Frankce now on its highest level of alert as the manhunt continues. These people will never be able to take us off most of the nation is dealing with this brutal blast of weather. Its crazy. With the boots, scarf. Stay warm, you know. Tail section of airasia flight 8501 has been found. It could house the black boxes. The new year in washington is starting off a little bit like the old one. At issue is the much delayed and debated Keystone Xl Oil pipeline. Mr. Speaker. Another earthquake has rocked north texas overnight. This latest quake in dallas was mild. You feel that . The building shook. Its a run of the mill day. Youre sitting at your desk and this happens. Luckily nothing but minor scratches. All that a fraternity now among one of the coolest and all that matters joe biden was in full form at the swearingin. I like kids better than people. On cbs this morning. It is back. The new and improved sony walkman was unveiled at this years consumer electronic show in las vegas. Its going to hold 1,700 songs and can easily be hacked by north korea. Announcer this mornings eye opener presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. As you wake up in the west a deadly terror attack has france under its highest state of alert. Three gunmen on the loose after attacking a paris magazine with a history of satirical attacks. The target was Charlie Hebdo. Elaine cobb is at the scene in paris where an intense manhunt is under way. Elaine elaine, good morning. Reporter the french minister says they have beefed up security. Police and military placed at sensitive sensitive sites. They say they will do everything to catch the men who carried out the attack this morning. It was shortly after 11 00 a. M. When two armed and masked men walked into the entrance lobby of the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo and opened fire. One eyewitness said they asked for some people by name which scared them. Police believe this may have been a very organized attack because these also left rapidly in a getaway car. Police have now launched a manhunt for three armed men. Beyond what youve already said, what more can you tell us about what police know and where the manhunt stands . For the moment, the manhunt is under way. Theyre asking anyone who has seen anything to help. Several people in the area, in fact, took videos from their windows. In one we see two gunman getting out of a car. They walk up to an injured policeman and shoot him at point blank range before getting into their car and speeding off. Now, Charlie Hebdo was already under Police Protection because this magazine had published caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad angering many muslims and had been threatens many times and was firebombed once. Elaine thank you. Bob orr is in washington. Hes talking with u. S. Officials about this attack. Bob, good morning. What are your sources telling you . Good morning. U. S. Authorities are in close contact with their counterparts in france. Theyre primarily waiting details. Right now we know just the basics. The french officials have told the u. S. Authorities that three gunmen apparently were involved. The question is were they working with others. More importantly, what inspired them who they were working for. Theres no doubt, this was a terrorist attack. It appears to have as a motive revenge for these satirical cartoons against the Prophet Muhammad and other islamic figures. We can presume this was a terrorist attack carried out by someone sympathetic to isis or perhaps al qaeda. This is not something thats new in france. Theres an indigenous population there of radicals and a fair number of foreign fighters who have gone to syria and iraq. The question now, where did these gunmen come from and is there anything else in the pipeline, any plot that is still ongoing. A massive amount of intelligence sharing at this time. Does the United States plan to do anything to assist the french . Well the u. S. Charlie, has offered all resources, if the french need help. But the french have a very robust intelligence apparatus. And a good counterterrorism operation. Theyll be close coordination. The key is we have to identify the gunman. Once the gunman are identified then i think the u. S. Can provide great assistance in pulling the threads to find out who they might be connected to and how deep this plot might run and to where. Bob thanks. Shortly after the attack, we spoke on the telephone with former cia Deputy Director mike morrell. Good morning, charlie. What can you say about the sources and what we know so far . Charlie, this is the worst terrorist attack in europe since the attacks in london in july of 2005. We havent lost this many people since that attack. The motive here is absolutely clear, trying to shut down a Media Organization that lampooned the Prophet Muhammad. No doubt in my mind this is terrorism. What we have to figure out here is the perpetrators and whether they were selfradicalized or whether they were individuals who fought in syria and iraq and came back or whether they were actually directed by isis or by al qaeda. Theres a lot to figure out here, but this is clearly a terrorist attack and one of the worst weve seen in a long time. President hollande is having an emergency Cabinet Meeting this afternoon in paris. What can the government do . What are the options for it . The two most important things, charlie, are, number one, to find the perpetrators, and number two is to kind of buckle down and increase your defenses. Because one of the things that happens in these situations are copycat attacks. And you need to worry about copycat attacks not only in france but the rest of the world and i would even say in the broader world, to include the United States. Thats something people are going to have to worry about in the next several days. Mike morell, thank you for joining us. As we mentioned, president obama is offering to help france track down the attacks. Say, i strongly condemn the horrific shooting at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in paris. France is americas oldest ally. France and the great city of paris where this outrageous attack took play offer the world a timeless example that will endure well beyond the hateful vision of these killers. Coming up were going to take you back to paris for updates on this breaking story. Here in the United States california is seeing record warm temperatures. But thats a very different story across much of the country. 38 states face windchill warnings today. In minneapolis, it feels like 38 below. Ashley, good morning. Good morn, and good morning to viewers in the west. Right now its a blistering minus 8 degrees and with windchills being outside for any amount of time can feel downright brutal. Several districts here in minnesota have canceled classes today. But here in st. Paul school will continue as planned. Piling snow coupled with bonechilling cold, ice over roads tuesday causing hundreds of accidents. An invasion of arctic air could send temperatures plummeting to 25 degrees below in parts of the midwest. Checking the forecast to see when its going to get back to zero. Reporter it prompted city officials in chicago to close schools wednesday. On tuesday one school lost heat when the furnace broke, but the kids were kept in class. Why would you put a child in school for six hours with a coat and hat on all day and expect them to function. Reporter virginias Largest School system said they made a mistake when they decided not to cancel classes on tuesday. Parents complained about the dangerous commute that led to multiple bus accidents. In iowa the deep freeze may have played a role in this water main break. Something this significant, well be lucky if were done in day, just to get the water back on. Reporter while many are hunkering down others brave the outdoors. Born and raised here in the snowbelt. So, you know, ive got to get out. Im not going to sit inside until march or april. Reporter with this cold front expected to last the rest the week theres no shortage of advice. You can wear summer clothes in the winter, but you will get so cold. Reporter those expecting to get relief from this cold weather will have to wait longer. Tomorrows high is expected to be only 13 degrees with more snow on the way. All right ashley thank you. A major breakthrough this morning in finding out what happened to the lost air asia plane. Search teams found the planes tail section and that could contain the black boxes for the doomed