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Im going to keep focused on donald trump because i will be the nominee. Trump and clinton now running neck and neck. There is some discussion that your supporters might in a general election if you dont make the nomination go over to donald trump. Donald trump is a disaster and i will do everything i can to see that he is defeated. President obama is beginning a historic visit to vietnam. The United States is fully lifts the ban on the sale of military equipment to vietnam that has been in place for some 50 years. Looking to take back one of the key cities held by isis, the countrys Prime Minister announced at the beginning of operations to retake fallujah. Recovering the black boxes from flight 804. The u. S. Navy located more than 100 pieces of debris. The Billboard Music awards filled with memorable moments. Purple rain purple rain unlike the oscars we have black nominees. The week i love you. Thank you. Tornadoes touched down in texas bringing heavy rain and damaging winds. Daddy, lets go, please. At the white house someone spotted some mystery objects flying over the grounds prompting a lockdown, but it turns out it was a few stray party balloons. All that chewbacca masks are flying off the shelves. The New Zealander right in the kiwis. And all that matters celine dion gave a powerful performance. This one is for you. The show must go on. On cbs this morning. You should be proud, you know. You ran a damned good campaign. Im running a good campaign. But dont worry. I promise im going to have a very special role for you in my administration. How would you like to be wait for it the senator from vermont . [ laughter ] announcer this mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. In a historic move, president obama has lifted an arms embargo on vietnam. The president announced the move overnight at a meeting with vietnams president in hanoi. The embargo has been in effect since the vietnam war. The two leaders put on a show of solidarity in the face of growing tension with china. Margaret brennan is traveling with the president in hanoi. Margaret, good morning. Reporter good morning. President obama is here to build Stronger Economic and security ties with vietnam. That decision to lift the arms embargo is aimed at sending a message to china that the u. S. Will not let it militarily dominate asia. With a warm welcome from vietnams communist government, president obama tried to put to rest the ghosts of the brutal war with the u. S. That killed tens of thousands of people from both countries. Just a generation ago we were adversaries and now we are friends. Should give us hope. Reporter the vietnamese are eager to build ties with their cold war era foe in large part because of the threat posed by militarily aggressive china, which is seizing territory in both the east and south china seas. In an effort to stop that land grab, president obama made the decision to sell vietnam americanmade weapons, removing a ban thats been in place for over four decades. A controversial decision since vietnam is controlled by an authoritarian regime. But this change will ensure vietnam has access to the equipment it needs to defend itself and removes a lingering vestige of the cold war. Reporter in Exchange Vietnam will give us us ships more access to its ports. Mr. Obamas next stop on the trip will be to another former enemy, japan. Hell make a historic trip to the city of hiroshima the first sitting president to do o so. That city was decimated in 1945 when the u. S. Dropped the very first atomic bomb during world war ii. More than 100,000 died. President obama told Japanese Television that he will not apologize. Because i think that its important to recognize that in the midst of war, leaders make all kinds of decisions. Reporter now the white house says the president will not revisit the decision to drop the bomb, but he will say, norah, that it gives america the unique responsibility of making sure that a Nuclear Weapon is never used again. All right, Margaret Brennan in hanoi, thank you so much. New polls show the race for the white house has dramatically tightened. In are march and April Hillary clinton had a big lead in a headtohead match with donald trump. That advantage has evaporated. One poll shows her losing to donald trump. Another shows her ahead by just three points. Near ly half the voters say the want to consider a thirdparty option in november. Nancy cordes has a closer look at the changing race. Nancy, good morning. Reporter good morning. Well, clinton says she doesnt Pay Attention to the polls, but clearly her campaign is feeling some pressure to begin focusing on her general election candidate as she and her husband unveiled some new attacks on trump. Make America Great again really means, hey, ill make it the way it used to be. You will be better off. And if youre not, at least youll have somebody else to look down on. That is a dumb idea. It will not work. Reporter campaigning in california, bill clinton mocked Donald Trumps slogan make America Great again. Previewing one of his wifes key strategies. Were not going to let, at least my campaign, is not going to let donald trump try to normalize himself. Reporter new cbs battleground polling shows voters think clinton is far more prepared than trump to be commander in chief. But they said trump is far more li likely to tell it like it is. They were more likely to say he is too extreme. Clinton may be ready to focus on trump but sanders reminded his supporters sunday that polls show he would be the stronger challenger. If we win the nomination, i assure you, donald trump will not become president. Reporter clinton argued sanders only polls better because he hasnt been subjected to republican attacks the way she has. I dont think hes had a single negative ad run against him. Reporter campaigning in california and in interviews sanders continues to lump clinton in with trump. I dont want to see the American People voting for the lesser of two evils. This Campaign Reporter sanders, who only recently became a democrat, has repeatedly clashed with the partys chair, congresswoman Debbie Wasserman schultz. This weekend he began raising money for her florida primary opponent. Ive known debber for many years. Personally, i like her. Do i think shes the kind of chair the Democratic Party needs . No, i dont. Reporter he has long argued she favors clinton over him while criticized him just last week for not doing enough to calm unruly supporters in nevada. In that fundraising email, charlie, that his campaign put out last night, they pointedly said that electing her progressive opponent will send an unmistakable message to the Democratic Party. Nancy, thanks. Gun rights is the newest issue dividing donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Trump picked up the National Rifle associations endorsement over the weekend. Clinton spoke to a group of mothers who lost children to gun violence. Chip reid looks at how both candidates have changed positions on the issue. Chip, good morning. Reporter good morning. Both trump and clinton think they can win on the issue of guns and over the weekend the Second Amendment became one of the first topics to get the candidates to engage each other in what could be a preview of a general Election Campaign fight. Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States, donald trump reporter when donald trump accepted the endorsement of the National Rifle association, he wasted no time firing shots at Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton wants to abolish the Second Amendment. Just remember that. Reporter lyclinton certainl hasnt proposed getting rid of the right to bear arms, but her campaign is seizing on trumps past position on guns in schools. I will get rid of gunfree zones on schools. My first day it gets signed, okay . That eidea isnt just way ou there, its dangerous. Reporter at an event clinton fired back. Parents, teachers, and schools should have the right to keep guns out of classrooms. Just like donald trump does at many of his hotels, by the way. Reporter trump tweeted clinton was wrong regarding his position on guns in schools, but he struggled to clarify sunday. I dont want to have guns in classrooms, although in some cases teachers should have guns in the classroom, frankly. Reporter the issue is tricky for both campaigns. Many democrats say bill clintons assault weapons bans is one of the reasons they lost big in the 1994 elections, and in 2008 Hillary Clinton struck a much different progun tone in her president ial run. Thencandidate obabarack obama called her out. How she values the Second Amendment, talking like shes annie observiakley. Reporter trump hasnt always sided with the nra on gun policies n. 2000 in his book the america we deserve trump wrote i support the ban on assault weapons and a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. Two positions he now opposes. Cbs this morning checked with several hotels and resorts bearing the trump name. Some claimed to be gunfree throw zones while others allow guests to carry a firearm with the proper permits. Norah . Chip, thank you so much. Isis claims responsibility for several deadly bomb attacks in syria this morning. A Human Rights Monitoring Group says more than 120 people were killed. The blast apparently targeted supporters of syrian president Bashar Al Assad. Explosions along the mediterranean coast included a suicide bawling at a hospital. Elizabeth, good morning. Reporter good morning. The bombs all went off between 9 00 and 10 00 local time, so that was just when the city was gearing up for the day and, of course, mayhem is exactly what the bombers intended. Casualties, charred wreckage and, above all, terror. A reminder that isis is able to strike anyone anywhere with suicide bombers who can sneak themselves and their bombs even into the most heavily protected areas. The cities they struck this morning are in the heartland of the syrian regime. Its where president Bashar Al Assad comes from. The very center of his support is there and until now an area thats been safe enough that on our last visit we found syrians on the beach convinced that they were secure enough to forget at least for a while their country is at war. Well, not anymore. These isis bombings also send a very provocative message to president putin. The russians have two military bases in this area which theyve been using to support the syrian army in its battle against the various rebel groups. Gayle . Thank you, elizabeth. Iraqs military is attempt iingo take the city of fallujah back from isis this morning. The terror Group Controlled the city west of baghdad for more than two years now. Iraqs Prime Minister announced the new offensive last night. His government has told residents to get out. Our david martin reports up to 1,000 isis fighters in fallujah compared to more than 20,000 iraqi forces. U. S. Advisers will not go forward with the troops. President obama confirmed this morning an american drone strike killed the talibans leader. A French News Agency says this video shows the burned out car. At least two charred bodies could be seen. The drone strike was in a remote part of pakistan. The Prime Minister condemned the attack saying mansur was an obstacle to peace talks. The u. S. Navy found more than 100 pieces of debris on the surface over the weekend. The flight from paris to cairo crashed early thursday killing all 66 people onboard. The international is your of effort is focused off the egyptian coast. Holly williams in cairo has the latest on the investigation. Holly, good morning. Reporter good morning. The Egyptian Government has sent a submarine to the search area to try to retrieve the planes flight recorders or socalled black boxes which could finally explain what went wrong. The first audio recording to be released from the planes flight deck is a standard checkin between the pilot and air Traffic Control over zurich and switzerland. Reporter around 2 1 2 hours later, the plane began to move erratically and then plummeted, disappearing off radar screens and plunging into the water. The certificasearch area is aro miles north of the egyptian coastline where the American Team spotted wreckage from the plane and the Egyptian Military retrieved debris from the crash. Data published by an Aviation Industry website shows automated transmission from the plane in the minutes before it crashed indicating there was smoke onboard, though experts say the smoke alarms could also have been triggered by a sudden loss of pressure. Alistair rosen stein is a former pilot with british airways. Multifailures mann theyre in serious trouble and that is not a normal situation. It could be caused by an explosion or by a fire. Reporter no possible cause has been ruled out at this stage including terrorism. Though u. S. Investigators have told us that so far theres been no credible claim of responsibility. Gayle . Holly williams in egypt reporting. Thank you. A man suspected of killing a Massachusetts Police officer is dead this morning after a shootout. Police say that Jorge Zambrano opened fire. A state trooper was injured. He was wanted in the shooting of officer tarantino. He was killed early sunday during a traffic stop an hour west of boston. Breaking news on deflate gate this morning. Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady will appeal his fourgame suspension to a full federal appeals court. Bradys lawyers argue nfl commissioner Roger Goodell exceeded his power in a threejudge panel should not have reinstated the penalty. Goodell suspended him for his alleged role in underinflating balls two seasons ago. New details of princes death are emerging this morning. A report says the legendary pop star was likely dead for hours when his body was found in the elevator of his minnesota estate. Madonna honored prince in las vegas. Jamie yuccas, it was a great show. Good morning. Reporter it was quite a night, gayle. Good morning to you. The night was filled with emotional performances, renditions of old hits, political statements, and a tribute for a late icon. Purple rain purple rain reporter it was a tribute fit for a prince. The material girl, madonna, stevie wonder, and a sea of loving fans belted out one of the late pop superstars greatest hits. Purple rain purple rain reporter in front of a packed las vegas house. Celine dion shows she can still command a room. Reporter performing with a heavy heart after the loss of her husband earlier this year. She fought back tears as her son present ed her with the billboad icon award. Im so sorry. Reporter it was a night full of emotion. Keshas powerful cover of bob dylans it aint me babe was celebrated with a standing ovation. A record dispute almost prevented the singer from taking the stage. Britney spears partied like it was 1999. Reporter in a rare award show performance turning back the clock to revive her greatest hits. Soon ill be 60 years old reporter but the night was also a celebration of whats hot in popular music. Youll be my only one reporter and there was no shortage of fireworks. Reporter including demi lov lovatos shirt highlighting an inclusive bathroom symbol and her inclusion. By the way, there was some hardware handed out, too. The weekend collected the most with eight. It was worth staying up late. That was a touching scene for celina and her son. She department know he was coming out. She didnt want to cry in that moment either. She kept saying, im so sorry im crying. And very interesting outfits for some. Always part of the fun. Are you getting brittaney spea spears little number . Youd look good in that, norah. Maybe for halloween. It was very inexpensive. She looked good in it, though. Have to hand it to her. Now to this story coming up, one of americas most notorious domestic terrorists insists hes good morning. Grab the jacket before you head outside. Seeing a lot of gray skies over San Francisco. Temperatures by later this afternoon will be slightly below average with a lot of 60s. Some places farther inland approaching near 70 degrees. 