An airbus 320. A jet crashes in southern france. It was traveling with 150 people on board. Francois hollande believes there are no survivors. Angelina jolie said she had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed. Would you support him as gop nominee . First contender to launch an official campaign. We are close to a decision. Security was heightened at the ncaa tournament after a threat. The wall street journal reporting that israel has been spying on kneenegotiations with iran. Oh, andy richter has a new show. Im sorry. What is your second name . A Police Investigation into the explosive claim of rape at the university of virginia which has found no evidence of attack. Mone davis takes the high road after the College Player is kicked off the Team Following the offensive tweet. Should not wait for a call from the major league team. And all that and more with the claims. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. Charlie rose is on assignment. Good to be here. As you wake up in the west, we are following breaking news from france. An airliner crashed in the yaupz. No one survived. Debris is spread across the area that one local man described as hostile. The airline is holding a news conference. It is just getting under way in germany. We will continue to monitor that for you. Elizabeth palmer is in london with more. Reporter good morning. The airbus 320 carrying 150 passengers, six crew crashed in a Snowy Mountain area of the french alps. 150 miles from nice. The plane went into service in 1991. It belonged to germanwings. There are conflicting reports if a distress signal was sent. We know the flight was along at cruising altitude and about an hour into the journey. Radar shows it went into a steep descent from 40,000 feet to 6,000. Then it crashed. The weather at the time was partly cloudy with no exceptionally strong winds. Frances president Francois Hollande announced there was not expected to be survivors. There is a large search effort but debris is scattered over the mountain slopes will be access accessible by helicopter which will make it time consuming. The planes destination, dusseldorf, family members are gathering to wait for information on a flight that should be safely down on german ground. Elizabeth palmer, thanks. This is the first major air flight disaster in 15 years. Jeff begey is live in washington for us. What do we know about the plane . It is an a320. Manufactured by airbus. A french company. This is an airplane with a good safety report. It is considered the work horse of the industry. We found out by airbus there are 6,200 planes used worldwide. They have a good track record in terms of safety. Where does this investigation begin, jeff . Any indication about how this happened . Well, its too early to tell how this happened. The investigation will begin on the ground there. The key is how will they get there and will weather be a factor in terms of getting to the crash site. You have to start gathering debris and start looking for those black boxes. The cockpit voice recorder and flight data reporter will go a long way in determining what happened to the plane. Jeff, what can you tell us about the airline . Germanwings is a low cost airline in germany. It is a subsidiary of lufthansa airline. It is too early to tell in terms of safety how germanwings operating. What investigators will do is look at maintenance records of the plane. That is one thing they will do almost immediately. The key in this case as it is in all cases involving these commercial aviation crashes is finding the black boxes because they will have important parameters in terms of the planes altitude before it went down and some of the voices in the cockpit before it went down. Jeff, thanks. We have more on the plane crash ahead. We will hear from cbs news Peter Greenberg in the next half hour. Coverage continues all day on the Digital Network cbsn. Com. Angelina jolie overnight shared revelations about her fight against cancer. In the oped, she discussed why she removed her fallopian tubes and ovaries. I told myself to stay calm and i had no reason to think i would not live to see my children grow up and meet my grandchildren. Angelina jolie continues the most important thing is learn about the options and choose what is right for you personally. Dr. David agus joins us. Good morning. This is a powerful piece in the New York Times. What do you make of her decision to share it with us and walk us through what she has done . She is heroic. The idea of transparent and vulnerable and talking about her decision to educate others is powerful. The last time she did it two years ago, thousands of women went for testing. Many lives were saved. What happens is she has a faulty gene called brca. Her risk is higher than the average person. About 50 in her lifetime. She had three family members that died of cancer. They went in with a scope in an inn incision and took out the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Menopause will be induced a decade earlier. Her mother died of cancer at 49. She said the effects of the mastectomy the surgery was tougher. This is more severe. She says she is in menopause now. Dozens of who arehormones, we can give some of that back to minimize that. It effects risks for Heart Disease and bone disease. Clearly hot flashes and other symptoms happen. It is a major change but obviously preventing cancer so she can play with her children and grandchildren which was paramount. How much will this procedure risk getting cancer . There is ovarian tissue not just in the ovary. There is a dramatic reduction as is taking the reduction of Breast Cancer and ovarian cancer. There is some risk. She will continue to be followed closely. This was a major step. Again, i just have to applaud her for being vulnerable and helping thousands of women with her suffering. Dr. Agus thanks. Thank you. This morning, the official republican president ial campaign is still a oneman race. Senator ted cruz is the first to declare candidate on monday. Others are jockeying for position. We will hear from senator cruz in a moment, but first, nancy cordes is in washington with reaction from other hopefuls. Reporter good morning. If cruz got an advantage by jumping in first, his wouldbe opponents are not admits it. One said he is better positioned to win. Even if he claims he is still making up his mind. We are close to a decision. Reporter kentucky senator