flight. In washington with the significance of this find. Jeff, good morning. Reporter good morning. This is a key milestone into the mystery surrounding air asia flight 8501. With the tail now located investigators are hoping that the black boxes will be recovered as well and with them answers about what happened in the final moments of that flight. Just miles from where aair asia flight 8501 lost contact with ground controllers, the tax section was located in the murky waters of the java sea. It was spotted by divers after being picked up by the sonar scan. These grainy pictures show an upside down a. Painted on a piece of metal. Another photo shows mechanical wiring and wreckage. And another shows lettering on outside of the plane that matches the planes registration number. This was confirmed by the Indonesia Rescue Agency earlier this morning. There is clearly visible tail section with words written on it, he said. Its been 11 days since the airbus a320 was traveling from the indonesian city of surabaya to singapore. When it crashed into the ocean with 162 people on board. Its not clear what caused the crash, but just before losing contact, the pilot requested a climb to a higher altitude due to bad weather. His request was denied due to heavy air traffic. Until now, bad weather and powerful currents have hindered recovery efforts. 30 bodies have since been recovered, found among smaller pieces of wreckage. But for investigators, the planes tail section is their most important discovery. It means the black boxes and the critical information they contain are now within their reach. Those black boxes were key. Youll see all the engine instruments. Youll see all the parameters. That, kind of synched up with the voice recorder, will give us a Crystal Clear picture of what exactly happened. Reporter once the black box is recovered, the transportation board says it will take control of it. The agency says it recently acquired a black box reader. Prior to this crash, indonesian investigators would have handed the job over to the french. Charlie. Jeff, thanks. The dow is higher this morning in early trading. Stocks are rallying after yesterdays decline when the dow dropped 130 points. Traders are keeping their eye on several factors that contributed to this weeks decline. Cbs Business Analyst Jill Schlesinger joins us. Good morning. Good morning. Whats going on . I think there is a big fear Global Growth is slowing down. Theres also some concern about europe, about a greek election coming up. Theres a candidate whos a frontrunner, who has talked about actually leaving the eurozone, so thats made people very nervous. And of course weve had oil down by 12 in three days. Imagine that a substantial decline in oil prices spooking investors a bit. Nobody i know is complaining about lower gas prices. Is there ever a downside to that . I think theres a fear when you look at falling oil. Is it falling because of Something Else. Is it the canary in the coal mine . Is demand slowing because of that slowdown . Demand has picked up. U. S. Production stronger than it has been in a long time. As a result i think the idea of oil going down netnet is positive for the economy but it could have spillover effects in other financial markets. What about the bond markets . Bond markets been the beneficiary. If this has not been an advertisement for diversification, i dont know what it is. U. S. Bonds are soaring as people are seeking safety. Thats a good reminder for all of us. Not having all your money in the stock market really pays off when things get dicey. How long do they think these factors will continue . I think probably in the near term its going to keep speaking people. Because things in europe really have been shaky. Until we get through that greek election, i think investors remain on alert. Again, no reaction to this. Please dont start moving around your retirement acts. Stay with your game plan. That will serve you well. All right jill thank you. And congress is back to work this morning with democrats and republicans and democrats squaring off over the keystone xl pipeline. He thanked nancy pelosi with a hug and a big kiss there it is. Nancy cordes is in washington. Nancy, good morning. Good morning. Now that they control both houses, their strategy including this bill as you mentioned, which is a key part of that. It is senate bill 1 but it could run into a big road block in the white house. Within hours of their swearingin, lawmakers in the 114th congress youre now members of the 114th congress. Reporter were already drawing the battle line. There they go again, more tax increases. Bigger government, the democrat party. Reporter the first fight in the house was over rules to govern the chamber. To those who wonder what would be the top priority of this republicancontrolled congress, what would they do on day one . Now we know. Its deception. Reporter still, the senates new majority leader republican Mitch Mcconnell struck an optimistic tone. Were anxious to get to work here. Reporter as did president obama. I think well have a productive 2015. Reporter even as he said that, the White House Press secretary was vowing the president would veto not just the Keystone Pipeline bill but an obamacare bill changing the definition of fulltime work from 30 hours a week to 40 hours. Republicans say the current threshold is prompting large employers to cut workers hours so they dont have to ensure them. A school in my state is tracking the hours of substitute teachers and making sure they dont teach more than 29 hours a week. Well that hurts those substitute teachers because now theyre getting smaller paychecks and it also hurts the students. Reporter republican Susan Collins maine and indiana democrat joe donnelly are the bills cosponsors. Many democrats feel that this is just the first step in republicans trying to chip away at obamacare. Were trying to make it better, that its more flexible, that it works better for american families. That if youre a mom or dad working 27 hours and used to be working 37 hours now, this is a chance to get more money in that paycheck again. The white house argues that this bill would only lead employers to cut thousands of workers hours from just above 40 hours a week to just below it to avoid insuring them and this is why the white house says it would veto that bll. Gayle, its not clear that republicans have the votes right now to override that veto. All right, nancy, got it, thanks. Federal agents are looking for a motive after a gunman killed a person at the Veterans Affairs clinic. It happened yesterday at fort bliss in el paso. The clinic is near the William Beaumont army medical center. The gunman also died there. The officers went on lockdown. The victims identity not released. The va faced criticism last year for long waiting times in its health care system. Texas was hit by at least nine earthquakes in the past 24 hours. Most rocked the dallas suburb of irving. The first one reached a magnitude 3. 5. That one happened yesterday afternoon. Others continued into early this morning. You can see things shaking inside this home. So far there are no reports of serious damage or injuries. All right. Its 7 19. Ahead on cbs this morning, a teenager ordered to have Cancer Treatment that she calls poison. The state of connecticut. Right. Superseded and took her, is now forcing her to receive chemo . Yes, without me standing by her side. This is not right. Ahead, more on the terrorist attack in paris. Well bring you the very latest on this story after gunmen stormed the office of a paris newspaper and killed at least 12 people. The news is back in the morning right here on cbs this morning. Stay tuned for your local news. 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A painful blistering rash. If you had chicken pox the shingles virus is already inside you. As you get older your immune system weakens and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check. I just cant stand seeing him like this. Hes in pain. One in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. The shingles rash can last up to 30 days. I wish that there was something i could do to help. Some people with shingles will have long term nerve pain which can last for a few months to a few years. Dont wait until you or someone you love develops shingles. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. Do you want a healthier mouth . Plus a whiter smile . You can have both with colgate total® advanced whitening. [ male announcer ] it removes more surface stains to whiten 30 better. And it improves mouth health. Healthier plus whiter. [ male announcer ] colgate total® advanced whitening. 