65 the high in san rafael and 64 in oakland and 59 along the coast. A chance of a popup shower or two in the northbound hills and a chance tomorrow warming up mid week. The news is back in the morning here on cbs this morning. E trade is all about seizing opportunity. And id like to. Cut. Thank you, well call you. Evening, film noir, smoke, atmosphere. Bob. Youre a young farmhand and e trade is your cow. Milk it. E trade is all about seizing opportunity. Sign up at etrade. Com and get up to six hundred dollars. Find fast relief behind the counter allergies with nasal congestion . With claritind. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. Live claritin clear, with claritind. 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Its reformulated to feel lighter on your skin, but still protects and stays on strong. New coppertone sport. Hello sunshine. Does donald trump always tell the truth about his wealth . How a lawsuit he filed turned into tough questions about his holdings. Tonight, dont miss norah filling in for scott pelley on directions in burl and good morning. Its 6 26. Im anne makovec. Caltrain service is stopped in both directions in burlingame after a person was hit and killed on the track at about a quarter to 7 00 this morning on oak grove avenue. Caltrain is arranging for buses to shuttle passengers around the scene. Today is the final day to register to vote or change your Party Affiliation in time for the primary. You can change online, by phone, or in person. Coming up in the next half hour of cbs this morning, the una bomber writes a letter. ,, before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time and 2 back at the grocery store. Even before he got 3 back on gas. Kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. Because he loves to play hoops. Not jump through them. Thats the excitement of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. A traffic update from the k cbs Traffic Center, a big backup at the by bridge, the westbound ride got off to a bad start. Right now, look at the drive time, nearly 1 hour from the upper east shore freeway and out of the macarthur maze jammed up from highway 24, a nearly 30minute trip time, and traffic begins to slow westbound 80 and big delays persist for caltrain with an accident in burlingame, slowing on both sides of the track. Elizabeth . Thanks, george. It will feel mild to cool around the bay, highs from the upper 50s along the coast to 70 inland, and 65 in san rafael and 64 is the forecasted high in oak oakland. A chance of popup showers today and tomorrow and then warm through the weekend with the temperatures feeling more seasonal. ,,,, it is so hot in india, the roads are melting. One city recorded a temperature of over 123 degrees fahrenheit. Pedestrians, as you see, stuck to the melted tar like flies to a fly trap. Not fun. Forecasters predict the heat will continue. I dont even know what kind of shoes you wear on Something Like that. I know. Yeah. Pictures on the front page of the wall street journal over the weekend and times, cant imagine the heat. People trying to put themselves in a public fountain to cool off. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Its not that hot here luckily. Coming up, mt. Everest shows the deadly dangers of trying to climb the highest mountain. Why it is still a challenge when youre going down the mountain. The unabomber wants to share his side of the story. Ted kaczynski wrote a letter from prison asking to speak with a reporter. His motivation to talk now. Time to show the headlines. The wall street journal says mosquitoes carrying the zika virus could start infecting people in the United States in the next month. A Government Official says there are already more than 500 zika cases nationwide including 157 pregnant women in the continental United States. Those cases are related to travel outside this country. The Baltimore Sun says a Police Officer charged in freddie grays death will learn his fate today. A judge is expected to announce the verdict in the case of edward niro. His trial on assault, misconduct, and reckless endangerments counts ended last week. Niro and five other officers were accused last year after freddie gray died in police custody. The Los Angeles Times says a huge Space Shuttle component has been delivered. We reported on this last week. The 33ton fuel tank, look at this, nearly half the size of a football field, was brought by ship from new orleans. Streets were closed, and overhead wires were removed for the 16mile trip. The tank will be displayed at a downtown science center. A bad weekend at mt. Everest. Three climbs eer climbers fr india die. This includes two others. The first five fatalities of the climbing season. A busy one after two years when launches and earthquakes left mt. Everest nearly empty. Dana jacobson with the story of high hopes and deadly consequences. Reporter good morning. Nearly 400 mountain climbers from around the world have summitted everest since may thanks in large part to favorable weather. In the midst of their triumph, more than 250 people have died climbing the peak since it was first conquered in 1953. As of this morning, five more names have been added to that somber list. Three climbers from india were confirmed dead early monday. The same weekend two other adventurers also died. 36yearold dutch climber eric arnold on friday night and 34yearold australian marisa stridham friday afternoon. Arnold trained for years and was on his fifth expedition. Friday, his twitter account announced he had finally made the summit on. His descent, he complained of symptoms associated with altitude sickness and died later that night. Death from water sickness comes from water pooling in the lungs, pulmonary edema or water on the brains. Those can be fatal in a day or so. A huge avalanche and powder blast. Reporter climber jim davidson was on the mountain last year during an earthquake and avalanche that killed 19 people. Eric arnold also survived that tragedy. The summit of everest is 66 lower in oxygen availabiliti. To stand and walk 20 feet across the ground can make your heart pound in your chest and make your head throb and make you dizzy. A a reporter the socalled death zone affected marisa streidham. She was climbing with her husband, robert gropel, who attempted to revive her. He also got altitude sickness. He was evacuated by helicopter and survived. She could do anything. Reporter her sister and mother mourned marisa as a woman whose gifts were priceless. Just be my daughter. Reporter a rescue team is being assembled to bring the bodies off the mountain. About 22 other climbers reportedly suffering from frostbite have also been rescued. Theyre in kathmandu. Meanwhile, Adrian Ballenger and cory richards, the two climbers weve been following who have been snapchating their way up the mountain, they are safe and on their final leg of the journey. Theyll make the final push to summit around 2 00 eastern time. Theyll push through the death zone. Going up optional kaczynski once again stands by his belief that hes not crazy. In a handwritten letter, ted kaczynski, known as the unabomber, writes, i am ready to speak to someone from the media regarding my brothers recent comments and how they are being used to torment me. He listed his preconditions for granting an interview including tell me who you are, why i should trust you, and affirm that you understand that i am not mentally ill. The fbi says an American Airlines 727 with 80 persons aboard landed safely todays Dulles Airport and a small bomb exploded in a mail pouch in the cargo hold. Reporter for nearly two decades, kaczynski sent bombs through the mail, killing three people and injuring two dozen more. He was captured in april, 1996, and sentenced to four life terms. In the letter, kaczynski refers to his brother david who helped investigators identify him as the unipalmer. David unabomber. David has penned a book detailing his brothers struggle with Mental Illness. In 2005 he spoke to cbs news him. Y morning about why he i sometimes think maybe earlier in his life, you know he was my older brother. Maybe if i had recognized how seriously disturbed he was i could have been more helpful to him. Reporter kaczynski has reached out from behind bars through handwritten letters before. Psychologist dr. Steven diamond has studied kaczynskis case. May well be some kind of a repetition of his trying to be heard and gain some recognition. Reporter we spoke with lawrence wright, the new yorker writer who received the heart from kaczynski. He tweeted an image of the letter sunday with the caption, the unabomber reached out, saying, thanks, ted, youre not nuts at all. He described it as purely sarcastic and says he has zero interest in an interview. We reached out to David Kaczynski who head yet to respond. I feel for david, the brother. Was doing what he felt was the right thing at the time. Now its coming back. I wonder what the Mental Illness is. Uhhuh. Good question. Very good question. Next, donald trump in his own words about discrepancies in a north claims. And if discrepancies in his net worth claims. And if youre heading out, get our digital app device. 