rand paul said if he would run, he could beat Hillary Clinton and cruz cant. New jersey give denounced that too on his monthly radio show. Ted cruz announced he is running. Is that a factor in your decision . No. Im running for president of the United States. Reporter cruz announced candidacy monday at Christian Liberty university in lynchburg, virginia. He said he would end obamacare and abolish the irs replacing with a flat income tax. He said the Obama White House has projected an image of weakness around the world. The consistent policy has been abandoning our friends and allies, whether israel or u. K. Or canada. And coddling. Reporter that can cut both ways. Interesting about ted cruz he was born in canada. His father fled to the United States from cuba. Yet, ted cruz is against immigration. What are the odds . Reporter as republicans jockey from position clinton is trying to rebound from the email controversy. I am all about a new beginning. A new grand child. Another new hair style. A new email account. Why not a new relationship with the press. Reporter cruz may have been the first to announce, but he wont be alone for long. We have signals that rand paul and marco rubio and clinton herself. Nancy, thank you. Senator ted cruz joins us. Thank you. Good to be here. Are you the most conservative candidate in the field . Im the only candidate in the field. It is like what my mom would say. Im her only child. She would say im her favorite son. Is that your plan to be the most conservative . My plan is to speak the truth and defend common sense conservative values. I think millions of americans recognize the path we are on isnt working. They are looking for a change that they want to get back to the free market principles and constitution the country was built upon. Your supporters should say ted cruz is coming here and say he is the most conserveativeconservative. Thats why i like him. The basic values are common sense conservative values. Live within your means. Follow the constitution. Dont bankrupt your kids. It is those in washington that are extreme. Most of america, you get people republicans, democrats and independents and libertarians. That makes sense. Senator, you said you would repeal the afford able care act. Would you take that away from them . Those numbers dont tell the whole picture. For one thing, the bulk of the numbers are coming from expanded medicaid. A lot of people are not getting health care. Medicaid is a system overburdened. More people on waiting lists and not health care. Beyond that 6 Million People had their Health Insurance canceled because of obamacare. You are not doing someone a favor if you cancel the insurance they like and force them to buy new Health Insurance at higher premiums that covers less. I can tell you people are frustrated. You know five years ago, maybe good faith reasonable minds could have differed on whether obamacare would have worked. It is the single largest job killer. Can i ask you as president of the United States, what you would do. A group close to isis posted the names of 100 service members. Should we have boots on the ground in syria and iraq . We need seriousness to destroy isis. We need to do whatever it takes militarily to accomplish that. That includes boots on the ground. It could. Part of the problem is this is debated in washington. This should be a military question. What is necessary to defeat isis . We have boots on the ground right now with the kurds. The kurds are there. Peshz peshmerga are fighting forces. Although america is not terribly consistent allies for the kurds. The kurds are staying with us. Isis is using American Military equipment that they seized in iraq and the kurds dont have the weaponry. Unfortunately unfortunately, they are sending troops to baghdad. We should use overwhelming power. Let me ask you about syrian president assad. Is it more important to remove him or isis . I think isis is the far greater threat. When president obama proposed a unilateral military attack against assad. Leave assad in power and take on isis first . The touch stone for our Foreign Policy is Vital National security. Assad is a monster. He is murdering his own people. I dont believe he poses a clear and present danger to america. Final comment. You should be elected . Ill tell the truth and do what i plan. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much sir. This morning, the investigation into the alleged Sexual Assault into university of virginia is suspended. Investigators spoke to more than 70 people and in the end, police say there is no evidence to support the facts. The alleged victim would not cooperate from the results of the audit of the article is expected next month. This morning, james corden is hilarious and inspired. Receiving glowing reviews as debut of the host of late late show. Omar villafranca shows us more. Reporter the opening of the curtains kicked off a new era. However shocked you are that im doing this job, you will never been as shocked. Reporter he ditched the desk. A late night staple to get up close and personal with tom hanks and mila kunis. He asked about her rumored marriage to ashton kutcher. Oh, you got married. Reporter there were surprise guests including former late night giant jay leno. Corden prepared for the show. Are you dragging or are you rushing . Whats the matter of what . Now pull it together and take the applause. Yes. Reporter from a fully stocked bar to pretaped sketches cordens show is not afraid to mix it up in the late late time slot. Corden and hanks teamed up for hank movie. Wilson no crying in baseball. Youre crying. Dont cry, shop girl. Reporter at 36 corden is the youngest late night host on a major network. I think the worst thing that could happen to the show like this is it would be predictable. Reporter he is ready to send audiences to bed. With me and you reporter for cbs this morning, omar villafranca, los angeles. Yea james corden. Somebody said he is charming. You can already tell he is off to a great start. Reviews were very good. I like it. He said it is not predictable. A naturally funny guy. Critics blast the cowboys decision to sign an allpro lineman after a judge this National Weather report is sponsored by aarp. Real possibilities. There is new information coming in about who was on board the airbus jet that crashed in france. The news is back here in a moment right here on cbs this morning. This portion of cbs this morning sponsored by jcpenney. When it fits, you feel it. If you can clear a table without lifting a finger. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. They became the generation that brought us tweets and ecofriendly cars. 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Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. Common side effects include urinary Tract Infections changes in urination and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga. And visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. My advice for healthy looking radiant skin. A good nights sleep. And aveeno®. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant has an active naturals® total soy formula. It helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results™. All the goodness of milk all the deliciousness of hersheys syrup. Good morning. Its 7 26. Im frank mallicoat. Heres whats happening around the bay area right now. A woman in vallejo is must be and Police Believe she may have been is missing and Police Believe see may have kidnapped for ransom. Denise huskins is 30. Santa clara valley Water District expected to issue new stricter guidelines for water use today a year after the District First set a 10 goal that quickly doubled to 20 . The governor announced new state rules last w good morning. Lets check the Road Conditions ahead. If you are hopping on the san mateo bridge, a slowdown. No accidents. But the drive time in the red 30 minutes right now between hayward and foster city. A wreck in antioch westbound 4 approaching somerville. You can see the slowdowns already coming off the antioch bridge on the approach to hillcrest. And a live look at the Richmond San Rafael bridge, where its sluggish from the richmond parkway before you get on the span. Thats kcbs traffic. Heres roberta. Good morning, everybody. Take a look at our live weather camera looking out towards sfo. You see all those clouds . Thats why we have delays up to 46 minutes on some arriving flights. Currently with the mostly cloudy conditions, temperatures are into the 50s. 51 in san jose and in santa rosa. Otherwise later today were talking about temperatures well into the 60s and low 70s. Mostly cloudy with a few sunny breaks. Our extended forecast calls for modest warming ghirardelli of san francisco. We carefully craft the finest chocolate so you can savor lifes sweetest moments. We pour our hearts into every square. Do you want a healthier mouth . Plus a whiter smile . You can have both with colgate total® advanced whitening. [ male announcer ] it removes more surface stains to whiten 30 better. And it improves mouth health. Healthier plus whiter. [ male announcer ] colgate total® advanced whitening. 30 more whitening. People love their best foods. Keith told us its one of the greatest things ever created woah keith does that make the rich creamy taste of best foods greater than. The light bulb . Or rollercoaster faces . Is our delicious mayo greater than eighties dance moves . Can best foods be greater, even, than the internet . Well keith, if you say so. Were just working hard to. Bring out the best. Im jerry bell the second. And im jerry bell the third. Im like a big bear and hes my little cub. This little guy is nonstop. Hes always hanging out with his friends. Youve got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. Theres no deep couch sitting. Definitely not good for my back. This is the part i really dont like right here. doorbell whats that . A package its a swiffer wetjet. It almost feels like its moving itself. This is kind of fun. That comes from my floor . Eww this is deep couch sitting. [jerry bell iii] deep couch sitting incredible ive been claritin clear for ten days. When your allergy symptoms start, doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. With powerful 24hour, nondrowsy claritin live claritin clear. Every day. Yoplait has the only yogurt brands endorsed by Weight Watchers and your taste buds have always endorsed us. So, you know what this means. This is a real win win yoplait, it is so good introducing the citi ® double cash card. It earns you cash back now and cash back later. With 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay with two ways to earn on puchases, it makes a lot of other cards seem onesided. The Dallas Cowboys are under fire this morning for signing greg hearty to a contract. He was put on trial for Domestic Assault charges. His case and others forced the league to take Domestic Violence more seriously and critics in dallas say the team is sending the wrong message. January, jan, good morning. Good morning. The backlash is quick but the team is showing no remorse. Owner jerry jones has a powerful voice within the organization to fight back. His own daughter. As a carolina panther he was a probowl defensive end. He tied a franchise record with 15 sacks. But last season he played just one game. In may he was arrested for assaulting his exgirlfriend. The judge later found him guilty of assaulting and threatening to kill her. The panthers didnt resign him. Last week the cowboys announced he inked a one year deal to come to dallas. If we didnt believe that greg could become the right kind of guy we wouldnt have signed him. Many in dallas were quick to condemn the move like the local sports caster dale hansen. You could rob a Department Store and play and now you can beat a woman and play with a star on your helmet. The mayor pokespoke to the dallas morning news. Its unacceptable and as a cowboys fan this was a shot in the gut. We certainly understand the seriousness of the issues that surround greg. We do not support Domestic Violence. To counter all the criticism Charlotte Jones anderson the daughter of cowboys daughter jerry jones also sat down with the newspaper. We are prepared for him to come to the cowboys and we are prepared with the resources and support to make that transition. In a stalttement jerry jones said a great deal of your study was dedicated to the issue of Domestic Violence and what associated greg with that issue. He has a firm understand ofging of those issues as well. Bill jones of cbs dallas station ktvt covered the cowboys for 25 years. They are not on the hook for anything unless greg plays for the team and that would be after he serves a suspension. Thats why i think they like the idea of him coming in here even though they knew they were going to get so much criticism. Now the nfl is still investigating whether he violated the leagues personal code of conduct. His case was dismissed when his exgirlfriend failed to show up in court. Probably because of a settlement but he could still be suspended for six or more games before he ever takes the field for the cowboys. Thank youment. A lot of people watching this story. Thanks, jan. A low fat guru says high protein diets are unhealthy even when you lose weight. The doctor will be here with that and monet at adavis shows real class when she at kohls, we say yes to dressing yoest this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by kohls. Suit separates and sport coats. Dress your kids from head to toe. And find stylish accessories for her. Plus, new this year at kohls, build your own Easter Basket all you need, all in one place. Pick up a little kohls cash too. Starting wednesday at kohls easters best sale. Find your yes. Kohls. Right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. 