30 more whitening. 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Officers say the victim was taken to a local hospital, last reported in critical but stable condition. Another milestone for californias highspeed rail system. The governor among the dignitaries in fresno for yesterdays groundbreaking ceremony. The first segment of the project will run 25 miles between fresno and madera, then through the bay area and l. A. And eventually sacramento. Its 68 billion for the project. Traffic and weather after the break. Female announcer its time to make room for the new mattress models during sleep trains huge year end Clearance Sale, get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempurpedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. Save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. Plus, free sameday delivery, setup and removal of your old set. Why wait for the new models . Sleep trains year end Clearance Sale is on now . Guaranteed your ticket to a better nights sleep good morning. Check the ride through marin county an accident is really slowing down traffic between novato and san rafael. The crash is blocking one lane sound 101 approaching North San Pedro road. We are seeing backups, speeds under 25 Miles Per Hour beyond 37. Also along the peninsula southbound 101 near candlestick has traffic jamming up, as well. One lane is blocked, slow from at least the 280 interchange. Bay bridge metering lights are on and it is backed up through the maze. That is kcbs traffic. Heres roberta. What a view. Good morning, everybody. Lets head on outside right now and take a view of the city of San Francisco. Currently its in the 30s. And the 40s. 44 oakland. Later today, count it, two, two Straight Days of near or record warmth. 60s and the low 70s. It is yet another spare the air day but we promise, cleaner air tomorrow under partly cloudy skies and cooler temperatures. My name is tony sartorio. Im a lineman for pg e out of the Concord Service center. I have lived here pretty much my whole life. I have been married for twelve years. I have 3 kids. I love living here and i love working in my hometown. At pg e we are always working to upgrade reliability to meet the demands of the customers. Im there to do the safest job possible not only for them, but everybody, myself included that lives in the community. Im very proud to do the work that i do and say that i am a lineman for pg e because its my hometown. Its a rewarding feeling. [ gunfire ] publication called charlie this amateur video apparently shows some shooting this morning during a newspaper attack in paris. Are are. Reporter good morning, a massive manhunt that has spread far beyond this city. French police and military are now on a massive manhunt that spread far beyond the city. The industry minister here says they will catch the three men responsible for the attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. It was thismorning here in paris when two masked men entered, opened fire on the people there. One eyewitness said they asked for some Staff Members by name. 12 people are dead. Including two policemen who have been there, protecting the magazine after it had received previous threats. Consider thatly ly Charlie Hebdo magazine had already printed those controversial cartoon caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad and had been firebombed for that. The french president Francois Hollande went to the scene this morning and he called this a terrorist attack. The security levels across the country have been raised to the top level here. An unprecedented move as the country is now officially under threat of terrorist attack. That means that security is beefed up at ministries, School Places of worship and anywhere there might be an attack. For the moment, those three men are on the run. We can see, theres one that shows two men apparently leaning over the body of a policeman wounded in the attack and shooting him at point blank range before heading off in a getaway car. They are still on the loose. All right elaine thank you. Cbs News National security analyst juan zarreta is with us from washington. Were told the editor as well as a cartoonist, have been killed in this attack. And joust this morning, the paper tweeted out what was abaghdadi the leader of isis. Do we know who might be behind this attack who was targeting this magazine . Its not clear yet who was behind the attack. Certainly, this appears to be radical islamic extremism that has inspired the attack. Whether or not, though this is an attack directly plotted or deployed by the Islamic State or even al qaeda is not yet known. But clearly this was well planned. This was a target that was in the extremist target set for some time, and the french knew it. Thats why they were guarding the site. In fact this was a site that was firebombed in 2011. So its not yet clear who is responsible. But clearly, the french are treating this as a terror attack and are going to be looking at all of their usual suspects who may have been on their radar screens. Notwithstanding, not knowing whether isis was responsible, they have in certain statements, been encouraging people who believed in them to do this. Do they expect more of these kinds of attacks to take place with more frequency . Yes, charlie, what youve seen, not just from the Islamic State but also al qaeda has been an attempt to inspire actor, act visits, those are in adherence to their ideology to attack in place, to attack fellow citizens by any means possible. What youve seen not just in paris but ottawa sydney, even other parts of france over the last year and a half are other such attacks and plots that have been planned. And so officials in france are worried. Officials in europe and in north america continue to look for terrorist threats. But the inspiration of these kinds of attacks that something that all the counterterrorism officials around the world are worried about. They call this one a soft target attack. Is there anything that can be done to prevent this kind of thing here and anywhere else . Gayle in open societies, its hard to defend 100 against attacks on soft targets. You cant protect all cafes and marketplaces. Whats interesting here, though gayle, this is a place that had been attacked before. It was certain lay target for extremists, because of the role they were playing in publishing provocative cartoons and provocative satirically. These kinds of soft targets are hard to defend. All right juan thank you. Were going to continue to follow this breaking news story. Right now, its time to show you the other headlines. Usa today, fill lish sha rashad is speaking out for the first time to defend bill cosby. Yesterday, she spoke to Roger Freeman of the entertainment website show biz 411. She said the latest allegations are part of an orchestrated smear campaign. She said quote, forget these women. Movie director judge apatow tweeted about these comments quote, forget these women, she is worried about her sag residuals disappearing. Shameful. Wall street journal. Drones patrolling the border may not be effective in curbing illegal immigration. A report by the director of Homeland Security Inspector General found drones apprehended 2,200 people in 2013 at a cost of 62 million a year. But customs and Border Protection disagreed. It says Unmanned Aircraft detected nearly 8,000 suspected Illegal Immigrants last year. The fresno bee. Governor jerry brown and other officials signed ceremonial rails. Work on the project is beginning in the central valley. By 2029 bullet trains will speed passengers between los angeles and San Francisco at about 200 miles an hour. This morning, a connecticut teenager is undergoing Cancer Treatment she says she does not want. She says she deserves to make her own decisions about her life. Don dahler sat down with the girls mother. Don, good morning. Good morning. The patient known only as cassandra because she is a minor was diagnosed in september. She doesnt want to use a treatment she believes in poisonous and has the full support of her mother. But the state has placed her in protective custody and is forcing her to undergo chemotherapy. She doesnt want toxins in her body. She does not want people telling her what to do with her body and how to treat it. Reporter jackie says its her 17yearold daughter cassandras