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They provide a thin, flexible layer between your shoes and foot pain. So you can move with confidence. New dr. Scholls cushions. Choosing a food by calories alone is like choosing a husband by height. Smartpoints is Weight Watchers allnew way to eat healthier. Goodbye counting calories, hello paying attention to what really counts. Join for free. Hurry offer ends may 30th. So you dont have to stop. , tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol®. When they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Business people, especially really successful Business People who are really successful as opposed to pretend successful, i vng a lot to offer. In a weekend interview, Hillary Clinton said the only way to know whether donald trump is really successful is if he reveals his tax returns. Forbes magazine estimates trump is worth 4. 5 billion. Trumps latest Financial Disclosure filed last week says hes worth more than 10 billion. Julianna goldman shows how trump responded to another direct challenge over his assets. Good morning. Reporter good morning. In 2005, New York Times reporter tim obrien claimed in a book called trump nation that donald trump was worth at best 250 million when trump and others said he was a billionaire. Trump sued the reporter for over 2 billion, but the lawsuit opened him up to a close scrutiny of his finances. When he filed the 2006 claim, donald trump claimed a major part of his success was based on the accurate perception by the community and public that hes a billionaire. During a twoday deposition he was called out for exaggerating his wealth like when trump told larry king he was paid 1 million for a speech to the learning annex. Ill be teaching you how to make serious money in real estate. Reporter in the deposition, trump conceded the actual payment was 400,000. The rest he attributed to the learning annexs promotional expenses felt during questioning, he acknowledged he didnt fully explain how he came up with the 1 million value, i dont break it down, he said. You have the water. You have the sticks. You have the airline that i sold reporter the discrepancies between what trump says his net worth is and what others estimate it to be often rest on the valuation of his brand. Over the years, Trumps International Real Estate Developments have grown, but many of those buildings are licensed and not owned. In 2014, trump said his brand was worth 3. 3 billion. Last year, Forbes Magazine listed it at 125 million. Behind closed doors, trump conceded Property Values are often subjective. You said at that net worth goes up and down based upon your own feelings . Yes, even me own feelings as to where the world is going, and that can change rapidly from day to day. In the deposition, the attorney presented estimates of his net worth by two banks where trump had applied for lines of credit. Both concluded trump was worth about onethird of the 3. 5 billion he claimed in 2005. Trump said the numbers were wrong, and the banks did not do an exhaustive search of his assets on. The campaign trail, trump boast this hes not a politician boasts that hes not a politician. Ive never done this before. Ive been a politician forrer it months. These guys have been politicians for 30 years in some cases, right. Reporter under oath, he said he spends his business like anything. Have you ever lied about your properties . I try and be truthful. Always, when you make a public statement, you want to see it the most positive way possible. Im no different than a politician running for office. Im so good at business. You people are going to be so rich so fast. Reporter one area where trump has broken with previous president ial candidates is refusing to release his tax returns which would provide a fuller picture of his wealth and document his income in far greater detail than the Financial Disclosures hes already released. I think that to get a full idea of who he is, those returns are an essential piece. Reporter former irs commissioner mark eberson served under president george w. Bush. He says trumps excuse doesnt pass muster. He doesnt have a tax reason in my opinion to fail to release the seven years that have been audited and cleared. I think this is a political calculation by the candidate not to release returns. Reporter a spokesman for trump said the original book wasnt relevant then, and its not now. He pointed to trumps Financial Disclosure which cites, the greatest real estate assets in the world. Trumps 2006 lawsuit was dismissed, so he appealed which he lost because the judges concluded the information that trump gave to the reporter to prove his net worth could not be verified. All right. Thank you. Performance of the National Anthem hits all the wrong notes. Ahead, a call for a bias investigation. Plus, how a journey across the sky came to a dramatic c1 good morning. Grab that jacket before you head outside. There will be a lot of gray skies over San Francisco. Temperatures later this afternoon will be slightly below average with a lot of 60s. Places farther inland approaching near 70. 65 the high in san receive rafael. A chance of rain tomorrow and then warming up mid week. I donor wonder whether i theshould seek treatment. C. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Harvoni is a simple treatment regimen thats been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. 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Ladies, why just dream of worrim linda,hts . And like millions of women worldwide i trust tena. And with new tena overnight underwear i can now sleep worry free all night. The unique secure barrier system gives me triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture so i can keep being a sweet dreamer. Tena overnight underwear and pads. Only tena lets you be you. What backache . What sore wrist . What headache . Advil makes pain a distant memory. Nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Theres something we guess you havent seen before. A boat coming to ththe rescue f a hot air balloon that got into trouble over the water. The balloon with ten on board was trying to land in australia when the winds shifted. A boat spotted the distressed d balloon and raceded to help. Each time a passenger scrambled out, the load lightened, and the balloon drifted bac finally the pilot guided it to shore, and everybodys aokay. Good to know. A shoppers infectious laughter is breaking online records. [ laughter ] im a happy chewbacca ahead, the woman who became chewbacca mom and how retailers are cashing in on internet videos watched by millions. Makes you smile no matter what. Makes you happy. She does seem happy. She does. Youre watching cbs this morning. This is my body of proof. Proof of less joint pain and clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number 1 prescribed biologic for Psoriatic Arthritis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Whats your body of proof . Every ingredient is the main ingredient. The strawberry poppyseed. Romaine, mandarin, pineapple, blueberry, strawberry, strawberry. Strawberry. Salad with chicken. At panera. Food as it should be. Poallergies . Reather. Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Cause of a fire that killed five ld boy. It happened yesterday morn its 7 56. Good morning. Im kenny choi. In vallejo, police are trying to figure out the cause of a fire that killed a 5yearold boy yesterday morning on stella street. Neighbors tried to fight flames before crews arrived. San franciscos acting police chief told members of the naacp yesterday that his Department Working on reforms and toney chaplain is looking into whether Police Shootings should be investigated by police. Weather and traffic in just a moment. ,,, welcome back to the kpix morning news as we continue to track big delays for the drive around the bay. Lets start with the bay bridge. Look at the drive time, and pay no attention to that spider. We also are looking at an extremely slow ride from the upper to the lower east shore freeway and major delays for caltrain this morning. Trains are being taken out of service and no trains are passing through the burlingame station. A pedestrian was struck and killed there earlier this morning, so whether northbound or southbound, you will be facing problems. Elizabeth . Thank you, george. Lets go outside and see what it looks like now from the view of the roof here from the kpix studios in San Francisco. There is the transamerica pyramid. Temperatures on the cooler side. 55 in san jose and 53 in fairfield. 52 is the forecast right now oakland. Temperatures this afternoon reaching mainly in the upper 50s along the coast and near 70 inland. A chance of rain in the north bay. ,,,, welcome to our viewers in the west. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead including the first major update to food labels in nearly a decade. Here is todays eye opener at 8 00. The decision to lift the arms embargo is aimed at china. Clearly her campaign is feeling some pressure to begin focusing on her general election candidates. Trump and clinton think they can win on the issue of guns and became kun one of the first topics. Isis can strike anyone, any where. The Egyptian Government has sent a submarine to look for the black box. Ted kaczynski stands by his claim that he is not crazy. An impressive night. That Britney Spears little number. Maybe for halloween. Governor Chris Christies Approval Rating is now the lowest, over 10 lower than bon jovi playing the new stuff. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. President obama lifted an arms embargo on vietnam in a meeting with the countrys president. They will give american ships more access to ports. The two leaders showed solidarity in the face of growing attention with china. The president s next stop in asia will be japan. He will be the first sitting president to visit hiroshima. The city was flattened back in 1945 when they dropped the first atomic bomb. The white house says that the president will acknowledge americas responsibility to make sure that no Nuclear Weapon is ever used again. Two new polls show a likely match up for the white house is a virtual tie. Donald trump leads one and Hillary Clinton the other. Both are within the margin of error. Clinton has a small lead in florida and ohio. Voters give them both high unfavorable numbers. Clinton was asked how she can unite a country that seems so polarized. Just like i did as a senator. I have a track record. Hillary clinton called for donald trump to release his tax returns to prove that he is as successful as he claims. A group of veterans this morning is protesting trumps fundraising for their cause. Reports thousand that mr. Trump and his campaign have been lying about the total amount raised for our nations veterans. Before the iowa caucuses, he organized a veterans fundraiser. We have just raised 6 million. We picked out some amazing veterans organizations. Now the Washington Post asked Trumps Campaign manager about that event. He told the paper the fundraiser actually netted about 4. 5 million. Lewandowski blamed the shortfall acquaintances. The funds had not been distributed. I dont know the final numbers, but the number we raised for veterans has been mostly distributed and were looking for some other really worthy places to distribute, but for the most part it has been distributed. Cbs news has only verified that just other 2 million went to veterans organizations. New polls show that Bernie Sanders fairs better against donald trump in the general election. Sanders plans to stay in the race until every vote is cast. But Hillary Clinton leads him in votes and super delegates. Their battle made it to the Season Finale of saturday night live. Sanders won wyoming, but clinton got more delegates. No freaking way. I didnt see you sitting behind me. So far behind me you could never catch up. Ill have a peer, a new brand that people are flocking to. Something refreshing and revolutionary, something that draws huge crowds. And ill have whatever beer no one likes but gets the job done. Listen to that music. They put aside their differences for a final dance until hillary trapped him in an elevator. Larry david is so hilarious if is great stuff. They do a good job on those skits. An apparent mix up at a San Diego Padres game. A gay mens chorus group was going to sing the anthem, but a womans voice came over the speaker. The 100 voices of the san diego gay mens course are a resounding league of their own performing here at petco park last year. But on saturday, a voice out of left field left them crying foul. The recorded rendition of the star spangled banner, a womans voice coming on and sings the National Anthem. Some 40,000 spectators waited as they waited for the song to stop. They appeared to carry it in stride, but not so said the crowds executive director. For an lbgt group, trying to get the community to be acceptive, it was a slap in the face. They were escorted off of the field to the heckles of baseball fans that were shouting homophobic slurs. The padres sincerely apologized and found no mall intent. They are now calling on the Attorneys Office to investigate whether or not a hate crime was committed. It seems awkward. I hope they will be invited back and perform. A very Happy Shopper is the newest viral sensation. How retail, a new look for food a new look for food nutrition labels. The first time in over a decade, including how to classify sugar. That is next coming up on cbs. Mastering the art of refinement one dark chocolate rises above the rest lindt excellence created by our master chocolatiers pure, rich, darkly intense. Made like no other crafted elegantly thin to reveal complex layers of Flavor Experience excellence with all your senses and discover chocolate beyond compare try lindt excellence with a touch of sea salt. To help protect your dog or cat from fleas and ticks. With the performance you expect from a monthly topical in a nongreasy collar. Seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months. Seresto®. From bayer. Ifor all the wrong reasons. Gical you may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. Hwell, the rav4 has available sporttuned suspension. Tures. I like the sound of that. And great handling so it can do just about anything. Thanks jan, this is exactly what im looking for. I know. Do you . Yup. During toyotatime, get 0 apr financing on an adventurous 2016 rav4. Offer ends may 31st. For great deals on other toyotas, visit toyota. Com here are your keys. Thanks. See ya out there. Sweet. Toyota. Lets go places. Wheall i can think abouthit, is getting relief. Only nicorette mini has a patented fastdissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill need relief. Thats why i only choose nicorette mini. Introducing the fusion of Exceptional Taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. New activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. Delicious and good for you. New activia fruit fusion. ,intromercedesbenz ccoupe, redesigned with its athletic prowess and sleek new body. It doesnt just raise the bar. It completely crushes it. The allnew cclass coupe. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. New labels are coming to hundreds of thousands of food products. New labels are coming to hundreds of thousands of products. They highlight calorie counts, added sugar, and portion sizest. It is the first major label updates in more than two decades, but will they help stop the obesity epidemic . Good morning. Good morning, charlie. Good to have you here. Thank you. So these changes are going to make it easier, simpler, and clearer for consumers to make healthy choices. First, you can take your reading classes off because the calories and the serving size will be bolder and in a bigger font so it jumps out at you. The serving size itself has been made more accurate. A serving size of ice cream was a half a cup, now it is two thirds. Packaging that has more than one servings in it will have two columns. Per serving and per package. They added vitamin d and potassium, and also added sugar. Here is what i would like to note. What level of all of these things is good for me and what is not . Yeah, its the percent daily value you should be paying attention to. So you can look at the total amount of grams and the percent daily value that youre getting, and you dont want to exceed 100 . I think the idea of added sugar, for moms and juice, what is natural sugar and what is added. So sugar is a carbohydrate that is a form of energy your body uses. Natural and added sugars are the same, but natural ones come from things like fruits and dairy. With added sugars, youre just getting calories. More than two thirds of americans want to drop their added sugar amount, but were still getting way more than we should. It should be less than 10 of your total daily calories. Most of us get over 13 . I want to go back to charlie. Im still confused. It says total fat, 8 g, 10 . So are we supposed to have 10 of fat, or that that amount of fat 10 of the total daily amount that you should be getting. Youre allowed a certain amount pday. T in your diet every single but if you eat that amount per serving, you will be getting 10 of your total daily value. 10 is what you need . No, of 100 . Okay, im still sitting here going no, the most poimportant thi i look at is the calories. Theyre all important. Theyre all equally important . Are they . I Pay Attention to sodium, saturated fat which is not the healthiest form of fat, Pay Attention to the total calories. People dont have any idea what theyre eating on a daily basis. How much of my diet should include fat . So youre allowed to have a certain amount of fat every day. Its not so much of the amount as is it the type of fat, you want mono unsaturated fats, no tranc trans fat. There are a lot of online trackers, under armor has one too. All of these things can do it for you, they enter in, and they know how much you weigh, how old you are, and a lot of it is very helpful. I a Weight Watchers and under armour. Thank you. He said we have to go norah. We go behind the scenes to show us the growing power of podcasting. How it is giving food loving something new to chew on. Like country crocks recipe made with real simple ingredients. And no artificial flavors or preservatives. Real Country Fresh taste from real ingredients. Welcome to crock country. Choosing a food by calories alone is like choosing a husband by height. Smartpoints is Weight Watchers allnew way to eat healthier. Goodbye counting calories, hello paying attention to what really counts. Join for free. Hurry offer ends may 30th. When your symptoms start. Distracting you . Doctors recommend taking. Nondrowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy 24 hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. What it cant do. Your calculus homework. What it can do. Make you Peanut Butter happy. Its a whole new kind of joy you get when you bite into a jif bar made with real jif Peanut Butter. When you bite into a jif bar yes now watch when my mouth actually moves. [ sounds ] this is the mostwatched Facebook Live video ever. Yep. Ever. This texas woman who loves her star wars mask has been viewed more than 135 million times since thursday. Jericka duncan shows how widely shared items like this chewbacca mom have become Big Marketing opportunities. Good morning. Reporter good morning. The previous record was just ten million views set by buzzfeed for a video of an exploding water mel melon. Watermelon nothing blows up in candace paynes video, but its taken social media by storm. Im such a happy jchewbacca reporter she bought the mask at kohls as a birthday present for herself. This is worth every penny reporter it didnt take long for the joy she felt to spread to retailers selling the toy. [ laughing ] reporter kohls website quickly sold out of the mask. So did target and toys r us. Some sellers on amazon are now listing the 30 mask for hundreds of dollars. Payne excitement appears genuine, and thats why the video was so popular, said usa today money editors. There are generations of people who can identify with the product, and then she was also a relatable person. Reporter just like james wright this is the patty edition. The on my own reporter the review of Patti Labelles sweet potato pie sent it flying off shelves at wart last year. Reporter remember the blue dress that some people were convinced was white . Or the shirt el chapo wore during his interview with sean penn . Manufacturers couldnt keep up with demand from the crush of free publicity. Campaigns can back fire like when red lobster tried to capitalize off heretics from beyonces formation. The song has been creditsed with lifting sales at red lobster by 33 . The vulgar lyrics put the restaurant chain in an awkward position. Brands cant necessarily say, this is a way that we can always have something positive come out of it. It has to be the right fit. Reporter in other cases, the viral videos are actually slick marketing campaigns. Since youre an actress, youve done this before. Reporter these awkward first kisses between strangers has been watched nearly 114 million times. Many of whom didnt realize it was produced for the fashion label wren. People could learn a lot from dogs. Reporter this touching film about a dogs love for his owner has more than 13 million views on zinio. It was funded by patagonia. Like feeling beautiful reporter this clip showing women picking between beautiful and average doors. Its part of doves longrunning campaign for real beauty. I think anything that makes a person more aware of a brand with positive images, positive causes, that type of marketing, its priceless. Reporter kohls was so happy with the deadline to register t ty affiliation. Good morning. Its 8 25, and im anne makovec. Today is the deadline to register to vote or change Party Affiliation in time for the june 7 california primary. You can check your registration with your country registrar of voters office, online, by phone, or in person. The stanley cup playoffs, the sharks in st. Louis for a pivotal game 5 with the blues after san jose lost at home on saturday. The series tide at is tied at 2 games a piece. Coming up, a review of the book the opposite of woe. ,, hey they go ooh ooh. Hey they go ohoohooooh. Sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. I tell you one thing, you never knew it. At the back of the bus there is so much to give, so dream big. Yeah. And when they screaming get out, get out. All i wanna hear is get down, get down. Yeah. And when they screaming get out, get out. All i wanna hear is get down, get down. Get down, get down. Heres a traffic update from the kpix Traffic Center as we continue to monitor big delays on the east shore freeway getting to the bay bridge. Look also at this map because theres an accident westbound highway 24 right at the caldecott tunnel and slow traffic on the east shore accounts for a nearly 1hour drive time from the macarthur maze and the sider that ate spider that ate the bay bridge toll plaza. We had an incident on caltrain northbound 305 and there will be delays north and southbound between San Francisco and san jose. Heres elizabeth. Thank you, george, and conditions over the bay bridge, a few clearing skies, but still cool, so grab your jacket and umbrella. 56 right now in concord and 53 degrees in santa rosa. Were warming up to mainly in the 60s, approaching near 70. 