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If you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. Common side effects include urinary Tract Infections changes in urination and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga. And visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. That is ahead here on cbs this morning. The news is back. Female vo i actually have a whole lot of unused vacation days, but where am i gonna go . I just dont have the money to travel right now. I usually just go back home to see my parents so i cant exactly go globetrotting. If i had friends to go with id go but i dont want to travel by myself. Someday. Male vo there are no more excuses. Find the hotel you want, and the flight you want, and well find the savings to get you there. If you can clear a table without lifting a finger. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™. If you want it go out and get it at chilis, fresh is now. Now chicken smoked inhouse, and no more waiting for the check. New smoked chicken quesadillas on chilis lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. Fresh is happening now. Thank you for being a sailor, and my daddy. Thank you mom, for protecting my future. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are thankful for many things. 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Youve tried to forget your hepatitis c. But you shouldnt forget this. Hep c is a serious disease. Left untreated it can lead to liver damage and potentially liver cancer. But you havent been forgotten. Theres never been a better time to rethink your hep c because people like you may benefit from scientific advances that could help cure your hep c. Visit hepchope. Com or call a hep c educator to help prepare you for a conversation with your hep c specialist. Good morning. Its 7 56. Im frank mallicoat. Heres whats happening around the bay area right now. A woman was kidnapped in vallejo and is possibly being held for ransom right now. 30yearold Denise Huskins was taken early yesterday on kirkland avenue on mare island. A witness told police he saw her being taken against her will on kirkland avenue at mare island in vallejo. San Francisco Police are searching for an escaped prisoner. The man broke free about 8 45 last night as sheriffs deputies were moving him in the area of fifth and folsom street. A latino man 54 with long hair. Suspect was arrested nine good morning. Highway 4 in antioch is the scene of an injury crash involving a motorcycle rider. Unfortunately, you can see the delays five Miles Per Hour. The backups begin around hillcrest. Once you get past the somersville exit it does improve in concord and then we see slowdowns again from there. Our traffic spider is keeping an eye on things over at the bay bridge toll plaza. It looks like its still stacked up through the macarthur maze with those approaches jammed up as well up to 43 minutes now from the carquinez bridge to the maze. And no chain requirements if you have youre heading to the sierra on 80, 50 or 88. Thats kcbs traffic. With the forecast, heres roberta. Thank you, elizabeth. Good morning, everyone. Take a view of this. Its really pretty. You can see a little glimpse of the sun trying to peak off the bay waters. Its pretty. We have mostly cloudy skies temperatures into the 50s across the board. Its 52 degrees in santa rosa. Later today, sunny breaks, temperatures warmer than yesterday, 60s and low 70s. We have a slight chance of good morning to our viewers in the west. It is tuesday, march 24th 2015. Welcome back to cbs this morning. There is more real news ahead, including breaking news on the plane crash in france. In the past few minutes, a local lawmaker says the largest piece of debris is the size of a car. First, heres a look at eye opener at 8. The airbus 320 crashed in the french alps. It was carrying 150 people, including two babies. Its too early to tell how this happened. In terms of the crash site we have to start gathering debris. They got to get to those black boxes. Thats going to give them the beginnings of an investigation that could last a whole year. The last time she did it about two years ago, about her mastectomy thousands of women went for testing and many lives were saved. Are you the most conservative candidate in the republican field. Right now im the only announced candidate in the republican field. You say if you were elected youd repeal the Affordable Care act. Thank you, jay, so much, truly. In three months this show will be mine. David copperfield accidentally flooded his Apartment Building after his private pool emptied into the units below, said copperfield, tahdah. Todays eye opener at 8 is presented by prudential. Ready seven. Im gayle king with norah odonnell. Charlie rose is on assignment. Vladimir duddier of cbsn is with us. Welcome. Thank you very much. The first rescuers have landed near the scene of a plane crash this morning in the alps. Frances Prime Minister says there are no survivors. The airbus a320 was headed from spain to dusseldorf, germany. It went down in a mountainous snow covered area. An official said the plane is disintegrated. Elizabeth palmer has new information from the airline. Reporter yes, that Germanwings Airbus went down in the rugged mountains, snowy as you can see in those pictures in the southern french alps. On board 150 people. At a press conference germanwings, the owners confirmed among the passengers were two babies and german media