choice whether to treat her hodgkins lymphoma with chemotherapy. It would be a choice she has when shes 18 and an adult. Even though they may be killing the cancer and saving her life . But theyre also killing her body, her organs, her insides. And its not even a matter of dying. Shes not going to die. But the reality is that she is fighting a deadly disease and so whether chemo or Something Else, shes ultimately going to have to take some step to fight this disease. She will, but she should have the choice herself. Reporter the family searched for alternative treatments and second opinions but a judge ordered cassandra to undergo chemotherapy. After just two treatments she ran away from home. The Connecticut Department of children and Family Services placed cassandra into protective custody. The state of connecticut right. Reporter interceded and took her and is now forcing her to receive chemo . Without me standing at her side while shes getting sick, losing her hair, throwing up. This is not right. Reporter the state says she failed to obtain lifesaving treatment for her child. We really do have the expert testimony, the expert advice of physicians who are saying unequivocally if she does not get the treatment that she needs, she will die. Reporter Arthur Kaplan is a medical ethicist. What really triggers this is her refusal but you have something that works. Numbers between 95 success rates. The idea that youre going to say no to something that will save your life is going to get attention when the person is a minor. Reporter the family filed a emergency appeal with the state Supreme Court early in december. The state will have to decide whether shes mature enough before they can force her to have have treatment against her will. Reporter shes permitted to see her daughter twice a week for supervised visits. Shes almost 18 years old and this to me really, really hard and breaking my heart and kills me. Im proud of her for standing up and fighting for what she wants and what she doesnt want. Connecticut Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments on thursday. Fords attorney will ask the justices to apply whats called the mature minor doctrine used in several other states that allows certain minors to make major life decisions. He will also argue cassandra has the constitutional right to bodily integrity. Thanks, don. Sure. The waiting is finally over. What researchers found in a time capsule hidden by revolutionary war heroes. More than 200 years ago. Youre watching cbs this morning. Do you want a healthier mouth . Plus a whiter smile . You can have both with colgate total® advanced whitening. [ male announcer ] it removes more surface stains to whiten 30 better. And it improves mouth health. Healthier plus whiter. [ male announcer ] colgate total® advanced whitening. 30 more whitening. You give. And you give. And then you give some more. But sometimes you get. And so you take. Tylenol® cold is Strong Enough for you while childrens tylenol® is gentle enough for them. We give you relief from your cold and flu. 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Im dying to know what was inside. Vinita nair is here to show us what they found and why its all significant. Please tell us. I had the same reaction. It was recovered from the Massachusetts State House last month. Before it could be opened preservationists spent more than three days removing the debris and losingosening the screws that held it shut. The centuriesold time capsule was opened. Its contents appear to be in remarkably good condition. Conservative Pam Hatchfield used a bamboo strip, a porkcupine quill, and heerch grandfathers dental tool. Its like a clown car right now. Reporter perhaps the most significant items were at the bottom of the brass box. Pine tree shilling. Reporter it was defined by the boston parliament. Allen rogers thinks samuel adams and paul revere might have been trying to send a message by including them. I might guess that they wanted to hint that the printing of those coins may have been the first step toward independence. Reporter also inside government records, the imprint of the seal of the massachusetts, a George Washington medallion, and a silver plate marking the day the box was buried. July 4th 1795. 20 years after the declaration of independence. I think its always exciting to remind all of us what its they this country is about, to remind the American People of how it was built. There were two dozen coins in the time capsule some of them from 1855 when it was first opened and resealed. This time theyll be temporarily put on display. Thats the other debate. Do we want to inflict history by refurbishing the coins and do we want to add something to it. Put an iphone in there. There was something that paul revere touched you could look at later. A remarkable story. Great story. Great story. Still ahead Vice President joe biden shows us announcer this portion of cbs this morning this morning sponsored by international delight. Leave a little room for delight. I want. Regularity. 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Side effects may include allergic reactions neck and injection site pain fatigue and headache. Dont take botox® if you have a skin infection. Tell your doctor about your medical history muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. Put the odds on your side. Visit botoxchronicmigraine. Com to learn how to save on your treatment. Talk to a headache specialist today about botox®. [vet] two yearly physicals down. Martha and mildred are good to go. Heres your invoice, ladies. A few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. It might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office. Or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer but. I wouldnt have it any other way. Look at that, i had my best month ever. And earned a shiny new office upgrade. I run on quickbooks. Thats how i own it. [ aniston ] when people ask me what im wearing, i tell them aveeno®. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients. [ aniston ] because Beautiful Skin goes with everything. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results™. Patented Sonic Technology with up to 27 more brush movements. Get healthier gums in two weeks. Innovation and you Philips Sonicare save when you give Philips Sonicare this holiday season. Your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. Good morning, its 7 56. Im michelle griego. Ebmud water customers will get a break on their bills. The district had planned to add a 14 surcharge to water bills because of the drought. The recent rain made that unnecessary for now. The man accused of stabbing a transgender woman on a muni bus will be arraigned today on attempted murder and hate crime charges. Police say the man started taunting the victim and her partner last weekend and then attacked. A fire at a former Auto Repair Shop in vallejo revealed a large marijuana growing operation. Firefighters had to use power saws to cut through the metal garage door. No one was injured. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. Cant say thank you enough. You have made my life special by being apart of it. everyone cheers glad you made it buddy. Thanks for inviting me. Thanks again my friends. For everything for all your help. Through all lifes milestones our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. Congratulations thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. You should Come Celebrate with us. Id be honored. Plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. So you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. Chase. So you can. Bulldog the red tags mean save up to 40 on clearance mattresses. Get up to 48 months interestfree financing on tempurpedic. Pup i found a red tag [laughter] bulldog mattress discounters year end Clearance Sale ends soon good morning. Its still going to be a slow ride through marin county on southbound 101 and its all due to an earlier crash. There must be activity on the shoulder southbound. You can see the backups extend all the way to the novato exit. And the accident is approaching North San Pedro road. Heres a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. It is still backed up nearly to the maze but its thinning out slightly at the pay gates. 