70 in napa, and 61 is the high in San Francisco. A good chance of a popup shower in the north bay hills and probably a thundershower, and thats through tomorrow as well with the low pressure system remaining in the area. A warming and drying trend continues wednesday through the weekend. It looks nice with seasonal temperatures. You ot, here to save from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam see what spam can do. At spam. Com sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. Its the semiannual sale save 500 on the memorial day special Edition Mattress with Sleepiq Technology. Only at a sleep number store. Welcome back. Coming up, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper hello, governor in studio 57. Think he heard you. Bet it was a trial with that name. We can discuss. First on cbs this morning, well look at his book, the race for the white house and his support for Hillary Clinton. Also what changed his mind about colorados move to legalize recreational pot. I love this song. A pizza restaurant becomes home to a podcast studio. See how dozens of foodies are finding their voice. What is this i dont know. Bittersweet. I wanted to know what it was since she loves it. Good question. Gayle and i like to listen to the cbs this morning soundtrack. We go home and download them. They send to me every morning. Oh. Excuse us. You have to ask. You have to be so curious that you say, is there some way i could get my hands on this soundtrack . Ryan, could you please send this to gayle and i, pretty please . See. Time to show some headlines from around the globe. The Baltimore Sun looks at a big upset in the second leg of the triple crown. He has won the preakness stakes exaggerator splashed his way to win. The first loss ever for the Kentucky Derby winner. And in britain the sun says prince harry tossed his arms in the air in disney world on splash mountain. Harry first rode the log 23 years ago. He went with his mother, princess diana, had he was 8 years old. Harry apparently asked specifically to go on that ride again. I love this picture. When i was with prince harry a couple weeks ago, i brought him a couple and showed it. It was interesting how he held on to it for a while and looked closely. I watched his face looking at it. You could tell it was bringing back memories. A very nice moment. The Washington Post says a new approach to Organ Transplants may ease the countrys shortage. Instead of being kept on ice, hearts and other organs are essentially being kept alive. Devices maintain their temperature and function and monitor critical activity. Doctors say the treatment may speed up the organs return to service and expand the pool of donor organs. The Kansas City Star has a stunning sky. Mars visible without a telescope. This was snapped earlier by the Hubble Space Telescope as mars got closer to earth than usual. Astronomers call it opposition when earth passes between mars and the sun. It happens every two years or so. Time magazine reports on the first voyage of the largest cruise ship. The harmony of the seas left yesterday for the netherlands. The ship weighs about 227,000 tons. Its got a zip line and an ice skating rink and can carry nearly 7,000 passengers. And usa today says the warriors may be worriers after a 28point playoff loss. Star forward Raymond Green may be suspended for kicking steven adams in the groin last night in game three of the western conference finals. Golden state is behind two games to one. Im not a guy, but that looked like it hurt a lot. You can tell. I can tell you. It hurts, huh . I can tell you. Governors like tee, hee, hee. I dont want to see that again. Everyone cringes. Governor, i can assure you will not be kicked in the groin. That has never happened at this table on cbs this morning. Colorado is the center of debates from legalized pot to the president ial race. John hickenlooper welcomed democrats to the kngz that made history years ago welcoming president obama for president. Then he became governor, leading the state through the aftermath of the aurora theater rampage and legalization of pot. Hes a group pub entrepreneur. His memoir is the opposite of woe my life in beer and politics. We welcome governor hickenlooper to the table. Hello. Great to be here. Are you glad youre here . Yes, i am. Who knows . Let us know later. Lets talk about your experimentation with pot and naked selfies. You do recall that incident in the book. Its a long book. You shared that story why . You wanted us to know what about you . First tell them what happened. Well, the i wanted the book to be authentic, grounded. Honest. I put in stuff most people would edit out. I set up a tripod in college and took a picture of myself. Naked. Naked. I was in the booth in the bathtub. Where are the pictures now is. Lost to the archives of history, im sure. We tried to put everything in the book. You describe it as a call to action for nerds and geeks. I hear nerds and geeks are having a good resurgence this time of the day. The idea behind the book is i felt i had a story to tell, strange, unpredictable life. When i was growing up, in the book, i had thick glasses, acne. No confidence. My dad died when i was a kid. Through the evolution of life, you know, it nerds and geeks, thats who i was. If you work hard and have the right attitude and dont quit, in the end, you can play a roemp thats part of a role. Thats part of what america needs. More people coming in to be mayors and city council members. Everyone is frustrated by all forms of government. In their is us. This is america, this is politics. Trump flies in survey s. That the way you think now . Theyre pretty much even . I dont think so. Its hard to predict these polls this far out. Its great exciting, like its reading drama. I think in the end in the book we talk thats a snapshot today. Where it is today. I agree. Probably. In terms of how people think. I talk in the book about agnes nixon who was one of my mothers closest friends. Wrote amazing soap operas, as the world turns, guiding l. A. They would have a wedding and fill up an office with gifts. People take it as reality. I think that what donald trump has been presenting like the apprenticesh apprenticeship, people think its real life. Thats not a vision for america, thats not a plan of how we should be approaching problems. Its also nasty, the campaign. You dont like negative campaigning. I also group as a skinny kid in Elementary School and got bullied. And when someones a braggart and bully, it makes me on edge because i lived that. I dont think thats the model we want for our kids in this country. Obviously, this is my opinion. I hold it pretty strongly. One of the debates going on now is over guns. Donald trump has changed his position but just received the endorsement of the National Rifle association. He says we should end gunfree zones in schools. Youve done a lot in terms of guns in colorado. Explain what you talk about in the book. In so many ways we tried to get the facts and listen. Trying to persuade someone, telling them often what you think makes things worse. By asking questions, things like universal background checks, we got the facts. In 2012, we got half the gun purchases, 38 people convicted of homicide tried to buy a gun, and we stopped them. 133 convicted of Sexual Assault tried to buy a gun. 1,300 people convicted of felony assault. Universal background checks work. You keep guns out of the hand of dangerous people. That shouldnt be partisan. That should be something we can all agree to. It became a huge battle and a challenge. Whats the difficulty in explaining on the one hand that certain kinds of guns you dont want people to get. You wont do certain procedures and convincing people you do not want to do away with the Second Amendment and you do not want to do away with guns . To look over the Mass Shootings weve had over the last 25 years, say, and theres about 35, i think. Of those, threequarters had magazines with more than 15 rounds. That becomes we couldnt find a single example of someone ever needing more than 15 rounds to defend their home ever in history. Its a benefit on the shooting range. A large capacity