are reporting that also on board were 16 children and their two teachers from a Single School in germany who were all returning from an exchange visit to spain. This particular airbus 320 was 25 years old but its owners say the plane had received a safety check just yesterday. And the pilot had more than ten Years Experience with the company. This crash is unusual because the plane apparently ran into trouble once it reached its cruising altitude. Only 10 of fatal air accidents occur at that point. In this case about an hour into the flight, that should have taken just over two hours, the plane suddenly went into an extremely steep descent from to 6,000 treat from 40,000 feet. Air Traffic Controllers declared an emergency after they noticed the flight left its cruising altitude without asking permission or even getting into contact. French authorities confirmed there are no survivors from the crash. Theyre now involved in an extensive operation to reach the debris on the mountainside which is visible but only accessible by helicopter and trained mountain specialists. Elizabeth palmer in washington thanks. Jeff pegues is in washington. What will investigators make of the latest information . Reporter well, its a good sign that rescue crews have been able to make it to the scene and so there are hope that investigators will be able to get there as soon as possible. But obviously night fall will be a factor here. Were just a few hours away from night fall in that region. Weather could be a factor as well. The goal is to get to the evidence, the debris the black boxes as quickly as possible. All right, jeff youve just talked about night fall. Thats never helpful in a search. What are you hearing about how difficult this area is where the plane has gone down . This is a mountainous region. Were talking the french alps here. It is going to be difficult getting rescue teams and invesigators to that area. And so thats what they will focus on because time is of the essence in terms of getting to the black boxes. Because, of course it is those black boxes that will help determine what went wrong on this plane. Jeff, this is a low budget airline. Any sign it had a safety problem in the past . Not at this point but obviously thats something that investigator will be looking into. We heard that there was a routine check yesterday. So one of the factors that they will look into as soon as possible is the maintenance record of this plane. That can tell you a lot about the engines and other parameters that are so important when it comes to commercial aviation. Xbref thanks so much. Our coverage of this plane crash will continue all day on cbsn our Digital Network at cbsn. Cbsnews. Com. There will be a wrapup tonight on cbs evening news with scott pelley. Angelina jolie wrote an oped for the New York Times about the decision to remove her ovaries and flopphilippian tubes. I feel feminine and grounded in the choices im making for myself and my family. As a result of the surgery shes no longer able to have children. She had a double mastectomy two years ago and dr. Agus, oncologist oncologist, said this is brave and heroic. I love when he said that word t. Will help save lives. Shes telling it so personally and powerful. A lot of people are listening to her. Not a lot of people ever talk about it. The fact that a big star is doing ist is huge. Were seeing video of a secret Service Response that sparked a Major Investigation earlier this month. The White House Oversight Committee released the video this morning. A suspicious item is shown that sat outside the white house for a half hour. Investigators want to know if the agents had been drinking and drove to the area without permission. Debunking the myth of high protein diets. Here we go. Ahead, why you keeping golf sharp. Bubba watson and kelly xu are in the green room. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. Living with chronic migraine feels like each day is a game of chance. I wanted to put the odds in my favor. So my doctor told me about botox® an fdaapproved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine. 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. Its proven to actually prevent headache days. And its injected by my doctor once every 3 months. 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So when your symptoms start, doctors recommend taking nondrowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. With claritin, you get powerful, nondrowsy relief 24 hours a day, day after day. Which is important because with fewer symptoms to distract you you can focus on the extraordinary things you do every single day. Live claritin clear. Every day. In in our morning rounds the great diet debate rages on. Low fat versus low carb. A New York Times opinion piece examines the myth of high protein diets. Its the most emailed and viewed article this morning from the times. Dr. Dave ornish wrote this piece. Your article certainly struck a cord. If somebody who has tried 80 of the diets of the market only 80 . I could go 90 , really. I was trying to be dim low matplomatic. Youre saying what about high protein diets. Its not low fat versus low carb. The Animal Protein itself seems to be make a big difference. The more Animal Protein, particularly red meat, the more likely you are to get sick. Theres a difference between weight control and having a Healthy Heart which is really what you specialize in. You can lose weight on the Animal Protein diets but youre. Monthing your health in the process. The studies that look at low fat, low carb it sure tastes better. I understand the diet youre talking about but isnt the it hard to follow . Let me finish the point here. What happens in our arteries in these different diets. On the left is what happens on a whole foods plantbased diet fruits vegetables, legumes. On the right is what happens when you eat a lot of Animal Protein, your arteries are more clogged, particularly an atkinstype diet. The studies havent looked at the arteries themselves. When you do that you find eating a high Animal Protein diet youre mortgaging your health. Eating a whole foods, plant based diet your arteries are clean. Heavy consumption of saturated fats may double the risk of alzheimers. A 400 increase from diabetes and cancer. To gayles question i know people who have lost weight by a high protein diet and lots of vegetables, what do you recommend if you want to lose weight, feel full and