34 minutes on the eastshore freeway from the carquinez bridge to the maze. An earlier accident at Candlestick Park has it slow from southbound 101 to San Francisco. With the forecast, heres roberta. The air quality is improving today but its still the sixth spare the air day thats it, spare the air day. Good morning, everybody. That is the scene looking out towards the transamerica building. We are in the 30s and 40s. We had a good breeze at the Golden Gate Bridge earlier this morning so kind of cleaned out the atmosphere but nevertheless, hazy sunshine today with near or record warm temperatures. Were talking 60s and even low 70s towards the santa clara valley. Extended forecast better air tomorrow under partly cloudy skies and cooler conditions. Enjoy good morning to our viewers in the west. It is wednesday, january 7th, 20 2015. More real news ahead including the deadly terrorist attack on the office of a paris newspaper. Well go to paris to see how french authorities are raising the terror alert to the highest level ever. But first, heres a look at todays eye opener at 8. Police and military say that they will catch the men who carried out the attack. Three gunmen apparently were involved but the question is were they working with others. Was there a larger cell than that . No doubt in my mind this is terrorism. We have to figure out the perpetrators and whether they were self radicalized. Clearly this was well planned, this was a target that was in the extremist target set for some time. The french knew it. Right now its a blistering minus 8 degrees. Being outside for any amount of time can feel down right brutal. With the tail now located, investigators are hopeful that the all important black boxes will soon be recovered as well. This is the keystone pipe lip. They won but it could run into a big roadblock for the white house. This is the paper. The contents will temporarily be put on display at the Boston Museum of fine arts. It is cold just about everywhere right now. Heres how cold it is. Early this morning i got up and dragged my Christmas Tree outside to the curb. It was so cold the Christmas Tree dragged itself back into the house. This mornings eye opener at 8 00 is presented by subway. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. French police are searching desperately for suspects in this mornings paris magazine office. Three men with automatic weapons murdered ten journalists and two police officers. They fled the scene and police warn the gunmen may attack again. They targeted publication that was fire bombed three years ago for anding muslims. Elaine cobb is at the scene in paris. Good morning. Reporter a massive manhunt is now in the way in paris and spreading out toward the rest of the country for the three men responsible for this mornings attack on a satire callcal. Police and military have been mobileized to catch them. Security beefed up around the city in the wake of the attack. It was mid morning in paris when two unarmarmed masked men opened fire. One eyewitness said they were asking for people by their names. Clearly already knew the names of some of the staffers at the magazine. Among the dead two policemen who had been guarding the magazine because its been threatened before. This was a magazine that published those controversial cartoons of prophet mohammed and already been fire bombed. Among the dead editor several wellknown cartoonists who worked there, and as one colleague pointed out it looked like half of the newsroom there has been killed. Now, around paris security is being beefed up as the country is now on top terror alert, the highest ever. This has been a biggest attack in france in 50 years. Elaine thanks. Moments ago john kerry condemned this mornings attack. He told the people of france, we stand with you. He said our freedom of expression cant be killed. Bob orr in washington is talking with u. S. Officials. Bob, good morning. Good morning. Clearly this is a terrorist attack. The big question for authorities in france and the u. S. Is who is behind this . Was this isis was it al qaeda . Is this a small group of lone wolf self radicalizers about ss ss acting out . They went to this Newspaper Office a soft target with a clear target list of who they were after. They were try tag avenge some of the things written about the prophet mohammed and others and they went there specifically looking for people. This was an attack that was obviously planned and fairly well organized. And kind of a step up from the lone wolf attacks weve seen in the past. Indicating they had a list of people specifically wanted to make sure they killed . It sure looks that way. They went there, there were a number of buildings in the area less defended than this one. They went there with a purpose asking for names of people and locations of people. So we need to find out who these perpetrators are and how big the cell might be. And which group it goes back to because the big thing right now is are there other plots in the pipeline . Is there Something Else thats a ticking time bomb that needs to be caught quickly . A real concern there, bob. Thank you so much. You can follow our coverage throughout the day on cbs and well have a full wrapup tonight on the cbs evening nurse. News. Temperatures are below freezing as far south as florida. Overnight, windchills in minnesota approached minus 50 degrees. Congress is starting Serious Business this morning after a day of pomp and ceremony. 104th congress swore in most of them are republicans. As usual, a democrat Vice President joe biden, stole the show on opening day and bill plante is at the white house to show us how. Bill, good morning. Good morning ppg. Biden as president of the senate is responsible for swearing in the members. After he administers the formal oath he likes to stick around have a photoop with the senators and their families. Its become a ritual. Its become a must see event. And this year was no different. Vice president . How are you, pal . Thank you for swearing us in. I tell you what. Who knows what the new congress and the president may accomplish, but one thing was guaranteed. Lively off the cuff mock swearing in ceremony. As i say, boy, you married up. Reporter led by Vice President joe biden. His comments ran the gamut from charming how are you . Im joe biden. Reporter to slightly awkward. Hi, how are you . I hope you have a good fence around the house. For a moment it seemed biden put politics aside. Can i talk to a democrat . Reporter but that didnt last long. Im not doing the next one. I am not doing this. Yes, you are. Its part of your job. Reporter republican Lindsay Graham was met with a swift comeback. Hes a good man even though hes a democrat. Reporter biden, of course posed for photos and his fair share of Vice President ial selfies. At one point he spoke on the phone with the grandmother of colorado republican corey gardner. Betty, how are you . My name is joe biden, Vice President biden. Here he is. Nice to talk to her. I dont have time. Im watching my grandson get sworn in. Reporter in the end it was the kids who stole the show. Oh, man, this is boring boring boring. Reporter charming the Vice President with their attention. Do you solemnly swear reporter or lack thereof. I think he needs a snack. Yeah. Charlie, now, remember me when youre president , okay . Okay. Okay. Well, the entire event lasted about two hours and when it was all over the Vice President turned to the reporters and photographers and thanked them for their patience and he said hey, someone should be buying you guys dinner. He always has a good sense of humor. Thank you very much bill plante. Ahead on cbs this morning, so youre slimming down for 2015, you said . We will reveal the top diets of losing weight that people say actual this mornings eye opener at 8 00 is was sponsored by subway. Subway, eat fresh. Subway. Introducing the new chicken strips. Subway. Eat fresh. Coming up acclaimed filmer director is in our toyota green room. How shes breaking down barriers in hollywood and standing up to critics. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. How shes handling critics and breaking down barriers. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. Before fibromyalgia, i was active. I kept on top of things. I was energetic. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor and i agreed moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. She also prescribed lyrica. For some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. With less pain i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With lyrica i have less fibromyalgia pain and can keep moving forward. Ask your doctor about lyrica. For very dry skin, you need healing. New vaseline intensive care with microdroplets of vaseline jelly relieves dry skin and moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. Clinically proven. Thats the healing power of vaseline. If you want it go out and get it look at em theyre lovin their vegetables. This is huge news its all thanks to our birds eye chefs favorites side dishes perfectly sauced or seasoned. What are you. . Shh im live tweeting. Oh, boy. Birds eye. So veggie good. Female announcer get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempurpedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. Save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. The year end Clearance Sale is on now at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep vo at jennieo, we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride ten miles for tacos. We thought wed show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennieo ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. mom id feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. woman i think that theyre light and theyre just fresh tasting. vo its time for a better taco. kid the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. vo make the switch. Look for jennieo ground turkey at a store near you. For those who resolve to lose weight in the new year u. S. News and world report ranks the best plans for 2015. Experts rated Weight Watchers the best. They say the point counting system can work for short and longterm weight goals. Next is the hmr diet from Health Management resources that uses lowcalorie meal replacements with added fruits and vegetables. Three plans, biggest loser, jenny craig, and the raw food diet. You know what always works . Put your fork down and get your Thunder Thighs on the treadmill. Calories in calories out. We all know what to do. You guys dont have to worry about weight. I do. Its a question about will and discipline. We have a guest coming up to talk about how to beat the will and discipline struggle. Ill be listening with both ears. Pat oswald is one of hollywoods most talented comedians. My fitness goal ss one, i would like to stop looking like im wearing a bullet proof vest all the time. That would be nice. I would like to not be in a rascal scooter at my Daughters High School graduation. [cheering] everything okay . Were here because youre about to have a heart attack. Petes heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. I love the holidays but after all the shopping cooking and heavy foods. Sometimes i feel bloated or gassy with rumbling uncomfortable. I feel less motivated and sluggish. Its time to start the year off right with the activia challenge enjoying activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas discomfort and rumbling. And if your tummy smiles you can start the year off right. Try the activia challenge. It works or its free. Dannon what if getting ready was this easy . Now teeth whitening is with the colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. Just brush whiten, and go its stayon formula deeply whitens for whiter teeth in 2 days. Optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. Brush, whiten, go my mornings are definitely not routine. And that can take a lot of energy. Nature valley breakfast biscuits. Four biscuits, 26 grams of whole grains that give you the energy to help keep you going. I love Nature Valley breakfast biscuits. Coughequence 5. The sleepless night. Sorry. Robitussin dm max nighttimes dual action liquid instantly soothes your throat and delivers fast, powerful cough relief. Robitussin. Dont suffer the coughequences. The acclaimed and controversial film. Selma shows us the voting right act rof 1965. This is the first major film to focus on Martin Luther king jr. Now, you asked how you can help. We want federal regulation granting negroes the right to vote unencumbered. Thats fine but most of the south has not desegregated. Less eat not start this until weve battled the first. This voting thing is going to have to wait. Its also stirred a debate or two over historical accuracy. The storys film director is ava duh duvernay. Good morning. What a ride you are having. Good morping. Were going to talk about the kroers but first i want people to get a sense of you. Your last movie you had a budget of 20,000. 200,000. 200,000. Yes. This mirren was 2 million bucks. A few more bucks. Did it seem like a big budget to you and did you think over my head . No. I thought 20 million was one thing until you have to get to the set. Every single garment has to be made of the time. We had to recreate streets to be 1965. The money went quickly and after a while it started to feel like an independent film in a lost ways. Thats a small budget. It is. By comparison the interview was 44 million budget. We made it on 20 million. It is a humble budget, yes. Whats interesting is how long it took to get a movie about Martin Luther king. Number two, david ohehyelowooyelowo. David found himself an actor without a film so he began to construct the film began lobby for the producers to bring me on board. He recruited Oprah Winfrey to come onboard as a producer. Really rare instaens of an actor taking his own destiny. Its beautifully done, the way its written and directed. Its so beautifully done and so moving and its garnered controversy because its about an important time in history and as you know some supporters have said it inaccurately portrays him as an antagonist. Do you feel like theres subtlety that you missed . From my point of view lbj is a hero in the film. They applaud him. What i try to do is show the full arc of their relationship. Neither man was a saint. Neither man was all sinner. They were great men. They had one of the most productive relationships in history and it was sometimes a rocky road to get there. It happened. It was a triumphant time for our country and we tried to show the complexity and humanity. Norah and i were talking before the break, neither one could happen without the other. No. At some point they were yin and yang pushing one another and challenging one another. It is true it was reluctant because it had happened after the civility rights act which was a scene we just played but soum lbj supporters say selma was lbjs idea. According to the citizens of selma, thats not their truth but history is for each of us to interpret for ourselves, so anyones opinion is valid, truly it is. This is my opinion this is the way i see it. But, no, the fact that lbj was the brainchild of the selma campaigns, i would disagree with. Ava this wasnt a movie you necessarily wanted to make. I was surprised to hear that. Im not a historical drama buff. On friday night its not my first order of business to go see the historical drama. So really what i tried to do is deconstruct myself. What do i not like about it. Its the distance the patina. I wanted to get underneath and humanize everyone. Lets talk about the portrayal of dr. King by david. David. How he did this and how you were able to create the spirit of dr. King. She wrote the speeches. I know. Its unbelievable. What we what you said was exactly right. Capture the spirit of the movement. We had 120 minutes to capture 13 years of a movement this threemonth campaign that encapsulated it. David doesnt look like king or sound like king but he remeenlds you of king. His kids said that David Oyelowo captured the essence of their father. The king children, yes, they did. And his wife said she felt like she was having an affair with dr. King which is interesting. Is oprah a terror on the set . Oprahs a sweetie. She was fantastic. Congratulations ava. Sunday night, Golden Globes well be watching. See the film for yourself. And youre on charlie rose tonight. I am. We open your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. Its 8 25. Time for some news headlines. Another milestone for californias highspeed rail system. Governor brown was among the dignitaries in fresno for yesterdays groundbreaking ceremony. The first segment. Project will run 29 miles between fresno and madera, then the bay area and los angeles, and eventually to sacramento and san diego. The current price tag, 68 billion. Preliminary work is under way for the big construction project that will close the Golden Gate Bridge for 52 hours. The new median will be installed to more safely separate northbound and southbound traffic. The closure is set to begin at 12 01 a. M. Saturday. Traffic and weather in just a moment. Stay with us. Bulldog well pup, its out with the old