magazine. Long term, thats probably like when we banned off sawed off shotguns in the 1930s. Sometimes we modify our regulations, our wellregulated militias, what the Second Amendment says, for the overall public good of the country. Theres a lot of gun owners and Second Amendment supporters in colorado. How do they respond to the gun control measures that you signed into state law. Many were unhappy. Especially the magazine one. Universal background checks is people can accept it more easily. So you want to be vp because malcolm glad dps gladwell says, read and reflect on how thoughtful and charming John Hickenlooper is and hope to god he runs for president one day, and that your name is being floated as a vp candidate. What say you . I have the greatest job in the world. Everybody says that. I think that list is very long, and im toward the bottom. Thats not a point of contician or really discussion. I look at malcolm is a Brilliant Writer and generous spirit to write such a nice thing. He deeply appreciates the dinner you took him to. In a sentence, what ought this campaign be about . Character . A particular issue, or what . I think it should be about whats your experience. Whats your capability to be present on day one really is. And have you be that experienced to solve the most were in one of the most challenging times in our history. Back to the depression is the last time we had this many increases in productivity when the electrified factories. That makes it hard to keep people to work, to keep governor off. But weve got to go. You just agreed to sit and to a Facebook Chat after we go off the air. Do you mind if i mention the book one more ti search cbs this morning on join the chat. Thats right. Any restaurant can feed your stomach. This one f, audio podcasts are picking up attention. A survey found in 2006 that barely one in five americans aged 12 or older even knew about podcastsing. By last year, that number soared to nearly half the country. Vinita nair shows how an online Radio Station in brooklyn found the perfect flavor for its format. Reporter not far from the iconic brooklyn bridge, part the chocolate shops and grocers is a restaurant where the food is just as hyped as the diners. Its robertas, where young people come for a slice of pie. If they want to watch a meaningful conversation, all they do is look through the glass. Today reporter from this intimate study in bush businessw bushwick, food is talk about. This man says convincing the restaurant was easy. The owners and said if i drop two shipping containers in your back yard, would you allow us to run a Radio Station out of it . They said as long as we can get the containers ourselves and use it for the restaurant if it should fail, then you can do it. Reporter thats how much belief they it . They were like, we just got two shipping container out of this. Reporter the network which still operates out of those green shipping containers has more than 40 hosts. We sat in on Emily Pearsons show called sharp and hot. You have outdoor space yes, i guess we do. Reporter which answers cooking questions at every level. Well talk all about the benefits of charcoal versus gas grills. Reporter joes show, in the drink, is all about beverages. You might have six bottles to open in a fiveminute span. Reporter over seven years, martins and his executive director, erin fairbanks, have earned a reputation as broadcast leaders in the underground food scene. Food oregganically became a pla to talk about ideas as it pertains to food . Food is politics. When we looked in the media world, there were enough cookbooks to build a mountain taller than mt. Everest. But there wasnt anyone talking about, for instance, el ninos effect on the wine harvest. Were not trying to be a lifestyle network. Our hosts are practitioners. They run restaurants. They run nonprofits. They are farmers. Theres no degree of separation. Reporter the past year was one of the best for podcast growth in more than a decade. 21 of americans have listened to at least one podcast in the past month. Apple, the biggest carrier of podcasts, has 325,000 of them to choose from. By design, this is meant for a very endangered specinooesh a sure. And i not thats a good thing. Its maybe not going to equate to a book deal necessarily or a sponsorship with a major ad company. Everybody can have their own sandfwox play in. Reporter the network which used to lure guests to come on air with the offer of free pizza, believes discussions about food and where it comes from should be part of the nightly news. Its why theyve never had a hard time finding topics or people who are passionate to talk about them. Has it been interesting to be a part of this ride, to watch something go from nothing to now youve got so many presenters, such a bigger audience. Its grown so much, and when i tell people im part of it, theres an approving nod as opposed to an inquisitive head tilt. Reporter as American Culture continues to obsess over eating, the Heritage Radio Network will continue to document it. I feel its pressure as a network, how do we continue to push the envelope around serious food conversation. More people want to hear it. Our job is to step up and serve it. Reporter for cbs this morning, vinita nair, brooklyn. Brooklyn. Its well ,,,,,,, okay, ready . Whoa [ explosion ] nothing should get in the way of the things you love. Get americas fastest internet. Only from xfinity. That does it for us. Be sure to tune into the cbs evening news. Norah will be filling in for scott pelley. I am . ,,,,,,, to figure out the cause of a fire that good morning. Its 5 minutes before 9 00. Im anne makovec. Police in vallejo are trying to figure out the cause of a fire that killed a 5yearold boy on stella street. The boys mother and brother were injured in the fire. And a middle schooler is representing the bay area at the National Spelling bee. Rutvik gandhasri has been practicing for 23 hours a week. We wish him good luck. And the 92foot sculpture of venus will finally get her head. Elizabeth wenger has a lock at the weather forecast. Thanks, anne. Looking good over san jose with a few clearing skies, chilly out there, and temperatures are still below average for this time of year and todays high, mainly in the 60swith a few areas approaching 70. 65 the high in san rafael and 66 in fremont. Expect a popup shower in the north bay hills today and tomorrow and the warming trend on wednesday through the weekend warming into the mid to upper 70s inland by the end of the work week. A check of the roads with george after the break. Heres an update from the kcbs Traffic Center. Caltrain problems, tell you about those in a in a moment. First, a look at the bay bridge. An accident at the caldecott tunnel is gone but look at the traffic westward through lafayette and orinda, and the east shore, heavily jammed up. The bay bridge, a break at the toll plaza, and coming from the carquinas strait, 46 minutes because of heavy traffic on the east shore freeway. And then to the south bay with two separate problems, first, northbound 880 at the guadalupe parkway, a multivehicle accident and southbound 280, the heart of the commute, another accident at the guadalupe parkway slowing your ride into downtown. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time and 2 back at the grocery store. Even before he got 3 back on gas. Kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. Because he loves to play hoops. Not jump through them. Thats the excitement of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. Wayne ah youve got the big deal of the day jonathan yeah, girl its a trip to bermuda bigger isnt always better. Wayne you won a car zonks are no fun. Big deal, baby jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne welcome back, and by welcome back, i mean you, welcome back. These people, they were here once, they took a shot. They got zonked. And this is our zonk redemption show. Im wayne brady. Thank you for tuning in. I need one person. Not everyone who plays this game gets a chance to come back. Kimaya, i think its kimaya

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