reduce your calories . Lose weight in a way that enhances your health. You can lose weight on a high Animal Protein diet. But youre harming your heart and all sorts of things. You have to make bigger changes. High protein is okay its high protein animal that youre worried about. Theres high protein in beans, yogurt, what else . Youll get plenty of protein in soy products. Youll get the protein but not the bad stuff that makes you sick. Dr. Ornish u. S. News world report rated the ornish diet as number one. But its hard to stick to. If youre trying to reverse disease, thats what we found, we were the first to prove you could reverse Heart Disease, type 20s diabetes, change your genes. Thats the reversal program. For most people you have a spectrum of choices. What matters most is your overall way of eating and living. If you indulge yourself one day, eat healthier the next. If you dont have exercise one day, do a little more the next. If you dont have time to meditate for an hour do it for a minute. Everybody has to figure out a program that works for them. It isnt a onesize fits all. I wrote a book the spectrum that revolves around that idea. Medicare is now covering our program. Were getting 58 to 09 adherence to our program in all of the 60 sites that weve train, even for the most intensive version of the reversal diet. Most people have given the proper support are actually able to do it. Theres a new book called the big fat surprise why butter meat and cheese belong in our diet. I also love how you say it can help control aging. As our telemeres got shorter, our lives get shorter. We found we can lengthen them. Thank you, dr. Dean ornish. Sea world hopes a new ad campaign will help the sea world to stay afloat. Youre watching cbs this morning. Cbs morning rounds sponsored by mucinex. For my phlegmy cough. Yeah. But what about mike . cough it works on his cough too. Mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. Lets end this. Whether you need a warm up before the big race. Or a healthy start before the big meeting theres a choice hotel thats waiting for you. This spring, choose choice twice, get a night at no price at 1,500 hotels. Book now at choicehotels. Com all the goodness of milk all the deliciousness of hersheys syrup. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. This morning sea world is trying to sway the critics who say theme parks are inhumane. The company unveiled the Advertising Campaign yesterday. Reputation and profits took a hit. Sea world says new campaign is intended to set the record straight on alleged mistreatment of animals. One of the former employees and harshest critics says it is just another act. Really epitomizes our overall animal care and welfare program. New video posted online showcased the parks care and commitment to killer whales. Sea worlds head veterinarian. I wouldnt work here if i wasnt able to give the whales the world class care they deserve. Dont believe what they are saying. They live lives as long as killer whales in the wild. Reporter blackfish is a documentary about the orca responsible for killing two people including one who drowned after the whale pulled her under waur water during a live performance. John hargrove is the author of a new book. He says the companys new ads cant wash away its poor publicitity. I think people are too smart now and educated with too many facts about the lives of these whales and that this is not morally or ethically responsible. In a statement the chairman and ceo says there has been a lot of misinformation and lies spread about sea world. We want to provide facts so people can make up their own minds on this important issue. Damage to the image may extend beyond the facts. Last year attendance dropped 4 and companys stock fell more than 40 . In january ceo jim atchison resigned. They will have to say we listened. We realize there meads to be a change and we are going to stop breeding the animals and let this be the last generation of killer whales in captivity. Sea world reportedly denied the new campaign connected with the release of the book. Sea worlds president and ceo starts on april 7. Ahead, masters champ bubba watson is here and kelly xu. Your local news is next. Good morning. Its 8 25. Im frank mallicoat. Heres whats happening around the bay area right now. The Marin County Sheriffs Department now searching for two missing hikers on top of mount tam. Rescue teams say the hikers are above the Stinson Beach area and they are searching at this hour. Santa clara valley Water District is expected to issue new stricter guidelines on water use today. The recommendations come one year after the District First set a 10 goal and doubled to 20 . Governor brown announced new st First Impressions are important. Youve got to make every second count. Banking designed for the way you live your life. So you can welcome your family home. For the first time. Chase. So you can. My name is bret hembree. I am an electric crew foreman out of the cupertino service center. I was born and raised in the cupertino area. Its a fantastic area to work. The new technology that we are installing out in the field is important for the customers because system reliability i believe is number one. Pg e is always trying to plan for the future and we are always trying to build something stronger and bigger and more reliable. I love living here and i love the community i serve. Nobody wants to be without power. I dont want my family to be without power. Its much more personal to me for that reason. I dont think theres any place i really would rather be. Highway 4 the scene cleared of the motorcycle wreck westbound approaches somersville. Unfortunately the damage has been done. It is pretty jammed up even beyond hillcrest now. Backed up on the bypass road right around laurel. You can see speeds 16 Miles Per Hour at least clearer for pittsburgbay point and concord. San mateo bridge just past the toll plaza the drive time is actually improved in the last halfhour. Down to about 24 minutes between hayward and foster city. And obviously theres no traffic, no delays, i should say, eastbound 92 coming up and over the highrise heading out to the east bay. And we just started to see the real backups kind of the peak of that drive time right now 39 minutes between 238 and the maze in oakland. Thats kcbs traffic. Heres roberta. Good morning. We have a gray slate of clouds lining the entire bay area. We do