and in with the new during mattress discounters year end Clearance Sale. Pup look i found a red tag bulldog that means folks can save up to 40 on clearance mattresses. Pup oh heres another bulldog that means up to 48 months interestfree financing on tempurpedic. Pup i found another red tag bulldog what . Where . Pup right here, silly [laughter] bulldog that tickles mattress discounters year end Clearance Sale ends soon. Mattress discounters good morning. Once again, the bay bridge commute looks great at 8 27. Its clearing out a little early. The metering lights are still on. But you can see just the slight delays in the cash lanes. Fastrak users are getting by fine. In the marin county area, still pretty backed up because of an earlier crash in san rafael approaching North San Pedro road backed up to delong. Red sensors showing speeds below 25 Miles Per Hour. And back out the door we go, heres a live look at the san mateo bridge. Very crowded out of hayward. The drive time is nearly a half hour between hayward and foster city and that is kcbs traffic. With the forecast, heres roberta. And another day with a spare the air day. Good morning, everybody. It is the sixth consecutive spare the air day of the winter season, the 12th of the entire winter season. Temperatures in the low 50s in San Francisco now. Later today the second straight or record warmth. We should be at 56 degrees this time of the year in San Francisco. But instead, 64. Check out san jose in the santa clara valley. Numbers into the low 70s for los gatos through saratoga. Willow glen, cupertino, campbell, morgan hill, and into gilroy. This is your extended forecast. Well see some clouds increase on thursday, bringing cooler air mass and therefore some cleaner air quality. It will remain partly cloudy and seasonal each day through tuesday of next week. Enjoy your wednesday. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half how, an action plan to lead a more productive life in the new year. Tony schwartz says he can help you that. The Energy Project is in studio 57. Not the Energy Project but Tony Schwartz is in studio 57. He brings the Energy Project with him. He brings the Energy Project with him dont you . I do. Also in the greenroom showing offer his productive side Patton Oswald. Well look at his new book and grammynominated comedy. That, too, is ahead. Britains telegraph says the year 2015 will be slightly longer. The paris observatory will add one second to clocks on june 30th. Its to allow the toert catch up with atomic time. Mozilla, reddit and yelp reported crashing oh no. A lot of people are still talking about it. Nfl officials are talking about are we talking about it, charlie . Norah, are we talking about it . I havent been talking it since sunday. Me either. The ruling opened the way for a dallas victory on sunday. President obama said, quote, if i was a lions fan, id be pretty aggravated. If youre a lions fan, you would be ticked off. Usa today says mcdonalds is experimenting with a healthy mccafe. It opened in sydney australia, it including salads chicken breast and pulled pork. So far no big macs or french fries. So far theres not. If you go to mcdonalds eat a mcrib. Eat less. Stick with what youre good at. Prince albert ii and his wife princess charlayne cradled the babies on the palace. Look at the babies. Jax is heir to the throne. Do you know anything about twins . I do. Norah has twins. Says harold hamms exwife reject add wife. He sent the 974 million payment to her after the divorce ruling. She refused to accept it because shes suing for more. Hamms estimated is worth more than that. Im surprised he can write a check that big. Hes done okay. Hes againing to decline a little bit. Thats also part of the controversy. She says i want more. Hes got less and she wants more. Thats kind of lame isnt it . Makes sense to me charlie. That kind of says a lot about life. The new year gives us a chance to improve our work and lifestyle. An overwhelming 91 want to be more productive in 2015 but plenty of things can sabotage those plans. When we ask what hurts your productivity, 55 say theyre pulled in too many different directions. His firm helps businesses become more effective. You help all of us become more effective. You say and i thought this was great. I struggle so much with willpower and discipline like getting to the gym and you say the key around that is establishing habits. Actually rituals. A habit is something you fall into. A ritual is something you choose. The problem with new years resolutions. Shoot. I was starting habits. Okay. A ritual is a highly get her to habit first and well go to ritual. Fall first and then we will raise you. Yes. A ritual is a highly specific behavior that you do at a precise time over and over again so that it becomes automatic. Will and discipline are wildly overrated. Im so glad you said that. None of us have very much. I know. It gets burned down every time you use it. Make it automatic so you no longer have to thing about it. When that happens youve about got a ritual. How do you do that . You do that by building as i say, a time in which you do it. You build a very specific way to do it, and you do it at exactly that way in exactly that time. For exam peoplele charat. Thats a ritual charlie. You dont look up there at the electric toothbrush and said oh, my i missed that. Tonight ill get to it. It happens automatic will i. You also say the first key in terms of achieving productivity is getting enough sleep. Its counterintuitive. I know you struggle with this gayle. We discovered that the more you sleep the more together you are the more cognitively foe kulgsed you are. If you get enough sleep, youre in vastly good sleep. Anything less than 7 hours is inadequate for 97 of people. Those who can work on less than 5 hours is zero. I agree with that. If you feel tired and fatigued take a nap because productivity is crucial and performance is better if you take naps. Twice a day. A nap is a wonderful break at 3 00 or 4 00 in the afternoon. I close my curtains in my office and go right to sleep almost every single day. But even taking a very very tiny little rest moment like even between segments here if you were to close your eyes and just breathe in and out for one minute there it is. So you dont want us to have a job. If we did that wed be on west 57th yelling taxi and our stuff would be in a little box. Its the new world, gayle . It sounds like a great idea but the practicality is impossible. Im going to challenge the three of you to build a single ritual. Lets do it. Tony, youre not coming back. Im going to be your coach. This is going to be your last appearance make it good. Thanks tony. Im going to challenge each of you to build a ritual. I. Going to check in with you. What you think is so is not so and im going to help you turn that part of your life around. 99 of your life is working beautifully. Im going to get you. Are you charge us . Because i have a come rituals i want to start. No im not charging you. This is on the house. Its good to know its not about willpower. I know. That makes me feel so much better. Ritual. Thank you. You can get more tips go. To cbsthismorning. Com. Coming up next comedian Patton Oswald is in the toyota green room. Have you been paying attention . Im sorry. I was taking a productive nap. Do you have a ritual . I have a ritual. What do they call it . Its called caffeine. Pattons good. A remarkable thing has happened. Over a million californians have gotten something thats been out of reach for far too long. Health insurance. How . They enrolled through covered california. Its the Health Insurance marketplace where youll find a range of plans from leading Health Insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates and benefits. You can compare plans side by side choose the one that best fits your needs and enroll online. Coveredca. Com is also the place to find Certified Experts in your area who can answer your questions for free, and help you enroll. And, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. Its based on income, and 4 out of 5 people who have enrolled qualified. If you dont have a health plan, or you do, but you want to make sure its the best plan for you, nows the time to visit coveredca. Com. But to get covered youve got to get going. Open enrollment ends february 15th. Visit coveredca. Com today. He is a comedian, actor, and author. Patton oswald began his work in the 1990sme. Scooter ride running and blade. Thanks. Its made Patton Oswald