tools and our capacity to complete this work is restricted by the budget. More developers push to build homes closer to fireprone areas. Fire is inevitable. If we convince ourselves its not. Essentially we have a repeat every single year of the same situation. Reporter for now, scientists hope by setting these controlled fires in the lab, theyll better under how to manage them in the forest. For cbs this morning, carter evans, missoula, montana. Its amazing how much we dont know about wildfires. An interesting concept but kind of scary at the same time. Okay. Can a Police Officer stop more than crime. Up next, a high ranking muslim officer in new york city every day, the Oil Companies pollute our air. Putting their. Profits ahead of our kids health. Now theyre trying to weaken californias clean air laws. Im tom steyer. Weve had a million kids get asthma. We need to send the Oil Companies a message. Tell your legislator to stand up to the Oil Companies and protect our clean air laws. Dont let the Oil Companies put their profits. Ahead of our kids. Im hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. But that doesnt stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto. A latest generation blood thinner. Then i made the switch. Xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. Xarelto® is selective targeting one critical factor of your bodys natural clotting function. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. Theres more to know. Xarelto. I am sircanalot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam see what spam can do. At spam. Com officers. Hammel altahiri has been protecting new york city for 12 years. Do you like him being a Police Officer . Yes. Reporter why . But his 10yearold allamerican daughter nadine recently needed her own protection from a bully. A bull y bully said that i w terrorist. Reporter do you know what a terrorist and isis is . Reporter hes one of the highest ranking muslims on nypd, he and his wife, first generation immigrants face the hate straight on. Im sorry that my daughter has to experience that. Reporter were you ready to really explain to her these big issues . You have to be ready because we hear it all the time. I hear it in the bus. I hear it in the train. I hear it in the park. I hear it every time we go out. We need to have respect for each other. Respect each other. We dont need that. Reporter they encouraged nadine and all the other children to look past the negativity. I dont see myself as americanjew or americancatholic or gayamerican, im just american. I want to introduce myself as a muslim. They say, youre a cool guy, youre muslim . Im like, yeah, muslims are cool, too. I owe it to myself, but to the community. Reporter thats why in his free time, he travels around the country speaking at mosques, synagogues and churches. This visit came in the aftermath of the orlando shooting. Islamists love. Reporter recently recognized for his work in the community. He amplifies everything that it means to be a muslim. Everything good that it means to be an immigrant. And everything good to be an american. Reporter the captain says even in these troubled times he remains optimistic. Its what i can do about it. And that i did something. Reporter in the end, he says, we all could. Well, he credits his mother for giving him the strength to keep his calm manner. She taught him what it really means to be a person who understands that, hey, people can have a bad day. And she would often quote muhammad as saying, you know what, think about people being mad, think of giving them so many excuses. Scotlands most decorated penguin gets a new honor. Brought out a kings guard. The story of this marching the story of this marching mascot next on cbs amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. The time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Hey, is this our turn . Honey. Our turn . Yeah, we go left right here. woman vo Great Adventures are still out there. Well find them in our subaru outback. avo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirtyfirst. The highest ranking bird in the king of norways guards got a promotion. Sir nils olaf is the ranking penguin. You can call him brigadier olof. You can see him wearing his new you can see him wearing his new insignia on h,, theres something out there. That can be serious, you can see him wearing his new insignia on h,, even fatal to infants. Its whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. Understand the danger your new grandchild faces. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. County. Has crossed the border into southern monterey county. Its burned more than 37thousand acres, destroyed 52 structures. And is just 35 the chimney fire has crossed the board near southern monterey county. Its burned more than 37,000 acres destroyed 52 structures sand 35 contained. The threat to historic Hearst Castle eased a bit and landmark is closed to visitors. San jose city leaders and police union will talk about the state of emergency request to allow the chief to move detectives back to street patrol. The department is short 87 officers. And today, bay areaborn rapper e40 is giving a new backpack to every student at vallejos Benjamin Franklin middle school. Earl stevens graduated from the school and plans to give away some of the School Supplies in person. Heres roberta with weather. Thats one of east bays finest. What a guy. Good morning, everybody. Rise and shine out the door we have cloud cover, thats causing delays sfo up to 55 minutes on some arriving flights. Otherwise, not a bad start to kick off your tuesday. 50s, 60s. 61 degrees concord, clayton and walnut creek to 63 in mountain view. Our air quality today is improving somewhat. Well have a bit of a haze in the southcentral bay in Santa Clara Valley due to the chimney and soberanes fires with a southwest flow. Everyone else a west to northwest wind. Temperatures today 60s, 70s and 80s. Take your pick. 80 san jose. 89 brentwood. Hotter wednesday before we cool on thursday. Traffic next. Good morning, im roqui theus in the kbc traffic center. Time 18 58. A Traffic Alert since 5 38 this morning in the dublin area. Westbound 580 at hopyard that big rig was on fire. The tow truck is on scene. Still trying to clear that scene there the right lane is still block. Cars moving at 10 Miles Per Hour. The Altamont Pass to 680 will take you up to 60 minutes. Heavy. Also the nimitz freeway, we have very slowmoving traffic throughout and you can see right there a live look of your nimitz freeway going very slow in your commute direction. And heres your eastshore freeway headed into the bay bridge. For more news and information, be sure to tune in right now to good day on our sister station, kbcw 44 cable 12. Wayne who wants to look fancy . Go big or go home wayne youve got the big deal buyoknow what im good at . Hmm . Wayne giving stuff away. Jonathan its a new living room youve won zonk bobbleheads that has to be the biggest deal in forever jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now, heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady whats up, america . Welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady. I need two friends. Lets make a deal. Two friends. You two, are you guys friends . Come here, friends. Everybody else, have a seat. Have a seat. Hey, friends. Natalie and ashley. Nice to meet the two of you. Hi, wayne. Wayne so what do you guys do . I forgot, im so excited right now. No, were from phoenix, and i work in education

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