have a slight chance of a wayward shower in the far reaches of the north bay. This is the scene looking out towards the Transamerica Pyramid where we have mostly cloudy conditions. Temperatures across the bay area in the 50s. 52 in santa rosa to 56 degrees in oakland. The winds are under 5 Miles Per Hour in all the reporting areas northwesterly late today, 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour as we realize high temperatures in the 60s and a few low 70s. Well see some sunny breaks from time to time. Well start to see a modest warming on wednesday with a more robust warming thursday, friday with record warmth anticipated. Dry skies scal good day, mlady i am sircanalot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam see what spam can do. At spam. Com ay be permanent because americans were drinking less soda in general and a growing mistrust of artificial sweeteners. Business insider says some students at liberty university. Cruz spoke to a packed house in virginia but turned out this attendance was mandatory. During the speech the students posts comments on the anonymous app. It looks like he has an audience of 10,000 young adult supporters. They dont know he has to be here. Good to know. Wall street journal looks at why couples fight. According to researchers it is because they remember events differently. Tend to remember more about relationship issues than men do but dont remember them accurately. Experts say moods and emotion effect memory. I am surprised by how two people can be at the same conversation and have two different points of view. Talk to my girlfriend she knows. The New York Daily News reports on controversy over 5yearold girl giving makeup tips. Dana gomez does tutorial videos in spanish. One says this is the cutest thing ever. The girls aunt said she is just playing. Too young for makeup. The New York Times covers slow moving lava in hawaii. No need for residents to move from the lava. The paper compared it to a disaster movie playing in slow motion. Lava has not reached most of the town and local Grocery Store reopened there. Bubba watson and kelly xu have a surprising thing in common. They are both defending masters champions. Watson won in 2012 and again last year known for extraordinary shot making and colorful personality. And now he is teaming up with pga of america to inspire the next generation of golf players. Boys and girls between 7 and 15 compete to earn a spot. Kelly won her age group to become one of the first winners. Are you aware that you are the first female champion at Augusta National . Yes. All right. Both head back to the masters to defend their titles in less than two weeks. Good morning. Good morning. They didnt give you a little green jacket . No. Maybe next time. Its really a treat to have both of you here. Bubba i want to talk about the masters. You are the defending champ. Added pressure . Always added pressure. You want to put the green jacket on again. There is always pressure you add to yourself. The outside world is always going to have its own arguments and displeasures frmpt me it is all about myself. I want to perform at a high level. How do you feel your game has been this year . I had to take off last week because of a death of a friend. Im looking forward to the challenges. Im looking forward to getting back to practice and focusing on competing at the high level at a beautiful golf course. I hear the secret is a burrito. You eat a burrito, too . Sometimes. What is the secret of the brute burrito . In 2012 my wife wasnt there. I can eat the same thing every day. I eat a burrito every day and sometimes two burritos. And then in 13 she comes with caleb and says we cant eat the same thing every day. In 14 she goes fine. And then i think it is the burritos. Whats in it . Im very plain. Chicken, black beans, rice cheese and thats it. It is kind of a perfect combination. Tell us how you got hooked on this game. Did you see somebody playing it . Did your parents play it . What did you see about this game . My parents, my mom, she said lets go take her to summer camp and see how she likes this. She took me there to this little golf course. The first time you held a club did you like it right away . It was like softer than i thought. It was like am i going to be reaching a stick or something . So i fell in love with it and i saw everyone. I made a lot of friends that day. And i said to myself if this is how it is going to be if i play golf then why not . So im still playing until now. Thats how you got involved sort of when you saw tell us how you got involved with the organization that you are working on together. So we heard about this for over a year so it started in 13 and talked about this and announced this event. So it came on last year during the masters, the day before the start. Watching this on tv watching these kids. It was inspiring. We are supposed to be inspiring the kids but the kids are inspiring me. I am looking at the son who is 2 years old and my wife. I went out there and started shaking hands and talking to kids and inspired me. It made me think of a kid again where i was so focused on just having fun and playing golf instead of the drive of a job. I think this is so important because if you look at the numbers Golf Participation among milineals that age is way down like people dont have the time to play golf anymore. Golf is sort of a dying sport in some ways. If you look at it i see that there is a lot of factors involved. One of the factors is so many video games and people are not getting outside of the house. A lot of people are having jobs and working nonstop to support families. So for me my dad didnt let me have video games. My dad wanted to play. My mom didnt play but it was all about family going outside and spending time together. I think that is what this organization is doing now is bringing the family back to the game of golf and enjoying it. That is what augusta has done and organizations have done. I love that. I think that is so true. You met the former secretary of state condoleeza rice. She is one of the three female members of augusta. You want to play with her, right . Why would you want to play with her . Not that it is bad. She is a very good role model. She is not a bad golfer. And i think it would be like she is very nice and supportive of junior golfers. Thats just like right now golf is really just like so many video games everyone is looking at their