one of hollywoods most colorful and popular comedians. He first came to tv as a store clerk in seinfeld. I could go pick it up. I dont think so. It doesnt work that way. From there oswald went on to become a familiar face in the king of queens. Wait. I thought carrie was making you go on a diet. Brooklyn 911. His talents also shine on the screen. Since 1996 oswalt has appeared in movies like ratatouille to darker territory as an obsessive football fanatic. Brian westbrook, this and how we cant stop their passing game . And as charlizes disabled friend and confidante in young adult. But hes always able to keep his sense of humor and the audience laughing. Put it in the microwave for five minutes. Thats it. Theres my dinner. Thats what im having for dinner. Is lack of effort. Thats what im going to eat. Big steaming plate of lack of effort. Thats good. Patton oswalt shows no lack of effort in his work. His latest book is called Silver Screen fiend. Learning a life about addiction of life through film. Printed by schuster a division of cbs. Thank you. Can we roll that clim back . Hes so cute and cuddly . Thats a very nice thing to say to a comedian before 9 00 a. M. Because having comedians on the morning is a very risky proposition. Addiction to film. Yes. Why . Anything you get addicted to it chooses you. You dont get to if iheroin film or sex. I saw ace in the hole as a double feature and dragged me right in. You knew what you wanted to do. Thats all i wanted to do. Whats the most number of movies yo saw ss you sa in one day . Ten movies starting at account a. M. Charlie, he clearly is not from the charlie rose school of how to treat wimt. You were on a date with a woman this is awful. Its so bad this is my bottoming out moment, by the way. Things got better. They did. He had been with this woman for six years. You made her walk home alone at 2 00 a. M. Because you were watching some stupid horror movie. You should be ashamed of yourself. Okay. Listen. Ive done my time. She broke up with me. Are you happy . Yes. She did the right thing. Good. Thank you. I didnt want to miss the beginning of i married a monster from outer space, so i made this girl walk out to her car by herself at 2 00 a. M. Because i was so obsessive compulsive. Addicted. That was my leaving my baby in the car moment so i could go buy heroin. That was my bottoming moment. Are you happy . But youre married and have a 5yearold. Yes, i have a 5yearold and i do not make the 5yearold. Was she really they were playing music and they had like a nice cold play song. And now she has a helmet on her head. Yes. She has my dads old flight helmet. You say its an enhancement to life but to you movies to most people are a glass of wine with dinner. Movies with me was i would neat one role. They were enhancing it. A lot of us are watching movies on our little ipads. Not only that everyones house has kind of a passable workable Screening Room with a nice tv. So a lot of going to movies it has to be more of an event. You have go to a movie like gravity or interstellar. It has to be a big moveie to go see it. Because its like being in your home, people are freer. I think all theaters should have cell phone blockers in them and a little thing in the arm rest where you can plug in a pair of Bose Headphones so people can yak around you. And something to dim the screens. How do we dim the screens. You clearly are a comedian and very funny. In your book you say you dont trust other comedians that dont hang out with other comedians. A comedian is doing comedy and doesnt want to hang out with other comedians and go back and forth. It means theyre kind of not in it for the fun. Its bald peer ambition. All the people i like they want to part of the bonus of being a kmadian is you get to hang out with comedians. Louis ck told me it takes about 15 years. Thats a good timeline. Hes right. What is it you learn . You learn that you stop being afraid of failure because youre going to go up no matter what. I have to interrupt you not only because its a great story but you have 20 seconds to get out. Which camera am i on. Right here. Buy my book. Youre watching cbs this morning. That does it for us. For the female announcer when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. Because they went to sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic event. Choose from a huge selection of tempurpedic models including the new tempurchoice, with headtotoe customization. Plus, get 36 months interestfree financing, two free pillows and free sameday delivery. Are you next . Make sleep train your ticket to tempurpedic. Your ticket to a better nights sleep ebmud water customers will get a brea good morning, its 8 55. Time for some news headlines. Ebmud water customers will get a break on their bills. The district had planned to add a 14 surcharge to water bills because of the drought. The recent rain made that unnecessary for now. The man accused of stabbing a woman on a muni bus will be arraigned on murder and hate crime charges. The man started taunting the victim and her partner last weekend and then attacked, according to police. A fire at a Auto Repair Shop in vallejo revealed a large marijuana growing operation. Firefighters had to use power saws to cut through the metal garage door. No one was injured. Now with the forecast, heres roberta. Thanks, michelle. And good morning, everybody. It is the sixth consecutive spare the air day and the second straight day of near or record warm temperatures. It was 78 yesterday in santa cruz. Wow, thats gorgeous again, a little bit of a haze how the there this temperatures into the 30s in concord, 40s in oakland, San Francisco now into the 50s. The winds are calm everywhere except santa rosa with a north wind at 5 Miles Per Hour. Later today, into the 60s. These numbers are almost about 10 degrees above normal for this time of the year. Really we should be at 59 in san jose. But instead, were really forecasting 70 to 72 degrees. Extended forecast calls for partly cloudy skies beginning on thursday and cooler conditions, cleaner air by the end of the week. We have traffic with elizabeth next. Pup look i found a red tag bulldog that means folks can save up to 40 on clearance mattresses. Pup oh heres another bulldog that means up to 48 months interestfree financing on tempurpedic. Pup i found another red tag bulldog what . Where . Pup right here, silly [laughter] bulldog that tickles mattress discounters year end Clearance Sale ends soon. Mattress discounters good morning. We have bart delays to tell you about. If you are traveling on the daly city line, theres delays of about 20 minutes up to 20 minutes because of an earlier medical emergency on the tracks. All the bart lines are on time as well as the rest of mass transit. If you are hitting the roads, word of a new accident on the dumbarton bridge. Its midspan westbound 84. And you can see how backed up it is in the westbound lanes. If you are looking for an alternate, san mateo bridge might be good. We have seen an improvement in the drive times in the last halfhour. Down to about 19 minutes between hayward and foster city. Eastbound traffic looking great and whats really looking great is the bay bridge. The metering lights are on but no delay into San Francisco. Over a million californians have gotten something thats been out of reach for far too long. Health insurance. How . They enrolled through covered california. Its the Health Insurance marketplace where youll find a range of plans from leading Health Insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates and benefits. And, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. Its based on income. To get covered youve got to get going. Open enrollment ends february 15th. Visit coveredca. Com today. Wayne oh na, na, na you got a car screaming jonathan its a zonk pirate ship. No jonathan blah blah, blah, blah. Its a trip to hawaii wayne jumpin jehoshaphat i am out of my mind thrilled. Im going for the curtain, baby jonathan its time for lets make a deal now heres tvs big dealer wayne brady wayne hey, america, welcome to lets make a deal. im wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in. Lets get it done. Who wants to make a deal . Who wants to make a deal . Lets see, come here, sheri. Everybody else have a seat for me. Shelby, hey, shelby. Hi. Wayne so what are you . Im dressed as a hippie but i got inspired by the tutu so i just put it on. You know, all about inspiration

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