phone. Who are your golfer idols . Bubba. And martin. Tiger woods, can we talk about him. Do you think he is coming . If i had to bet i would say yes. We are making you bet. I would say yes because its the greatest championship we have all year. If he is not injured how would he miss it . I think he is taking time off and getting excited about it. I take two weeks off before the masters. This year i had to take off three. I want to get excited about it. I want to be like her and get there and get excited about it and fight for that green jacket again. I remember you were waiting for caleb to come and so psyched in the green room. Now you have had a little girl, too. The name is . Dakota. Now you have just throwing it out there. We will be watching and wish you the best. You going back for round two . Yes. All right. And your sister too. Yes. Cheering you guys on. Tradition unlike any other. Bubba watson and kelly xu. Cbs Sports Coverage of the masters begins saturday april 11. You meet the broadway actress whose dressing room is a cage. You are not the only one having your Morning Coffee right now. This is toby one of the stars of broadways curious incident of the dog in the nighttime. We talk to her trainer and you are now the face of you know what it is . On the subways of new york city particularly there are a sleazy type of guy that sits there like this. The guy who puts the whole unit. Its called man spreading. This is the first time. That was in the papers and i was accused of man spreading because it looks as though i am taking up two seats. Internet, you idiot the train was half empty. There was plenty of room. Tom hanks cleared that up. He would never do man spreading. You did a story on our piece on man spreading. You have a dude sitting on the subway. One guy says because we have a lot of things going on there. Dont show the whole thing. James corden we are cheering you on. We invite you to watch tonight here on cbs. Tonight his guests include Patricia Arquette and the group modest mouse. W. C. Fields famously said never work with children and animals. Jamie wax chose us how broadway is making room for a very new star. What do you do when you are creating the stage version of a best selling novel where a central relationship is between a boy and his pet rat . You call a top animal trainer, of course. They have a rat problem down at the theater, but not the kind that requires an exterminator. This rat problem is different. Toby the rat is a diva a four legged actress with a pension for having things her own way. Toby is the rodent star of the hit broadway play the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime. Toby plays the pet rat to an autistic boy. Alex sharp is christopher. Special relationship between yourself and toby . Starting to love each other a little bit more. Few critters in the mova all the time whether a dog like marly, babe the pig or willie the orca. Too many to count. On Broadway Musical annie is probably the most famous. But on the stage unlike in films there are no retakes and animals have one shot a night to get it right. So imagine training to keep composure amid chaos in a show like you cant take it with you. In this case kitten training involves exposing to loud sounds and tracing them about until they are used to almost anything. The regimen is designed by animal trainer who also happens to train toby the rat. Does toby ever have a bad day where she is moody and doesnt want to come out . Yes. What do you do . The girl scout cookie. To get toby ready for performance takes her on back stage tours to help her get acclimated. I know you go running around the room. She is working on finding a suitable under study. Would you say rats are the biggest challenge of your career . The biggest challenge was overcoming my fear of rats. Now it is so exciting because i am not afraid of them anymore. She says she really understands rats. You might call her a rat whisperer. How much repetition does that relationship take . Less about rats and more about listening to the animal and not pushing them too far like knowing when to challenge them and knowing when to pull back. So toby spends most of her stage time in a cage. Her big moment comes in act two when the cage is opened. It says she does the trick eight times out of ten. When our cameras were rolling toby decided a kiss was not in the cards. Its a live animal. You cant say this is your cue. They dont care. That unpredictability of abilityability of animal on stage. Because they are completely in the moment. There is nothing about them. Thats what we strive for. And sometimes it takes a rat to help you get there. I knew it wasnt about the art. Despite the search for worthy under study toby has done every performance of the show. Its very powerful. A lot of brilliant things in there about autism. Toby is very cute. I understand. Its early for a rat. Thank you. You are watching cbs this morning. Around here, were all about fast. Thats why xfinity is perfect for me. With millions of wifi hotspots all over the place including one right here at the shop now we can stream all things fast and furious. Youve done it again, carlos with the fastest inhome wifi and millions of hotspots xfinity is perfect for people who love fast. Dont miss furious 7 in theaters april 3rd. Good morning. Another update on your morning drive. Heading to work about now, this is what you have at the bay bridge toll plaza. Metering lights are still on since 5 35 this morning. And you know the backups are kind of the same as they were about a halfhour ago. Still backed up east of the maze. The eastshore freeway commute one of the worst approaches. 38 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. And along the peninsula, slowdowns on 280 heading into woodside. You got a car screaming jonathan its the zonk pirate ship. No jonathan bleh, bleh, bleh. Its a trip to hawaii woo wayne jumpin jehoshaphat i am out of my mind thrilled im going for that curtain, baby jonathan its time for lets make a deal now heres tvs big dealer wayne brady. Wayne hey, everybody, whats up, america . Welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady. Who wants to make a deal . Three people, lets go. You, stand right there for me. With the allamerican hat, brother right there, stacey. And the clown, and the clown. Come on. Stand over there for me, sweetheart. Stand over here

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